
1223 lines
30 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2013-04-04 18:02:27 +00:00
#include "aselib.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_ASE_OBJECTS 64 + 32
#define VERBOSE( x ) { if ( ase.verbose ) { printf x ; } }
typedef struct
float x, y, z;
float nx, ny, nz;
float s, t;
} aseVertex_t;
typedef struct
float s, t;
} aseTVertex_t;
typedef int aseFace_t[3];
typedef struct
int numFaces;
int numVertexes;
int numTVertexes;
int timeValue;
aseVertex_t *vertexes;
aseTVertex_t *tvertexes;
aseFace_t *faces, *tfaces;
int currentFace, currentVertex;
} aseMesh_t;
typedef struct
int numFrames;
int currentFrame;
} aseMeshAnimation_t;
typedef struct
char name[128];
} aseMaterial_t;
** contains the animate sequence of a single surface
** using a single material
typedef struct
char name[128];
int materialRef;
int numAnimations;
aseMeshAnimation_t anim;
} aseGeomObject_t;
typedef struct
int numMaterials;
aseMaterial_t materials[MAX_ASE_MATERIALS];
aseGeomObject_t objects[MAX_ASE_OBJECTS];
char *buffer;
char *curpos;
int len;
int currentObject;
qboolean verbose;
qboolean grabAnims;
} ase_t;
static char s_token[1024];
static ase_t ase;
static ase_t aseGrab;
static void ASE_Process( int type );
static void ASE_FreeGeomObject( int ndx );
** ASE_Load
void ASE_Load( const char *filename, qboolean verbose, qboolean grabAnims, int type )
FILE *fp = fopen( filename, "rb" );
if ( !fp )
Error( "File not found '%s'", filename );
memset( &ase, 0, sizeof( ase ) );
ase.verbose = verbose;
ase.grabAnims = grabAnims;
ase.len = Q_filelength( fp );
ase.curpos = ase.buffer = malloc( ase.len );
assert (ase.buffer != NULL);
printf( "Processing '%s'\n", filename );
if ( fread( ase.buffer, ase.len, 1, fp ) != 1 )
fclose( fp );
Error( "fread() != 1 for '%s'", filename );
fclose( fp );
free (ase.buffer);
** ASE_Free
void ASE_Free( void )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < ase.currentObject; i++ )
ASE_FreeGeomObject( i );
** ASE_GetNumSurfaces
int ASE_GetNumSurfaces( void )
return ase.currentObject;
** ASE_GetSurfaceName
const char *ASE_GetSurfaceName( int which )
aseGeomObject_t *pObject = &ase.objects[which];
if ( !pObject->anim.numFrames )
return "";
return pObject->name;
** ASE_GetSurfaceAnimation
** Returns an animation (sequence of polysets)
polyset_t *ASE_GetSurfaceAnimation( int which, int *pNumFrames, int skipFrameStart, int skipFrameEnd, int maxFrames )
aseGeomObject_t *pObject = &ase.objects[which];
polyset_t *psets;
int numFramesInAnimation;
int numFramesToKeep;
int i, f;
if ( !pObject->anim.numFrames ) {
printf( "WARNING: ASE_GetSurfaceAnimation no frames on %s!\n", pObject->name);
return 0;
if ( pObject->anim.numFrames >= maxFrames && maxFrames != -1 )
numFramesInAnimation = maxFrames;
numFramesInAnimation = pObject->anim.numFrames;
if ( maxFrames != -1 )
printf( "WARNING: ASE_GetSurfaceAnimation maxFrames(%d) > numFramesInAnimation(%d)\n",numFramesInAnimation, maxFrames );
if ( skipFrameEnd != -1 )
numFramesToKeep = numFramesInAnimation - ( skipFrameEnd - skipFrameStart + 1 );
numFramesToKeep = numFramesInAnimation;
*pNumFrames = numFramesToKeep;
psets = calloc( sizeof( polyset_t ) * numFramesToKeep, 1 );
for ( f = 0, i = 0; i < numFramesInAnimation; i++ )
int t;
aseMesh_t *pMesh = &pObject->anim.frames[i];
if ( skipFrameStart != -1 )
if ( i >= skipFrameStart && i <= skipFrameEnd )
strcpy( psets[f].name, pObject->name );
strcpy( psets[f].materialname, ase.materials[pObject->materialRef].name );
