// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. // // cg_players.c -- handle the media and animation for player entities #include "cg_local.h" #include "..\ghoul2\g2.h" extern stringID_table_t animTable [MAX_ANIMATIONS+1]; char *cg_customSoundNames[MAX_CUSTOM_SOUNDS] = { "*death1.wav", "*death2.wav", "*death3.wav", "*jump1.wav", "*pain25.wav", "*pain50.wav", "*pain75.wav", "*pain100.wav", "*falling1.wav", "*choke1.wav", "*choke2.wav", "*choke3.wav", "*gasp.wav", "*fall1.wav", "*falling1.wav", "*taunt.wav" }; /* ================ CG_CustomSound ================ */ sfxHandle_t CG_CustomSound( int clientNum, const char *soundName ) { clientInfo_t *ci; int i; if ( soundName[0] != '*' ) { return trap_S_RegisterSound( soundName ); } if ( clientNum < 0 || clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS ) { clientNum = 0; } ci = &cgs.clientinfo[ clientNum ]; for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CUSTOM_SOUNDS && cg_customSoundNames[i] ; i++ ) { if ( !strcmp( soundName, cg_customSoundNames[i] ) ) { return ci->sounds[i]; } } CG_Error( "Unknown custom sound: %s", soundName ); return 0; } /* ============================================================================= CLIENT INFO ============================================================================= */ /* ========================== CG_FileExists ========================== */ static qboolean CG_FileExists(const char *filename) { int len; fileHandle_t f; len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, &f, FS_READ ); if (len>0) { trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); return qtrue; } return qfalse; } /* ========================== CG_FindClientModelFile ========================== */ static qboolean CG_FindClientModelFile( char *filename, int length, clientInfo_t *ci, const char *teamName, const char *modelName, const char *skinName, const char *base, const char *ext ) { char *team, *charactersFolder; int i; if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { switch ( ci->team ) { case TEAM_BLUE: { team = "blue"; break; } default: { team = "red"; break; } } } else { team = "default"; } charactersFolder = ""; while(1) { for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { if ( i == 0 && teamName && *teamName ) { // "models/players/characters/james/stroggs/lower_lily_red.skin" Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s%s_%s_%s.%s", charactersFolder, modelName, teamName, base, skinName, team, ext ); } else { // "models/players/characters/james/lower_lily_red.skin" Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s_%s_%s.%s", charactersFolder, modelName, base, skinName, team, ext ); } if ( CG_FileExists( filename ) ) { return qtrue; } if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { if ( i == 0 && teamName && *teamName ) { // "models/players/characters/james/stroggs/lower_red.skin" Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s%s_%s.%s", charactersFolder, modelName, teamName, base, team, ext ); } else { // "models/players/characters/james/lower_red.skin" Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s_%s.%s", charactersFolder, modelName, base, team, ext ); } } else { if ( i == 0 && teamName && *teamName ) { // "models/players/characters/james/stroggs/lower_lily.skin" Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s%s_%s.%s", charactersFolder, modelName, teamName, base, skinName, ext ); } else { // "models/players/characters/james/lower_lily.skin" Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s_%s.%s", charactersFolder, modelName, base, skinName, ext ); } } if ( CG_FileExists( filename ) ) { return qtrue; } if ( !teamName || !*teamName ) { break; } } // if tried the heads folder first if ( charactersFolder[0] ) { break; } charactersFolder = "characters/"; } return qfalse; } /* ========================== CG_FindClientHeadFile ========================== */ static qboolean CG_FindClientHeadFile( char *filename, int length, clientInfo_t *ci, const char *teamName, const char *headModelName, const char *headSkinName, const char *base, const char *ext ) { char *team, *headsFolder; int i; if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { switch ( ci->team ) { case TEAM_BLUE: { team = "blue"; break; } default: { team = "red"; break; } } } else { team = "default"; } if ( headModelName[0] == '*' ) { headsFolder = "heads/"; headModelName++; } else { headsFolder = ""; } while(1) { for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { if ( i == 0 && teamName && *teamName ) { Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s/%s%s_%s.%s", headsFolder, headModelName, headSkinName, teamName, base, team, ext ); } else { Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s/%s_%s.%s", headsFolder, headModelName, headSkinName, base, team, ext ); } if ( CG_FileExists( filename ) ) { return qtrue; } if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { if ( i == 0 && teamName && *teamName ) { Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s%s_%s.%s", headsFolder, headModelName, teamName, base, team, ext ); } else { Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s_%s.%s", headsFolder, headModelName, base, team, ext ); } } else { if ( i == 0 && teamName && *teamName ) { Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s%s_%s.%s", headsFolder, headModelName, teamName, base, headSkinName, ext ); } else { Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s_%s.%s", headsFolder, headModelName, base, headSkinName, ext ); } } if ( CG_FileExists( filename ) ) { return qtrue; } if ( !teamName || !*teamName ) { break; } } // if tried the heads folder first if ( headsFolder[0] ) { break; } headsFolder = "heads/"; } return qfalse; } /* ========================== CG_RegisterClientSkin ========================== */ static qboolean CG_RegisterClientSkin( clientInfo_t *ci, const char *teamName, const char *modelName, const char *skinName, const char *headModelName, const char *headSkinName ) { char filename[MAX_QPATH]; /* Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/%slower_%s.skin", modelName, teamName, skinName ); ci->legsSkin = trap_R_RegisterSkin( filename ); if (!ci->legsSkin) { Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/characters/%s/%slower_%s.skin", modelName, teamName, skinName ); ci->legsSkin = trap_R_RegisterSkin( filename ); if (!ci->legsSkin) { Com_Printf( "Leg skin load failure: %s\n", filename ); } } Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/%supper_%s.skin", modelName, teamName, skinName ); ci->torsoSkin = trap_R_RegisterSkin( filename ); if (!ci->torsoSkin) { Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/characters/%s/%supper_%s.skin", modelName, teamName, skinName ); ci->torsoSkin = trap_R_RegisterSkin( filename ); if (!ci->torsoSkin) { Com_Printf( "Torso skin load failure: %s\n", filename ); } } */ if ( CG_FindClientModelFile( filename, sizeof(filename), ci, teamName, modelName, skinName, "lower", "skin" ) ) { ci->legsSkin = trap_R_RegisterSkin( filename ); } if (!ci->legsSkin) { Com_Printf( "Leg skin load failure: %s\n", filename ); } if ( CG_FindClientModelFile( filename, sizeof(filename), ci, teamName, modelName, skinName, "upper", "skin" ) ) { ci->torsoSkin = trap_R_RegisterSkin( filename ); } if (!ci->torsoSkin) { Com_Printf( "Torso skin load failure: %s\n", filename ); } if ( CG_FindClientHeadFile( filename, sizeof(filename), ci, teamName, headModelName, headSkinName, "head", "skin" ) ) { ci->headSkin = trap_R_RegisterSkin( filename ); } if (!ci->headSkin) { Com_Printf( "Head skin load failure: %s\n", filename ); } // if any skins failed to load if ( !ci->legsSkin || !ci->torsoSkin || !ci->headSkin ) { return qfalse; } return qtrue; } /* ========================== CG_NeedAnimSequence Called to check if models are missing required animation sequences We do not list all used animations here but this check should eliminate a broad range of unsupported models. At least the ones that are included, which is all we really care about. ========================== */ qboolean CG_NeedAnimSequence(int anim) { if (anim >= BOTH_DEATH1 && anim <= BOTH_DEATH19) { return qtrue; } if (anim >= BOTH_DISMEMBER_HEAD1 && anim <= BOTH_DISMEMBER_LARM) { return qtrue; } if (anim >= BOTH_A1_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_H1_S1_BR) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } /* ========================== CG_RegisterClientModelname ========================== */ static qboolean CG_RegisterClientModelname( clientInfo_t *ci, const char *modelName, const char *skinName, const char *headModelName, const char *headSkinName, const char *teamName, int clientNum ) { int handle; char afilename[MAX_QPATH]; char /**GLAName,*/ *slash; char GLAName[MAX_QPATH]; vec3_t tempVec = {0,0,0}; qboolean badModel = qfalse; qboolean retriedAlready = qfalse; retryModel: if (ci->ATST && clientNum == -1) { Com_sprintf(ci->teamName, sizeof(ci->teamName), teamName); return qtrue; } if (badModel) { modelName = "kyle"; headModelName = "kyle"; skinName = "default"; headSkinName = "default"; Com_Printf("WARNING: Attempted to load an unsupported multiplayer model! (bad or missing bone, or missing animation sequence)\n"); badModel = qfalse; retriedAlready = qtrue; } // First things first. If this is a ghoul2 model, then let's make sure we demolish this first. if (ci->ghoul2Model && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(ci->ghoul2Model)) { trap_G2API_CleanGhoul2Models(&(ci->ghoul2Model)); } if (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM) { if (ci->team == TEAM_RED) { Com_sprintf(ci->skinName, sizeof(ci->skinName), "red"); skinName = "red"; } else if (ci->team == TEAM_BLUE) { Com_sprintf(ci->skinName, sizeof(ci->skinName), "blue"); skinName = "blue"; } } if (clientNum != -1 && cg_entities[clientNum].currentState.teamowner && !cg_entities[clientNum].isATST) { handle = trap_G2API_InitGhoul2Model(&ci->ghoul2Model, "models/players/atst/model.glm", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { Com_sprintf( afilename, sizeof( afilename ), "models/players/%s/model.glm", modelName ); handle = trap_G2API_InitGhoul2Model(&ci->ghoul2Model, afilename, 0, trap_R_RegisterSkin(va("models/players/%s/model_%s.skin", modelName, skinName)), 0, 0, 0); } if (handle<0) { return qfalse; } if (clientNum != -1 && cg_entities[clientNum].currentState.teamowner && !cg_entities[clientNum].isATST) { ci->torsoSkin = 0; ci->ATST = qtrue; } else { ci->torsoSkin = trap_R_RegisterSkin(va("models/players/%s/model_%s.skin", modelName, skinName)); ci->ATST = qfalse; } // The model is now loaded. GLAName[0] = 0; //get the location of the animation.cfg //GLAName = trap_G2API_GetGLAName( ci->ghoul2Model, 0); trap_G2API_GetGLAName( ci->ghoul2Model, 0, GLAName); if (GLAName[0] == 0/*GLAName == NULL*/) { if (!BG_ParseAnimationFile("models/players/_humanoid/animation.cfg", ci->animations)) { Com_Printf( "Failed to load animation file %s\n", afilename ); return qfalse; } return qtrue; } Q_strncpyz( afilename, GLAName, sizeof( afilename )); slash = Q_strrchr( afilename, '/' ); if ( slash ) { strcpy(slash, "/animation.cfg"); } // Now afilename holds just the path to the animation.cfg else { // Didn't find any slashes, this is a raw filename right in base (whish isn't a good thing) return qfalse; } /* // Try to load the animation.cfg for this model then. if ( !BG_ParseAnimationFile( afilename, ci->animations ) ) { // The GLA's animations failed if (!BG_ParseAnimationFile("models/players/_humanoid/animation.cfg", ci->animations)) { Com_Printf( "Failed to load animation file %s\n", afilename ); return qfalse; } } */ //rww - For now, we'll just ignore what animation file it wants. In theory all multiplayer-supported models //should want _humanoid/animation.cfg, so if it doesn't want that then throw it away if (Q_stricmp(afilename, "models/players/_humanoid/animation.cfg")) { Com_Printf( "Model does not use supported animation config.\n"); return qfalse; } else if (!BG_ParseAnimationFile("models/players/_humanoid/animation.cfg", ci->animations)) { Com_Printf( "Failed to load animation file models/players/_humanoid/animation.cfg\n" ); return qfalse; } else if (!retriedAlready) { int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_ANIMATIONS; i++) { if (!ci->animations[i].firstFrame && !ci->animations[i].numFrames && CG_NeedAnimSequence(i)) { //using default for this animation so it obviously never got filled in. //if it's a sequence that we need, this model must be an unsupported one. badModel = qtrue; goto retryModel; } } } // NOTE - ensure this sequence of bolt and bone accessing are always the same because the client expects them in a certain order if (clientNum != -1 && cg_entities[clientNum].currentState.teamowner && !cg_entities[clientNum].isATST) { ci->torsoSkin = 0; ci->bolt_rhand = trap_G2API_AddBolt(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "*flash1"); trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "Model_root", 0, 12, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP, 1.0f, cg.time, -1, -1); trap_G2API_SetBoneAngles(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "l_clavical", tempVec, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, NULL, 0, cg.time); trap_G2API_SetBoneAngles(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "r_clavical", tempVec, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_Z, NEGATIVE_Y, POSITIVE_X, NULL, 0, cg.time); ci->bolt_lhand = trap_G2API_AddBolt(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "*flash2"); ci->bolt_head = trap_G2API_AddBolt(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "pelvis"); } else { ci->bolt_rhand = trap_G2API_AddBolt(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "*r_hand"); if (!trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "model_root", 0, 12, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP, 1.0f, cg.time, -1, -1)) { badModel = qtrue; } if (!trap_G2API_SetBoneAngles(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "upper_lumbar", tempVec, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, NULL, 0, cg.time)) { badModel = qtrue; } if (!trap_G2API_SetBoneAngles(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "cranium", tempVec, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_Z, NEGATIVE_Y, POSITIVE_X, NULL, 0, cg.time)) { badModel = qtrue; } ci->bolt_lhand = trap_G2API_AddBolt(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "*l_hand"); ci->bolt_head = trap_G2API_AddBolt(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "*head_top"); ci->bolt_motion = trap_G2API_AddBolt(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "Motion"); //We need a lower lumbar bolt for footsteps ci->bolt_llumbar = trap_G2API_AddBolt(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "lower_lumbar"); if (ci->bolt_rhand == -1 || ci->bolt_lhand == -1 || ci->bolt_head == -1 || ci->bolt_motion == -1 || ci->bolt_llumbar == -1) { badModel = qtrue; } if (badModel) { goto retryModel; } } // ent->s.radius = 90; if (clientNum != -1) { if (cg_entities[clientNum].isATST) { animation_t *anim; anim = &ci->animations[ (cg_entities[clientNum].currentState.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) ]; if (anim) { int flags = BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE; int firstFrame = anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames-1; if (anim->loopFrames != -1) { flags = BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP; firstFrame = anim->firstFrame; } //rww - Set the animation again because it just got reset due to the model change trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "model_root", firstFrame, anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames, flags, 1.0f, cg.time, -1, 150); cg_entities[clientNum].currentState.legsAnim = 0; } anim = &ci->animations[ (cg_entities[clientNum].currentState.torsoAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) ]; if (anim) { int flags = BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE; int firstFrame = anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames-1; if (anim->loopFrames != -1) { flags = BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP; firstFrame = anim->firstFrame; } //rww - Set the animation again because it just got reset due to the model change trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "upper_lumbar", anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames-1, anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames, flags, 1.0f, cg.time, -1, 150); cg_entities[clientNum].currentState.torsoAnim = 0; } } /* if (cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2 && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2)) { trap_G2API_CleanGhoul2Models(&(cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2)); } trap_G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance(ci->ghoul2Model, &cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2); */ cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2weapon = NULL; } Com_sprintf(ci->teamName, sizeof(ci->teamName), teamName); return qtrue; } /* ==================== CG_ColorFromString ==================== */ static void CG_ColorFromString( const char *v, vec3_t color ) { int val; VectorClear( color ); val = atoi( v ); if ( val < 1 || val > 7 ) { VectorSet( color, 1, 1, 1 ); return; } if ( val & 1 ) { color[2] = 1.0f; } if ( val & 2 ) { color[1] = 1.0f; } if ( val & 4 ) { color[0] = 1.0f; } } #define DEFAULT_FEMALE_SOUNDPATH "chars/mp_generic_female/misc"//"chars/tavion/misc" #define DEFAULT_MALE_SOUNDPATH "chars/mp_generic_male/misc"//"chars/kyle/misc" /* =================== CG_LoadClientInfo Load it now, taking the disk hits. This will usually be deferred to a safe time =================== */ void CG_LoadClientInfo( clientInfo_t *ci ) { const char *dir, *fallback; int i, modelloaded; const char *s; int clientNum; char teamname[MAX_QPATH]; int fLen = 0; char soundpath[MAX_QPATH]; char soundName[1024]; qboolean isFemale = qfalse; fileHandle_t f; clientNum = ci - cgs.clientinfo; if (clientNum < 0 || clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS) { clientNum = -1; } ci->deferred = qfalse; if (ci->team == TEAM_SPECTATOR) { // reset any existing players and bodies, because they might be in bad // frames for this new model clientNum = ci - cgs.clientinfo; for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GENTITIES ; i++ ) { if ( cg_entities[i].currentState.clientNum == clientNum && cg_entities[i].currentState.eType == ET_PLAYER ) { CG_ResetPlayerEntity( &cg_entities[i] ); } } if (ci->ghoul2Model && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(ci->ghoul2Model)) { trap_G2API_CleanGhoul2Models(&ci->ghoul2Model); } return; } teamname[0] = 0; if( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM) { if( ci->team == TEAM_BLUE ) { Q_strncpyz(teamname, cg_blueTeamName.string, sizeof(teamname) ); } else { Q_strncpyz(teamname, cg_redTeamName.string, sizeof(teamname) ); } } if( teamname[0] ) { strcat( teamname, "/" ); } modelloaded = qtrue; if ( !CG_RegisterClientModelname( ci, ci->modelName, ci->skinName, ci->headModelName, ci->headSkinName, teamname, clientNum ) ) { if ( cg_buildScript.integer && ci->team != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { CG_Error( "CG_RegisterClientModelname( %s, %s, %s, %s %s ) failed", ci->modelName, ci->skinName, ci->headModelName, ci->headSkinName, teamname ); } // fall back to default team name if( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM) { // keep skin name if( ci->team == TEAM_BLUE ) { Q_strncpyz(teamname, DEFAULT_BLUETEAM_NAME, sizeof(teamname) ); } else { Q_strncpyz(teamname, DEFAULT_REDTEAM_NAME, sizeof(teamname) ); } if ( !CG_RegisterClientModelname( ci, DEFAULT_TEAM_MODEL, ci->skinName, DEFAULT_TEAM_HEAD, ci->skinName, teamname, -1 ) ) { CG_Error( "DEFAULT_TEAM_MODEL / skin (%s/%s) failed to register", DEFAULT_TEAM_MODEL, ci->skinName ); } } else { if ( !CG_RegisterClientModelname( ci, DEFAULT_MODEL, "default", DEFAULT_MODEL, "default", teamname, -1 ) ) { CG_Error( "DEFAULT_MODEL (%s) failed to register", DEFAULT_MODEL ); } } modelloaded = qfalse; } if (clientNum != -1 && ci->ghoul2Model && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(ci->ghoul2Model)) { if (cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2 && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2)) { trap_G2API_CleanGhoul2Models(&cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2); } trap_G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance(ci->ghoul2Model, &cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2); } ci->newAnims = qfalse; if ( ci->torsoModel ) { orientation_t tag; // if the torso model has the "tag_flag" if ( trap_R_LerpTag( &tag, ci->torsoModel, 0, 0, 1, "tag_flag" ) ) { ci->newAnims = qtrue; } } // sounds dir = ci->modelName; fallback = DEFAULT_MALE_SOUNDPATH; //(cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM) ? DEFAULT_TEAM_MODEL : DEFAULT_MODEL; fLen = trap_FS_FOpenFile(va("models/players/%s/sounds.cfg", dir), &f, FS_READ); soundpath[0] = 0; if (f) { i = 0; trap_FS_Read(soundpath, fLen, f); i = fLen; while (i >= 0 && soundpath[i] != '\n') { if (soundpath[i] == 'f') { isFemale = qtrue; } i--; } soundpath[i-1] = '\0'; trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); } if (isFemale) { ci->gender = GENDER_FEMALE; } else { ci->gender = GENDER_MALE; } for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CUSTOM_SOUNDS ; i++ ) { s = cg_customSoundNames[i]; if ( !s ) { break; } Com_sprintf(soundName, sizeof(soundName), "%s", s+1); COM_StripExtension(soundName, soundName); //strip the extension because we might want .mp3's //ci->sounds[i] = 0; // if the model didn't load use the sounds of the default model if (soundpath[0]) { ci->sounds[i] = trap_S_RegisterSound( va("sound/%s/%s", soundpath, soundName) ); if (!ci->sounds[i]) { if (isFemale) { ci->sounds[i] = trap_S_RegisterSound( va("sound/%s/%s", DEFAULT_FEMALE_SOUNDPATH, soundName) ); } else { ci->sounds[i] = trap_S_RegisterSound( va("sound/%s/%s", DEFAULT_MALE_SOUNDPATH, soundName) ); } } } else { if (modelloaded) { ci->sounds[i] = trap_S_RegisterSound( va("sound/chars/%s/misc/%s", dir, soundName) ); } if ( !ci->sounds[i] ) { ci->sounds[i] = trap_S_RegisterSound( va("sound/%s/%s", fallback, soundName) ); } } } ci->deferred = qfalse; // reset any existing players and bodies, because they might be in bad // frames for this new model clientNum = ci - cgs.clientinfo; for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GENTITIES ; i++ ) { if ( cg_entities[i].currentState.clientNum == clientNum && cg_entities[i].currentState.eType == ET_PLAYER ) { CG_ResetPlayerEntity( &cg_entities[i] ); } } } /* ====================== CG_CopyClientInfoModel ====================== */ static void CG_CopyClientInfoModel( clientInfo_t *from, clientInfo_t *to ) { VectorCopy( from->headOffset, to->headOffset ); to->footsteps = from->footsteps; to->gender = from->gender; to->legsModel = from->legsModel; to->legsSkin = from->legsSkin; to->torsoModel = from->torsoModel; to->torsoSkin = from->torsoSkin; to->headModel = from->headModel; to->headSkin = from->headSkin; to->modelIcon = from->modelIcon; to->newAnims = from->newAnims; //to->ghoul2Model = from->ghoul2Model; //rww - Trying to use the same ghoul2 pointer for two seperate clients == DISASTER if (to->ghoul2Model && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(to->ghoul2Model)) { trap_G2API_CleanGhoul2Models(&to->ghoul2Model); } if (from->ghoul2Model && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(from->ghoul2Model)) { trap_G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance(from->ghoul2Model, &to->ghoul2Model); } to->bolt_head = from->bolt_head; to->bolt_lhand = from->bolt_lhand; to->bolt_rhand = from->bolt_rhand; to->bolt_motion = from->bolt_motion; to->bolt_llumbar = from->bolt_llumbar; // to->ATST = from->ATST; memcpy( to->animations, from->animations, sizeof( to->animations ) ); memcpy( to->sounds, from->sounds, sizeof( to->sounds ) ); } /* ====================== CG_ScanForExistingClientInfo ====================== */ static qboolean CG_ScanForExistingClientInfo( clientInfo_t *ci ) { int i; clientInfo_t *match; for ( i = 0 ; i < cgs.maxclients ; i++ ) { match = &cgs.clientinfo[ i ]; if ( !match->infoValid ) { continue; } if ( match->deferred ) { continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( ci->modelName, match->modelName ) && !Q_stricmp( ci->skinName, match->skinName ) && !Q_stricmp( ci->headModelName, match->headModelName ) && !Q_stricmp( ci->headSkinName, match->headSkinName ) && !Q_stricmp( ci->blueTeam, match->blueTeam ) && !Q_stricmp( ci->redTeam, match->redTeam ) && (cgs.gametype < GT_TEAM || ci->team == match->team) && match->ghoul2Model && match->bolt_head) //if the bolts haven't been initialized, this "match" is useless to us { // this clientinfo is identical, so use it's handles ci->deferred = qfalse; CG_CopyClientInfoModel( match, ci ); return qtrue; } } // nothing matches, so defer the load return qfalse; } /* ====================== CG_SetDeferredClientInfo We aren't going to load it now, so grab some other client's info to use until we have some spare time. ====================== */ static void CG_SetDeferredClientInfo( clientInfo_t *ci ) { int i; clientInfo_t *match; // if someone else is already the same models and skins we // can just load the client info for ( i = 0 ; i < cgs.maxclients ; i++ ) { match = &cgs.clientinfo[ i ]; if ( !match->infoValid || match->deferred ) { continue; } if ( Q_stricmp( ci->skinName, match->skinName ) || Q_stricmp( ci->modelName, match->modelName ) || Q_stricmp( ci->headModelName, match->headModelName ) || Q_stricmp( ci->headSkinName, match->headSkinName ) || (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM && ci->team != match->team) ) { continue; } // just load the real info cause it uses the same models and skins CG_LoadClientInfo( ci ); return; } // if we are in teamplay, only grab a model if the skin is correct if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < cgs.maxclients ; i++ ) { match = &cgs.clientinfo[ i ]; if ( !match->infoValid || match->deferred ) { continue; } if ( Q_stricmp( ci->skinName, match->skinName ) || (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM && ci->team != match->team) ) { continue; } ci->deferred = qtrue; CG_CopyClientInfoModel( match, ci ); return; } // load the full model, because we don't ever want to show // an improper team skin. This will cause a hitch for the first // player, when the second enters. Combat shouldn't be going on // yet, so it shouldn't matter CG_LoadClientInfo( ci ); return; } // find the first valid clientinfo and grab its stuff for ( i = 0 ; i < cgs.maxclients ; i++ ) { match = &cgs.clientinfo[ i ]; if ( !match->infoValid ) { continue; } ci->deferred = qtrue; CG_CopyClientInfoModel( match, ci ); return; } // we should never get here... CG_Printf( "CG_SetDeferredClientInfo: no valid clients!\n" ); CG_LoadClientInfo( ci ); } /* ====================== CG_NewClientInfo ====================== */ void CG_NewClientInfo( int clientNum, qboolean entitiesInitialized ) { clientInfo_t *ci; clientInfo_t newInfo; const char *configstring; const char *v; char *slash; void *oldGhoul2; int i = 0; qboolean wasATST = qfalse; ci = &cgs.clientinfo[clientNum]; oldGhoul2 = ci->ghoul2Model; configstring = CG_ConfigString( clientNum + CS_PLAYERS ); if ( !configstring[0] ) { memset( ci, 0, sizeof( *ci ) ); return; // player just left } if (ci) { wasATST = ci->ATST; } // build into a temp buffer so the defer checks can use // the old value memset( &newInfo, 0, sizeof( newInfo ) ); // isolate the player's name v = Info_ValueForKey(configstring, "n"); Q_strncpyz( newInfo.name, v, sizeof( newInfo.name ) ); // colors v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "c1" ); CG_ColorFromString( v, newInfo.color1 ); newInfo.icolor1 = atoi(v); v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "c2" ); CG_ColorFromString( v, newInfo.color2 ); // bot skill v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "skill" ); newInfo.botSkill = atoi( v ); // handicap v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "hc" ); newInfo.handicap = atoi( v ); // wins v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "w" ); newInfo.wins = atoi( v ); // losses v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "l" ); newInfo.losses = atoi( v ); // team v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "t" ); newInfo.team = atoi( v ); // team task v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "tt" ); newInfo.teamTask = atoi(v); // team leader v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "tl" ); newInfo.teamLeader = atoi(v); v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "g_redteam" ); Q_strncpyz(newInfo.redTeam, v, MAX_TEAMNAME); v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "g_blueteam" ); Q_strncpyz(newInfo.blueTeam, v, MAX_TEAMNAME); // model v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "model" ); if ( cg_forceModel.integer ) { // forcemodel makes everyone use a single model // to prevent load hitches char modelStr[MAX_QPATH]; char *skin; if( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { Q_strncpyz( newInfo.modelName, DEFAULT_TEAM_MODEL, sizeof( newInfo.modelName ) ); Q_strncpyz( newInfo.skinName, "default", sizeof( newInfo.skinName ) ); } else { trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "model", modelStr, sizeof( modelStr ) ); if ( ( skin = strchr( modelStr, '/' ) ) == NULL) { skin = "default"; } else { *skin++ = 0; } Q_strncpyz( newInfo.skinName, skin, sizeof( newInfo.skinName ) ); Q_strncpyz( newInfo.modelName, modelStr, sizeof( newInfo.modelName ) ); } if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { // keep skin name slash = strchr( v, '/' ); if ( slash ) { Q_strncpyz( newInfo.skinName, slash + 1, sizeof( newInfo.skinName ) ); } } } else { Q_strncpyz( newInfo.modelName, v, sizeof( newInfo.modelName ) ); slash = strchr( newInfo.modelName, '/' ); if ( !slash ) { // modelName didn not include a skin name Q_strncpyz( newInfo.skinName, "default", sizeof( newInfo.skinName ) ); } else { Q_strncpyz( newInfo.skinName, slash + 1, sizeof( newInfo.skinName ) ); // truncate modelName *slash = 0; } } // head model v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "hmodel" ); if ( cg_forceModel.integer ) { // forcemodel makes everyone use a single model // to prevent load hitches char modelStr[MAX_QPATH]; char *skin; if( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { Q_strncpyz( newInfo.headModelName, DEFAULT_TEAM_MODEL, sizeof( newInfo.headModelName ) ); Q_strncpyz( newInfo.headSkinName, "default", sizeof( newInfo.headSkinName ) ); } else { trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "headmodel", modelStr, sizeof( modelStr ) ); if ( ( skin = strchr( modelStr, '/' ) ) == NULL) { skin = "default"; } else { *skin++ = 0; } Q_strncpyz( newInfo.headSkinName, skin, sizeof( newInfo.headSkinName ) ); Q_strncpyz( newInfo.headModelName, modelStr, sizeof( newInfo.headModelName ) ); } if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { // keep skin name slash = strchr( v, '/' ); if ( slash ) { Q_strncpyz( newInfo.headSkinName, slash + 1, sizeof( newInfo.headSkinName ) ); } } } else { Q_strncpyz( newInfo.headModelName, v, sizeof( newInfo.headModelName ) ); slash = strchr( newInfo.headModelName, '/' ); if ( !slash ) { // modelName didn not include a skin name Q_strncpyz( newInfo.headSkinName, "default", sizeof( newInfo.headSkinName ) ); } else { Q_strncpyz( newInfo.headSkinName, slash + 1, sizeof( newInfo.headSkinName ) ); // truncate modelName *slash = 0; } } // force powers v = Info_ValueForKey( configstring, "forcepowers" ); Q_strncpyz( newInfo.forcePowers, v, sizeof( newInfo.forcePowers ) ); newInfo.ATST = wasATST; if (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM) { if (newInfo.team == TEAM_RED) { strcpy(newInfo.skinName, "red"); strcpy(newInfo.headSkinName, "red"); } if (newInfo.team == TEAM_BLUE) { strcpy(newInfo.skinName, "blue"); strcpy(newInfo.headSkinName, "blue"); } } // scan for an existing clientinfo that matches this modelname // so we can avoid loading checks if possible if ( !CG_ScanForExistingClientInfo( &newInfo ) ) { qboolean forceDefer; forceDefer = trap_MemoryRemaining() < 4000000; // if we are defering loads, just have it pick the first valid if ( forceDefer || ( cg_deferPlayers.integer && !cg_buildScript.integer && !cg.loading ) ) { // keep whatever they had if it won't violate team skins CG_SetDeferredClientInfo( &newInfo ); // if we are low on memory, leave them with this model if ( forceDefer ) { CG_Printf( "Memory is low. Using deferred model.\n" ); newInfo.deferred = qfalse; } } else { CG_LoadClientInfo( &newInfo ); } } // replace whatever was there with the new one newInfo.infoValid = qtrue; *ci = newInfo; //force a weapon change anyway, for all clients being rendered to the current client while (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { cg_entities[i].ghoul2weapon = NULL; i++; } // Check if the ghoul2 model changed in any way. This is safer than assuming we have a legal cent shile loading info. if (entitiesInitialized && ci->ghoul2Model && (oldGhoul2 != ci->ghoul2Model)) { // Copy the new ghoul2 model to the centity. animation_t *anim; // First check if we have a ghoul2 model on the client entity. anim = &ci->animations[ (cg_entities[clientNum].currentState.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) ]; if (anim) { int flags = BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE; int firstFrame = anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames-1; if (anim->loopFrames != -1) { flags = BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP; firstFrame = anim->firstFrame; } //rww - Set the animation again because it just got reset due to the model change trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "model_root", firstFrame, anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames, flags, 1.0f, cg.time, -1, 150); cg_entities[clientNum].currentState.legsAnim = 0; } anim = &ci->animations[ (cg_entities[clientNum].currentState.torsoAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) ]; if (anim) { int flags = BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE; int firstFrame = anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames-1; if (anim->loopFrames != -1) { flags = BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP; firstFrame = anim->firstFrame; } //rww - Set the animation again because it just got reset due to the model change trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(ci->ghoul2Model, 0, "upper_lumbar", anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames-1, anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames, flags, 1.0f, cg.time, -1, 150); cg_entities[clientNum].currentState.torsoAnim = 0; } if (cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2 && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2)) { trap_G2API_CleanGhoul2Models(&cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2); } trap_G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance(ci->ghoul2Model, &cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2); /* if (cg_entities[clientNum].currentState.weapon > WP_NONE) { CG_CopyG2WeaponInstance(cg_entities[clientNum].currentState.weapon, cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2); } */ //It should catch this next update anyway. We just set all ghoul2weapon's to NULL above. } else if (ci->team == TEAM_SPECTATOR && cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2 && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2)) { //this shouldn't actually happen now because we are not trying to register models for spectators. But just in case. trap_G2API_CleanGhoul2Models(&cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2); if (ci->ghoul2Model && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(ci->ghoul2Model)) { trap_G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance(ci->ghoul2Model, &cg_entities[clientNum].ghoul2); } } } qboolean cgQueueLoad = qfalse; /* ====================== CG_ActualLoadDeferredPlayers Called at the beginning of CG_Player if cgQueueLoad is set. ====================== */ void CG_ActualLoadDeferredPlayers( void ) { int i; clientInfo_t *ci; // scan for a deferred player to load for ( i = 0, ci = cgs.clientinfo ; i < cgs.maxclients ; i++, ci++ ) { if ( ci->infoValid && ci->deferred ) { // if we are low on memory, leave it deferred if ( trap_MemoryRemaining() < 4000000 ) { CG_Printf( "Memory is low. Using deferred model.\n" ); ci->deferred = qfalse; continue; } CG_LoadClientInfo( ci ); // break; } } } /* ====================== CG_LoadDeferredPlayers Called each frame when a player is dead and the scoreboard is up so deferred players can be loaded ====================== */ void CG_LoadDeferredPlayers( void ) { cgQueueLoad = qtrue; } /* ============================================================================= PLAYER ANIMATION ============================================================================= */ static qboolean CG_FirstAnimFrame(clientInfo_t *ci, lerpFrame_t *lf, qboolean torsoOnly, float speedScale); qboolean CG_InRoll( centity_t *cent ) { switch ( (cent->currentState.legsAnim&~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) ) { case BOTH_ROLL_F: case BOTH_ROLL_B: case BOTH_ROLL_R: case BOTH_ROLL_L: if ( cent->pe.legs.animationTime > cg.time ) { return qtrue; } break; } return qfalse; } /* =============== CG_SetLerpFrameAnimation may include ANIM_TOGGLEBIT =============== */ static void CG_SetLerpFrameAnimation( centity_t *cent, clientInfo_t *ci, lerpFrame_t *lf, int newAnimation, float animSpeedMult, qboolean torsoOnly) { animation_t *anim; float animSpeed; int flags=BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE; int oldAnim = -1; if (cent->currentState.number < MAX_CLIENTS && cent->currentState.teamowner && !cent->isATST) { return; } if (cent->isATST) { vec3_t testVel; float fVel; if (lf->animationNumber == BOTH_RUN1 || lf->animationNumber == BOTH_WALK1 || lf->animationNumber == BOTH_WALKBACK1 || lf->animationNumber == BOTH_TURN_LEFT1 || lf->animationNumber == BOTH_TURN_RIGHT1) { if (cent->atstFootClang < cg.time) { if (rand() & 1) { trap_S_StartSound(NULL, cent->currentState.number, CHAN_AUTO, trap_S_RegisterSound("sound/chars/atst/ATSTstep1.wav")); } else { trap_S_StartSound(NULL, cent->currentState.number, CHAN_AUTO, trap_S_RegisterSound("sound/chars/atst/ATSTstep2.wav")); } cent->atstFootClang = cg.time + 1300; } } VectorCopy(cent->currentState.pos.trDelta, testVel); fVel = VectorNormalize(testVel); if (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) { if (lf->animationNumber != BOTH_DEATH1 && lf->animationNumber != BOTH_DEAD1) { trap_S_StartSound(NULL, cent->currentState.number, CHAN_BODY, trap_S_RegisterSound("sound/chars/atst/ATSTcrash.wav")); } newAnimation = BOTH_DEATH1; } else if (fVel > 0) { qboolean doNotSet = qfalse; if (fVel > 250) { animSpeedMult = 1.2; } else if (fVel > 200) { animSpeedMult = 1; } else if (fVel > 100) { animSpeedMult = 0.9; } else if (fVel > 0) { animSpeedMult = 0.8; } else { doNotSet = qtrue; } if (!doNotSet) { if ((cent->currentState.torsoAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) == BOTH_RUN1 || (cent->currentState.torsoAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) == BOTH_WALKBACK1 || (cent->currentState.torsoAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) == BOTH_WALK1) { newAnimation = (cent->currentState.torsoAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT); } else { newAnimation = BOTH_RUN1; } } } else if ((cent->currentState.torsoAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) == BOTH_RUN1START) { if (lf->animationNumber != BOTH_RUN1START) { trap_S_StartSound(NULL, cent->currentState.number, CHAN_BODY, trap_S_RegisterSound("sound/chars/atst/ATSTstart.wav")); cent->atstFootClang = cg.time + 650; } newAnimation = BOTH_RUN1START; } else if (cent->pe.legs.yawing && (cent->pe.legs.yawSwingDif < -20 || cent->pe.legs.yawSwingDif > 20)) { if (cent->pe.legs.yawSwingDif > 0) { newAnimation = BOTH_TURN_LEFT1;//BOTH_RUN1; if (lf->animationNumber != BOTH_TURN_LEFT1) { cent->atstFootClang = cg.time + 500; } } else { newAnimation = BOTH_TURN_RIGHT1;//BOTH_RUN1; if (lf->animationNumber != BOTH_TURN_RIGHT1) { cent->atstFootClang = cg.time + 500; } } animSpeedMult = 0.7; } else { newAnimation = BOTH_STAND1; } if (newAnimation != BOTH_STAND1 && newAnimation != BOTH_RUN1 && newAnimation != BOTH_RUN1START && newAnimation != BOTH_WALK1 && newAnimation != BOTH_WALKBACK1 && newAnimation != BOTH_DEATH1 && newAnimation != BOTH_DEAD1 && newAnimation != BOTH_TURN_RIGHT1 && newAnimation != BOTH_TURN_LEFT1 && newAnimation != BOTH_PAIN1 && newAnimation != BOTH_PAIN2) { //not a valid anim for the ATST.. newAnimation = BOTH_RUN1; } if (lf->animationNumber == newAnimation) { return; } // if (lf->animationNumber != BOTH_STAND1 && // ((lf->frame-lf->animation->firstFrame) < (lf->animation->numFrames/2)-8 || // (lf->frame-lf->animation->firstFrame) > (lf->animation->numFrames/2)+8)) // { // return; // } // if (lf->animationNumber != BOTH_STAND1 && // !CG_FirstAnimFrame(ci, lf, torsoOnly, animSpeedMult)) // { // return; // } } oldAnim = lf->animationNumber; lf->animationNumber = newAnimation; newAnimation &= ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT; if ( newAnimation < 0 || newAnimation >= MAX_TOTALANIMATIONS ) { CG_Error( "Bad animation number: %i", newAnimation ); } anim = &ci->animations[ newAnimation ]; lf->animation = anim; lf->animationTime = lf->frameTime + anim->initialLerp; if ( cg_debugAnim.integer ) { CG_Printf( "Anim: %i, '%s'\n", newAnimation, GetStringForID(animTable, newAnimation)); } if (cent->ghoul2) { animSpeed = 50.0f / anim->frameLerp; if (lf->animation->loopFrames != -1) { flags = BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP; } if (cent->isATST) { if (animSpeed < 0.3) { animSpeed = 0.3; } if (newAnimation == BOTH_WALKBACK1) { animSpeed = 0.8; } if (newAnimation != BOTH_DEATH1) { flags = BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP; } } if (cg_animBlend.integer) { flags |= BONE_ANIM_BLEND; } if (!cent->isATST) { if (BG_FlippingAnim(newAnimation) || BG_InDeathAnim(newAnimation)) { flags &= ~BONE_ANIM_BLEND; } else if ( oldAnim != -1 && (BG_FlippingAnim(oldAnim) || BG_InDeathAnim(oldAnim)) ) { flags &= ~BONE_ANIM_BLEND; } } animSpeed *= animSpeedMult; if (torsoOnly) { lf->animationTorsoSpeed = animSpeedMult; } else { lf->animationSpeed = animSpeedMult; } if (cent->isATST) { int atstBlend = 400; if (torsoOnly) { trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(cent->ghoul2, 0, "pelvis", anim->firstFrame, anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames, flags, animSpeed, lf->frameTime, -1, atstBlend); } else { trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(cent->ghoul2, 0, "model_root", anim->firstFrame, anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames, flags, animSpeed, lf->frameTime, -1, atstBlend); } } else { if (torsoOnly) { trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(cent->ghoul2, 0, "upper_lumbar", anim->firstFrame, anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames, flags, animSpeed, lf->frameTime, -1, 150); } else { trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(cent->ghoul2, 0, "model_root", anim->firstFrame, anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames, flags, animSpeed, lf->frameTime, -1, 150); } if ((cent->currentState.torsoAnim&~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) == newAnimation && !BG_FlippingAnim( cent->currentState.legsAnim ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( cent->currentState.legsAnim ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( cent->currentState.torsoAnim ) && !BG_InSpecialJump( cent->currentState.legsAnim ) && !BG_InSpecialJump( cent->currentState.torsoAnim ) && !BG_InDeathAnim(cent->currentState.legsAnim) && !BG_InDeathAnim(cent->currentState.torsoAnim) && !CG_InRoll(cent) && !BG_SaberInSpecial(cent->currentState.saberMove) && !BG_SaberInSpecialAttack(cent->currentState.torsoAnim) && !BG_SaberInSpecialAttack(cent->currentState.legsAnim) ) { trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(cent->ghoul2, 0, "Motion", anim->firstFrame, anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames, flags, animSpeed, lf->frameTime, -1, 150); } } } } /* =============== CG_FirstAnimFrame Returns true if the lerpframe is on its first frame of animation. Otherwise false. This is used to scale an animation into higher-speed without restarting the animation before it completes at normal speed, in the case of a looping animation (such as the leg running anim). =============== */ static qboolean CG_FirstAnimFrame(clientInfo_t *ci, lerpFrame_t *lf, qboolean torsoOnly, float speedScale) { if (torsoOnly) { if (lf->animationTorsoSpeed == speedScale) { return qfalse; } } else { if (lf->animationSpeed == speedScale) { return qfalse; } } if (lf->animation->numFrames < 2) { return qtrue; } if (lf->animation->firstFrame == lf->frame) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } /* =============== CG_InWalkingAnim Returns last frame to step on if the animation on the frame is desired for playing footstep sounds, otherwise 0 =============== */ int CG_InWalkingAnim(int animNum) { int anim = animNum; anim &= ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT; if (anim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT || anim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT) { return 9; } if (anim >= BOTH_WALK1 && anim <= BOTH_RUNAWAY1) { if (anim == BOTH_RUN1) { return 12; } else { return 9; } } if (anim >= BOTH_WALKBACK1 && anim <= BOTH_RUNBACK2) { return 9; } if (anim >= LEGS_WALKBACK1 && anim <= LEGS_RUNBACK2) { return 9; } return qfalse; } #define FOOTSTEP_GENERIC 1 #define FOOTSTEP_METAL 2 static int CG_FootstepForSurface( centity_t *cent, int skip ) { trace_t tr; vec3_t org, dOrg, legDir, bAngles; vec3_t playerMins = {-15, -15, DEFAULT_MINS_2}; vec3_t playerMaxs = {15, 15, DEFAULT_MAXS_2}; mdxaBone_t boltMatrix; // VectorCopy(ent->lerpOrigin, org); // VectorCopy(org, dOrg); // dOrg[2] -= 64; //should never have to go further than this because we're already onground //We are now tracing off of a bolt point for footsteps, so that if we happen to be walking sideways on a wall we will //still play step sounds properly. VectorCopy(cent->lerpAngles, bAngles); bAngles[PITCH] = 0; trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix_NoReconstruct( cent->ghoul2, 0, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].bolt_llumbar, &boltMatrix, bAngles, cent->lerpOrigin, cg.time, /*cgs.gameModels*/0, cent->modelScale); trap_G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( &boltMatrix, ORIGIN, org ); trap_G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( &boltMatrix, NEGATIVE_Y, legDir ); dOrg[0] = org[0] + legDir[0]*64; dOrg[1] = org[1] + legDir[1]*64; dOrg[2] = org[2] + legDir[2]*64; //CG_TestLine(org, dOrg, 100, 0x0000ff, 3); CG_Trace(&tr, org, playerMins, playerMaxs, dOrg, skip, MASK_PLAYERSOLID); if (tr.fraction == 1) { return 0; } if ( tr.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOSTEPS ) { return 0; } if ( tr.surfaceFlags & SURF_METALSTEPS ) { return FOOTSTEP_METAL; } return FOOTSTEP_GENERIC; } void CG_FootStep(centity_t *cent, clientInfo_t *ci, int anim) { int groundType; if ((anim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT || (anim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) == BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT) { groundType = FOOTSTEP_GENERIC; goto skipCheck; } if (cent->currentState.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE) { return; } skipCheck: groundType = CG_FootstepForSurface(cent, cent->currentState.number); //skipCheck: if (!groundType) { return; } switch (groundType) { case FOOTSTEP_GENERIC: trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cent->currentState.number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ ci->footsteps ][rand()&3] ); break; case FOOTSTEP_METAL: trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cent->currentState.number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_METAL ][rand()&3] ); break; default: break; } } /* =============== CG_RunLerpFrame Sets cg.snap, cg.oldFrame, and cg.backlerp cg.time should be between oldFrameTime and frameTime after exit =============== */ static void CG_RunLerpFrame( centity_t *cent, clientInfo_t *ci, lerpFrame_t *lf, int newAnimation, float speedScale, qboolean torsoOnly) { int f, numFrames; animation_t *anim; // debugging tool to get no animations if ( cg_animSpeed.integer == 0 ) { lf->oldFrame = lf->frame = lf->backlerp = 0; return; } // see if the animation sequence is switching if (cent->currentState.forceFrame) { int flags = BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE; //|BONE_ANIM_BLEND; float animSpeed = 1.0f; trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(cent->ghoul2, 0, "upper_lumbar", cent->currentState.forceFrame, cent->currentState.forceFrame+1, flags, animSpeed, lf->frameTime, -1, 150); trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(cent->ghoul2, 0, "model_root", cent->currentState.forceFrame, cent->currentState.forceFrame+1, flags, animSpeed, lf->frameTime, -1, 150); trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(cent->ghoul2, 0, "Motion", cent->currentState.forceFrame, cent->currentState.forceFrame+1, flags, animSpeed, lf->frameTime, -1, 150); lf->animationNumber = 0; } else if ( (newAnimation != lf->animationNumber || !lf->animation) || (CG_FirstAnimFrame(ci, lf, torsoOnly, speedScale)) ) { CG_SetLerpFrameAnimation( cent, ci, lf, newAnimation, speedScale, torsoOnly); } else if (cent->isATST) { if (cent->pe.legs.yawing != !lf->torsoYawing) { CG_SetLerpFrameAnimation( cent, ci, lf, newAnimation, speedScale, torsoOnly); lf->torsoYawing = cent->pe.legs.yawing; } } // if we have passed the current frame, move it to // oldFrame and calculate a new frame if ( cg.time >= lf->frameTime ) { if (lf->oldFrame != lf->frame && lf == &(cent->pe.legs)) { int addFinalFrame = CG_InWalkingAnim(lf->animationNumber); //9; if (addFinalFrame && !cent->isATST) { if ( lf->frame >= (lf->animation->firstFrame+3) && lf->oldFrame < (lf->animation->firstFrame+3)) { CG_FootStep(cent, ci, lf->animationNumber); } else if ( lf->frame >= (lf->animation->firstFrame+addFinalFrame) && lf->oldFrame < (lf->animation->firstFrame+addFinalFrame)) { CG_FootStep(cent, ci, lf->animationNumber); } else if (lf->oldFrame > lf->frame && lf->frame > (lf->animation->firstFrame+1)) { //missed one CG_FootStep(cent, ci, lf->animationNumber); } } } lf->oldFrame = lf->frame; lf->oldFrameTime = lf->frameTime; // get the next frame based on the animation anim = lf->animation; if ( !anim->frameLerp ) { return; // shouldn't happen } if ( cg.time < lf->animationTime ) { lf->frameTime = lf->animationTime; // initial lerp } else { lf->frameTime = lf->oldFrameTime + anim->frameLerp; } f = ( lf->frameTime - lf->animationTime ) / anim->frameLerp; f *= speedScale; // adjust for haste, etc numFrames = anim->numFrames; if (anim->flipflop) { numFrames *= 2; } if ( f >= numFrames ) { f -= numFrames; if ( anim->loopFrames != -1 ) //Before 0 meant no loop { if(anim->numFrames - anim->loopFrames == 0) { f %= anim->numFrames; } else { f %= (anim->numFrames - anim->loopFrames); } f += anim->loopFrames; } else { f = numFrames - 1; // the animation is stuck at the end, so it // can immediately transition to another sequence lf->frameTime = cg.time; } } if ( anim->reversed ) { lf->frame = anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames - 1 - f; } else if (anim->flipflop && f>=anim->numFrames) { lf->frame = anim->firstFrame + anim->numFrames - 1 - (f%anim->numFrames); } else { lf->frame = anim->firstFrame + f; } if ( cg.time > lf->frameTime ) { lf->frameTime = cg.time; if ( cg_debugAnim.integer ) { CG_Printf( "Clamp lf->frameTime\n"); } } } if ( lf->frameTime > cg.time + 200 ) { lf->frameTime = cg.time; } if ( lf->oldFrameTime > cg.time ) { lf->oldFrameTime = cg.time; } // calculate current lerp value if ( lf->frameTime == lf->oldFrameTime ) { lf->backlerp = 0; } else { lf->backlerp = 1.0 - (float)( cg.time - lf->oldFrameTime ) / ( lf->frameTime - lf->oldFrameTime ); } } /* =============== CG_ClearLerpFrame =============== */ static void CG_ClearLerpFrame( centity_t *cent, clientInfo_t *ci, lerpFrame_t *lf, int animationNumber, qboolean torsoOnly) { lf->frameTime = lf->oldFrameTime = cg.time; CG_SetLerpFrameAnimation( cent, ci, lf, animationNumber, 1, torsoOnly ); lf->oldFrame = lf->frame = lf->animation->firstFrame; } /* =============== CG_PlayerAnimation =============== */ static void CG_PlayerAnimation( centity_t *cent, int *legsOld, int *legs, float *legsBackLerp, int *torsoOld, int *torso, float *torsoBackLerp ) { clientInfo_t *ci; int clientNum; float speedScale; clientNum = cent->currentState.clientNum; if ( cg_noPlayerAnims.integer ) { *legsOld = *legs = *torsoOld = *torso = 0; return; } if (cent->currentState.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_RAGE)) { speedScale = 1.3; } else if (cent->currentState.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_SPEED)) { speedScale = 1.7; } else { speedScale = 1; } ci = &cgs.clientinfo[ clientNum ]; // do the shuffle turn frames locally if(0){// if ( cent->pe.legs.yawing && ( cent->currentState.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) == TORSO_WEAPONREADY3) { CG_RunLerpFrame( cent, ci, ¢->pe.legs, LEGS_TURN1, speedScale, qfalse); } else { CG_RunLerpFrame( cent, ci, ¢->pe.legs, cent->currentState.legsAnim, speedScale, qfalse); } if (!(cent->currentState.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_RAGE))) { //don't affect torso anim speed unless raged speedScale = 1; } else { speedScale = 1.7; } *legsOld = cent->pe.legs.oldFrame; *legs = cent->pe.legs.frame; *legsBackLerp = cent->pe.legs.backlerp; CG_RunLerpFrame( cent, ci, ¢->pe.torso, cent->currentState.torsoAnim, speedScale, qtrue ); *torsoOld = cent->pe.torso.oldFrame; *torso = cent->pe.torso.frame; *torsoBackLerp = cent->pe.torso.backlerp; } /* ============================================================================= PLAYER ANGLES ============================================================================= */ /* ================== CG_SwingAngles ================== */ static float CG_SwingAngles( float destination, float swingTolerance, float clampTolerance, float speed, float *angle, qboolean *swinging ) { float swing; float move; float scale; if ( !*swinging ) { // see if a swing should be started swing = AngleSubtract( *angle, destination ); if ( swing > swingTolerance || swing < -swingTolerance ) { *swinging = qtrue; } } if ( !*swinging ) { return 0; } // modify the speed depending on the delta // so it doesn't seem so linear swing = AngleSubtract( destination, *angle ); scale = fabs( swing ); if ( scale < swingTolerance * 0.5 ) { scale = 0.5; } else if ( scale < swingTolerance ) { scale = 1.0; } else { scale = 2.0; } // swing towards the destination angle if ( swing >= 0 ) { move = cg.frametime * scale * speed; if ( move >= swing ) { move = swing; *swinging = qfalse; } *angle = AngleMod( *angle + move ); } else if ( swing < 0 ) { move = cg.frametime * scale * -speed; if ( move <= swing ) { move = swing; *swinging = qfalse; } *angle = AngleMod( *angle + move ); } // clamp to no more than tolerance swing = AngleSubtract( destination, *angle ); if ( swing > clampTolerance ) { *angle = AngleMod( destination - (clampTolerance - 1) ); } else if ( swing < -clampTolerance ) { *angle = AngleMod( destination + (clampTolerance - 1) ); } return swing; } /* ================== CG_SwingAngles ================== */ static float CG_SwingAnglesATST( centity_t *cent, float destination, float swingTolerance, float clampTolerance, float speed, float *angle, qboolean *swinging ) { float swing; float move; float scale; if ( !*swinging ) { // see if a swing should be started swing = AngleSubtract( *angle, destination ); if ( swing > swingTolerance || swing < -swingTolerance ) { *swinging = qtrue; } } if ( !*swinging ) { return 0; } // modify the speed depending on the delta // so it doesn't seem so linear swing = AngleSubtract( destination, *angle ); scale = fabs( swing ); if ( scale < swingTolerance * 0.5 ) { scale = 0.5; } else if ( scale < swingTolerance ) { scale = 1.0; } else { scale = 2.0; } if (swing < 10 && swing > -10) { cent->atstSwinging = 0; } if (swing < 60 && swing > -60 && !cent->atstSwinging) { return 0; } cent->atstSwinging = 1; // swing towards the destination angle if ( swing >= 0 ) { move = cg.frametime * scale * speed; if ( move >= swing ) { move = swing; *swinging = qfalse; } *angle = AngleMod( *angle + move ); } else if ( swing < 0 ) { move = cg.frametime * scale * -speed; if ( move <= swing ) { move = swing; *swinging = qfalse; } *angle = AngleMod( *angle + move ); } // clamp to no more than tolerance swing = AngleSubtract( destination, *angle ); if ( swing > clampTolerance ) { *angle = AngleMod( destination - (clampTolerance - 1) ); } else if ( swing < -clampTolerance ) { *angle = AngleMod( destination + (clampTolerance - 1) ); } return swing; } /* ================= CG_AddPainTwitch ================= */ static void CG_AddPainTwitch( centity_t *cent, vec3_t torsoAngles ) { int t; float f; t = cg.time - cent->pe.painTime; if ( t >= PAIN_TWITCH_TIME ) { return; } f = 1.0 - (float)t / PAIN_TWITCH_TIME; if ( cent->pe.painDirection ) { torsoAngles[ROLL] += 20 * f; } else { torsoAngles[ROLL] -= 20 * f; } } /* =============== CG_PlayerAngles Handles seperate torso motion legs pivot based on direction of movement head always looks exactly at cent->lerpAngles if motion < 20 degrees, show in head only if < 45 degrees, also show in torso =============== */ static void CG_PlayerAngles( centity_t *cent, vec3_t legs[3], vec3_t torso[3], vec3_t head[3] ) { vec3_t legsAngles, torsoAngles, headAngles; float dest; static int movementOffsets[8] = { 0, 22, 45, -22, 0, 22, -45, -22 }; vec3_t velocity; float speed; int dir, clientNum; clientInfo_t *ci; VectorCopy( cent->lerpAngles, headAngles ); headAngles[YAW] = AngleMod( headAngles[YAW] ); VectorClear( legsAngles ); VectorClear( torsoAngles ); // --------- yaw ------------- // allow yaw to drift a bit if ((( cent->currentState.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != BOTH_STAND1) || ( cent->currentState.torsoAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != WeaponReadyAnim[cent->currentState.weapon] ) { // if not standing still, always point all in the same direction cent->pe.torso.yawing = qtrue; // always center cent->pe.torso.pitching = qtrue; // always center cent->pe.legs.yawing = qtrue; // always center } // adjust legs for movement dir if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) { // don't let dead bodies twitch dir = 0; } else { dir = cent->currentState.angles2[YAW]; if ( dir < 0 || dir > 7 ) { CG_Error( "Bad player movement angle" ); } } legsAngles[YAW] = headAngles[YAW] + movementOffsets[ dir ]; torsoAngles[YAW] = headAngles[YAW] + 0.25 * movementOffsets[ dir ]; // torso CG_SwingAngles( torsoAngles[YAW], 25, 90, /*cg_swingSpeed.value*/ 0.3, ¢->pe.torso.yawAngle, ¢->pe.torso.yawing ); CG_SwingAngles( legsAngles[YAW], 40, 90, /*cg_swingSpeed.value*/ 0.3, ¢->pe.legs.yawAngle, ¢->pe.legs.yawing ); torsoAngles[YAW] = cent->pe.torso.yawAngle; legsAngles[YAW] = cent->pe.legs.yawAngle; // --------- pitch ------------- // only show a fraction of the pitch angle in the torso if ( headAngles[PITCH] > 180 ) { dest = (-360 + headAngles[PITCH]) * 0.75f; } else { dest = headAngles[PITCH] * 0.75f; } CG_SwingAngles( dest, 15, 30, 0.1f, ¢->pe.torso.pitchAngle, ¢->pe.torso.pitching ); torsoAngles[PITCH] = cent->pe.torso.pitchAngle; // clientNum = cent->currentState.clientNum; if ( clientNum >= 0 && clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS ) { ci = &cgs.clientinfo[ clientNum ]; if ( ci->fixedtorso ) { torsoAngles[PITCH] = 0.0f; } } // --------- roll ------------- // lean towards the direction of travel VectorCopy( cent->currentState.pos.trDelta, velocity ); speed = VectorNormalize( velocity ); if ( speed ) { vec3_t axis[3]; float side; speed *= 0.05f; AnglesToAxis( legsAngles, axis ); side = speed * DotProduct( velocity, axis[1] ); legsAngles[ROLL] -= side; side = speed * DotProduct( velocity, axis[0] ); legsAngles[PITCH] += side; } // clientNum = cent->currentState.clientNum; if ( clientNum >= 0 && clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS ) { ci = &cgs.clientinfo[ clientNum ]; if ( ci->fixedlegs ) { legsAngles[YAW] = torsoAngles[YAW]; legsAngles[PITCH] = 0.0f; legsAngles[ROLL] = 0.0f; } } // pain twitch CG_AddPainTwitch( cent, torsoAngles ); // pull the angles back out of the hierarchial chain AnglesSubtract( headAngles, torsoAngles, headAngles ); AnglesSubtract( torsoAngles, legsAngles, torsoAngles ); AnglesToAxis( legsAngles, legs ); AnglesToAxis( torsoAngles, torso ); AnglesToAxis( headAngles, head ); } typedef struct boneAngleParms_s { void *ghoul2; int modelIndex; char *boneName; vec3_t angles; int flags; int up; int right; int forward; qhandle_t *modelList; int blendTime; int currentTime; qboolean refreshSet; } boneAngleParms_t; boneAngleParms_t cgBoneAnglePostSet; void CG_G2SetBoneAngles(void *ghoul2, int modelIndex, const char *boneName, const vec3_t angles, const int flags, const int up, const int right, const int forward, qhandle_t *modelList, int blendTime , int currentTime ) { //we want to hold off on setting the bone angles until the end of the frame, because every time we set //them the entire skeleton has to be reconstructed. #if 0 //This function should ONLY be called from CG_Player() or a function that is called only within CG_Player(). //At the end of the frame we will check to use this information to call SetBoneAngles memset(&cgBoneAnglePostSet, 0, sizeof(cgBoneAnglePostSet)); cgBoneAnglePostSet.ghoul2 = ghoul2; cgBoneAnglePostSet.modelIndex = modelIndex; cgBoneAnglePostSet.boneName = (char *)boneName; cgBoneAnglePostSet.angles[0] = angles[0]; cgBoneAnglePostSet.angles[1] = angles[1]; cgBoneAnglePostSet.angles[2] = angles[2]; cgBoneAnglePostSet.flags = flags; cgBoneAnglePostSet.up = up; cgBoneAnglePostSet.right = right; cgBoneAnglePostSet.forward = forward; cgBoneAnglePostSet.modelList = modelList; cgBoneAnglePostSet.blendTime = blendTime; cgBoneAnglePostSet.currentTime = currentTime; cgBoneAnglePostSet.refreshSet = qtrue; #endif //Unfortunately the above doesn't really work. trap_G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, modelIndex, boneName, angles, flags, up, right, forward, modelList, blendTime, currentTime); } void CG_G2ClientSpineAngles( centity_t *cent, vec3_t viewAngles, const vec3_t angles, vec3_t thoracicAngles, vec3_t ulAngles, vec3_t llAngles ) { int ang = 0; if (cent->isATST || cent->currentState.teamowner) { return; } VectorClear(ulAngles); VectorClear(llAngles); //cent->pe.torso.pitchAngle = viewAngles[PITCH]; viewAngles[YAW] = AngleDelta( cent->lerpAngles[YAW], angles[YAW] ); //cent->pe.torso.yawAngle = viewAngles[YAW]; if ( !BG_FlippingAnim( cent->currentState.legsAnim ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( cent->currentState.legsAnim ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( cent->currentState.torsoAnim ) && !BG_InSpecialJump( cent->currentState.legsAnim ) && !BG_InSpecialJump( cent->currentState.torsoAnim ) && !BG_InDeathAnim(cent->currentState.legsAnim) && !BG_InDeathAnim(cent->currentState.torsoAnim) && !CG_InRoll(cent) && !BG_SaberInSpecial(cent->currentState.saberMove) && !BG_SaberInSpecialAttack(cent->currentState.torsoAnim) && !BG_SaberInSpecialAttack(cent->currentState.legsAnim) && /* !BG_FlippingAnim( cent->rootBone ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( cent->rootBone ) && !BG_InSpecialJump( cent->rootBone ) && !BG_InDeathAnim(cent->rootBone) && !BG_SaberInSpecialAttack(cent->rootBone) && */ !(cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) ) { //adjust for motion offset mdxaBone_t boltMatrix; vec3_t motionFwd, motionAngles; //trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix( cent->ghoul2, 0, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].bolt_motion, &boltMatrix, vec3_origin, cent->lerpOrigin, cg.time, /*cgs.gameModels*/0, cent->modelScale); trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix_NoReconstruct( cent->ghoul2, 0, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].bolt_motion, &boltMatrix, vec3_origin, cent->lerpOrigin, cg.time, /*cgs.gameModels*/0, cent->modelScale); trap_G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( &boltMatrix, POSITIVE_X, motionFwd ); vectoangles( motionFwd, motionAngles ); for ( ang = 0; ang < 3; ang++ ) { viewAngles[ang] = AngleNormalize180( viewAngles[ang] - AngleNormalize180( motionAngles[ang] ) ); } } //distribute the angles differently up the spine //NOTE: each of these distributions must add up to 1.0f thoracicAngles[PITCH] = viewAngles[PITCH]*0.20f; llAngles[PITCH] = viewAngles[PITCH]*0.40f; ulAngles[PITCH] = viewAngles[PITCH]*0.40f; // thoracicAngles[YAW] = viewAngles[YAW]*0.20f; // ulAngles[YAW] = viewAngles[YAW]*0.35f; // llAngles[YAW] = viewAngles[YAW]*0.45f; thoracicAngles[YAW] = viewAngles[YAW]*0.20f; ulAngles[YAW] = viewAngles[YAW]*0.25f; llAngles[YAW] = viewAngles[YAW]*0.25f; thoracicAngles[ROLL] = viewAngles[ROLL]*0.20f; ulAngles[ROLL] = viewAngles[ROLL]*0.35f; llAngles[ROLL] = viewAngles[ROLL]*0.45f; for ( ang = 0; ang < 3; ang++ ) { if (ulAngles[ang] < 0) { ulAngles[ang] += 360; } } //thoracic is added modified again by neckAngle calculations, so don't set it until then // BG_G2SetBoneAngles( cent, cent->gent, cent->gent->upperLumbarBone, ulAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.model_draw); // BG_G2SetBoneAngles( cent, cent->gent, cent->gent->lowerLumbarBone, llAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.model_draw); // trap_G2API_SetBoneAngles(cent->ghoul2, 0, "upper_lumbar", ulAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.gameModels, 0, cg.time); // trap_G2API_SetBoneAngles(cent->ghoul2, 0, "lower_lumbar", llAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.gameModels, 0, cg.time); // trap_G2API_SetBoneAngles(cent->ghoul2, 0, "thoracic", thoracicAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.gameModels, 0, cg.time); } static void CG_G2PlayerAngles( centity_t *cent, vec3_t legs[3], vec3_t legsAngles){ vec3_t torsoAngles, headAngles; float dest; static int movementOffsets[8] = { 0, 22, 45, -22, 0, 22, -45, -22 }; vec3_t velocity; float speed; //, speed_dif, speed_desired; int dir; vec3_t velPos, velAng; int adddir = 0; float dif; float degrees_negative = 0; float degrees_positive = 0; vec3_t ulAngles, llAngles, viewAngles, angles, thoracicAngles = {0,0,0}; VectorCopy( cent->lerpAngles, headAngles ); headAngles[YAW] = AngleMod( headAngles[YAW] ); VectorClear( legsAngles ); VectorClear( torsoAngles ); // --------- yaw ------------- // allow yaw to drift a bit if ((( cent->currentState.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != BOTH_STAND1) || ( cent->currentState.torsoAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != WeaponReadyAnim[cent->currentState.weapon] ) { // if not standing still, always point all in the same direction cent->pe.torso.yawing = qtrue; // always center cent->pe.torso.pitching = qtrue; // always center cent->pe.legs.yawing = qtrue; // always center } // adjust legs for movement dir if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) { // don't let dead bodies twitch dir = 0; } else { dir = cent->currentState.angles2[YAW]; if ( dir < 0 || dir > 7 ) { CG_Error( "Bad player movement angle" ); } } if (!cent->isATST) { torsoAngles[YAW] = headAngles[YAW] + 0.25 * movementOffsets[ dir ]; } else { torsoAngles[YAW] = headAngles[YAW]; } // torso // CG_SwingAngles( torsoAngles[YAW], 25, 90, /*cg_swingSpeed.value*/ 0.3, ¢->pe.torso.yawAngle, ¢->pe.torso.yawing ); // torsoAngles[YAW] = cent->pe.torso.yawAngle; //for now, turn torso instantly and let the legs swing to follow cent->pe.torso.yawAngle = torsoAngles[YAW]; // --------- pitch ------------- VectorCopy( cent->currentState.pos.trDelta, velocity ); speed = VectorNormalize( velocity ); if (!speed) { torsoAngles[YAW] = headAngles[YAW]; } // only show a fraction of the pitch angle in the torso if ( headAngles[PITCH] > 180 ) { dest = (-360 + headAngles[PITCH]) * 0.75; } else { dest = headAngles[PITCH] * 0.75; } CG_SwingAngles( dest, 15, 30, 0.1, ¢->pe.torso.pitchAngle, ¢->pe.torso.pitching ); torsoAngles[PITCH] = cent->pe.torso.pitchAngle; // --------- roll ------------- // lean towards the direction of travel /* speed_desired = cent->currentState.speed/4; if (!speed) { speed_dif = 0; } else { speed_dif = (speed/speed_desired); } if (speed_dif > 1) { speed_dif = 1; } else if (speed_dif < 0) { speed_dif = 0; } */ if ( speed ) { vec3_t axis[3]; float side; speed *= 0.05; AnglesToAxis( legsAngles, axis ); side = speed * DotProduct( velocity, axis[1] ); legsAngles[ROLL] -= side; side = speed * DotProduct( velocity, axis[0] ); legsAngles[PITCH] += side; } //legsAngles[YAW] = headAngles[YAW] + (movementOffsets[ dir ]*speed_dif); //rww - crazy velocity-based leg angle calculation legsAngles[YAW] = headAngles[YAW]; velPos[0] = cent->lerpOrigin[0] + velocity[0]; velPos[1] = cent->lerpOrigin[1] + velocity[1]; velPos[2] = cent->lerpOrigin[2];// + velocity[2]; VectorSubtract(cent->lerpOrigin, velPos, velAng); if (!VectorCompare(velAng, vec3_origin)) { vectoangles(velAng, velAng); if (velAng[YAW] <= legsAngles[YAW]) { degrees_negative = (legsAngles[YAW] - velAng[YAW]); degrees_positive = (360 - legsAngles[YAW]) + velAng[YAW]; } else { degrees_negative = legsAngles[YAW] + (360 - velAng[YAW]); degrees_positive = (velAng[YAW] - legsAngles[YAW]); } if (degrees_negative < degrees_positive) { dif = degrees_negative; adddir = 0; } else { dif = degrees_positive; adddir = 1; } if (dif > 90) { dif = (180 - dif); } if (cent->isATST) { if (dif > 360) { dif = 360; } } else { if (dif > 60) { dif = 60; } } //Slight hack for when playing is running backward if (dir == 3 || dir == 5) { dif = -dif; } if (adddir) { legsAngles[YAW] -= dif; } else { legsAngles[YAW] += dif; } } if (cent->isATST) { cent->pe.legs.yawSwingDif = CG_SwingAnglesATST( cent, legsAngles[YAW], 40, 360, /*cg_swingSpeed.value*/ 0.05, ¢->pe.legs.yawAngle, ¢->pe.legs.yawing ); } else { CG_SwingAngles( legsAngles[YAW], 40, 90, /*cg_swingSpeed.value*/ 0.3, ¢->pe.legs.yawAngle, ¢->pe.legs.yawing ); } legsAngles[YAW] = cent->pe.legs.yawAngle; // pain twitch CG_AddPainTwitch( cent, torsoAngles ); legsAngles[ROLL] = 0; torsoAngles[ROLL] = 0; VectorCopy(legsAngles, cent->turAngles); if (cent->isATST) { legsAngles[ROLL] = 0; legsAngles[PITCH] = 0; } // pull the angles back out of the hierarchial chain AnglesSubtract( headAngles, torsoAngles, headAngles ); AnglesSubtract( torsoAngles, legsAngles, torsoAngles ); AnglesToAxis( legsAngles, legs ); // we assume that model 0 is the player model. if (cent->isATST) { vec3_t flatYaw; flatYaw[YAW] = 0;//cent->lerpAngles[YAW]; flatYaw[ROLL] = 0; flatYaw[PITCH] = 0; CG_G2SetBoneAngles(cent->ghoul2, 0, "pelvis", flatYaw, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.gameModels, 0, cg.time); CG_G2SetBoneAngles(cent->ghoul2, 0, "thoracic", torsoAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.gameModels, 0, cg.time); return; } // trap_G2API_SetBoneAngles(cent->ghoul2, 0, "upper_lumbar", torsoAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.gameModels, 0, cg.time); VectorCopy( cent->lerpAngles, viewAngles ); viewAngles[YAW] = viewAngles[ROLL] = 0; viewAngles[PITCH] *= 0.5; VectorCopy( cent->lerpAngles, angles ); angles[PITCH] = 0; CG_G2ClientSpineAngles(cent, viewAngles, angles, thoracicAngles, ulAngles, llAngles); ulAngles[YAW] += torsoAngles[YAW]*0.3; llAngles[YAW] += torsoAngles[YAW]*0.3; thoracicAngles[YAW] += torsoAngles[YAW]*0.4; ulAngles[PITCH] = torsoAngles[PITCH]*0.3; llAngles[PITCH] = torsoAngles[PITCH]*0.3; thoracicAngles[PITCH] = torsoAngles[PITCH]*0.4; ulAngles[ROLL] += torsoAngles[ROLL]*0.3; llAngles[ROLL] += torsoAngles[ROLL]*0.3; thoracicAngles[ROLL] += torsoAngles[ROLL]*0.4; //We must compensate yaw for pitch so that the player can't bend all the way over and contort his spine //to the left/right at an unnatural angle if (ulAngles[PITCH] > 0) { if (ulAngles[YAW] > 0) { ulAngles[YAW] -= ulAngles[PITCH]; if (ulAngles[YAW] < 0) { ulAngles[YAW] = 0; } } else if (ulAngles[YAW] < 0) { ulAngles[YAW] += ulAngles[PITCH]; if (ulAngles[YAW] > 0) { ulAngles[YAW] = 0; } } } if (llAngles[PITCH] > 0) { if (llAngles[YAW] > 0) { llAngles[YAW] -= llAngles[PITCH]; if (llAngles[YAW] < 0) { llAngles[YAW] = 0; } } else if (llAngles[YAW] < 0) { llAngles[YAW] += llAngles[PITCH]; if (llAngles[YAW] > 0) { llAngles[YAW] = 0; } } } if (thoracicAngles[PITCH] > 0) { if (thoracicAngles[YAW] > 0) { thoracicAngles[YAW] -= thoracicAngles[PITCH]; if (thoracicAngles[YAW] < 0) { thoracicAngles[YAW] = 0; } } else if (thoracicAngles[YAW] < 0) { thoracicAngles[YAW] += thoracicAngles[PITCH]; if (thoracicAngles[YAW] > 0) { thoracicAngles[YAW] = 0; } } } if ( cent->currentState.otherEntityNum2 && !(cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) ) { //using an emplaced gun centity_t *empEnt = &cg_entities[cent->currentState.otherEntityNum2]; vec3_t headAng; VectorClear(headAng); if (empEnt) { vec3_t dif, empOrg, originalAngle; VectorCopy(cent->lerpAngles, originalAngle); VectorCopy(empEnt->lerpOrigin, empOrg); empOrg[2] += 32; VectorSubtract(empOrg, cent->lerpOrigin, dif); VectorNormalize(dif); vectoangles(dif, dif); VectorCopy(dif, cent->lerpAngles); VectorCopy(cent->lerpAngles, legsAngles); VectorSubtract(originalAngle, cent->lerpAngles, headAng); headAng[PITCH] /= 3; //scale it down so that you can't bend your neck all the way back } else { VectorClear(cent->lerpAngles); VectorClear(legsAngles); } AnglesToAxis( legsAngles, legs ); CG_G2SetBoneAngles(cent->ghoul2, 0, "upper_lumbar", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.gameModels, 0, cg.time); CG_G2SetBoneAngles(cent->ghoul2, 0, "lower_lumbar", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.gameModels, 0, cg.time); CG_G2SetBoneAngles(cent->ghoul2, 0, "thoracic", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.gameModels, 0, cg.time); CG_G2SetBoneAngles(cent->ghoul2, 0, "cervical", headAng, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.gameModels, 0, cg.time); } else { CG_G2SetBoneAngles(cent->ghoul2, 0, "upper_lumbar", ulAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.gameModels, 0, cg.time); CG_G2SetBoneAngles(cent->ghoul2, 0, "lower_lumbar", llAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.gameModels, 0, cg.time); CG_G2SetBoneAngles(cent->ghoul2, 0, "thoracic", thoracicAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.gameModels, 0, cg.time); CG_G2SetBoneAngles(cent->ghoul2, 0, "cervical", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, cgs.gameModels, 0, cg.time); } //trap_G2API_SetBoneAngles(cent->ghoul2, 0, "cranium", headAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_Z, NEGATIVE_Y, POSITIVE_X, cgs.gameModels, 0, cg.time); } //========================================================================== /* =============== CG_HasteTrail =============== */ static void CG_HasteTrail( centity_t *cent ) { localEntity_t *smoke; vec3_t origin; int anim; if ( cent->trailTime > cg.time ) { return; } anim = cent->pe.legs.animationNumber & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT; if ( anim != BOTH_RUN1 && anim != BOTH_RUNBACK1 ) { return; } cent->trailTime += 100; if ( cent->trailTime < cg.time ) { cent->trailTime = cg.time; } VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, origin ); origin[2] -= 16; smoke = CG_SmokePuff( origin, vec3_origin, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 500, cg.time, 0, 0, cgs.media.hastePuffShader ); // use the optimized local entity add smoke->leType = LE_SCALE_FADE; } /* =============== CG_BreathPuffs =============== */ static void CG_BreathPuffs( centity_t *cent, refEntity_t *head) { clientInfo_t *ci; vec3_t up, origin; int contents; // ci = &cgs.clientinfo[ cent->currentState.number ]; // NOTENOTE number was id's code, did they mean clientNum? ci = &cgs.clientinfo[ cent->currentState.clientNum ]; if (!cg_enableBreath.integer) { return; } if ( cent->currentState.number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum && !cg.renderingThirdPerson) { return; } if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) { return; } contents = trap_CM_PointContents( head->origin, 0 ); if ( contents & ( CONTENTS_WATER | CONTENTS_SLIME | CONTENTS_LAVA ) ) { return; } if ( ci->breathPuffTime > cg.time ) { return; } VectorSet( up, 0, 0, 8 ); VectorMA(head->origin, 8, head->axis[0], origin); VectorMA(origin, -4, head->axis[2], origin); CG_SmokePuff( origin, up, 16, 1, 1, 1, 0.66f, 1500, cg.time, cg.time + 400, LEF_PUFF_DONT_SCALE, cgs.media.shotgunSmokePuffShader ); ci->breathPuffTime = cg.time + 2000; } /* =============== CG_DustTrail =============== */ /* static void CG_DustTrail( centity_t *cent ) { int anim; localEntity_t *dust; vec3_t end, vel; trace_t tr; if (!cg_enableDust.integer) return; if ( cent->dustTrailTime > cg.time ) { return; } anim = cent->pe.legs.animationNumber & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT; if ( anim != LEGS_LANDB && anim != LEGS_LAND ) { return; } cent->dustTrailTime += 40; if ( cent->dustTrailTime < cg.time ) { cent->dustTrailTime = cg.time; } VectorCopy(cent->currentState.pos.trBase, end); end[2] -= 64; CG_Trace( &tr, cent->currentState.pos.trBase, NULL, NULL, end, cent->currentState.number, MASK_PLAYERSOLID ); if ( !(tr.surfaceFlags & SURF_DUST) ) return; VectorCopy( cent->currentState.pos.trBase, end ); end[2] -= 16; VectorSet(vel, 0, 0, -30); dust = CG_SmokePuff( end, vel, 24, .8f, .8f, 0.7f, 0.33f, 500, cg.time, 0, 0, cgs.media.dustPuffShader ); } */ /* =============== CG_TrailItem =============== */ static void CG_TrailItem( centity_t *cent, qhandle_t hModel ) { refEntity_t ent; vec3_t angles; vec3_t axis[3]; VectorCopy( cent->lerpAngles, angles ); angles[PITCH] = 0; angles[ROLL] = 0; AnglesToAxis( angles, axis ); memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) ); VectorMA( cent->lerpOrigin, -16, axis[0], ent.origin ); ent.origin[2] += 16; angles[YAW] += 90; AnglesToAxis( angles, ent.axis ); ent.hModel = hModel; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent ); } /* =============== CG_PlayerFlag =============== */ static void CG_PlayerFlag( centity_t *cent, qhandle_t hModel ) { refEntity_t ent; vec3_t angles; vec3_t axis[3]; vec3_t boltOrg, tAng, getAng, right; mdxaBone_t boltMatrix; if (!cent->ghoul2) { return; } VectorSet( tAng, cent->turAngles[PITCH], cent->turAngles[YAW], cent->turAngles[ROLL] ); trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix(cent->ghoul2, 0, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].bolt_llumbar, &boltMatrix, tAng, cent->lerpOrigin, cg.time, cgs.gameModels, cent->modelScale); trap_G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&boltMatrix, ORIGIN, boltOrg); trap_G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&boltMatrix, POSITIVE_X, tAng); vectoangles(tAng, tAng); VectorCopy(cent->lerpAngles, angles); boltOrg[2] -= 12; VectorSet(getAng, 0, cent->lerpAngles[1], 0); AngleVectors(getAng, 0, right, 0); boltOrg[0] += right[0]*8; boltOrg[1] += right[1]*8; boltOrg[2] += right[2]*8; angles[PITCH] = -cent->lerpAngles[PITCH]/2-30; angles[YAW] = tAng[YAW]+270; AnglesToAxis(angles, axis); memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) ); VectorMA( boltOrg, 24, axis[0], ent.origin ); angles[ROLL] += 20; AnglesToAxis( angles, ent.axis ); ent.hModel = hModel; ent.modelScale[0] = 0.5; ent.modelScale[1] = 0.5; ent.modelScale[2] = 0.5; ScaleModelAxis(&ent); /* if (cent->currentState.number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum) { //If we're the current client (in third person), render the flag on our back transparently ent.renderfx |= RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA; ent.shaderRGBA[3] = 100; } */ //FIXME: Not doing this at the moment because sorting totally messes up trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent ); } /* =============== CG_PlayerPowerups =============== */ static void CG_PlayerPowerups( centity_t *cent, refEntity_t *torso ) { int powerups; clientInfo_t *ci; powerups = cent->currentState.powerups; if ( !powerups ) { return; } // quad gives a dlight if ( powerups & ( 1 << PW_QUAD ) ) { trap_R_AddLightToScene( cent->lerpOrigin, 200 + (rand()&31), 0.2f, 0.2f, 1 ); } ci = &cgs.clientinfo[ cent->currentState.clientNum ]; // redflag if ( powerups & ( 1 << PW_REDFLAG ) ) { CG_PlayerFlag( cent, cgs.media.redFlagModel ); trap_R_AddLightToScene( cent->lerpOrigin, 200 + (rand()&31), 1.0, 0.2f, 0.2f ); } // blueflag if ( powerups & ( 1 << PW_BLUEFLAG ) ) { CG_PlayerFlag( cent, cgs.media.blueFlagModel ); trap_R_AddLightToScene( cent->lerpOrigin, 200 + (rand()&31), 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0 ); } // neutralflag if ( powerups & ( 1 << PW_NEUTRALFLAG ) ) { trap_R_AddLightToScene( cent->lerpOrigin, 200 + (rand()&31), 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); } // haste leaves smoke trails if ( powerups & ( 1 << PW_HASTE ) ) { CG_HasteTrail( cent ); } } /* =============== CG_PlayerFloatSprite Float a sprite over the player's head =============== */ static void CG_PlayerFloatSprite( centity_t *cent, qhandle_t shader ) { int rf; refEntity_t ent; if ( cent->currentState.number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum && !cg.renderingThirdPerson ) { rf = RF_THIRD_PERSON; // only show in mirrors } else { rf = 0; } memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) ); VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, ent.origin ); ent.origin[2] += 48; ent.reType = RT_SPRITE; ent.customShader = shader; ent.radius = 10; ent.renderfx = rf; ent.shaderRGBA[0] = 255; ent.shaderRGBA[1] = 255; ent.shaderRGBA[2] = 255; ent.shaderRGBA[3] = 255; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent ); } /* =============== CG_PlayerFloatSprite Same as above but allows custom RGBA values =============== */ static void CG_PlayerFloatSpriteRGBA( centity_t *cent, qhandle_t shader, vec4_t rgba ) { int rf; refEntity_t ent; if ( cent->currentState.number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum && !cg.renderingThirdPerson ) { rf = RF_THIRD_PERSON; // only show in mirrors } else { rf = 0; } memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) ); VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, ent.origin ); ent.origin[2] += 48; ent.reType = RT_SPRITE; ent.customShader = shader; ent.radius = 10; ent.renderfx = rf; ent.shaderRGBA[0] = rgba[0]; ent.shaderRGBA[1] = rgba[1]; ent.shaderRGBA[2] = rgba[2]; ent.shaderRGBA[3] = rgba[3]; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent ); } /* =============== CG_PlayerSprites Float sprites over the player's head =============== */ static void CG_PlayerSprites( centity_t *cent ) { #if 0 int team; if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_CONNECTION ) { CG_PlayerFloatSprite( cent, cgs.media.connectionShader ); return; } if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_TALK ) { CG_PlayerFloatSprite( cent, cgs.media.balloonShader ); return; } if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_AWARD_IMPRESSIVE ) { CG_PlayerFloatSprite( cent, cgs.media.medalImpressive ); return; } if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_AWARD_EXCELLENT ) { CG_PlayerFloatSprite( cent, cgs.media.medalExcellent ); return; } if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_AWARD_GAUNTLET ) { CG_PlayerFloatSprite( cent, cgs.media.medalGauntlet ); return; } if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_AWARD_DEFEND ) { CG_PlayerFloatSprite( cent, cgs.media.medalDefend ); return; } if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_AWARD_ASSIST ) { CG_PlayerFloatSprite( cent, cgs.media.medalAssist ); return; } if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_AWARD_CAP ) { CG_PlayerFloatSprite( cent, cgs.media.medalCapture ); return; } team = cgs.clientinfo[ cent->currentState.clientNum ].team; if ( !(cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) && cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == team && cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM) { if (cg_drawFriend.integer) { CG_PlayerFloatSprite( cent, cgs.media.friendShader ); } return; } #endif } /* =============== CG_PlayerShadow Returns the Z component of the surface being shadowed should it return a full plane instead of a Z? =============== */ #define SHADOW_DISTANCE 128 static qboolean CG_PlayerShadow( centity_t *cent, float *shadowPlane ) { vec3_t end, mins = {-15, -15, 0}, maxs = {15, 15, 2}; trace_t trace; float alpha; *shadowPlane = 0; if ( cg_shadows.integer == 0 ) { return qfalse; } if (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) { return qfalse; } if (CG_IsMindTricked(cent->currentState.trickedentindex, cent->currentState.trickedentindex2, cent->currentState.trickedentindex3, cent->currentState.trickedentindex4, cg.snap->ps.clientNum)) { return qfalse; //this entity is mind-tricking the current client, so don't render it } // send a trace down from the player to the ground VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, end ); end[2] -= SHADOW_DISTANCE; trap_CM_BoxTrace( &trace, cent->lerpOrigin, end, mins, maxs, 0, MASK_PLAYERSOLID ); // no shadow if too high if ( trace.fraction == 1.0 || trace.startsolid || trace.allsolid ) { return qfalse; } *shadowPlane = trace.endpos[2] + 1; if ( cg_shadows.integer != 1 ) { // no mark for stencil or projection shadows return qtrue; } // fade the shadow out with height alpha = 1.0 - trace.fraction; // bk0101022 - hack / FPE - bogus planes? //assert( DotProduct( trace.plane.normal, trace.plane.normal ) != 0.0f ) // add the mark as a temporary, so it goes directly to the renderer // without taking a spot in the cg_marks array CG_ImpactMark( cgs.media.shadowMarkShader, trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal, cent->pe.legs.yawAngle, alpha,alpha,alpha,1, qfalse, 24, qtrue ); return qtrue; } /* =============== CG_PlayerSplash Draw a mark at the water surface =============== */ static void CG_PlayerSplash( centity_t *cent ) { vec3_t start, end; trace_t trace; int contents; polyVert_t verts[4]; if ( !cg_shadows.integer ) { return; } VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, end ); end[2] -= 24; // if the feet aren't in liquid, don't make a mark // this won't handle moving water brushes, but they wouldn't draw right anyway... contents = trap_CM_PointContents( end, 0 ); if ( !( contents & ( CONTENTS_WATER | CONTENTS_SLIME | CONTENTS_LAVA ) ) ) { return; } VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, start ); start[2] += 32; // if the head isn't out of liquid, don't make a mark contents = trap_CM_PointContents( start, 0 ); if ( contents & ( CONTENTS_SOLID | CONTENTS_WATER | CONTENTS_SLIME | CONTENTS_LAVA ) ) { return; } // trace down to find the surface trap_CM_BoxTrace( &trace, start, end, NULL, NULL, 0, ( CONTENTS_WATER | CONTENTS_SLIME | CONTENTS_LAVA ) ); if ( trace.fraction == 1.0 ) { return; } // create a mark polygon VectorCopy( trace.endpos, verts[0].xyz ); verts[0].xyz[0] -= 32; verts[0].xyz[1] -= 32; verts[0].st[0] = 0; verts[0].st[1] = 0; verts[0].modulate[0] = 255; verts[0].modulate[1] = 255; verts[0].modulate[2] = 255; verts[0].modulate[3] = 255; VectorCopy( trace.endpos, verts[1].xyz ); verts[1].xyz[0] -= 32; verts[1].xyz[1] += 32; verts[1].st[0] = 0; verts[1].st[1] = 1; verts[1].modulate[0] = 255; verts[1].modulate[1] = 255; verts[1].modulate[2] = 255; verts[1].modulate[3] = 255; VectorCopy( trace.endpos, verts[2].xyz ); verts[2].xyz[0] += 32; verts[2].xyz[1] += 32; verts[2].st[0] = 1; verts[2].st[1] = 1; verts[2].modulate[0] = 255; verts[2].modulate[1] = 255; verts[2].modulate[2] = 255; verts[2].modulate[3] = 255; VectorCopy( trace.endpos, verts[3].xyz ); verts[3].xyz[0] += 32; verts[3].xyz[1] -= 32; verts[3].st[0] = 1; verts[3].st[1] = 0; verts[3].modulate[0] = 255; verts[3].modulate[1] = 255; verts[3].modulate[2] = 255; verts[3].modulate[3] = 255; trap_R_AddPolyToScene( cgs.media.wakeMarkShader, 4, verts ); } void CG_ForcePushBlur( vec3_t org ) { localEntity_t *ex; ex = CG_AllocLocalEntity(); ex->leType = LE_PUFF; ex->refEntity.reType = RT_SPRITE; ex->radius = 2.0f; ex->startTime = cg.time; ex->endTime = ex->startTime + 120; VectorCopy( org, ex->pos.trBase ); ex->pos.trTime = cg.time; ex->pos.trType = TR_LINEAR; VectorScale( cg.refdef.viewaxis[1], 55, ex->pos.trDelta ); ex->color[0] = 24; ex->color[1] = 32; ex->color[2] = 40; ex->refEntity.customShader = trap_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/forcePush" ); ex = CG_AllocLocalEntity(); ex->leType = LE_PUFF; ex->refEntity.reType = RT_SPRITE; ex->refEntity.rotation = 180.0f; ex->radius = 2.0f; ex->startTime = cg.time; ex->endTime = ex->startTime + 120; VectorCopy( org, ex->pos.trBase ); ex->pos.trTime = cg.time; ex->pos.trType = TR_LINEAR; VectorScale( cg.refdef.viewaxis[1], -55, ex->pos.trDelta ); ex->color[0] = 24; ex->color[1] = 32; ex->color[2] = 40; ex->refEntity.customShader = trap_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/forcePush" ); } void CG_ForceGripEffect( vec3_t org ) { localEntity_t *ex; float wv = sin( cg.time * 0.004f ) * 0.08f + 0.1f; ex = CG_AllocLocalEntity(); ex->leType = LE_PUFF; ex->refEntity.reType = RT_SPRITE; ex->radius = 2.0f; ex->startTime = cg.time; ex->endTime = ex->startTime + 120; VectorCopy( org, ex->pos.trBase ); ex->pos.trTime = cg.time; ex->pos.trType = TR_LINEAR; VectorScale( cg.refdef.viewaxis[1], 55, ex->pos.trDelta ); ex->color[0] = 200+((wv*255)); if (ex->color[0] > 255) { ex->color[0] = 255; } ex->color[1] = 0; ex->color[2] = 0; ex->refEntity.customShader = trap_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/forcePush" ); ex = CG_AllocLocalEntity(); ex->leType = LE_PUFF; ex->refEntity.reType = RT_SPRITE; ex->refEntity.rotation = 180.0f; ex->radius = 2.0f; ex->startTime = cg.time; ex->endTime = ex->startTime + 120; VectorCopy( org, ex->pos.trBase ); ex->pos.trTime = cg.time; ex->pos.trType = TR_LINEAR; VectorScale( cg.refdef.viewaxis[1], -55, ex->pos.trDelta ); /* ex->color[0] = 200+((wv*255)); if (ex->color[0] > 255) { ex->color[0] = 255; } */ ex->color[0] = 255; ex->color[1] = 255; ex->color[2] = 255; ex->refEntity.customShader = cgs.media.redSaberGlowShader;//trap_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/forcePush" ); } static void CG_ForcePushBodyBlur( centity_t *cent, vec3_t origin, vec3_t tempAngles ) { vec3_t eyePos; VectorCopy(cent->lerpOrigin, eyePos); eyePos[2] += 16; } /* =============== CG_AddRefEntityWithPowerups Adds a piece with modifications or duplications for powerups Also called by CG_Missile for quad rockets, but nobody can tell... =============== */ void CG_AddRefEntityWithPowerups( refEntity_t *ent, entityState_t *state, int team ) { if (CG_IsMindTricked(state->trickedentindex, state->trickedentindex2, state->trickedentindex3, state->trickedentindex4, cg.snap->ps.clientNum)) { return; //this entity is mind-tricking the current client, so don't render it } trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent ); if ( state->powerups & ( 1 << PW_QUAD ) ) { if (team == TEAM_RED) ent->customShader = cgs.media.redQuadShader; else ent->customShader = cgs.media.quadShader; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent ); } if ( state->powerups & ( 1 << PW_BATTLESUIT ) ) { ent->customShader = cgs.media.battleSuitShader; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent ); } } #define MAX_SHIELD_TIME 2000.0 #define MIN_SHIELD_TIME 2000.0 void CG_PlayerShieldHit(int entitynum, vec3_t dir, int amount) { centity_t *cent; int time; if (entitynum<0 || entitynum >= MAX_CLIENTS) { return; } cent = &cg_entities[entitynum]; if (amount > 100) { time = cg.time + MAX_SHIELD_TIME; // 2 sec. } else { time = cg.time + 500 + amount*15; } if (time > cent->damageTime) { cent->damageTime = time; VectorScale(dir, -1, dir); vectoangles(dir, cent->damageAngles); } } void CG_DrawPlayerShield(centity_t *cent, vec3_t origin) { refEntity_t ent; int alpha; float scale; // Don't draw the shield when the player is dead. if (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) { return; } memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) ); VectorCopy( origin, ent.origin ); ent.origin[2] += 10.0; AnglesToAxis( cent->damageAngles, ent.axis ); alpha = 255.0 * ((cent->damageTime - cg.time) / MIN_SHIELD_TIME) + random()*16; if (alpha>255) alpha=255; // Make it bigger, but tighter if more solid scale = 1.4 - ((float)alpha*(0.4/255.0)); // Range from 1.0 to 1.4 VectorScale( ent.axis[0], scale, ent.axis[0] ); VectorScale( ent.axis[1], scale, ent.axis[1] ); VectorScale( ent.axis[2], scale, ent.axis[2] ); ent.hModel = cgs.media.halfShieldModel; ent.customShader = cgs.media.halfShieldShader; ent.shaderRGBA[0] = alpha; ent.shaderRGBA[1] = alpha; ent.shaderRGBA[2] = alpha; ent.shaderRGBA[3] = 255; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent ); } void CG_PlayerHitFX(centity_t *cent) { centity_t *curent; // only do the below fx if the cent in question is...uh...me, and it's first person. if (cent->currentState.clientNum != cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum || cg.renderingThirdPerson) { // Get the NON-PREDICTED player entity, because the predicted one doesn't have the damage info on it. curent = &cg_entities[cent->currentState.number]; if (curent->damageTime > cg.time) { CG_DrawPlayerShield(curent, cent->lerpOrigin); } return; } } /* ================= CG_LightVerts ================= */ int CG_LightVerts( vec3_t normal, int numVerts, polyVert_t *verts ) { int i, j; float incoming; vec3_t ambientLight; vec3_t lightDir; vec3_t directedLight; trap_R_LightForPoint( verts[0].xyz, ambientLight, directedLight, lightDir ); for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { incoming = DotProduct (normal, lightDir); if ( incoming <= 0 ) { verts[i].modulate[0] = ambientLight[0]; verts[i].modulate[1] = ambientLight[1]; verts[i].modulate[2] = ambientLight[2]; verts[i].modulate[3] = 255; continue; } j = ( ambientLight[0] + incoming * directedLight[0] ); if ( j > 255 ) { j = 255; } verts[i].modulate[0] = j; j = ( ambientLight[1] + incoming * directedLight[1] ); if ( j > 255 ) { j = 255; } verts[i].modulate[1] = j; j = ( ambientLight[2] + incoming * directedLight[2] ); if ( j > 255 ) { j = 255; } verts[i].modulate[2] = j; verts[i].modulate[3] = 255; } return qtrue; } void CG_DoSaber( vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir, float length, saber_colors_t color, int rfx ) { vec3_t mid, rgb={1,1,1}; qhandle_t blade = 0, glow = 0; refEntity_t saber; float radiusmult; if ( length < 0.5f ) { // if the thing is so short, just forget even adding me. return; } // Find the midpoint of the saber for lighting purposes VectorMA( origin, length * 0.5f, dir, mid ); switch( color ) { case SABER_RED: glow = cgs.media.redSaberGlowShader; blade = cgs.media.redSaberCoreShader; VectorSet( rgb, 1.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f ); break; case SABER_ORANGE: glow = cgs.media.orangeSaberGlowShader; blade = cgs.media.orangeSaberCoreShader; VectorSet( rgb, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.1f ); break; case SABER_YELLOW: glow = cgs.media.yellowSaberGlowShader; blade = cgs.media.yellowSaberCoreShader; VectorSet( rgb, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.2f ); break; case SABER_GREEN: glow = cgs.media.greenSaberGlowShader; blade = cgs.media.greenSaberCoreShader; VectorSet( rgb, 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.2f ); break; case SABER_BLUE: glow = cgs.media.blueSaberGlowShader; blade = cgs.media.blueSaberCoreShader; VectorSet( rgb, 0.2f, 0.4f, 1.0f ); break; case SABER_PURPLE: glow = cgs.media.purpleSaberGlowShader; blade = cgs.media.purpleSaberCoreShader; VectorSet( rgb, 0.9f, 0.2f, 1.0f ); break; default: glow = cgs.media.blueSaberGlowShader; blade = cgs.media.blueSaberCoreShader; VectorSet( rgb, 0.2f, 0.4f, 1.0f ); break; } // always add a light because sabers cast a nice glow before they slice you in half!! or something... trap_R_AddLightToScene( mid, (length*2.0f) + (random()*8.0f), rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] ); memset( &saber, 0, sizeof( refEntity_t )); // Saber glow is it's own ref type because it uses a ton of sprites, otherwise it would eat up too many // refEnts to do each glow blob individually saber.saberLength = length; // Jeff, I did this because I foolishly wished to have a bright halo as the saber is unleashed. // It's not quite what I'd hoped tho. If you have any ideas, go for it! --Pat if (length < SABER_LENGTH_MAX) { radiusmult = 1.0 + (2.0 / length); // Note this creates a curve, and length cannot be < 0.5. } else { radiusmult = 1.0; } saber.radius = (2.8 + crandom() * 0.2f)*radiusmult; VectorCopy( origin, saber.origin ); VectorCopy( dir, saber.axis[0] ); saber.reType = RT_SABER_GLOW; saber.customShader = glow; saber.shaderRGBA[0] = saber.shaderRGBA[1] = saber.shaderRGBA[2] = saber.shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff; saber.renderfx = rfx; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &saber ); // Do the hot core VectorMA( origin, length, dir, saber.origin ); VectorMA( origin, -1, dir, saber.oldorigin ); // CG_TestLine(saber.origin, saber.oldorigin, 50, 0x000000ff, 3); saber.customShader = blade; saber.reType = RT_LINE; saber.radius = (1.0 + crandom() * 0.2f)*radiusmult; saber.shaderTexCoord[0] = saber.shaderTexCoord[1] = 1.0f; saber.shaderRGBA[0] = saber.shaderRGBA[1] = saber.shaderRGBA[2] = saber.shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &saber ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // CG_GetTagWorldPosition // // Can pass in NULL for the axis //-------------------------------------------------------------- void CG_GetTagWorldPosition( refEntity_t *model, char *tag, vec3_t pos, vec3_t axis[3] ) { orientation_t orientation; int i = 0; // Get the requested tag trap_R_LerpTag( &orientation, model->hModel, model->oldframe, model->frame, 1.0f - model->backlerp, tag ); VectorCopy( model->origin, pos ); for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { VectorMA( pos, orientation.origin[i], model->axis[i], pos ); } if ( axis ) { MatrixMultiply( orientation.axis, model->axis, axis ); } } #define MAX_MARK_FRAGMENTS 128 #define MAX_MARK_POINTS 384 extern markPoly_t *CG_AllocMark(); void CG_CreateSaberMarks( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t normal ) { // byte colors[4]; int i, j; int numFragments; vec3_t axis[3], originalPoints[4], mid; vec3_t markPoints[MAX_MARK_POINTS], projection; polyVert_t *v, verts[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY]; markPoly_t *mark; markFragment_t markFragments[MAX_MARK_FRAGMENTS], *mf; float radius = 0.3f + random() * 0.3f; VectorSubtract( end, start, axis[1] ); // We probably don't want to create a ton of small marks, so bias towards doing larger ones if ( 1)// VectorNormalize( axis[1] ) > 1.0f )// || rand() & 3 ) { VectorNormalize( axis[1] ); // create the texture axis VectorCopy( normal, axis[0] ); CrossProduct( axis[1], axis[0], axis[2] ); // create the full polygon that we'll project for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { // stretch a bit more in the direction that we are traveling in... // debateable as to whether this makes things better or worse originalPoints[0][i] = start[i] - radius * axis[1][i] - radius * axis[2][i] * 1.3f; originalPoints[1][i] = end[i] + radius * axis[1][i] - radius * axis[2][i] * 1.3f; originalPoints[2][i] = end[i] + radius * axis[1][i] + radius * axis[2][i] * 1.3f; originalPoints[3][i] = start[i] - radius * axis[1][i] + radius * axis[2][i] * 1.3f; } VectorScale( normal, -1, projection ); // get the fragments numFragments = trap_CM_MarkFragments( 4, (const float (*)[3])originalPoints, projection, MAX_MARK_POINTS, markPoints[0], MAX_MARK_FRAGMENTS, markFragments ); // colors[0] = colors[1] = colors[2] = colors[3] = 255; for ( i = 0, mf = markFragments ; i < numFragments ; i++, mf++ ) { // we have an upper limit on the complexity of polygons that we store persistantly if ( mf->numPoints > MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY ) { mf->numPoints = MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY; } for ( j = 0, v = verts ; j < mf->numPoints ; j++, v++ ) { vec3_t delta; // Set up our texture coords, this may need some work VectorCopy( markPoints[mf->firstPoint + j], v->xyz ); VectorAdd( end, start, mid ); VectorScale( mid, 0.5f, mid ); VectorSubtract( v->xyz, mid, delta ); v->st[0] = 0.5 + DotProduct( delta, axis[1] ) * (0.15f + crandom() * 0.14f); v->st[1] = 0.5 + DotProduct( delta, axis[2] ) * (0.1f + crandom() * 0.05f); // *(int *)v->modulate = *(int *)colors; } // save it persistantly, do burn first mark = CG_AllocMark(); mark->time = cg.time; mark->alphaFade = qtrue; mark->markShader = cgs.media.rivetMarkShader; mark->poly.numVerts = mf->numPoints; mark->color[0] = mark->color[1] = mark->color[2] = mark->color[3] = 255; memcpy( mark->verts, verts, mf->numPoints * sizeof( verts[0] ) ); //FIXME: This part looks totally messed up. I don't know exactly what's causing it. // And now do a glow pass // by moving the start time back, we can hack it to fade out way before the burn does mark = CG_AllocMark(); mark->time = cg.time - 8500; mark->alphaFade = qfalse; mark->markShader = trap_R_RegisterShader("gfx/effects/saberDamageGlow" ); mark->poly.numVerts = mf->numPoints; mark->color[0] = 255; mark->color[1] = 130 + sin( cg.time * 0.03f ) * 36.0f;//80 + random() * 96.0f; mark->color[2] = 10; mark->color[3] = 10;//= random()*15.0f; memcpy( mark->verts, verts, mf->numPoints * sizeof( verts[0] ) ); } } } #define SABER_TRAIL_TIME 40.0f #define FX_USE_ALPHA 0x08000000 void CG_AddSaberBlade( centity_t *cent, centity_t *scent, refEntity_t *saber, int renderfx, int modelIndex, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, qboolean fromSaber) { vec3_t org_, end, v, axis_[3] = {0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0}; // shut the compiler up trace_t trace; int i = 0; float saberLen, dualSaberLen; float diff; clientInfo_t *client; centity_t *saberEnt; saberTrail_t *saberTrail; mdxaBone_t boltMatrix; vec3_t futureAngles; effectTrailArgStruct_t fx; int scolor = 0; vec3_t otherPos, otherDir, otherEnd; float dualLen = 0.7; saberEnt = &cg_entities[cent->currentState.saberEntityNum]; if (/*cg.snap->ps.clientNum == cent->currentState.number && */ cgs.clientinfo[ cent->currentState.clientNum ].team != TEAM_SPECTATOR && !