//b_spawn.cpp //added by MCG // leave this line at the top for all NPC_xxxx.cpp files... #include "g_headers.h" #include "b_local.h" #include "anims.h" #include "g_functions.h" #include "g_icarus.h" #include "wp_saber.h" extern cvar_t *g_sex; extern qboolean G_CheckInSolid (gentity_t *self, qboolean fix); extern void ClientUserinfoChanged( int clientNum ); extern qboolean SpotWouldTelefrag2( gentity_t *mover, vec3_t dest ); extern void Jedi_Cloak( gentity_t *self ); //extern void FX_BorgTeleport( vec3_t org ); extern void Q3_SetParm (int entID, int parmNum, const char *parmValue); extern team_t TranslateTeamName( const char *name ); extern char *TeamNames[TEAM_NUM_TEAMS]; //extern void CG_ShimmeryThing_Spawner( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, float radius, qboolean taper, int duration ); extern void Q3_DebugPrint( int level, const char *format, ... ); //extern void NPC_StasisSpawnEffect( gentity_t *ent ); extern void PM_SetTorsoAnimTimer( gentity_t *ent, int *torsoAnimTimer, int time ); extern void PM_SetLegsAnimTimer( gentity_t *ent, int *legsAnimTimer, int time ); extern void WP_SaberInitBladeData( gentity_t *ent ); extern void ST_ClearTimers( gentity_t *ent ); extern void Jedi_ClearTimers( gentity_t *ent ); extern void NPC_ShadowTrooper_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_Gonk_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_Mouse_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_Seeker_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_Remote_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_R2D2_Precache(void); extern void NPC_R5D2_Precache(void); extern void NPC_Probe_Precache(void); extern void NPC_Interrogator_Precache(gentity_t *self); extern void NPC_MineMonster_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_Howler_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_ATST_Precache(void); extern void NPC_Sentry_Precache(void); extern void NPC_Mark1_Precache(void); extern void NPC_GalakMech_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_GalakMech_Init( gentity_t *ent ); #define NSF_DROP_TO_FLOOR 16 extern gitem_t *FindItemForAmmo( ammo_t ammo ); //void HirogenAlpha_Precache( void ); /* ------------------------- NPC_PainFunc ------------------------- */ painFunc_t NPC_PainFunc( gentity_t *ent ) { painFunc_t func; if ( ent->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER ) { func = painF_NPC_Jedi_Pain; } else { // team no longer indicates race/species, use NPC_class to determine different npc types /* switch ( ent->client->playerTeam ) { default: func = painF_NPC_Pain; break; } */ switch( ent->client->NPC_class ) { // troopers get special pain case CLASS_STORMTROOPER: case CLASS_SWAMPTROOPER: func = painF_NPC_ST_Pain; break; case CLASS_SEEKER: func = painF_NPC_Seeker_Pain; break; case CLASS_REMOTE: func = painF_NPC_Remote_Pain; break; case CLASS_MINEMONSTER: func = painF_NPC_MineMonster_Pain; break; case CLASS_HOWLER: func = painF_NPC_Howler_Pain; break; // all other droids, did I miss any? case CLASS_GONK: case CLASS_R2D2: case CLASS_R5D2: case CLASS_MOUSE: case CLASS_PROTOCOL: case CLASS_INTERROGATOR: func = painF_NPC_Droid_Pain; break; case CLASS_PROBE: func = painF_NPC_Probe_Pain; break; case CLASS_SENTRY: func = painF_NPC_Sentry_Pain; break; case CLASS_MARK1: func = painF_NPC_Mark1_Pain; break; case CLASS_MARK2: func = painF_NPC_Mark2_Pain; break; case CLASS_ATST: func = painF_NPC_ATST_Pain; break; case CLASS_GALAKMECH: func = painF_NPC_GM_Pain; break; // everyone else gets the normal pain func default: func = painF_NPC_Pain; break; } } return func; } /* ------------------------- NPC_TouchFunc ------------------------- */ touchFunc_t NPC_TouchFunc( gentity_t *ent ) { return touchF_NPC_Touch; } /* ------------------------- NPC_SetMiscDefaultData ------------------------- */ extern void G_CreateG2AttachedWeaponModel( gentity_t *ent, const char *weaponModel ); void NPC_SetMiscDefaultData( gentity_t *ent ) { if ( ent->spawnflags & SFB_CINEMATIC ) {//if a cinematic guy, default us to wait bState ent->NPC->behaviorState = BS_CINEMATIC; } //***I'm not sure whether I should leave this as a TEAM_ switch, I think NPC_class may be more appropriate - dmv switch(ent->client->playerTeam) { case TEAM_PLAYER: //ent->flags |= FL_NO_KNOCKBACK; if ( ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SEEKER ) { ent->NPC->defaultBehavior = BS_DEFAULT; ent->client->ps.gravity = 0; ent->svFlags |= SVF_CUSTOM_GRAVITY; ent->NPC->stats.moveType = MT_FLYSWIM; ent->count = 30; // SEEKER shot ammo count return; } else if ( ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_JEDI || ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_LUKE ) {//good jedi ent->client->ps.saberActive = qfalse; ent->client->ps.saberLength = 0; WP_SaberInitBladeData( ent ); G_CreateG2AttachedWeaponModel( ent, ent->client->ps.saberModel ); ent->client->enemyTeam = TEAM_ENEMY; WP_InitForcePowers( ent ); Jedi_ClearTimers( ent ); if ( ent->spawnflags & JSF_AMBUSH ) {//ambusher ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_IGNORE_ALERTS; ent->client->noclip = qtrue;//hang } } else { if (ent->client->ps.weapon != WP_NONE) { G_CreateG2AttachedWeaponModel( ent, weaponData[ent->client->ps.weapon].weaponMdl ); } switch ( ent->client->ps.weapon ) { case WP_BRYAR_PISTOL://FIXME: new weapon: imp blaster pistol case WP_BLASTER_PISTOL: case WP_DISRUPTOR: case WP_BOWCASTER: case WP_REPEATER: case WP_DEMP2: case WP_FLECHETTE: case WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: default: break; case WP_THERMAL: case WP_BLASTER: //FIXME: health in NPCs.cfg, and not all blaster users are stormtroopers //ent->health = 25; //FIXME: not necc. a ST ST_ClearTimers( ent ); if ( ent->NPC->rank >= RANK_LT || ent->client->ps.weapon == WP_THERMAL ) {//officers, grenade-throwers use alt-fire //ent->health = 50; ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_ALT_FIRE; } break; } } if ( ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_KYLE || (ent->spawnflags & SFB_CINEMATIC) ) { ent->NPC->defaultBehavior = BS_CINEMATIC; } else { ent->NPC->defaultBehavior = BS_FOLLOW_LEADER; ent->client->leader = &g_entities[0]; } break; case TEAM_NEUTRAL: if ( Q_stricmp( ent->NPC_type, "gonk" ) == 0 ) { // I guess we generically make them player usable ent->svFlags |= SVF_PLAYER_USABLE; // Not even sure if we want to give different levels of batteries? ...Or even that these are the values we'd want to use. switch ( g_spskill->integer ) { case 0: // EASY ent->client->ps.batteryCharge = MAX_BATTERIES * 0.8f; break; case 1: // MEDIUM ent->client->ps.batteryCharge = MAX_BATTERIES * 0.75f; break; default : case 2: // HARD ent->client->ps.batteryCharge = MAX_BATTERIES * 0.5f; break; } } break; case TEAM_ENEMY: { ent->NPC->defaultBehavior = BS_DEFAULT; if ( ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SHADOWTROOPER ) {//FIXME: a spawnflag? Jedi_Cloak( ent ); } if( ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION || ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_REBORN || ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_DESANN || ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SHADOWTROOPER ) { ent->client->ps.saberActive = qfalse; ent->client->ps.saberLength = 0; WP_SaberInitBladeData( ent ); G_CreateG2AttachedWeaponModel( ent, ent->client->ps.saberModel ); WP_InitForcePowers( ent ); ent->client->enemyTeam = TEAM_PLAYER; Jedi_ClearTimers( ent ); if ( ent->spawnflags & JSF_AMBUSH ) {//ambusher ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_IGNORE_ALERTS; ent->client->noclip = qtrue;//hang } } else if( ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_PROBE || ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_REMOTE || ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_INTERROGATOR || ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SENTRY) { ent->NPC->defaultBehavior = BS_DEFAULT; ent->client->ps.gravity = 0; ent->svFlags |= SVF_CUSTOM_GRAVITY; ent->NPC->stats.moveType = MT_FLYSWIM; } else { G_CreateG2AttachedWeaponModel( ent, weaponData[ent->client->ps.weapon].weaponMdl ); switch ( ent->client->ps.weapon ) { case WP_BRYAR_PISTOL: break; case WP_BLASTER_PISTOL: break; case WP_DISRUPTOR: //Sniper ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_ALT_FIRE;//FIXME: