/* Base class for all C++ objects. Provides fast run-time type checking and run-time instancing of objects. */ #include "../../idlib/precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "../Game_local.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "TypeInfo.h" #else #include "NoGameTypeInfo.h" #endif /*********************************************************************** idTypeInfo ***********************************************************************/ // this is the head of a singly linked list of all the idTypes static idTypeInfo *typelist = NULL; static idHierarchy classHierarchy; static int eventCallbackMemory = 0; /* ================ idTypeInfo::idClassType() Constructor for class. Should only be called from CLASS_DECLARATION macro. Handles linking class definition into class hierarchy. This should only happen at startup as idTypeInfos are statically defined. Since static variables can be initialized in any order, the constructor must handle the case that subclasses are initialized before superclasses. ================ */ idTypeInfo::idTypeInfo( const char *classname, const char *superclass, idEventFunc *eventCallbacks, idClass *( *CreateInstance )( void ), // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: added states void ( idClass::*Spawn )( void ), rvStateFunc* stateCallbacks, void ( idClass::*Save )( idSaveGame *savefile ) const, void ( idClass::*Restore )( idRestoreGame *savefile ) ) { // RAVEN END idTypeInfo *type; idTypeInfo **insert; this->classname = classname; this->superclass = superclass; this->eventCallbacks = eventCallbacks; this->eventMap = NULL; this->Spawn = Spawn; this->Save = Save; this->Restore = Restore; this->CreateInstance = CreateInstance; this->super = idClass::GetClass( superclass ); this->freeEventMap = false; typeNum = 0; lastChild = 0; // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: added states this->stateCallbacks = stateCallbacks; // RAVEN END // Check if any subclasses were initialized before their superclass for( type = typelist; type != NULL; type = type->next ) { if ( ( type->super == NULL ) && !idStr::Cmp( type->superclass, this->classname ) && idStr::Cmp( type->classname, "idClass" ) ) { type->super = this; } } // Insert sorted for ( insert = &typelist; *insert; insert = &(*insert)->next ) { assert( idStr::Cmp( classname, (*insert)->classname ) ); if ( idStr::Cmp( classname, (*insert)->classname ) < 0 ) { next = *insert; *insert = this; break; } } if ( !*insert ) { *insert = this; next = NULL; } } /* ================ idTypeInfo::~idTypeInfo ================ */ idTypeInfo::~idTypeInfo() { Shutdown(); } /* ================ idTypeInfo::Init Initializes the event callback table for the class. Creates a table for fast lookups of event functions. Should only be called once. ================ */ void idTypeInfo::Init( void ) { idTypeInfo *c; idEventFunc *def; int ev; int i; bool *set; int num; if ( eventMap ) { // we've already been initialized by a subclass return; } // make sure our superclass is initialized first if ( super && !super->eventMap ) { super->Init(); } // add to our node hierarchy if ( super ) { node.ParentTo( super->node ); } else { node.ParentTo( classHierarchy ); } node.SetOwner( this ); // keep track of the number of children below each class for( c = super; c != NULL; c = c->super ) { c->lastChild++; } // if we're not adding any new event callbacks, we can just use our superclass's table if ( ( !eventCallbacks || !eventCallbacks->event ) && super ) { eventMap = super->eventMap; return; } // set a flag so we know to delete the eventMap table freeEventMap = true; // Allocate our new table. It has to have as many entries as there // are events. NOTE: could save some space by keeping track of the maximum // event that the class responds to and doing range checking. num = idEventDef::NumEventCommands(); eventMap = new eventCallback_t[ num ]; memset( eventMap, 0, sizeof( eventCallback_t ) * num ); eventCallbackMemory += sizeof( eventCallback_t ) * num; // allocate temporary memory for flags so that the subclass's event callbacks // override the superclass's event callback set = new bool[ num ]; memset( set, 0, sizeof( bool ) * num ); // go through the inheritence order and copies the event callback function into // a list indexed by the event number. This allows fast lookups of // event functions. for( c = this; c != NULL; c = c->super ) { def = c->eventCallbacks; if ( !def ) { continue; } // go through each entry until we hit the NULL terminator for( i = 0; def[ i ].event != NULL; i++ ) { ev = def[ i ].event->GetEventNum(); if ( set[ ev ] ) { continue; } set[ ev ] = true; eventMap[ ev ] = def[ i ].function; } } delete[] set; } /* ================ idTypeInfo::Shutdown Should only be called when DLL or EXE is being shutdown. Although it cleans up any allocated memory, it doesn't bother to remove itself from the class list since the program is shutting down. ================ */ void idTypeInfo::Shutdown() { // free up the memory used for event lookups if ( eventMap ) { if ( freeEventMap ) { delete[] eventMap; } eventMap = NULL; } typeNum = 0; lastChild = 0; } /*********************************************************************** idClass ***********************************************************************/ const idEventDef EV_PostRestore( "", NULL ); const idEventDef EV_Remove( "", NULL ); const idEventDef EV_SafeRemove( "remove", NULL ); ABSTRACT_DECLARATION( NULL, idClass ) // RAVEN BEGIN EVENT( EV_PostRestore, idClass::Event_PostRestore ) // RAVEN END EVENT( EV_Remove, idClass::Event_Remove ) EVENT( EV_SafeRemove, idClass::Event_SafeRemove ) END_CLASS CLASS_STATES_DECLARATION(idClass) END_CLASS_STATES // alphabetical order idList idClass::types; // typenum order idList idClass::typenums; bool idClass::initialized = false; int idClass::typeNumBits = 0; int idClass::memused = 0; int idClass::numobjects = 0; /* ================ idClass::CallSpawn ================ */ void idClass::CallSpawn( void ) { idTypeInfo *type; type = GetType(); CallSpawnFunc( type ); } /* ================ idClass::CallSpawnFunc ================ */ classSpawnFunc_t idClass::CallSpawnFunc( idTypeInfo *cls ) { classSpawnFunc_t func; if ( cls->super ) { func = CallSpawnFunc( cls->super ); if ( func == cls->Spawn ) { // don't call the same function twice in a row. // this can happen when subclasses don't have their own spawn function. return func; } } // RAVEN BEGIN // hmmm.... stompage of memory has occured assert(cls->Spawn != 0); // RAVEN END ( this->*cls->Spawn )(); return cls->Spawn; } /* ================ idClass::FindUninitializedMemory ================ */ void idClass::FindUninitializedMemory( void ) { #ifdef ID_DEBUG_MEMORY unsigned long *ptr = ( ( unsigned long * )this ) - 1; int size = *ptr; assert( ( size & 3 ) == 0 ); size >>= 2; for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { if ( ptr[i] == 0xcdcdcdcd ) { // RAVEN BEGIN gameLocal.Warning( "type '%s' has uninitialized variable (offset %d)", GetClassname(), i << 2 ); // RAVEN END } } #endif } /* ================ idClass::Spawn ================ */ void idClass::Spawn( void ) { } /* ================ idClass::~idClass Destructor for object. Cancels any events that depend on this object. ================ */ idClass::~idClass() { idEvent::CancelEvents( this ); } /* ================ idClass::DisplayInfo_f ================ */ void idClass::DisplayInfo_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Class memory status: %i bytes allocated in %i objects\n", memused, numobjects ); } /* ================ idClass::ListClasses_f ================ */ void idClass::ListClasses_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { int i; idTypeInfo *type; gameLocal.Printf( "%-24s %-24s %-6s %-6s\n", "Classname", "Superclass", "Type", "Subclasses" ); gameLocal.Printf( "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ); for( i = 0; i < types.Num(); i++ ) { type = types[ i ]; gameLocal.Printf( "%-24s %-24s %6d %6d\n", type->classname, type->superclass, type->typeNum, type->lastChild - type->typeNum ); } gameLocal.Printf( "...%d classes", types.Num() ); } /* ================ idClass::CreateInstance ================ */ idClass *idClass::CreateInstance( const char *name ) { const idTypeInfo *type; idClass *obj; type = idClass::GetClass( name ); if ( !type ) { return NULL; } obj = type->CreateInstance(); return obj; } /* ================ idClass::Init Should be called after all idTypeInfos are initialized, so must be called manually upon game code initialization. Tells all the idTypeInfos to initialize their event callback table for the associated class. This should only be called once during the execution of the program or DLL. ================ */ void idClass::Init( void ) { idTypeInfo *c; int num; // RAVEN BEGIN // jnewquist: Tag scope and callees to track allocations using "new". MEM_SCOPED_TAG(tag,MA_CLASS); // RAVEN END gameLocal.Printf( "Initializing class hierarchy\n" ); if ( initialized ) { gameLocal.Printf( "...already initialized\n" ); return; } // init the event callback tables for all the classes for( c = typelist; c != NULL; c = c->next ) { // RAVEN BEGIN // jnewquist: Make sure the superclass was actually registered! if ( c->super == NULL && (c->superclass && idStr::Cmp(c->superclass, "NULL")) ) { common->Error("Superclass %s of %s was never registered!", c->superclass, c->classname); } // RAVEN END c->Init(); } // number the types according to the class hierarchy so we can quickly determine if a class // is a subclass of another num = 0; for( c = classHierarchy.GetNext(); c != NULL; c = c->node.GetNext(), num++ ) { c->typeNum = num; c->lastChild += num; } // number of bits needed to send types over network typeNumBits = idMath::BitsForInteger( num ); // create a list of the types so we can do quick lookups // one list in alphabetical order, one in typenum order types.SetGranularity( 1 ); types.SetNum( num ); typenums.SetGranularity( 1 ); typenums.SetNum( num ); num = 0; for( c = typelist; c != NULL; c = c->next, num++ ) { types[ num ] = c; typenums[ c->typeNum ] = c; } initialized = true; gameLocal.Printf( "...%i classes, %i bytes for event callbacks\n", types.Num(), eventCallbackMemory ); } /* ================ idClass::Shutdown ================ */ void idClass::Shutdown( void ) { idTypeInfo *c; for( c = typelist; c != NULL; c = c->next ) { c->Shutdown(); } types.Clear(); typenums.Clear(); initialized = false; } /* ================ idClass::new ================ */ #ifdef ID_DEBUG_MEMORY #undef new #endif void * idClass::operator new( size_t s ) { int *p; s += sizeof( int ); //RAVEN BEGIN //amccarthy: Added memory allocation tag p = (int *)Mem_Alloc( s, MA_CLASS ); //RAVEN END *p = s; memused += s; numobjects++; #ifdef ID_DEBUG_MEMORY unsigned long *ptr = (unsigned long *)p; int size = s; assert( ( size & 3 ) == 0 ); size >>= 3; for ( int i = 1; i < size; i++ ) { ptr[i] = 0xcdcdcdcd; } #endif return p + 1; } void * idClass::operator new( size_t s, int, int, char *, int ) { int *p; s += sizeof( int ); //RAVEN BEGIN //amccarthy: Added memory allocation tag p = (int *)Mem_Alloc( s, MA_CLASS ); //RAVEN END *p = s; memused += s; numobjects++; #ifdef ID_DEBUG_MEMORY unsigned long *ptr = (unsigned long *)p; int size = s; assert( ( size & 3 ) == 0 ); size >>= 3; for ( int i = 1; i < size; i++ ) { ptr[i] = 0xcdcdcdcd; } #endif return p + 1; } #ifdef ID_DEBUG_MEMORY #define new ID_DEBUG_NEW #endif /* ================ idClass::delete ================ */ void idClass::operator delete( void *ptr ) { int *p; if ( ptr ) { p = ( ( int * )ptr ) - 1; memused -= *p; numobjects--; Mem_Free( p ); } } void idClass::operator delete( void *ptr, int, int, char *, int ) { int *p; if ( ptr ) { p = ( ( int * )ptr ) - 1; memused -= *p; numobjects--; Mem_Free( p ); } } /* ================ idClass::GetClass Returns the idTypeInfo for the name of the class passed in. This is a static function so it must be called as idClass::GetClass( classname ) ================ */ idTypeInfo *idClass::GetClass( const char *name ) { idTypeInfo *c; int order; int mid; int min; int max; if ( !initialized ) { // idClass::Init hasn't been called yet, so do a slow lookup for( c = typelist; c != NULL; c = c->next ) { if ( !idStr::Cmp( c->classname, name ) ) { return c; } } } else { // do a binary search through the list of types min = 0; max = types.Num() - 1; while( min <= max ) { mid = ( min + max ) / 2; c = types[ mid ]; order = idStr::Cmp( c->classname, name ); if ( !order ) { return c; } else if ( order > 0 ) { max = mid - 1; } else { min = mid + 1; } } } return NULL; } /* ================ idClass::GetType ================ */ idTypeInfo *idClass::GetType( const int typeNum ) { idTypeInfo *c; if ( !initialized ) { for( c = typelist; c != NULL; c = c->next ) { if ( c->typeNum == typeNum ) { return c; } } } else if ( ( typeNum >= 0 ) && ( typeNum < types.Num() ) ) { return typenums[ typeNum ]; } return NULL; } /* ================ idClass::GetClassname Returns the text classname of the object. ================ */ const char *idClass::GetClassname( void ) const { idTypeInfo *type; type = GetType(); return type->classname; } /* ================ idClass::GetSuperclass Returns the text classname of the superclass. ================ */ const char *idClass::GetSuperclass( void ) const { idTypeInfo *cls; cls = GetType(); return cls->superclass; } /* ================ idClass::CancelEvents ================ */ void idClass::CancelEvents( const idEventDef *ev ) { idEvent::CancelEvents( this, ev ); } // RAVEN BEGIN // abahr: /* ================ idClass::EventIsPosted ================ */ bool idClass::EventIsPosted( const idEventDef *ev ) const { return idEvent::EventIsPosted( this, ev ); } // RAVEN END /* ================ idClass::PostEventArgs ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventArgs( const idEventDef *ev, int time, int numargs, ... ) { idTypeInfo *c; idEvent *event; va_list args; assert( ev ); if ( !idEvent::initialized ) { return false; } c = GetType(); if ( !c->eventMap[ ev->GetEventNum() ] ) { // we don't respond to this event, so ignore it return false; } // we service events on the client to avoid any bad code filling up the event pool // we don't want them processed usually, unless when the map is (re)loading. // we allow threads to run fine, though. // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: added a check to see if this is a client entity // jnewquist: Use accessor for static class type bool isClient = !IsClient() && gameLocal.isClient; #ifdef _XENON // nrausch: We want to allow selectWeapon to pass through, but that's all if ( idStr::Cmp( ev->GetName(), "selectWeapon" ) == 0 ) { isClient = false; } #endif if( isClient && ( gameLocal.GameState() != GAMESTATE_STARTUP ) && ( gameLocal.GameState() != GAMESTATE_RESTART ) && !IsType( idThread::GetClassType() ) ) { // RAVEN END return true; } va_start( args, numargs ); event = idEvent::Alloc( ev, numargs, args ); va_end( args ); event->Schedule( this, c, time ); return true; } /* ================ idClass::PostEventMS ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventMS( const idEventDef *ev, int time ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, time, 0 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventMS ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventMS( const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, time, 1, &arg1 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventMS ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventMS( const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, time, 2, &arg1, &arg2 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventMS ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventMS( const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, time, 3, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventMS ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventMS( const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, time, 4, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventMS ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventMS( const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, time, 5, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventMS ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventMS( const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, time, 6, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5, &arg6 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventMS ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventMS( const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, time, 7, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5, &arg6, &arg7 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventMS ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventMS( const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7, idEventArg arg8 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, time, 8, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5, &arg6, &arg7, &arg8 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventSec ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventSec( const idEventDef *ev, float time ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, SEC2MS( time ), 0 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventSec ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventSec( const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, SEC2MS( time ), 1, &arg1 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventSec ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventSec( const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, SEC2MS( time ), 2, &arg1, &arg2 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventSec ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventSec( const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, SEC2MS( time ), 3, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventSec ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventSec( const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, SEC2MS( time ), 4, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventSec ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventSec( const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, SEC2MS( time ), 5, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventSec ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventSec( const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, SEC2MS( time ), 6, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5, &arg6 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventSec ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventSec( const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, SEC2MS( time ), 7, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5, &arg6, &arg7 ); } /* ================ idClass::PostEventSec ================ */ bool idClass::PostEventSec( const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7, idEventArg arg8 ) { return PostEventArgs( ev, SEC2MS( time ), 8, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5, &arg6, &arg7, &arg8 ); } /* ================ idClass::ProcessEventArgs ================ */ bool idClass::ProcessEventArgs( const idEventDef *ev, int numargs, ... ) { idTypeInfo *c; int num; int data[ D_EVENT_MAXARGS ]; va_list args; assert( ev ); assert( idEvent::initialized ); c = GetType(); num = ev->GetEventNum(); if ( !c->eventMap[ num ] ) { // we don't respond to this event, so ignore it return false; } va_start( args, numargs ); idEvent::CopyArgs( ev, numargs, args, data ); va_end( args ); ProcessEventArgPtr( ev, data ); return true; } /* ================ idClass::ProcessEvent ================ */ bool idClass::ProcessEvent( const idEventDef *ev ) { return ProcessEventArgs( ev, 0 ); } /* ================ idClass::ProcessEvent ================ */ bool idClass::ProcessEvent( const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1 ) { return ProcessEventArgs( ev, 1, &arg1 ); } /* ================ idClass::ProcessEvent ================ */ bool idClass::ProcessEvent( const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2 ) { return ProcessEventArgs( ev, 2, &arg1, &arg2 ); } /* ================ idClass::ProcessEvent ================ */ bool idClass::ProcessEvent( const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3 ) { return ProcessEventArgs( ev, 3, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3 ); } /* ================ idClass::ProcessEvent ================ */ bool idClass::ProcessEvent( const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4 ) { return ProcessEventArgs( ev, 4, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4 ); } /* ================ idClass::ProcessEvent ================ */ bool idClass::ProcessEvent( const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5 ) { return ProcessEventArgs( ev, 5, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5 ); } /* ================ idClass::ProcessEvent ================ */ bool idClass::ProcessEvent( const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6 ) { return ProcessEventArgs( ev, 6, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5, &arg6 ); } /* ================ idClass::ProcessEvent ================ */ bool idClass::ProcessEvent( const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7 ) { return ProcessEventArgs( ev, 7, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5, &arg6, &arg7 ); } /* ================ idClass::ProcessEvent ================ */ bool idClass::ProcessEvent( const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7, idEventArg arg8 ) { return ProcessEventArgs( ev, 8, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5, &arg6, &arg7, &arg8 ); } /* ================ idClass::ProcessEventArgPtr ================ */ bool idClass::ProcessEventArgPtr( const idEventDef *ev, int *data ) { idTypeInfo *c; int num; eventCallback_t callback; assert( ev ); assert( idEvent::initialized ); // RAVEN BEGIN // jnewquist: Use accessor for static class type if ( g_debugTriggers.GetBool() && ( ev == &EV_Activate ) && IsType( idEntity::GetClassType() ) ) { // RAVEN END const idEntity *ent = *reinterpret_cast( data ); gameLocal.Printf( "%d: '%s' activated by '%s'\n", gameLocal.framenum, static_cast( this )->GetName(), ent ? ent->GetName() : "NULL" ); } c = GetType(); num = ev->GetEventNum(); if ( !c->eventMap[ num ] ) { // we don't respond to this event, so ignore it return false; } callback = c->eventMap[ num ]; #if !CPU_EASYARGS /* on ppc architecture, floats are passed in a seperate set of registers the function prototypes must have matching float declaration http://developer.apple.com/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/MachORuntime/2rt_powerpc_abi/chapter_9_section_5.html */ switch( ev->GetFormatspecIndex() ) { case 1 << D_EVENT_MAXARGS : ( this->*callback )(); break; // generated file - see CREATE_EVENT_CODE #include "Callbacks.cpp" default: gameLocal.Warning( "Invalid formatspec on event '%s'", ev->GetName() ); break; } #else assert( D_EVENT_MAXARGS == 8 ); switch( ev->GetNumArgs() ) { case 0 : ( this->*callback )(); break; case 1 : typedef void ( idClass::*eventCallback_1_t )( const int ); ( this->*( eventCallback_1_t )callback )( data[ 0 ] ); break; case 2 : typedef void ( idClass::*eventCallback_2_t )( const int, const int ); ( this->*( eventCallback_2_t )callback )( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ] ); break; case 3 : typedef void ( idClass::*eventCallback_3_t )( const int, const int, const int ); ( this->*( eventCallback_3_t )callback )( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ], data[ 2 ] ); break; case 4 : typedef void ( idClass::*eventCallback_4_t )( const int, const int, const int, const int ); ( this->*( eventCallback_4_t )callback )( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ], data[ 2 ], data[ 3 ] ); break; case 5 : typedef void ( idClass::*eventCallback_5_t )( const int, const int, const int, const int, const int ); ( this->*( eventCallback_5_t )callback )( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ], data[ 2 ], data[ 3 ], data[ 4 ] ); break; case 6 : typedef void ( idClass::*eventCallback_6_t )( const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int ); ( this->*( eventCallback_6_t )callback )( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ], data[ 2 ], data[ 3 ], data[ 4 ], data[ 5 ] ); break; case 7 : typedef void ( idClass::*eventCallback_7_t )( const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int ); ( this->*( eventCallback_7_t )callback )( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ], data[ 2 ], data[ 3 ], data[ 4 ], data[ 5 ], data[ 6 ] ); break; case 8 : typedef void ( idClass::*eventCallback_8_t )( const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int, const int ); ( this->*( eventCallback_8_t )callback )( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ], data[ 2 ], data[ 3 ], data[ 4 ], data[ 5 ], data[ 6 ], data[ 7 ] ); break; default: gameLocal.Warning( "Invalid formatspec on event '%s'", ev->GetName() ); break; } #endif return true; } /* ================ idClass::Event_Remove ================ */ void idClass::Event_Remove( void ) { delete this; } /* ================ idClass::Event_SafeRemove ================ */ void idClass::Event_SafeRemove( void ) { // Forces the remove to be done at a safe time PostEventMS( &EV_Remove, 0 ); } // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: client entities /* ================ idClass::IsClient ================ */ bool idClass::IsClient ( void ) const { return false; } /* ================ idClass::GetDebugInfo ================ */ void idClass::GetDebugInfo ( debugInfoProc_t proc, void* userData ) { } /* ================ idClass::ProcessState ================ */ stateResult_t idClass::ProcessState ( const rvStateFunc* state, const stateParms_t& parms ) { return (this->*(state->function)) ( parms ); } stateResult_t idClass::ProcessState ( const char* name, const stateParms_t& parms ) { int i; idTypeInfo* cls; for ( cls = GetType(); cls; cls = cls->super ) { for ( i = 0; cls->stateCallbacks[i].function; i ++ ) { if ( !idStr::Icmp ( cls->stateCallbacks[i].name, name ) ) { return (this->*(cls->stateCallbacks[i].function)) ( parms ); } } } return SRESULT_ERROR; } /* ================ idClass::FindState ================ */ const rvStateFunc* idClass::FindState ( const char* name ) const { int i; idTypeInfo* cls; for ( cls = GetType(); cls; cls = cls->super ) { for ( i = 0; cls->stateCallbacks[i].function; i ++ ) { if ( !idStr::Icmp ( cls->stateCallbacks[i].name, name ) ) { return &cls->stateCallbacks[i]; } } } return NULL; } /* ================ idClass::RegisterClasses ================ */ void idClass::RegisterClasses( void ) { // jnewquist: Register subclasses explicitly so they aren't dead-stripped #define REGISTER(name) void Register_##name(void); Register_##name(); REGISTER(idAFAttachment); // ..\..\code\game\AFEntity.cpp REGISTER(idAFEntity_Base); // ..\..\code\game\AFEntity.cpp REGISTER(idAFEntity_ClawFourFingers); // ..\..\code\game\AFEntity.cpp REGISTER(idAFEntity_Generic); // ..\..\code\game\AFEntity.cpp REGISTER(idAFEntity_Gibbable); // ..\..\code\game\AFEntity.cpp REGISTER(idAFEntity_SteamPipe); // ..\..\code\game\AFEntity.cpp REGISTER(idAFEntity_Vehicle); // ..\..\code\game\AFEntity.cpp REGISTER(idAFEntity_VehicleFourWheels); // ..\..\code\game\AFEntity.cpp REGISTER(idAFEntity_VehicleSixWheels); // ..\..\code\game\AFEntity.cpp REGISTER(idAFEntity_WithAttachedHead); // ..\..\code\game\AFEntity.cpp REGISTER(idAI); // ..\..\code\game\ai\AI_events.cpp REGISTER(idActivator); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idActor); // ..\..\code\game\Actor.cpp REGISTER(idAnimated); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idAnimatedEntity); // ..\..\code\game\Entity.cpp REGISTER(idBarrel); // ..\..\code\game\Moveable.cpp REGISTER(idBeam); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idBobber); // ..\..\code\game\Mover.cpp REGISTER(idBrittleFracture); // ..\..\code\game\BrittleFracture.cpp REGISTER(idCamera); // ..\..\code\game\Camera.cpp REGISTER(idCameraAnim); // ..\..\code\game\Camera.cpp REGISTER(idCameraView); // ..\..\code\game\Camera.cpp REGISTER(idChain); // ..\..\code\game\AFEntity.cpp REGISTER(idClass); // ..\..\code\game\gamesys\Class.cpp REGISTER(idCursor3D); // ..\..\code\game\GameEdit.cpp REGISTER(idDamagable); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idDoor); // ..\..\code\game\Mover.cpp REGISTER(idEarthQuake); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idElevator); // ..\..\code\game\Mover.cpp REGISTER(idEntity); // ..\..\code\game\Entity.cpp REGISTER(idExplodable); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idExplodingBarrel); // ..\..