(cg.snap->ps.pm_flags & PMF_FOLLOW)) { if (cent->saberLength < 1) { cent->saberLength = 1; cent->saberExtendTime = cg.time; } if (cent->saberLength < SABER_LENGTH_MAX) { cent->saberLength += (cg.time - cent->saberExtendTime)*0.05; } if (cent->saberLength > SABER_LENGTH_MAX) { cent->saberLength = SABER_LENGTH_MAX; } cent->saberExtendTime = cg.time; saberLen = cent->saberLength; } else { saberLen = SABER_LENGTH_MAX; } /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ dualSaberLen = saberLen; if ((cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) && !fromSaber) { //trying to draw a saber on a corpse? That's bad. return; } futureAngles[YAW] = angles[YAW]; futureAngles[PITCH] = angles[PITCH]; futureAngles[ROLL] = angles[ROLL]; // figure out where the actual model muzzle is if (fromSaber) { trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix(scent->ghoul2, 0, 0, &boltMatrix, futureAngles, origin, cg.time, cgs.gameModels, scent->modelScale); } else { trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix(scent->ghoul2, 1, 0, &boltMatrix, futureAngles, origin, cg.time, cgs.gameModels, scent->modelScale); } // work the matrix axis stuff into the original axis and origins used. trap_G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&boltMatrix, ORIGIN, org_); trap_G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&boltMatrix, NEGATIVE_Y, axis_[0]); if (!fromSaber && saberEnt) { VectorCopy(org_, saberEnt->currentState.pos.trBase); VectorCopy(axis_[0], saberEnt->currentState.apos.trBase); } client = &cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number]; if (!client) { //something horrible has apparently happened return; } if (cent->currentState.bolt2) { VectorMA( org_, saberLen*dualLen, axis_[0], end ); } else { VectorMA( org_, saberLen, axis_[0], end ); } VectorAdd( end, axis_[0], end ); if (cent->currentState.bolt2) { otherPos[0] = org_[0] - axis_[0][0]*12; otherPos[1] = org_[1] - axis_[0][1]*12; otherPos[2] = org_[2] - axis_[0][2]*12; otherDir[0] = -axis_[0][0]; otherDir[1] = -axis_[0][1]; otherDir[2] = -axis_[0][2]; VectorMA( otherPos, dualSaberLen*dualLen, otherDir, otherEnd ); VectorAdd( otherEnd, otherDir, otherEnd ); } scolor = cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].icolor1; if (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM) { if (cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].team == TEAM_RED) { scolor = SABER_RED; } else if (cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].team == TEAM_BLUE) { scolor = SABER_BLUE; } } if (!cg_saberContact.integer) { //if we don't have saber contact enabled, just add the blade and don't care what it's touching goto CheckTrail; } for ( i = 0; i < 1; i++ )//was 2 because it would go through architecture and leave saber trails on either side of the brush - but still looks bad if we hit a corner, blade is still 8 longer than hit { if ( i ) {//tracing from end to base CG_Trace( &trace, end, NULL, NULL, org_, ENTITYNUM_NONE, MASK_SOLID ); } else {//tracing from base to end CG_Trace( &trace, org_, NULL, NULL, end, ENTITYNUM_NONE, MASK_SOLID ); } if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f ) { vec3_t trDir; VectorCopy(trace.plane.normal, trDir); if (!trDir[0] && !trDir[1] && !trDir[2]) { trDir[1] = 1; } trap_FX_PlayEffectID( trap_FX_RegisterEffect("saber/spark.efx"), trace.endpos, trDir ); //Stop saber? (it wouldn't look right if it was stuck through a thin wall and unable to hurt players on the other side) VectorSubtract(org_, trace.endpos, v); saberLen = VectorLength(v); VectorCopy(trace.endpos, end); if (cent->currentState.bolt2) { break; } // All I need is a bool to mark whether I have a previous point to work with. //....come up with something better.. if ( client->saberTrail.haveOldPos[i] ) { if ( trace.entityNum == ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) {//only put marks on architecture // Let's do some cool burn/glowing mark bits!!! CG_CreateSaberMarks( client->saberTrail.oldPos[i], trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal ); //make a sound if ( cg.time - client->saberHitWallSoundDebounceTime >= 100 ) {//ugh, need to have a real sound debouncer... or do this game-side client->saberHitWallSoundDebounceTime = cg.time; trap_S_StartSound ( trace.endpos, -1, CHAN_WEAPON, trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/saber/saberhitwall.wav" ) ); } } } else { // if we impact next frame, we'll mark a slash mark client->saberTrail.haveOldPos[i] = qtrue; // CG_ImpactMark( cgs.media.rivetMarkShader, client->saberTrail.oldPos[i], client->saberTrail.oldNormal[i], // 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, qfalse, 1.1f, qfalse ); } // stash point so we can connect-the-dots later VectorCopy( trace.endpos, client->saberTrail.oldPos[i] ); VectorCopy( trace.plane.normal, client->saberTrail.oldNormal[i] ); } else { if (cent->currentState.bolt2) { break; } if ( client->saberTrail.haveOldPos[i] ) { // Hmmm, no impact this frame, but we have an old point // Let's put the mark there, we should use an endcap mark to close the line, but we // can probably just get away with a round mark // CG_ImpactMark( cgs.media.rivetMarkShader, client->saberTrail.oldPos[i], client->saberTrail.oldNormal[i], // 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, qfalse, 1.1f, qfalse ); } // we aren't impacting, so turn off our mark tracking mechanism client->saberTrail.haveOldPos[i] = qfalse; } } if (cent->currentState.bolt2) { for ( i = 0; i < 1; i++ )//was 2 because it would go through architecture and leave saber trails on either side of the brush - but still looks bad if we hit a corner, blade is still 8 longer than hit { CG_Trace( &trace, otherPos, NULL, NULL, otherEnd, ENTITYNUM_NONE, MASK_SOLID ); if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f ) { vec3_t trDir; VectorCopy(trace.plane.normal, trDir); if (!trDir[0] && !trDir[1] && !trDir[2]) { trDir[1] = 1; } trap_FX_PlayEffectID( trap_FX_RegisterEffect("saber/spark.efx"), trace.endpos, trDir ); //Stop saber? (it wouldn't look right if it was stuck through a thin wall and unable to hurt players on the other side) VectorSubtract(otherPos, trace.endpos, v); dualSaberLen = VectorLength(v); VectorCopy(trace.endpos, end); } } } CheckTrail: if (!cg_saberTrail.integer) { //don't do the trail in this case goto JustDoIt; } saberTrail = &client->saberTrail; // if we happen to be timescaled or running in a high framerate situation, we don't want to flood // the system with very small trail slices...but perhaps doing it by distance would yield better results? if ( cg.time > saberTrail->lastTime + 2 ) // 2ms { if ( (saberMoveData[cent->currentState.saberMove].trailLength > 0 || ((cent->currentState.powerups & (1 << PW_SPEED) && cg_speedTrail.integer)) || cent->currentState.saberInFlight) && cg.time < saberTrail->lastTime + 2000 ) // if we have a stale segment, don't draw until we have a fresh one { vec3_t rgb1={255.0f,255.0f,255.0f}; switch( scolor ) { case SABER_RED: VectorSet( rgb1, 255.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); break; case SABER_ORANGE: VectorSet( rgb1, 255.0f, 64.0f, 0.0f ); break; case SABER_YELLOW: VectorSet( rgb1, 255.0f, 255.0f, 0.0f ); break; case SABER_GREEN: VectorSet( rgb1, 0.0f, 255.0f, 0.0f ); break; case SABER_BLUE: VectorSet( rgb1, 0.0f, 64.0f, 255.0f ); break; case SABER_PURPLE: VectorSet( rgb1, 220.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f ); break; default: VectorSet( rgb1, 0.0f, 64.0f, 255.0f ); break; } //Here we will use the happy process of filling a struct in with arguments and passing it to a trap function //so that we can take the struct and fill in an actual CTrail type using the data within it once we get it //into the effects area // Go from new muzzle to new end...then to old end...back down to old muzzle...finally // connect back to the new muzzle...this is our trail quad VectorCopy( org_, fx.mVerts[0].origin ); VectorMA( end, 3.0f, axis_[0], fx.mVerts[1].origin ); VectorCopy( saberTrail->tip, fx.mVerts[2].origin ); VectorCopy( saberTrail->base, fx.mVerts[3].origin ); diff = cg.time - saberTrail->lastTime; // I'm not sure that clipping this is really the best idea //This prevents the trail from showing at all in low framerate situations. //if ( diff <= SABER_TRAIL_TIME * 2 ) { float oldAlpha = 1.0f - ( diff / SABER_TRAIL_TIME ); // New muzzle VectorCopy( rgb1, fx.mVerts[0].rgb ); fx.mVerts[0].alpha = 255.0f; fx.mVerts[0].ST[0] = 0.0f; fx.mVerts[0].ST[1] = 1.0f; fx.mVerts[0].destST[0] = 1.0f; fx.mVerts[0].destST[1] = 1.0f; // new tip VectorCopy( rgb1, fx.mVerts[1].rgb ); fx.mVerts[1].alpha = 255.0f; fx.mVerts[1].ST[0] = 0.0f; fx.mVerts[1].ST[1] = 0.0f; fx.mVerts[1].destST[0] = 1.0f; fx.mVerts[1].destST[1] = 0.0f; // old tip VectorCopy( rgb1, fx.mVerts[2].rgb ); fx.mVerts[2].alpha = 255.0f; fx.mVerts[2].ST[0] = 1.0f - oldAlpha; // NOTE: this just happens to contain the value I want fx.mVerts[2].ST[1] = 0.0f; fx.mVerts[2].destST[0] = 1.0f + fx.mVerts[2].ST[0]; fx.mVerts[2].destST[1] = 0.0f; // old muzzle VectorCopy( rgb1, fx.mVerts[3].rgb ); fx.mVerts[3].alpha = 255.0f; fx.mVerts[3].ST[0] = 1.0f - oldAlpha; // NOTE: this just happens to contain the value I want fx.mVerts[3].ST[1] = 1.0f; fx.mVerts[3].destST[0] = 1.0f + fx.mVerts[2].ST[0]; fx.mVerts[3].destST[1] = 1.0f; fx.mShader = cgs.media.saberBlurShader; fx.mSetFlags = FX_USE_ALPHA; fx.mKillTime = SABER_TRAIL_TIME; trap_FX_AddPrimitive(&fx); } if (cent->currentState.bolt2) { float oldAlpha = 1.0f - ( diff / SABER_TRAIL_TIME ); VectorCopy( otherPos, fx.mVerts[0].origin ); VectorMA( otherEnd, 3.0f, otherDir, fx.mVerts[1].origin ); VectorCopy( saberTrail->dualtip, fx.mVerts[2].origin ); VectorCopy( saberTrail->dualbase, fx.mVerts[3].origin ); // New muzzle VectorCopy( rgb1, fx.mVerts[0].rgb ); fx.mVerts[0].alpha = 255.0f; fx.mVerts[0].ST[0] = 0.0f; fx.mVerts[0].ST[1] = 1.0f; fx.mVerts[0].destST[0] = 1.0f; fx.mVerts[0].destST[1] = 1.0f; // new tip VectorCopy( rgb1, fx.mVerts[1].rgb ); fx.mVerts[1].alpha = 255.0f; fx.mVerts[1].ST[0] = 0.0f; fx.mVerts[1].ST[1] = 0.0f; fx.mVerts[1].destST[0] = 1.0f; fx.mVerts[1].destST[1] = 0.0f; // old tip VectorCopy( rgb1, fx.mVerts[2].rgb ); fx.mVerts[2].alpha = 255.0f; fx.mVerts[2].ST[0] = 1.0f - oldAlpha; // NOTE: this just happens to contain the value I want fx.mVerts[2].ST[1] = 0.0f; fx.mVerts[2].destST[0] = 1.0f + fx.mVerts[2].ST[0]; fx.mVerts[2].destST[1] = 0.0f; // old muzzle VectorCopy( rgb1, fx.mVerts[3].rgb ); fx.mVerts[3].alpha = 255.0f; fx.mVerts[3].ST[0] = 1.0f - oldAlpha; // NOTE: this just happens to contain the value I want fx.mVerts[3].ST[1] = 1.0f; fx.mVerts[3].destST[0] = 1.0f + fx.mVerts[2].ST[0]; fx.mVerts[3].destST[1] = 1.0f; fx.mShader = cgs.media.saberBlurShader; fx.mSetFlags = FX_USE_ALPHA; fx.mKillTime = SABER_TRAIL_TIME; trap_FX_AddPrimitive(&fx); } } // we must always do this, even if we aren't active..otherwise we won't know where to pick up from VectorCopy( org_, saberTrail->base ); VectorMA( end, 3.0f, axis_[0], saberTrail->tip ); saberTrail->lastTime = cg.time; if (cent->currentState.bolt2) { VectorCopy( otherPos, saberTrail->dualbase ); VectorMA( otherEnd, 3.0f, otherDir, saberTrail->dualtip ); } } JustDoIt: if (client && cent->currentState.bolt2) { float sideOneLen = saberLen*dualLen; float sideTwoLen = dualSaberLen*dualLen; if (sideOneLen < 1) { sideOneLen = 1; } CG_DoSaber( org_, axis_[0], sideOneLen, scolor, renderfx ); CG_DoSaber( otherPos, otherDir, sideTwoLen, scolor, renderfx ); } else { // Pass in the renderfx flags attached to the saber weapon model...this is done so that saber glows // will get rendered properly in a mirror...not sure if this is necessary?? CG_DoSaber( org_, axis_[0], saberLen, scolor, renderfx ); } } int CG_IsMindTricked(int trickIndex1, int trickIndex2, int trickIndex3, int trickIndex4, int client) { int checkIn; int sub = 0; if (cg_entities[client].currentState.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_SEE)) { return 0; } if (client > 47) { checkIn = trickIndex4; sub = 48; } else if (client > 31) { checkIn = trickIndex3; sub = 32; } else if (client > 15) { checkIn = trickIndex2; sub = 16; } else { checkIn = trickIndex1; } if (checkIn & (1 << (client-sub))) { return 1; } return 0; } #define SPEED_TRAIL_DISTANCE 6 void CG_DrawYsalimariSphere(centity_t *cent, vec3_t origin, vec3_t colors) { refEntity_t ent; int alpha; float scale; vec3_t sphereAngles; float addSum = 0; // Don't draw the shield when the player is dead. if (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) { return; } memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) ); VectorCopy( origin, ent.origin ); ent.origin[2] -= 32.0; VectorCopy(cent->lerpAngles, sphereAngles); sphereAngles[PITCH] = 0; AnglesToAxis( sphereAngles, ent.axis ); alpha = 255.0 * ((100) / 1750.0) + Q_irand(0, 16); if (alpha>255) alpha=255; //Slowly pulse the scale up and down addSum = (((cg.time / 12) & 255) * (M_PI * 2) / 255)/8; if (addSum >= 0.4) { addSum = (0.4 - (addSum - 0.4)); } scale = 0.9; addSum *= 0.2; scale += addSum; VectorScale( ent.axis[0], scale, ent.axis[0] ); VectorScale( ent.axis[1], scale, ent.axis[1] ); VectorScale( ent.axis[2], scale, ent.axis[2] ); ent.hModel = trap_R_RegisterModel ( "models/map_objects/mp/sphere.md3" );//cgs.media.explosionModel; ent.customShader = trap_R_RegisterShader( "powerups/ysalimarishell" );//cgs.media.halfShieldShader; ent.renderfx = (RF_RGB_TINT|RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA); if (colors[0] != -1) { ent.shaderRGBA[0] = colors[0]; } else { ent.shaderRGBA[0] = alpha; } if (colors[1] != -1) { ent.shaderRGBA[1] = colors[1]; } else { ent.shaderRGBA[1] = alpha; } if (colors[2] != -1) { ent.shaderRGBA[2] = colors[2]; } else { ent.shaderRGBA[2] = alpha; } ent.shaderRGBA[3] = 20;//50; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent ); //Add a second inner-core that pulses at a different speed addSum = (((cg.time / 8) & 255) * (M_PI * 2) / 255)/8; if (addSum >= 0.4) { addSum = (0.4 - (addSum - 0.4)); } scale = 0.9; addSum *= 0.2; scale += addSum; VectorScale( ent.axis[0], scale, ent.axis[0] ); VectorScale( ent.axis[1], scale, ent.axis[1] ); VectorScale( ent.axis[2], scale, ent.axis[2] ); ent.shaderRGBA[3] = 20; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent ); } void CG_DrawCustomSphere(centity_t *cent, vec3_t origin, vec3_t colors, float xScale, float yScale, float zScale, float timeScale, int custShader, int forceAlpha) { refEntity_t ent; int alpha; vec3_t sphereAngles; float addSum = 0; // Don't draw the shield when the player is dead. if (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) { return; } memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) ); VectorCopy( origin, ent.origin ); ent.origin[2] -= 32.0; VectorCopy(cent->lerpAngles, sphereAngles); sphereAngles[PITCH] = 0; addSum = (((cg.time / 4) & 255) * (M_PI * 2) / 255)/6; addSum *= 350; sphereAngles[YAW] = addSum; AnglesToAxis( sphereAngles, ent.axis ); alpha = 255.0 * ((100) / 1750.0) + Q_irand(0, 16); if (alpha>255) alpha=255; //Slowly pulse the scale up and down if (!timeScale) { addSum = 0; } else { addSum = (((cg.time / (int)timeScale) & 255) * (M_PI * 2) / 255)/8; if (addSum >= 0.4) { addSum = (0.4 - (addSum - 0.4)); } addSum *= 0.2; } xScale += addSum; yScale += addSum; zScale += addSum; VectorScale( ent.axis[0], xScale, ent.axis[0] ); VectorScale( ent.axis[1], yScale, ent.axis[1] ); VectorScale( ent.axis[2], zScale, ent.axis[2] ); ent.hModel = trap_R_RegisterModel ( "models/map_objects/mp/sphere.md3" );//cgs.media.explosionModel; if (custShader) { ent.customShader = custShader; } else { ent.customShader = trap_R_RegisterShader( "powerups/ysalimarishell" );//cgs.media.halfShieldShader; } ent.renderfx = (RF_RGB_TINT|RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA); if (colors[0] != -1) { ent.shaderRGBA[0] = colors[0]; } else { ent.shaderRGBA[0] = alpha; } if (colors[1] != -1) { ent.shaderRGBA[1] = colors[1]; } else { ent.shaderRGBA[1] = alpha; } if (colors[2] != -1) { ent.shaderRGBA[2] = colors[2]; } else { ent.shaderRGBA[2] = alpha; } if (forceAlpha) { ent.shaderRGBA[3] = forceAlpha; } else { ent.shaderRGBA[3] = 255; } trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent ); } void CG_AddLightningBeam(vec3_t start, vec3_t end) { vec3_t dir, chaos, c1, c2, v1, v2; float len, s1, s2, s3; addbezierArgStruct_t b; VectorCopy(start, b.start); VectorCopy(end, b.end); VectorSubtract( b.end, b.start, dir ); len = VectorNormalize( dir ); // Get the base control points, we'll work from there VectorMA( b.start, 0.3333f * len, dir, c1 ); VectorMA( b.start, 0.6666f * len, dir, c2 ); // get some chaos values that really aren't very chaotic :) s1 = sin( cg.time * 0.005f ) * 2 + crandom() * 0.2f; s2 = sin( cg.time * 0.001f ); s3 = sin( cg.time * 0.011f ); VectorSet( chaos, len * 0.01f * s1, len * 0.02f * s2, len * 0.04f * (s1 + s2 + s3)); VectorAdd( c1, chaos, c1 ); VectorScale( chaos, 4.0f, v1 ); VectorSet( chaos, -len * 0.02f * s3, len * 0.01f * (s1 * s2), -len * 0.02f * (s1 + s2 * s3)); VectorAdd( c2, chaos, c2 ); VectorScale( chaos, 2.0f, v2 ); VectorSet( chaos, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); VectorCopy(c1, b.control1); VectorCopy(vec3_origin, b.control1Vel); VectorCopy(c2, b.control2); VectorCopy(vec3_origin, b.control2Vel); b.size1 = 6.0f; b.size2 = 6.0f; b.sizeParm = 0.0f; b.alpha1 = 0.0f; b.alpha2 = 0.2f; b.alphaParm = 0.5f; /* VectorCopy(WHITE, b.sRGB); VectorCopy(WHITE, b.eRGB); */ b.sRGB[0] = 255; b.sRGB[1] = 255; b.sRGB[2] = 255; VectorCopy(b.sRGB, b.eRGB); b.rgbParm = 0.0f; b.killTime = 50; b.shader = trap_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/misc/electric2" ); b.flags = 0x00000001; //FX_ALPHA_LINEAR trap_FX_AddBezier(&b); } void CG_AddRandomLightning(vec3_t start, vec3_t end) { vec3_t inOrg, outOrg; VectorCopy(start, inOrg); VectorCopy(end, outOrg); if ( rand() & 1 ) { outOrg[0] += Q_irand(0, 24); inOrg[0] += Q_irand(0, 8); } else { outOrg[0] -= Q_irand(0, 24); inOrg[0] -= Q_irand(0, 8); } if ( rand() & 1 ) { outOrg[1] += Q_irand(0, 24); inOrg[1] += Q_irand(0, 8); } else { outOrg[1] -= Q_irand(0, 24); inOrg[1] -= Q_irand(0, 8); } if ( rand() & 1 ) { outOrg[2] += Q_irand(0, 50); inOrg[2] += Q_irand(0, 40); } else { outOrg[2] -= Q_irand(0, 64); inOrg[2] -= Q_irand(0, 40); } CG_AddLightningBeam(inOrg, outOrg); } extern char *forceHolocronModels[]; /* =============== CG_Player =============== */ void CG_Player( centity_t *cent ) { clientInfo_t *ci; refEntity_t legs; refEntity_t torso; refEntity_t head; int clientNum; int renderfx; qboolean shadow = qfalse; float shadowPlane = 0; qboolean dead = qfalse; vec3_t rootAngles; refEntity_t seeker; float angle; vec3_t angles, dir, elevated, enang, seekorg; int iwantout = 0, successchange = 0; int team; float prefig = 0; centity_t *enent; mdxaBone_t boltMatrix, lHandMatrix; vec3_t efOrg; vec3_t tDir; int distVelBase; int doAlpha = 0; int effectTimeLayer = 0; qboolean gotLHandMatrix = qfalse; if (cgQueueLoad) { CG_ActualLoadDeferredPlayers(); cgQueueLoad = qfalse; } // the client number is stored in clientNum. It can't be derived // from the entity number, because a single client may have // multiple corpses on the level using the same clientinfo clientNum = cent->currentState.clientNum; if ( clientNum < 0 || clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS ) { CG_Error( "Bad clientNum on player entity"); } ci = &cgs.clientinfo[ clientNum ]; // it is possible to see corpses from disconnected players that may // not have valid clientinfo if ( !ci->infoValid ) { return; } cent->ghoul2 = cg_entities[cent->currentState.number].ghoul2; if (!cent->ghoul2) { //not ready yet? return; } if (cent->torsoBolt && !(cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD)) { //he's alive and has a limb missing still, reattach it and reset the weapon CG_ReattachLimb(cent); } if (cent->currentState.teamowner && !cent->isATST) { cg_entities[cent->currentState.number].currentState.teamowner = cent->currentState.teamowner; cg_entities[cent->currentState.number].isATST = cent->isATST; if (CG_RegisterClientModelname(&cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number], cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].modelName, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].skinName, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].headModelName, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].headSkinName, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].teamName, cent->currentState.number)) { cent->isATST = 1; cg_entities[cent->currentState.number].isATST = cent->isATST; return; } } else if (!cent->currentState.teamowner && cent->isATST) { cg_entities[cent->currentState.number].currentState.teamowner = cent->currentState.teamowner; cg_entities[cent->currentState.number].isATST = cent->isATST; if (CG_RegisterClientModelname(&cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number], cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].modelName, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].skinName, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].headModelName, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].headSkinName, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].teamName, cent->currentState.number)) { cent->isATST = 0; cg_entities[cent->currentState.number].isATST = cent->isATST; return; } } if (cent->currentState.number < MAX_CLIENTS && cent->currentState.teamowner && !cent->isATST) { return; } if (!cent->trickAlphaTime || (cg.time - cent->trickAlphaTime) > 1000) { //things got out of sync, perhaps a new client is trying to fill in this slot cent->trickAlpha = 255; cent->trickAlphaTime = cg.time; } //If this client has tricked you. if (CG_IsMindTricked(cent->currentState.trickedentindex, cent->currentState.trickedentindex2, cent->currentState.trickedentindex3, cent->currentState.trickedentindex4, cg.snap->ps.clientNum)) { if (cent->trickAlpha > 1) { cent->trickAlpha -= (cg.time - cent->trickAlphaTime)*0.5; cent->trickAlphaTime = cg.time; if (cent->trickAlpha < 0) { cent->trickAlpha = 0; } doAlpha = 1; } else { doAlpha = 1; cent->trickAlpha = 1; cent->trickAlphaTime = cg.time; iwantout = 1; } } else { if (cent->trickAlpha < 255) { cent->trickAlpha += (cg.time - cent->trickAlphaTime); cent->trickAlphaTime = cg.time; if (cent->trickAlpha > 255) { cent->trickAlpha = 255; } doAlpha = 1; } else { cent->trickAlpha = 255; cent->trickAlphaTime = cg.time; } } // get the player model information renderfx = 0; if ( cent->currentState.number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum) { if (!cg.renderingThirdPerson) { renderfx = RF_THIRD_PERSON; // only draw in mirrors } else { if (cg_cameraMode.integer) { iwantout = 1; // goto minimal_add; // NOTENOTE Temporary return; } } } // Update the player's client entity information regarding weapons. // Explanation: The entitystate has a weapond defined on it. The cliententity does as well. // The cliententity's weapon tells us what the ghoul2 instance on the cliententity has bolted to it. // If the entitystate and cliententity weapons differ, then the state's needs to be copied to the client. // Save the old weapon, to verify that it is or is not the same as the new weapon. // rww - Make sure weapons don't get set BEFORE cent->ghoul2 is initialized or else we'll have no // weapon bolted on if (cent->currentState.saberInFlight) { cent->ghoul2weapon = g2WeaponInstances[WP_SABER]; } if (cent->ghoul2 && cent->ghoul2weapon != g2WeaponInstances[cent->currentState.weapon] && !(cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) && !cent->torsoBolt && !cent->isATST) { CG_CopyG2WeaponInstance(cent->currentState.weapon, cent->ghoul2); if (!