#include "../game/q_shared.h" #include "../qcommon/qcommon.h" #include "win_local.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* ================ Sys_Milliseconds ================ */ int sys_timeBase; int Sys_Milliseconds (void) { int sys_curtime; static qboolean initialized = qfalse; if (!initialized) { sys_timeBase = timeGetTime(); initialized = qtrue; } sys_curtime = timeGetTime() - sys_timeBase; return sys_curtime; } /* ================ Sys_SnapVector ================ */ void Sys_SnapVector( float *v ) { int i; float f; f = *v; __asm fld f; __asm fistp i; *v = i; v++; f = *v; __asm fld f; __asm fistp i; *v = i; v++; f = *v; __asm fld f; __asm fistp i; *v = i; /* *v = myftol(*v); v++; *v = myftol(*v); v++; *v = myftol(*v); */ } /* ** ** Disable all optimizations temporarily so this code works correctly! ** */ #pragma optimize( "", off ) /* ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** ** PROCESSOR STUFF ** ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void CPUID( int func, unsigned regs[4] ) { unsigned regEAX, regEBX, regECX, regEDX; __asm mov eax, func __asm __emit 00fh __asm __emit 0a2h __asm mov regEAX, eax __asm mov regEBX, ebx __asm mov regECX, ecx __asm mov regEDX, edx regs[0] = regEAX; regs[1] = regEBX; regs[2] = regECX; regs[3] = regEDX; } static int IsPentium( void ) { __asm { pushfd // save eflags pop eax test eax, 0x00200000 // check ID bit jz set21 // bit 21 is not set, so jump to set_21 and eax, 0xffdfffff // clear bit 21 push eax // save new value in register popfd // store new value in flags pushfd pop eax test eax, 0x00200000 // check ID bit jz good jmp err // cpuid not supported set21: or eax, 0x00200000 // set ID bit push eax // store new value popfd // store new value in EFLAGS pushfd pop eax test eax, 0x00200000 // if bit 21 is on jnz good jmp err } err: return qfalse; good: return qtrue; } static int Is3DNOW( void ) { unsigned regs[4]; char pstring[16]; char processorString[13]; // get name of processor CPUID( 0, ( unsigned int * ) pstring ); processorString[0] = pstring[4]; processorString[1] = pstring[5]; processorString[2] = pstring[6]; processorString[3] = pstring[7]; processorString[4] = pstring[12]; processorString[5] = pstring[13]; processorString[6] = pstring[14]; processorString[7] = pstring[15]; processorString[8] = pstring[8]; processorString[9] = pstring[9]; processorString[10] = pstring[10]; processorString[11] = pstring[11]; processorString[12] = 0; // REMOVED because you can have 3DNow! on non-AMD systems // if ( strcmp( processorString, "AuthenticAMD" ) ) // return qfalse; // check AMD-specific functions CPUID( 0x80000000, regs ); if ( regs[0] < 0x80000000 ) return qfalse; // bit 31 of EDX denotes 3DNOW! support CPUID( 0x80000001, regs ); if ( regs[3] & ( 1 << 31 ) ) return qtrue; return qfalse; } static int IsKNI( void ) { unsigned regs[4]; // get CPU feature bits CPUID( 1, regs ); // bit 25 of EDX denotes KNI existence if ( regs[3] & ( 1 << 25 ) ) return qtrue; return qfalse; } static int IsWIL( void ) { unsigned regs[4]; // get CPU feature bits CPUID( 1, regs ); // bit 26 of EDX denotes WIL existence if ( regs[3] & ( 1 << 26 ) ) { // Ok, CPU supports this instruction, but does the OS? // // Test a WIL instruction and make sure you don't get an exception... // __try { __asm { pushad; // xorpd xmm0,xmm0; // Willamette New Instructions __emit 0x0f __emit 0x56 __emit 0xc9 popad; } }// If OS creates an exception, it doesn't support PentiumIV Instructions __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // if(_exception_code()==STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION) // forget it, any exception should count as fail for safety return qfalse; // Willamette