\code\game\Moveable.cpp REGISTER(idForce); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Force.cpp REGISTER(idForceField); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idForce_Constant); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Force_Constant.cpp REGISTER(idForce_Drag); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Force_Drag.cpp REGISTER(idForce_Field); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Force_Field.cpp REGISTER(idForce_Spring); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Force_Spring.cpp REGISTER(idFuncAASObstacle); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idFuncAASPortal); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idFuncEmitter); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idFuncPortal); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idFuncRadioChatter); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idFuncSplat); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idGuidedProjectile); // ..\..\code\game\Projectile.cpp REGISTER(idItem); // ..\..\code\game\Item.cpp REGISTER(idItemPowerup); // ..\..\code\game\Item.cpp REGISTER(idItemRemover); // ..\..\code\game\Item.cpp REGISTER(idLight); // ..\..\code\game\Light.cpp REGISTER(idLiquid); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idLocationEntity); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idLocationSeparatorEntity); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idMoveable); // ..\..\code\game\Moveable.cpp REGISTER(idMoveableItem); // ..\..\code\game\Item.cpp REGISTER(idMover); // ..\..\code\game\Mover.cpp REGISTER(idMover_Binary); // ..\..\code\game\Mover.cpp REGISTER(idMover_Periodic); // ..\..\code\game\Mover.cpp REGISTER(idMultiModelAF); // ..\..\code\game\AFEntity.cpp REGISTER(idObjective); // ..\..\code\game\Item.cpp REGISTER(idObjectiveComplete); // ..\..\code\game\Item.cpp REGISTER(idPathCorner); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idPendulum); // ..\..\code\game\Mover.cpp REGISTER(idPhantomObjects); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idPhysics); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Physics.cpp REGISTER(idPhysics_AF); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Physics_AF.cpp REGISTER(idPhysics_Actor); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Physics_Actor.cpp REGISTER(idPhysics_Base); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Physics_Base.cpp REGISTER(idPhysics_Monster); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Physics_Monster.cpp REGISTER(idPhysics_Parametric); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Physics_Parametric.cpp REGISTER(idPhysics_Player); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Physics_Player.cpp REGISTER(idPhysics_RigidBody); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Physics_RigidBody.cpp REGISTER(idPhysics_Static); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Physics_Static.cpp REGISTER(idPhysics_StaticMulti); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Physics_StaticMulti.cpp REGISTER(idPlat); // ..\..\code\game\Mover.cpp REGISTER(idPlayer); // ..\..\code\game\Player.cpp REGISTER(idPlayerStart); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idProjectile); // ..\..\code\game\Projectile.cpp REGISTER(idRiser); // ..\..\code\game\Mover.cpp REGISTER(idRotater); // ..\..\code\game\Mover.cpp REGISTER(idSecurityCamera); // ..\..\code\game\SecurityCamera.cpp REGISTER(idShaking); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idSound); // ..\..\code\game\Sound.cpp REGISTER(idSpawnableEntity); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idSplinePath); // ..\..\code\game\Mover.cpp REGISTER(idSpring); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idStaticEntity); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idTarget); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_CallObjectFunction); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_Damage); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_EnableLevelWeapons); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_EnableStamina); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_EndLevel); // ..\..\code\game\EndLevel.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_EndLevel); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_FadeEntity); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_FadeSoundClass); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_Give); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_GiveEmail); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_GiveSecurity); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_LevelTrigger); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_LightFadeIn); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_LightFadeOut); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_LockDoor); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_Remove); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_RemoveWeapons); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_SessionCommand); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_SetFov); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_SetGlobalShaderTime); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_SetInfluence); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_SetKeyVal); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_SetModel); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_SetPrimaryObjective); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_SetShaderParm); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_SetShaderTime); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_Show); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_Tip); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTarget_WaitForButton); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(idTestModel); // ..\..\code\game\anim\Anim_Testmodel.cpp REGISTER(idTextEntity); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idThread); // ..