(cg.snap->ps.pm_flags & PMF_FOLLOW)) { if (cent->weapon == WP_SABER && cent->weapon != cent->currentState.weapon && !cent->currentState.shouldtarget) { //switching away from the saber trap_S_StartSound(cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.number, CHAN_AUTO, trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/saber/saberoffquick.wav" )); } else if (cent->currentState.weapon == WP_SABER && cent->weapon != cent->currentState.weapon) { //switching to the saber trap_S_StartSound(cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.number, CHAN_AUTO, trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav" )); } } cent->weapon = cent->currentState.weapon; cent->ghoul2weapon = g2WeaponInstances[cent->currentState.weapon]; } else if ((cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) || cent->torsoBolt) { cent->ghoul2weapon = NULL; //be sure to update after respawning/getting limb regrown } memset (&legs, 0, sizeof(legs)); CG_SetGhoul2Info(&legs, cent); VectorSet(legs.modelScale, 1,1,1); legs.radius = 64; VectorClear(legs.angles); if (cent->isATST) { legs.radius = 400; } // minimal_add: team = cgs.clientinfo[ cent->currentState.clientNum ].team; if (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM && cg_drawFriend.integer && cent->currentState.number != cg.snap->ps.clientNum) // Don't show a sprite above a player's own head in 3rd person. { // If the view is either a spectator or on the same team as this character, show a symbol above their head. if ((cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_SPECTATOR || cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == team) && !(cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD)) { if (team == TEAM_RED) { CG_PlayerFloatSprite( cent, cgs.media.teamRedShader); } else // if (team == TEAM_BLUE) { CG_PlayerFloatSprite( cent, cgs.media.teamBlueShader); } } } if (cent->isATST) { goto doEssentialOne; } if ( (cent->currentState.powerups & (1 << PW_YSALIMARI)) || (cgs.gametype == GT_CTY && ((cent->currentState.powerups & (1 << PW_REDFLAG)) || (cent->currentState.powerups & (1 << PW_BLUEFLAG)))) ) { vec3_t efColors; if (cgs.gametype == GT_CTY && (cent->currentState.powerups & (1 << PW_REDFLAG))) { efColors[0] = 255; efColors[1] = 50; efColors[2] = -1; } else if (cgs.gametype == GT_CTY && (cent->currentState.powerups & (1 << PW_BLUEFLAG))) { efColors[0] = 50; efColors[1] = 50; efColors[2] = 255; } else { efColors[0] = 255; efColors[1] = 255; efColors[2] = -1; } CG_DrawYsalimariSphere(cent, cent->lerpOrigin, efColors); } if (cent->currentState.powerups & (1 << PW_FORCE_BOON)) { vec3_t efColors; efColors[0] = -1; efColors[1] = -1; efColors[2] = 255; CG_DrawYsalimariSphere(cent, cent->lerpOrigin, efColors); } if (cent->currentState.powerups & (1 << PW_FORCE_ENLIGHTENED_DARK)) { vec3_t efColors; efColors[0] = 255; efColors[1] = -1; efColors[2] = -1; CG_DrawYsalimariSphere(cent, cent->lerpOrigin, efColors); } else if (cent->currentState.powerups & (1 << PW_FORCE_ENLIGHTENED_LIGHT)) { vec3_t efColors; efColors[0] = 255; efColors[1] = 255; efColors[2] = 255; CG_DrawYsalimariSphere(cent, cent->lerpOrigin, efColors); } if (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_INVULNERABLE) { vec3_t efColors; efColors[0] = 0; efColors[1] = 255; efColors[2] = 0; CG_DrawYsalimariSphere(cent, cent->lerpOrigin, efColors); } // add the shadow shadow = CG_PlayerShadow( cent, &shadowPlane ); if ( (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_SEEKERDRONE) || cent->currentState.genericenemyindex != -1 ) { memset( &seeker, 0, sizeof(seeker) ); VectorCopy(cent->lerpOrigin, elevated); elevated[2] += 40; VectorCopy( elevated, seeker.lightingOrigin ); seeker.shadowPlane = shadowPlane; seeker.renderfx = 0; //renderfx; //don't show in first person? angle = ((cg.time / 12) & 255) * (M_PI * 2) / 255; dir[0] = cos(angle) * 20; dir[1] = sin(angle) * 20; dir[2] = cos(angle) * 5; VectorAdd(elevated, dir, seeker.origin); VectorCopy(seeker.origin, seekorg); if (cent->currentState.genericenemyindex > 1024) { prefig = (cent->currentState.genericenemyindex-cg.time)/80; if (prefig > 55) { prefig = 55; } else if (prefig < 1) { prefig = 1; } elevated[2] -= 55-prefig; angle = ((cg.time / 12) & 255) * (M_PI * 2) / 255; dir[0] = cos(angle) * 20; dir[1] = sin(angle) * 20; dir[2] = cos(angle) * 5; VectorAdd(elevated, dir, seeker.origin); } else if (cent->currentState.genericenemyindex != ENTITYNUM_NONE && cent->currentState.genericenemyindex != -1) { enent = &cg_entities[cent->currentState.genericenemyindex]; if (enent) { VectorSubtract(enent->lerpOrigin, seekorg, enang); VectorNormalize(enang); vectoangles(enang, angles); successchange = 1; } } if (!successchange) { angles[0] = sin(angle) * 30; angles[1] = (angle * 180 / M_PI) + 90; if (angles[1] > 360) angles[1] -= 360; angles[2] = 0; } AnglesToAxis( angles, seeker.axis ); seeker.hModel = trap_R_RegisterModel("models/items/remote.md3"); trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &seeker ); } if (cgs.gametype == GT_HOLOCRON && cent->currentState.time2 && (cg.renderingThirdPerson || cg.snap->ps.clientNum != cent->currentState.number)) { int i = 0; int renderedHolos = 0; refEntity_t holoRef; while (i < NUM_FORCE_POWERS && renderedHolos < 3) { if (cent->currentState.time2 & (1 << i)) { memset( &holoRef, 0, sizeof(holoRef) ); VectorCopy(cent->lerpOrigin, elevated); elevated[2] += 8; VectorCopy( elevated, holoRef.lightingOrigin ); holoRef.shadowPlane = shadowPlane; holoRef.renderfx = 0;//RF_THIRD_PERSON; if (renderedHolos == 0) { angle = ((cg.time / 8) & 255) * (M_PI * 2) / 255; dir[0] = cos(angle) * 20; dir[1] = sin(angle) * 20; dir[2] = cos(angle) * 20; VectorAdd(elevated, dir, holoRef.origin); angles[0] = sin(angle) * 30; angles[1] = (angle * 180 / M_PI) + 90; if (angles[1] > 360) angles[1] -= 360; angles[2] = 0; AnglesToAxis( angles, holoRef.axis ); } else if (renderedHolos == 1) { angle = ((cg.time / 8) & 255) * (M_PI * 2) / 255 + M_PI; if (angle > M_PI * 2) angle -= (float)M_PI * 2; dir[0] = sin(angle) * 20; dir[1] = cos(angle) * 20; dir[2] = cos(angle) * 20; VectorAdd(elevated, dir, holoRef.origin); angles[0] = cos(angle - 0.5 * M_PI) * 30; angles[1] = 360 - (angle * 180 / M_PI); if (angles[1] > 360) angles[1] -= 360; angles[2] = 0; AnglesToAxis( angles, holoRef.axis ); } else { angle = ((cg.time / 6) & 255) * (M_PI * 2) / 255 + 0.5 * M_PI; if (angle > M_PI * 2) angle -= (float)M_PI * 2; dir[0] = sin(angle) * 20; dir[1] = cos(angle) * 20; dir[2] = 0; VectorAdd(elevated, dir, holoRef.origin); VectorCopy(dir, holoRef.axis[1]); VectorNormalize(holoRef.axis[1]); VectorSet(holoRef.axis[2], 0, 0, 1); CrossProduct(holoRef.axis[1], holoRef.axis[2], holoRef.axis[0]); } holoRef.modelScale[0] = 0.5; holoRef.modelScale[1] = 0.5; holoRef.modelScale[2] = 0.5; ScaleModelAxis(&holoRef); { float wv; addspriteArgStruct_t fxSArgs; vec3_t holoCenter; holoCenter[0] = holoRef.origin[0] + holoRef.axis[2][0]*18; holoCenter[1] = holoRef.origin[1] + holoRef.axis[2][1]*18; holoCenter[2] = holoRef.origin[2] + holoRef.axis[2][2]*18; wv = sin( cg.time * 0.004f ) * 0.08f + 0.1f; VectorCopy(holoCenter, fxSArgs.origin); VectorClear(fxSArgs.vel); VectorClear(fxSArgs.accel); fxSArgs.scale = wv*60; fxSArgs.dscale = wv*60; fxSArgs.sAlpha = wv*12; fxSArgs.eAlpha = wv*12; fxSArgs.rotation = 0.0f; fxSArgs.bounce = 0.0f; fxSArgs.life = 1.0f; fxSArgs.flags = 0x08000000|0x00000001; if (forcePowerDarkLight[i] == FORCE_DARKSIDE) { //dark fxSArgs.sAlpha *= 2; fxSArgs.eAlpha *= 2; fxSArgs.shader = cgs.media.redSaberGlowShader; trap_FX_AddSprite(&fxSArgs); } else if (forcePowerDarkLight[i] == FORCE_LIGHTSIDE) { //light fxSArgs.sAlpha *= 1.5; fxSArgs.eAlpha *= 1.5; fxSArgs.shader = cgs.media.redSaberGlowShader; trap_FX_AddSprite(&fxSArgs); fxSArgs.shader = cgs.media.greenSaberGlowShader; trap_FX_AddSprite(&fxSArgs); fxSArgs.shader = cgs.media.blueSaberGlowShader; trap_FX_AddSprite(&fxSArgs); } else { //neutral fxSArgs.sAlpha *= 0.5; fxSArgs.eAlpha *= 0.5; fxSArgs.shader = cgs.media.greenSaberGlowShader; trap_FX_AddSprite(&fxSArgs); fxSArgs.shader = cgs.media.blueSaberGlowShader; trap_FX_AddSprite(&fxSArgs); } } holoRef.hModel = trap_R_RegisterModel(forceHolocronModels[i]); trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &holoRef ); renderedHolos++; } i++; } } doEssentialOne: // add a water splash if partially in and out of water CG_PlayerSplash( cent ); if ( cg_shadows.integer == 3 && shadow ) { renderfx |= RF_SHADOW_PLANE; } renderfx |= RF_LIGHTING_ORIGIN; // use the same origin for all // if we've been hit, display proper fullscreen fx CG_PlayerHitFX(cent); VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, legs.origin ); VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, legs.lightingOrigin ); legs.shadowPlane = shadowPlane; legs.renderfx = renderfx; VectorCopy (legs.origin, legs.oldorigin); // don't positionally lerp at all CG_G2PlayerAngles( cent, legs.axis, rootAngles ); //This call is mainly just to reconstruct the skeleton. But we'll get the left hand matrix while we're at it. //If we don't reconstruct the skeleton after setting the bone angles, we will get bad bolt points on the model //(e.g. the weapon model bolt will look "lagged") if there's no other GetBoltMatrix call for the rest of the //frame. Yes, this is stupid and needs to be fixed properly. //The current solution is to force it not to reconstruct the skeleton for the first GBM call in G2PlayerAngles. //It works and we end up only reconstructing it once, but it doesn't seem like the best solution. trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix(cent->ghoul2, 0, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].bolt_lhand, &lHandMatrix, cent->turAngles, cent->lerpOrigin, cg.time, cgs.gameModels, cent->modelScale); gotLHandMatrix = qtrue; if (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) { dead = qtrue; //rww - since our angles are fixed when we're dead this shouldn't be an issue anyway //we need to render the dying/dead player because we are now spawning the body on respawn instead of death //return; } ScaleModelAxis(&legs); memset( &torso, 0, sizeof(torso) ); memset( &head, 0, sizeof(head) ); if (cent->isATST) { goto doEssentialTwo; } //rww - force speed "trail" effect if (!(cent->currentState.powerups & (1 << PW_SPEED)) || doAlpha || !cg_speedTrail.integer) { cent->frame_minus1_refreshed = 0; cent->frame_minus2_refreshed = 0; } VectorCopy(cent->currentState.pos.trDelta, tDir); distVelBase = SPEED_TRAIL_DISTANCE*(VectorNormalize(tDir)*0.004); if (cent->frame_minus1.ghoul2 && cent->frame_minus1_refreshed) { cent->frame_minus1.renderfx |= RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA; cent->frame_minus1.shaderRGBA[3] = 100; //rww - if the client gets a bad framerate we will only receive frame positions //once per frame anyway, so we might end up with speed trails very spread out. //in order to avoid that, we'll get the direction of the last trail from the player //and place the trail refent a set distance from the player location this frame VectorSubtract(cent->frame_minus1.origin, legs.origin, tDir); VectorNormalize(tDir); cent->frame_minus1.origin[0] = legs.origin[0]+tDir[0]*distVelBase; cent->frame_minus1.origin[1] = legs.origin[1]+tDir[1]*distVelBase; cent->frame_minus1.origin[2] = legs.origin[2]+tDir[2]*distVelBase; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene(¢->frame_minus1); } if (cent->frame_minus2.ghoul2 && cent->frame_minus2_refreshed) { cent->frame_minus2.renderfx |= RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA; cent->frame_minus2.shaderRGBA[3] = 50; //Same as above but do it between trail points instead of the player and first trail entry VectorSubtract(cent->frame_minus2.origin, cent->frame_minus1.origin, tDir); VectorNormalize(tDir); cent->frame_minus2.origin[0] = cent->frame_minus1.origin[0]+tDir[0]*distVelBase; cent->frame_minus2.origin[1] = cent->frame_minus1.origin[1]+tDir[1]*distVelBase; cent->frame_minus2.origin[2] = cent->frame_minus1.origin[2]+tDir[2]*distVelBase; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene(¢->frame_minus2); } doEssentialTwo: VectorCopy(cent->turAngles, cg_entities[cent->currentState.number].turAngles); VectorCopy(legs.origin, cg_entities[cent->currentState.number].lerpOrigin); // get the animation state (after rotation, to allow feet shuffle) CG_PlayerAnimation( cent, &legs.oldframe, &legs.frame, &legs.backlerp, &torso.oldframe, &torso.frame, &torso.backlerp ); if (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) { //keep track of death anim frame for when we copy off the bodyqueue cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].frame = cent->pe.torso.frame; } /* if ( cent->gent->s.number == 0 && cg_thirdPersonAlpha.value < 1.0f ) { ent.renderfx |= RF_ALPHA_FADE; ent.shaderRGBA[3] = (unsigned char)(cg_thirdPersonAlpha.value * 255.0f); } */ if (cent->isATST) { goto doEssentialThree; } //rww - in low framerate situations we may only play the effect once every large duration and depending //on the effect this could make it barely visible. So we'll play the effect multiple times per frame //judging by the amount of time that's passed since the last frame, thus maintaining the same rate in //high framerate situations and compensating by layering the effect multiple times in a single frame in //low framerate situations if (cent->trailTime < cg.time) { cent->trailTime = cg.time; } //compensate for up to 300ms effectTimeLayer = (300 - (cent->trailTime - cg.time)); if (effectTimeLayer < 50) { //play at least once effectTimeLayer = 50; } cent->trailTime = cg.time + 300; //If you've tricked this client. if (CG_IsMindTricked(cg.snap->ps.fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex, cg.snap->ps.fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex2, cg.snap->ps.fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex3, cg.snap->ps.fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex4, cent->currentState.number)) { if (cent->ghoul2) { vec3_t efOrg; vec3_t tAng, fxAng; vec3_t axis[3]; int effectTimeLayerC = effectTimeLayer; sharedBoltInterface_t fxObj; //VectorSet( tAng, 0, cent->pe.torso.yawAngle, 0 ); VectorSet( tAng, cent->turAngles[PITCH], cent->turAngles[YAW], cent->turAngles[ROLL] ); trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix(cent->ghoul2, 0, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].bolt_head, &boltMatrix, tAng, cent->lerpOrigin, cg.time, cgs.gameModels, cent->modelScale); trap_G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&boltMatrix, ORIGIN, efOrg); trap_G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&boltMatrix, NEGATIVE_Y, fxAng); axis[0][0] = boltMatrix.matrix[0][0]; axis[0][1] = boltMatrix.matrix[1][0]; axis[0][2] = boltMatrix.matrix[2][0]; axis[1][0] = boltMatrix.matrix[0][1]; axis[1][1] = boltMatrix.matrix[1][1]; axis[1][2] = boltMatrix.matrix[2][1]; axis[2][0] = boltMatrix.matrix[0][2]; axis[2][1] = boltMatrix.matrix[1][2]; axis[2][2] = boltMatrix.matrix[2][2]; VectorCopy(/*efOrg*/cent->lerpOrigin, fxObj.origin); VectorCopy(/*fxAng*/tAng, fxObj.angles); VectorCopy(cent->modelScale, fxObj.scale); fxObj.ghoul2 = cent->ghoul2; fxObj.isValid = 1; fxObj.modelNum = 0; fxObj.boltNum = cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].bolt_head; fxObj.entNum = cent->currentState.number; while (effectTimeLayerC > 0) { trap_FX_PlayEntityEffectID(trap_FX_RegisterEffect("force/confusion.efx"), efOrg, axis, cent->boltInfo, cent->currentState.number); //FIXME: Due to the horrible inefficiency involved in the current effect bolt process an effect with as many particles as this won't //work too happily. It also doesn't look a lot better due to the lag between origin updates with the effect bolt. If those issues //are ever resolved it should be switched over to BoltedEffect. //trap_FX_PlayBoltedEffectID(trap_FX_RegisterEffect("force/confusion.efx"), &fxObj); effectTimeLayerC -= 50; } } } if (cent->currentState.activeForcePass > FORCE_LEVEL_3) { int effectTimeLayerL = effectTimeLayer; vec3_t axis[3]; vec3_t tAng, fAng, fxDir; int realForceLev = (cent->currentState.activeForcePass - FORCE_LEVEL_3); VectorSet( tAng, cent->turAngles[PITCH], cent->turAngles[YAW], cent->turAngles[ROLL] ); VectorSet( fAng, cent->pe.torso.pitchAngle, cent->pe.torso.yawAngle, 0 ); AngleVectors( fAng, fxDir, NULL, NULL ); //trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix(cent->ghoul2, 0, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].bolt_lhand, &boltMatrix, tAng, cent->lerpOrigin, cg.time, cgs.gameModels, cent->modelScale); if (!gotLHandMatrix) { trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix(cent->ghoul2, 0, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].bolt_lhand, &lHandMatrix, cent->turAngles, cent->lerpOrigin, cg.time, cgs.gameModels, cent->modelScale); gotLHandMatrix = qtrue; } efOrg[0] = lHandMatrix.matrix[0][3]; efOrg[1] = lHandMatrix.matrix[1][3]; efOrg[2] = lHandMatrix.matrix[2][3]; AnglesToAxis( fAng, axis ); while (effectTimeLayerL > 0) { if ( realForceLev > FORCE_LEVEL_2 ) {//arc //trap_FX_PlayEffectID( cgs.effects.forceLightningWide, efOrg, fxDir ); trap_FX_PlayEntityEffectID(cgs.effects.forceDrainWide, efOrg, axis, cent->boltInfo, cent->currentState.number); } else {//line //trap_FX_PlayEffectID( cgs.effects.forceLightning, efOrg, fxDir ); trap_FX_PlayEntityEffectID(cgs.effects.forceDrain, efOrg, axis, cent->boltInfo, cent->currentState.number); } effectTimeLayerL -= 50; } /* if (cent->bolt4 < cg.time) { cent->bolt4 = cg.time + 100; trap_S_StartSound(NULL, cent->currentState.number, CHAN_AUTO, trap_S_RegisterSound("sound/weapons/force/drain.wav") ); } */ } else if ( cent->currentState.activeForcePass ) {//doing the electrocuting int effectTimeLayerL = effectTimeLayer; vec3_t axis[3]; vec3_t tAng, fAng, fxDir; VectorSet( tAng, cent->turAngles[PITCH], cent->turAngles[YAW], cent->turAngles[ROLL] ); VectorSet( fAng, cent->pe.torso.pitchAngle, cent->pe.torso.yawAngle, 0 ); AngleVectors( fAng, fxDir, NULL, NULL ); //trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix(cent->ghoul2, 0, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].bolt_lhand, &boltMatrix, tAng, cent->lerpOrigin, cg.time, cgs.gameModels, cent->modelScale); if (!gotLHandMatrix) { trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix(cent->ghoul2, 0, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].bolt_lhand, &lHandMatrix, cent->turAngles, cent->lerpOrigin, cg.time, cgs.gameModels, cent->modelScale); gotLHandMatrix = qtrue; } efOrg[0] = lHandMatrix.matrix[0][3]; efOrg[1] = lHandMatrix.matrix[1][3]; efOrg[2] = lHandMatrix.matrix[2][3]; AnglesToAxis( fAng, axis ); while (effectTimeLayerL > 0) { if ( cent->currentState.activeForcePass > FORCE_LEVEL_2 ) {//arc //trap_FX_PlayEffectID( cgs.effects.forceLightningWide, efOrg, fxDir ); trap_FX_PlayEntityEffectID(cgs.effects.forceLightningWide, efOrg, axis, cent->boltInfo, cent->currentState.number); } else {//line //trap_FX_PlayEffectID( cgs.effects.forceLightning, efOrg, fxDir ); trap_FX_PlayEntityEffectID(cgs.effects.forceLightning, efOrg, axis, cent->boltInfo, cent->currentState.number); } effectTimeLayerL -= 50; } /* if (cent->bolt4 < cg.time) { cent->bolt4 = cg.time + 100; trap_S_StartSound(NULL, cent->currentState.number, CHAN_AUTO, trap_S_RegisterSound("sound/weapons/force/lightning.wav") ); } */ } if ( cent->currentState.powerups & (1 << PW_DISINT_4) ) { vec3_t tAng; //VectorSet( tAng, 0, cent->pe.torso.yawAngle, 0 ); VectorSet( tAng, cent->turAngles[PITCH], cent->turAngles[YAW], cent->turAngles[ROLL] ); //trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix(cent->ghoul2, 0, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].bolt_lhand, &boltMatrix, tAng, cent->lerpOrigin, cg.time, cgs.gameModels, cent->modelScale); if (!gotLHandMatrix) { trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix(cent->ghoul2, 0, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].bolt_lhand, &lHandMatrix, cent->turAngles, cent->lerpOrigin, cg.time, cgs.gameModels, cent->modelScale); gotLHandMatrix = qtrue; } efOrg[0] = lHandMatrix.matrix[0][3]; efOrg[1] = lHandMatrix.matrix[1][3]; efOrg[2] = lHandMatrix.matrix[2][3]; if ( (cent->currentState.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_GRIP)) && (cg.renderingThirdPerson || cent->currentState.number != cg.snap->ps.clientNum) ) { vec3_t boltDir; vec3_t origBolt; VectorCopy(efOrg, origBolt); trap_G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( &lHandMatrix, NEGATIVE_Y, boltDir ); CG_ForceGripEffect( efOrg ); CG_ForceGripEffect( efOrg ); //Render a scaled version of the model's hand with a n337 looking shader { const char *rotateBone; char *limbName; char *limbCapName; vec3_t armAng; float wv = sin( cg.time * 0.003f ) * 0.08f + 0.1f; rotateBone = "lradius"; limbName = "l_arm"; limbCapName = "l_arm_cap_torso_off"; if (cent->grip_arm.ghoul2 && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(cent->grip_arm.ghoul2)) { trap_G2API_CleanGhoul2Models(&(cent->grip_arm.ghoul2)); } memset( ¢->grip_arm, 0, sizeof(cent->grip_arm) ); VectorCopy(origBolt, efOrg); trap_G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( &lHandMatrix, NEGATIVE_Y, boltDir ); efOrg[0] += boltDir[0]*8; efOrg[1] += boltDir[1]*8; efOrg[2] += boltDir[2]*8; trap_G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( &lHandMatrix, NEGATIVE_X, boltDir ); efOrg[0] -= boltDir[0]*4; efOrg[1] -= boltDir[1]*4; efOrg[2] -= boltDir[2]*4; VectorCopy(efOrg, cent->grip_arm.origin); VectorCopy(cent->grip_arm.origin, cent->grip_arm.lightingOrigin); VectorCopy(cent->lerpAngles, armAng); armAng[ROLL] = -90; AnglesToAxis(armAng, cent->grip_arm.axis); trap_G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance(cent->ghoul2, ¢->grip_arm.ghoul2); trap_G2API_SetRootSurface(cent->grip_arm.ghoul2, 0, limbName); trap_G2API_SetNewOrigin(cent->grip_arm.ghoul2, trap_G2API_AddBolt(cent->grip_arm.ghoul2, 0, rotateBone)); trap_G2API_SetSurfaceOnOff(cent->grip_arm.ghoul2, limbCapName, 0); cent->grip_arm.modelScale[0] = 1;//+(wv*6); cent->grip_arm.modelScale[1] = 1;//+(wv*6); cent->grip_arm.modelScale[2] = 1;//+(wv*6); ScaleModelAxis(¢->grip_arm); cent->grip_arm.radius = 64; cent->grip_arm.customShader = trap_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/misc/red_portashield" ); cent->grip_arm.renderfx |= RF_RGB_TINT; cent->grip_arm.shaderRGBA[0] = 255 - (wv*900); if (cent->grip_arm.shaderRGBA[0] < 30) { cent->grip_arm.shaderRGBA[0] = 30; } if (cent->grip_arm.shaderRGBA[0] > 255) { cent->grip_arm.shaderRGBA[0] = 255; } cent->grip_arm.shaderRGBA[1] = cent->grip_arm.shaderRGBA[2] = cent->grip_arm.shaderRGBA[0]; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ¢->grip_arm ); } } else if (!