New Instructions not supported } return qtrue; // Williamette/P4 instructions available } return qfalse; } static int IsMMX( void ) { unsigned regs[4]; // get CPU feature bits CPUID( 1, regs ); // bit 23 of EDX denotes MMX existence if ( regs[3] & ( 1 << 23 ) ) return qtrue; return qfalse; } int Sys_GetProcessorId( void ) { #if defined _M_ALPHA return CPUID_AXP; #elif !defined _M_IX86 return CPUID_GENERIC; #else // verify we're at least a Pentium or 486 w/ CPUID support if ( !IsPentium() ) return CPUID_INTEL_UNSUPPORTED; // check for MMX if ( !IsMMX() ) { // Pentium or PPro return CPUID_INTEL_PENTIUM; } // see if we're an AMD 3DNOW! processor if ( Is3DNOW() ) { return CPUID_AMD_3DNOW; } // see if we're an Intel Katmai if ( IsKNI() ) { // if we are, see if we're a Williamette as well... // if ( IsWIL() ) { return CPUID_INTEL_WILLIAMETTE; } return CPUID_INTEL_KATMAI; } // by default we're functionally a vanilla Pentium/MMX or P2/MMX return CPUID_INTEL_MMX; #endif } /* ** ** Re-enable optimizations back to what they were ** */ #pragma optimize( "", on ) //============================================ char *Sys_GetCurrentUser( void ) { static char s_userName[1024]; unsigned long size = sizeof( s_userName ); if ( !GetUserName( s_userName, &size ) ) strcpy( s_userName, "player" ); if ( !s_userName[0] ) { strcpy( s_userName, "player" ); } return s_userName; } char *Sys_DefaultHomePath(void) { return NULL; } char *Sys_DefaultInstallPath(void) { return Sys_Cwd(); } int Sys_GetPhysicalMemory( void ) { MEMORYSTATUS MemoryStatus; memset( &MemoryStatus, sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS), 0 ); MemoryStatus.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS); GlobalMemoryStatus( &MemoryStatus ); return( (int)(MemoryStatus.dwTotalPhys / (1024 * 1024)) + 1 ); } int Sys_GetCPUSpeedOld() { timeBeginPeriod(1); DWORD clockStart = timeGetTime(); DWORD clockEnd = clockStart + 100; while(clockEnd < clockStart) { clockStart = timeGetTime(); clockEnd = clockStart + 100; } #ifdef WIN32 int iPriority; HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); iPriority = GetThreadPriority(hThread); if ( iPriority != THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_RETURN ) { SetThreadPriority(hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); } #endif // WIN32 unsigned long start; unsigned long end; __asm { rdtsc mov start, eax } while(timeGetTime() < clockEnd) { // loop for 1 tenth of a second } __asm { rdtsc mov end, eax } #ifdef WIN32 // Reset priority if ( iPriority != THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_RETURN ) { SetThreadPriority(hThread, iPriority); } #endif // WIN32 timeEndPeriod(1); unsigned long time; time = end - start; int coarse = time / 100000; int firsttry = floor((coarse + 25) / 50) * 50; if (abs(firsttry - coarse) < 10) { return firsttry; } else { return floor(floor((coarse + 17) / 33.3) * 33.3); } } int Sys_GetCPUSpeed() { unsigned long raw_freq; // Raw frequency of CPU in MHz unsigned long norm_freq; // Normalized frequency of CPU in MHz. LARGE_INTEGER t0,t1; // Variables for High-Resolution Performance Counter reads unsigned long freq =0; // Most current frequ. calculation unsigned long freq2 =0; // 2nd most current frequ. calc. unsigned long freq3 =0; // 3rd most current frequ. calc. unsigned long total; // Sum of previous three frequency calculations int tries=0; // Number of times a calculation has been made on this call to cpuspeed unsigned long total_cycles=0, cycles; // Clock cycles elapsed during test unsigned long stamp0=0, stamp1=0; // Time Stamp Variable for beginning and end of test unsigned long total_ticks=0, ticks; // Microseconds elapsed during test LARGE_INTEGER count_freq; // High