/****************************************************************************** * * NAME * vq.h * J. R. Goldschneider 5/93 * * DESCRIPTION * Macros used in all of the programs block.c unblock.c stdvq.c stdvqe.c * are defined here. * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _vq_H_INCLUDED #define _vq_H_INCLUDED #define VQDATA double //double #define DATA double /* unsigned char*/ #define BOOLEAN int #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif //TRUE #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif //FALSE #define NAME_MAXIMUM 100 #define DEF_INNAME "hello" #define DEF_OUTNAME "hello" #define DEF_APPEND_CB ".CB" #define DEF_APPEND_VQ ".VQ" #define DEF_APPEND_TS ".TS" #define DEF_APPEND_RS ".RS" #define NAME_MAX NAME_MAXIMUM - 8 /* defaults for the blocking programs */ #define DEF_ROWS 512 #define DEF_COLS 512 #define DEF_BLOCKWIDTH 4*3 #define DEF_BLOCKHEIGHT 4 /* defaults for the VQ programs */ #define DEF_DIMENSION 16 #define DEF_CODEBOOKSIZE 256 #define DEF_THRESHOLD 0.01 #define DEF_OFFSET_ADD 0.01 #define DEF_OFFSET_MUL 0.01 #define DEF_SPEEDUP 1 #define USAGE "Usage:" #define HOWTOUSE_BLOCK "-i f1 -o f2 -r rows -l columns -h blockheight -w blockwidth" #define HOWTOUSE_STDVQ "-i f1 -c f2 -d dimension -f codebooksize \n -h threshold -a addoffset -m multoffset -s speedup -W" #define HOWTOUSE_STDVQE "-i f1 -c f2 -o f3 -d dimension -f codebooksize -s speedup -D" #define NOTFOUND "not found" #define NOTOPTION "unknown option" #define NOMEMORY "insufficient memory" #define NOREAD "error reading data" #define NOWRITE "error writing data" #define AND "and" #define ARESAME "are identical" #define ABORT_BLOCK "image not blocked" #define ABORT_UNBLOCK "image not unblocked" #define ABORT_STDVQ "codebook not generated" #define ABORT_STDVQE "data not encoded" #define DISTORTION "Codebook distortion of size" #define NOFILL "Unable to fill" #define TRYFILL "Attempting to fill" #define EMPTYCELLS "empty cells of codebook" #define EMPTYCELL "empty cell of codebook" #define STOP "stopping with codebook" #define OVERFLOWED "distortion overflow" #endif _vq_H_INCLUDED