1777 lines
27 KiB
1777 lines
27 KiB
** $Header: /roq/libim/imvfbchan.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $
** Copyright (c) 1989-1995 San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
** a division of General Atomics, San Diego, California, USA
** Users and possessors of this source code are hereby granted a
** nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright and design patent license to
** use this code in individual software. License is not granted for
** commercial resale, in whole or in part, without prior written
** permission from SDSC. This source is provided "AS IS" without express
** or implied warranty of any kind.
** For further information contact:
** E-Mail: info@sds.sdsc.edu
** Surface Mail: Information Center
** San Diego Supercomputer Center
** P.O. Box 85608
** San Diego, CA 92138-5608
** (619) 534-5000
#define HEADER " $Header: /roq/libim/imvfbchan.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $"
** imvfbchan.c - Image Library VFB channel interchanging
** libim - SDSC image manipulation library
** These functions permute / copy channels between VFBs.
** d =defined constant
** f =function
** m =defined macro
** t =typedef/struct/union
** v =variable
** ? =other
** ImVfbCopyChannel f copy one channel of one vfb to
** another channel of a another vfb
** ImVfbProcessMapRequests f Permute the channels of a vfb
** none
** $Log: /roq/libim/imvfbchan.c $
* 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod
* Revision 1.6 1995/09/28 05:11:40 bduggan
* fixed -inmap, -outmap bug
* (default is to copy rgb channels
* now when the alpha is copied.)
* /
* Revision 1.5 1995/06/30 22:11:26 bduggan
* removed strings.h
* Revision 1.4 1995/06/29 00:28:04 bduggan
* updated copyright year
* Revision 1.3 1995/06/16 08:51:54 bduggan
* added some casts. took out some unused vars
* Revision 1.2 1995/05/17 23:49:12 bduggan
* Added copying for a few more channels (PROT, Z, DATA)
* Revision 1.1 1995/02/16 21:43:00 bduggan
* Initial revision
** Custom development, Brian Duggan, San Diego Supercomputer Center, 1995
#include "iminternal.h"
#include <string.h>
#ifdef __STDC__
static int imGetOutChannel(char* expression);
static int imGetInChannel(char* expression);
static ImVfb* imAllocateNewVfb(TagTable* flagsTable, ImVfb* inVfb);
static int imCheckChannelMapEntries(TagTable* flagsTable, ImVfb* inVfb);
static int imGiveInfoAboutChannel(TagTable* flagsTable, char* chanName);
static int imGetOutChannel();
static int imGetInChannel();
static ImVfb* imAllocateNewVfb();
static int imCheckChannelMapEntries();
static int imGiveInfoAboutChannel();
* ImVfbQChannel (value, vfb, vfbptr, channel)
* Query a channel of the vfb into value
#define ImVfbQChannel(value, vfb, vfbptr, channel) \
switch (channel & IMVFBOTHERMASK) \
{ \
case IMVFBGREY : /* same as INDEX8 */ \
value = ImVfbQGrey (vfb, vfbptr); \
break; \
case IMVFBRED : \
value = ImVfbQRed (vfb, vfbptr); \
break; \
value = ImVfbQGreen(vfb, vfbptr); \
break; \
case IMVFBBLUE : \
value = ImVfbQBlue (vfb, vfbptr); \
break; \
value = ImVfbQAlpha (vfb, vfbptr); \
break; \
value = ImVfbQWProt (vfb, vfbptr); \
break; \
case IMVFBZ : \
value = ImVfbQZ(vfb, vfbptr ); \
break; \
/* value = ImVfbQFData(vfb, vfbptr ); */ \
break; \
value = ImVfbQIData(vfb, vfbptr ); \
break; \
default : \
if (channel & IMVFBINDEX8) \
value = ImVfbQGrey (vfb, vfbptr); \
else if (channel & IMVFBINDEX16) \
value = ImVfbQIndex16 (vfb, vfbptr); \
