#ifndef __COMMON_H__ #define __COMMON_H__ /* ============================================================== Common ============================================================== */ // RAVEN BEGIN // mekberg: added more save types typedef enum { ST_REGULAR, ST_QUICK, ST_AUTO, ST_CHECKPOINT, } saveType_t; // RAVEN END typedef enum { EDITOR_NONE = 0, EDITOR_RADIANT = BIT(1), EDITOR_GUI = BIT(2), EDITOR_DEBUGGER = BIT(3), EDITOR_SCRIPT = BIT(4), EDITOR_LIGHT = BIT(5), EDITOR_SOUND = BIT(6), EDITOR_DECL = BIT(7), EDITOR_AF = BIT(8), EDITOR_PDA = BIT(9), EDITOR_FX = BIT(10), EDITOR_REVERB = BIT(11), EDITOR_PLAYBACKS = BIT(12), EDITOR_MODVIEW = BIT(13), EDITOR_LOGVIEW = BIT(14), EDITOR_ENTVIEW = BIT(15), EDITOR_MATERIAL = BIT(16), // Just flags to prevent caching of unneeded assets EDITOR_AAS = BIT(17), EDITOR_RENDERBUMP = BIT(18), EDITOR_SPAWN_GUI = BIT(19), // Specifies that a decl validation run is happening EDITOR_DECL_VALIDATING = BIT(20), EDITOR_ALL = -1 }; // RAVEN END #define MAX_OUTPUT_HISTORY 16 #define STRTABLE_ID "#str_" #define STRTABLE_ID_LENGTH 5 extern idCVar com_version; extern idCVar com_skipRenderer; extern idCVar com_asyncSound; extern idCVar com_machineSpec; extern idCVar com_purgeAll; extern idCVar com_developer; extern idCVar com_allowConsole; extern idCVar com_speeds; extern idCVar com_showFPS; extern idCVar com_showMemoryUsage; extern idCVar com_showAsyncStats; extern idCVar com_showSoundDecoders; extern idCVar com_makingBuild; extern idCVar com_skipUltraQuality; extern idCVar com_updateLoadSize; extern idCVar com_videoRam; // RAVEN BEGIN // ksergent: added bundler extern idCVar com_Bundler; #ifndef _XENON // nrausch: generate rdf's for xenon load screens extern idCVar com_MakeLoadScreens; #endif // rjohnson: added quick load extern idCVar com_QuickLoad; // rjohnson: added limits stuff extern idCVar com_Limits; // jsinger: added build for binary lexer extern idCVar com_BinaryWrite; extern idCVar com_BinaryRead; // jsinger: added to support serialization/deserialization of binary decls #ifdef RV_BINARYDECLS extern idCVar com_BinaryDeclRead; #endif // jsinger: added to support loading of all decls from a single file #ifdef RV_SINGLE_DECL_FILE extern idCVar com_SingleDeclFile; extern idCVar com_WriteSingleDeclFIle; #endif // jshepard: warning suppresion extern idCVar com_uniqueWarnings; // amccarthy: show Mem_Alloc tag statistics extern idCVar com_showMemAllocTags; #if defined(_XENON) // mwhitlock: changes for Xenon to enable us to use texture resources from .xpr bundles. extern idCVar com_showXenTexCacheStats; extern idCVar com_showXenHardwareTimers; // ksergent: show thread usage. extern idCVar com_showXenThreadUsage; #endif // _XENON extern idCVar sys_lang; // RAVEN END extern int time_gameFrame; // game logic time extern int time_gameDraw; // game present time extern int time_frontend; // renderer frontend time extern int time_backend; // renderer backend time // RAVEN BEGIN extern int time_waiting; // game logic time // RAVEN END extern int com_frameTime; // time for the current frame in milliseconds extern volatile int com_ticNumber; // 60 hz tics, incremented by async function // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: added timing dict extern bool com_debugHudActive; // The debug hud is active in the game // RAVEN END #ifdef _WINDOWS const char DMAP_MSGID[] = "DMAPOutput"; const char DMAP_DONE[] = "DMAPDone"; #endif // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: forward declarations class idInterpreter; class idProgram; // converted to a class so the idStr gets constructed class MemInfo { public: MemInfo( void ); idStr filebase; int total; int assetTotals; // asset totals int imageAssetsTotal; int modelAssetsTotal; int soundAssetsTotal; // RAVEN BEGIN int collAssetsTotal; int animsAssetsTotal; int aasAssetsTotal; int imageAssetsCount; int modelAssetsCount; int soundAssetsCount; int collAssetsCount; int animsAssetsCount; int aasAssetsCount; }; // RAVEN END class idCommon { public: virtual ~idCommon( void ) {} // Initialize everything. // if the OS allows, pass argc/argv directly (without executable name) // otherwise pass the command line in a single string (without executable name) virtual void Init( int argc, const char **argv, const char *cmdline ) = 0; // Shuts down everything. virtual void Shutdown( void ) = 0; // Shuts down everything. virtual void Quit( void ) = 0; // Returns true if common initialization is complete. virtual bool IsInitialized( void ) const = 0; // Called repeatedly as the foreground thread for rendering and game logic. virtual void Frame( void ) = 0; // Called repeatedly by blocking function calls with GUI interactivity. virtual void GUIFrame( bool execCmd, bool network ) = 0; // Called 60 times a second from a background thread for sound mixing, // and input generation. Not called until idCommon::Init() has completed. virtual void Async( void ) = 0; // Checks for and removes command line "+set var arg" constructs. // If match is NULL, all set commands will be executed, otherwise // only a set with the exact name. Only used during startup. // set once to clear the cvar from +set for early init code virtual void StartupVariable( const char *match, bool once ) = 0; // RAVEN BEGIN virtual int GetUserCmdHz( void ) const = 0; virtual int GetUserCmdMSec( void ) const = 0; // Returns com_frameTime - which is 0 if a command is added to the