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2007-06-15 00:00:00 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2004 Id Software, Inc.
#ifndef __FILESYSTEM_H__
#define __FILESYSTEM_H__
File System
No stdio calls should be used by any part of the game, because of all sorts
of directory and separator char issues. Throughout the game a forward slash
should be used as a separator. The file system takes care of the conversion
to an OS specific separator. The file system treats all file and directory
names as case insensitive.
The following cvars store paths used by the file system:
"fs_basepath" path to local install, read-only
"fs_savepath" path to config, save game, etc. files, read & write
"fs_cdpath" path to cd, read-only
"fs_devpath" path to files created during development, read & write
The base path for file saving can be set to "fs_savepath" or "fs_devpath".
static const unsigned FILE_NOT_FOUND_TIMESTAMP = 0xFFFFFFFF;
static const int MAX_PURE_PAKS = 128;
// master server can keep server updated with a list of allowed paks per OS
static const int MAX_GAMEPAK_PER_OS = 10;
static const int MAX_OSPATH = 256;
// modes for OpenFileByMode. used as bit mask internally
typedef enum {
FS_READ = 0,
} fsMode_t;
typedef enum {
PURE_OK, // we are good to connect as-is
PURE_RESTART, // restart required
PURE_MISSING, // pak files missing on the client
PURE_NODLL, // no DLL could be extracted
// PURE_DIFFERENT, // differing checksums
} fsPureReply_t;
typedef enum {
} dlType_t;
typedef enum {
DL_WAIT, // waiting in the list for beginning of the download
DL_INPROGRESS, // in progress
DL_DONE, // download completed, success
DL_ABORTING, // this one can be set during a download, it will force the next progress callback to abort - then will go to DL_FAILED
} dlStatus_t;
typedef enum {
} dlMime_t;
typedef enum {
} findFile_t;
typedef struct urlDownload_s {
idStr url;
idStr urlAuth;
idStr referer;
char dlerror[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
int dltotal;
int dlnow;
int dlstatus;
dlStatus_t status;
} urlDownload_t;
typedef struct fileDownload_s {
int position;
int length;
void * buffer;
} fileDownload_t;
typedef struct proxyDownload_s {
idStr proxyUrl;
idStr proxyAuth;
} proxyDownload_t;
// mwhitlock: changes for Xenon to enable us to use texture resources from .xpr
// bundles.
#if defined(_XENON)
#include "Xtl.h"
// mwhitlock: changes for Xenon to enable us to use texture resources from .xpr
// bundles.
#if defined(_XENON)
// Define this to enable background streaming via Xenon's native file I/O
// routines (unbuffered reads).
typedef struct backgroundDownload_s
static const int MAX_SEGMENTS = 2;
struct backgroundDownload_s *next; // Set by the fileSystem.
dlType_t opcode;
idFile * f;
int numSegments;
fileDownload_t file[MAX_SEGMENTS];
urlDownload_t url;
volatile bool completed;
double ticksToLoad; // Used for performance profiling.
void Clear(void)
void AddSegment(int position, int length, void* buffer)
#if defined(_DEBUG)
// Sanity: segements should not overlap.
for(int s=0;s<numSegments-1;s++)
assert(file[s].position+file[s].length-1 < file[s+1].position);
int DownloadSize(void) const
int size=0;
for(int s=0;s<numSegments;s++)
return size;
} backgroundDownload_t;
typedef struct backgroundDownload_s {
struct backgroundDownload_s *next; // set by the fileSystem
dlType_t opcode;
idFile * f;
fileDownload_t file;
int numSegments;
urlDownload_t url;
proxyDownload_t proxy;
volatile bool completed;
} backgroundDownload_t;
// file list for directory listings
class idFileList {
friend class idFileSystemLocal;
const char * GetBasePath( void ) const { return basePath; }
int GetNumFiles( void ) const { return list.Num(); }
const char * GetFile( int index ) const { return list[index]; }
const idStrList & GetList( void ) const { return list; }
idStr basePath;
idStrList list;
// mod list
class idModList {
friend class idFileSystemLocal;
int GetNumMods( void ) const { return mods.Num(); }
const char * GetMod( int index ) const { return mods[index]; }
const char * GetDescription( int index ) const { return descriptions[index]; }
idStrList mods;
idStrList descriptions;
class idFileSystem {
virtual ~idFileSystem() {}
// Initializes the file system.
virtual void Init( void ) = 0;
// Restarts the file system.
virtual void Restart( void ) = 0;
// Shutdown the file system.
virtual void Shutdown( bool reloading ) = 0;
// Returns true if the file system is initialized.
virtual bool IsInitialized( void ) const = 0;
// Returns true if we are doing an fs_copyfiles.
virtual bool PerformingCopyFiles( void ) const = 0;
// Returns a list of mods found along with descriptions
// 'mods' contains the directory names to be passed to fs_game
// 'descriptions' contains a free form string to be used in the UI
virtual idModList * ListMods( void ) = 0;
// Frees the given mod list
virtual void FreeModList( idModList *modList ) = 0;
// Lists files with the given extension in the given directory.