psets[f].triangles = calloc( sizeof( triangle_t ) * pObject->anim.frames[i].numFaces, 1 );
psets[f].numtriangles = pObject->anim.frames[i].numFaces;
for ( t = 0; t < pObject->anim.frames[i].numFaces; t++ )
int k;
for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
psets[f].triangles[t].verts[k][0] = pMesh->vertexes[pMesh->faces[t][k]].x;
psets[f].triangles[t].verts[k][1] = pMesh->vertexes[pMesh->faces[t][k]].y;
psets[f].triangles[t].verts[k][2] = pMesh->vertexes[pMesh->faces[t][k]].z;
if ( pMesh->tvertexes && pMesh->tfaces )
psets[f].triangles[t].texcoords[k][0] = pMesh->tvertexes[pMesh->tfaces[t][k]].s;
psets[f].triangles[t].texcoords[k][1] = pMesh->tvertexes[pMesh->tfaces[t][k]].t;
return psets;
static void ASE_FreeGeomObject( int ndx )
aseGeomObject_t *pObject;
int i;
pObject = &ase.objects[ndx];
for ( i = 0; i < pObject->anim.numFrames; i++ )
if ( pObject->anim.frames[i].vertexes )
free( pObject->anim.frames[i].vertexes );
if ( pObject->anim.frames[i].tvertexes )
free( pObject->anim.frames[i].tvertexes );
if ( pObject->anim.frames[i].faces )
free( pObject->anim.frames[i].faces );
if ( pObject->anim.frames[i].tfaces )
free( pObject->anim.frames[i].tfaces );
memset( pObject, 0, sizeof( *pObject ) );
static aseMesh_t *ASE_GetCurrentMesh( void )
aseGeomObject_t *pObject;
if ( ase.currentObject >= MAX_ASE_OBJECTS )
Error( "Too many GEOMOBJECTs" );
return 0; // never called
pObject = &ase.objects[ase.currentObject];
if ( pObject->anim.currentFrame >= MAX_ASE_ANIMATION_FRAMES )
Error( "Too many MESHes" );
return 0;
return &pObject->anim.frames[pObject->anim.currentFrame];
static int CharIsTokenDelimiter( int ch )
if ( ch <= 32 )
return 1;
return 0;
static int ASE_GetToken( qboolean restOfLine )
int i = 0;
if ( ase.buffer == 0 )
return 0;
if ( ( ase.curpos - ase.buffer ) == ase.len )
return 0;
// skip over crap
while ( ( ( ase.curpos - ase.buffer ) < ase.len ) &&
( *ase.curpos <= 32 ) )
while ( ( ase.curpos - ase.buffer ) < ase.len )
s_token[i] = *ase.curpos;
if ( ( CharIsTokenDelimiter( s_token[i-1] ) && !restOfLine ) ||
( ( s_token[i-1] == '\n' ) || ( s_token[i-1] == '\r' ) ) )
s_token[i-1] = 0;
s_token[i] = 0;
return 1;
static void ASE_ParseBracedBlock( void (*parser)( const char *token ) )
int indent = 0;
while ( ASE_GetToken( qfalse ) )
if ( !strcmp( s_token, "{" ) )
else if ( !strcmp( s_token, "}" ) )
if ( indent == 0 )
else if ( indent < 0 )
Error( "Unexpected '}'" );
if ( parser )
parser( s_token );
static void ASE_SkipEnclosingBraces( void )
int indent = 0;
while ( ASE_GetToken( qfalse ) )
if ( !strcmp( s_token, "{" ) )
else if ( !strcmp( s_token, "}" ) )
if ( indent == 0 )
else if ( indent < 0 )
Error( "Unexpected '}'" );
static void ASE_SkipRestOfLine( void )
ASE_GetToken( qtrue );
static void ASE_KeyMAP_DIFFUSE( const char *token )
char buffer[1024], buff1[1024], buff2[1024];
char *buf1, *buf2;
int i = 0, count;
if ( !strcmp( token, "*BITMAP" ) )
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
strcpy( buffer, s_token + 1 );
if ( strchr( buffer, '"' ) )
*strchr( buffer, '"' ) = 0;
while ( buffer[i] )
if ( buffer[i] == '\\' )
buffer[i] = '/';
buf1 = gamedir;
buf2 = buffer;
// need to compare win32 volumes to potential unix junk
if ( (gamedir[1] == ':' && (buffer[0] == '/' && buffer[1] == '/')) ||
(buffer[1] == ':' && (gamedir[0] == '/' && gamedir[1] == '/')) ) {
if (buffer[1] == ':') {
buf1 = gamedir + 2;
buf2 = buffer + 2;
} else {
buf1 = gamedir + 2;
buf2 = buffer +2;
count = 0;
while (*buf2 && count < 2) {
