6630 lines
99 KiB
6630 lines
99 KiB
** $Header: /roq/libim/impic.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $
** Copyright (c) 1989-1995 San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
** a division of General Atomics, San Diego, California, USA
** Users and possessors of this source code are hereby granted a
** nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright and design patent license to
** use this code in individual software. License is not granted for
** commercial resale, in whole or in part, without prior written
** permission from SDSC. This source is provided "AS IS" without express
** or implied warranty of any kind.
** For further information contact:
** E-Mail: info@sds.sdsc.edu
** Surface Mail: Information Center
** San Diego Supercomputer Center
** P.O. Box 85608
** San Diego, CA 92138-5608
** (619) 534-5000
#define HEADER " $Header: /roq/libim/impic.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $"
** impic.c - PIXAR picture file I/O
** libimage - SDSC image manipulation library
** impic.c contains routines to read and write PIXAR picture files for
** the image manipulation library. Raster data read in is stored
** in a VFB. Raster data written out is taken from a tag list.
** d =defined constant
** f =function
** m =defined macro
** t =typedef/struct/union
** v =variable
** ? =other
** done
** imPicRead f read a PIXAR picture file
** imPicWriteRGBA f write a four-channel PIC file, dump
** imPicWriteRGBARLE f write a four-channel PIC file, encoded
** imPicWriteRGB f write a three-channel PIC file, dump
** imPicWriteRGBRLE f write a three-channel PIC file, encoded
** imPicWrite8 f write a one-channel PIC file, dump
** imPicWrite8RLE f write a one-channel PIC file, encoded
** IMPICENCODE8 d 8-bit encode signifier
** IMPICENCODE12 d 12-bit encode signifier
** IMPICDUMP8 d 8-bit dump signifier
** IMPICDUMP12 d 12-bit dump signifier
** IMFULLRGBA d 4 channel bit representation
** IMRGBBACK d 3 channel bit representation
** IMSINGLECHAN d 1 channel bit representation
** IMISALPHA d PIC alpha mode signifier
** IMNOALPHA d PIC non alpha mode signifier
** IMPICLABEL d static array dimension for label
** IMPICGAP d static array dimension for gap in header
** IMPICSPACE d static array dimension for space in header
** IMPICUNUSED d static array dimension for unused section
** IMPICHEADERSIZE d static size for header & first tile info
** IMPICNUMBER d int representation of magic number
** IMPICBLOCK d static size for optimum block transfers
** IMPICWRITESTART d int byte offset for writing PIC info
** imPicHeaderInfo t PIC header
** imPicHeaderFields t PIC header description for Bin pkg
** imPicFr2Buf m free 2 storage buffers of type unsigned char
** imPicFrTwoBuf m free 2 storage buffers: types sdsc_uint16 & unsigned char
** imPicPrHeader f Debug routine for printing header
** imPicReadEncode8 f convert 8 bit encoded PIC pixels to vfb
** imPicReadEncode12 f convert 12 bit encoded PIC pixels to vfb
** imPicReadDump8 f transfer 8 bit dumped PIC pixels to vfb
** imPicReadDump12 f transfer 12 bit dumped PIC pixels to vfb
** imPicWriteHeader f write header for a Pic file
** $Log: /roq/libim/impic.c $
* 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod
** Revision 1.17 1995/06/29 00:28:04 bduggan
** updated copyright year
** Revision 1.16 1995/06/15 20:51:04 bduggan
** changed bzero to memset. cleaned up indenting. added casts.
** Revision 1.15 1995/04/03 21:33:06 bduggan
** took out #ifdef NEWMAGIC
** Revision 1.14 1995/01/10 23:37:24 bduggan
** put in IMMULTI, IMPIPE instead of TRUE/FALSE
** uncapitlized i's in local functions
** made read/write routines static
** Revision 1.13 94/10/03 11:30:23 nadeau
** Updated to ANSI C and C++ compatibility.
** Removed all use of register keyword.
** Minimized use of custom SDSC types (e.g., uchar vs. unsigned char)
** Changed all float arguments to double.
** Added forward declarations.
** Added misc. casts to passify SGI and DEC compilers.
** Changed all macros and defined constants to have names
** starting with IM.
** Rearranged magic number structures for format handlers.
** Made format handler routines static (i.e., local to file).
** Updated comments, adding format descriptions and references.
** Updated indenting on some code.
** Updated copyright message.
** Revision 1.12 92/12/03 01:50:39 nadeau
** Corrected info messages.
** Revision 1.11 92/11/23 18:42:46 nadeau
** Removed use of IMINFOMSG.
** Revision 1.10 92/11/04 12:04:26 groening
** put ImFIleFormat info and magic number info
** from imfmt.c into this file.
** Revision 1.9 92/10/19 14:16:35 groening
** added ImInfo statements
** Revision 1.8 92/08/31 17:31:03 vle
** Updated copyright notice.
** Revision 1.7 92/04/09 09:35:57 groening
** To make the compiler happy added extern statements.
** Revision 1.6 91/10/03 12:50:36 mcleodj
** modified Write routines to determine total
** size of pixel info and change location of
** where the pixel info starts being written
** Revision 1.5 91/07/10 16:25:56 nadeau
** Removed extra include.
** Revision 1.4 91/03/12 11:09:20 nadeau
** Changed zeroing loops to bzero() calls. Optimized mallocs.
** Revision 1.3 91/02/12 11:31:19 nadeau
** Removed the tag table checking and VFB conversion now
** handled by ImFileRead and ImFileWRite. Did some major
** reorganization of write code to separate different VFB
** handling into different routines for direct calling
** by ImFileWrite.
** Revision 1.2 91/01/31 12:29:09 mcleodj
** compression of procedures and modifications of PIC writing
** Revision 1.1 90/07/24 13:00:32 mcleodj
** Initial revision
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "sdsc.h"
#include "im.h"
#include "iminternal.h"
