528 lines
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528 lines
12 KiB
** $Header: /roq/libim/imclt.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $
** Copyright (c) 1989-1995 San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
** a division of General Atomics, San Diego, California, USA
** Users and possessors of this source code are hereby granted a
** nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright and design patent license to
** use this code in individual software. License is not granted for
** commercial resale, in whole or in part, without prior written
** permission from SDSC. This source is provided "AS IS" without express
** or implied warranty of any kind.
** For further information contact:
** E-Mail: info@sds.sdsc.edu
** Surface Mail: Information Center
** San Diego Supercomputer Center
** P.O. Box 85608
** San Diego, CA 92138-5608
** (619) 534-5000
#define HEADER " $Header: /roq/libim/imclt.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $"
** imclt.c - general CLT functions
** libim - SDSC image manipulation library
** imclt.c contains functions for generating and manipulating CLT's.
** d =defined constant
** f =function
** m =defined macro
** t =typedef/struct/union
** v =variable
** ? =other
** ImCltAlloc f allocate a CLT
** ImCltFree f deallocate a CLT
** ImCltDup f duplicate a CLT
** ImCltGrayRamp f fill a CLT with a grayscale ramp
** ImCltRoll f roll a cltby x amount
** ImCltAdjust f adjust the elements in a clt
** none
** $Log: /roq/libim/imclt.c $
* 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod
** Revision 1.8 1995/06/29 00:28:04 bduggan
** updated copyright year
** Revision 1.7 1995/06/16 08:36:29 bduggan
** changed bcopy to memcpy.
** Allowed for index16 vfb's in ImCltGrayRamp
** Revision 1.6 94/10/03 11:29:32 nadeau
** Updated to ANSI C and C++ compatibility.
** Removed all use of register keyword.
** Minimized use of custom SDSC types (e.g., uchar vs. unsigned char)
** Changed all float arguments to double.
** Added forward declarations.
** Added misc. casts to passify SGI and DEC compilers.
** Changed all macros and defined constants to have names
** starting with IM.
** Updated comments.
** Updated indenting on some code.
** Updated copyright message.
** Revision 1.5 92/12/03 01:47:22 nadeau
** Cleaned up ImCltRoll.
** Revision 1.4 92/09/01 12:42:12 vle
** Updated ImCltGrayRamp to include a srcClt and handle
** lots of variations of input arguments.
** Revision 1.3 92/08/07 11:56:33 groening
** added imcltroll
** Revision 1.2 91/10/03 08:48:59 nadeau
** Minor cosmetic changes. No bug fixing.
** Revision 1.1 91/03/08 14:26:27 nadeau
** Initial revision
#include "iminternal.h"
** Custom development, Mike Bailey, San Diego Supercomputer Center, 1991.
** Custom development, Dave Nadeau, San Diego Supercomputer Center, 1991.
* ImCltAlloc - allocate a CLT
* Space for the desired length of CLT is allocated and a new CLT
* structure set up and returned.
ImClt * /* Returns a CLT */
#ifdef __STDC__
ImCltAlloc( int ncolors )
ImCltAlloc( ncolors )
int ncolors; /* # entries in this ImClt */
ImClt *c; /* the ImClt being allocated */
ImCltPtr ct; /* the actual color table */
c = (ImClt *) malloc( sizeof( ImClt ) );
if ( c == NULL )
return( IMCLTNULL );
c->clt_ncolors = ncolors;
ct = (ImCltPtr) malloc( ncolors*3 );
if ( ct == NULL )
free( (char *)c );
return( IMCLTNULL );
c->clt_clt = ct;
return( c );
* ImCltFree - deallocate a CLT
* The CLT's space, and then the CLT structure itself are freed.
void /* Returns nothing */
#ifdef __STDC__
ImCltFree( ImClt *c )
ImCltFree( c )
ImClt *c; /* the CLT being freed */
if ( c != IMCLTNULL )
free( (char *) c->clt_clt );
free( (char *) c );
* ImCltDup - duplicate a CLT
* A new CLT is allocated that has the same length as the source
* CLT. The source CLT is copied to the new CLT.
