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2007-06-15 00:00:00 +00:00
Generic implementation of idSIMDProcessor
// jsinger: should not be virtual on xenon otherwise the mispredicted branch far outways the
// savings we get from doing SIMD in the first place. Also inheritence is unnecessary
#ifdef _XENON
#define VIRTUAL
class idSIMD_Generic {
#define VIRTUAL virtual
class idSIMD_Generic : public idSIMDProcessor {
VIRTUAL const char * VPCALL GetName( void ) const;
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Add( float * RESTRICT dst, const float constant, const float * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Add( float * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src0, const float * RESTRICT src1, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Sub( float * RESTRICT dst, const float constant, const float * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Sub( float * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src0, const float * RESTRICT src1, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Mul( float * RESTRICT dst, const float constant, const float * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Mul( float * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src0, const float * RESTRICT src1, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Div( float * RESTRICT dst, const float constant, const float * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Div( float * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src0, const float * RESTRICT src1, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MulAdd( float * RESTRICT dst, const float constant, const float * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MulAdd( float * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src0, const float * RESTRICT src1, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MulSub( float * RESTRICT dst, const float constant, const float * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MulSub( float * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src0, const float * RESTRICT src1, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Dot( float * RESTRICT dst, const idVec3 &constant, const idVec3 * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Dot( float * RESTRICT dst, const idVec3 &constant, const idPlane * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Dot( float * RESTRICT dst, const idVec3 &constant, const idDrawVert * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Dot( float * RESTRICT dst, const idPlane &constant,const idVec3 * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Dot( float * RESTRICT dst, const idPlane &constant,const idPlane * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Dot( float * RESTRICT dst, const idPlane &constant,const idDrawVert * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Dot( float * RESTRICT dst, const idVec3 * RESTRICT src0, const idVec3 * RESTRICT src1, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Dot( float &dot, const float * RESTRICT src1, const float * RESTRICT src2, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL CmpGT( byte * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src0, const float constant, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL CmpGT( byte * RESTRICT dst, const byte bitNum, const float * RESTRICT src0, const float constant, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL CmpGE( byte * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src0, const float constant, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL CmpGE( byte * RESTRICT dst, const byte bitNum, const float * RESTRICT src0, const float constant, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL CmpLT( byte * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src0, const float constant, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL CmpLT( byte * RESTRICT dst, const byte bitNum, const float * RESTRICT src0, const float constant, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL CmpLE( byte * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src0, const float constant, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL CmpLE( byte * RESTRICT dst, const byte bitNum, const float * RESTRICT src0, const float constant, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MinMax( float &min, float &max, const float * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MinMax( idVec2 &min, idVec2 &max, const idVec2 * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MinMax( idVec3 &min, idVec3 &max, const idVec3 * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MinMax( idVec3 &min, idVec3 &max, const idDrawVert * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MinMax( idVec3 &min, idVec3 &max, const idDrawVert * RESTRICT src, const int * RESTRICT indexes, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Clamp( float * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src, const float min, const float max, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL ClampMin( float * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src, const float min, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL ClampMax( float * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src, const float max, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Memcpy( void * RESTRICT dst, const void * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Memset( void * RESTRICT dst, const int val, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Zero16( float * RESTRICT dst, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Negate16( float * RESTRICT dst, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Copy16( float * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Add16( float * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src1, const float * RESTRICT src2, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Sub16( float * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src1, const float * RESTRICT src2, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Mul16( float * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src1, const float constant, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL AddAssign16( float * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL SubAssign16( float * RESTRICT dst, const float * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MulAssign16( float * RESTRICT dst, const float constant, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MatX_MultiplyVecX( idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MatX_MultiplyAddVecX( idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MatX_MultiplySubVecX( idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MatX_TransposeMultiplyVecX( idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MatX_TransposeMultiplyAddVecX( idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MatX_TransposeMultiplySubVecX( idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MatX_MultiplyMatX( idMatX &dst, const idMatX &m1, const idMatX &m2 );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MatX_TransposeMultiplyMatX( idMatX &dst, const idMatX &m1, const idMatX &m2 );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MatX_LowerTriangularSolve( const idMatX &L, float * RESTRICT x, const float * RESTRICT b, const int n, int skip = 0 );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MatX_LowerTriangularSolveTranspose( const idMatX &L, float * RESTRICT x, const float *b, const int n );
VIRTUAL bool VPCALL MatX_LDLTFactor( idMatX &mat, idVecX &invDiag, const int n );
ID_INLINE void VPCALL BlendJoints( idJointQuat * RESTRICT joints, const idJointQuat * RESTRICT blendJoints, const float lerp, const int * RESTRICT index, const int numJoints );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL ConvertJointQuatsToJointMats( idJointMat * RESTRICT jointMats, const idJointQuat * RESTRICT jointQuats, const int numJoints );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL ConvertJointMatsToJointQuats( idJointQuat * RESTRICT jointQuats, const idJointMat * RESTRICT jointMats, const int numJoints );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL TransformJoints( idJointMat * RESTRICT jointMats, const int * RESTRICT parents, const int firstJoint, const int lastJoint );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL UntransformJoints( idJointMat * RESTRICT jointMats, const int * RESTRICT parents, const int firstJoint, const int lastJoint );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MultiplyJoints( idJointMat * RESTRICT result, const idJointMat * RESTRICT joints1, const idJointMat * RESTRICT joints2, const int numJoints );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL TransformVertsNew( idDrawVert * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts, idBounds &bounds, const idJointMat * RESTRICT joints, const idVec4 * RESTRICT base, const jointWeight_t * RESTRICT weights, const int numWeights );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL TransformVertsAndTangents( idDrawVert * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts, idBounds &bounds, const idJointMat * RESTRICT joints, const idVec4 * RESTRICT base, const jointWeight_t * RESTRICT weights, const int numWeights );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL TransformVertsAndTangentsFast( idDrawVert * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts, idBounds &bounds, const idJointMat * RESTRICT joints, const idVec4 * RESTRICT base, const jointWeight_t * RESTRICT weights, const int numWeights );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL TracePointCull( byte * RESTRICT cullBits, byte &totalOr, const float radius, const idPlane * RESTRICT planes, const idDrawVert * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL DecalPointCull( byte * RESTRICT cullBits, const idPlane * RESTRICT planes, const idDrawVert * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL OverlayPointCull( byte * RESTRICT cullBits, idVec2 * RESTRICT texCoords, const idPlane * RESTRICT planes, const idDrawVert * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL DeriveTriPlanes( idPlane * RESTRICT planes, const idDrawVert * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts, const int * RESTRICT indexes, const int numIndexes );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL DeriveTangents( idPlane * RESTRICT planes, idDrawVert * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts, const int * RESTRICT indexes, const int numIndexes );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL DeriveUnsmoothedTangents( idDrawVert * RESTRICT verts, const dominantTri_s * RESTRICT dominantTris, const int numVerts );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL NormalizeTangents( idDrawVert * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL CreateTextureSpaceLightVectors( idVec3 * RESTRICT lightVectors, const idVec3 &lightOrigin, const idDrawVert * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts, const int * RESTRICT indexes, const int numIndexes );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL CreateSpecularTextureCoords( idVec4 * RESTRICT texCoords, const idVec3 &lightOrigin, const idVec3 &viewOrigin, const idDrawVert * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts, const int * RESTRICT indexes, const int numIndexes );
VIRTUAL int VPCALL CreateShadowCache( idVec4 * RESTRICT vertexCache, int * RESTRICT vertRemap, const idVec3 &lightOrigin, const idDrawVert * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts );
VIRTUAL int VPCALL CreateVertexProgramShadowCache( idVec4 * RESTRICT vertexCache, const idDrawVert * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts );
VIRTUAL int VPCALL ShadowVolume_CountFacing( const byte * RESTRICT facing, const int numFaces );
VIRTUAL int VPCALL ShadowVolume_CountFacingCull( byte * RESTRICT facing, const int numFaces, const int * RESTRICT indexes, const byte * RESTRICT cull );
VIRTUAL int VPCALL ShadowVolume_CreateSilTriangles( int * RESTRICT shadowIndexes, const byte * RESTRICT facing, const silEdge_s * RESTRICT silEdges, const int numSilEdges );
VIRTUAL int VPCALL ShadowVolume_CreateCapTriangles( int * RESTRICT shadowIndexes, const byte * RESTRICT facing, const int * RESTRICT indexes, const int numIndexes );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL UpSamplePCMTo44kHz( float * RESTRICT dest, const short * RESTRICT pcm, const int numSamples, const int kHz, const int numChannels );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL UpSampleOGGTo44kHz( float * RESTRICT dest, const float * const * RESTRICT ogg, const int numSamples, const int kHz, const int numChannels );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MixSoundTwoSpeakerMono( float * RESTRICT mixBuffer, const float * RESTRICT samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[2], const float currentV[2] );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MixSoundTwoSpeakerMonoSimple( float * RESTRICT mixBuffer, const float * RESTRICT samples, const int numSamples );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MixSoundTwoSpeakerStereo( float * RESTRICT mixBuffer, const float * RESTRICT samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[2], const float currentV[2] );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MixSoundSixSpeakerMono( float * RESTRICT mixBuffer, const float * RESTRICT samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[6], const float currentV[6] );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MixSoundSixSpeakerMonoSimple( float * RESTRICT mixBuffer, const float * RESTRICT samples, const int numSamples );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MixSoundSixSpeakerStereo( float * RESTRICT mixBuffer, const float * RESTRICT samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[6], const float currentV[6] );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MixedSoundToSamples( short * RESTRICT samples, const float * RESTRICT mixBuffer, const int numSamples );
// rvSilTraceVertT operations
// dluetscher: added support for operations on idSilTraceVerts and idJointMats
#ifdef _MD5R_SUPPORT
VIRTUAL void VPCALL JointMat_MultiplyMats( float * RESTRICT destMats, const idJointMat * RESTRICT src1Mats, const idJointMat * RESTRICT src2Mats, int * RESTRICT transformPalette, int transformCount );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL TransformVertsMinMax4Bone( rvSilTraceVertT * RESTRICT silTraceVertOutputData, idVec3 &min, idVec3 &max, byte * RESTRICT vertexInputData, int vertStride, int numVerts, float * RESTRICT skinToModelTransforms ); // transforms an array of index-weighted vertices into an array of idSilTraceVerts, while simulatenously calculating the bounds
VIRTUAL void VPCALL TransformVertsMinMax1Bone( rvSilTraceVertT * RESTRICT silTraceVertOutputData, idVec3 &min, idVec3 &max, byte * RESTRICT vertexInputData, int vertStride, int numVerts, float * RESTRICT skinToModelTransforms ); // transforms an array of index-weighted vertices into an array of idSilTraceVerts, while simulatenously calculating the bounds
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Dot( float * RESTRICT dst, const idVec3 &constant, const rvSilTraceVertT * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL Dot( float * RESTRICT dst, const idPlane &constant, const rvSilTraceVertT * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL TracePointCull( byte * RESTRICT cullBits, byte &totalOr, const float radius, const idPlane * RESTRICT planes, const rvSilTraceVertT * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL DecalPointCull( byte * RESTRICT cullBits, const idPlane * RESTRICT planes, const rvSilTraceVertT * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL OverlayPointCull( byte * RESTRICT cullBits, idVec2 * RESTRICT texCoords, const idPlane * RESTRICT planes, const rvSilTraceVertT * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL DeriveTriPlanes( idPlane * RESTRICT planes, const rvSilTraceVertT * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts, const int * RESTRICT indexes, const int numIndexes );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL DeriveTriPlanes( idPlane * RESTRICT planes, const rvSilTraceVertT * RESTRICT verts, const int numVerts, const unsigned short * RESTRICT indexes, const int numIndexes );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MinMax( idVec3 &min, idVec3 &max, const rvSilTraceVertT * RESTRICT src, const int count );
VIRTUAL void VPCALL MinMax( idVec3 &min, idVec3 &max, const rvSilTraceVertT * RESTRICT src, const int * RESTRICT indexes, const int count );
// jsinger: inlined during profiling with Microsoft. This shows up pretty high on our profiles
// inlining reduced the many call overhead and every little bit helps on xenon
void VPCALL idSIMD_Generic::BlendJoints( idJointQuat * RESTRICT joints, const idJointQuat * RESTRICT blendJoints, const float lerp, const int * RESTRICT index, const int count ) {
#define UNROLL4(Y) { int _IX, _NM = count&0xfffffffc; for (_IX=0;_IX<_NM;_IX+=4){Y(_IX+0);Y(_IX+1);Y(_IX+2);Y(_IX+3);}for(;_IX<count;_IX++){Y(_IX);}}
#define OPER(X) { int j = index[(X)]; joints[j].q.Slerp( joints[j].q, blendJoints[j].q, lerp ); joints[j].t.Lerp( joints[j].t, blendJoints[j].t, lerp ); }
#undef OPER
#undef UNROLL4
#endif /* !__MATH_SIMD_GENERIC_H__ */