** PIXAR picture file
** AKA
** pic, picio, pixar
** - PIXAR Image Computer Programmer's Manual, PIXAR.
** - PIXAR Image Computer ChapLibraries User's Guide, PIXAR.
** - The RenderMan Companion, Steve Upstill, PIXAR.
** Custom development, Jim McLeod, San Diego Supercomputer Center, 1992.
** The Pixar picture format accomodates several formats:
** multiple channels; different number of bits;
** encoded and dumped format; and arbitrary picture size.
** Large pictures can be handled by breaking the picture into
** smaller uniform rectangular pieces called " TILES ."
** Multiple byte data is stored with the LEAST SIGNIFICANT 8 bits
** in the first byte ( ie: the first 4 bytes of each file are
** 0x80, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x00 )
** Header:
** byte number #bytes name
** 000 4 magic number = 0x00, 0x00, 0xe8, 0x80
** 004 2 version number = 0
** 006 246 label
** 252 4 labelptr - for continuation
** gap between data
** 416 2 picture height (+ num)
** 418 2 picture width (+ num)
** 420 2 tile height (+ num, <= pic h)
** 422 2 tile width (+ num, <= pic w)
** 424 2 picture format
** 426 2 picture storage
** 428 2 blocking factor
** 430 2 aplha mode (mat-to-black=0,unassoc.=1)
** 432 2 x offset
** 434 2 y offset
** space between data
** 448 4 unused
** 452 28 unused
** 512 8*n tile pointer table (n = # of tiles)
** Label: Ascii description - labels can be arbitrarily long as the
** label pointer in the header points to any continuation
** ( allocated in chunks the size of the blocking factor, with
** last four bytes of this chunk reserved for further blocks )
** Pic Format: Any subset of RGBA channels. Single channel "R pictures"
** are recovered as grey scale pictures. RGBA channels correspond
** to bits 3210; so that, as an example:
** RGB selection has 1110 binary.
** Pic Storage: Four modes: (0) 8-bit "encoded"
** (1) 12-bit "encoded"
** (2) 8-bit dumped
** (3) 12-bit dumped
** (note: 12 bits stored as two bytes)
** Encoded Tiles: Pixel information is broken into "packets."
** NO packet may span multiple scanlines.
** NO packet spans multiple disk blocks.
** HOWEVER, each scanline may have ANY COMBINATION of the
** four types of packets.
** flag count RGBA RGB R
** 2 c lRGBAlRGBA... lRGBlRGB... lRlR..
** 3 c ARGBRGBRGB... n/a n/a
** 4 c AlRGBlRGB.... n/a n/a
** 0 signifies end of block
** flag and count are packed into 16 bits as follows:
** 1st byte: count<0:7>
** 2nd byte: flag<0:3> count<8:11>
** if flag = 1 or 3: c = 1 less than the number of dummped pixels
** if flag = 2 or 4: c = 1 less than the number of run lengths
** and l = number of repetitions
** (ie: l=0 indicates 1 instance 0 repetitions)
** Zeros fill out a block.
** Dummped Tiles: No excess bytes are used.
** (ex: RGB format: RGBRGBRGBRGB.....)
** Blocking Factor: Optimum disk transfer chunk ( normally 8192 bytes )
** Alpha mode: Has something to do with background of image but does not
** influence the current implementation of this im utility.
** Picture Offsets: For proper restoration of image on Pixar buffer window.
** Tiles: Each tile has a four byte pointer and four byte length.
** Tiles are numbered across from
** 0 to (num_x_tiles*num_y_tiles -1 )
** where num_x_tiles is 1+(pic_width-1)/tile_width
** and num_y_tiles is 1+(pic_height-1)/tile_height.
** Tile 0 is in the UPPER LEFT CORNER: pic_pixel(0,0)=tile_0(0,0).
** Tiles can extend down or to the right beyond the picture
** boundaries, but the pixels outside the picture and inside the
** tile are undefined with regard to the picture.
** ( note: they are still properly encoded.)
** A tile pointer of 0 indicates null tile, a positive
** pointer and a count of -1 indicates an incomplete tile.
** ( IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: Tiles have NOT been handled by the
** initial revision of the READ routine. It is assumed that
** all PIC files will only have ONE tile which is of the same
** dimension of the picture.
** For the WRITE routine, the PIC file created will only have
** one tile which is the entire image. )
** PIC - Pixar Picture file
** For information on these structures, how to use them, etc. please
** see imfmt.c.
#ifdef __STDC__
