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** $Header: /roq/libim/imviff.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $
** Copyright (c) 1989-1995 San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
** a division of General Atomics, San Diego, California, USA
** Users and possessors of this source code are hereby granted a
** nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright and design patent license to
** use this code in individual software. License is not granted for
** commercial resale, in whole or in part, without prior written
** permission from SDSC. This source is provided "AS IS" without express
** or implied warranty of any kind.
** For further information contact:
** E-Mail: info@sds.sdsc.edu
** Surface Mail: Information Center
** San Diego Supercomputer Center
** P.O. Box 85608
** San Diego, CA 92138-5608
** (619) 534-5000
#define HEADER " $Header: /roq/libim/imviff.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $"
** imviff.c - Khoros image storage type
** libim - SDSC image manipulation library
** imviff.c contains routines to read and write VIFF image files for
** the image manipulation library. Raster data read in is stored
** in a VFB. Raster data written out is taken from a tag table.
** d =defined constant
** f =function
** m =defined macro
** t =typedef/struct/union
** v =variable
** ? =other
** none
** imViffRead f read a Targa file
** imViffWrite f write an uncompressed RGB file
** $Log: /roq/libim/imviff.c $
** 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod
** Revision 1.12 1995/06/29 00:28:04 bduggan
** updated copyright year
** Revision 1.11 1995/06/15 21:22:38 bduggan
** changed bzero to memset
** Revision 1.10 1995/04/03 21:40:22 bduggan
** took out #ifdef NEWMAGIC
** Revision 1.9 1995/01/10 23:50:04 bduggan
** made read/write routines static
** Revision 1.8 94/10/03 11:31:09 nadeau
** Updated to ANSI C and C++ compatibility.
** Removed all use of register keyword.
** Minimized use of custom SDSC types (e.g., uchar vs. unsigned char)
** Changed all float arguments to double.
** Added forward declarations.
** Added misc. casts to passify SGI and DEC compilers.
** Changed all macros and defined constants to have names
** starting with IM.
** Rearranged magic number structures for format handlers.
** Made format handler routines static (i.e., local to file).
** Updated comments, adding format descriptions and references.
** Updated indenting on some code.
** Updated copyright message.
** Revision 1.7 93/08/26 17:11:05 secoskyj
** Modified the read routine error messages
** Revision 1.6 92/12/03 01:56:17 nadeau
** Corrected info messages.
** Revision 1.5 92/11/04 12:10:02 groening
** put ImFIleFormat info and magic number info
** from imfmt.c into this file.
** Revision 1.4 92/10/19 14:06:11 groening
** added ImInfo features
** Revision 1.3 92/08/31 17:43:23 vle
** Updated copyright notice.
** Revision 1.2 92/08/24 14:29:18 groening
** minor stuff
** Revision 1.1 92/06/02 09:34:49 groening
** Initial revision
** VIFF - Khoros viff images
** AKA
** xv
** Writing Programs/VIFF Format, Chapter 1, Khoros Programmer's
** Manual, Volume II, University of New Mexico
** Custom development, Chris Groening, San Diego Supercomputer Center, 1992.
** Viff images are very flexible: they can store images in a variety
** of encoding schemes and dimensions. More than 3 dimensions are
** possible in order to store data in Viff files that is not necessarily
** meant to be visualized.
** A Viff file has the following sections:
** - header (1024 bytes)
** - map(s)
** - location data
** - image data
** The locations of the last three sections are specified
** in the last three fields of the header. The (very verbose)
** header is described in detail below.
** The Viff format can deal with many things, however not amny of these
** are compatible with the way image tools is implemented now. Right now
** multiple images are not handled.
** What can be translated is 1 or 3 band image stored in bit or byte.
** 1 band image can also be stored in 2 byte format (short).
** All of these formats can have optional color lookup tables.
** The color lookup table can only be stored in byte format.
** Here is the complete description of the viff format header file,
** taken directly from Chapter 1 Volume 2 of the khoros manuals
The header is 1024 bytes long. Its fields can be grouped into five categories:
- administration : file management information
- data storiage : describes how the data is stored, but not how it
it is interpreted.
- location data : describes the spatial location of the data (optional)
- data mapping : describes how the data should be mapped or
- color space : for images, indicates what coordinate space and
model is being used.
char A one byte magic number that identifies a VIFF file
char A one byte code indicating Khoros file type
file_type; (currently only VIFF).
char A one byte code indicating the specific release of the
release; viff.h file (currently 0); this does not have to agree
with the Khoros system release number.
char A one byte code indicating the specific version of the
version; viff.h file (currently 3); this does not have to agree
with the Khoros system version number. For example,
version 1 release 0 is referred to as viff 1.0.
char A 512 byte space available for any use, but currently is
comment[512]; used in Khoros as a comment field to document the VIFF
data file.
char A one byte code indicating how the particular architecture
machine_dep; that the image was last processed on treats data. Currently
supported are DEC order, IEEE order and NS order. Supported
machines include the VAX, SUN, SONY News, Silicon Graphics,
Motorola, Encore, Sequent, MIPS, DEC, IBM, Apollo, and NeXT.
unsigned long These two unsigned long fields indicate data size,
row_size, specifically, the number of data items in a band.
col_size; row_size indicates the length of a row (the number of columns,
or the image width) in pixels. col_size indicates the
length of a column (the number of rows, or the image height)
in pixels. Images with row and column sizes of zero are
sometimes valid, and indicate that only the map information
is important. The product of the two values is the total
number of data items present.
unsigned long This unsigned long field specifies the length of any subrows
subrow_size in the image. This is useful when one wants pixel vectors
to represent 2D objects (images). The size of each pixel
"image" would be subrow_size (columns) by
num_data_bands/subrow_size (rows). This field may be
ignored except by routines that need the 2D interpretation.
unsigned long These two long fields indicate the location of a
startx, subimage in a parent image. The image is a sub image
starty; if startx and starty have values greater than zero.
startx and starty locate the upper left hand corner
of where the image was extracted.
This applies to 2D data that has implicit locations.
float These two floats specify the actual pixel size in meters
pixsizx, at the time of digitization. This information is needed
pixsizy; to do true measurements and calculate true frequencies.
The ratio of these fields will give you the aspect ratio
of the digitized pixel. Most CCD camera's are not one-to-one.
These values may not have a meaning if the data is
unsigned long This unsigned long field indicates
location_type; whether the image data has implicit or explicit locations.
If the locations are implicit, the field location_dim must
be set to zero (0), and the location data will be empty.
If the locations are explicit, the field location_dim
indicates the dimensionality of the space (1D, 2D and 3D
will be most common). The explicit location data is pointed
to by location, and is stored as bands of coordinates.
For example, if (location_dim = 2), implying 2D locations,
the location data would be stored; x1, x2, . . . , xn;
y1, y2, . . . , yn.
unsigned long This unsigned long indicates the dimensionality of the
location_dim location space of data. Zero-, one-, and two-
dimensionalities will be most common. If the location_type
is implicit, this field must be set to zero (0). If the
location_type is explicit, this field is set to the
dimensionality correctly describing the data. Remember that
3-dimensional image data is represented with
location_dim = 2 (x & y); the third dimension (pixel intensity)
is stored in the imagedata.
unsigned long This unsigned long indicates the
num_of_images the number of images (not bands) pointed to by *imagedata.
unsigned long This unsigned long indicates the number of
num_data_bands bands per image or the dimensionality of vectors.
In some cases, it may be convenient to think of an
image pixel as a vector (when there is more than one band).
unsigned long This unsigned long field indicates the data storage type
data_storage_type; of the pixel or vector data. Currently, bit, byte,
short, integer, float, float complex, double, and double
complex data types are supported. The BIT storage type
stores the bits in packed unsigned chars and pads to
a byte; the order is Least Significant Bit (LSB) first.
unsigned long This unsigned long field contains the information that
data_encode_scheme specifies the encoding or compression method used for
storage of the data. Only the raw and compress encoding
schemes are supported in Khoros 1.0.
unsigned long This unsigned long field specifies the type of mapping
map_scheme that should occur. The map is an array, where the data
pointed to by *imagedata is used as an index into rows
of the array.