if (*buf2 == '/') {
strcpy(buff1, buf1);
strcpy(buff2, buf2);
if ( strstr( buff2, buff1 + 2 ) )
strcpy( ase.materials[ase.numMaterials].name, strstr( buff2, buff1 + 2 ) + strlen( buff1 ) - 2 );
sprintf( ase.materials[ase.numMaterials].name, "(not converted: '%s')", buffer );
printf( "WARNING: illegal material name '%s'\n", buffer );
static void ASE_KeyMATERIAL( const char *token )
if ( !strcmp( token, "*MAP_DIFFUSE" ) )
ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMAP_DIFFUSE );
static void ASE_KeyMATERIAL_LIST( const char *token )
if ( !strcmp( token, "*MATERIAL_COUNT" ) )
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
VERBOSE( ( "..num materials: %s\n", s_token ) );
if ( atoi( s_token ) > MAX_ASE_MATERIALS )
Error( "Too many materials!" );
ase.numMaterials = 0;
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MATERIAL" ) )
VERBOSE( ( "..material %d ", ase.numMaterials ) );
ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMATERIAL );
static void ASE_KeyMESH_VERTEX_LIST( const char *token )
aseMesh_t *pMesh = ASE_GetCurrentMesh();
if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_VERTEX" ) )
ASE_GetToken( qfalse ); // skip number
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
pMesh->vertexes[pMesh->currentVertex].y = atof( s_token );
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
pMesh->vertexes[pMesh->currentVertex].x = -atof( s_token );
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
pMesh->vertexes[pMesh->currentVertex].z = atof( s_token );
if ( pMesh->currentVertex > pMesh->numVertexes )
Error( "pMesh->currentVertex >= pMesh->numVertexes" );
Error( "Unknown token '%s' while parsing MESH_VERTEX_LIST", token );
static void ASE_KeyMESH_FACE_LIST( const char *token )
aseMesh_t *pMesh = ASE_GetCurrentMesh();
if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_FACE" ) )
ASE_GetToken( qfalse ); // skip face number
ASE_GetToken( qfalse ); // skip label
ASE_GetToken( qfalse ); // first vertex
pMesh->faces[pMesh->currentFace][0] = atoi( s_token );
ASE_GetToken( qfalse ); // skip label
ASE_GetToken( qfalse ); // second vertex
pMesh->faces[pMesh->currentFace][2] = atoi( s_token );
ASE_GetToken( qfalse ); // skip label
ASE_GetToken( qfalse ); // third vertex
pMesh->faces[pMesh->currentFace][1] = atoi( s_token );
ASE_GetToken( qtrue );
if ( ( p = strstr( s_token, "*MESH_MTLID" ) ) != 0 )
p += strlen( "*MESH_MTLID" ) + 1;
mtlID = atoi( p );
Error( "No *MESH_MTLID found for face!" );
Error( "Unknown token '%s' while parsing MESH_FACE_LIST", token );
static void ASE_KeyTFACE_LIST( const char *token )
aseMesh_t *pMesh = ASE_GetCurrentMesh();
if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_TFACE" ) )
int a, b, c;
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
a = atoi( s_token );
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
c = atoi( s_token );
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
b = atoi( s_token );
pMesh->tfaces[pMesh->currentFace][0] = a;
pMesh->tfaces[pMesh->currentFace][1] = b;
pMesh->tfaces[pMesh->currentFace][2] = c;
Error( "Unknown token '%s' in MESH_TFACE", token );
static void ASE_KeyMESH_TVERTLIST( const char *token )
aseMesh_t *pMesh = ASE_GetCurrentMesh();
if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_TVERT" ) )
char u[80], v[80], w[80];
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
strcpy( u, s_token );
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
strcpy( v, s_token );
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