else \
value = 0; \
break; \
* ImVfbSChannel (value, vfb, vfbptr, channel)
* Put value into this channel of the vfb
#define ImVfbSChannel(value, vfb, vfbptr, channel) \
switch (channel & IMVFBOTHERMASK) \
{ \
case IMVFBRED : \
ImVfbSRed (vfb, vfbptr, value); \
break; \
ImVfbSGreen(vfb, vfbptr, value); \
break; \
case IMVFBBLUE : \
ImVfbSBlue (vfb, vfbptr, value); \
break; \
ImVfbSAlpha (vfb, vfbptr, value); \
break; \
ImVfbSWProt (vfb, vfbptr, value); \
break; \
case IMVFBZ : \
ImVfbSZ(vfb, vfbptr, value); \
break; \
/* ImVfbSFData(vfb, vfbptr, value); */ \
break; \
ImVfbSIData(vfb, vfbptr, value); \
break; \
default : \
if (channel & IMVFBGREY) \
ImVfbSGrey (vfb, vfbptr, value); \
else \
if (channel & IMVFBINDEX16) \
ImVfbSIndex16 (vfb, vfbptr, value); \
break; \
* ImVfbCopyChannel
* Copy a specified channel from one vfb to
* a specified channel of another vfb
* The channels which can be specifed are as follows:
* IMVFBINDEX8 index8 / gray
* IMVFBINDEX16 index16
* NULL none
* Copying "none" to a channel is equivalent to filling the outgoing
* channel with zeros.
* (It does not make the channel dissappear from the vfb. If this is
* desired, then the -outnoalpha option, for instance, should be used.)
ImVfb * /* Returns the destination vfb */
#ifdef __STDC__
ImVfbCopyChannel( ImVfb* inVfb, int inFieldMask, ImVfb* outVfb, int outFieldMask)
ImVfbCopyChannel( inVfb, inFieldMask, outVfb, outFieldMask)
ImVfb* inVfb;
int inFieldMask;
ImVfb* outVfb;
int outFieldMask;
int width, height; /* Dimensions of incoming vfb */
int w, h; /* Loop indices */
ImVfbPtr inVfbPtr; /* pointer into a vfb */
ImVfbPtr outVfbPtr; /* pointer into a vfb */
unsigned int chanData; /* temporary variable for data */
unsigned int tempMask; /* holds masks during error checking */
int inOK, outOK; /* flags indicating that masks are ok*/
int inFields, outFields; /* Fields in the vfbs */
char message[300]; /* Buffer for messages */
if (inVfb==IMVFBNULL)
/* Get width and height of incoming vfb */
width = ImVfbQWidth (inVfb);
height = ImVfbQHeight (inVfb);
/* Allocate a new Vfb if necessary */
if (outVfb==IMVFBNEW)
int allocFields;
/* Make it the same type as the incoming vfb */
allocFields = ImVfbQFields (inVfb) & IMVFBIMAGEMASK;
outVfb = ImVfbAlloc(width, height, allocFields | outFieldMask);
if (outVfb == IMVFBNULL)
/* Discern the fields that are present */
inFields = ImVfbQFields(inVfb);
outFields = ImVfbQFields(outVfb);
if (inFields & IMVFBRGB)
inFields |= IMVFBRED;
inFields |= IMVFBGREEN;
inFields |= IMVFBBLUE;
if (outFields & IMVFBRGB)
outFields |= IMVFBRED;
outFields |= IMVFBGREEN;
outFields |= IMVFBBLUE;
/* Confirm that inVfb has the specified field
* (if it's not NULL)
if ((inFieldMask!=NULL) && !(inFields & inFieldMask))
sprintf(message,"The incoming vfb does not have the requested channel");
ImErrorFatal( message, IMVFBNULL, IMEBADCHANNEL );
* Confirm that outVfb has the specified field
if (!(outFields & outFieldMask))
sprintf(message,"The requested channel is not supported by the outgoing vfb");
ImErrorFatal( message, IMVFBNULL, IMEFIELD );
/* Confirm that the vfbs are the same size */
if ( width!=ImVfbQWidth(outVfb) || height!=ImVfbQHeight(outVfb))
/* Verify that the field masks are okay */
/* i.e. only one field can be copied */
inOK = (inFieldMask==NULL); /* Okay to copy from "none" */
outOK = 0; /* Can't copy to "none" */
for (tempMask = (((unsigned int)1)<<31); (tempMask!=0) ; tempMask >>= 1)
if (tempMask==inFieldMask)