ONEPERBAND indicates that each data band has a map. CYCLE is
for when a single band is displayed by cycling through maps.
SHARED is for when there is only one map for all bands to
share. The GROUP mapping scheme is for future Khoros
development, and should not be used as of Khoros 1.0.
unsigned long This unsigned long field indicates the type
map_storage_type; of data in the map. Data in the map may be of type
char, short, integer, float, or complex. This is also
the resulting data type after a mapping has been done.
unsigned long These two unsigned long fields indicate the number of
map_row_size, rows in the 2D map and the number of columns in the map.
map_col_size; The maps are stored as a sequence of columns (stacked columns).
unsigned long This unsigned long field specifies the number of subrows
map_subrow_size; in a map. This is useful when using the output vector from
the map is a 2D image, rather than just a vector.
The size of the 2D image would be: map_subrow_size (columns) by
map_row_size/map_subrow_size (rows). This field may be ignored
except by routines that need the 2D interpretation.
unsigned long This unsigned long field specifies if the image data will be
map_enable; valid regardless of whether or not it has been sent through
a map. In some cases the mapping is optional
(IMVFF_MAP_OPTIONAL), while in others, the data must be mapped
in order for it to have a valid meaning (IMVFF_MAP_FORCE).
See the previous section on FILE FORMAT TERMINOLOGY for
a more detailed explanation of the map_enable field.
unsigned long This unsigned long field specifies the number of
maps_per_cycle; maps that would constitute one cycle when the cycled map
scheme type is used. Of course, this field is only valid
when map_scheme is set to IMVFF_MS_CYCLE.
unsigned long This unsigned long field indicates the color space or the
color_space_model; coordinate system being used to interpret the image bands.
The color space model defines use the following convention:
NTSC: National Television Systems Committee
CIE: Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage
UCS: Universal Chromaticity Scale
RGB: Red Component, Green Component, Blue Component
CMY: Cyan Component, Magenta Component, Yellow Component
YIQ: Luminance, I and Q represent chrominance
HSV: Hue, Saturation & Value
IHS: Intensity, Hue & Saturation
Most color map models only make sense when the map_scheme is
set to IMVFF_MS_ONEPERBAND and the map_row_size = 3 and the
num_data_bands = 1; alternatively, the map_scheme may be set
to IMVFF_MS_NONE and the map_row_size = 0, and the
num_data_bands = 3. The exceptions to this are:
IMVFF_CM_NONE indicates that no color space model has been
IMVFF_CM_GENERIC indicates that a color space is valid, but is
being defined by the user.
IMVFF_CM_genericRGB would imply that IMVFF_MS_ONEPERBAND is set
with map_row_size = 3 and num_data_bands = 1. genericRGB is
an RGB image but doesn't conform to a standard.
unsigned long Spare fields available for user defined fields. These
ispare1, fields are not supported except for reading and writing
ispare2; correctly with respect to machine dependencies.
reserve Reserve space is allocated so that the total length of the
header is 1024 bytes and so that more fields can be added.
char *maps; This is a pointer to the beginning of the map data.
When it is used, it must be cast to the proper data type.
float *location This is a pointer to the beginning of the location data.
The dimensionality of the location data is given in the field
location_dim. (location_dim specifies the number of
bands of coordinates.) The number of coordinate values per
band is row_size*col_size.
char This is a pointer to the beginning of the image data. When it
*imagedata is used in an image processing routine it must be cast to the
proper data type.
#include "iminternal.h"
* VIFF - Khoros Visualization Image File Format
* For information on these structures, how to use them, etc. please
* see imfmt.c.
#ifdef __STDC__
static int imViffRead( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable );
static int imViffWriteRGBCLT (ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp,
TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imViffWriteRGBNOCLT( ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp,
TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imViffWriteINDEX8CLT(ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp,
TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable );
static int imViffWriteINDEX8NOCLT( ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp,
TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imViffWriteINDEX16CLT( ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp,
TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imViffWriteINDEX16NOCLT( ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp,
TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imViffWriteMONO( ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp,
TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imViffRead( );
static int imViffWriteRGBCLT( );
static int imViffWriteRGBNOCLT( );
static int imViffWriteINDEX8CLT( );
static int imViffWriteINDEX8NOCLT( );
static int imViffWriteINDEX16CLT( );
static int imViffWriteINDEX16NOCLT( );
static int imViffWriteMONO( );
static char *imViffNames[ ] = { "viff", "xv", NULL };
static ImFileFormatReadMap imViffReadMap[ ] =
/* in out */
/* type,ch,dep, attr. VFB type attr. */
{ RGB,3,8, 0, IMVFBRGB, 0 },
{ RGB,3,8, C, IMVFBRGB, C },
{ IN,1,1, 0, IMVFBMONO, 0 },
{ IN,1,8, C, IMVFBINDEX8, C },
{ IN,1,8, 0, IMVFBINDEX8, 0 },
{ IN,1,16, C, IMVFBINDEX16, C },
{ IN,1,16, 0, IMVFBINDEX16, 0 },
{ -1, 0, -1, 0 },
static ImFileFormatWriteMap imViffWriteMap[ ] =
/* in out */
/* VFB type, attr., type,ch,dep, attr., func */
{ IMVFBRGB, C, RGB,3,8, C, imViffWriteRGBCLT },
{ IMVFBRGB, 0, RGB,3,8, 0, imViffWriteRGBNOCLT },
{ IMVFBINDEX8, 0, IN,1,8, 0, imViffWriteINDEX8NOCLT}, { IMVFBINDEX8, C, IN,1,8, C, imViffWriteINDEX8CLT},
{ IMVFBINDEX16, C, IN,1,16, C, imViffWriteINDEX16CLT},
{ IMVFBINDEX16, 0, IN,1,16, 0, imViffWriteINDEX16NOCLT}, { IMVFBMONO, 0, IN,1,1, 0, imViffWriteMONO},
{ -1, 0, -1, 0, NULL },
static ImFileMagic imFileViffMagic []=
{ 0, 0, NULL},
ImFileFormat ImFileViffFormat =
imViffNames, "Khoros Visualization image file",
"1-bit monochrome, 8- and 16-bit color index, and 24-bit RGB color\n\
mages, uncompressed.",
"1-bit monochrome, 8- and 16-bit color index, and 24-bit RGB color\n\
mages, uncompressed.",
imViffRead, imViffReadMap, imViffWriteMap
#ifdef __STDC__
static int imReadViff1Byte(int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, ImVfb *vfb, int q, unsigned long h, unsigned long w, unsigned long c);
static int imReadViff2Byte(int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, ImVfb *vfb, int q, unsigned long h, unsigned long w, unsigned long c);
static int imReadViffBit(int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, ImVfb *vfb, int q, unsigned long h, unsigned long w, unsigned long c);
static int imViffWriteHeader( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable,unsigned long numDataBands,
unsigned long dataStorageType, unsigned long dataEncodeScheme, unsigned long mapScheme,
unsigned long colorSpaceModel, unsigned long mapRowSize );
static int imViffWriteRGBData (int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imViffWriteINDEX8Data (int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imViffWriteINDEX16Data (int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imReadViff1Byte();
static int imReadViff2Byte();
static int imReadViffBit();
static int imViffWriteHeader();
static int imViffWriteRGBData();
static int imViffWriteINDEX8Data();
static int imViffWriteINDEX16Data();
/* definitions for version number,
char release; */
#define IM_XV_IMAGE_VER_NUM 3 /* Version 3 (3.1) */
/* definitions for release number,
char version; */
#define IM_XV_IMAGE_REL_NUM 1 /* Release 1 */
/* definitions for subimage information,
long startx, starty; */
#define IMVFF_NOTSUB ~0 /* a negative number indicates that
the image is not a subimage */
/* definitions for machine dependencies,
char machine_dep; */
#define IMVFF_DEP_IEEEORDER 0x2 /* IEEE byte ordering */
#define IMVFF_DEP_DECORDER 0x4 /* DEC (VAX) byte ordering */
#define IMVFF_DEP_NSORDER 0x8 /* NS32000 byte ordering */
#define IMVFF_DEP_CRAYORDER 0xA /* Cray byte size and ordering */
/* definitions for data storage type,
unsigned long data_storage_type; */
#define IMVFF_TYP_BIT 0 /* pixels are on or off (binary image)*/
/* Note: This is an X11 XBitmap
with bits packed into a byte and
padded to a byte */
#define IMVFF_TYP_1_BYTE 1 /* pixels are byte (unsigned char) */
#define IMVFF_TYP_2_BYTE 2 /* pixels are two byte (short int) */
#define IMVFF_TYP_4_BYTE 4 /* pixels are four byte (integer) */
#define IMVFF_TYP_FLOAT 5 /* pixels are float (single precision)*/
#define IMVFF_TYP_COMPLEX 6 /* pixels are complex float */
#define IMVFF_TYP_DOUBLE 9 /* pixels are float (double precision)*/
#define IMVFF_TYP_DCOMPLEX 10 /* double complex */
/* definitions for data encoding scheme on disk - i.e. it may be
compressed using RLE, or uncompressed (RAW).