\..\code\game\script\Script_Thread.cpp REGISTER(idTrigger); // ..\..\code\game\Trigger.cpp REGISTER(idTrigger_Count); // ..\..\code\game\Trigger.cpp REGISTER(idTrigger_EntityName); // ..\..\code\game\Trigger.cpp REGISTER(idTrigger_Fade); // ..\..\code\game\Trigger.cpp REGISTER(idTrigger_Hurt); // ..\..\code\game\Trigger.cpp REGISTER(idTrigger_Multi); // ..\..\code\game\Trigger.cpp REGISTER(idTrigger_Timer); // ..\..\code\game\Trigger.cpp REGISTER(idTrigger_Touch); // ..\..\code\game\Trigger.cpp REGISTER(idVacuumEntity); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idVacuumSeparatorEntity); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(idWorldspawn); // ..\..\code\game\WorldSpawn.cpp REGISTER(rvAFAttractor); // ..\..\code\game\AFEntity.cpp REGISTER(rvAIAvoid); // ..\..\code\game\ai\AI_Helper.cpp REGISTER(rvAITactical); // ..\..\code\game\ai\AI_Tactical.cpp REGISTER(rvAIMedic); // ..\..\code\game\ai\AI_Medic.cpp REGISTER(rvAITether); // ..\..\code\game\ai\AI_Util.cpp REGISTER(rvAITetherRadius); // ..\..\code\game\ai\AI_Util.cpp REGISTER(rvAITetherBehind); // ..\..\code\game\ai\AI_Util.cpp REGISTER(rvAITetherClear); // ..\..\code\game\ai\AI_Util.cpp REGISTER(rvAIBecomePassive); // ..\..\code\game\ai\AI_Util.cpp REGISTER(rvAIBecomeAggressive); // ..\..\code\game\ai\AI_Util.cpp REGISTER(rvAITrigger); // ..\..\code\game\ai\AI_Util.cpp REGISTER(rvCTFAssaultPlayerStart); // ..\..\code\game\mp\CTF.cpp REGISTER(rvCTF_AssaultPoint); // ..\..\code\game\mp\CTF.cpp REGISTER(rvCameraPlayback); // ..\..\code\game\Camera.cpp REGISTER(rvCameraPortalSky); // ..\..\code\game\Camera.cpp REGISTER(rvClientCrawlEffect); // ..\..\code\game\client\ClientEffect.cpp REGISTER(rvClientEffect); // ..\..\code\game\client\ClientEffect.cpp REGISTER(rvClientEntity); // ..\..\code\game\client\ClientEntity.cpp REGISTER(rvClientModel); // ..\..\code\game\client\ClientModel.cpp REGISTER(rvAnimatedClientEntity); // ..\..\code\game\client\ClientModel.cpp REGISTER(rvClientAFEntity); // ..\..\code\game\client\ClientAFEntity.cpp REGISTER(rvClientAFAttachment); // ..\..\code\game\client\ClientAFEntity.cpp REGISTER(rvClientMoveable); // ..\..\code\game\client\ClientMoveable.cpp REGISTER(rvClientPhysics); // ..\..\code\game\client\ClientEntity.cpp REGISTER(rvConveyor); // ..\..\code\game\Mover.cpp REGISTER(rvDarkMatterProjectile); // ..\..\code\game\weapon\WeaponDarkMatterGun.cpp REGISTER(rvDebugJumpPoint); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(rvDriftingProjectile); // ..\..\code\game\Projectile.cpp REGISTER(rvEffect); // ..\..\code\game\Effect.cpp REGISTER(rvFuncSaveGame); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(rvGravityArea); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(rvGravityArea_Static); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(rvGravityArea_SurfaceNormal); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(rvGravitySeparatorEntity); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(rvHealingStation); // ..\..\code\game\Healing_Station.cpp REGISTER(rvItemCTFFlag); // ..\..\code\game\Item.cpp REGISTER(rvJumpPad); // ..\..\code\game\Misc.cpp REGISTER(rvMIRVProjectile); // ..\..\code\game\Projectile.cpp REGISTER(rvModviewModel); // ..\..\code\game\GameEdit.cpp REGISTER(rvPusher); // ..\..\code\game\Mover.cpp #ifndef _MPBETA REGISTER(rvMonsterBerserker); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_Berserker.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterBossBuddy); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_BossBuddy.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterBossMakron); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_BossMakron.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterConvoyGround); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_ConvoyGround.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterConvoyHover); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_ConvoyHover.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterFailedTransfer); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_FailedTransfer.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterFatty); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_Fatty.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterGladiator); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_Gladiator.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterGrunt); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_Grunt.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterGunner); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_Gunner.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterHarvester); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_Harvester.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterHarvesterDispersal); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_HarvesterDispersal.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterHeavyHoverTank); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_HeavyHoverTank.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterIronMaiden); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_IronMaiden.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterLightTank); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_LightTank.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterNetworkGuardian); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_NetworkGuardian.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterRepairBot); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_RepairBot.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterScientist); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_Scientist.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterSentry); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_Sentry.