static int imPicRead( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable );
static int imPicWrite8( ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imPicWriteRGB( ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imPicWriteRGBA( ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imPicWrite8RLE( ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imPicWriteRGBRLE( ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imPicWriteRGBARLE( ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imPicRead( );
static int imPicWrite8( ), imPicWriteRGB( ), imPicWriteRGBA( );
static int imPicWrite8RLE( ), imPicWriteRGBRLE( ), imPicWriteRGBARLE( );
static char *imPicNames[ ] = { "pic", "picio", "pixar", NULL };
static unsigned char imPicMagicNumber[ ] = { 0x80, 0xE8, 0x00, 0x00 };
static ImFileFormatReadMap imPicReadMap[ ] =
/* in out */
/* type,ch,dep, attr. VFB type attr. */
{ IN,1,8, RLE, IMVFBINDEX8, 0 },
{ IN,1,8, 0, IMVFBINDEX8, 0 },
{ IN,1,12, RLE, IMVFBINDEX16, 0 },
{ IN,1,12, 0, IMVFBINDEX16, 0 },
{ RGB,3,8, RLE, IMVFBRGB, 0 },
{ RGB,3,8, 0, IMVFBRGB, 0 },
{ RGB,3,12, RLE, IMVFBRGB, 0 },
{ RGB,3,12, 0, IMVFBRGB, 0 },
{ RGB,3,8, RLE|A, IMVFBRGB, A },
{ RGB,3,8, A, IMVFBRGB, A },
{ RGB,3,12, RLE|A, IMVFBRGB, A },
{ RGB,3,12, A, IMVFBRGB, A },
{ -1, 0, -1, 0 },
static ImFileFormatWriteMap imPicWriteMap[ ] =
/* in out */
/* VFB type, attr., type,ch,dep, attr., func */
{ IMVFBINDEX8, 0, IN,1,8, RLE, imPicWrite8RLE },
{ IMVFBINDEX8, 0, IN,1,8, 0, imPicWrite8 },
{ IMVFBRGB, 0, RGB,3,8, RLE, imPicWriteRGBRLE },
{ IMVFBRGB, A, RGB,3,8, RLE|A, imPicWriteRGBARLE},
{ IMVFBRGB, 0, RGB,3,8, 0, imPicWriteRGB },
{ IMVFBRGB, A, RGB,3,8, A, imPicWriteRGBA },
{ -1, 0, -1, 0, NULL },
static ImFileMagic imFilePicMagic []=
{ 0, 4, imPicMagicNumber },
{ 0, 0, NULL },
ImFileFormat ImFilePicFormat =
imPicNames, "PIXAR picture file",
"8- and 12-bit greyscale image files, (no CLT). 24-bit\n\
(8-bit/channel) and 36-bit (12-bit/channel) RGB image files.\n\
Uncompressed (dump) and RLE-compressed (packet encoding) files.",
"8-bit greyscale image files (no CLT). 24-bit (8-bit/channel)\n\
RGB image files. Uncompressed (dump) and RLE-compressed (packet encoding)\n\
imPicRead, imPicReadMap, imPicWriteMap
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL (0)
FILE *fperr;
* imPicHeaderInfo - PIC file header information
* imPicHeaderFields - Description for Binio package
* A PIC file's header contains the image's width, height, and
* picture format and storage type and many other fields.
#define IMPICENCODE8 (0)
#define IMPICENCODE12 (1)
#define IMPICDUMP8 (2)
#define IMPICDUMP12 (3)
#define IMFULLRGBA (15)
#define IMRGBBACK (14)
#define IMSINGLECHAN (8)
#define IMISALPHA (1)
#define IMNOALPHA (0)
#define IMPICLABEL (246)
#define IMPICGAP (160)
#define IMPICSPACE (12)
#define IMPICUNUSED (60)
#define IMPICNUMBER (59520)
#define IMPICBLOCK (8192)
#define IMPICWRITESTART (8192)
/* NOTE: IMPICWRITESTART is assumed to be bigger than IMPICHEADERSIZE
* If this is changed, don't make it less than.
* BIGNOTE: Pixar Machines ( from which pic images originated )
* seem to REQUIRE that the byte information for the pixel
* info start at least one full block after the header ( ie:
* at a byte count of 8192 ). Experiments to begin writing the
* data before byte count 8192 resulted in the failure of the
* PIXAR machines to correctly display an image.
* Therefore, if IMPICWRITESTART must be changed, only increase
* this constant.
* ALSO, the read algorithm assumes ( since it was not clearly
* stated in the PIXAR specification sheets for the pic format )
* that the pixel information is stored in block size pieces
* starting from the location indicated by the tile_pointer.