// Directory should not have either a leading or trailing '/'
// The returned files will not include any directories or '/' unless fullRelativePath is set.
// The extension must include a leading dot and may not contain wildcards.
// If extension is "/", only subdirectories will be returned.
virtual idFileList * ListFiles( const char *relativePath, const char *extension, bool sort = false, bool fullRelativePath = false, const char* gamedir = NULL ) = 0;
// Lists files in the given directory and all subdirectories with the given extension.
// Directory should not have either a leading or trailing '/'
// The returned files include a full relative path.
// The extension must include a leading dot and may not contain wildcards.
virtual idFileList * ListFilesTree( const char *relativePath, const char *extension, bool sort = false, const char* gamedir = NULL ) = 0;
// Frees the given file list.
virtual void FreeFileList( idFileList *fileList ) = 0;
// Converts a relative path to a full OS path.
virtual const char * OSPathToRelativePath( const char *OSPath ) = 0;
// Converts a full OS path to a relative path.
virtual const char * RelativePathToOSPath( const char *relativePath, const char *basePath = "fs_devpath" ) = 0;
// Builds a full OS path from the given components.
virtual const char * BuildOSPath( const char *base, const char *game, const char *relativePath ) = 0;
// Creates the given OS path for as far as it doesn't exist already.
virtual void CreateOSPath( const char *OSPath ) = 0;
// Returns true if a file is in a pak file.
virtual bool FileIsInPAK( const char *relativePath ) = 0;
// Returns a space separated string containing the checksums of all referenced pak files.
// will call SetPureServerChecksums internally to restrict itself
virtual void UpdatePureServerChecksums( void ) = 0;
// setup the mapping of OS -> game pak checksum
virtual bool UpdateGamePakChecksums( void ) = 0;
// 0-terminated list of pak checksums
// if pureChecksums[ 0 ] == 0, all data sources will be allowed
// otherwise, only pak files that match one of the checksums will be checked for files
// with the sole exception of .cfg files.
// the function tries to configure pure mode from the paks already referenced and this new list
// it returns wether the switch was successfull, and sets the missing checksums
// use fs_debug 1 to verbose
virtual fsPureReply_t SetPureServerChecksums( const int pureChecksums[ MAX_PURE_PAKS ], int gamePakChecksum[ MAX_GAMEPAK_PER_OS ], int missingChecksums[ MAX_PURE_PAKS ], int *missingGamePakChecksum, int *restartGamePakChecksu ) = 0;
// fills a 0-terminated list of pak checksums for a client
// if OS is -1, give the current game pak checksum. if >= 0, lookup the game pak table (server only)
// indexes > 0 may be provided on servers when the master is giving additional game paks to let in
virtual void GetPureServerChecksums( int checksums[ MAX_PURE_PAKS ], int OS, int gamePakChecksum[ MAX_GAMEPAK_PER_OS ] ) = 0;
// before doing a restart, force the pure list and the search order
// if the given checksum list can't be completely processed and set, will error out
virtual void SetRestartChecksums( const int pureChecksums[ MAX_PURE_PAKS ], int gamePakChecksum ) = 0;
// equivalent to calling SetPureServerChecksums with an empty list
virtual void ClearPureChecksums( void ) = 0;
// get a mask of supported OSes. if not pure, returns -1
virtual unsigned int GetOSMask( void ) = 0;
// Reads a complete file.
// Returns the length of the file, or -1 on failure.
// A null buffer will just return the file length without loading.
// A null timestamp will be ignored.
// As a quick check for existance. -1 length == not present.
// A 0 byte will always be appended at the end, so string ops are safe.
// The buffer should be considered read-only, because it may be cached for other uses.
virtual int ReadFile( const char *relativePath, void **buffer, unsigned *timestamp = NULL ) = 0;
// Frees the memory allocated by ReadFile.
virtual void FreeFile( void *buffer ) = 0;
// Writes a complete file, will create any needed subdirectories.
// Returns the length of the file, or -1 on failure.
virtual int WriteFile( const char *relativePath, const void *buffer, int size, const char *basePath = "fs_savepath" ) = 0;
// Removes the given file.
// rjohnson: can specify the path cvar
virtual void RemoveFile( const char *relativePath, const char *basePath = "fs_savepath" ) = 0;
// bdube: added method
// Removes the given file and returns the filesystem status of the removal
virtual int RemoveExplicitFile ( const char *OSPath ) = 0;
// mekberg: is file loading allowed?
virtual void SetIsFileLoadingAllowed(bool mode) = 0;
// dluetscher: returns file loading status
virtual bool GetIsFileLoadingAllowed() const = 0;
// amccarthy: set the current asset log name.
virtual void SetAssetLogName(const char *logName) = 0;
// amccarthy: write out a list of all files loaded.
virtual void WriteAssetLog() = 0;
// jnewquist: clear list of all files loaded.
virtual void ClearAssetLog() = 0;
// jnewquist: Accessor for asset log name (with filter)
virtual const char* GetAssetLogName() = 0;
// jscott: new functions for tools
virtual idFile * GetNewFileMemory( void ) = 0;
virtual idFile * GetNewFilePermanent( void ) = 0;
// Opens a file for reading.
