
493 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2007-06-15 00:00:00 +00:00
// bdube: note that this file is no longer merged with Doom3 updates
// MERGE_DATE 9/30/2004
#ifndef __GAME_WEAPON_H__
#define __GAME_WEAPON_H__
Player Weapon
typedef enum {
} weaponStatus_t;
static const int MAX_WEAPONMODS = 4;
static const int MAX_AMMOTYPES = 16;
class idPlayer;
class idItem;
class idAnimatedEntity;
class idProjectile;
class rvWeapon;
class rvViewWeapon : public idAnimatedEntity {
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( rvViewWeapon );
rvViewWeapon( void );
virtual ~rvViewWeapon( void );
// Init
void Spawn ( void );
// save games
void Save ( idSaveGame *savefile ) const; // archives object for save game file
void Restore ( idRestoreGame *savefile ); // unarchives object from save game file
// Weapon definition management
void Clear ( void );
// GUIs
void PostGUIEvent ( const char* event );
virtual void SetModel ( const char *modelname, int mods = 0 );
void SetPowerUpSkin ( const char *name );
void UpdateSkin ( void );
// State control/player interface
void Think ( void );
// Visual presentation
void PresentWeapon ( bool showViewModel );
// Networking
virtual void WriteToSnapshot ( idBitMsgDelta &msg ) const;
virtual void ReadFromSnapshot ( const idBitMsgDelta &msg );
virtual bool ClientReceiveEvent ( int event, int time, const idBitMsg &msg );
virtual void ClientPredictionThink ( void );
virtual bool ClientStale ( void );
virtual void ConvertLocalToWorldTransform( idVec3 &offset, idMat3 &axis );
virtual void UpdateModelTransform ( void );
// Debugging
virtual void GetDebugInfo ( debugInfoProc_t proc, void* userData );
void SetSkin ( const char *skinname );
void SetSkin ( const idDeclSkin* skin );
void SetOverlayShader ( const idMaterial* material );
virtual void GetPosition ( idVec3& origin, idMat3& axis ) const;
idStrList pendingGUIEvents;
// effects
const idDeclSkin * saveSkin;
const idDeclSkin * invisSkin;
const idDeclSkin * saveWorldSkin;
const idDeclSkin * worldInvisSkin;
const idDeclSkin * saveHandsSkin;
const idDeclSkin * handsSkin;
void Event_CallFunction ( const char* function );
friend class rvWeapon;
rvWeapon* weapon;
class rvWeapon : public idClass {
rvWeapon( void );
virtual ~rvWeapon( void );
enum {
enum {
void Init ( idPlayer* _owner, const idDeclEntityDef* def, int weaponIndex, bool isStrogg = false );
// Virtual overrides
void Spawn ( void );
virtual void Think ( void );
virtual void CleanupWeapon ( void ) {}
virtual void WriteToSnapshot ( idBitMsgDelta &msg ) const;
virtual void ReadFromSnapshot ( const idBitMsgDelta &msg );
virtual bool ClientReceiveEvent ( int event, int time, const idBitMsg &msg );
virtual void ClientStale ( void );
virtual void ClientUnstale ( void ) { }
virtual void Attack ( bool altFire, int num_attacks, float spread, float fuseOffset, float power );
virtual void GetDebugInfo ( debugInfoProc_t proc, void* userData );
virtual void SpectatorCycle ( void ) { }
virtual bool NoFireWhileSwitching ( void ) const { return false; }
void Save ( idSaveGame *savefile ) const;
void Restore ( idRestoreGame *savefile );
virtual void PreSave ( void );
virtual void PostSave ( void );
// Visual presentation
bool BloodSplat ( float size );
void MuzzleFlash ( void );
void MuzzleRise ( idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis );
float GetMuzzleFlashLightParm ( int parm );
void SetMuzzleFlashLightParm ( int parm, float value );
void GetAngleOffsets ( int *average, float *scale, float *max );
void GetTimeOffsets ( float *time, float *scale );
bool GetGlobalJointTransform ( bool viewModel, const jointHandle_t jointHandle, idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis, const idVec3& offset = vec3_origin );
// State control/player interface
void LowerWeapon ( void );
void RaiseWeapon ( void );
void Raise ( void );
void PutAway ( void );
void Hide ( void );
void Show ( void );
void HideWorldModel ( void );