* (ie: if the tile pointer does not begin at the beginning of
* an integer number of the block size, ( in this case
* 8192 or 16384 ... ) a full block of information
* will still be read starting from that tile position
* as well as when writing the pixel information:
* instead of starting the number of bytes written
* numWritten count begins at 0 )
typedef struct imPicHeaderInfo
unsigned int magic_number; /* 0x00,0x00,0xe8,0x80(MSBshown)*/
unsigned short version_number; /* Zero for current release */
unsigned char label[IMPICLABEL]; /* Ascii description of image */
long labelptr; /* Ptr to label continuation */
unsigned char gap[IMPICGAP]; /* Unused space in header info */
unsigned short pic_height; /* Pixel height of full image */
unsigned short pic_width; /* Pixel width of full image */
unsigned short tile_height; /* Pixel height of each tile */
unsigned short tile_width; /* Pixel width of each tile */
unsigned short pic_format; /* four bits designating RGBA */
unsigned short pic_storage; /* encoding and number of bits */
unsigned short block; /* optimum disk transfer chunk */
unsigned short alpha; /* matted-to-black:0 unassoc.:1 */
unsigned short x_offset; /* horizontal offset for picture*/
unsigned short y_offset; /* vertical offest for picture */
unsigned char space[IMPICSPACE]; /* mysterious void in header */
unsigned int intspace; /* Unused int space */
unsigned char unused[IMPICUNUSED]; /* Unused expansion space */
long tile_ptr; /* Location of tile */
unsigned int tile_len; /* Length of tile */
} imPicHeaderInfo;
BinField imPicHeaderFields[ ] =
{ UINT, 4, 1 }, /* Magic number */
{ USHORT, 2, 1 }, /* Zero for current release */
{ UCHAR, 1, IMPICLABEL }, /* Ascii description of image */
{ LONG, 4, 1 }, /* Ptr to label continuation */
{ UCHAR, 1, IMPICGAP }, /* Unused space in header info */
{ USHORT, 2, 1 }, /* Pixel height of full image */
{ USHORT, 2, 1 }, /* Pixel width of full image */
{ USHORT, 2, 1 }, /* Pixel height of each tile */
{ USHORT, 2, 1 }, /* Pixel width of each tile */
{ USHORT, 2, 1 }, /* four bits designating RGBA */
{ USHORT, 2, 1 }, /* encoding and number of bits */
{ USHORT, 2, 1 }, /* optimum disk transfer chunk */
{ USHORT, 2, 1 }, /* matted-to-black:0 unassoc.:1 */
{ USHORT, 2, 1 }, /* horizontal offset for picture*/
{ USHORT, 2, 1 }, /* vertical offset for picture */
{ UCHAR, 1, IMPICSPACE }, /* mysterious void in header */
{ UINT, 4, 1 }, /* Unused int space */
{ UCHAR, 1, IMPICUNUSED }, /* Unused expansion space */
{ LONG, 4, 1 }, /* Location of tile */
{ UINT, 4, 1 }, /* Length of tile */
{ 0, 0, 0 }
* imPicFr2Buf - Free two chunks of memory
* Call free two times to free the two chunks of memory pointed to by
* a-b.
#define imPicFr2Buf(a,b) free((char*)(a)); free((char*)(b))
* imPicFrTwoBuf - Free two chunks of memory of different types
* Call free two times to free the two chunks of memory pointed to by
* a-b.
#define imPicFrTwoBuf(a,b) free((sdsc_uint16*)(a)); free((char*)(b))
#ifdef __STDC__
static int imPicReadEncode8( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable, imPicHeaderInfo *h, int fields );
static int imPicReadDump8( int ioType, int fd, FILE* fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable, imPicHeaderInfo *h, int fields, int channels );
static int imPicReadEncode12( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable, imPicHeaderInfo *h, int fields );
static int imPicReadDump12( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable, imPicHeaderInfo *h, int fields, int channels );
static int imPicReadEncode8( );
static int imPicReadDump8( );
static int imPicReadEncode12( );
static int imPicReadDump12( );
* imPicRead - read a PIXAR picture file
* The file header is read and the size of the image is detemined.
* The type of PIXAR storage format and the type of vfb are determined.
* The appropriate private function is called to allocate the vfb and
* complete the read of the PIXAR file.
static int /* Returns # tags read in */
#ifdef __STDC__
imPicRead( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable )
imPicRead( ioType, fd, fp, flags, tagTable )
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flags; /* Format flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag list to add to */
imPicHeaderInfo header; /* PIC file header */
int fields; /* VFB alocation information */
int channels; /* Num of bytes for each pixel */
char message[100]; /* ImInfo message */
* PIC files are usually generated on PIXARs, which stores
* MULTIPLE-byte data with the least significant 8 in the first
* byte. This is an LBF byte order.
* There is no floating point in the file so we
* won't bother setting the float format for BIN.
BinByteOrder( BINLBF );
* Read in the header.
if (ImBinReadStruct(ioType, fd, fp, &header, imPicHeaderFields ) == -1)
* These lines are used if a flag is set to printout file info.
sprintf (message,"%d",header.version_number);
ImInfo ("Version",message);
ImInfo ("Byte Order","Least Significant Byte First");
sprintf (message, "%d x %d",header.pic_width, header.pic_height);
ImInfo ("Resolution",message);
if ( (header.pic_storage == IMPICENCODE12) ||
(header.pic_storage == IMPICDUMP12) )
switch ( header.pic_format )
sprintf (message, "48-bit RGB and Alpha");
sprintf (message, "36-bit RGB");
sprintf (message, "12-bit Grayscale");
switch ( header.pic_format )
sprintf (message, "32-bit RGB and Alpha");
sprintf (message, "24-bit RGB");
sprintf (message, "8-bit Grayscale");
ImInfo( "Type", message );
if ( (header.pic_storage == IMPICENCODE12) ||
(header.pic_storage == IMPICENCODE8) )
ImInfo ("Compression Type","Run Length Encoded (RLE)")
ImInfo ("Compression Type","none (dump)");
if (header.pic_format==IMFULLRGBA) ImInfo ("Alpha Channel","8-bit")
else ImInfo ("Alpha Channel","none");
* Check the important header parameters for picture format
* (1) Were we given a pixar PIC picture file ?
if ( header.magic_number != IMPICNUMBER )
ImErrorFatal ( ImQError(), -1, ImErrNo );
* (2) Do we have just ONE tile ?