virtual idFile * OpenFileRead( const char *relativePath, bool allowCopyFiles = true, const char* gamedir = NULL ) = 0;
// Opens a file for writing, will create any needed subdirectories.
virtual idFile * OpenFileWrite( const char *relativePath, const char *basePath = "fs_savepath", bool ASCII = false ) = 0;
// Opens a file for writing at the end.
virtual idFile * OpenFileAppend( const char *filename, bool sync = false, const char *basePath = "fs_basepath" ) = 0;
// Opens a file for reading, writing, or appending depending on the value of mode.
virtual idFile * OpenFileByMode( const char *relativePath, fsMode_t mode ) = 0;
// Opens a file for reading from a full OS path.
virtual idFile * OpenExplicitFileRead( const char *OSPath ) = 0;
// Opens a file for writing to a full OS path.
virtual idFile * OpenExplicitFileWrite( const char *OSPath ) = 0;
// Closes a file.
virtual void CloseFile( idFile *f ) = 0;
// Returns immediately, performing the read from a background thread.
virtual void BackgroundDownload( backgroundDownload_t *bgl ) = 0;
// resets the bytes read counter
virtual void ResetReadCount( void ) = 0;
// retrieves the current read count
virtual int GetReadCount( void ) = 0;
// adds to the read count
virtual void AddToReadCount( int c ) = 0;
// look for a dynamic module
virtual void FindDLL( const char *basename, char dllPath[ MAX_OSPATH ], bool updateChecksum ) = 0;
// case sensitive filesystems use an internal directory cache
// the cache is cleared when calling OpenFileWrite and RemoveFile
// in some cases you may need to use this directly
virtual void ClearDirCache( void ) = 0;
// lookup a relative path, return the size or 0 if not found
virtual int RelativeDownloadPathForChecksum( int checksum, char path[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ) = 0;
// verify the file can be downloaded, lookup a relative path, return the size or 0 if not found
virtual int ValidateDownloadPakForChecksum( int checksum, char path[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ], bool isGamePak ) = 0;
// verify the file can be downloaded, lookup an absolute (OS) path, return the size or 0 if not found
virtual int ValidateDownloadPakForRelativePath( const char *relativePath, char path[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ], bool &isGamePakReturn ) = 0;
virtual idFile * MakeTemporaryFile( void ) = 0;
// make downloaded pak files known so pure negociation works next time
virtual int AddZipFile( const char *path ) = 0;
// nrausch: explicit pak add/removal
#ifdef _XENON
virtual bool AddDownloadedPak( const char *path ) = 0;
virtual void RemoveDownloadedPak( const char *path ) = 0;
virtual bool AddExplicitPak( const char *path ) = 0;
virtual void RemoveExplicitPak( const char *path ) = 0;
virtual bool IsPakLoaded( const char *path ) = 0;
// look for a file in the loaded paks or the addon paks
// if the file is found in addons, FS's internal structures are ready for a reloadEngine
virtual findFile_t FindFile( const char *path ) = 0;
// get map/addon decls and take into account addon paks that are not on the search list
// the decl 'name' is in the "path" entry of the dict
virtual int GetNumMaps() = 0;
virtual int GetMapDeclIndex( const char *mapName ) = 0;
virtual const idDict * GetMapDecl( int i ) = 0;
virtual const idDict * GetMapDecl( const char *mapName ) = 0;
virtual void FindMapScreenshot( const char *path, char *buf, int len ) = 0;
// rjohnson: added new functions
// Converts a full OS path to an import path.
virtual bool OSpathToImportPath( const char *osPath, idStr &iPath, bool stripTemp = false ) = 0;
// Opens a file for reading from the fs_importpath directory
virtual idFile * OpenImportFileRead( const char *filename ) = 0;
// Copy a file
virtual void CopyOSFile( const char *fromOSPath, const char *toOSPath ) = 0;
virtual void CopyOSFile( idFile *src, const char *toOSPath ) = 0;
// demo functions - only for use by the core ( and not DLL boundary / memory safe anyway )
// ReadDemoHeader: returns -1 if a reloadEngine is requested before trying again, 0 if we failed with no backup, and 1 if we can continue
// if demo_enforceFS is 0, will always ret 1
virtual void WriteDemoHeader( idFile *file ) = 0;
virtual int ReadDemoHeader( idFile *file ) = 0;
// new in 1.3
// indicates if the filesystem is currently running with pak files restrictions or addons
virtual bool IsRunningWithRestrictions( void ) = 0;
// new in 1.4
virtual void ReadCodePakLists( const idBitMsg &msg ) = 0;
virtual bool HaveCodePakLists( void ) const = 0;
// pick best language - used by the core to pick a good default language based on present zpaks
virtual void SelectDefaultLanguage( void ) = 0;
virtual void ClearAddonList( void ) = 0;
extern idFileSystem * fileSystem;
#endif /* !__FILESYSTEM_H__ */