ImClt * /* Returns new CLT */
#ifdef __STDC__
ImCltDup( ImClt *srcClt )
ImCltDup( srcClt )
ImClt *srcClt; /* CLT to be duplicated */
ImClt *newClt; /* New CLT */
newClt = ImCltAlloc( ImCltQNColors( srcClt ) );
if( newClt == 0 )
return( IMCLTNULL );
memcpy( (void *)ImCltQFirst( newClt ), (void *)ImCltQFirst( srcClt ),
3*ImCltQNColors( srcClt ) );
return ( newClt );
* ImCltGrayRamp - fill a CLT with a grayscale ramp
* If the destination CLT is IMCLTNEW, a new CLT is allocated.
* In any case, the CLT is walked for the selected number of entries,
* starting at the selected location, and grayscale values generated
* from the given low to the given max. The gray CLT is returned.
ImClt * /* Returns grayscale CLT */
#ifdef __STDC__
ImCltGrayRamp( ImClt *srcClt, int startIndex, int endIndex, int startGray,
int endGray, ImClt *dstClt )
ImCltGrayRamp( srcClt, startIndex, endIndex, startGray, endGray, dstClt )
ImClt *srcClt; /* CLT to fill */
int startIndex, endIndex; /* Range of CLT to fill */
int startGray, endGray; /* Range of gray to fill with */
ImClt *dstClt; /* CLT to return */
int i; /* Counter */
float delta; /* Increment value for grays */
float gray; /* Current gray value */
ImCltPtr pClt; /* Pointer to CLT entry */
ImCltPtr dptr; /* Pointer to dst CLT entry */
ImCltPtr sptr; /* Pointer to src CLT entry */
int maxindex; /* Maximum index in CLT */
int numcopy; /* Number of CLT entries to copy*/
if( startIndex < 0 || endIndex < 0 )
/* startIndex or endIndex too small */
return( IMCLTNULL );
if( startGray < 0 || endGray < 0 || startGray > 65535 || endGray > 65535 )
/* startGray or endGray out of valid range */
return( IMCLTNULL );
if( srcClt == IMCLTNULL )
if( dstClt == IMCLTNEW )
if ( startIndex > endIndex )
dstClt = ImCltAlloc( startIndex + 1 );
dstClt = ImCltAlloc( endIndex + 1 );
if ( dstClt == IMCLTNULL )
return ( IMCLTNULL );
else if( dstClt == IMCLTNULL )
return( IMCLTNULL );
else /* dstClt is a valid pointer */
maxindex = ImCltQNColors( dstClt ) - 1;
if( ( maxindex < startIndex ) ||
( maxindex < endIndex ) )
/* Index out of range */
return( IMCLTNULL );
else if( srcClt == IMCLTNEW )
if( dstClt == IMCLTNEW )
if ( startIndex > endIndex )
dstClt = ImCltAlloc( startIndex + 1 );
dstClt = ImCltAlloc( endIndex + 1 );
if ( dstClt == IMCLTNULL )
return ( IMCLTNULL );
else if( dstClt == IMCLTNULL )
/* Error */
return( IMCLTNULL );
else /* dstClt is a valid pointer */
maxindex = ImCltQNColors( dstClt ) - 1;
if( ( maxindex < startIndex ) ||
( maxindex < endIndex ) )
/* Index out of range */
return( IMCLTNULL );
else /* srcClt is a valid pointer */
if( dstClt == IMCLTNEW )
maxindex = ImCltQNColors( srcClt ) - 1;
if( ( maxindex < startIndex ) ||
( maxindex < endIndex ) )
/* Index out of range */
return( IMCLTNULL );
dstClt = ImCltDup( srcClt );
if ( dstClt == IMCLTNULL )
return ( IMCLTNULL );
else if( dstClt == IMCLTNULL )
/* Error */
return( IMCLTNULL );
else /* dstClt is a valid pointer */
if( srcClt != dstClt )
maxindex = ImCltQNColors( dstClt ) - 1;