* (NOTE: This is a temporary consideration for multiple tiles )
if ( ( header.pic_width != header.tile_width ) ||
( header.pic_height != header.tile_height ) )
ImErrorFatal( "PIXAR pic files with multiple tiles not yet implemented",
* (3) What pixar picture format have we been given?
* Set the appropriate vfb fields for future construction.
switch ( header.pic_format )
channels = 4;
fields = IMVFBRGB;
channels = 3;
if ( (header.pic_storage == IMPICENCODE12) ||
(header.pic_storage == IMPICDUMP12) )
fields = IMVFBINDEX16;
fields = IMVFBINDEX8;
channels = 1;
ImErrorFatal( "Unknown Pic picture format type", -1, ImErrNo );
* (4) How is the pixar picture file stored?
* Call specific routine for each case.
switch ( header.pic_storage )
return ( imPicReadEncode8 ( ioType, fd, fp, flags, tagTable,
&header, fields ) );
return ( imPicReadDump8 ( ioType, fd, fp, flags, tagTable,
&header, fields, channels ) );
return ( imPicReadEncode12 ( ioType, fd, fp, flags, tagTable,
&header, fields ) );
return ( imPicReadDump12 ( ioType, fd, fp, flags, tagTable,
&header, fields, channels ) );
ImErrorFatal( "Uknown Pic storage mode", -1, ImErrNo );
* imPicReadEncode8 - read a PIXAR 8-bit encoded picture file
* Space is allocated for the VFB and the PIXAR pixel packets are
* decoded and expanded if necessary into run buffers of straight
* RGB values. These values are transfered to the VFB and the
* completed VFB added to the tag list.
static int /* Returns # tags read in */
#ifdef __STDC__
imPicReadEncode8( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable, imPicHeaderInfo *h, int fields )
imPicReadEncode8( ioType, fd, fp, flags, tagTable, h, fields )
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flags; /* Format flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag list to add to */
imPicHeaderInfo *h; /* The Pixar picture header */
int fields; /* The flags for the vfb */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Read in image */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
unsigned char *info; /* Buffer for PIXAR pic data */
unsigned char *infoptr; /* Pointer to info data */
int x,y; /* Convenient short names */
int i; /* Loop counters */
int lcnt; /* Number of pixels in line */
int byte1; /* 1st byte of 16-bit id */
int byte2; /* 2nd byte of 16-bit id */
int flag; /* Signifies the type of packet */
int bytecount; /* Tracks bytes for block read */
int count; /* Number of pixel/runs in pack */
int lambda; /* Number of pixels in run */
unsigned char alpha; /* Holds constant alpha values */
x = h->pic_width;
y = h->pic_height;
bytecount = 0;
* Allocate a VFB of the required size.
if ( (vfb = ImVfbAlloc( x, y, fields )) == IMVFBNULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError(), -1, ImErrNo );
* Position the pointer at the beginning of the first scanline
pptr = ImVfbQFirst( vfb );
* Allocate the data input buffer for the info to be read
ImMalloc( info, unsigned char *, h->block);
infoptr = info;
* First read in unused portion up to the first tile
if ( (h->tile_ptr - IMPICHEADERSIZE) > 0 )
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFILE )
ImSeek(ioType,fd,fp,h->tile_ptr-IMPICHEADERSIZE, 1 );
unsigned char *empty; /* Local unused section of pic data */
ImMalloc(empty, unsigned char*, h->tile_ptr-IMPICHEADERSIZE );
if (ImBinRead(ioType, fd, fp, empty, UCHAR,
1, h->tile_ptr - IMPICHEADERSIZE) == -1)
free( (char *)empty );
free( (char *)info );
free( (char *)empty );
* Then read first block of pixel info
* (note: if pixel info does not start at logical beginning of a
* block, a full block of info will still be read in )
if (ImBinRead(ioType, fd, fp, info, UCHAR, 1, h->block)==-1)
free( (char *)info );
* Determine what PIC file format we have.
* In each case:
* Loop through the scan lines. Decode packets of info for each line.
* Placing each decoded packet directly into the vfb.
* (NOTE: No default needed in switch as pic_format checked before
* this procedure)
switch ( h->pic_format )
for ( i=0; i<y; i++ )
lcnt = 0;
while ( lcnt < x )
* Decode packets of the 4 channel info based on the
* type of packet that is read from the picture file.