strcpy( w, s_token );
pMesh->tvertexes[pMesh->currentVertex].s = atof( u );
pMesh->tvertexes[pMesh->currentVertex].t = 1.0f - atof( v );
if ( pMesh->currentVertex > pMesh->numTVertexes )
Error( "pMesh->currentVertex > pMesh->numTVertexes" );
Error( "Unknown token '%s' while parsing MESH_TVERTLIST" );
static void ASE_KeyMESH( const char *token )
aseMesh_t *pMesh = ASE_GetCurrentMesh();
if ( !strcmp( token, "*TIMEVALUE" ) )
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
pMesh->timeValue = atoi( s_token );
VERBOSE( ( ".....timevalue: %d\n", pMesh->timeValue ) );
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NUMVERTEX" ) )
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
pMesh->numVertexes = atoi( s_token );
VERBOSE( ( ".....TIMEVALUE: %d\n", pMesh->timeValue ) );
VERBOSE( ( ".....num vertexes: %d\n", pMesh->numVertexes ) );
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NUMFACES" ) )
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
pMesh->numFaces = atoi( s_token );
VERBOSE( ( ".....num faces: %d\n", pMesh->numFaces ) );
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NUMTVFACES" ) )
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
if ( atoi( s_token ) != pMesh->numFaces )
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NUMTVERTEX" ) )
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
pMesh->numTVertexes = atoi( s_token );
VERBOSE( ( ".....num tvertexes: %d\n", pMesh->numTVertexes ) );
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_VERTEX_LIST" ) )
pMesh->vertexes = calloc( sizeof( aseVertex_t ) * pMesh->numVertexes, 1 );
pMesh->currentVertex = 0;
VERBOSE( ( ".....parsing MESH_VERTEX_LIST\n" ) );
ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH_VERTEX_LIST );
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_TVERTLIST" ) )
pMesh->currentVertex = 0;
pMesh->tvertexes = calloc( sizeof( aseTVertex_t ) * pMesh->numTVertexes, 1 );
VERBOSE( ( ".....parsing MESH_TVERTLIST\n" ) );
ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH_TVERTLIST );
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_FACE_LIST" ) )
pMesh->faces = calloc( sizeof( aseFace_t ) * pMesh->numFaces, 1 );
pMesh->currentFace = 0;
VERBOSE( ( ".....parsing MESH_FACE_LIST\n" ) );
ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH_FACE_LIST );
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_TFACELIST" ) )
pMesh->tfaces = calloc( sizeof( aseFace_t ) * pMesh->numFaces, 1 );
pMesh->currentFace = 0;
VERBOSE( ( ".....parsing MESH_TFACE_LIST\n" ) );
ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyTFACE_LIST );
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NORMALS" ) )
ASE_ParseBracedBlock( 0 );
static void ASE_KeyMESH_ANIMATION( const char *token )
aseMesh_t *pMesh = ASE_GetCurrentMesh();
// loads a single animation frame
if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH" ) )
VERBOSE( ( "...found MESH\n" ) );
assert( pMesh->faces == 0 );
assert( pMesh->vertexes == 0 );
assert( pMesh->tvertexes == 0 );
memset( pMesh, 0, sizeof( *pMesh ) );
ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH );
if ( ++ase.objects[ase.currentObject].anim.currentFrame == MAX_ASE_ANIMATION_FRAMES )
Error( "Too many animation frames" );
Error( "Unknown token '%s' while parsing MESH_ANIMATION", token );
static void ASE_KeyGEOMOBJECT( const char *token )
if ( !strcmp( token, "*NODE_NAME" ) )
char *name = ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name;
ASE_GetToken( qtrue );
