246 lines
6.1 KiB
246 lines
6.1 KiB
#include "sdsc.h"
#include "im.h"
#include "Zim.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void ZimFree(TagTable *image)
ImVfb *vfb;
if (image)
TagEntryQValue(TagTableQDirect(image, "image vfb", 0), &vfb);
int ZimWidth(TagTable *image)
ImVfb *vfb;
TagEntryQValue(TagTableQDirect(image,"image vfb", 0), &vfb);
return ImVfbQWidth(vfb);
int ZimHeight(TagTable *image)
ImVfb *vfb;
TagEntryQValue(TagTableQDirect(image,"image vfb", 0), &vfb);
return ImVfbQHeight(vfb);
int ZimFields(TagTable *image)
ImVfb *vfb;
TagEntryQValue(TagTableQDirect(image,"image vfb", 0), &vfb);
return ImVfbQFields(vfb);
void *ZimData(TagTable *image)
ImVfb *vfb;
TagEntryQValue(TagTableQDirect(image,"image vfb", 0), &vfb);
return (void *) vfb->vfb_pfirst;
int ZimBpp(TagTable *image)
ImVfb *vfb;
TagEntryQValue(TagTableQDirect(image,"image vfb", 0), &vfb);
return vfb->vfb_nbytes;
BOOL ZimIsPlanar(TagTable *image)
ImVfb *vfb;
TagEntryQValue(TagTableQDirect(image,"image vfb", 0), &vfb);
return (vfb->vfb_goff - vfb->vfb_roff) > 1 ? 1:0 ;
BOOL ZimHasAlpha(TagTable *image)
return 0;
// ImVfb *vfb;
// TagEntryQValue(TagTableQDirect(image,"image vfb", 0), &vfb);
// return ImVfbQFields(vfb) & IMVFBALPHA ? 1:0;
void ZimResize(TagTable *image, int newx, int newy)
ImVfb *vfb;
ImVfb *newt;
TagEntry *tmpEntry; /* Tmp table entry holder */
int nEntry; /* Tag entry # */
TagEntryQValue(TagTableQDirect(image,"image vfb", 0), &vfb);
newt = ImVfbResize( vfb, IMVFBBILINEAR, NULL, newx, newy );
/* Replace the VFB. */
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( image, "image vfb", 0 );
nEntry = TagEntryQNthEntry( tmpEntry );
TagTableReplace( image, TagEntryQNthEntry( tmpEntry ), TagEntryAlloc( "image vfb", POINTER, &newt ) );
TagTable *ZimImageTagTableFromFile(const char *filename, const char *informat)
FILE* fp; /* File pointer */
TagTable* flagsTable; /* Information about how to read the image */
TagTable* dataTable; /* The image data */
char *test;
FILE *err;
int ret;
char format[1025];
if (informat && *informat)
strcpy(format, informat);
err = stderr;
/* Open the file */
if (!(fp = fopen(filename,"rb")))
fprintf(stderr,"Could not open %s\n", filename);
if ( (dataTable = TagTableAlloc( )) == TAGTABLENULL )
TagPError( "roqvq" );
exit( 1 );
if ( (flagsTable = TagTableAlloc( )) == TAGTABLENULL )
TagPError( "roqvq" );
exit( 1 );
/* Add the file name to the flags table */
TagTableAppend( flagsTable,
TagEntryAlloc( "file name", POINTER, &filename));
TagTableAppend( flagsTable,
TagEntryAlloc( "error stream", POINTER, &err));
TagEntryQValue(TagTableQDirect(flagsTable, "file name", 0), &test);
/* Read the file, getting the name of the format */
ret = ImFileFRead(fp, format, flagsTable, dataTable);
if (ret == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "Problem reading %s, return code = %d, ImErrNo = %d\n", filename, ret, ImErrNo);
ImPError("roqvq: ZimImageTagTableFromFile");
return dataTable;
TagTable *ZimImageTagTableNew(int width, int height, int fields)
ImVfb *vfb;
TagTable *image;
image = TagTableAlloc();
if (image == TAGTABLENULL)
perror("Couldn't allocate an image");
vfb = ImVfbAlloc(width, height, fields);
if (vfb == IMVFBNULL)
perror("Couldn't allocate an image");
ImVfbClear(IMVFBALL, 0, vfb);
TagTableAppend(image, TagEntryAlloc("image vfb", POINTER, &vfb));
return image;
int ZimWriteJFIF(TagTable *image,const char *filename, int quality)
TagTable *flagsTable;
FILE *fp;
int ret, alphaRequest;
FILE *err;
err = stderr;
flagsTable = TagTableAlloc();
TagTableAppend( flagsTable,
TagEntryAlloc( "file name", POINTER, &filename));
TagTableAppend( flagsTable,
TagEntryAlloc( "image compression quality request", INT, &quality));
alphaRequest = IMALPHANODUMP;
TagTableAppend( flagsTable,
TagEntryAlloc( "image alpha request", INT, &alphaRequest));
TagTableAppend( flagsTable,
TagEntryAlloc( "error stream", POINTER, &err));
printf("ZimWriteJFIF: %dx%d, hasAlpha = %d, bpp = %d, planar = %d\n", ZimWidth(image), ZimHeight(image), ZimHasAlpha(image), ZimBpp(image), ZimIsPlanar(image));
/* Write the data out as a JPEG image file */
fp = fopen(filename,"wb");
ret = ImFileFWrite( fp, "jpeg", flagsTable, image);
if (ret != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "Problem saving %s, return code = %d, ImErrNo = %d\n", filename, ret, ImErrNo);
return ret;
void ZimGetDataPlanes(TagTable *image, byte **iPlanes)
ImVfb *vfb;
TagEntryQValue(TagTableQDirect(image,"image vfb", 0), &vfb);
iPlanes[0] = vfb->vfb_pfirst + vfb->vfb_roff;
iPlanes[1] = vfb->vfb_pfirst + vfb->vfb_goff;
iPlanes[2] = vfb->vfb_pfirst + vfb->vfb_boff;
iPlanes[3] = vfb->vfb_pfirst + vfb->vfb_aoff;
TagTable *ZimExtractField(TagTable *image)
TagTable *newImage;
ImVfb *vfb, *newVfb;
int line, pixel;
ImVfbPtr im, nim;
char colorVal;
newImage = ZimImageTagTableNew(ZimWidth(image), ZimHeight(image)/2, ZimFields(image));
TagEntryQValue(TagTableQDirect(image,"image vfb", 0), &vfb);
TagEntryQValue(TagTableQDirect(newImage,"image vfb", 0), &newVfb);
for (line = 0; line < ZimHeight(image); line+=2)
for (pixel = 0; pixel < ZimWidth(image); pixel++)
im = ImVfbQPtr(vfb, pixel, line);
nim = ImVfbQPtr(newVfb, pixel, line/2);
colorVal = ImVfbQRed(vfb, im);
ImVfbSRed(newVfb, nim, colorVal);
colorVal = ImVfbQGreen(vfb, im);
ImVfbSGreen(newVfb, nim, colorVal);
colorVal = ImVfbQBlue(vfb, im);
ImVfbSBlue(newVfb, nim, colorVal);
return newImage;