* Directly place the byte info in the vfb
byte1 = *infoptr++;
byte2 = *infoptr++;
bytecount += 2;
flag = byte2 >> 4;
count = ( (byte2 & 0x0f) << 8 ) | byte1;
switch ( flag )
case 1:
lcnt = lcnt + count +1;
while ( count-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSRed( vfb, pptr, (*infoptr++) );
ImVfbSGreen( vfb, pptr, (*infoptr++) );
ImVfbSBlue( vfb, pptr, (*infoptr++) );
ImVfbSAlpha( vfb, pptr, (*infoptr++) );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
bytecount += 4;
case 2:
while ( count-- >= 0 )
lambda = *infoptr++;
lcnt = lcnt + lambda +1;
while ( lambda-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSRed( vfb, pptr, (*(infoptr)) );
ImVfbSGreen( vfb, pptr, (*(infoptr+1)));
ImVfbSBlue( vfb, pptr, (*(infoptr+2)));
ImVfbSAlpha( vfb, pptr, (*(infoptr+3)));
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
infoptr += 4;
bytecount += 4;
case 3:
alpha = *infoptr++;
lcnt = lcnt + count +1;
while ( count-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSRed( vfb, pptr, (*infoptr++) );
ImVfbSGreen( vfb, pptr, (*infoptr++) );
ImVfbSBlue( vfb, pptr, (*infoptr++) );
ImVfbSAlpha( vfb, pptr, alpha );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
bytecount += 3;
case 4:
alpha = *infoptr++;
while ( count-- >= 0 )
lambda = *infoptr++;
lcnt = lcnt + lambda +1;
while ( lambda-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSRed( vfb, pptr, (*(infoptr)) );
ImVfbSGreen( vfb, pptr, (*(infoptr+1)));
ImVfbSBlue( vfb, pptr, (*(infoptr+2)));
ImVfbSAlpha( vfb, pptr, alpha );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
infoptr += 3;
bytecount += 3;
case 0:
* This signifies end of block
bytecount = h->block;
ImErrorFatal( ImQError(), -1, ImErrNo );
/* If the end of a block has been reached,
* read next block of picture info.
if ( bytecount >= h->block-2 )
if (ImBinRead(ioType, fd, fp, info, UCHAR,
1, h->block) == -1)
free( (char *)info );
infoptr = info;
bytecount = 0;
for ( i=0; i<y; i++ )
lcnt = 0;
while ( lcnt < x )
* Decode packets of the 3 channel info based on the
* type of packet that is read from the picture file.
* Directly place the byte info in the vfb
byte1 = *infoptr++;
byte2 = *infoptr++;
bytecount += 2;
flag = byte2 >> 4;
count = ( (byte2 & 0x0f) << 8 ) | byte1;
switch ( flag )
case 1:
lcnt = lcnt + count +1;
while ( count-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSRed( vfb, pptr, (*infoptr++) );
ImVfbSGreen( vfb, pptr, (*infoptr++) );
ImVfbSBlue( vfb, pptr, (*infoptr++) );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
bytecount += 3;
case 2:
while ( count-- >= 0 )
lambda = *infoptr++;
lcnt = lcnt + lambda +1;
while ( lambda-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSRed( vfb, pptr, (*(infoptr)) );
ImVfbSGreen( vfb, pptr, (*(infoptr+1)));
ImVfbSBlue( vfb, pptr, (*(infoptr+2)));
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
infoptr += 3;
bytecount += 3;
case 0:
* This signifies end of block
bytecount = h->block;
ImErrorFatal( ImQError(), -1, ImErrNo );
* If the end of a block has been reached,
* read next block of picture info.
if ( bytecount >= h->block-2 )
if (ImBinRead(ioType, fd, fp, info, UCHAR,
1, h->block) == -1)
free( (char *)info );
infoptr = info;
bytecount = 0;
for ( i=0; i<y; i++ )
lcnt = 0;
while ( lcnt < x )
* Decode packets of the 1 channel info based on the
* type of packet that is read from the picture file.
* Directly place the byte info in the vfb
byte1 = *infoptr++;
byte2 = *infoptr++;
bytecount += 2;
flag = byte2 >> 4;
count = ( (byte2 & 0x0f) << 8 ) | byte1;
switch ( flag )
case 1:
lcnt = lcnt + count +1;
while ( count-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSIndex8( vfb, pptr, (*infoptr++) );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
bytecount += 1;
case 2:
while ( count-- >= 0 )
lambda = *infoptr++;
lcnt = lcnt + lambda +1;
while ( lambda-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSIndex8( vfb, pptr, (*infoptr) );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
case 0:
* This signifies end of block
bytecount = h->block;
ImErrorFatal( ImQError(), -1, ImErrNo );
* If the end of a block has been reached,
* read next block of picture info.
if ( bytecount >= h->block-2 )
if (ImBinRead(ioType, fd, fp, info, UCHAR,
1, h->block) == -1)
free( (char *)info );
infoptr = info;
bytecount = 0;
* Free the pixel storage arrays
free( (char *)info );
* Add the VFB to the tagTable.
TagTableAppend( tagTable, TagEntryAlloc( "image vfb", POINTER, &vfb ) );
return ( 1 );
* imPicReadDump8 - read a PIXAR 8-bit dumped picture file
* Space is allocated for the VFB and the PIXAR dumped pixels are
* are directly transfered to the VFB based on the number of channels
* and the completed VFB is added to the tag list.
static int /* Returns # tags read in */
#ifdef __STDC__
imPicReadDump8( int ioType, int fd, FILE* fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable, imPicHeaderInfo *h, int fields, int channels )
imPicReadDump8( ioType, fd, fp, flags, tagTable, h, fields, channels )
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flags; /* Format flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag list to add to */
imPicHeaderInfo *h; /* The Pixar picture header */
int fields; /* The flags for the vfb */
int channels; /* The Pixar channel format */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Read in image */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
unsigned char *info; /* Buffer for PIXAR pic data */
unsigned char *infoHead; /* The start of the info buffer */
unsigned char *empty; /* Buffer for unused area */
int x,y; /* Convenient short names */
int i,j; /* Loop counters */
x = h->pic_width;
y = h->pic_height;
* Allocate a VFB of the required size.
if ( (vfb = ImVfbAlloc( x, y, fields )) == IMVFBNULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError(), -1, ImErrNo );
* Position the pointer at the beginning of the first scanline
pptr = ImVfbQFirst( vfb );
* Allocate buffer large enough for one scanline of pixel info
* and for the unused portion between the header and dumped pixels.