use primary fire sometimes? Up close? Different class of NPC? break; case WP_BOWCASTER: break; case WP_REPEATER: //machine-gunner break; case WP_DEMP2: break; case WP_FLECHETTE: //shotgunner if ( !Q_stricmp( "stofficeralt", ent->NPC_type ) ) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_ALT_FIRE; } break; case WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: break; case WP_THERMAL: //Gran, use main, bouncy fire // ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_ALT_FIRE; break; case WP_MELEE: break; default: case WP_BLASTER: //FIXME: health in NPCs.cfg, and not all blaster users are stormtroopers //FIXME: not necc. a ST ST_ClearTimers( ent ); if ( ent->NPC->rank >= RANK_COMMANDER ) {//commanders use alt-fire ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_ALT_FIRE; } if ( !Q_stricmp( "rodian2", ent->NPC_type ) ) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_ALT_FIRE; } break; } if ( !Q_stricmp( "galak_mech", ent->NPC_type ) ) {//starts with armor NPC_GalakMech_Init( ent ); } } } break; default: break; } if ( ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ATST) { ent->flags |= (FL_SHIELDED|FL_NO_KNOCKBACK); } } /* ------------------------- NPC_WeaponsForTeam ------------------------- */ int NPC_WeaponsForTeam( team_t team, int spawnflags, const char *NPC_type ) { //*** not sure how to handle this, should I pass in class instead of team and go from there? - dmv switch(team) { // no longer exists // case TEAM_BORG: // break; // case TEAM_HIROGEN: // if( Q_stricmp( "hirogenalpha", NPC_type ) == 0 ) // return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER); //Falls through // case TEAM_KLINGON: //NOTENOTE: Falls through // case TEAM_IMPERIAL: case TEAM_ENEMY: if ( Q_stricmp( "tavion", NPC_type ) == 0 || Q_strncmp( "reborn", NPC_type, 6 ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( "desann", NPC_type ) == 0 || Q_strncmp( "shadowtrooper", NPC_type, 13 ) == 0 ) return ( 1 << WP_SABER); // return ( 1 << WP_IMPERIAL_BLADE); //NOTENOTE: Falls through if not a knife user // case TEAM_SCAVENGERS: // case TEAM_MALON: //FIXME: default weapon in npc config? if ( Q_strncmp( "stofficer", NPC_type, 9 ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_FLECHETTE); } if ( Q_stricmp( "stcommander", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_REPEATER); } if ( Q_stricmp( "swamptrooper", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_FLECHETTE); } if ( Q_stricmp( "swamptrooper2", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_REPEATER); } if ( Q_stricmp( "rockettrooper", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER); } if ( Q_strncmp( "shadowtrooper", NPC_type, 13 ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_SABER);//|( 1 << WP_RAPID_CONCUSSION)? } if ( Q_stricmp( "imperial", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER_PISTOL); } if ( Q_stricmp( "impworker", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER_PISTOL); } if ( Q_stricmp( "stormpilot", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER_PISTOL); } if ( Q_stricmp( "galak", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER); } if ( Q_stricmp( "galak_mech", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_REPEATER); } if ( Q_stricmp( "ugnaught", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return WP_NONE; } if ( Q_stricmp( "gran", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return (( 1 << WP_THERMAL)|( 1 << WP_MELEE)); } if ( Q_stricmp( "granshooter", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER); } if ( Q_stricmp( "granboxer", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_MELEE); } if ( Q_stricmp( "rodian", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_DISRUPTOR); } if ( Q_stricmp( "rodian2", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER); } if (( Q_stricmp( "interrogator",NPC_type) == 0) || ( Q_stricmp( "sentry",NPC_type) == 0) || (Q_strncmp( "protocol",NPC_type,8) == 0) ) { return WP_NONE; } if ( Q_stricmp( "weequay", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_BOWCASTER);//|( 1 << WP_STAFF )(FIXME: new weap?) } if ( Q_stricmp( "impofficer", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER); } if ( Q_stricmp( "impcommander", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER); } if (( Q_stricmp( "probe", NPC_type ) == 0 ) || ( Q_stricmp( "seeker", NPC_type ) == 0 )) { return ( 1 << WP_BOT_LASER); } if ( Q_stricmp( "remote", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return ( 1 << WP_BOT_LASER ); } if ( Q_stricmp( "trandoshan", NPC_type ) == 0 ) { return (1<client->playerTeam, ent->spawnflags, ent->NPC_type ); // these teams are gone now anyway, plus all team stuff should be read in from the config file /* switch ( ent->client->playerTeam ) { case TEAM_KLINGON: case TEAM_MALON: case TEAM_HIROGEN: case TEAM_IMPERIAL: ent->client->playerTeam = TEAM_SCAVENGERS; break; } */ ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = 0; for ( int curWeap = WP_SABER; curWeap < WP_NUM_WEAPONS; curWeap++ ) { if ( (weapons & ( 1 << curWeap )) ) { ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << curWeap ); RegisterItem( FindItemForWeapon( (weapon_t)(curWeap) ) ); //precache the weapon ent->NPC->currentAmmo = ent->client->ps.ammo[weaponData[curWeap].ammoIndex] = 100;//FIXME: max ammo if ( bestWeap == WP_SABER ) { // still want to register other weapons -- force saber to be best weap continue; } if ( curWeap == WP_MELEE ) { if ( bestWeap == WP_NONE ) {// We'll only consider giving Melee since we haven't found anything better yet. bestWeap = curWeap; } } else if ( curWeap > bestWeap || bestWeap == WP_MELEE ) { // This will never override saber as best weap. Also will override WP_MELEE if something better comes later in the list bestWeap = curWeap; } } } ent->client->ps.weapon = bestWeap; ent->client->ps.weaponstate = WEAPON_IDLE; ChangeWeapon( ent, bestWeap ); } /* ------------------------- NPC_SpawnEffect NOTE: Make sure any effects called here have their models, tga's and sounds precached in CG_RegisterNPCEffects in cg_player.cpp ------------------------- */ void NPC_SpawnEffect (gentity_t *ent) { /* gentity_t *tent; // NOTE: Make sure any effects called here have their models, tga's and sounds precached in // CG_RegisterNPCEffects in cg_player.cpp switch( ent->client->playerTeam ) { case TEAM_BORG: // FX_BorgTeleport( ent->client->ps.origin ); break; case TEAM_PARASITE: case TEAM_BOTS: default: break; } */ } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // NPC_SetFX_SpawnStates // // Set up any special parms for spawn effects //-------------------------------------------------------------- void NPC_SetFX_SpawnStates( gentity_t *ent ) { // stasis, 8472, etc no longer exist. However if certain NPC's need customized spawn effects, use // NPC_class instead of TEAM_ /* // -Etherians ------- if ( ent->client->playerTeam == TEAM_STASIS ) { ent->svFlags |= SVF_CUSTOM_GRAVITY; ent->client->ps.gravity = 300; // The spawn effect can happen, so it's ok to do this extra setup stuff for the effect. ent->fx_time = level.time; ent->s.eFlags |= EF_SCALE_UP; ent->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_SCALE_UP; // Make it really small to start with VectorSet( ent->->s.modelScale, 0.001,0.001,0.001 ); } else */ { ent->client->ps.gravity = g_gravity->value; } /* // -Hunterseeker ------- if ( !stricmp( ent->NPC_type, "hunterseeker" ) ) { // Set the custom banking flag ent->s.eFlags |= EF_BANK_STRAFE; ent->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_BANK_STRAFE; } // -8472 ------- if ( ent->client->playerTeam == TEAM_8472 ) { // The spawn effect can happen, so it's ok to do this extra setup stuff for the effect. ent->fx_time = level.time; ent->s.eFlags |= EF_SCALE_UP; ent->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_SCALE_UP; // Make it really small to start with VectorSet( ent->s.modelScale, 0.001,0.001,1 ); } // -Forge ----- if ( ent->client->playerTeam == TEAM_FORGE ) { // The spawn effect can happen, so it's ok to do this extra setup stuff for the effect. ent->fx_time = level.time; ent->s.eFlags |= EF_SCALE_UP; ent->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_SCALE_UP; // Make it really small to start with VectorSet( ent->s.modelScale, 0.001,0.001,1 ); } */ } //-------------------------------------------------------------- extern qboolean stop_icarus; void NPC_Begin (gentity_t *ent) { vec3_t spawn_origin, spawn_angles; gclient_t *client; usercmd_t ucmd; gentity_t *spawnPoint = NULL; memset( &ucmd, 0, sizeof( ucmd ) ); if ( !