unsigned long data_encode_scheme; */
#define IMVFF_DES_RAW 0 /* Raw - no compression */
#define IMVFF_DES_COMPRESS 1 /* Compressed using ALZ */
#define IMVFF_DES_RLE 2 /* Compressed using RLE */
#define IMVFF_DES_TRANSFORM 3 /* Transform based compression */
#define IMVFF_DES_CCITT 4 /* CCITT standard compression */
#define IMVFF_DES_ADPCM 5 /* ADPCM compression */
#define IMVFF_DES_GENERIC 6 /* User-specified compression */
/* definitions for map data or cells storage type,
unsigned long map_storage_type; */
#define IMVFF_MAPTYP_NONE 0 /* No cell type is assigned */
#define IMVFF_MAPTYP_1_BYTE 1 /* cells are byte (unsigned char) */
#define IMVFF_MAPTYP_2_BYTE 2 /* cells are two byte (short int) */
#define IMVFF_MAPTYP_4_BYTE 4 /* cells are four byte (integer) */
#define IMVFF_MAPTYP_FLOAT 5 /* cells are float (single precision) */
#define IMVFF_MAPTYP_COMPLEX 6 /* cells are complex FLOAT */
#define IMVFF_MAPTYP_DOUBLE 7 /* cells are float (double precision) */
/* definitions for mapping schemes,
unsigned long map_scheme; */
#define IMVFF_MS_NONE 0 /* No mapping is to be done, and no
maps are to be stored. */
#define IMVFF_MS_ONEPERBAND 1 /* Each data band has its own map */
#define IMVFF_MS_CYCLE 2 /* An array of maps is selected in order
by groups of maps_per_cycle, allowing
"rotating the color map" */
#define IMVFF_MS_SHARED 3 /* All data band share the same map */
#define IMVFF_MS_GROUP 4 /* All data bands are "grouped"
together to point into one map */
/* definitions for enabling the map,
unsigned long map_enable; */
#define IMVFF_MAP_OPTIONAL 1 /* The data is valid without being
sent thru the color map. If a
map is defined, the data may
optionally be sent thru it. */
#define IMVFF_MAP_FORCE 2 /* The data MUST be sent thru the map
to be interpreted */
#define IMVFF_CM_NONE 0
#define IMVFF_CM_ntscRGB 1
#define IMVFF_CM_ntscCMY 2
#define IMVFF_CM_ntscYIQ 3
#define IMVFF_CM_HSV 4
#define IMVFF_CM_HLS 5
#define IMVFF_CM_IHS 6
#define IMVFF_CM_cieRGB 7
#define IMVFF_CM_cieXYZ 8
#define IMVFF_CM_cieUVW 9
#define IMVFF_CM_cieucsUVW 10
#define IMVFF_CM_cieucsSOW 11
#define IMVFF_CM_cieucsLab 12
#define IMVFF_CM_cieucsLuv 13
#define IMVFF_CM_GENERIC 14 /* the color space is user defined */
#define IMVFF_CM_genericRGB 15 /* an RGB image but not conforming
to any standard */
/* definitions for location type,
unsigned long location_type; */
#define IMVFF_LOC_IMPLICIT 1 /* The location of image pixels
or vector data is given by using
the implied 2D array given by
row_size and col_size. */
#define IMVFF_LOC_EXPLICIT 2 /* The location of the image pixels
or the vectors is explicit */
* imViffHeaderInfo - VIFF file header information
* imViffTgaHeaderFields - VIFF file header fields for binary package
typedef struct imViffHeaderInfo
/* Administrative or file management information */
char viff_identifier; /* a magic number that tells
the world that this is an
Khoros file */
char viff_file_type; /* tells if this file is a VIFF file */
char viff_release; /* release number */
char viff_version; /* version number */
char viff_machine_dep; /* indicates peculiarities of */
/* machine architecture */
char viff_trash[3]; /* preserves word boundaries */
/* groups of 4 bytes */
char viff_comment[512]; /* text for image commentary */
/* Things that specify the spatial properties of the image, pixel
organization, and data storage arrangement. */
unsigned long viff_row_size; /* length of row in pixels,
i.e. number of columns */
unsigned long viff_col_size; /* length of column in pixels,
i.e. number or rows */
unsigned long viff_subrow_size; /* Length of subrows.
This is useful
when one wants pixel vectors to
represent 2D objects (images).
The size of each pixel "image"
would be subrow_size (columns)
by num_data_bands/subrow_size (rows).
