
912 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2013-04-04 18:02:27 +00:00
#include "roq.h"
#include "codec.h"
#include "ParamImSeq.h"
#include "Param.h"
#include "Zim.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
static Param *param;
static FILE *RoQFile;
static TagTable *image;
static int numQuadCels;
static int quietMode;
static int lastFrame;
static char roqOutfile[MAXPATHLEN];
static char currentFile[MAXPATHLEN];
static int numberOfFrames;
static int previousSize;
static byte *codes;
static BOOL dataStuff;
static ParamImSeq *imgSeq;
typedef struct {
int format;
int rate;
int width;
int channels;
int samples;
int dataofs; // chunk starts this many bytes from file start
} wavinfo_t;
int RoqWrite16Word( word * aWord ,FILE * stream )
byte a, b;
a = *aWord & 0xff;
b = *aWord >> 8;
fputc( a, stream );
fputc( b, stream );
return 1;
int RoqWrite32Word( unsigned int * aWord ,FILE * stream )
byte a, b, c, d;
a = *aWord & 0xff;
b = (*aWord >> 8) & 0xff;
c = (*aWord >> 16) & 0xff;
d = (*aWord >> 24) & 0xff;
fputc( a, stream );
fputc( b, stream );
fputc( c, stream );
fputc( d, stream );
return 1;
WAV loading
byte *data_p;
byte *iff_end;
byte *last_chunk;
byte *iff_data;
int iff_chunk_len;
wavinfo_t info;
byte *snddata;
short GetLittleShort(void)
short val = 0;
val = *data_p;
val = val + (*(data_p+1)<<8);
data_p += 2;
return val;
int GetLittleLong(void)
int val = 0;
val = *data_p;
val = val + (*(data_p+1)<<8);
val = val + (*(data_p+2)<<16);
val = val + (*(data_p+3)<<24);
data_p += 4;
return val;
void FindNextChunk(char *name)
while (1)
if (data_p >= iff_end)
{ // didn't find the chunk
data_p = NULL;
data_p += 4;
iff_chunk_len = GetLittleLong();
if (iff_chunk_len < 0)
data_p = NULL;
data_p -= 8;
last_chunk = data_p + 8 + ( (iff_chunk_len + 1) & ~1 );
if (!strncmp((char *)data_p, name, 4))
void FindChunk(char *name)
last_chunk = iff_data;
FindNextChunk (name);
void DumpChunks(void)
char str[5];
str[4] = 0;
memcpy (str, data_p, 4);
data_p += 4;
iff_chunk_len = GetLittleLong();
printf ("0x%x : %s (%d)\n", (int)(data_p - 4), str, iff_chunk_len);
data_p += (iff_chunk_len + 1) & ~1;
} while (data_p < iff_end);
wavinfo_t GetWavinfo (const char *name, byte *wav, int wavlength)
wavinfo_t info;
int samples;
memset (&info, 0, sizeof(info));
if (!wav)
return info;
iff_data = wav;
iff_end = wav + wavlength;
// find "RIFF" chunk
if (!(data_p && !strncmp((char *)data_p+8, "WAVE", 4)))
printf("Missing RIFF/WAVE chunks\n");
return info;
// get "fmt " chunk
iff_data = data_p + 12;
// DumpChunks ();
FindChunk("fmt ");
if (!data_p)
printf("Missing fmt chunk\n");
return info;
data_p += 8;
info.format = GetLittleShort();
info.channels = GetLittleShort();
info.rate = GetLittleLong();
data_p += 4+2;
info.width = GetLittleShort() / 8;
if (info.format != 1)
printf("Microsoft PCM format only\n");
return info;
// find data chunk
if (!data_p)
printf("Missing data chunk\n");
return info;
data_p += 4;
samples = GetLittleLong () / info.width;
if (info.samples)
if (samples < info.samples)
printf ("Sound %s has a bad loop length", name);
info.samples = samples;