void ShowWorldModel ( void );
void SetFlashlight ( bool on = true );
void Flashlight ( void );
void SetPushVelocity ( const idVec3 &pushVelocity );
void Reload ( void );
void OwnerDied ( void );
void BeginAttack ( void );
void EndAttack ( void );
bool IsReady ( void ) const;
bool IsReloading ( void ) const;
bool IsHolstered ( void ) const;
bool ShowCrosshair ( void ) const;
bool CanDrop ( void ) const;
bool CanZoom ( void ) const;
void CancelReload ( void );
void SetStatus ( weaponStatus_t status );
bool AutoReload ( void );
bool IsHidden ( void ) const;
void EjectBrass ( void );
// Network helpers
void NetReload ( void );
void NetEndReload ( void );
void NetCatchup ( void );
// Ammo
static int GetAmmoIndexForName ( const char *ammoname );
static const char* GetAmmoNameForIndex ( int index );
int GetAmmoType ( void ) const;
int AmmoAvailable ( void ) const;
int AmmoInClip ( void ) const;
void ResetAmmoClip ( void );
int ClipSize ( void ) const;
int LowAmmo ( void ) const;
int AmmoRequired ( void ) const;
void AddToClip ( int amount );
void UseAmmo ( int amount );
void SetClip ( int amount );
int TotalAmmoCount ( void ) const;
// Attack
bool PerformAttack ( idVec3& muzzleOrigin, idMat3& muzzleAxis, float dmgPower );
void LaunchProjectiles ( idDict& dict, const idVec3& muzzleOrigin, const idMat3& muzzleAxis, int num_projectiles, float spread, float fuseOffset, float power );
void Hitscan ( const idDict& dict, const idVec3& muzzleOrigin, const idMat3& muzzleAxis, int num_hitscans, float spread, float power );
void AlertMonsters ( void );
// Mods
int GetMods ( void ) const;
// Zoom
idUserInterface* GetZoomGui ( void ) const;
float GetZoomTime ( void ) const;
int GetZoomFov ( void ) const;
rvViewWeapon* GetViewModel ( void ) const;
idAnimatedEntity* GetWorldModel ( void ) const;
idPlayer* GetOwner ( void ) const;
const char * GetIcon ( void ) const;
renderLight_t& GetLight ( int light );
const idAngles& GetViewModelAngles ( void ) const;
const idVec3& GetViewModelOffset ( void ) const;
static void CacheWeapon ( const char *weaponName );
static void SkipFromSnapshot ( const idBitMsgDelta &msg );
void EnterCinematic ( void );
void ExitCinematic ( void );
virtual void OnLaunchProjectile ( idProjectile* proj );
void SetState ( const char *statename, int blendFrames );
void PostState ( const char *statename, int blendFrames );
void ExecuteState ( const char *statename );
void PlayAnim ( int channel, const char *animname, int blendFrames );
void PlayCycle ( int channel, const char *animname, int blendFrames );
bool AnimDone ( int channel, int blendFrames );
bool StartSound ( const char *soundName, const s_channelType channel, int soundShaderFlags, bool broadcast, int *length );
void StopSound ( const s_channelType channel, bool broadcast );
rvClientEffect* PlayEffect ( const char* effectName, jointHandle_t joint, bool loop = false, const idVec3& endOrigin = vec3_origin, bool broadcast = false );
void FindViewModelPositionStyle ( idVec3& viewOffset, idAngles& viewAngles ) const;
void InitLights ( void );
void InitWorldModel ( void );
void InitViewModel ( void );
void InitDefs ( void );
void FreeLight ( int lightID );
void UpdateLight ( int lightID );
void UpdateMuzzleFlash ( void );
void UpdateFlashlight ( void );
void UpdateGUI ( void );
void UpdateCrosshairGUI ( idUserInterface* gui ) const;
idMat3 ForeshortenAxis ( const idMat3& axis ) const;
// Script state management
struct weaponStateFlags_s {
bool attack :1;
bool reload :1;
bool netReload :1;
bool netEndReload :1;
bool raiseWeapon :1;
bool lowerWeapon :1;
bool flashlight :1;
bool zoom :1;
} wsfl;
// Generic flags
struct weaponFlags_s {
bool attackAltHitscan :1;
bool attackHitscan :1;
bool hide :1;
bool disabled :1;
bool hasBloodSplat :1;
bool silent_fire :1;
bool zoomHideCrosshair :1;
bool flashlightOn :1;
bool hasWindupAnim :1;
} wfl;
// joints from models
jointHandle_t barrelJointView;