This field may be ignored except
by routines that need the 2D
interpretation. */
/* The product of row_size and col_size is used to indicate
the number of locations when the location type is explicit,
the product also indicates the number of pixels in a band,
or the number of vectors. */
long viff_startx, viff_starty; /* subimage starting position (upper
left hand corner), negative indicates
that it is not a subimage */
float viff_pixsizx, viff_pixsizy; /* Actual size of pixel
at time of digitization in meters */
unsigned long viff_location_type; /* implied or explicit location
data (implied locations are
derived from row_size and
col_size */
unsigned long viff_location_dim; /* explicit locations can be of
any dimension */
unsigned long viff_num_of_images; /* number of images
pointed to by *imagedata,
do not confuse with number of
bands */
unsigned long viff_num_data_bands; /* Number of bands per data pixel,
or number of bands per image, or
dimension of vector data, or
number of elements in a vector */
unsigned long viff_data_storage_type; /*storage type for disk data */
unsigned long viff_data_encode_scheme; /*encoding scheme of diskdata*/
/* Things that determine how the mapping (if any) of data bands is
to be done to obtain the actual "image" or data. */
unsigned long viff_map_scheme; /* How mapping (if any) is to occur */
unsigned long viff_map_storage_type; /* Storage type of
cells in the maps */
unsigned long viff_map_row_size; /* number of columns in map array */
unsigned long viff_map_col_size; /* number of entries in map (rows) */
unsigned long viff_map_subrow_size;/*Length of subrows. This is useful
when using the output vector from
the map as a 2-D image, rather
than just a vector. The size of
the 2-D image would be:
map_subrow_size (columns) by
(rows). This field may be ignored
except by routines that need the 2D
interpretation */
unsigned long viff_map_enable; /* Tells if the disk data is valid
with or without being sent thru the
map. Some data MUST be mapped to be
valid. */
unsigned long viff_maps_per_cycle; /* number of maps to constitue
a "cycle" for IMVFF_MS_CYCLE */
/* Specification of the particular color model in use when working with a
color image. This just tells what the coordinate system and axis orientation
of the color space is. */
unsigned long viff_color_space_model;
/* Extra fields for use by the user as needed. These are NOT SUPPORTED
in any way, except for being read and written correctly with respect
to machine dependencies. */
unsigned long viff_ispare1,viff_ispare2; /* Spare long ints */
float viff_fspare1,viff_fspare2; /* Spare floats */
/* Pointers to the actual data - these are valid only when in memory! */
char viff_reserve[IMVIFF_HEADERSIZE - (21*4)
- (520*1)
- (2*4) - (4*4)
- (4*1)];
/* maximum header information is
1024 bytes, what is not currently
used is saved in reserve */
char *viff_maps; /* a pointer to the maps, must be cast into
the proper type */
float *viff_location; /* a pointer to the location data (for
explicit locations, each location is
paired with data pointed to by
*imagedata, all locations are
in float */
char *viff_imagedata; /* a pointer to the input data (straight
off of disk, must be cast into the proper type */
} imViffHeaderInfo;
static BinField imViffHeaderFields[]=
{ UCHAR, 1, 1 }, /* viff_identifier */
{ UCHAR, 1, 1 }, /* viff_file_type */
{ UCHAR, 1, 1 }, /* viff_release */
{ UCHAR, 1, 1 }, /* viff_version */
{ UCHAR, 1, 1 }, /* viff_machine_dep */
{ UCHAR, 1, 3 }, /* viff_trash */
{ UCHAR, 1, 512 }, /* viff_comment */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_row_size */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_col_size */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_subrow_size */
{ LONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_startx */
{ LONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_starty */
{ FLOAT, 4, 1 }, /* viff_pixsizx */
{ FLOAT, 4, 1 }, /* viff_pixsizy */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_location_type */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_location_dim */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_num_of_images */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_num_data_bands */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_data_storage_type */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_data_encode_scheme */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_map_scheme */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_map_storage_type */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_map_row_size */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_map_col_size */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_map_subrow_size */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_map_enable */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_maps_per_cycle */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_color_space_model */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_ispare1 */
{ ULONG, 4, 1 }, /* viff_ipsare2 */
{ FLOAT, 4, 1 }, /* viff_fpsare1 */
{ FLOAT, 4, 1 }, /* viff_fpsare2 */
{ CHAR, 1, (IMVIFF_HEADERSIZE - (21 * 4)
- (520*1)
- (2 *4) - (4*4)
- (4))},/*viff_reserve*/
{ CHAR , 4, 1 }, /* viff_maps */
{ FLOAT , 4, 1 }, /* viff_location */
{ CHAR , 4, 1 }, /* viff_imagedata */
{ 0, 0, 0}
static int /* returns number of tags read in */
#ifdef __STDC__
imViffRead( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable )
imViffRead( ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable )
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to add to */
unsigned char *pBuffer; /* buffer pointer */
ImVfbPtr pPixel; /* VFB pixel pointer */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Read in image */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
ImClt *clt; /* New clt */
ImCltPtr pColor; /* CLT entry pointer */
imViffHeaderInfo header; /* Viff header info pointer */
unsigned char *bufferuc; /* Run buffer(type uchar) */
unsigned char *buffer; /* Run buffer(type uchar) */
long *bufferl; /* Run buffer (type long) */
int i,x,y; /* Counter */
int colortable; /* color map flag */
unsigned long c,n,m,h,w,z,q; /* convenient short names */
char message[100]; /* Tmp error message text */
char *viffName; /* storgae foe comment */
BinByteOrder (BINMBF);
if (ImBinReadStruct (ioType, fd, fp, &header, imViffHeaderFields)==-1)
switch ( header.viff_machine_dep )
BinByteOrder (BINLBF);
ImSeek (ioType,fd,fp,0,0);
if (ImBinReadStruct (ioType, fd, fp, &header, imViffHeaderFields)==-1)
ImErrorFatal( "Unknown header byte order\n", -1, IMESYNTAX );
/* Below is error checking to make sure that the Viff file we are reading in
is the type of Viff file that we wish to translate. Right now there are
a myriad of permutaions of a Viff file only a small subsection that we
actually support. More will be added as requested. */
if (header.viff_file_type!=1) {
sprintf (message, "Invalid Viff file type, may not be a Viff image.\n");
ImErrorFatal (message, -1, IMESYNTAX);
if (header.viff_machine_dep==IMVFF_DEP_NSORDER) {
if ((header.viff_machine_dep!=IMVFF_DEP_IEEEORDER) &
sprintf (message, "Cannot read non-IEEE ordering.\n");
ImErrorFatal (message, -1, IMESYNTAX);
if (header.viff_location_type!=IMVFF_LOC_IMPLICIT) {
sprintf (message, "Can only read implicit images.\n");
ImErrorFatal (message, -1, IMESYNTAX);
if ((header.viff_data_storage_type==IMVFF_TYP_DCOMPLEX) ||
(header.viff_data_storage_type==IMVFF_TYP_4_BYTE) ||
(header.viff_data_storage_type==IMVFF_TYP_DOUBLE) ||
(header.viff_data_storage_type==IMVFF_TYP_COMPLEX) ||
(header.viff_data_storage_type==IMVFF_TYP_FLOAT)) {
sprintf (message, "Cannot read data storage type %d images.\n",
ImErrorFatal (message, -1, IMESYNTAX);
if ((header.viff_data_storage_type==IMVFF_TYP_2_BYTE) &
(header.viff_num_data_bands==3)) {
sprintf (message, "Cannot read 2 bytes per pixel and a 3 band images.\n");
ImErrorFatal (message, -1, IMESYNTAX);
if ((header.viff_data_encode_scheme!=IMVFF_DES_RAW) &
(header.viff_data_encode_scheme!=IMVFF_DES_RLE)) {
sprintf (message, "Cannot read encoding scheme %d images.\n",
ImErrorFatal (message, -1, IMESYNTAX);
if ((header.viff_map_storage_type!=IMVFF_MAPTYP_NONE) &
(header.viff_map_storage_type!=IMVFF_MAPTYP_1_BYTE)) {
sprintf (message, "Cannot read map storage type %d images.\n",
ImErrorFatal (message, -1, IMESYNTAX);
if ((header.viff_color_space_model!=IMVFF_CM_genericRGB) &
