//---------------------------------------------------------------- // Instance.cpp // // Copyright 2002-2005 Raven Software //---------------------------------------------------------------- #include "../idlib/precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "Instance.h" rvInstance::rvInstance( int id, bool deferPopulate ) { instanceID = id; spawnInstanceID = id; gameLocal.AddClipWorld( id ); mapEntityNumbers = NULL; numMapEntities = 0; initialSpawnCount = idGameLocal::INITIAL_SPAWN_COUNT; if ( !deferPopulate ) { Populate(); } } rvInstance::~rvInstance() { if ( mapEntityNumbers ) { delete[] mapEntityNumbers; mapEntityNumbers = NULL; } gameLocal.RemoveClipWorld( instanceID ); } void rvInstance::Populate( int serverChecksum ) { gameState_t currentState = gameLocal.GameState(); // disable the minSpawnIndex lock out int latchMinSpawnIndex = gameLocal.minSpawnIndex; gameLocal.minSpawnIndex = MAX_CLIENTS; if ( currentState != GAMESTATE_STARTUP ) { gameLocal.SetGameState( GAMESTATE_RESTART ); } if ( gameLocal.isServer ) { // When populating on a server, record the entity numbers numMapEntities = gameLocal.GetNumMapEntities(); // mwhitlock: Dynamic memory consolidation RV_PUSH_SYS_HEAP_ID(RV_HEAP_ID_LEVEL); if ( mapEntityNumbers ) { delete[] mapEntityNumbers; } mapEntityNumbers = new unsigned short[ numMapEntities ]; RV_POP_HEAP(); memset( mapEntityNumbers, -1, sizeof( unsigned short ) * numMapEntities ); // read the index we should start populating at as transmitted by the server gameLocal.firstFreeIndex = gameLocal.GetStartingIndexForInstance( instanceID ); //common->Printf( "pos: get starting index for instance %d sets firstFreeIndex to %d\n", instanceID, gameLocal.firstFreeIndex ); // remember the spawnCount ahead of time, so that the client can accurately reconstruct its spawnIds gameLocal.SpawnMapEntities( spawnInstanceID, NULL, mapEntityNumbers, &initialSpawnCount ); // only build the message in MP if ( gameLocal.isMultiplayer ) { BuildInstanceMessage(); // force joins of anyone in our instance so they get potentially new map entitynumbers for( int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { PACIFIER_UPDATE; idPlayer* player = (idPlayer*)gameLocal.entities[ i ]; if( player && player->GetInstance() == instanceID ) { networkSystem->ServerSendReliableMessage( player->entityNumber, mapEntityMsg, true ); } } } } else { // have the client produce a log of the entity layout so we can match it with the server's // this is also going to be used to issue the EV_FindTargets below if ( mapEntityNumbers ) { delete []mapEntityNumbers; } numMapEntities = gameLocal.GetNumMapEntities(); RV_PUSH_SYS_HEAP_ID(RV_HEAP_ID_LEVEL); mapEntityNumbers = new unsigned short[ numMapEntities ]; RV_POP_HEAP(); memset( mapEntityNumbers, -1, sizeof( unsigned short ) * numMapEntities ); gameLocal.firstFreeIndex = gameLocal.GetStartingIndexForInstance( instanceID ); gameLocal.SetSpawnCount( initialSpawnCount ); // that was transmitted through the instance msg gameLocal.SpawnMapEntities( spawnInstanceID, NULL, mapEntityNumbers ); LittleRevBytes( mapEntityNumbers, sizeof(unsigned short ), numMapEntities ); //DAJ int checksum = MD5_BlockChecksum( mapEntityNumbers, sizeof( unsigned short ) * numMapEntities ); if ( serverChecksum != 0 && checksum != serverChecksum ) { common->Error( "client side map populate checksum ( 0x%x ) doesn't match server's ( 0x%x )", checksum, serverChecksum ); } } for ( int i = 0; i < numMapEntities; i++ ) { if ( mapEntityNumbers[ i ] < 0 || mapEntityNumbers[ i ] >= MAX_GENTITIES ) { continue; } if ( (i % 100) == 0 ) { PACIFIER_UPDATE; } idEntity* ent = gameLocal.entities[ mapEntityNumbers[ i ] ]; if ( ent ) { ent->PostEventMS( &EV_FindTargets, 0 ); ent->PostEventMS( &EV_PostSpawn, 0 ); } } if ( currentState != GAMESTATE_STARTUP ) { gameLocal.SetGameState( currentState ); } // re-enable the min spawn index assert( latchMinSpawnIndex == MAX_CLIENTS || gameLocal.firstFreeIndex <= latchMinSpawnIndex ); gameLocal.minSpawnIndex = latchMinSpawnIndex; } void rvInstance::PopulateFromMessage( const idBitMsg& msg ) { initialSpawnCount = msg.ReadShort(); delete[] mapEntityNumbers; mapEntityNumbers = NULL; int populateIndex = msg.ReadLong(); gameLocal.ClientSetStartingIndex( populateIndex ); //common->Printf( "pos: set firstFreeIndex to %d\n", populateIndex ); int checksum = msg.ReadLong(); Populate( checksum ); } void rvInstance::Restart( void ) { if ( gameLocal.isMultiplayer ) { Populate(); } else { gameLocal.SpawnMapEntities(); } } void rvInstance::BuildInstanceMessage( void ) { // Build the client join instance msg mapEntityMsg.BeginWriting(); mapEntityMsg.Init( mapEntityMsgBuf, sizeof( byte ) * MAX_GAME_MESSAGE_SIZE ); mapEntityMsg.WriteByte( GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_SET_INSTANCE ); mapEntityMsg.WriteByte( instanceID ); mapEntityMsg.WriteShort( initialSpawnCount ); // we need to send that down for tourney so the index will match mapEntityMsg.WriteLong( gameLocal.GetStartingIndexForInstance( instanceID ) ); LittleRevBytes( mapEntityNumbers, sizeof(unsigned short ), numMapEntities ); //DAJ int checksum = MD5_BlockChecksum( mapEntityNumbers, sizeof( unsigned short ) * numMapEntities ); //common->Printf( "pop: server checksum: 0x%x\n", checksum ); mapEntityMsg.WriteLong( checksum ); } void rvInstance::JoinInstance( idPlayer* player ) { assert( player && gameLocal.isServer ); // Transmit the instance information to the new client if( gameLocal.isListenServer && player == gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer() ) { gameLocal.mpGame.ServerSetInstance( instanceID ); } else { networkSystem->ServerSendReliableMessage( player->entityNumber, mapEntityMsg, true ); } } void rvInstance::PrintMapNumbers( void ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Instance: %d\n", instanceID ); gameLocal.Printf( "Num Map Entities: %d\n", numMapEntities ); for( int i = 0; i < numMapEntities; i++ ) { gameLocal.Printf( "%d\n", mapEntityNumbers[ i ] ); } } /* ================ rvInstance::SetSpawnInstanceID Sets the spawn instance ID for this instance. On the client, only instance 0 is ever used, but it spawns in map entities for other instances. spawnInstanceID is used to spawn map entities with the correct instance number on the client. ================ */ void rvInstance::SetSpawnInstanceID( int newInstance ) { assert( gameLocal.isClient ); spawnInstanceID = newInstance; }