(cent->currentState.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_GRIP))) { CG_ForcePushBlur( efOrg ); } } if (cent->currentState.weapon == WP_STUN_BATON && (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_FIRING)) { //note: This is a stupid placeholder so that it's at least the same as SP trap_S_AddLoopingSound( cent->currentState.number, cent->lerpOrigin, vec3_origin, trap_S_RegisterSound("sound/weapons/saber/saberhum") ); } //NOTE: All effects that should be visible during mindtrick should go above here if (iwantout) { goto stillDoSaber; //return; } else if (doAlpha) { legs.renderfx |= RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA; legs.shaderRGBA[3] = cent->trickAlpha; if (legs.shaderRGBA[3] < 1) { //don't cancel it out even if it's < 1 legs.shaderRGBA[3] = 1; } } stillDoSaber: if (cent->currentState.weapon == WP_SABER && !cent->currentState.shouldtarget) { if (!cent->currentState.saberInFlight) { if (cg.snap->ps.clientNum == cent->currentState.number) { trap_S_AddLoopingSound( cent->currentState.number, cg.refdef.vieworg, vec3_origin, trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum.wav" ) ); } else { trap_S_AddLoopingSound( cent->currentState.number, cent->lerpOrigin, vec3_origin, trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum.wav" ) ); } } if (iwantout && !cent->currentState.saberInFlight) { if (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) { if (cent->ghoul2 && cent->currentState.saberInFlight && trap_G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex(&(cent->ghoul2), 1)) { //special case, kill the saber on a freshly dead player if another source says to. trap_G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model(&(cent->ghoul2), 1); } } //return; goto endOfCall; } if (cent->currentState.saberInFlight && cent->currentState.saberEntityNum) { centity_t *saberEnt; saberEnt = &cg_entities[cent->currentState.saberEntityNum]; if (/*!cent->bolt4 &&*/ trap_G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex(&(cent->ghoul2), 1)) { //saber is in flight, do not have it as a standard weapon model trap_G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model(&(cent->ghoul2), 1); //cent->bolt4 = 1; saberEnt->currentState.pos.trTime = cg.time; saberEnt->currentState.apos.trTime = cg.time; VectorCopy(saberEnt->currentState.pos.trBase, saberEnt->lerpOrigin); VectorCopy(saberEnt->currentState.apos.trBase, saberEnt->lerpAngles); cent->bolt3 = saberEnt->currentState.apos.trBase[0]; cent->bolt2 = 0; saberEnt->currentState.bolt2 = 123; if (saberEnt->ghoul2) { // now set up the gun bolt on it trap_G2API_AddBolt(saberEnt->ghoul2, 0, "*flash"); } else { trap_G2API_InitGhoul2Model(&saberEnt->ghoul2, "models/weapons2/saber/saber_w.glm", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (saberEnt->ghoul2) { trap_G2API_AddBolt(saberEnt->ghoul2, 0, "*flash"); //cent->bolt4 = 2; VectorCopy(saberEnt->currentState.pos.trBase, saberEnt->lerpOrigin); VectorCopy(saberEnt->currentState.apos.trBase, saberEnt->lerpAngles); saberEnt->currentState.pos.trTime = cg.time; saberEnt->currentState.apos.trTime = cg.time; } } } /*else if (cent->bolt4 != 2) { if (saberEnt->ghoul2) { trap_G2API_AddBolt(saberEnt->ghoul2, 0, "*flash"); cent->bolt4 = 2; } }*/ if (saberEnt && saberEnt->ghoul2 /*&& cent->bolt4 == 2*/) { vec3_t bladeAngles; if (!cent->bolt2) { cent->bolt2 = cg.time; } if (cent->bolt3 != 90) { if (cent->bolt3 < 90) { cent->bolt3 += (cg.time - cent->bolt2)*0.5; if (cent->bolt3 > 90) { cent->bolt3 = 90; } } else if (cent->bolt3 > 90) { cent->bolt3 -= (cg.time - cent->bolt2)*0.5; if (cent->bolt3 < 90) { cent->bolt3 = 90; } } } cent->bolt2 = cg.time; saberEnt->currentState.apos.trBase[0] = cent->bolt3; saberEnt->lerpAngles[0] = cent->bolt3; if (!saberEnt->currentState.saberInFlight && saberEnt->currentState.bolt2 != 123) { //owner is pulling is back vec3_t owndir; VectorSubtract(saberEnt->lerpOrigin, cent->lerpOrigin, owndir); VectorNormalize(owndir); vectoangles(owndir, owndir); owndir[0] += 90; VectorCopy(owndir, saberEnt->currentState.apos.trBase); VectorCopy(owndir, saberEnt->lerpAngles); VectorClear(saberEnt->currentState.apos.trDelta); } //We don't actually want to rely entirely on server updates to render the position of the saber, because we actually know generally where //it's going to be before the first position update even gets here, and it needs to start getting rendered the instant the saber model is //removed from the player hand. So we'll just render it manually and let normal rendering for the entity be ignored. if (!saberEnt->currentState.saberInFlight && saberEnt->currentState.bolt2 != 123) { //tell it that we're a saber and to render the glow around our handle because we're being pulled back saberEnt->bolt3 = 999; } saberEnt->currentState.modelGhoul2 = 1; CG_ManualEntityRender(saberEnt); saberEnt->bolt3 = 0; saberEnt->currentState.modelGhoul2 = 999; VectorCopy(saberEnt->lerpAngles, bladeAngles); bladeAngles[ROLL] = 0; CG_AddSaberBlade(cent, saberEnt, NULL, 0, 0, saberEnt->lerpOrigin, bladeAngles, qtrue); //Make the player's hand glow while guiding the saber { vec3_t tAng; float wv; addspriteArgStruct_t fxSArgs; VectorSet( tAng, cent->turAngles[PITCH], cent->turAngles[YAW], cent->turAngles[ROLL] ); trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix(cent->ghoul2, 0, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.number].bolt_rhand, &boltMatrix, tAng, cent->lerpOrigin, cg.time, cgs.gameModels, cent->modelScale); efOrg[0] = boltMatrix.matrix[0][3]; efOrg[1] = boltMatrix.matrix[1][3]; efOrg[2] = boltMatrix.matrix[2][3]; wv = sin( cg.time * 0.003f ) * 0.08f + 0.1f; //trap_FX_AddSprite( NULL, efOrg, NULL, NULL, 8.0f, 8.0f, wv, wv, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, cgs.media.yellowSaberGlowShader, 0x08000000 ); VectorCopy(efOrg, fxSArgs.origin); VectorClear(fxSArgs.vel); VectorClear(fxSArgs.accel); fxSArgs.scale = 8.0f; fxSArgs.dscale = 8.0f; fxSArgs.sAlpha = wv; fxSArgs.eAlpha = wv; fxSArgs.rotation = 0.0f; fxSArgs.bounce = 0.0f; fxSArgs.life = 1.0f; fxSArgs.shader = cgs.media.yellowDroppedSaberShader; fxSArgs.flags = 0x08000000; trap_FX_AddSprite(&fxSArgs); } } } else { centity_t *saberEnt; saberEnt = &cg_entities[cent->currentState.saberEntityNum]; if (/*cent->bolt4 && */!trap_G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex(&(cent->ghoul2), 1)) { trap_G2API_CopySpecificGhoul2Model(g2WeaponInstances[WP_SABER], 0, cent->ghoul2, 1); if (saberEnt && saberEnt->ghoul2) { trap_G2API_CleanGhoul2Models(&(saberEnt->ghoul2)); } saberEnt->currentState.modelindex = 0; saberEnt->ghoul2 = NULL; VectorClear(saberEnt->currentState.pos.trBase); } CG_AddSaberBlade( cent, cent, NULL, 0, 0, legs.origin, rootAngles, qfalse); cent->bolt3 = 0; cent->bolt2 = 0; //cent->bolt4 = 0; } } else { cent->saberLength = 0; } if (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) { if (cent->ghoul2 && cent->currentState.saberInFlight && trap_G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex(&(cent->ghoul2), 1)) { //special case, kill the saber on a freshly dead player if another source says to. trap_G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model(&(cent->ghoul2), 1); } } if (iwantout) { //return; goto endOfCall; } if ((cg.snap->ps.fd.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_SEE)) && cg.snap->ps.clientNum != cent->currentState.number) { legs.shaderRGBA[0] = 255; legs.shaderRGBA[1] = 255; legs.shaderRGBA[2] = 0; legs.renderfx |= RF_MINLIGHT; } if (cg.snap->ps.duelInProgress /*&& cent->currentState.number != cg.snap->ps.clientNum*/) { //I guess go ahead and glow your own client too in a duel if (cent->currentState.number != cg.snap->ps.duelIndex && cent->currentState.number != cg.snap->ps.clientNum) { //everyone not involved in the duel is drawn very dark legs.shaderRGBA[0] = 50; legs.shaderRGBA[1] = 50; legs.shaderRGBA[2] = 50; legs.renderfx |= RF_RGB_TINT; } else { //adjust the glow by how far away you are from your dueling partner centity_t *duelEnt; duelEnt = &cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.duelIndex]; if (duelEnt) { vec3_t vecSub; float subLen = 0; VectorSubtract(duelEnt->lerpOrigin, cg.snap->ps.origin, vecSub); subLen = VectorLength(vecSub); if (subLen < 1) { subLen = 1; } if (subLen > 1020) { subLen = 1020; } legs.shaderRGBA[0] = 0; legs.shaderRGBA[1] = 0; legs.shaderRGBA[2] = 255 - subLen/4; if (legs.shaderRGBA[2] < 1) legs.shaderRGBA[2] = 1; legs.renderfx &= ~RF_RGB_TINT; legs.renderfx &= ~RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA; legs.customShader = cgs.media.forceSightBubble; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &legs ); legs.customShader = 0; legs.shaderRGBA[0] = 255 - subLen/8; legs.shaderRGBA[1] = 255 - subLen/8; legs.shaderRGBA[2] = subLen/8; if (legs.shaderRGBA[2] < 1) { legs.shaderRGBA[2] = 1; } if (legs.shaderRGBA[2] > 255) { legs.shaderRGBA[2] = 255; } if (subLen <= 1024) { legs.renderfx |= RF_RGB_TINT; } } } } else { if (cent->currentState.bolt1 && !(cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) && cent->currentState.number != cg.snap->ps.clientNum && (!cg.snap->ps.duelInProgress || cg.snap->ps.duelIndex != cent->currentState.number)) { legs.shaderRGBA[0] = 50; legs.shaderRGBA[1] = 50; legs.shaderRGBA[2] = 50; legs.renderfx |= RF_RGB_TINT; } } doEssentialThree: if (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DISINTEGRATION) { vec3_t tempAng, hitLoc; float tempLength; if (!cent->dustTrailTime) { cent->dustTrailTime = cg.time; cent->miscTime = legs.frame; } if ((cg.time - cent->dustTrailTime) > 1500) { //avoid rendering the entity after disintegration has finished anyway goto endOfCall; } trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(legs.ghoul2, 0, "model_root", cent->miscTime, cent->miscTime, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE, 1.0f, cg.time, cent->miscTime, -1); trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(legs.ghoul2, 0, "upper_lumbar", cent->miscTime, cent->miscTime, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE, 1.0f, cg.time, cent->miscTime, -1); trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(legs.ghoul2, 0, "Motion", cent->miscTime, cent->miscTime, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE, 1.0f, cg.time, cent->miscTime, -1); VectorCopy(cent->currentState.origin2, hitLoc); VectorSubtract( hitLoc, legs.origin, legs.oldorigin ); tempLength = VectorNormalize( legs.oldorigin ); vectoangles( legs.oldorigin, tempAng ); tempAng[YAW] -= cent->lerpAngles[YAW]; AngleVectors( tempAng, legs.oldorigin, NULL, NULL ); VectorScale( legs.oldorigin, tempLength, legs.oldorigin ); legs.endTime = cent->dustTrailTime; //FIXME: Sorting is all wrong here, it can't decide if it should render this part or the outer body first /* legs.renderfx |= RF_DISINTEGRATE2; legs.customShader = cgs.media.disruptorShader; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &legs ); */ legs.renderfx &= ~(RF_DISINTEGRATE2); legs.renderfx |= (RF_DISINTEGRATE1); legs.customShader = 0; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &legs ); goto endOfCall; } else { cent->dustTrailTime = 0; cent->miscTime = 0; } trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene(&legs); if (cent->isATST) { //return; goto endOfCall; } cent->frame_minus2 = cent->frame_minus1; if (cent->frame_minus1_refreshed) { cent->frame_minus2_refreshed = 1; } cent->frame_minus1 = legs; cent->frame_minus1_refreshed = 1; if (!cent->frame_hold_refreshed && (cent->currentState.powerups & (1 << PW_SPEEDBURST))) { cent->frame_hold_time = cg.time + 254; } if (cent->frame_hold_time >= cg.time) { if (!cent->frame_hold_refreshed) { //We're taking the ghoul2 instance from the original refent and duplicating it onto our refent alias so that we can then freeze the frame and fade it for the effect if (cent->frame_hold.ghoul2 && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(cent->frame_hold.ghoul2) && cent->frame_hold.ghoul2 != cent->ghoul2) { trap_G2API_CleanGhoul2Models(&(cent->frame_hold.ghoul2)); } cent->frame_hold = legs; cent->frame_hold_refreshed = 1; cent->frame_hold.ghoul2 = NULL; trap_G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance(cent->ghoul2, ¢->frame_hold.ghoul2); //Set the animation to the current frame and freeze on end //trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(cent->frame_hold.ghoul2, 0, "model_root", cent->frame_hold.frame, cent->frame_hold.frame, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE, 1.0f, cg.time, cent->frame_hold.frame, -1); trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(cent->frame_hold.ghoul2, 0, "model_root", cent->frame_hold.frame, cent->frame_hold.frame, 0, 1.0f, cg.time, cent->frame_hold.frame, -1); } cent->frame_hold.renderfx |= RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA; cent->frame_hold.shaderRGBA[3] = (cent->frame_hold_time - cg.time); if (cent->frame_hold.shaderRGBA[3] > 254) { cent->frame_hold.shaderRGBA[3] = 254; } if (cent->frame_hold.shaderRGBA[3] < 1) { cent->frame_hold.shaderRGBA[3] = 1; } trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene(¢->frame_hold); } else { cent->frame_hold_refreshed = 0; } // // add the gun / barrel / flash // if (cent->currentState.weapon != WP_EMPLACED_GUN) { CG_AddPlayerWeapon( &legs, NULL, cent, ci->team, rootAngles, qtrue ); } // add powerups floating behind the player CG_PlayerPowerups( cent, &legs ); if ((cent->currentState.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_RAGE)) && (cg.renderingThirdPerson || cent->currentState.number != cg.snap->ps.clientNum)) { //legs.customShader = cgs.media.rageShader; legs.renderfx &= ~RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA; legs.renderfx &= ~RF_MINLIGHT; legs.renderfx |= RF_RGB_TINT; legs.shaderRGBA[0] = 255; legs.shaderRGBA[1] = legs.shaderRGBA[2] = 0; legs.shaderRGBA[3] = 255; if ( rand() & 1 ) { legs.customShader = cgs.media.electricBodyShader; } else { legs.customShader = cgs.media.electricBody2Shader; } trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene(&legs); } if (!cg.snap->ps.duelInProgress && cent->currentState.bolt1 && !(cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD) && cent->currentState.number != cg.snap->ps.clientNum && (!cg.snap->ps.duelInProgress || cg.snap->ps.duelIndex != cent->currentState.number)) { legs.shaderRGBA[0] = 50; legs.shaderRGBA[1] = 50; legs.shaderRGBA[2] = 255; legs.renderfx &= ~RF_RGB_TINT; legs.renderfx &= ~RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA; legs.customShader = cgs.media.forceSightBubble; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &legs ); } if (cent->currentState.isJediMaster && cg.snap->ps.clientNum != cent->currentState.number) { legs.shaderRGBA[0] = 50; legs.shaderRGBA[1] = 50; legs.shaderRGBA[2] = 255; legs.renderfx &= ~RF_RGB_TINT; legs.renderfx &= ~RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA; legs.renderfx |= RF_NODEPTH; legs.customShader = cgs.media.forceSightBubble; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &legs ); legs.renderfx &= ~RF_NODEPTH; } if ((cg.snap->ps.fd.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_SEE)) && cg.snap->ps.clientNum != cent->currentState.number && cg_auraShell.integer) { if (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM) { // A team game switch(cgs.clientinfo[ cent->currentState.clientNum ].team) { case TEAM_RED: legs.shaderRGBA[0] = 255; legs.shaderRGBA[1] = 50; legs.shaderRGBA[2] = 50; break; case TEAM_BLUE: legs.shaderRGBA[0] = 75; legs.shaderRGBA[1] = 75; legs.shaderRGBA[2] = 255; break; default: legs.shaderRGBA[0] = 255; legs.shaderRGBA[1] = 255; legs.shaderRGBA[2] = 0; break; } } else { // Not a team game legs.shaderRGBA[0] = 255; legs.shaderRGBA[1] = 255; legs.shaderRGBA[2] = 0; } /* if (cg.snap->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_SEE] <= FORCE_LEVEL_1) { legs.renderfx |= RF_MINLIGHT; } else */ { // See through walls. legs.renderfx |= RF_MINLIGHT | RF_NODEPTH; if (cg.snap->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_SEE] < FORCE_LEVEL_2) { //only level 2+ can see players through walls legs.renderfx &= ~RF_NODEPTH; } } legs.renderfx &= ~RF_RGB_TINT; legs.renderfx &= ~RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA; legs.customShader = cgs.media.forceSightBubble; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &legs ); } // Electricity //------------------------------------------------ if ( cent->currentState.emplacedOwner > cg.time ) { int dif = cent->currentState.emplacedOwner - cg.time; if ( dif > 0 && random() > 0.4f ) { // fade out over the last 500 ms int brightness = 255; if ( dif < 500 ) { brightness = floor((dif - 500.0f) / 500.0f * 255.0f ); } legs.renderfx &= ~RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA; legs.renderfx &= ~RF_MINLIGHT; legs.renderfx |= RF_RGB_TINT; legs.shaderRGBA[0] = legs.shaderRGBA[1] = legs.shaderRGBA[2] = brightness; legs.shaderRGBA[3] = 255; if ( rand() & 1 ) { legs.customShader = cgs.media.electricBodyShader; } else { legs.customShader = cgs.media.electricBody2Shader; } trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &legs ); if ( random() > 0.9f ) trap_S_StartSound ( NULL, cent->currentState.number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.crackleSound ); } } if (cent->currentState.powerups & (1 << PW_SHIELDHIT)) { /* legs.shaderRGBA[0] = legs.shaderRGBA[1] = legs.shaderRGBA[2] = 255.0f * 0.5f;//t; legs.shaderRGBA[3] = 255; legs.renderfx &= ~RF_ALPHA_FADE; legs.renderfx |= RF_RGB_TINT; */ legs.shaderRGBA[0] = legs.shaderRGBA[1] = legs.shaderRGBA[2] = Q_irand(1, 255); legs.renderfx &= ~RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA; legs.renderfx &= ~RF_MINLIGHT; legs.renderfx &= ~RF_RGB_TINT; legs.customShader = cgs.media.playerShieldDamage; trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &legs ); } endOfCall: if (cgBoneAnglePostSet.refreshSet) { trap_G2API_SetBoneAngles(cgBoneAnglePostSet.ghoul2, cgBoneAnglePostSet.modelIndex, cgBoneAnglePostSet.boneName, cgBoneAnglePostSet.angles, cgBoneAnglePostSet.flags, cgBoneAnglePostSet.up, cgBoneAnglePostSet.right, cgBoneAnglePostSet.forward, cgBoneAnglePostSet.modelList, cgBoneAnglePostSet.blendTime, cgBoneAnglePostSet.currentTime); cgBoneAnglePostSet.refreshSet = qfalse; } } //===================================================================== /* =============== CG_ResetPlayerEntity A player just came into view or teleported, so reset all animation info =============== */ void CG_ResetPlayerEntity( centity_t *cent ) { cent->errorTime = -99999; // guarantee no error decay added cent->extrapolated = qfalse; CG_ClearLerpFrame( cent, &cgs.clientinfo[ cent->currentState.clientNum ], ¢->pe.legs, cent->currentState.legsAnim, qfalse); CG_ClearLerpFrame( cent, &cgs.clientinfo[ cent->currentState.clientNum ], ¢->pe.torso, cent->currentState.torsoAnim, qtrue); BG_EvaluateTrajectory( ¢->currentState.pos, cg.time, cent->lerpOrigin ); BG_EvaluateTrajectory( ¢->currentState.apos, cg.time, cent->lerpAngles ); VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->rawOrigin ); VectorCopy( cent->lerpAngles, cent->rawAngles ); memset( ¢->pe.legs, 0, sizeof( cent->pe.legs ) ); cent->pe.legs.yawAngle = cent->rawAngles[YAW]; cent->pe.legs.yawing = qfalse; cent->pe.legs.pitchAngle = 0; cent->pe.legs.pitching = qfalse; memset( ¢->pe.torso, 0, sizeof( cent->pe.legs ) ); cent->pe.torso.yawAngle = cent->rawAngles[YAW]; cent->pe.torso.yawing = qfalse; cent->pe.torso.pitchAngle = cent->rawAngles[PITCH]; cent->pe.torso.pitching = qfalse; if ((cent->ghoul2 == NULL) && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.clientNum].ghoul2Model)) { trap_G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance(cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.clientNum].ghoul2Model, ¢->ghoul2); CG_CopyG2WeaponInstance(cent->currentState.weapon, cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.clientNum].ghoul2Model); cent->weapon = cent->currentState.weapon; } if ( cg_debugPosition.integer ) { CG_Printf("%i ResetPlayerEntity yaw=%i\n", cent->currentState.number, cent->pe.torso.yawAngle ); } }