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterSlimyTransfer); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_SlimyTransfer.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterStroggMarine);// ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_StroggMarine.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterStreamProtector); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_StreamProtector.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterStroggFlyer); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_StroggFlyer.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterStroggHover); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_StroggHover.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterTeleportDropper); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_TeleportDropper.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterTurret); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_Turret.cpp REGISTER(rvMonsterTurretFlying); // ..\..\code\game\ai\Monster_TurretFlying.cpp #endif // !_MPBETA REGISTER(rvObjectiveFailed); // ..\..\code\game\Item.cpp REGISTER(rvPhysics_Particle); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Physics_Particle.cpp REGISTER(rvPhysics_VehicleMonster); // ..\..\code\game\physics\Physics_VehicleMonster.cpp REGISTER(rvPhysics_Spline); // ..\..\code\game\SplineMover.cpp REGISTER(rvSpawner); // ..\..\code\game\spawner.cpp REGISTER(rvSpawnerProjectile); // ..\..\code\game\Projectile.cpp REGISTER(rvSplineMover); // ..\..\code\game\SplineMover.cpp // twhitaker: removed database support // REGISTER(rvTarget_AddDatabaseEntry); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(rvTarget_AmmoStash); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(rvTarget_BossBattle); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(rvTarget_ExitAreaAlert); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(rvTarget_LaunchProjectile); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(rvTarget_Nailable); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(rvTarget_SecretArea); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(rvTarget_TetherAI); // ..\..\code\game\Target.cpp REGISTER(rvTramCar); // ..\..\code\game\SplineMover.cpp REGISTER(rvTramCar_Marine); // ..\..\code\game\SplineMover.cpp REGISTER(rvTramCar_Strogg); // ..\..\code\game\SplineMover.cpp REGISTER(rvTramGate); // ..\..\code\game\TramGate.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicle); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\Vehicle.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleAI); // ..\..\code\game\ai\VehicleAI.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleAnimated); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\VehicleAnimated.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleDriver); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\VehicleDriver.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleDropPod); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\Vehicle_DropPod.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleHoverpad); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\VehicleParts.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleLight); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\VehicleParts.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleMonster); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\VehicleMonster.cpp REGISTER(rvVehiclePart); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\VehicleParts.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleRigid); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\VehicleRigid.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleSound); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\VehicleParts.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleSpline); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\VehicleSpline.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleStatic); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\VehicleStatic.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleThruster); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\VehicleParts.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleTurret); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\VehicleParts.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleUserAnimated); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\VehicleParts.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleWalker); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\Vehicle_Walker.cpp REGISTER(rvVehicleWeapon); // ..\..\code\game\vehicle\VehicleParts.cpp REGISTER(rvViewWeapon); // ..\..\code\game\Weapon.cpp REGISTER(rvWeapon); // ..\..\code\game\Weapon.cpp REGISTER(rvWeaponBlaster); // ..\..\code\game\weapon\WeaponBlaster.cpp REGISTER(rvWeaponDarkMatterGun); // ..\..\code\game\weapon\WeaponDarkMatterGun.cpp REGISTER(rvWeaponGauntlet); // ..\..\code\game\weapon\WeaponGauntlet.cpp REGISTER(rvWeaponGrenadeLauncher); // ..\..\code\game\weapon\WeaponGrenadeLauncher.cpp REGISTER(rvWeaponHyperblaster); // ..\..\code\game\weapon\WeaponHyperblaster.cpp REGISTER(rvWeaponLightningGun); // ..\..\code\game\weapon\WeaponLightningGun.cpp REGISTER(rvWeaponMachinegun); // ..\..\code\game\weapon\WeaponMachinegun.cpp REGISTER(rvWeaponNailgun); // ..\..\code\game\weapon\WeaponNailgun.cpp REGISTER(rvWeaponRailgun); // ..\..\code\game\weapon\WeaponRailgun.cpp REGISTER(rvWeaponRocketLauncher); // ..\..\code\game\weapon\WeaponRocketLauncher.cpp REGISTER(rvWeaponShotgun); // ..\..\code\game\weapon\WeaponShotgun.cpp // RITUAL BEGIN REGISTER(riDeadZonePowerup); // ..\..\code\game\Item.cpp REGISTER(WeaponNapalmGun); // ..\..\code\game\weapon\WeaponNapalmGun.cpp // RITUAL END #undef REGISTER } // RAVEN END