* Store start of info buffer for future reads.
ImMalloc( info, unsigned char *, (channels*x));
infoHead = info;
* First read in unused portion up to the first tile
if ( (h->tile_ptr - IMPICHEADERSIZE) > 0 )
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFILE )
ImSeek(ioType,fd,fp,h->tile_ptr-IMPICHEADERSIZE, 1 );
ImMalloc(empty, unsigned char*, h->tile_ptr - IMPICHEADERSIZE );
if (ImBinRead(ioType, fd, fp, empty, UCHAR,
1, h->tile_ptr - IMPICHEADERSIZE) == -1)
free( (char *)empty );
free( (char *)info );
* Determine what PIC Image format we have and
* Loop through the scan lines. Dump pixels from info for each line
* into the vfb based on # of channels.
* (NOTE: No default needed as the error checking for form done before)
switch ( h->pic_format )
for ( i=0; i<y; i++ )
* read a scanline of pixel info to be dumped
if (ImBinRead(ioType,fd,fp,info,UCHAR,1,4*x) == -1)
free( (char *)info );
for ( j=0; j < x; j++ )
ImVfbSRed( vfb, pptr, *info++ );
ImVfbSGreen( vfb, pptr, *info++ );
ImVfbSBlue( vfb, pptr, *info++ );
ImVfbSAlpha( vfb, pptr, *info++ );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
info = infoHead;
for ( i=0; i<y; i++ )
* read a scanline of pixel info to be dumped
if (ImBinRead(ioType,fd,fp,info,UCHAR,1,3*x) == -1)
free( (char *)info );
for ( j=0; j < x; j++ )
ImVfbSRed( vfb, pptr, *info++ );
ImVfbSGreen( vfb, pptr, *info++ );
ImVfbSBlue( vfb, pptr, *info++ );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
info = infoHead;
for ( i=0; i<y; i++ )
* read a scanline of pixel info to be dumped
if (ImBinRead(ioType,fd,fp,info,UCHAR,1,x) == -1)
free( (char *)info );
for ( j=0; j < x; j++ )
ImVfbSIndex8( vfb, pptr, *info++ );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
info = infoHead;
* Add the VFB to the tagTable.
TagTableAppend( tagTable, TagEntryAlloc( "image vfb", POINTER, &vfb ) );
* Free the pixel storage arrays
free( (char *)info );
return ( 1 );
* imPicReadEncode12 - read a PIXAR 12-bit encoded picture file
* Space is allocated for the VFB and the PIXAR pixel packets are
* decoded and expanded if necessary into run buffers of straight
* RGB values. These values are transfered to the VFB and the
* completed VFB added to the tag list.
static int /* Returns # tags read in */
#ifdef __STDC__
imPicReadEncode12( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable, imPicHeaderInfo *h, int fields )
imPicReadEncode12( ioType, fd, fp, flags, tagTable, h, fields )
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flags; /* Format flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag list to add to */
imPicHeaderInfo *h; /* The Pixar picture header */
int fields; /* The flags for the vfb */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Read in image */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
sdsc_uint16 *info; /* Buffer for PIXAR pic data */
sdsc_uint16 *infoptr; /* Pointer for info data */
unsigned char *empty; /* Unused section of PIC file */
int x,y; /* Convenient short names */
int i,j; /* Loop counters */
int lcnt; /* Number of pixels in line */
int twobyte; /* Holds the 16-bit id */
int flag; /* Signifies the type of packet */
int bytecount; /* Tracks bytes for block read */
int count; /* Number of pixel/runs in pack */
int lambda; /* Number of pixels in run */
unsigned char alpha; /* Holds constant alpha values */
x = h->pic_width;
y = h->pic_height;
bytecount = 0;
* Allocate a VFB of the required size.
if ( (vfb = ImVfbAlloc( x, y, fields )) == IMVFBNULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError(), -1, ImErrNo );
* Position the pointer at the beginning of the first scanline
pptr = ImVfbQFirst( vfb );
* Allocate the data input buffer for the info to be read
ImMalloc( info, sdsc_uint16 *, h->block);
infoptr = info;
* First read in unused portion up to the first tile
if ( (h->tile_ptr - IMPICHEADERSIZE) > 0 )
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFILE )
ImSeek(ioType,fd,fp,h->tile_ptr-IMPICHEADERSIZE, 1);
ImMalloc(empty, unsigned char*, h->tile_ptr - IMPICHEADERSIZE );
if (ImBinRead(ioType, fd, fp, empty, UCHAR,
1, h->tile_ptr - IMPICHEADERSIZE) == -1)
free( (char *)empty );
free( (char *)info );
* Then read first block of pixel info
if (ImBinRead(ioType, fd, fp, info, UINT16, 2, h->block/2) == -1)
free( (char *)info );
* Determine what PIC file format we have.
* In each case:
* Loop through the scan lines. Decode packets of info for each line.
* Placing each decoded packet directly into the vfb.