(ent->spawnflags & SFB_NOTSOLID) ) {//No NPCs should telefrag if( SpotWouldTelefrag( ent, TEAM_FREE ) )//(team_t)(ent->client->playerTeam) { if ( ent->wait < 0 ) {//remove yourself Q3_DebugPrint( WL_DEBUG, "NPC %s could not spawn, firing target3 (%s) and removing self\n", ent->targetname, ent->target3 ); //Fire off our target3 G_UseTargets2( ent, ent, ent->target3 ); //Kill us ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_G_FreeEntity; ent->nextthink = level.time + 100; } else { Q3_DebugPrint( WL_DEBUG, "NPC %s could not spawn, waiting %4.2 secs to try again\n", ent->targetname, ent->wait/1000.0f ); ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_NPC_Begin; ent->nextthink = level.time + ent->wait;//try again in half a second } return; } } //Spawn effect NPC_SpawnEffect( ent ); VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.origin, spawn_origin); VectorCopy( ent->s.angles, spawn_angles); spawn_angles[YAW] = ent->NPC->desiredYaw; client = ent->client; // increment the spawncount so the client will detect the respawn client->ps.persistant[PERS_SPAWN_COUNT]++; client->airOutTime = level.time + 12000; client->ps.clientNum = ent->s.number; // clear entity values if ( ent->health ) // Was health supplied in map { ent->max_health = client->pers.maxHealth = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = ent->health; } else if ( ent->NPC->stats.health ) // Was health supplied in NPC.cfg? { ent->max_health = client->pers.maxHealth = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = ent->NPC->stats.health; } else { ent->max_health = client->pers.maxHealth = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = 100; } ent->s.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE; ent->mass = 10; ent->takedamage = qtrue; ent->inuse = qtrue; ent->classname = "NPC"; // if ( ent->client->race == RACE_HOLOGRAM ) // {//can shoot through holograms, but not walk through them // ent->contents = CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP|CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP|CONTENTS_ITEM;//contents_corspe to make them show up in ID and use traces // ent->clipmask = MASK_NPCSOLID; // } else if(!(ent->spawnflags & SFB_NOTSOLID)) { ent->contents = CONTENTS_BODY; ent->clipmask = MASK_NPCSOLID; } else { ent->contents = 0; ent->clipmask = MASK_NPCSOLID&~CONTENTS_BODY; } if(!ent->NPC->stats.moveType)//Static? { ent->NPC->stats.moveType = MT_RUNJUMP; } ent->e_DieFunc = dieF_player_die; ent->waterlevel = 0; ent->watertype = 0; //visible to player and NPCs if ( ent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_R2D2 && ent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_R5D2 && ent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_MOUSE && ent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_GONK && ent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_PROTOCOL ) { ent->flags &= ~FL_NOTARGET; } ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_NODRAW; NPC_SetFX_SpawnStates( ent ); client->ps.friction = 6; NPC_SetWeapons(ent); VectorCopy( spawn_origin, client->ps.origin ); // the respawned flag will be cleared after the attack and jump keys come up client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_RESPAWNED; // clear entity state values ent->s.eType = ET_PLAYER; ent->s.eFlags |= EF_NPC; // ent->s.skinNum = ent - g_entities - 1; // used as index to get custom models VectorCopy (spawn_origin, ent->s.origin); // ent->s.origin[2] += 1; // make sure off ground SetClientViewAngle( ent, spawn_angles ); client->renderInfo.lookTarget = ENTITYNUM_NONE; if(!(ent->spawnflags & 64)) { G_KillBox( ent ); gi.linkentity (ent); } // don't allow full run speed for a bit client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK; client->ps.pm_time = 100; client->respawnTime = level.time; client->inactivityTime = level.time + g_inactivity->value * 1000; client->latched_buttons = 0; // set default animations NPC_SetAnim( ent, SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_STAND1, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); if( spawnPoint ) { // fire the targets of the spawn point G_UseTargets( spawnPoint, ent ); } //ICARUS include ICARUS_InitEnt( ent ); //==NPC initialization SetNPCGlobals( ent ); ent->enemy = NULL; NPCInfo->timeOfDeath = 0; NPCInfo->shotTime = 0; NPC_ClearGoal(); NPC_ChangeWeapon( ent->client->ps.weapon ); //==Final NPC initialization ent->e_PainFunc = NPC_PainFunc( ent ); //painF_NPC_Pain; ent->e_TouchFunc = NPC_TouchFunc( ent ); //touchF_NPC_Touch; // ent->NPC->side = 1; ent->client->ps.ping = ent->NPC->stats.reactions * 50; //MCG - Begin: NPC hacks //FIXME: Set the team correctly ent->client->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] = ent->client->playerTeam; ent->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_NPC; ent->e_UseFunc = useF_NPC_Use; ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_NPC_Think; ent->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME + Q_irand(0, 100); NPC_SetMiscDefaultData( ent ); if ( ent->health <= 0 ) { //ORIGINAL ID: health will count down towards max_health ent->health = client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = ent->max_health; } else { client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = ent->max_health = ent->health; } ChangeWeapon( ent, ent->client->ps.weapon );//yes, again... sigh if ( !(ent->spawnflags & SFB_STARTINSOLID) ) {//Not okay to start in solid G_CheckInSolid( ent, qtrue ); } VectorClear( ent->NPC->lastClearOrigin ); //Run a script if you have one assigned to you if ( G_ActivateBehavior( ent, BSET_SPAWN ) ) { if( ent->taskManager && !stop_icarus ) { ent->taskManager->Update(); } } VectorCopy( ent->currentOrigin, ent->client->renderInfo.eyePoint ); // run a client frame to drop exactly to the floor, // initialize animations and other things memset( &ucmd, 0, sizeof( ucmd ) ); _VectorCopy( client->pers.cmd_angles, ucmd.angles ); ent->client->ps.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE; ClientThink( ent->s.number, &ucmd ); gi.linkentity( ent ); } gNPC_t *New_NPC_t() { gNPC_t *ptr = (gNPC_t *)G_Alloc (sizeof(gNPC_t)); if (ptr) { // clear it... // memset(ptr, 0, sizeof( *ptr ) ); } return ptr; } /* ------------------------- NPC_StasisSpawn_Go ------------------------- */ /* qboolean NPC_StasisSpawn_Go( gentity_t *ent ) { //Setup an owner pointer if we need it if VALIDSTRING( ent->ownername ) { ent->owner = G_Find( NULL, FOFS( targetname ), ent->ownername ); if ( ( ent->owner ) && ( ent->owner->health <= 0 ) ) {//our spawner thing is broken if ( ent->target2 && ent->target2[0] ) { //Fire off our target2 G_UseTargets2( ent, ent, ent->target2 ); //Kill us ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_G_FreeEntity; ent->nextthink = level.time + 100; } else { //Try to spawn again in one second ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_NPC_Spawn_Go; ent->nextthink = level.time + 1000; } return qfalse; } } //Test for an entity blocking the spawn trace_t tr; gi.trace( &tr, ent->currentOrigin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, ent->currentOrigin, ent->s.number, MASK_NPCSOLID ); //Can't have anything in the way if ( tr.allsolid || tr.startsolid ) { ent->nextthink = level.time + 1000; return qfalse; } return qtrue; } */ void NPC_DefaultScriptFlags( gentity_t *ent ) { if ( !ent || !ent->NPC ) { return; } //Set up default script flags ent->NPC->scriptFlags = (SCF_CHASE_ENEMIES|SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES); } /* ------------------------- NPC_Spawn_Go ------------------------- */ void NPC_Spawn_Go( gentity_t *ent ) { gentity_t *newent; int index; vec3_t saveOrg; /* //Do extra code for stasis spawners if ( Q_stricmp( ent->classname, "NPC_Stasis" ) == 0 ) { if ( NPC_StasisSpawn_Go( ent ) == qfalse ) return; } */ //Test for drop to floor if ( ent->spawnflags & NSF_DROP_TO_FLOOR ) { trace_t tr; vec3_t bottom; VectorCopy( ent->currentOrigin, saveOrg ); VectorCopy( ent->currentOrigin, bottom ); bottom[2] = MIN_WORLD_COORD; gi.trace( &tr, ent->currentOrigin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, bottom, ent->s.number, MASK_NPCSOLID ); if ( !tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid && tr.fraction < 1.0 ) { G_SetOrigin( ent, tr.endpos ); } } //Check the spawner's count if( ent->count != -1 ) { ent->count--; if( ent->count <= 0 ) { ent->e_UseFunc = useF_NULL;//never again //FIXME: why not remove me...? Because of all the string pointers? Just do G_NewStrings? } } newent = G_Spawn(); if ( newent == NULL ) { gi.Printf ( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: NPC G_Spawn failed\n" ); goto finish; return; } newent->svFlags |= SVF_NPC; newent->fullName = ent->fullName; newent->NPC = New_NPC_t(); if ( newent->NPC == NULL ) { gi.Printf ( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: NPC G_Alloc NPC failed\n" ); goto finish; return; } newent->NPC->tempGoal = G_Spawn(); if ( newent->NPC->tempGoal == NULL ) { newent->NPC = NULL; goto finish; return; } newent->NPC->tempGoal->classname = "NPC_goal"; newent->NPC->tempGoal->owner = newent; newent->NPC->tempGoal->svFlags |= SVF_NOCLIENT; newent->client = (gclient_s *)G_Alloc (sizeof(gclient_s)); if ( newent->client == NULL ) { gi.Printf ( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: NPC G_Alloc client failed\n" ); goto finish; return; } memset ( newent->client, 0, sizeof(*newent->client) ); //==NPC_Connect( newent, net_name );=================================== if ( ent->NPC_type == NULL ) { ent->NPC_type = "random"; } else { ent->NPC_type = strlwr( G_NewString( ent->NPC_type ) ); } if ( ent->svFlags & SVF_NO_BASIC_SOUNDS ) { newent->svFlags |= SVF_NO_BASIC_SOUNDS; } if ( ent->svFlags & SVF_NO_COMBAT_SOUNDS ) { newent->svFlags |= SVF_NO_COMBAT_SOUNDS; } if ( ent->svFlags & SVF_NO_EXTRA_SOUNDS ) { newent->svFlags |= SVF_NO_EXTRA_SOUNDS; } if ( ent->message ) {//has a key newent->message = ent->message;//transfer the key name newent->flags |= FL_NO_KNOCKBACK;//don't fall off ledges } if ( !NPC_ParseParms( ent->NPC_type, newent ) ) { gi.Printf ( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: Couldn't spawn NPC %s\n", ent->NPC_type ); G_FreeEntity( newent ); goto finish; return; } if ( ent->NPC_type ) { if ( strstr( ent->NPC_type, "Kyle" ) != NULL || strstr( ent->NPC_type, "alexa" ) != NULL ) { newent->NPC->aiFlags |= NPCAI_MATCHPLAYERWEAPON; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( ent->NPC_type, "test" ) ) { int n; for ( n = 0; n < 1 ; n++) { if ( !(g_entities[n].svFlags & SVF_NPC) && g_entities[n].client) { VectorCopy(g_entities[n].s.origin, newent->s.origin); newent->client->playerTeam = g_entities[n].client->playerTeam; break; } } newent->NPC->defaultBehavior = newent->NPC->behaviorState = BS_WAIT; newent->classname = "NPC"; // newent->svFlags |= SVF_NOPUSH; } } //===================================================================== //set the info we want newent->health = ent->health; newent->script_targetname = ent->NPC_targetname; newent->targetname = ent->NPC_targetname; newent->target = ent->NPC_target; newent->target2 = ent->target2; newent->target3 = ent->target3; newent->wait = ent->wait; for( index = BSET_FIRST; index < NUM_BSETS; index++) { if ( ent->behaviorSet[index] ) { newent->behaviorSet[index] = ent->behaviorSet[index]; } } newent->classname = "NPC"; newent->NPC_type = ent->NPC_type; gi.unlinkentity(newent); VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, newent->s.origin); VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, newent->client->ps.origin); VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, newent->currentOrigin); G_SetOrigin(newent, ent->s.origin);//just to be sure! VectorCopy(ent->s.angles, newent->s.angles); VectorCopy(ent->s.angles, newent->currentAngles); VectorCopy(ent->s.angles, newent->client->ps.viewangles); newent->NPC->desiredYaw =ent->s.angles[YAW]; gi.linkentity(newent); newent->spawnflags = ent->spawnflags; if(ent->paintarget) { //safe to point at owner's string since memory is never freed during game newent->paintarget = ent->paintarget; } if(ent->opentarget) { newent->opentarget = ent->opentarget; } //==New stuff===================================================================== newent->s.eType = ET_PLAYER; //FIXME: Call CopyParms if ( ent->parms ) { for ( int parmNum = 0; parmNum < MAX_PARMS; parmNum++ ) { if ( ent->parms->parm[parmNum] && ent->parms->parm[parmNum][0] ) { Q3_SetParm( newent->s.number, parmNum, ent->parms->parm[parmNum] ); } } } //FIXME: copy cameraGroup, store mine in message or other string field // allow to ride movers newent->s.pos.trType = TR_GRAVITY; newent->NPC->combatPoint = -1; newent->flags |= FL_NOTARGET;//So he's ignored until he's fully spawned newent->s.eFlags |= EF_NODRAW;//So he's ignored until he's fully spawned newent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_NPC_Begin; newent->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME; NPC_DefaultScriptFlags( newent ); gi.linkentity (newent); if(ent->e_UseFunc == useF_NULL) { if( ent->target ) {//use any target we're pointed at G_UseTargets ( ent, ent ); } if(ent->closetarget) {//last guy should fire this target when he dies newent->target = ent->closetarget; } ent->targetname = NULL; //why not remove me...? Because of all the string pointers? Just do G_NewStrings? G_FreeEntity( ent );//bye! } finish: if ( ent->spawnflags & NSF_DROP_TO_FLOOR ) { G_SetOrigin( ent, saveOrg ); } } /* ------------------------- NPC_StasisSpawnEffect ------------------------- */ /* void NPC_StasisSpawnEffect( gentity_t *ent ) { vec3_t start, end, forward; qboolean taper; //Floor or wall? if ( ent->spawnflags & 1 ) { AngleVectors( ent->s.angles, forward, NULL, NULL ); VectorMA( ent->currentOrigin, 24, forward, end ); VectorMA( ent->currentOrigin, -20, forward, start ); start[2] += 64; taper = qtrue; } else { VectorCopy( ent->currentOrigin, start ); VectorCopy( start, end ); end[2] += 48; taper = qfalse; } //Add the effect // CG_ShimmeryThing_Spawner( start, end, 32, qtrue, 1000 ); } */ /* ------------------------- NPC_ShySpawn ------------------------- */ #define SHY_THINK_TIME 1000 #define SHY_SPAWN_DISTANCE 128 #define SHY_SPAWN_DISTANCE_SQR ( SHY_SPAWN_DISTANCE * SHY_SPAWN_DISTANCE ) void NPC_ShySpawn( gentity_t *ent ) { ent->nextthink = level.time + SHY_THINK_TIME; ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_NPC_ShySpawn; if ( DistanceSquared( g_entities[0].currentOrigin, ent->currentOrigin ) <= SHY_SPAWN_DISTANCE_SQR ) return; if ( (InFOV( ent, &g_entities[0], 80, 64 )) ) // FIXME: hardcoded fov if ( (NPC_ClearLOS( &g_entities[0], ent->currentOrigin )) ) return; ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_NULL; ent->nextthink = 0; NPC_Spawn_Go( ent ); } /* ------------------------- NPC_Spawn ------------------------- */ void NPC_Spawn ( gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *other, gentity_t *activator ) { //delay before spawning NPC if( ent->delay ) { /* //Stasis does an extra step if ( Q_stricmp( ent->classname, "NPC_Stasis" ) == 0 ) { if ( NPC_StasisSpawn_Go( ent ) == qfalse ) return; } */ if ( ent->spawnflags & 2048 ) // SHY ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_NPC_ShySpawn; else ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_NPC_Spawn_Go; ent->nextthink = level.time + ent->delay; } else { if ( ent->spawnflags & 2048 ) // SHY NPC_ShySpawn( ent ); else NPC_Spawn_Go( ent ); } } /*QUAK-ED NPC_spawner (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy targetname - name this NPC goes by for targetting target - NPC will fire this when it spawns it's last NPC (should this be when the last NPC it spawned dies?) target2 - Fired by stasis spawners when they try to spawn while their spawner model is broken target3 - Fired by spawner if they try to spawn and are blocked and have a wait < 0 (removes them) If targeted, will only spawn a NPC when triggered count - how many NPCs to spawn (only if targetted) default = 1 delay - how long to wait to spawn after used wait - if trying to spawn and blocked, how many seconds to wait before trying again (default = 0.5, < 0 = never try again and fire target2) NPC_targetname - NPC's targetname AND script_targetname NPC_target - NPC's target to fire when killed NPC_target2 - NPC's target to fire