(header.viff_color_space_model!=IMVFF_CM_NONE)) {
sprintf (message, "Cannot read color space scheme %d images.\n",
ImErrorFatal (message, -1, IMESYNTAX);
if (header.viff_num_of_images!=1) {
sprintf (message, "%d images in file. Can only read single image file.\n",
ImErrorFatal (message, -1, IMESYNTAX);
if ((header.viff_num_data_bands!=1) & (header.viff_num_data_bands!=3)){
sprintf (message, "There are %d data bands in image. Can only read 1 or 3. \n",header.viff_num_data_bands);
ImErrorFatal (message, -1, IMESYNTAX);
ImInfo ("Image Name", header.viff_comment);
sprintf (message, "%d",header.viff_release);
ImInfo ("Release",message);
sprintf (message, "%d",header.viff_version);
ImInfo ("Version",message);
if (header.viff_machine_dep==IMVFF_DEP_IEEEORDER)
sprintf (message, "Most Significant Byte First");
else sprintf (message, "Least Significant Byte First");
ImInfo ("Byte Order",message);
sprintf (message, "%d",header.viff_num_data_bands);
ImInfo ("Number of Data Bands",message);
sprintf (message, "%d x %d",header.viff_row_size, header.viff_col_size); ImInfo ("Resolution",message);
if (header.viff_data_storage_type==IMVFF_TYP_BIT)
sprintf (message, "1-bit Monochrome");
if (header.viff_data_storage_type==IMVFF_TYP_1_BYTE)
if (header.viff_num_data_bands==1)
sprintf (message, "%d-bit Color Indexed",header.viff_num_data_bands*8);
else sprintf (message, "%d-bit RGB",header.viff_num_data_bands*8);
if (header.viff_data_storage_type==IMVFF_TYP_2_BYTE)
if (header.viff_num_data_bands==1)
sprintf (message, "%d-bit Color Indexed",header.viff_num_data_bands*16);
else sprintf (message, "%d-bit RGB",header.viff_num_data_bands*16);
ImInfo ("Type",message);
w = header.viff_row_size; /* get the width of the image */
h = header.viff_col_size; /* get the height of the image */
c = header.viff_data_encode_scheme; /* get the encode type */
/* Allocate a VFB of the required size and type */
if (header.viff_num_data_bands==3) /* RGB */
if ( (vfb=ImVfbAlloc (w,h,IMVFBRGB)) == IMVFBNULL)
ImErrorFatal (ImQError(), -1, IMEMALLOC);
else if (header.viff_data_storage_type==IMVFF_TYP_1_BYTE)
{ /* index8 */
if ( (vfb=ImVfbAlloc (w,h,IMVFBINDEX8)) == IMVFBNULL)
ImErrorFatal (ImQError(), -1, IMEMALLOC);
else if ( header.viff_data_storage_type == IMVFF_TYP_BIT)
{ /* monochrome image */
if ( (vfb=ImVfbAlloc (w,h,IMVFBMONO)) == IMVFBNULL)
ImErrorFatal (ImQError(), -1, IMEMALLOC);
else if (header.viff_data_storage_type==IMVFF_TYP_2_BYTE)
{ /* index16 */
if ( (vfb=ImVfbAlloc (w,h,IMVFBINDEX16)) == IMVFBNULL)
ImErrorFatal (ImQError(), -1, IMEMALLOC);
if (header.viff_map_scheme)
n= header.viff_map_col_size;
sprintf (message, "%d Entries",header.viff_map_col_size);
ImInfo ("Color Table",message);
if ( (m=header.viff_map_storage_type)!=IMVFF_MAPTYP_1_BYTE)
sprintf (message, "Map storage type %f invalid",
ImErrorFatal (ImQError(), -1, IMEMALLOC);
if ((clt = ImCltAlloc (n)) == IMCLTNULL)
ImErrorFatal (ImQError(), -1, IMEMALLOC);
ImMalloc ( buffer, unsigned char *, sizeof(unsigned char)*n*3);
pColor = ImCltQFirst (clt);
if (header.viff_map_row_size==3)
if (ImBinRead (ioType,fd,fp,buffer, UCHAR, 1, n*3)== -1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
for (i= 0; i<n; i++)
ImCltSRed (pColor, buffer[i]);
pColor = ImCltQFirst (clt);
for (i= 0; i<n; i++)
ImCltSGreen (pColor, buffer[i+n]);
pColor = ImCltQFirst (clt);
for (i= 0; i<n; i++)
ImCltSBlue (pColor, buffer[i+(2*n)]);
/* I am pretty sure next lines are unneeded */
if (header.viff_map_row_size==1)
if (ImBinRead (ioType,fd,fp,buffer, UCHAR, 1, n*1)== -1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
for (i =0; i<n; i++)
ImCltSRed (pColor, buffer[i]);
ImCltSGreen(pColor, buffer[i]);
ImCltSBlue (pColor, buffer[i]);
ImCltSInc (clt, pColor);
free ( (char *)buffer);
/* Send things for printout to iminfo if verbose flag is set */
if (header.viff_data_encode_scheme==IMVFF_DES_RAW)
sprintf (message,"none");
if (header.viff_data_encode_scheme==IMVFF_DES_COMPRESS)
sprintf (message,"ALZ");
if (header.viff_data_encode_scheme==IMVFF_DES_RLE)
sprintf (message,"Run Lenght Encoded (RLE)");
if (header.viff_data_encode_scheme==IMVFF_DES_TRANSFORM)
sprintf (message,"Transform based");
if (header.viff_data_encode_scheme==IMVFF_DES_CCITT)
sprintf (message,"CCITT standard");
if (header.viff_data_encode_scheme==IMVFF_DES_ADPCM)
sprintf (message,"ADPCM");
if (header.viff_data_encode_scheme==IMVFF_DES_GENERIC)
sprintf (message,"User Specified (generic)");
ImInfo ("Compression Type",message);
/* now we read the image pixel data in from our data file */
switch (header.viff_data_storage_type)
case IMVFF_TYP_BIT: /* one monochrome bit per pixel */
imReadViffBit (ioType, fd, fp, vfb, q,h, w,c);
case IMVFF_TYP_1_BYTE: /* one byte per pixel */
imReadViff1Byte (ioType, fd, fp, vfb, q, h,w,c);
imReadViff2Byte (ioType, fd, fp, vfb, q, h,w,c);
/* Attach name field to vfb is there is one */
if (strlen (header.viff_comment) >1)
ImMalloc (viffName, char *, strlen (header.viff_comment)+1);
TagTableAppend (tagTable,TagEntryAlloc("image name",POINTER,&viffName)); }
/* Attach (set) the vfb's color lookup table if one */
if (colortable) ImVfbSClt(vfb, clt);
/* Attach vfb to tag table */
TagTableAppend (tagTable, TagEntryAlloc ("image vfb", POINTER, &vfb));
* imReadViff1Byte - read a file with 1 byte per index that could have
* 1 or 3 bytes of info per pixel.
* 1 byte per pixel info is index8
* 3 bytes per pixel info is RGB
static int /* Returns 1 on successful read */
#ifdef __STDC__
imReadViff1Byte (int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, ImVfb *vfb, int q, unsigned long h, unsigned long w, unsigned long c)
imReadViff1Byte (ioType,fd,fp,vfb, q,h,w,c)
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Read in Image */
int q; /* How many bits per pixel */
unsigned long h; /* Height of image */
unsigned long w; /* width of image */
unsigned long c; /* compression type */
long *bufferl; /* Run buffer (type long) */
long *pBufferl; /* bufferl pointer */
ImVfbPtr pPixel; /*VFB pixel pointer */
int x,y,z; /* Counters */
unsigned char *buffer; /* Run buffer (type uchar) */
unsigned char *pBuffer; /* buffer pointer */
int total; /* Counter for number of bytes encode */
int count; /* Number of bytes to decode */
unsigned char rle; /* wether something is rle or not */
int field; /* red,green, or blue color */
unsigned char leadByte; /* Read in the lead byte */
int expred; /* The five red bits */
int expgreen; /* The five green bits */
int expblue; /* The five blue bits */
pPixel = ImVfbQFirst(vfb);
if (q==1) /* one byte per index */
ImMalloc (buffer, unsigned char *, w * sizeof(unsigned char) );
pPixel = ImVfbQFirst (vfb);
for (y =0; y<h; y++)
if (ImBinRead (ioType,fd,fp,buffer, UCHAR, 1,w) == -1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
pBuffer = buffer;
for (x=0; x<w; x++)
ImVfbSIndex8(vfb, pPixel, *pBuffer++ );
ImVfbSInc(vfb, pPixel);
free ( (char *) buffer);
else {
total=(h*w*1); /* a running count of bytes encode */
field =0; /* Start with the red pixel */
ImMalloc (buffer, unsigned char *, 129);
do {
if (ImBinRead (ioType,fd,fp,buffer,UCHAR,1,1) == -1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
pBuffer = buffer;
leadByte = (*pBuffer++);
rle = (leadByte&0x80); /* rle = first bit */
count = (leadByte&0x7F)+1; /*count=last 7 bytes +1 */
if (rle) /* run length encoded packet */
if (ImBinRead (ioType,fd,fp,buffer,UCHAR,1,1) == -1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
pBuffer = buffer;
for (y=0; y<count; y++)
ImVfbSIndex8(vfb,pPixel, *pBuffer);
else /* non rleencoded packet */
if (ImBinRead (ioType,fd,fp,buffer,UCHAR,1,count) == -1) {
free ( (char *)buffer);
pBuffer = buffer;
for (y=0; y<count; y++)
} while (total>0);
free ( (char *)buffer);
ImMalloc (buffer, unsigned char *, w * sizeof(unsigned char) );
pPixel = ImVfbQFirst (vfb);
for (y =0; y<h; y++)
if (ImBinRead (ioType,fd,fp,buffer,UCHAR,1,1*w) == -1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
pBuffer = buffer;
for (x=0; x<w; x++)
ImVfbSRed(vfb, pPixel, *pBuffer++ );
ImVfbSInc(vfb, pPixel);
pPixel = ImVfbQFirst (vfb);
for (y =0; y<h; y++)
if (ImBinRead (ioType,fd,fp,buffer,UCHAR,1,1*w) == -1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
pBuffer = buffer;
for (x=0; x<w; x++)
ImVfbSGreen(vfb, pPixel, *pBuffer++ );
ImVfbSInc(vfb, pPixel);
pPixel = ImVfbQFirst (vfb);
for (y =0; y<h; y++)
if (ImBinRead (ioType,fd,fp,buffer,UCHAR,1,1*w) == -1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