VERBOSE( ( " %s\n", s_token ) );
strcpy( ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name, s_token + 1 );
if ( strchr( ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name, '"' ) )
*strchr( ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name, '"' ) = 0;
if ( strstr( name, "tag" ) == name )
while ( strchr( name, '_' ) != strrchr( name, '_' ) )
*strrchr( name, '_' ) = 0;
while ( strrchr( name, ' ' ) )
*strrchr( name, ' ' ) = 0;
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*NODE_PARENT" ) )
// ignore unused data blocks
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*NODE_TM" ) ||
!strcmp( token, "*TM_ANIMATION" ) )
ASE_ParseBracedBlock( 0 );
// ignore regular meshes that aren't part of animation
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH" ) && !ase.grabAnims )
if ( strstr( ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name, "tag_" ) == ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name )
s_forceStaticMesh = qtrue;
ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH );
s_forceStaticMesh = qfalse;
ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH );
if ( ++ase.objects[ase.currentObject].anim.currentFrame == MAX_ASE_ANIMATION_FRAMES )
Error( "Too many animation frames" );
ase.objects[ase.currentObject].anim.numFrames = ase.objects[ase.currentObject].anim.currentFrame;
// ignore meshes that aren't part of animations if this object isn't a
// a tag
ASE_ParseBracedBlock( 0 );
// according to spec these are obsolete
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MATERIAL_REF" ) )
ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
ase.objects[ase.currentObject].materialRef = atoi( s_token );
// loads a sequence of animation frames
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_ANIMATION" ) )
if ( ase.grabAnims )
VERBOSE( ( "..found MESH_ANIMATION\n" ) );
if ( ase.objects[ase.currentObject].numAnimations )
Error( "Multiple MESH_ANIMATIONS within a single GEOM_OBJECT" );
ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH_ANIMATION );
ase.objects[ase.currentObject].anim.numFrames = ase.objects[ase.currentObject].anim.currentFrame;
// skip unused info
else if ( !strcmp( token, "*PROP_MOTIONBLUR" ) ||
!strcmp( token, "*PROP_CASTSHADOW" ) ||
!strcmp( token, "*PROP_RECVSHADOW" ) )
#if 0
static void ConcatenateObjects( aseGeomObject_t *pObjA, aseGeomObject_t *pObjB )
// int numVertexes;
static void CollapseObjects( void )
int i;
int numObjects = ase.currentObject;
for ( i = 0; i < numObjects; i++ )
int j;
// skip tags
if ( strstr( ase.objects[i].name, "tag" ) == ase.objects[i].name )
if ( !ase.objects[i].numAnimations )
for ( j = i + 1; j < numObjects; j++ )
if ( strstr( ase.objects[j].name, "tag" ) == ase.objects[j].name )
if ( ase.objects[i].materialRef == ase.objects[j].materialRef )
if ( ase.objects[j].numAnimations )
ConcatenateObjects( &ase.objects[i], &ase.objects[j] );
** ASE_Process
static void ASE_Process( int type )
while ( ASE_GetToken( qfalse ) )
if ( !strcmp( s_token, "*3DSMAX_ASCIIEXPORT" ) ||
!strcmp( s_token, "*COMMENT" ) )
else if ( !strcmp( s_token, "*SCENE" ) )
else if ( !strcmp( s_token, "*HELPEROBJECT" ) )
else if ( !strcmp( s_token, "*MATERIAL_LIST" ) )
ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMATERIAL_LIST );
else if ( !strcmp( s_token, "*GEOMOBJECT" ) )
ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyGEOMOBJECT );
if (!ase.objects[ase.currentObject].anim.frames[0].numFaces) //we didn't get any faces of animation!