when knocked out NPC_type - type of NPC ("Borg" (default), "Xian", etc) health - starting health (default = 100) spawnscript - default script to run once spawned (none by default) usescript - default script to run when used (none by default) awakescript - default script to run once awoken (none by default) angerscript - default script to run once angered (none by default) painscript - default script to run when hit (none by default) fleescript - default script to run when hit and below 50% health (none by default) deathscript - default script to run when killed (none by default) These strings can be used to activate behaviors instead of scripts - these are checked first and so no scripts should be names with these names: default - 0: whatever idle - 1: Stand around, do abolutely nothing roam - 2: Roam around, collect stuff walk - 3: Crouch-Walk toward their goals run - 4: Run toward their goals standshoot - 5: Stay in one spot and shoot- duck when neccesary standguard - 6: Wait around for an enemy patrol - 7: Follow a path, looking for enemies huntkill - 8: Track down enemies and kill them evade - 9: Run from enemies evadeshoot - 10: Run from enemies, shoot them if they hit you runshoot - 11: Run to your goal and shoot enemy when possible defend - 12: Defend an entity or spot? snipe - 13: Stay hidden, shoot enemy only when have perfect shot and back turned combat - 14: Attack, evade, use cover, move about, etc. Full combat AI - id NPC code medic - 15: Go for lowest health buddy, hide and heal him. takecover - 16: Find nearest cover from enemies getammo - 17: Go get some ammo advancefight - 18: Go somewhere and fight along the way face - 19: turn until facing desired angles wait - 20: do nothing formation - 21: Maintain a formation crouch - 22: Crouch-walk toward their goals delay - after spawned or triggered, how many seconds to wait to spawn the NPC */ //void NPC_PrecacheModels ( char *NPCName ); void SP_NPC_spawner( gentity_t *self) { extern void NPC_PrecacheAnimationCFG( const char *NPC_type ); if ( !self->fullName || !self->fullName[0] ) { //FIXME: make an index into an external string table for localization self->fullName = "Humanoid Lifeform"; } //register/precache the models needed for this NPC, not anymore //self->classname = "NPC_spawner"; if(!self->count) { self->count = 1; } {//Stop loading of certain extra sounds static int garbage; if ( G_SpawnInt( "noBasicSounds", "0", &garbage ) ) { self->svFlags |= SVF_NO_BASIC_SOUNDS; } if ( G_SpawnInt( "noCombatSounds", "0", &garbage ) ) { self->svFlags |= SVF_NO_COMBAT_SOUNDS; } if ( G_SpawnInt( "noExtraSounds", "0", &garbage ) ) { self->svFlags |= SVF_NO_EXTRA_SOUNDS; } } if ( !self->wait ) { self->wait = 500; } else { self->wait *= 1000;//1 = 1 msec, 1000 = 1 sec } self->delay *= 1000;//1 = 1 msec, 1000 = 1 sec if ( self->delay > 0 ) { self->svFlags |= SVF_NPC_PRECACHE; } //We have to load the animation.cfg now because spawnscripts are going to want to set anims and we need to know their length and if they're valid NPC_PrecacheAnimationCFG( self->NPC_type ); if(self->targetname) {//Wait for triggering self->e_UseFunc = useF_NPC_Spawn; self->svFlags |= SVF_NPC_PRECACHE;//FIXME: precache my weapons somehow? //NPC_PrecacheModels( self->NPC_type ); } else { NPC_Spawn (self, self, self); } //FIXME: store cameraGroup somewhere else and apply to spawned NPCs' cameraGroup //Or just don't include NPC_spawners in cameraGroupings } //Characters //STAR WARS NPCs============================================================================ /*QUAKED NPC_***** (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy targetname - name this NPC goes by for targetting target - NPC will fire this when it spawns it's last NPC (should this be when the last NPC it spawned dies?) If targeted, will only spawn a NPC when triggered count - how many NPCs to spawn (only if targetted) default = 1 NPC_targetname - NPC's targetname AND script_targetname NPC_target - NPC's target to fire when killed health - starting health (default = 100) playerTeam - Who not to shoot! (default is TEAM_STARFLEET) TEAM_FREE (none) = 0 TEAM_RED = 1 TEAM_BLUE = 2 TEAM_GOLD = 3 TEAM_GREEN = 4 TEAM_STARFLEET = 5 TEAM_BORG = 6 TEAM_SCAVENGERS = 7 TEAM_STASIS = 8 TEAM_NPCS = 9 TEAM_HARVESTER, = 10 TEAM_FORGE = 11 enemyTeam - Who to shoot (all but own if not set) spawnscript - default script to run once spawned (none by default) usescript - default script to run when used (none by default) awakescript - default script to run once awoken (none by default) angerscript - default script to run once angered (none by default) painscript - default script to run when hit (none by default) fleescript - default script to run when hit and below 50% health (none by default) deathscript - default script to run when killed (none by default) These strings can be used to activate behaviors instead of scripts - these are checked first and so no scripts should be names with these names: default - 0: whatever idle - 1: Stand around, do abolutely nothing roam - 2: Roam around, collect stuff walk - 3: Crouch-Walk toward their goals run - 4: Run toward their goals standshoot - 5: Stay in one spot and shoot- duck when neccesary standguard - 6: Wait around for an enemy patrol - 7: Follow a path, looking for enemies huntkill - 8: Track down enemies and kill them evade - 9: Run from enemies evadeshoot - 10: Run from enemies, shoot them if they hit you runshoot - 11: Run to your goal and shoot enemy when possible defend - 12: Defend an entity or spot? snipe - 13: Stay hidden, shoot enemy only when have perfect shot and back turned combat - 14: Attack, evade, use cover, move about, etc. Full combat AI - id NPC code medic - 15: Go for lowest health buddy, hide and heal him. takecover - 16: Find nearest cover from enemies getammo - 17: Go get some ammo advancefight - 18: Go somewhere and fight along the way face - 19: turn until facing desired angles wait - 20: do nothing formation - 21: Maintain a formation crouch - 22: Crouch-walk toward their goals delay - after spawned or triggered, how many seconds to wait to spawn the NPC */ //============================================================================================= //CHARACTERS //============================================================================================= /*QUAKED NPC_Kyle (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) x RIFLEMAN PHASER TRICORDER DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Kyle( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "Kyle"; SP_NPC_spawner(self); } /*QUAKED NPC_Lando(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Lando( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "Lando"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Jan(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Jan( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "Jan"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Luke(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x CEILING CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY CEILING - Sticks to the ceiling until he sees an enemy or takes pain CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Luke( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "Luke"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_MonMothma(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_MonMothma( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "MonMothma"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Tavion (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) x x x x CEILING CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY CEILING - Sticks to the ceiling until he sees an enemy or takes pain CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Tavion( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "Tavion"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Reelo(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Reelo( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "Reelo"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Galak(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) MECH x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY MECH - will be the armored Galak DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Galak( gentity_t *self) { if ( self->spawnflags & 1 ) { self->NPC_type = "Galak_Mech"; NPC_GalakMech_Precache(); } else { self->NPC_type = "Galak"; } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Desann(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x CEILING CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY CEILING - Sticks to the ceiling until he sees an enemy or takes pain CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Desann( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "Desann"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Bartender(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Bartender( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "Bartender"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_MorganKatarn(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_MorganKatarn( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "MorganKatarn"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } //============================================================================================= //ALLIES //============================================================================================= /*QUAKED NPC_Jedi(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) TRAINER x x x CEILING CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY TRAINER - Special Jedi- instructor CEILING - Sticks to the ceiling until he sees an enemy or takes pain CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy Ally Jedi NPC Buddy - tags along with player */ void SP_NPC_Jedi( gentity_t *self) { if(!self->NPC_type) { if ( self->spawnflags & 1 ) { self->NPC_type = "jeditrainer"; } else { /* if ( !Q_irand( 0, 2 ) ) { self->NPC_type = "JediF"; } else */if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) ) { self->NPC_type = "Jedi"; } else { self->NPC_type = "Jedi2"; } } } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Prisoner(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Prisoner( gentity_t *self) { if(!self->NPC_type) { if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) ) { self->NPC_type = "Prisoner"; } else { self->NPC_type = "Prisoner"; } } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Rebel(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Rebel( gentity_t *self) { if(!self->NPC_type) { self->NPC_type = "Rebel"; } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } //============================================================================================= //ENEMIES //============================================================================================= /*QUAKED NPC_Stormtrooper(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) OFFICER COMMANDER ALTOFFICER ROCKET DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY 30 health, blaster OFFICER - 60 health, flechette COMMANDER - 60 health, heavy repeater ALTOFFICER - 60 health, alt-fire flechette (grenades) ROCKET - 60 health, rocket launcher DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Stormtrooper( gentity_t *self) { if ( self->spawnflags & 8 ) {//rocketer self->NPC_type = "rockettrooper"; } else if ( self->spawnflags & 4 ) {//alt-officer self->NPC_type = "stofficeralt"; } else if ( self->spawnflags & 2 ) {//commander self->NPC_type = "stcommander"; } else if ( self->spawnflags & 1 ) {//officer self->NPC_type = "stofficer"; } else {//regular trooper if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) ) { self->NPC_type = "StormTrooper"; } else { self->NPC_type = "StormTrooper2"; } } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } void SP_NPC_StormtrooperOfficer( gentity_t *self) { self->spawnflags |= 1; SP_NPC_Stormtrooper( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Tie_Pilot(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY 30 health, blaster DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Tie_Pilot( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "stormpilot"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Ugnaught(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Ugnaught( gentity_t *self) { if ( !self->NPC_type ) { self->NPC_type = "Ugnaught"; } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Gran(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) SHOOTER BOXER x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY Uses grenade SHOOTER - uses blaster instead of BOXER - uses fists only DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Gran( gentity_t *self) { if ( !self->NPC_type ) { if ( self->spawnflags & 1 ) { self->NPC_type = "granshooter"; } else if ( self->spawnflags & 2 ) { self->NPC_type = "granboxer"; } else { self->NPC_type = "gran"; } } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Rodian(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) BLASTER NO_HIDE x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY BLASTER uses a blaster instead of sniper rifle, different skin NO_HIDE (only applicable with snipers) does not duck and hide between shots DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Rodian( gentity_t *self) { if ( !self->NPC_type ) { if ( self->spawnflags&1 ) { self->NPC_type = "rodian2"; } else { self->NPC_type = "rodian"; } } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Weequay(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Weequay( gentity_t *self) { if ( !self->NPC_type ) { self->NPC_type = "Weequay"; } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Trandoshan(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Trandoshan( gentity_t *self) { if ( !self->NPC_type ) { self->NPC_type = "Trandoshan"; } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_SwampTrooper(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) REPEATER x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY REPEATER - Swaptrooper who uses the repeater DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_SwampTrooper( gentity_t *self) { if ( !self->NPC_type ) { if ( self->spawnflags & 1 ) { self->NPC_type = "SwampTrooper2"; } else { self->NPC_type = "SwampTrooper"; } } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Imperial(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) OFFICER COMMANDER x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY Greyshirt grunt, uses blaster pistol, 20 health. OFFICER - Brownshirt Officer, uses blaster rifle, 40 health COMMANDER - Blackshirt Commander, uses rapid-fire blaster rifle, 80 healt "message" - if a COMMANDER, turns on his key surface. This is the name of the key you get when you walk over his body. This must match the "message" field of the func_security_panel you want this key to open. Set to "goodie" to have him carrying a goodie key that player can use to operate doors with "GOODIE" spawnflag. DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Imperial( gentity_t *self) { if ( !self->NPC_type ) { if ( self->spawnflags & 1 ) { self->NPC_type = "ImpOfficer"; } else if ( self->spawnflags & 2 ) { self->NPC_type = "ImpCommander"; } else { self->NPC_type = "Imperial"; } } if ( self->message ) {//may drop a key, precache the key model and pickup sound G_SoundIndex( "sound/weapons/key_pkup.wav" ); RegisterItem( FindItemForInventory( INV_SECURITY_KEY1 ) ); } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_ImpWorker(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_ImpWorker( gentity_t *self) { if ( !self->NPC_type ) { self->NPC_type = "ImpWorker"; } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_BespinCop(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_BespinCop( gentity_t *self) { if ( !self->NPC_type ) { self->NPC_type = "BespinCop"; } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Reborn(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) FORCE FENCER ACROBAT BOSS CEILING CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY Default Reborn is A poor lightsaber fighter, acrobatic and uses no force powers. Yellow saber, 40 health. FORCE - Uses force powers but is not the best lightsaber fighter and not acrobatic. Purple saber, 75 health. FENCER - A good lightsaber fighter, but not acrobatic and uses no force powers. Yellow saber, 100 health. ACROBAT - quite acrobatic, but not the best lightsaber fighter and uses no force powers. Red saber, 100 health. BOSS - quite acrobatic, good lightsaber fighter and uses force powers. Orange saber, 