info.dataofs = data_p - wav;
return info;
ParamImSeq * RoqParamImSeq()
return imgSeq;
int RoqInit( )
image = NULL;
quietMode = NO;
previousSize = 0;
lastFrame = NO;
codes = malloc( 4*1024 );
return 1;
int RoqFree( )
free( codes );
if (image)
return 1;
int RoqEncodeQuietly( BOOL which )
quietMode = which;
return 1;
BOOL RoqIsQuiet( )
return quietMode;
BOOL RoqIsLastFrame( )
return lastFrame;
BOOL RoqScaleable( )
return ParamIsScaleable(param);
BOOL RoqParamNoAlpha( )
return ParamNoAlpha(param);
double RoqCurrentFade()
return ParamImSeqCurrentFade(imgSeq);
BOOL RoqMakingVideo( )
return ParamTimecode(param);
BOOL RoqSearchType( )
return ParamSearchType(param);
BOOL RoqHasSound( )
return ParamHasSound(param);
int RoqPreviousFrameSize( )
return previousSize;
int RoqFirstFrameSize( )
return ParamFirstframesize(param);
int RoqNormalFrameSize( )
return ParamNormalframesize(param);
char * RoqCurrentFilename( )
return currentFile;
int FS_ReadFile( const char *filename, byte **data)
FILE* file;
int size;
file = fopen(filename,"rb");
if (!file) return 0;
fseek (file, 0, SEEK_END);
size = ftell (file);
fseek (file, 0, SEEK_SET);
*data = malloc(size);
fread(*data, size, 1, file);
return size;
#define ZA_SOUND_MONO 0x1020
#define ZA_SOUND_STEREO 0x1021
int EncodeSound(int onFrame) {
static int soundOffset = 0;
static short lastFlagsR = 0;
static short lastFlagsL = 0;
static short sqrTable[256];
int size, i, z;
word direct;
short left, right, *audio;
if (onFrame == 1)
for (z=0;z<128;z++) {
sqrTable[z] = (short)(z*z);
sqrTable[z+128] = (short)(-sqrTable[z]);
if ((soundOffset*info.channels) == info.samples)
return 0;
if (info.channels == 2) {
} else {
direct = ZA_SOUND_MONO;
RoqWrite16Word(&direct, RoQFile);
size = ((info.rate/30)+1) & (~1);
if (onFrame == 1) {
size = size*8;
if ((soundOffset+size)*info.channels > info.samples) {
size = (info.samples - (soundOffset*info.channels))/info.channels;
i = size*info.channels;
RoqWrite32Word(&i, RoQFile);
printf("encodeSound: %d bytes to sound\n", i);
if (info.channels == 2) {
direct = (lastFlagsL & 0xff00) | ((lastFlagsR & 0xff00)>>8);
} else {
direct = lastFlagsL;
RoqWrite16Word(&direct, RoQFile);
audio = (short *)(&snddata[info.dataofs]);
for(i=0;i<size;i++) {
if (info.channels == 2) {
left = (short)sqrt(abs(audio[soundOffset*2+0] - lastFlagsL));
if (left > 127) left = 127; if (audio[soundOffset*2+0] - lastFlagsL < 0) left += 128;
fputc(left, RoQFile);
lastFlagsL = lastFlagsL + sqrTable[left ];
right = (short)sqrt(abs(audio[soundOffset*2+1] - lastFlagsR));
if (right > 127) right= 127; if (audio[soundOffset*2+1] - lastFlagsR < 0) right+= 128;
fputc(right, RoQFile);
lastFlagsR = lastFlagsR + sqrTable[right];
} else {
left = (short)sqrt(abs(audio[soundOffset] - lastFlagsL));
if (left > 127) left = 127; if (audio[soundOffset] - lastFlagsL < 0) left += 128;
fputc(left, RoQFile);
lastFlagsL = lastFlagsL + sqrTable[left];
if ((soundOffset*info.channels) == info.samples) {
if (info.channels == 2) {
lastFlagsR &= 0xff00;
lastFlagsL &= 0xff00;
return 1;
int RoqEncodeStream( Param * paramInputFile )
int onFrame;
TagTable *img;
int size;
onFrame = 1;