inOK = 1;
if (tempMask==outFieldMask)
outOK = 1;
if (!inOK || !outOK)
/* Copy the data (finally)! */
/* Note that a 16-bit value will automatically be truncated by the cast
in the ImVfbSChannel macro, if index16 is copied to another channel */
inVfbPtr = ImVfbQPtr(inVfb, 0, 0);
outVfbPtr = ImVfbQPtr(outVfb, 0, 0);
for (w=0;w<width;w++)
for (h=0;h<height;h++)
ImVfbQChannel(chanData, inVfb, inVfbPtr, inFieldMask);
ImVfbSChannel(chanData, outVfb, outVfbPtr, outFieldMask);
ImVfbSInc(inVfb, inVfbPtr);
ImVfbSInc(outVfb, outVfbPtr);
return outVfb;
* ImVfbProcessMapRequests
* Go through a flags table, looking for map requests.
* Check for constistency of the requests, then
* alter each vfb in the tagtable in accordance with
* the requests.
int /* returns status */
#ifdef __STDC__
ImVfbProcessMapRequests( TagTable* flagsTable, TagTable* tagTable)
ImVfbProcessMapRequests( flagsTable,tagTable)
TagTable* flagsTable;
TagTable* tagTable;
int numRequests; /* How many map requests are there? */
TagEntry* tmpEntry; /* Tag table entry */
TagEntry* vfbEntry; /* Tag table entry */
char* thisRequest; /* The string in the flags table */
unsigned int inChannel; /* requested mapping from inChannel */
unsigned int outChannel;/* to outChannel */
ImVfb* inVfb; /* VFB originally in tagTable */
ImVfb* outVfb; /* new VFB replacing inVfb */
int i; /* Loop index */
int vfbIndex; /* Loop index */
int numVfbs; /* how many vfbs we've got */
char message[200]; /* buffer for messages */
numVfbs = TagTableQNEntry( tagTable, "image vfb" );
for (vfbIndex = 0; vfbIndex < numVfbs; vfbIndex++)
* Get vfb from tagtable
vfbEntry = TagTableQDirect( tagTable, "image vfb", vfbIndex );
TagEntryQValue( vfbEntry, &inVfb );
* Check for consistent requests and add default requests
* to the flags table
if (imCheckChannelMapEntries(flagsTable, inVfb)==-1)
return -1;
* Allocate outVfb based on requests in the flagsTable,
* and inVfb's type.
outVfb = imAllocateNewVfb(flagsTable, inVfb);
numRequests = TagTableQNEntry (flagsTable,"channel map request");
for (i=0; i<numRequests; i++)
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "channel map request", i );
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &thisRequest );
inChannel = imGetInChannel(thisRequest);
outChannel = imGetOutChannel(thisRequest);
/* Copy this channel! */
outVfb = ImVfbCopyChannel( inVfb, inChannel, outVfb, outChannel);
if (outVfb==IMVFBNULL)
sprintf(message,"Error copying channel");
ImErrorFatal( message, -1, ImErrNo );
/* Replace the vfb in the tag table with our new one */
TagTableReplace( tagTable, TagEntryQNthEntry( vfbEntry),
TagEntryAlloc( "image vfb", POINTER, &outVfb));
ImVfbFree (inVfb);
return ( 1);
* imGetInChannel
* reads from a string such as "red=blue" and
* returns the mask corresponding to the second
* word (i.e. IMVFBBLUE )
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imGetInChannel(char* expression)
char* expression;
char* chanName; /* name of the channel */
char message[200]; /* message buffer */
chanName = strchr( expression, '=');
if (chanName==NULL)
sprintf(message,"Bad channel specification: '%s'",expression);
ImErrorFatal(message, -1, IMEBADCHANNEL);
chanName+=1; /* Move to the right of the '=' */
if (strcmp(chanName,"red" )==0) return IMVFBRED;
if (strcmp(chanName,"green")==0) return IMVFBGREEN;
if (strcmp(chanName,"blue" )==0) return IMVFBBLUE;
if (strcmp(chanName,"alpha")==0) return IMVFBALPHA;
if (strcmp(chanName,"grey" )==0) return IMVFBGREY;