150 health. NOTE: Saber colors are temporary until they have different by skins to tell them apart CEILING - Sticks to the ceiling until he sees an enemy or takes pain CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Reborn( gentity_t *self) { if ( !self->NPC_type ) { if ( self->spawnflags & 1 ) { self->NPC_type = "rebornforceuser"; } else if ( self->spawnflags & 2 ) { self->NPC_type = "rebornfencer"; } else if ( self->spawnflags & 4 ) { self->NPC_type = "rebornacrobat"; } else if ( self->spawnflags & 8 ) { self->NPC_type = "rebornboss"; } else { self->NPC_type = "reborn"; } } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_ShadowTrooper(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x CEILING CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY CEILING - Sticks to the ceiling until he sees an enemy or takes pain CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_ShadowTrooper( gentity_t *self) { if(!self->NPC_type) { if ( !Q_irand( 0, 1 ) ) { self->NPC_type = "ShadowTrooper"; } else { self->NPC_type = "ShadowTrooper2"; } } NPC_ShadowTrooper_Precache(); RegisterItem( FindItemForAmmo( AMMO_FORCE ) ); SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } //============================================================================================= //MONSTERS //============================================================================================= /*QUAKED NPC_Monster_Murjj (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Monster_Murjj( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "Murjj"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Monster_Swamp (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Monster_Swamp( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "Swamp"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Monster_Howler (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Monster_Howler( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "howler"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_MineMonster (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_MineMonster( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "minemonster"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); NPC_MineMonster_Precache(); } /*QUAKED NPC_Monster_Claw (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Monster_Claw( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "Claw"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Monster_Glider (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Monster_Glider( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "Glider"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Monster_Flier2 (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Monster_Flier2( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "Flier2"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Monster_Lizard (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Monster_Lizard( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "Lizard"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } /*QUAKED NPC_Monster_Fish (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Monster_Fish( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "Fish"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } //============================================================================================= //DROIDS //============================================================================================= /*QUAKED NPC_Droid_Interrogator (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 0) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Droid_Interrogator( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "interrogator"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); NPC_Interrogator_Precache(self); } /*QUAKED NPC_Droid_Probe (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy Imperial Probe Droid - the multilegged floating droid that Han and Chewie shot on the ice planet Hoth */ void SP_NPC_Droid_Probe( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "probe"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); RegisterItem( FindItemForWeapon( WP_BRYAR_PISTOL ) ); NPC_Probe_Precache(); } /*QUAKED NPC_Droid_Mark1 (1 0 0) (-36 -36 -24) (36 36 80) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy Big walking droid */ void SP_NPC_Droid_Mark1( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "mark1"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); NPC_Mark1_Precache(); } /*QUAKED NPC_Droid_Mark2 (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy Small rolling droid with one gun. */ void SP_NPC_Droid_Mark2( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "mark2"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); RegisterItem( FindItemForAmmo( AMMO_BLASTER )); RegisterItem( FindItemForAmmo( AMMO_METAL_BOLTS)); } /*QUAKED NPC_Droid_ATST (1 0 0) (-40 -40 -24) (40 40 248) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Droid_ATST( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "atst"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); NPC_ATST_Precache(); } /*QUAKED NPC_Droid_Remote (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy Remote Droid - the floating round droid used by Obi Wan to train Luke about the force while on the Millenium Falcon. */ void SP_NPC_Droid_Remote( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "remote"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); NPC_Remote_Precache(); } /*QUAKED NPC_Droid_Seeker (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy Seeker Droid - floating round droids that shadow troopers spawn */ void SP_NPC_Droid_Seeker( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "seeker"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); NPC_Seeker_Precache(); } /*QUAKED NPC_Droid_Sentry (1 0 0) (-24 -24 -24) (24 24 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy Sentry Droid - Large, armored floating Imperial droids with 3 forward-facing gun turrets */ void SP_NPC_Droid_Sentry( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "sentry"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); NPC_Sentry_Precache(); } /*QUAKED NPC_Droid_Gonk (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy Gonk Droid - the droid that looks like a walking ice machine. Was in the Jawa land crawler, walking around talking to itself. NOTARGET by default */ void SP_NPC_Droid_Gonk( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "gonk"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); //precache the Gonk sounds NPC_Gonk_Precache(); } /*QUAKED NPC_Droid_Mouse (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy Mouse Droid - small, box shaped droid, first seen on the Death Star. Chewie yelled at it and it backed up and ran away. NOTARGET by default */ void SP_NPC_Droid_Mouse( gentity_t *self) { self->NPC_type = "mouse"; SP_NPC_spawner( self ); //precache the Mouse sounds NPC_Mouse_Precache(); } /*QUAKED NPC_Droid_R2D2 (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) IMPERIAL x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy R2D2 Droid - you probably know this one already. NOTARGET by default */ void SP_NPC_Droid_R2D2( gentity_t *self) { if ( self->spawnflags&1 ) {//imperial skin self->NPC_type = "r2d2_imp"; } else { self->NPC_type = "r2d2"; } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); NPC_R2D2_Precache(); } /*QUAKED NPC_Droid_R5D2 (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) IMPERIAL ALWAYSDIE x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it ALWAYSDIE - won't go into spinning zombie AI when at low health. CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy R5D2 Droid - the droid originally chosen by Uncle Owen until it blew a bad motivator, and they took R2D2 instead. NOTARGET by default */ void SP_NPC_Droid_R5D2( gentity_t *self) { if ( self->spawnflags&1 ) {//imperial skin self->NPC_type = "r5d2_imp"; } else { self->NPC_type = "r5d2"; } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); NPC_R5D2_Precache(); } /*QUAKED NPC_Droid_Protocol (1 0 0) (-12 -12 -24) (12 12 40) IMPERIAL x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy NOTARGET by default */ void SP_NPC_Droid_Protocol( gentity_t *self) { if ( self->spawnflags&1 ) {//imperial skin self->NPC_type = "protocol_imp"; } else { self->NPC_type = "protocol"; } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); } //NPC console commands /* NPC_Spawn_f */ static void NPC_Spawn_f(void) { gentity_t *NPCspawner = G_Spawn(); vec3_t forward, end; trace_t trace; if(!NPCspawner) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"NPC_Spawn Error: Out of entities!