param = paramInputFile;
numberOfFrames = ParamNumberOfFrames(param);
printf("Encoding a total of %d frames (not including mpeg frames)\n", numberOfFrames);
if (ParamNoAlpha(param)==YES) printf("encodeStream: eluding alpha\n");
snddata = NULL;
if (ParamHasSound(param)==YES) {
// load it in
size = FS_ReadFile( ParamSoundFilename(param), &snddata );
if ( !snddata ) {
printf("encodeStream: sound file not found");
return 0;
info = GetWavinfo( ParamSoundFilename(param), snddata, size );
imgSeq = ParamImSeqNew(param);
img = NULL;
while( ParamImSeqMoreFrames(imgSeq) ) {
if (ParamHasSound(param)==YES) {
if (img != NULL)
img = ParamImSeqNextImage(imgSeq);
strcpy(currentFile, ParamImSeqCurrentImageFilename(imgSeq));
// if (onFrame==1 && (ParamImSeqCurrentImageHadAlpha(imgSeq)==NO || ParamNoAlpha(param)==YES) && !RoqMakingVideo() && !RoqScaleable()) {
// RoqWriteLossless();
// } else {
// }
if (numberOfFrames != 1) {
// if (ParamImSeqCurrentImageHadAlpha(imgSeq) && ParamNoAlpha(param)==NO) {
lastFrame = YES;
// } else {
// lastFrame = YES;
// RoqWriteLossless();
// }
if (snddata) {
return 1;
long int RoqSizeFile( FILE * ftosize )
long int fat, fend;
fat = ftell(ftosize);
fseek( ftosize, 0, SEEK_END );
fend = ftell(ftosize);
fseek( ftosize, fat, SEEK_SET);
return (fend);
int RoqWriteLossless( )
word direct;
unsigned int j;
char tempFile[MAXPATHLEN];
FILE *ftemp;
byte *buffer;
int res, mess;
if (!dataStuff) {
direct = RoQ_QUAD_JPEG;
sprintf(tempFile, "%s.jpg",ParamRoqTempFilename(param));
ZimWriteJFIF(image, tempFile, ParamJpegQuality(param));
ftemp = fopen(tempFile, "rb");
if (!ftemp) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open temp file\n"); exit(1); }
j = RoqSizeFile(ftemp);
printf("writeLossless: writing %d bytes to RoQ_QUAD_JPEG\n", j);
RoqWrite32Word(&j, RoQFile);
direct = 0; // flags
RoqWrite16Word( &direct, RoQFile);
buffer = malloc( 16384 );
do {
res = fread( buffer, 1, 16384, ftemp);
mess = fwrite( buffer, 1, res, RoQFile );
if (res != mess) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not write to output stream\n"); exit(1); }
} while ( res == 16384 );
free( buffer );
if (!lastFrame)
CodecSetPreviousImage(tempFile, image);
unlink( tempFile );
fflush( RoQFile );
return 1;
int RoqInitRoQFile( const char * RoQFilename, const int iFPS )
word i;
static finit = 0;
if (!finit) {
printf("initRoQFile: %s\n", RoQFilename);
RoQFile = fopen( RoQFilename, "wb" );
#ifdef S_ISUID
chmod(RoQFilename, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE|S_ISUID|S_ISGID|0070|0007 );
chmod(RoQFilename, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE|0070|0007 );
if (!RoQFile) {
fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open output file %s.\n", RoQFilename);
i = RoQ_ID;
RoqWrite16Word(&i, RoQFile);
i = 0xffff;
RoqWrite16Word(&i, RoQFile);
RoqWrite16Word(&i, RoQFile);
i = iFPS; // framerate
RoqWrite16Word(&i, RoQFile);
fflush( RoQFile );
strcpy( roqOutfile, RoQFilename );
return 1;
int RoqInitRoQPatterns( )
int j;
word direct;
int pixelsWide;
int pixelsHigh;
pixelsWide = ZimWidth(image);
pixelsHigh = ZimHeight(image);
direct = RoQ_QUAD_INFO;