command line virtual int GetFrameTime( void ) const = 0; // returns if the game is processing the last frame when it processes multiple frames virtual bool IsRenderableGameFrame( void ) const = 0; virtual void SetRenderableGameFrame( bool in ) = 0; // returns the last message from common->Error virtual const char *GetErrorMessage( void ) const = 0; // Initializes a tool with the given dictionary. virtual void InitTool( const int tool, const idDict *dict ) = 0; // Returns true if an editor has focus virtual bool IsToolActive( void ) const = 0; // Returns an interface to source control virtual class rvISourceControl *GetSourceControl( void ) = 0; // RAVEN END // RAVEN BEGIN // dluetscher: added the following method to initialize each of the memory heaps #ifdef _RV_MEM_SYS_SUPPORT virtual void InitHeaps( void ) = 0; // initializes each of the memory heaps for use virtual void ShutdownHeaps( void ) = 0; // shuts down each of the memory heaps from further use #endif // RAVEN END // Activates or deactivates a tool. virtual void ActivateTool( bool active ) = 0; // Writes the user's configuration to a file virtual void WriteConfigToFile( const char *filename ) = 0; // Writes cvars with the given flags to a file. virtual void WriteFlaggedCVarsToFile( const char *filename, int flags, const char *setCmd ) = 0; // RAVEN BEGIN // bdube: new exports // Modview thinks in the middle of a game frame virtual void ModViewThink ( void ) = 0; // rjohnson: added option for guis to always think virtual void RunAlwaysThinkGUIs ( int time ) = 0; // Debbugger hook to check if a breakpoint has been hit virtual void DebuggerCheckBreakpoint ( idInterpreter* interpreter, idProgram* program, int instructionPointer ) = 0; // scork: need to test if validating to catch some model errors that would stop the validation and convert to warnings... virtual bool DoingDeclValidation( void ) = 0; // scork: guess virtual void SetCrashReportAutoSendString( const char *psString ) = 0; virtual void LoadToolsDLL( void ) = 0; virtual void UnloadToolsDLL( void ) = 0; // RAVEN END // Begins redirection of console output to the given buffer. virtual void BeginRedirect( char *buffer, int buffersize, void (*flush)( const char * ), bool rcon = false ) = 0; // Stops redirection of console output. virtual void EndRedirect( void ) = 0; // Update the screen with every message printed. virtual void SetRefreshOnPrint( bool set ) = 0; // Prints message to the console, which may cause a screen update if com_refreshOnPrint is set. virtual void Printf( const char *fmt, ... )id_attribute((format(printf,2,3))) = 0; // Same as Printf, with a more usable API - Printf pipes to this. virtual void VPrintf( const char *fmt, va_list arg ) = 0; // Prints message that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set, // and NEVER forces a screen update, which could cause reentrancy problems. virtual void DPrintf( const char *fmt, ... ) id_attribute((format(printf,2,3))) = 0; // Prints WARNING %s message and adds the warning message to a queue for printing later on. virtual void Warning( const char *fmt, ... ) id_attribute((format(printf,2,3))) = 0; // Prints WARNING %s message in yellow that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set. virtual void DWarning( const char *fmt, ...) id_attribute((format(printf,2,3))) = 0; // Prints all queued warnings. virtual void PrintWarnings( void ) = 0; // Removes all queued warnings. virtual void ClearWarnings( const char *reason ) = 0; // Issues a C++ throw. Normal errors just abort to the game loop, // which is appropriate for media or dynamic logic errors. virtual void Error( const char *fmt, ... ) id_attribute((format(printf,2,3))) = 0; // Fatal errors quit all the way to a system dialog box, which is appropriate for // static internal errors or cases where the system may be corrupted. virtual void FatalError( const char *fmt, ... ) id_attribute((format(printf,2,3))) = 0; // RAVEN BEGIN // Brings up notepad with the warnings generated while running the game virtual void DumpWarnings( void ) = 0; // Returns the localised string of the token, of the token if it does not begin with #str_ virtual const char * GetLocalizedString( const char *token, int langIndex = -1 ) = 0; // Returns the localised string at position 'index' virtual const idLangKeyValue * GetLocalizedString( int index, int langIndex = -1 ) = 0; // Returns the number of languages the game found virtual int GetNumLanguages( void ) const = 0; // Returns the number of strings in the English langdict virtual int GetNumLocalizedStrings( void ) const = 0; // Returns the name of the language virtual const char * GetLanguage( int index ) const = 0; // Returns whether the language has VO virtual bool LanguageHasVO( int index ) const = 0; // Returns key bound to the command virtual const char * KeysFromBinding( const char *bind ) = 0; // Returns the binding bound to the key virtual const char * BindingFromKey( const char *key ) = 0; // Directly sample a button. virtual int ButtonState( int key ) = 0; // Directly sample a keystate. virtual int KeyState( int key ) = 0; // mekberg: added virtual int GetRModeForMachineSpec( int machineSpec ) const = 0; virtual void SetDesiredMachineSpec( int machineSpec ) = 0; // RAVEN END // returns true if we are currently executing an rcon operation virtual bool IsRCon( void ) const = 0; }; extern idCommon * common; #endif /* !__COMMON_H__ */