pBuffer = buffer;
for (x=0; x<w; x++)
ImVfbSBlue(vfb, pPixel, *pBuffer++ );
ImVfbSInc(vfb, pPixel);
free ( (char *) buffer);
else {
ImMalloc (buffer, unsigned char *, 390);
total=h*w*1; /* a running count of bytes decode */
do {
if (ImBinRead (ioType,fd,fp,buffer,UCHAR,1,1) == -1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
pBuffer = buffer;
leadByte = (*pBuffer++);
rle = (leadByte&0x80); /* rle = first bit */
count = (leadByte&0x7F)+1; /*count = last 7 bytes +1 */
if (rle) /* run length encoded packet */
if (ImBinRead (ioType,fd,fp,buffer,UCHAR,1,3) == -1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
pBuffer = buffer;
for (y=0; y<count; y++)
ImVfbSRed (vfb,pPixel, *pBuffer);
ImVfbSGreen(vfb,pPixel, *(pBuffer+1));
ImVfbSBlue (vfb,pPixel, *(pBuffer+2) );
ImVfbSInc (vfb,pPixel);
else /* non rleencoded packet */
if (ImBinRead (ioType,fd,fp,buffer,UCHAR,1,count*3) == -1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
pBuffer = buffer;
for (y=0; y<count; y++)
ImVfbSRed (vfb,pPixel, *pBuffer++ );
ImVfbSGreen(vfb,pPixel, *pBuffer++ );
ImVfbSBlue (vfb,pPixel, *pBuffer++ );
ImVfbSInc (vfb,pPixel);
} while (total>0);
free ( (char *)buffer);
* imReadViff2Byte - read a file with 4 byte per index that could have
* 1 or 3 bytes of info per pixel.
* 1 byte per pixel info is index8
* 3 bytes per pixel info is RGB
static int /* Returns 1 on successful read */
#ifdef __STDC__
imReadViff2Byte (int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, ImVfb *vfb, int q, unsigned long h, unsigned long w, unsigned long c)
imReadViff2Byte (ioType,fd,fp,vfb, q,h,w,c)
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Read in Image */
int q; /* How many bits per pixel */
unsigned long h; /* Height of image */
unsigned long w; /* width of image */
unsigned long c; /* compression type */
ImVfbPtr pPixel; /*VFB pixel pointer */
int x,y,z; /* Counters */
sdsc_uint16 *buffer; /* Run buffer (type unsigned char) */
sdsc_uint16 *pBuffer; /* buffer pointer */
BinByteOrder (BINLBF);
pPixel = ImVfbQFirst(vfb);
if (q==1) /* one byte per index */
ImMalloc (buffer, sdsc_uint16 *, w* sizeof(sdsc_uint16) );
for (y =0; y<h; y++)
if (ImBinRead (ioType,fd,fp,buffer, UINT16, 2,w*1) == -1)
free ( (sdsc_uint16 *)buffer);
pBuffer = buffer;
for (x=0; x<w; x++)
ImVfbSIndex16(vfb,pPixel,*pBuffer++ );
ImVfbSInc(vfb, pPixel);
free ( (sdsc_uint16 *) buffer);
* imReadViffBit - read a file with 1 bit per index - monochrome
static int /* Returns 1 on successful read */
#ifdef __STDC__
imReadViffBit (int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, ImVfb *vfb, int q, unsigned long h, unsigned long w, unsigned long c)
imReadViffBit (ioType,fd,fp,vfb, q,h,w,c)
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Read in Image */
int q; /* How many bits per pixel */
unsigned long h; /* Height of image */
unsigned long w; /* width of image */
unsigned long c; /* compression type */
long *bufferl; /* Run buffer (type long) */
long *pBufferl; /* bufferl pointer */
ImVfbPtr pPixel; /*VFB pixel pointer */
int x,y,z; /* Counters */
unsigned char *buffer; /* Run buffer (type uchar) */
unsigned char *pBuffer; /* buffer pointer */
int total; /* Counter for number of bytes encode */
int count; /* Number of bytes to decode */
unsigned char rle; /* wether something is rle or not */
int field; /* red,green, or blue color */
unsigned char leadByte; /* Read in the lead byte */
unsigned char pixel;
int regular;
switch (c)
regular = ((w+7)/8);
ImMalloc (buffer, unsigned char *, regular);
pPixel = ImVfbQFirst(vfb);
for (y=0;y<h;y++)
if (ImBinRead (ioType,fd,fp,buffer,UCHAR,1,regular) == -1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
for (x=0;x<regular;x++)
pixel = buffer[x];
for (z=0;z<8;z++)
if (count<w){
ImVfbSMono (vfb, pPixel, (pixel&0x01) );
ImVfbSInc (vfb, pPixel);
pixel >>=1;
free ( (char *) buffer);
* imViffWriteMONO - write a Viff monochrome file
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imViffWriteMONO (ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imViffWriteMONO (pMap, ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable)
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to read from */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Read in image */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
unsigned char *buffer; /* line buffer */
unsigned char *pBuffer; /* current location in buffer */
int w,h,n,x,y,z,i,j; /* Counter */
TagEntry *tagEntry; /* Tmp table entry */
unsigned char temp; /* byte to pack with bits */
int count; /* count of number of bits */
unsigned long numDataBands; /* how many data bands it is */
unsigned long dataStorageType; /* storage type of disk data */
unsigned long dataEncodeScheme; /* encodingscheme of disk data */
unsigned long mapScheme; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long colorSpaceModel; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long mapRowSize; /* wether a RGB or greyscale map */
int regular;
unsigned char pixel;
BinByteOrder (BINLBF);
mapRowSize =0;
numDataBands =1;
dataStorageType = IMVFF_TYP_BIT;
dataEncodeScheme = IMVFF_DES_RAW;
mapScheme = IMVFF_MS_NONE;
colorSpaceModel = IMVFF_CM_NONE;
imViffWriteHeader (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable,
numDataBands, dataStorageType, dataEncodeScheme, mapScheme,
TagEntryQValue (TagTableQDirect (tagTable, "image vfb", 0), &vfb);
w = ImVfbQWidth(vfb);
h = ImVfbQHeight(vfb);
/* allocate buffer space for (width*length*3) scan lines */
regular = ((w+7)/8);
ImMalloc (buffer, unsigned char *, regular);
pptr = ImVfbQFirst (vfb);
for (y=0;y<h;y++)
pBuffer = buffer;
for (x=0;x<regular;x++)
for (z=0; z<8; z++)
if (count<w){
temp = (temp&0x01)<<z;
ImVfbSInc (vfb, pptr);
pixel |= temp;
if (ImBinWrite (ioType, fd, fp, buffer, UCHAR,1, regular) ==-1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
ImReturnBinError( );
free ( (char *) buffer);
* imViffWriteINDEX8CLT - write a Viff RGB file that has a clt
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imViffWriteINDEX8CLT (ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imViffWriteINDEX8CLT (pMap, ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable)
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to read from */
unsigned long numDataBands; /* how many data bands it is */
unsigned long dataStorageType; /* storage type of disk data */
unsigned long dataEncodeScheme; /* encodingscheme of disk data */
unsigned long mapScheme; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long colorSpaceModel; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long mapRowSize; /* wether a RGB or greyscale map */
mapRowSize =3;
numDataBands =1;
dataStorageType = IMVFF_TYP_1_BYTE;
dataEncodeScheme = IMVFF_DES_RAW;
colorSpaceModel = IMVFF_CM_genericRGB;
imViffWriteHeader (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable,
numDataBands, dataStorageType, dataEncodeScheme, mapScheme,
imViffWriteINDEX8Data (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable);
* imViffWriteINDEX8NOCLT - write a Viff RGB file that has a clt
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imViffWriteINDEX8NOCLT (ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imViffWriteINDEX8NOCLT (pMap, ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable)
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to read from */
unsigned long numDataBands; /* how many data bands it is */
unsigned long dataStorageType; /* storage type of disk data */
unsigned long dataEncodeScheme; /* encodingscheme of disk data */
unsigned long mapScheme; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long colorSpaceModel; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long mapRowSize; /* wether a RGB or greyscale map */
mapRowSize =0;
numDataBands =1;
dataStorageType = IMVFF_TYP_1_BYTE;
dataEncodeScheme = IMVFF_DES_RAW;
mapScheme = IMVFF_MS_NONE;
colorSpaceModel = IMVFF_CM_NONE;
imViffWriteHeader (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable,
numDataBands, dataStorageType, dataEncodeScheme, mapScheme,
colorSpaceModel, mapRowSize);
imViffWriteINDEX8Data (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable);
* imViffWriteINDEX8Data - write out RGB data
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imViffWriteINDEX8Data (int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imViffWriteINDEX8Data (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable)