\n" ); return; } NPCspawner->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_G_FreeEntity; NPCspawner->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME; const char *npc_type = gi.argv( 2 ); if (!*npc_type ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"Error, expected:\n NPC spawn [NPC type (from NCPCs.cfg)]\n" ); return; } //Spawn it at spot of first player //FIXME: will gib them! AngleVectors(g_entities[0].client->ps.viewangles, forward, NULL, NULL); VectorNormalize(forward); VectorMA(g_entities[0].currentOrigin, 64, forward, end); gi.trace(&trace, g_entities[0].currentOrigin, NULL, NULL, end, 0, MASK_SOLID); VectorCopy(trace.endpos, end); end[2] -= 24; gi.trace(&trace, trace.endpos, NULL, NULL, end, 0, MASK_SOLID); VectorCopy(trace.endpos, end); end[2] += 24; G_SetOrigin(NPCspawner, end); VectorCopy(NPCspawner->currentOrigin, NPCspawner->s.origin); //set the yaw so that they face away from player NPCspawner->s.angles[1] = g_entities[0].client->ps.viewangles[1]; gi.linkentity(NPCspawner); NPCspawner->NPC_type = G_NewString( npc_type ); NPCspawner->NPC_targetname = G_NewString(gi.argv( 3 )); NPCspawner->count = 1; NPCspawner->delay = 0; //NPCspawner->spawnflags |= SFB_NOTSOLID; //NPCspawner->playerTeam = TEAM_FREE; //NPCspawner->behaviorSet[BSET_SPAWN] = "common/guard"; //call precache funcs for James' builds if ( !Q_stricmp( "gonk", NPCspawner->NPC_type)) { NPC_Gonk_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "mouse", NPCspawner->NPC_type)) { NPC_Mouse_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_strncmp( "r2d2", NPCspawner->NPC_type, 4)) { NPC_R2D2_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "atst", NPCspawner->NPC_type)) { NPC_ATST_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_strncmp( "r5d2", NPCspawner->NPC_type, 4)) { NPC_R5D2_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "mark1", NPCspawner->NPC_type)) { NPC_Mark1_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "interrogator", NPCspawner->NPC_type)) { NPC_Interrogator_Precache(NULL); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "probe", NPCspawner->NPC_type)) { NPC_Probe_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "seeker", NPCspawner->NPC_type)) { NPC_Seeker_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "remote", NPCspawner->NPC_type)) { NPC_Remote_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_strncmp( "shadowtrooper", NPCspawner->NPC_type, 13 ) ) { NPC_ShadowTrooper_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "minemonster", NPCspawner->NPC_type )) { NPC_MineMonster_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "howler", NPCspawner->NPC_type )) { NPC_Howler_Precache(); } NPC_Spawn (NPCspawner, NPCspawner, NPCspawner); } /* NPC_Kill_f */ void NPC_Kill_f( void ) { int n; gentity_t *player; char *name; team_t killTeam = TEAM_FREE; qboolean killNonSF = qfalse; name = gi.argv( 2 ); if ( !*name || !name[0] ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"Error, Expected:\n"); gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"NPC kill '[NPC targetname]' - kills NPCs with certain targetname\n" ); gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"or\n" ); gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"NPC kill 'all' - kills all NPCs\n" ); gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"or\n" ); gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"NPC team '[teamname]' - kills all NPCs of a certain team ('nonally' is all but your allies)\n" ); return; } if ( Q_stricmp( "team", name ) == 0 ) { name = gi.argv( 3 ); if ( !*name || !name[0] ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"NPC_Kill Error: 'npc kill team' requires a team name!\n" ); gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"Valid team names are:\n"); for ( n = (TEAM_FREE + 1); n < TEAM_NUM_TEAMS; n++ ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"%s\n", TeamNames[n] ); } gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"nonally - kills all but your teammates\n" ); return; } if ( Q_stricmp( "nonally", name ) == 0 ) { killNonSF = qtrue; } else { killTeam = TranslateTeamName( name ); if ( killTeam == TEAM_FREE ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"NPC_Kill Error: team '%s' not recognized\n", name ); gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"Valid team names are:\n"); for ( n = (TEAM_FREE + 1); n < TEAM_NUM_TEAMS; n++ ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"%s\n", TeamNames[n] ); } gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"nonally - kills all but your teammates\n" ); return; } } } for ( n = 1; n < ENTITYNUM_MAX_NORMAL; n++) { player = &g_entities[n]; if (!player->inuse) { continue; } if ( killNonSF ) { if ( player ) { if ( player->client ) { if ( player->client->playerTeam != TEAM_PLAYER ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN"Killing NPC %s named %s\n", player->NPC_type, player->targetname ); player->health = 0; GEntity_DieFunc(player, player, player, player->max_health, MOD_UNKNOWN); } } else if ( player->NPC_type && player->classname && player->classname[0] && Q_stricmp( "NPC_starfleet", player->classname ) != 0 ) {//A spawner, remove it gi.Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN"Removing NPC spawner %s with NPC named %s\n", player->NPC_type, player->NPC_targetname ); G_FreeEntity( player ); //FIXME: G_UseTargets2(player, player, player->NPC_target & player->target);? } } } else if ( player && player->NPC && player->client ) { if ( killTeam != TEAM_FREE ) { if ( player->client->playerTeam == killTeam ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN"Killing NPC %s named %s\n", player->NPC_type, player->targetname ); player->health = 0; GEntity_DieFunc(player, player, player, player->max_health, MOD_UNKNOWN); } } else if( (player->targetname && Q_stricmp( name, player->targetname ) == 0) || Q_stricmp( name, "all" ) == 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN"Killing NPC %s named %s\n", player->NPC_type, player->targetname ); player->health = 0; player->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = 0; GEntity_DieFunc(player, player, player, 100, MOD_UNKNOWN); } } else if ( player && (player->svFlags&SVF_NPC_PRECACHE) ) {//a spawner gi.Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN"Removing NPC spawner %s named %s\n", player->NPC_type, player->targetname ); G_FreeEntity( player ); } } } void NPC_PrintScore( gentity_t *ent ) { gi.Printf( "%s: %d\n", ent->targetname, ent->client->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] ); } /* Svcmd_NPC_f parse and dispatch bot commands */ qboolean showBBoxes = qfalse; void Svcmd_NPC_f( void ) { char *cmd; cmd = gi.argv( 1 ); if ( !*cmd ) { gi.Printf( "Valid NPC commands are:\n" ); gi.Printf( " spawn [NPC type (from NCPCs.cfg)]\n" ); gi.Printf( " kill [NPC targetname] or [all(kills all NPCs)] or 'team [teamname]'\n" ); gi.Printf( " showbounds (draws exact bounding boxes of NPCs)\n" ); gi.Printf( " score [NPC targetname] (prints number of kills per NPC)\n" ); } else if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "spawn" ) == 0 ) { NPC_Spawn_f(); } else if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "kill" ) == 0 ) { NPC_Kill_f(); } else if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "showbounds" ) == 0 ) {//Toggle on and off showBBoxes = showBBoxes ? qfalse : qtrue; } else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd, "score" ) == 0 ) { char *cmd2 = gi.argv(2); gentity_t *ent = NULL; if ( !cmd2 || !cmd2[0] ) {//Show the score for all NPCs gi.Printf( "SCORE LIST:\n" ); for ( int i = 0; i < ENTITYNUM_WORLD; i++ ) { ent = &g_entities[i]; if ( !ent || !ent->client ) { continue; } NPC_PrintScore( ent ); } } else { if ( (ent = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(targetname), cmd2 )) != NULL && ent->client ) { NPC_PrintScore( ent ); } else { gi.Printf( "ERROR: NPC score - no such NPC %s\n", cmd2 ); } } } }