jointHandle_t flashJointView;
jointHandle_t ejectJointView;
jointHandle_t guiLightJointView;
jointHandle_t flashlightJointView;
jointHandle_t flashJointWorld;
jointHandle_t ejectJointWorld;
jointHandle_t flashlightJointWorld;
weaponStatus_t status;
int lastAttack;
// hiding weapon
int hideTime;
float hideDistance;
int hideStartTime;
float hideStart;
float hideEnd;
float hideOffset;
// Attack
idVec3 pushVelocity;
int kick_endtime;
int muzzle_kick_time;
int muzzle_kick_maxtime;
idAngles muzzle_kick_angles;
idVec3 muzzle_kick_offset;
idVec3 muzzleOrigin;
idMat3 muzzleAxis;
float muzzleOffset;
idEntityPtr<idEntity> projectileEnt;
idVec3 ejectOffset;
int fireRate;
int altFireRate;
float spread;
int nextAttackTime;
// we maintain local copies of the projectile and brass dictionaries so they
// do not have to be copied across the DLL boundary when entities are spawned
idDict attackAltDict;
idDict attackDict;
idDict brassDict;
// Melee
const idDeclEntityDef * meleeDef;
float meleeDistance;
// zoom
int zoomFov; // variable zoom fov per weapon (-1 is no zoom)
idUserInterface* zoomGui; // whether or not to overlay a zoom scope
float zoomTime; // time it takes to zoom in
// lights
renderLight_t lights[WPLIGHT_MAX];
int lightHandles[WPLIGHT_MAX];
idVec3 guiLightOffset;
int muzzleFlashEnd;
int muzzleFlashTime;
idVec3 muzzleFlashViewOffset;
bool flashlightOn;
idVec3 flashlightViewOffset;
// ammo management
int ammoType;
int ammoRequired; // amount of ammo to use each shot. 0 means weapon doesn't need ammo.
int clipSize; // 0 means no reload
int ammoClip;
int lowAmmo; // if ammo in clip hits this threshold, snd_
int maxAmmo;
// multiplayer
int clipPredictTime;
// these are the player render view parms, which include bobbing
idVec3 playerViewOrigin;
idMat3 playerViewAxis;
// View Model
idVec3 viewModelOrigin;
idMat3 viewModelAxis;
idAngles viewModelAngles;
idVec3 viewModelOffset;
// weighting for viewmodel offsets
int weaponAngleOffsetAverages;
float weaponAngleOffsetScale;
float weaponAngleOffsetMax;
float weaponOffsetTime;
float weaponOffsetScale;
// General
idStr icon;
bool isStrogg;
bool forceGUIReload;
idDict spawnArgs;
idEntityPtr<rvViewWeapon> viewModel;
idAnimator* viewAnimator;
idEntityPtr<idAnimatedEntity> worldModel;
idAnimator* worldAnimator;
const idDeclEntityDef* weaponDef;
idScriptObject* scriptObject;
idPlayer * owner;
int weaponIndex;
int mods;
float viewModelForeshorten;
rvStateThread stateThread;
int animDoneTime[ANIM_NumAnimChannels];
stateResult_t State_Raise ( const stateParms_t& parms );
stateResult_t State_Lower ( const stateParms_t& parms );
stateResult_t State_ExitCinematic ( const stateParms_t& parms );
stateResult_t State_NetCatchup ( const stateParms_t& parms );
stateResult_t Frame_EjectBrass ( const stateParms_t& parms );
// store weapon index information for death messages
int methodOfDeath;
// multiplayer hitscans
int hitscanAttackDef;
ID_INLINE rvViewWeapon* rvWeapon::GetViewModel ( void ) const {
return viewModel.GetEntity();
ID_INLINE idAnimatedEntity* rvWeapon::GetWorldModel ( void ) const {
return worldModel;
ID_INLINE idPlayer* rvWeapon::GetOwner ( void ) const {
return owner;
ID_INLINE const char* rvWeapon::GetIcon ( void ) const {
return icon;
ID_INLINE renderLight_t& rvWeapon::GetLight ( int light ) {
assert ( light < WPLIGHT_MAX );
return lights[light];
ID_INLINE const idAngles& rvWeapon::GetViewModelAngles( void ) const {
return viewModelAngles;
ID_INLINE const idVec3& rvWeapon::GetViewModelOffset ( void ) const {
return viewModelOffset;
ID_INLINE int rvWeapon::GetZoomFov ( void ) const {
return zoomFov;
ID_INLINE idUserInterface* rvWeapon::GetZoomGui ( void ) const {
return zoomGui;
ID_INLINE float rvWeapon::GetZoomTime ( void ) const {
return zoomTime;
ID_INLINE int rvWeapon::GetMods ( void ) const {
return mods;
ID_INLINE void rvWeapon::PreSave ( void ) {
ID_INLINE void rvWeapon::PostSave ( void ) {
#endif /* !__GAME_WEAPON_H__ */