Error( "WARNING: ASE_Process no triangles grabbed for GEOMOBJECT \"%s\"!\n", ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name);
if ( strstr( ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name, "Bip" ) ||
strstr( ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name, "ignore_" ) )
VERBOSE( ( "(discarding BIP/ignore object)\n" ) );
ASE_FreeGeomObject( ase.currentObject );
else if ( (type /*== TYPE_PLAYER*/) && ( strstr( ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name, "h_" ) != ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name ) &&
( strstr( ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name, "l_" ) != ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name ) &&
( strstr( ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name, "u_" ) != ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name ) &&
( strstr( ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name, "tag" ) != ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name ) &&
ase.grabAnims )
VERBOSE( ( "(ignoring improperly labeled object '%s')\n", ase.objects[ase.currentObject].name ) );
ASE_FreeGeomObject( ase.currentObject );
if ( ++ase.currentObject == MAX_ASE_OBJECTS )
Error( "Too many GEOMOBJECTs" );
else if ( s_token[0] )
printf( "Unknown token '%s'\n", s_token );
if ( !ase.currentObject )
Error( "No animation data!" );
// CollapseObjects();
** ASE_InitForGrabbing
** any sort of initialization required to use aseGrab
void ASE_InitForGrabbing(void)
memset(&aseGrab, sizeof(ase_t), 0);
** ASE_CopyFrames
** helper for copying frames from one animation to another.
** do your bounds checking
void ASE_CopyFrames(aseMeshAnimation_t *destAnim ,
aseMeshAnimation_t *sourceAnim, int nDest,
int nSource, int nNum, framecopy_type fillType)
int i = 0, s = nSource, d = 0;
if (FRAMECOPY_NONE == fillType)
// what the heck are you tryin' to do?
for (i = 0; i < nNum; i++)
d = nDest + i;
if (FRAMECOPY_1TO1 == fillType)
s = nSource + i;
if (destAnim->frames[d].numVertexes)
if (destAnim->frames[d].numTVertexes)
if (destAnim->frames[d].numFaces)
memcpy( &destAnim->frames[d],
destAnim->frames[d].vertexes = calloc( sizeof( aseVertex_t ) *
sourceAnim->frames[s].numVertexes, 1 );
memcpy(destAnim->frames[d].vertexes, sourceAnim->frames[s].vertexes,
sourceAnim->frames[s].numVertexes * sizeof(aseVertex_t));
destAnim->frames[d].tvertexes = calloc( sizeof( aseTVertex_t ) *
sourceAnim->frames[s].numTVertexes, 1 );
memcpy(destAnim->frames[d].tvertexes, sourceAnim->frames[s].tvertexes,
sourceAnim->frames[s].numTVertexes * sizeof(aseTVertex_t));
destAnim->frames[d].faces = calloc( sizeof( aseFace_t ) *
sourceAnim->frames[s].numFaces, 1 );
memcpy(destAnim->frames[d].faces, sourceAnim->frames[s].faces,
sourceAnim->frames[s].numFaces * sizeof(aseFace_t));
destAnim->frames[d].tfaces = calloc( sizeof( aseFace_t ) *
sourceAnim->frames[s].numFaces, 1 );
memcpy(destAnim->frames[d].tfaces, sourceAnim->frames[s].tfaces,
sourceAnim->frames[s].numFaces * sizeof(aseFace_t));
** ASE_CopyGrabToConcatBuffer
** just copying information from ase into aseGrab...have to do some allocation 'n' stuff,
** so we're assuming aseGrab is zeroed out
void ASE_CopyGrabToConcatBuffer(const int nFillFrame)