Resolution Performance Counter frequency #define TOLERANCE 1 // Number of MHz to allow samplings to deviate from average of samplings. #define ROUND_THRESHOLD 6 #ifdef WIN32 int iPriority; HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); #endif // WIN32; if ( !QueryPerformanceFrequency ( &count_freq ) ) return Sys_GetCPUSpeedOld(); //should never happen // On processors supporting the Read // Time Stamp opcode, compare elapsed // time on the High-Resolution Counter // with elapsed cycles on the Time // Stamp Register. do { // This do loop runs up to 20 times or until the average of the previous // three calculated frequencies is within 1 MHz of each of the // individual calculated frequencies. This resampling increases the // accuracy of the results since outside factors could affect this calculation tries++; // Increment number of times sampled on this call to cpuspeed freq3 = freq2; // Shift frequencies back to make freq2 = freq; // room for new frequency measurement QueryPerformanceCounter(&t0);// Get high-resolution performance counter time t1 = t0; // Set Initial time #ifdef WIN32 iPriority = GetThreadPriority(hThread); if ( iPriority != THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_RETURN ) { SetThreadPriority(hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); } #endif // WIN32 while ( (unsigned long)t1.LowPart - (unsigned long)t0.LowPart<50) { // Loop until 50 ticks have passed since last read of hi-res counter. This accounts for overhead later. QueryPerformanceCounter(&t1); _asm { rdtsc; // Read Time Stamp MOV stamp0, EAX } } t0 = t1; // Reset Initial Time while ((unsigned long)t1.LowPart-(unsigned long)t0.LowPart<1000 ) { // Loop until 1000 ticks have passed since last read of hi-res counter. This allows for elapsed time for sampling. QueryPerformanceCounter(&t1); __asm { rdtsc; // Read Time Stamp MOV stamp1, EAX } } #ifdef WIN32 if ( iPriority != THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_RETURN ) { // Reset priority SetThreadPriority(hThread, iPriority); } #endif // WIN32 cycles = stamp1 - stamp0; // Number of internal clock cycles is difference between two time stamp readings. ticks = (unsigned long) t1.LowPart - (unsigned long) t0.LowPart; // Number of external ticks is difference between two hi-res counter reads. // Note that some seemingly arbitrary mulitplies and // divides are done below. This is to maintain a // high level of precision without truncating the // most significant data. According to what value // ITERATIIONS is set to, these multiplies and // divides might need to be shifted for optimal // precision. ticks = ticks * 100000; // Convert ticks to hundred thousandths of a tick ticks = ticks / ( count_freq.LowPart/10 ); // Hundred Thousandths of a Ticks / ( 10 ticks/second ) = microseconds (us) total_ticks += ticks; total_cycles += cycles; if ( ticks%count_freq.LowPart > count_freq.LowPart/2 ) ticks++; // Round up if necessary freq = cycles/ticks; // Cycles / us = MHz if ( cycles%ticks > ticks/2 ) freq++; // Round up if necessary total = ( freq + freq2 + freq3 ); // Total last three frequency calculations } while ( (tries < 3 ) || (tries < 20)&& ((abs(3 * freq -total) > 3*TOLERANCE )|| (abs(3 * freq2-total) > 3*TOLERANCE )|| (abs(3 * freq3-total) > 3*TOLERANCE ))); // Compare last three calculations to average of last three calculations. // Try one more significant digit. freq3 = ( total_cycles * 10 ) / total_ticks; freq2 = ( total_cycles * 100 ) / total_ticks; if ( freq2 - (freq3 * 10) >= ROUND_THRESHOLD ) freq3++; raw_freq = total_cycles / total_ticks; norm_freq = raw_freq; freq = raw_freq * 10; if( (freq3 - freq) >= ROUND_THRESHOLD ) norm_freq++; return norm_freq; }