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable;
TagTable *tagTable;
ImVfb *vfb; /* Read in image */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
unsigned char *buffer; /* line buffer */
unsigned char *pBuffer; /* current location in buffer */
int n,x,y,i,j; /* Counter */
TagEntry *tagEntry; /* Tmp table entry */
BinByteOrder (BINLBF);
TagEntryQValue (TagTableQDirect (tagTable, "image vfb", 0), &vfb);
x = ImVfbQWidth(vfb);
y = ImVfbQHeight(vfb);
/* allocate buffer space for (width*length*3) scan lines */
ImMalloc (buffer, unsigned char *,x);
pptr = ImVfbQFirst (vfb);
for (j=0; j<y; j++)
pBuffer = buffer;
for (i=0; i<x; i++)
*pBuffer++ = ImVfbQIndex8 (vfb, pptr);
ImVfbSInc (vfb, pptr);
if (ImBinWrite (ioType, fd, fp, buffer, UCHAR,1,pBuffer - buffer) ==-1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
ImReturnBinError( );
free ( (char *) buffer);
* imViffWriteINDEX16CLT - write a Viff INDEX16 file that has a clt
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imViffWriteINDEX16CLT (ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imViffWriteINDEX16CLT (pMap, ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable)
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to read from */
unsigned long numDataBands; /* how many data bands it is */
unsigned long dataStorageType; /* storage type of disk data */
unsigned long dataEncodeScheme; /* encodingscheme of disk data */
unsigned long mapScheme; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long colorSpaceModel; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long mapRowSize; /* wether a RGB or greyscale map */
mapRowSize =3;
numDataBands =1;
dataStorageType = IMVFF_TYP_2_BYTE;
dataEncodeScheme = IMVFF_DES_RAW;
colorSpaceModel = IMVFF_CM_genericRGB;
imViffWriteHeader (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable,
numDataBands, dataStorageType, dataEncodeScheme, mapScheme,
imViffWriteINDEX16Data (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable);
* imViffWriteINDEX8NOCLT - write a Viff RGB file that has a clt
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imViffWriteINDEX16NOCLT (ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imViffWriteINDEX16NOCLT (pMap, ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable)
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to read from */
unsigned long numDataBands; /* how many data bands it is */
unsigned long dataStorageType; /* storage type of disk data */
unsigned long dataEncodeScheme; /* encodingscheme of disk data */
unsigned long mapScheme; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long colorSpaceModel; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long mapRowSize; /* wether a RGB or greyscale map */
mapRowSize =0;
numDataBands =1;
dataStorageType = IMVFF_TYP_2_BYTE;
dataEncodeScheme = IMVFF_DES_RAW;
mapScheme = IMVFF_MS_NONE;
colorSpaceModel = IMVFF_CM_NONE;
imViffWriteHeader (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable,
numDataBands, dataStorageType, dataEncodeScheme, mapScheme,
colorSpaceModel, mapRowSize);
imViffWriteINDEX16Data (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable);
* imViffWriteINDEX16Data - write out RGB data
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imViffWriteINDEX16Data (int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imViffWriteINDEX16Data (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable)
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable;
TagTable *tagTable;
ImVfb *vfb; /* Read in image */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
sdsc_uint16 *buffer; /* line buffer */
sdsc_uint16 *pBuffer; /* current location in buffer */
int n,x,y,i,j; /* Counter */
TagEntry *tagEntry; /* Tmp table entry */
BinByteOrder (BINLBF);
TagEntryQValue (TagTableQDirect (tagTable, "image vfb", 0), &vfb);
x = ImVfbQWidth(vfb);
y = ImVfbQHeight(vfb);
/* allocate buffer space for (width*length*3) scan lines */
ImMalloc (buffer, sdsc_uint16 *, sizeof(sdsc_uint16)*x);
pptr = ImVfbQFirst (vfb);
for (j=0; j<y; j++)
pBuffer = buffer;
for (i=0; i<x; i++)
*pBuffer++ = ImVfbQIndex16 (vfb, pptr);
ImVfbSInc (vfb, pptr);
if (ImBinWrite (ioType, fd, fp, buffer, UINT16,2,pBuffer - buffer) ==-1)
free ( (sdsc_uint16 *)buffer);
ImReturnBinError( );
free ( (sdsc_uint16 *) buffer);
* imViffWriteRGBNOCLT - write a Viff RGB file that has a clt
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imViffWriteRGBNOCLT (ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imViffWriteRGBNOCLT (pMap, ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable)
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to read from */
unsigned long numDataBands; /* how many data bands it is */
unsigned long dataStorageType; /* storage type of disk data */
unsigned long dataEncodeScheme; /* encodingscheme of disk data */
unsigned long mapScheme; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long colorSpaceModel; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long mapRowSize; /* wether a RGB or greyscale map */
mapRowSize = 0;
numDataBands =3;
dataStorageType = IMVFF_TYP_1_BYTE;
dataEncodeScheme = IMVFF_DES_RAW;
mapScheme = IMVFF_MS_NONE;
colorSpaceModel = IMVFF_CM_genericRGB;
imViffWriteHeader (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable,
numDataBands, dataStorageType, dataEncodeScheme, mapScheme,
imViffWriteRGBData (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable);
* imViffWriteRGBCLT - write a Viff RGB file that has a clt
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imViffWriteRGBCLT (ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imViffWriteRGBCLT (pMap, ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable)
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to read from */
unsigned long numDataBands; /* how many data bands it is */
unsigned long dataStorageType; /* storage type of disk data */
unsigned long dataEncodeScheme; /* encodingscheme of disk data */
unsigned long mapScheme; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long colorSpaceModel; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long mapRowSize; /* wether a RGB or greyscale map */
numDataBands =3;
mapRowSize =3;
dataStorageType = IMVFF_TYP_1_BYTE;
dataEncodeScheme = IMVFF_DES_RAW;
colorSpaceModel = IMVFF_CM_genericRGB;
imViffWriteHeader (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable,
numDataBands, dataStorageType, dataEncodeScheme, mapScheme,
colorSpaceModel, mapRowSize);
imViffWriteRGBData (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable);
* imViffWriteRGBData - write out RGB data
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imViffWriteRGBData (int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imViffWriteRGBData (ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable)
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable;
TagTable *tagTable;
ImVfb *vfb; /* Read in image */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
unsigned char *buffer; /* line buffer */
unsigned char *pBuffer; /* current location in buffer */
int n,x,y,i,j; /* Counter */
TagEntry *tagEntry; /* Tmp table entry */
BinByteOrder (BINLBF);
TagEntryQValue (TagTableQDirect (tagTable, "image vfb", 0), &vfb);
x = ImVfbQWidth(vfb);
y = ImVfbQHeight(vfb);
/* allocate buffer space for (width*length*3) scan lines */
ImMalloc (buffer, unsigned char *, x);
pptr = ImVfbQFirst (vfb);
for (j=0; j<y; j++)
pBuffer = buffer;
for (i=0; i<x; i++)
*pBuffer++ = ImVfbQRed (vfb, pptr);
ImVfbSInc (vfb, pptr);
if (ImBinWrite (ioType, fd, fp, buffer, UCHAR,1,pBuffer - buffer) ==-1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
ImReturnBinError( );
pptr = ImVfbQFirst (vfb);
for (j=0; j<y; j++)
pBuffer = buffer;
for (i=0; i<x; i++)
*pBuffer++ = ImVfbQGreen (vfb, pptr);
ImVfbSInc (vfb, pptr);
if (ImBinWrite (ioType, fd, fp, buffer, UCHAR,1,pBuffer - buffer) ==-1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
ImReturnBinError( );
pptr = ImVfbQFirst (vfb);
for (j=0; j<y; j++)
pBuffer = buffer;
for (i=0; i<x; i++)
*pBuffer++ = ImVfbQBlue (vfb, pptr);
ImVfbSInc (vfb, pptr);
if (ImBinWrite (ioType, fd, fp, buffer, UCHAR,1,pBuffer - buffer) ==-1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
ImReturnBinError( );
free ( (char *)buffer);
return (1);
* imViffWriteHeader - write a Viff file header
* Based on info passed to it a standard Viff file header written out.