int i = 0;
aseGeomObject_t* sourceObj = NULL, *destObj = NULL;
aseMeshAnimation_t* sourceAnim = NULL, *destAnim = NULL;
// don't care about copying ase's buffer or curpos information cuz we're
//never going to do any reading with aseGrab
aseGrab.currentObject = ase.currentObject;
aseGrab.grabAnims = ase.grabAnims;
aseGrab.len = ase.len;
aseGrab.numMaterials = ase.numMaterials;
aseGrab.verbose = ase.verbose;
for (i = 0; i < ase.numMaterials; i++)
strcpy(aseGrab.materials[i].name, ase.materials[i].name);
for (i = 0; i < ase.currentObject; i++)
sourceObj = &ase.objects[i];
destObj = &aseGrab.objects[i];
destObj->materialRef = sourceObj->materialRef;
strcpy(destObj->name, sourceObj->name);
destObj->numAnimations = sourceObj->numAnimations;
destObj->anim.numFrames = sourceObj->anim.numFrames;
destObj->anim.currentFrame = sourceObj->anim.currentFrame;
sourceAnim = &sourceObj->anim;
destAnim = &destObj->anim;
ASE_CopyFrames(destAnim, sourceAnim, 0, 0, sourceAnim->numFrames, FRAMECOPY_1TO1);
if (nFillFrame > destObj->anim.numFrames)
// fill the rest of the dest frames with the last source frame
ASE_CopyFrames(destAnim, sourceAnim, destObj->anim.numFrames,
sourceObj->anim.numFrames-1, nFillFrame - destAnim->numFrames,
destAnim->numFrames = nFillFrame;
destAnim->currentFrame = nFillFrame;
** ASE_CopyFromConcatBuffer
** just copying information from aseGrab into ase
void ASE_CopyFromConcatBuffer(void)
int i = 0;
aseGeomObject_t* sourceObj = NULL, *destObj = NULL;
aseMeshAnimation_t* sourceAnim = NULL, *destAnim = NULL;
// don't care about copying aseGrab's buffer or curpos information cuz this
//function _should_ only get called as part of the output sequence for a file
ase.currentObject = aseGrab.currentObject;
ase.grabAnims = aseGrab.grabAnims;
ase.len = aseGrab.len;
ase.numMaterials = aseGrab.numMaterials;
ase.verbose = aseGrab.verbose;
for (i = 0; i < aseGrab.numMaterials; i++)
strcpy(ase.materials[i].name, aseGrab.materials[i].name);
for (i = 0; i < aseGrab.currentObject; i++)
sourceObj = &aseGrab.objects[i];
destObj = &ase.objects[i];
destObj->materialRef = sourceObj->materialRef;
strcpy(destObj->name, sourceObj->name);
destObj->numAnimations = sourceObj->numAnimations;
destObj->anim.numFrames = sourceObj->anim.numFrames;
destObj->anim.currentFrame = sourceObj->anim.currentFrame;
sourceAnim = &sourceObj->anim;
destAnim = &destObj->anim;
ASE_CopyFrames(destAnim, sourceAnim, 0, 0,
sourceObj->anim.numFrames, FRAMECOPY_1TO1);
** ASE_CatGrabbedFrames
** precondition: ase has been loaded with a file
** concatenate the animation frames from the recently loaded ase struct with
**the existing model and frames already in aseGrab struct
qboolean ASE_CatGrabbedFrames(const int nSourceFrame, int nDestFrame, int nNumFrames, const int nFillFrame)
qboolean bFailed = qfalse, bFirstGrab = (0 == aseGrab.currentObject);
int i, j, lastValidFrame, nFillPos, nMidFillPos,framesAvail;
aseMeshAnimation_t* sourceAnim = NULL, *destAnim = NULL;
// gotta do a little special setup stuff if this is the first file we've grabbed