if( ( maxindex < startIndex ) ||
( maxindex < endIndex ) )
/* Index out of range */
return( IMCLTNULL );
* Determine how many color entries to
* copy
if( ImCltQNColors( srcClt ) >
ImCltQNColors( dstClt ) )
numcopy = ImCltQNColors( dstClt );
numcopy = ImCltQNColors( srcClt );
* Copy the color entries
sptr = ImCltQFirst( srcClt );
dptr = ImCltQFirst( dstClt );
for( i = 0; i < numcopy; ++i )
ImCltSRed( dptr, ImCltQRed( sptr ) );
ImCltSGreen( dptr, ImCltQGreen(sptr) );
ImCltSBlue( dptr, ImCltQBlue( sptr ) );
sptr = ImCltQNext( srcClt, sptr );
dptr = ImCltQNext( dstClt, dptr );
if ( endIndex > startIndex )
delta = endGray - startGray;
delta /= (float)(endIndex - startIndex);
gray = startGray;
pClt = ImCltQPtr( dstClt, startIndex );
for ( i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++, gray += delta )
ImCltSRed( pClt, (int)gray );
ImCltSGreen( pClt, (int)gray );
ImCltSBlue( pClt, (int)gray );
ImCltSInc( dstClt, pClt );
return ( dstClt );
delta = endGray - startGray;
delta /= (float)(startIndex - endIndex);
gray = startGray;
pClt = ImCltQPtr( dstClt, startIndex );
for ( i = startIndex; i >= endIndex; i--, gray += delta )
ImCltSRed( pClt, (int)gray );
ImCltSGreen( pClt, (int)gray );
ImCltSBlue( pClt, (int)gray );
ImCltSInc( dstClt, pClt );
return ( dstClt );
* ImCltRoll - roll a CLT
* If no destination CLT is given, a new destination CLT is created.
* The source CLT is then copied into the destination CLT, rolling
* its entries.
ImClt * /* Returns rolled CLT */
#ifdef __STDC__
ImCltRoll( ImClt *sourceClt, int nEntries, ImClt *dstClt )
ImCltRoll( sourceClt, nEntries, dstClt )
ImClt *sourceClt; /* CLT to roll */
int nEntries; /* # of entries to roll */
ImClt *dstClt; /* CLT to overwrite with rolled source */
ImClt *sClt; /* CLT to overwrite with rolled source */
int i, j; /* counters */
ImCltPtr psrc, pdst; /* src, dst pixel pointers */
int nColors; /* number of colors in clt */
* Get information on the source CLT and check for errors.
if ( sourceClt == IMCLTNULL )
return ( IMCLTNULL );
nColors = ImCltQNColors(sourceClt);
nEntries %= nColors;
if ( nEntries < 0 )
nEntries += nColors;
* Allocate a new VFB if necessary. If the source and destination
* CLT's are the same, we'll need a copy of the source.
sClt = sourceClt;
if (dstClt==IMCLTNEW)
dstClt = ImCltAlloc( nColors );
if ( dstClt == IMCLTNULL )
return( IMCLTNULL );
else if ( sourceClt == dstClt )
if ( (sClt = ImCltDup(sourceClt)) == IMCLTNULL )
return ( IMCLTNULL ); /* ImErrNo already set */
else if ( nColors != ImCltQNColors( dstClt ) )
return ( IMCLTNULL );
* Roll it.
psrc = ImCltQFirst( sClt );
pdst = ImCltQPtr( dstClt, nEntries );
for ( j = 0, i = nEntries; j < nColors; j++, i++ )
if ( i == nColors )
i = 0;
pdst = ImCltQFirst( dstClt );
ImCltSRed( pdst, ImCltQRed( psrc ) );
ImCltSGreen( pdst, ImCltQGreen( psrc ) );
ImCltSBlue( pdst, ImCltQBlue( psrc ) );
ImCltSInc( sClt, psrc );
ImCltSInc( dstClt, pdst );
if ( sourceClt != sClt )
ImCltFree( sClt );
return ( dstClt );