if (strcmp(chanName,"gray" )==0) return IMVFBGREY;
if (strcmp(chanName,"index")==0) return IMVFBINDEX8;
if (strcmp(chanName,"index16")==0) return IMVFBINDEX16;
if (strcmp(chanName,"none" )==0) return 0;
sprintf(message,"Bad channel specification: '%s'",expression);
ImErrorFatal(message, -1, IMEBADCHANNEL);
* imGetOutChannel
* reads from a string such as "red=blue" and
* returns the mask corresponding to the first
* word (i.e. IMVFBRED )
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imGetOutChannel(char* expression)
char* expression;
char chanName[20]; /* name of the channel */
char* ptr; /* temp ptr to a char* */
char message[200]; /* msg buffer */
* Turn the '=' into a '\0'
ptr = strchr( chanName, '=');
if (ptr==NULL)
sprintf(message,"Bad channel specification: '%s'",expression);
ImErrorFatal(message, -1, IMEBADCHANNEL);
else *ptr='\0';
if (strcmp(chanName,"red")==0) return IMVFBRED;
if (strcmp(chanName,"green")==0) return IMVFBGREEN;
if (strcmp(chanName,"blue")==0) return IMVFBBLUE;
if (strcmp(chanName,"alpha")==0) return IMVFBALPHA;
if (strcmp(chanName,"gray")==0) return IMVFBGREY;
if (strcmp(chanName,"grey")==0) return IMVFBGREY;
if (strcmp(chanName,"index")==0) return IMVFBINDEX8;
if (strcmp(chanName,"index16")==0) return IMVFBINDEX16;
if (strcmp(chanName,"none")==0) return 0;
sprintf(message,"Bad channel specification: '%s'",expression);
ImErrorFatal(message, -1, IMEBADCHANNEL);
* numOfMappingsToChannel
* Searches the flags table, and reports
* the number of channel map requests of
* the form "channel=xxx" where channel corresponds
* to the parameter,
static int /* Returns number of mappings to channel */
#ifdef __STDC__
numOfMappingsToChannel(TagTable* flagsTable, int chanMask)
numOfMappingsToChannel(flagsTable, chanMask)
TagTable* flagsTable;
int chanMask;
int numEntries; /* Total number of channel requests */
char *thisEntry; /* channel request */
int i; /* loop index */
int numOfMappings; /* number of mappings (return value)*/
TagEntry* tmpEntry; /* flags table entry */
numEntries = TagTableQNEntry(flagsTable, "channel map request");
numOfMappings = 0;
for (i=0;i<numEntries;i++)
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect(flagsTable, "channel map request", i);
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &thisEntry);
if (imGetOutChannel(thisEntry)==chanMask)
return numOfMappings;
* imCheckChannelMapEntries
* This function does two things with channel map requests
* in a flagsTable:
* 1. Ensures that every channel in an outgoing vfb has
* at least one channel mapped to it.
* 2. Ensures that no channel in an outgoing vfb has more
* than one channel mapped to it.
* In case 1, default channels are added to the flags table.
* In case 2, an error is produced.
static int /* Returns status. >0 means okay, <=0 means not okay. */
#ifdef __STDC__
imCheckChannelMapEntries(TagTable* flagsTable, ImVfb* inVfb)
imCheckChannelMapEntries(flagsTable, inVfb)
TagTable * flagsTable;
ImVfb* inVfb;
int fieldsToTest; /* fields we are checking for */
int numMappings; /* number of mappings for this channel */
char* newString; /* new string to add to the table */
int inFields; /* fields in inVfb */
/* Discern the fields that are present */
inFields = ImVfbQFields(inVfb);
if (inFields & IMVFBRGB)
inFields |= IMVFBRED;
inFields |= IMVFBGREEN;
inFields |= IMVFBBLUE;
fieldsToTest = inFields;
* For each channel, ensure that there is precisely
* ONE channel mapped to it.
