#ifndef __MATH_INTERPOLATE_H__ #define __MATH_INTERPOLATE_H__ /* ============================================================================================== Linear interpolation. ============================================================================================== */ template< class type > class idInterpolate { public: idInterpolate(); virtual ~idInterpolate() { } void Init( const float startTime, const float duration, const type &startValue, const type &endValue ); void SetStartTime( float time ) { this->startTime = time; } void SetDuration( float duration ) { this->duration = duration; } void SetStartValue( const type &startValue ) { this->startValue = startValue; } void SetEndValue( const type &endValue ) { this->endValue = endValue; } // RAVEN BEGIN // abahr: made virtual virtual type GetCurrentValue( float time ) const; virtual type GetDeltaValue( float startTime, float endTime ) const; // RAVEN END bool IsDone( float time ) const { return ( time >= startTime + duration ); } float GetStartTime( void ) const { return startTime; } float GetEndTime( void ) const { return startTime + duration; } float GetDuration( void ) const { return duration; } const type & GetStartValue( void ) const { return startValue; } const type & GetEndValue( void ) const { return endValue; } // RAVEN BEGIN // abahr: changed to protected protected: // RAVEN END float startTime; float duration; type startValue; type endValue; mutable float currentTime; mutable type currentValue; }; /* ==================== idInterpolate::idInterpolate ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE idInterpolate::idInterpolate() { currentTime = startTime = duration = 0; memset( ¤tValue, 0, sizeof( currentValue ) ); startValue = endValue = currentValue; } /* ==================== idInterpolate::Init ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE void idInterpolate::Init( const float startTime, const float duration, const type &startValue, const type &endValue ) { this->startTime = startTime; this->duration = duration; this->startValue = startValue; this->endValue = endValue; this->currentTime = startTime - 1; this->currentValue = startValue; } /* ==================== idInterpolate::GetCurrentValue ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE type idInterpolate::GetCurrentValue( float time ) const { float deltaTime; deltaTime = time - startTime; if ( time != currentTime ) { currentTime = time; if ( deltaTime <= 0 ) { currentValue = startValue; } else if ( deltaTime >= duration ) { currentValue = endValue; } else { currentValue = startValue + ( endValue - startValue ) * ( (float) deltaTime / duration ); } } return currentValue; } // RAVEN BEGIN // abahr /* ==================== idInterpolate::GetDeltaValue ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE type idInterpolate::GetDeltaValue( float startTime, float endTime ) const { return GetCurrentValue(endTime) - GetCurrentValue(startTime); } ID_INLINE float Linear( float frac ) { return frac; } ID_INLINE float SinusoidalMidPoint( float frac ) { return idMath::Sin( DEG2RAD(idMath::MidPointLerp(0.0f, 60.0f, 90.0f, frac)) ); } /* ============================================================================================== Spherical interpolation. ============================================================================================== */ typedef float (*TimeManipFunc) ( float ); class rvSphericalInterpolate : public idInterpolate { public: rvSphericalInterpolate(); virtual idQuat GetCurrentValue( float time ) const; void SetTimeFunction( TimeManipFunc func ) { timeFunc = func; } protected: TimeManipFunc timeFunc; }; /* ==================== rvSphericalInterpolate::rvSphericalInterpolate ==================== */ ID_INLINE rvSphericalInterpolate::rvSphericalInterpolate() : idInterpolate() { SetTimeFunction( SinusoidalMidPoint ); } /* ==================== rvSphericalInterpolate::GetCurrentValue ==================== */ ID_INLINE idQuat rvSphericalInterpolate::GetCurrentValue( float time ) const { float deltaTime; deltaTime = time - startTime; if ( time != currentTime ) { currentTime = time; if( duration == 0.0f ) { currentValue = endValue; } else { currentValue.Slerp( startValue, endValue, timeFunc((float)deltaTime / duration) ); } } return currentValue; } // RAVEN END /* ============================================================================================== Continuous interpolation with linear acceleration and deceleration phase. The velocity is continuous but the acceleration is not. ============================================================================================== */ template< class type > class idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear { public: idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear(); void Init( const float startTime, const float accelTime, const float decelTime, const float duration, const type &startValue, const type &endValue ); void SetStartTime( float time ) { startTime = time; Invalidate(); } void SetStartValue( const type &startValue ) { this->startValue = startValue; Invalidate(); } void SetEndValue( const type &endValue ) { this->endValue = endValue; Invalidate(); } type GetCurrentValue( float time ) const; type GetCurrentSpeed( float time ) const; bool IsDone( float time ) const { return ( time >= startTime + accelTime + linearTime + decelTime ); } float GetStartTime( void ) const { return startTime; } float GetEndTime( void ) const { return startTime + accelTime + linearTime + decelTime; } float GetDuration( void ) const { return accelTime + linearTime + decelTime; } float GetAcceleration( void ) const { return accelTime; } float GetDeceleration( void ) const { return decelTime; } const type & GetStartValue( void ) const { return startValue; } const type & GetEndValue( void ) const { return endValue; } private: float startTime; float accelTime; float linearTime; float decelTime; type startValue; type endValue; mutable idExtrapolate extrapolate; void Invalidate( void ); void SetPhase( float time ) const; }; /* ==================== idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear::idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear::idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear() { startTime = accelTime = linearTime = decelTime = 0; memset( &startValue, 0, sizeof( startValue ) ); endValue = startValue; } /* ==================== idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear::Init ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE void idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear::Init( const float startTime, const float accelTime, const float decelTime, const float duration, const type &startValue, const type &endValue ) { type speed; this->startTime = startTime; this->accelTime = accelTime; this->decelTime = decelTime; this->startValue = startValue; this->endValue = endValue; if ( duration <= 0.0f ) { return; } if ( this->accelTime + this->decelTime > duration ) { this->accelTime = this->accelTime * duration / ( this->accelTime + this->decelTime ); this->decelTime = duration - this->accelTime; } this->linearTime = duration - this->accelTime - this->decelTime; speed = ( endValue - startValue ) * ( 1000.0f / ( (float) this->linearTime + ( this->accelTime + this->decelTime ) * 0.5f ) ); if ( this->accelTime ) { extrapolate.Init( startTime, this->accelTime, startValue, ( startValue - startValue ), speed, EXTRAPOLATION_ACCELLINEAR ); } else if ( this->linearTime ) { extrapolate.Init( startTime, this->linearTime, startValue, ( startValue - startValue ), speed, EXTRAPOLATION_LINEAR ); } else { extrapolate.Init( startTime, this->decelTime, startValue, ( startValue - startValue ), speed, EXTRAPOLATION_DECELLINEAR ); } } /* ==================== idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear::Invalidate ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE void idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear::Invalidate( void ) { extrapolate.Init( 0, 0, extrapolate.GetStartValue(), extrapolate.GetBaseSpeed(), extrapolate.GetSpeed(), EXTRAPOLATION_NONE ); } /* ==================== idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear::SetPhase ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE void idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear::SetPhase( float time ) const { float deltaTime; deltaTime = time - startTime; if ( deltaTime < accelTime ) { if ( extrapolate.GetExtrapolationType() != EXTRAPOLATION_ACCELLINEAR ) { extrapolate.Init( startTime, accelTime, startValue, extrapolate.GetBaseSpeed(), extrapolate.GetSpeed(), EXTRAPOLATION_ACCELLINEAR ); } } else if ( deltaTime < accelTime + linearTime ) { if ( extrapolate.GetExtrapolationType() != EXTRAPOLATION_LINEAR ) { extrapolate.Init( startTime + accelTime, linearTime, startValue + extrapolate.GetSpeed() * ( accelTime * 0.001f * 0.5f ), extrapolate.GetBaseSpeed(), extrapolate.GetSpeed(), EXTRAPOLATION_LINEAR ); } } else { if ( extrapolate.GetExtrapolationType() != EXTRAPOLATION_DECELLINEAR ) { extrapolate.Init( startTime + accelTime + linearTime, decelTime, endValue - ( extrapolate.GetSpeed() * ( decelTime * 0.001f * 0.5f ) ), extrapolate.GetBaseSpeed(), extrapolate.GetSpeed(), EXTRAPOLATION_DECELLINEAR ); } } } /* ==================== idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear::GetCurrentValue ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE type idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear::GetCurrentValue( float time ) const { SetPhase( time ); return extrapolate.GetCurrentValue( time ); } /* ==================== idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear::GetCurrentSpeed ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE type idInterpolateAccelDecelLinear::GetCurrentSpeed( float time ) const { SetPhase( time ); return extrapolate.GetCurrentSpeed( time ); } /* ============================================================================================== Continuous interpolation with sinusoidal acceleration and deceleration phase. Both the velocity and acceleration are