if (bFirstGrab)
//filling here means out to the last frame
printf("\tFirst anim starts on 0, ends on %d (%d frames)\n", ase.objects[0].anim.numFrames-1, ase.objects[0].anim.numFrames);
return qfalse;
// if no value was given for number of frames to grab, get 'em all
if (nNumFrames == -1)
nNumFrames = ase.objects[0].anim.numFrames;
// if no value was given for dest frame, assume last one grabbed
if (nDestFrame== -1)
nDestFrame = aseGrab.objects[0].anim.numFrames;
nFillPos = nDestFrame + nNumFrames;
lastValidFrame = ase.objects[0].anim.numFrames - 1;
framesAvail = ase.objects[0].anim.numFrames - nSourceFrame;
nMidFillPos = nDestFrame + framesAvail;
// filling after the first grab, means only fill to the number of frames specified if the source doesn't have enough
// nMidFillPos position in dest animation to start filling in using the last frame of our source animation
// nFillPos position after dest animation to start filling out to end
// lastValidFrame frame of the source animation to use as a fill frame in the dest animation
// since we've done at least one prior file grab, now all we want from ase is
//frame info. go through every object in the new file (ase) and add its frames to
//the corresponding object in aseGrab.
printf("\t\t anim starts on %d, ends on %d (%d frames)\n", nDestFrame, nDestFrame+nNumFrames-1, nNumFrames);
for (i = 0; i < aseGrab.currentObject; i++)
destAnim = &aseGrab.objects[i].anim;
for (j = 0; j < ase.currentObject; j++)
if (strcmp(aseGrab.objects[i].name, ase.objects[j].name) == 0)
sourceAnim = &ase.objects[j].anim;
if (nDestFrame + nNumFrames > MAX_ASE_ANIMATION_FRAMES)
Error("can't put that many frames where you want 'em!");
bFailed = qtrue;
// can't just copy the desired frames cuz they involve
//frame-specific allocations. first, free the original (dest) frame,
//then allocate new space for the incoming (source) frame. then copy.
if (framesAvail >= nNumFrames) {
ASE_CopyFrames(destAnim, sourceAnim, nDestFrame, nSourceFrame,
nNumFrames, FRAMECOPY_1TO1);
else { //there is a shortage
ASE_CopyFrames(destAnim, sourceAnim, nDestFrame, nSourceFrame,
framesAvail, FRAMECOPY_1TO1);
// fill the rest of the dest frames with the last source frame
ASE_CopyFrames(destAnim, sourceAnim, nMidFillPos, lastValidFrame,
nNumFrames - framesAvail, FRAMECOPY_FILL);
//mark the highest frame filled - better hope there aren't any holes in the seq
if (destAnim->numFrames < nFillPos)
destAnim->numFrames = nFillPos;
if (nFillFrame) //now this is to fill out to maxFrame
// fill the rest of the dest frames with the last source frame
ASE_CopyFrames(destAnim, sourceAnim, nFillPos, lastValidFrame,
nFillFrame - nFillPos, FRAMECOPY_FILL);
if (destAnim->numFrames < nFillFrame)
destAnim->numFrames = nFillFrame;
destAnim->currentFrame = destAnim->numFrames;
return bFailed;
void ASE_FreeGrab(void)
int i = 0, j = 0;
aseMesh_t* mesh = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < aseGrab.currentObject; i++)
for (j = 0; j < aseGrab.objects[i].anim.numFrames; j++)
mesh = &aseGrab.objects[i].anim.frames[j];
if (mesh->numVertexes)
if (mesh->numTVertexes)
if (mesh->numFaces)