RoqWrite16Word( &direct, RoQFile);
j = 8;
RoqWrite32Word(&j, RoQFile);
printf("initRoQPatterns: outputting %d bytes to RoQ_INFO\n", j);
direct = ParamImSeqCurrentImageHadAlpha(imgSeq);
if (RoqParamNoAlpha() == YES) direct = 0;
RoqWrite16Word( &direct, RoQFile);
direct = pixelsWide;
RoqWrite16Word( &direct, RoQFile);
direct = pixelsHigh;
RoqWrite16Word( &direct, RoQFile);
direct = 8;
RoqWrite16Word( &direct, RoQFile);
direct = 4;
RoqWrite16Word( &direct, RoQFile);
fflush( RoQFile );
return 1;
int RoqCloseRoQFile( )
fflush( RoQFile );
printf("closeRoQFile: closing RoQ file\n");
fclose( RoQFile );
return 1;
int RoqWriteHangFrame( )
int j;
word direct;
direct = RoQ_QUAD_HANG;
RoqWrite16Word( &direct, RoQFile);
j = 0;
RoqWrite32Word(&j, RoQFile);
direct = 0;
RoqWrite16Word( &direct, RoQFile);
return 1;
int RoqWriteCodeBookToStream( byte * codebook , int csize , word cflags )
int j;
word direct;
if (!csize) {
printf("writeCodeBook: NO VQ DATA!!!!\n");
return 1;
RoqWrite16Word( &direct, RoQFile);
j = csize;
RoqWrite32Word(&j, RoQFile);
printf("writeCodeBook: outputting %d bytes to RoQ_QUAD_CODEBOOK\n", j);
direct = cflags;
RoqWrite16Word( &direct, RoQFile);
fwrite( codebook, j, 1, RoQFile);
fflush( RoQFile );
return 1;
int RoqWriteCodeBook( byte * codebook )
memcpy( codes, codebook, 4096 );
return 1;
int RoqWriteFrame( quadcel * pquad )
word action, direct;
int onCCC, onAction, i, j, code;
byte *cccList;
BOOL *use2, *use4;
int dx,dy,dxMean,dyMean,index2[256],index4[256], dimension;
cccList = malloc( numQuadCels * 8); // maximum length
use2 = malloc(256*sizeof(BOOL));
use4 = malloc(256*sizeof(BOOL));
for(i=0;i<256;i++) {
use2[i] = NO;
use4[i] = NO;
action = 0;
j = onAction = 0;
onCCC = 2; // onAction going to go at zero
dxMean = CodecMotMeanX();
dyMean = CodecMotMeanY();
if (ParamImSeqCurrentImageHadAlpha(imgSeq)) dimension = 10; else dimension = 6;
for (i=0; i<numQuadCels; i++) {
if ( pquad[i].size && pquad[i].size < 16 ) {
switch( pquad[i].status ) {
case SLD:
use4[pquad[i].patten[0]] = YES;
use2[codes[dimension*256+(pquad[i].patten[0]*4)+0]] = YES;
use2[codes[dimension*256+(pquad[i].patten[0]*4)+1]] = YES;
use2[codes[dimension*256+(pquad[i].patten[0]*4)+2]] = YES;
use2[codes[dimension*256+(pquad[i].patten[0]*4)+3]] = YES;
case PAT:
use4[pquad[i].patten[0]] = YES;
use2[codes[dimension*256+(pquad[i].patten[0]*4)+0]] = YES;
use2[codes[dimension*256+(pquad[i].patten[0]*4)+1]] = YES;
use2[codes[dimension*256+(pquad[i].patten[0]*4)+2]] = YES;
use2[codes[dimension*256+(pquad[i].patten[0]*4)+3]] = YES;
case CCC:
use2[pquad[i].patten[1]] = YES;
use2[pquad[i].patten[2]] = YES;
use2[pquad[i].patten[3]] = YES;
use2[pquad[i].patten[4]] = YES;
if (!dataStuff) {
if (ParamImSeqCurrentImageHadAlpha(imgSeq)) i = 3584; else i = 2560;
RoqWriteCodeBookToStream( codes, i, 0);
for(i=0;i<256;i++) {
index2[i] = i;
index4[i] = i;
} else {
j = 0;
for(i=0;i<256;i++) {
if (use2[i]) {
index2[i] = j;
for(dx=0;dx<dimension;dx++) cccList[j*dimension+dx] = codes[i*dimension+dx];
code = j*dimension;
direct = j;
printf("writeFrame: really used %d 2x2 cels\n", j);
j = 0;
for(i=0;i<256;i++) {