* If there are more than one, report an error and quit.
* If there are none
* if this field exists in the inVfb, add channel=channel
* if this field doesn't exist in inVfb, add channel=none
* Red
if (fieldsToTest & IMVFBRED)
numMappings = numOfMappingsToChannel(flagsTable, IMVFBRED);
if (numMappings>1)
ImErrorFatal("Too many mappings to red", -1, IMEBADCHANNELS);
if (numMappings==0)
{ /* Add a mapping to red to the flags table */
if (inFields & IMVFBRED)
/* Add "red=red" to the flagsTable */
ImMalloc(newString, char *, 10 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(newString, "red=red");
{ /* Add "red=none" to the flagsTable */
ImMalloc(newString, char *, 10 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(newString, "red=none");
TagEntryAlloc("channel map request",POINTER, &newString));
/* Give an imInfo message */
* Green
if (fieldsToTest & IMVFBGREEN)
numMappings = numOfMappingsToChannel(flagsTable, IMVFBGREEN);
if (numMappings>1)
ImErrorFatal("Too many mappings to green", -1, IMEBADCHANNELS);
if (numMappings==0)
{ /* Add a mapping to red to the flags table */
if (inFields & IMVFBGREEN)
/* Add "green=green" to the flagsTable */
ImMalloc(newString, char *, 15 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(newString, "green=green");
{ /* Add "green=none" to the flagsTable */
ImMalloc(newString, char *, 15 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(newString, "green=none");
TagEntryAlloc("channel map request",POINTER, &newString));
/* Give an imInfo message */
* Blue
if (fieldsToTest & IMVFBBLUE)
numMappings = numOfMappingsToChannel(flagsTable, IMVFBBLUE);
if (numMappings>1)
ImErrorFatal("Too many mappings to blue", -1, IMEBADCHANNELS);
if (numMappings==0)
{ /* Add a mapping to red to the flags table */
if (inFields & IMVFBBLUE)
/* Add "blue=blue" to the flagsTable */
ImMalloc(newString, char *, 15 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(newString, "blue=blue");
{ /* Add "blue=none" to the flagsTable */
ImMalloc(newString, char *, 15 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(newString, "blue=none");
TagEntryAlloc("channel map request",POINTER, &newString));
/* Give an imInfo message */
* Grey/Index8
if (fieldsToTest & IMVFBGREY)
numMappings = numOfMappingsToChannel(flagsTable, IMVFBGREY);
if (numMappings>1)
ImErrorFatal("Too many mappings to grey", -1, IMEBADCHANNELS);
if (numMappings==0)
{ /* Add a mapping to grey to the flags table */
if (inFields & IMVFBGREY)
/* Add "grey=grey" to the flagsTable */
ImMalloc(newString, char *, 10 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(newString, "grey=grey");
{ /* Add "grey=none" to the flagsTable */
ImMalloc(newString, char *, 10 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(newString, "grey=none");
TagEntryAlloc("channel map request",POINTER, &newString));
/* Give an imInfo message */
* Alpha
if (fieldsToTest & IMVFBALPHA)
numMappings = numOfMappingsToChannel(flagsTable, IMVFBALPHA);
if (numMappings>1)
ImErrorFatal("Too many mappings to alpha", -1, IMEBADCHANNELS);
if (numMappings==0)
{ /* Add a mapping to alpha to the flags table */
if (inFields & IMVFBALPHA)
/* Add "alpha=alpha" to the flagsTable */
ImMalloc(newString, char *, 10 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(newString, "alpha=alpha");
{ /* Add "alpha=none" to the flagsTable */
ImMalloc(newString, char *, 10 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(newString, "alpha=none");
TagEntryAlloc("channel map request",POINTER, &newString));