* If there is a color lookup table then it too is written out.
* If there is a name field it too is written out.
static int /* Returns # of tags used */
#ifdef __STDC__
imViffWriteHeader( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable,unsigned long numDataBands,
unsigned long dataStorageType, unsigned long dataEncodeScheme, unsigned long mapScheme,
unsigned long colorSpaceModel, unsigned long mapRowSize )
imViffWriteHeader( ioType, fd, fp,flagsTable, tagTable,numDataBands,
dataStorageType, dataEncodeScheme, mapScheme,
colorSpaceModel, mapRowSize )
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable;
TagTable *tagTable;
unsigned long numDataBands; /* how many data bands it is */
unsigned long dataStorageType; /* storage type of disk data */
unsigned long dataEncodeScheme; /* encodingscheme of disk data */
unsigned long mapScheme; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long colorSpaceModel; /* how mapping is to happen */
unsigned long mapRowSize; /* wether it is a RGB or greyscale map*/
ImVfb *vfb; /* Read in image */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
ImClt *clt; /* CLT pointer */
ImCltPtr pColor;
imViffHeaderInfo header; /* Tga file header */
unsigned char *buffer; /* line buffer */
unsigned char *pBuffer; /* current location in buffer */
int n,x,y,i,j; /* Counter */
TagEntry *tagEntry; /* Tmp table entry */
char *tmpString; /* Tmp string holder */
char message[1024];
/* Set up and write out the header */
BinByteOrder (BINLBF);
TagEntryQValue (TagTableQDirect (tagTable, "image vfb", 0), &vfb);
clt = ImVfbQClt(vfb);
memset ( (void *) &header,0x00, sizeof(header));
/* Get the name field if there is one */
tagEntry = TagTableQDirect (tagTable, "image name",0);
if (tagEntry == TAGENTRYNULL) strcpy (header.viff_comment,"no name");
TagEntryQValue(tagEntry, &tmpString);
strncpy (header.viff_comment,tmpString,512);
ImInfo ("Image Name",header.viff_comment);
if ( (clt==IMCLTNULL) || (mapRowSize==0) )
header.viff_map_col_size =0; else header.viff_map_col_size=ImCltQNColors(clt);
if ((numDataBands==3) & (colorSpaceModel==IMVFF_CM_genericRGB))
header.viff_map_enable = IMVFF_MAP_OPTIONAL;
else if (colorSpaceModel==IMVFF_MS_NONE)
header.viff_map_enable = IMVFF_MAP_OPTIONAL;
else header.viff_map_enable = IMVFF_MAP_FORCE;
strcpy( header.viff_reserve,"nothing");
if (ImBinWriteStruct (ioType, fd, fp, &header, imViffHeaderFields) ==-1)
ImReturnBinError( );
sprintf (message, "%d",header.viff_release);
ImInfo ("Release",message);
sprintf (message, "%d",header.viff_version);
ImInfo ("Version",message);
if (header.viff_machine_dep==IMVFF_DEP_IEEEORDER)
sprintf (message, "Most Significant Byte First");
else sprintf (message, "Least Significant Byte First");
ImInfo ("Byte Order",message);
sprintf (message, "%d",header.viff_num_data_bands);
ImInfo ("Number of Data Bands",message);
sprintf (message, "%d x %d",header.viff_row_size, header.viff_col_size); ImInfo ("Resolution",message);
if (header.viff_data_storage_type==IMVFF_TYP_BIT)
sprintf (message, "1-bit Monochrome");
if (header.viff_data_storage_type==IMVFF_TYP_1_BYTE)
if (header.viff_num_data_bands==1)
sprintf (message, "%d-bit Color Indexed",header.viff_num_data_bands*8);
else sprintf (message, "%d-bit RGB",header.viff_num_data_bands*8);
if (header.viff_data_storage_type==IMVFF_TYP_2_BYTE)
if (header.viff_num_data_bands==1)
sprintf (message, "%d-bit Color Indexed",header.viff_num_data_bands*16);
else sprintf (message, "%d-bit RGB",header.viff_num_data_bands*16);
ImInfo ("Type",message);
if ( (mapScheme!=IMVFF_MS_NONE) & (clt!=IMCLTNULL))
ImMalloc (buffer, unsigned char *, mapRowSize*header.viff_map_col_size)
pColor = ImCltQFirst(clt);
pBuffer = buffer;
for (j=0; j<header.viff_map_col_size; j++)
*pBuffer++ = ImCltQRed( pColor);
ImCltSInc(clt, pColor);
pColor = ImCltQFirst(clt);
for (j=0; j<header.viff_map_col_size; j++)
*pBuffer++ = ImCltQGreen( pColor);
ImCltSInc(clt, pColor);
pColor = ImCltQFirst(clt);
for (j=0; j<header.viff_map_col_size; j++)
*pBuffer++ = ImCltQBlue( pColor);
ImCltSInc(clt, pColor);
if (ImBinWrite (ioType, fd, fp, buffer, UCHAR,1,pBuffer - buffer) ==-1)
free ( (char *)buffer);
ImReturnBinError( );
free ( ( char *)buffer);
sprintf (message, "%d Entries",header.viff_map_col_size);
ImInfo ("Color Table",message);
/* Send things for printout to iminfo if verbose flag is set */
if (header.viff_data_encode_scheme==IMVFF_DES_RAW)
sprintf (message,"none");
if (header.viff_data_encode_scheme==IMVFF_DES_COMPRESS)
sprintf (message,"ALZ");
if (header.viff_data_encode_scheme==IMVFF_DES_RLE)
sprintf (message,"Run Lenght Encoded (RLE)");
if (header.viff_data_encode_scheme==IMVFF_DES_TRANSFORM)
sprintf (message,"Transform based");
if (header.viff_data_encode_scheme==IMVFF_DES_CCITT)
sprintf (message,"CCITT standard");
if (header.viff_data_encode_scheme==IMVFF_DES_ADPCM)
sprintf (message,"ADPCM");
if (header.viff_data_encode_scheme==IMVFF_DES_GENERIC)
sprintf (message,"User Specified (generic)");
ImInfo ("Compression Type",message);