if (use4[i]) {
index4[i] = j;
for(dx=0;dx<4;dx++) cccList[j*4+code+dx] = index2[codes[i*4+(dimension*256)+dx]];
code += j*4;
direct = (direct<<8) + j;
printf("writeFrame: really used %d 4x4 cels\n", j);
if (ParamImSeqCurrentImageHadAlpha(imgSeq)) i = 3584; else i = 2560;
if ( code == i || j == 256) {
RoqWriteCodeBookToStream( codes, i, 0);
} else {
RoqWriteCodeBookToStream( cccList, code, direct);
action = 0;
j = onAction = 0;
for (i=0; i<numQuadCels; i++) {
if ( pquad[i].size && pquad[i].size < 16 ) {
code = -1;
switch( pquad[i].status ) {
case DEP:
code = 3;
case SLD:
code = 2;
cccList[onCCC++] = index4[pquad[i].patten[0]];
case MOT:
code = 0;
case FCC:
code = 1;
dx = ((pquad[i].domain >> 8 )) - 128 - dxMean + 8;
dy = ((pquad[i].domain & 0xff)) - 128 - dyMean + 8;
if (dx>15 || dx<0 || dy>15 || dy<0 ) {
printf("writeFrame: FCC error %d,%d mean %d,%d at %d,%d,%d rmse %f\n", dx,dy, dxMean, dyMean,pquad[i].xat,pquad[i].yat,pquad[i].size, pquad[i].snr[FCC] );
cccList[onCCC++] = (dx<<4)+dy;
case PAT:
code = 2;
cccList[onCCC++] = index4[pquad[i].patten[0]];
case CCC:
code = 3;
cccList[onCCC++] = index2[pquad[i].patten[1]];
cccList[onCCC++] = index2[pquad[i].patten[2]];
cccList[onCCC++] = index2[pquad[i].patten[3]];
cccList[onCCC++] = index2[pquad[i].patten[4]];
case DEAD:
fprintf(stderr,"dead cels in picture\n");
if (code == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "writeFrame: an error occurred writing the frame\n");
action = (action<<2)|code;
if (j == 8) {
j = 0;
cccList[onAction+0] = (action & 0xff);
cccList[onAction+1] = ((action >> 8) & 0xff);
onAction = onCCC;
onCCC += 2;
if (j) {
action <<= ((8-j)*2);
cccList[onAction+0] = (action & 0xff);
cccList[onAction+1] = ((action >> 8) & 0xff);
direct = RoQ_QUAD_VQ;
RoqWrite16Word(&direct, RoQFile);
j = onCCC;
RoqWrite32Word(&j, RoQFile);
direct = dyMean;
direct &= 0xff;
direct += (dxMean<<8); // flags
RoqWrite16Word(&direct, RoQFile);
printf("writeFrame: outputting %d bytes to RoQ_QUAD_VQ\n", j);
previousSize = j;
fwrite( cccList, onCCC, 1, RoQFile );
fflush( RoQFile );
free( cccList );
free( use2 );
free( use4 );
return 1;
int RoqWritePuzzleFrame( quadcel * pquad )
return 1;
// load a frame, create a window (if neccesary) and display the frame
int RoqLoadAndDisplayImage(TagTable *newimage )
// unsigned char *imageData;
// static BOOL cleared = NO;
int pixelsWide;
int pixelsHigh;
pixelsWide = ZimWidth(newimage);
pixelsHigh = ZimHeight(newimage);
if (pixelsWide == 800 && pixelsHigh == 600) {
printf("resizing %dx%d - ", pixelsWide, pixelsHigh);
ZimResize(newimage, 512, 512);
} else if (pixelsWide == 640 && pixelsHigh == 480) {
printf("resizing %dx%d - ", pixelsWide, pixelsHigh);
ZimResize(newimage, 512, 256);
image = newimage;
pixelsWide = ZimWidth(image);
pixelsHigh = ZimHeight(image);
numQuadCels = ((pixelsWide & 0xfff0)*( pixelsHigh & 0xfff0))/(MINSIZE*MINSIZE);
numQuadCels += numQuadCels/4 + numQuadCels/16;
if (!quietMode) printf("loadAndDisplayImage: %dx%d\n", pixelsWide, pixelsHigh);
return 1;
TagTable * RoqCurrentImage( )
return image;
int RoqNumberOfFrames ( )
return numberOfFrames;