/* Give an imInfo message */
* Index16
if (fieldsToTest & IMVFBINDEX16)
numMappings = numOfMappingsToChannel(flagsTable, IMVFBINDEX16);
if (numMappings>1)
ImErrorFatal("Too many mappings to index16", -1, IMEBADCHANNELS);
if (numMappings==0)
{ /* Add a mapping to red to the flags table */
if (inFields & IMVFBINDEX16)
/* Add "index16=index16" to the flagsTable */
ImMalloc(newString, char *, 20 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(newString, "index16=index16");
{ /* Add "index16=none" to the flagsTable */
ImMalloc(newString, char *, 20 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(newString, "index16=none");
TagEntryAlloc("channel map request",POINTER, &newString));
/* Give an imInfo message */
return (1);
* imGiveInfoAboutChannel
* Spit out an ImInfo message describing what
* is being mapped to this channel, according to
* the flags table
* e.g. passing "red" will search the flags
* table for something like red=blue, then
* print "red = blue"
static int /* returns status */
#ifdef __STDC__
imGiveInfoAboutChannel(TagTable* flagsTable, char* chanName)
TagTable* flagsTable;
char* chanName;
TagEntry* tmpEntry; /* temporary tag table entry */
char* request; /* Request from entry */
int numChannelEntries; /* # of 'channel map request's */
int i; /* Loop index */
char tmpRequest[50]; /* Holds the request */
char* ptr; /* temp char* pointer */
char message[300]; /* Buffer for messages */
numChannelEntries = TagTableQNEntry(flagsTable, "channel map request");
for (i=0; i<numChannelEntries; i++)
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "channel map request", i);
TagEntryQValue(tmpEntry, &request);
* Turn the '=' into a '\0' so we can look at the name to the
* left of the equals sign
ptr = strchr( tmpRequest, '=');
if (ptr==NULL)
sprintf(message,"Bad channel specification: '%s'",request);
ImErrorFatal(message, -1, IMEBADCHANNEL);
else *ptr='\0';
* Is this the right channel?
if (strcmp(tmpRequest,chanName)==0)
{ /* yes */
sprintf(message,"%s = %s", chanName, ptr+1);
ImInfo("Channel Mapping", message);
return 1;
* imAllocateNewVfb
* Use the requests in the flagsTable and in the
* fields/type of inVfb to make a type for outVfb.
* Then allocate outVfb.
static ImVfb* /* returns new vfb */
#ifdef __STDC__
imAllocateNewVfb(TagTable* flagsTable, ImVfb* inVfb)
imAllocateNewVfb(flagsTable, inVfb)
TagTable* flagsTable;
ImVfb* inVfb;
int inFields; /* fields in inVfb */
int outFields; /* fields we're going to create */
int numRequests; /* number of map requests */
int i; /* index */
TagEntry* tmpEntry; /* tag table entry */
char* chanString; /* string in the flags table */
ImVfb* outVfb; /* to be created. */
inFields = ImVfbQFields (inVfb);
/* For each channel request,
* add the fields to outFields.
outFields = 0;
numRequests = TagTableQNEntry(flagsTable, "channel map request");
for (i=0;i<numRequests;i++)
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "channel map request", i);
TagEntryQValue(tmpEntry, &chanString);
outFields |= imGetOutChannel(chanString);
* Okay, so we have all the fields, but what
* TYPE is it?
if ( (outFields & IMVFBRED) ||
(outFields & IMVFBBLUE) ||
(outFields & IMVFBGREEN))
{ /* It's rgb. */
outFields |= IMVFBRGB;
else if ( (outFields & IMVFBINDEX8) || (outFields & IMVFBINDEX16))
/* It's indexed. Do nothing */
{ /* We have no idea what it is. */
/* Don't give it a type. */
outVfb = ImVfbAlloc(ImVfbQWidth(inVfb), ImVfbQHeight(inVfb), outFields);
return outVfb;