continuous. ============================================================================================== */ template< class type > class idInterpolateAccelDecelSine { public: idInterpolateAccelDecelSine(); void Init( const float startTime, const float accelTime, const float decelTime, const float duration, const type &startValue, const type &endValue ); void SetStartTime( float time ) { startTime = time; Invalidate(); } void SetStartValue( const type &startValue ) { this->startValue = startValue; Invalidate(); } void SetEndValue( const type &endValue ) { this->endValue = endValue; Invalidate(); } type GetCurrentValue( float time ) const; type GetCurrentSpeed( float time ) const; bool IsDone( float time ) const { return ( time >= startTime + accelTime + linearTime + decelTime ); } float GetStartTime( void ) const { return startTime; } float GetEndTime( void ) const { return startTime + accelTime + linearTime + decelTime; } float GetDuration( void ) const { return accelTime + linearTime + decelTime; } float GetAcceleration( void ) const { return accelTime; } float GetDeceleration( void ) const { return decelTime; } const type & GetStartValue( void ) const { return startValue; } const type & GetEndValue( void ) const { return endValue; } private: float startTime; float accelTime; float linearTime; float decelTime; type startValue; type endValue; mutable idExtrapolate extrapolate; void Invalidate( void ); void SetPhase( float time ) const; }; /* ==================== idInterpolateAccelDecelSine::idInterpolateAccelDecelSine ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE idInterpolateAccelDecelSine::idInterpolateAccelDecelSine() { startTime = accelTime = linearTime = decelTime = 0; memset( &startValue, 0, sizeof( startValue ) ); endValue = startValue; } /* ==================== idInterpolateAccelDecelSine::Init ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE void idInterpolateAccelDecelSine::Init( const float startTime, const float accelTime, const float decelTime, const float duration, const type &startValue, const type &endValue ) { type speed; this->startTime = startTime; this->accelTime = accelTime; this->decelTime = decelTime; this->startValue = startValue; this->endValue = endValue; if ( duration <= 0.0f ) { return; } if ( this->accelTime + this->decelTime > duration ) { this->accelTime = this->accelTime * duration / ( this->accelTime + this->decelTime ); this->decelTime = duration - this->accelTime; } this->linearTime = duration - this->accelTime - this->decelTime; speed = ( endValue - startValue ) * ( 1000.0f / ( (float) this->linearTime + ( this->accelTime + this->decelTime ) * idMath::SQRT_1OVER2 ) ); if ( this->accelTime ) { extrapolate.Init( startTime, this->accelTime, startValue, ( startValue - startValue ), speed, EXTRAPOLATION_ACCELSINE ); } else if ( this->linearTime ) { extrapolate.Init( startTime, this->linearTime, startValue, ( startValue - startValue ), speed, EXTRAPOLATION_LINEAR ); } else { extrapolate.Init( startTime, this->decelTime, startValue, ( startValue - startValue ), speed, EXTRAPOLATION_DECELSINE ); } } /* ==================== idInterpolateAccelDecelSine::Invalidate ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE void idInterpolateAccelDecelSine::Invalidate( void ) { extrapolate.Init( 0, 0, extrapolate.GetStartValue(), extrapolate.GetBaseSpeed(), extrapolate.GetSpeed(), EXTRAPOLATION_NONE ); } /* ==================== idInterpolateAccelDecelSine::SetPhase ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE void idInterpolateAccelDecelSine::SetPhase( float time ) const { float deltaTime; deltaTime = time - startTime; if ( deltaTime < accelTime ) { if ( extrapolate.GetExtrapolationType() != EXTRAPOLATION_ACCELSINE ) { extrapolate.Init( startTime, accelTime, startValue, extrapolate.GetBaseSpeed(), extrapolate.GetSpeed(), EXTRAPOLATION_ACCELSINE ); } } else if ( deltaTime < accelTime + linearTime ) { if ( extrapolate.GetExtrapolationType() != EXTRAPOLATION_LINEAR ) { extrapolate.Init( startTime + accelTime, linearTime, startValue + extrapolate.GetSpeed() * ( accelTime * 0.001f * idMath::SQRT_1OVER2 ), extrapolate.GetBaseSpeed(), extrapolate.GetSpeed(), EXTRAPOLATION_LINEAR ); } } else { if ( extrapolate.GetExtrapolationType() != EXTRAPOLATION_DECELSINE ) { extrapolate.Init( startTime + accelTime + linearTime, decelTime, endValue - ( extrapolate.GetSpeed() * ( decelTime * 0.001f * idMath::SQRT_1OVER2 ) ), extrapolate.GetBaseSpeed(), extrapolate.GetSpeed(), EXTRAPOLATION_DECELSINE ); } } } /* ==================== idInterpolateAccelDecelSine::GetCurrentValue ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE type idInterpolateAccelDecelSine::GetCurrentValue( float time ) const { SetPhase( time ); return extrapolate.GetCurrentValue( time ); } /* ==================== idInterpolateAccelDecelSine::GetCurrentSpeed ==================== */ template< class type > ID_INLINE type idInterpolateAccelDecelSine::GetCurrentSpeed( float time ) const { SetPhase( time ); return extrapolate.GetCurrentSpeed( time ); } #endif /* !__MATH_INTERPOLATE_H__ */