* (NOTE: No default needed as pic_format checked before this procedure)
switch ( h->pic_format )
* Since Vfb can only hold 8-bit RGB values, the 12-bit values
* must be truncated. Need to warn the user that this occurs
ImErrorWarning( "12-bit data being reduced to 8-bit data",
for ( i=0; i<y; i++ )
lcnt = 0;
while ( lcnt < x )
* Decode packets of the 4 channel info based on the
* type of packet that is read from the picture file.
* Directly place the byte info in the vfb
twobyte = *infoptr++;
bytecount += 2;
* Since the packed 16 bits was read in as a single
* sdsc_int16 value with LSB byte order the placement of the
* bits is as follows:
* byte: flag<0:3> count<8:11> count<0:7>
* (Note: this is flipped from the byte listing
* in descriptions above)
flag = twobyte >> 12;
count = twobyte & 0x0fff;
switch ( flag )
case 1:
lcnt = lcnt + count +1;
while ( count-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSRed( vfb, pptr, ((*infoptr++)>>4) );
ImVfbSGreen( vfb, pptr, ((*infoptr++)>>4) );
ImVfbSBlue( vfb, pptr, ((*infoptr++)>>4) );
ImVfbSAlpha( vfb, pptr, ((*infoptr++)>>4) );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
bytecount += 8;
case 2:
while ( count-- >= 0 )
lambda = *infoptr++;
bytecount += 2;
lcnt = lcnt + lambda +1;
while ( lambda-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSRed( vfb,pptr,((*(infoptr))>>4) );
ImVfbSBlue( vfb,pptr,((*(infoptr+2))>>4));
ImVfbSInc( vfb,pptr );
infoptr += 4;
bytecount += 8;
case 3:
alpha = *infoptr++;
bytecount += 2;
lcnt = lcnt + count +1;
while ( count-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSRed( vfb, pptr, ((*infoptr++)>>4) );
ImVfbSGreen( vfb, pptr, ((*infoptr++)>>4) );
ImVfbSBlue( vfb, pptr, ((*infoptr++)>>4) );
ImVfbSAlpha( vfb, pptr, alpha );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
bytecount += 6;
case 4:
alpha = *infoptr++;
bytecount += 2;
while ( count-- >= 0 )
lambda = *infoptr++;
bytecount += 2;
lcnt = lcnt + lambda +1;
while ( lambda-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSRed( vfb,pptr,((*(infoptr))>>4) );
ImVfbSBlue( vfb,pptr,((*(infoptr+2))>>4));
ImVfbSAlpha( vfb, pptr, alpha );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
infoptr += 3;
bytecount += 6;
case 0:
* This signifies end of block
bytecount = h->block;
ImErrorFatal( ImQError(), -1, ImErrNo );
/* If the end of a block has been reached,
* read next block of picture info.
if ( bytecount >= h->block-2 )
if (ImBinRead(ioType, fd, fp, info, UINT16,
2, h->block/2 ) == -1)
free( (char *)info );
infoptr = info;
bytecount = 0;
* Since Vfb can only hold 8-bit RGB values, the 12-bit values
* must be truncated. Need to warn the user that this occurs
ImErrorWarning( "12-bit data being reduced to 8-bit data",
for ( i=0; i<y; i++ )
lcnt = 0;
while ( lcnt < x )
* Decode packets of the 3 channel info based on the
* type of packet that is read from the picture file.
* Directly place the byte info in the vfb
twobyte = *infoptr++;
bytecount += 2;
* Since the packed 16 bits was read in as a single
* sdsc_int16 value with LSB byte order the placement of the
* bits is as follows:
* byte: flag<0:3> count<8:11> count<0:7>
* (Note: this is flipped from the byte listing
* in descriptions above)
flag = twobyte >> 12;
count = twobyte & 0x0fff;
switch ( flag )
case 1:
lcnt = lcnt + count +1;
while ( count-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSRed( vfb, pptr, ((*infoptr++)>>4) );
ImVfbSGreen( vfb, pptr, ((*infoptr++)>>4) );
ImVfbSBlue( vfb, pptr, ((*infoptr++)>>4) );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
bytecount += 6;
case 2:
while ( count-- >= 0 )
lambda = *infoptr++;
bytecount += 2;
lcnt = lcnt + lambda +1;
while ( lambda-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSRed( vfb,pptr,((*(infoptr))>>4) );
ImVfbSBlue( vfb,pptr,((*(infoptr+2))>>4));
ImVfbSInc( vfb,pptr );
infoptr += 3;
bytecount += 6;
case 0:
* This signifies end of block
bytecount = h->block;
ImErrorFatal( ImQError(), -1, ImErrNo );
/* If the end of a block has been reached,
* read next block of picture info.
if ( bytecount >= h->block-2 )
if (ImBinRead(ioType, fd, fp, info, UINT16,
2, h->block/2 ) == -1)
free( (char *)info );
infoptr = info;
bytecount = 0;
for ( i=0; i<y; i++ )
lcnt = 0;
while ( lcnt < x )
* Decode packets of the 1 channel info based on the
* type of packet that is read from the picture file.
* Directly place the byte info in the vfb
twobyte = *infoptr++;
bytecount += 2;
* Since the packed 16 bits was read in as a single
* sdsc_int16 value with LSB byte order the placement of the
* bits is as follows:
* byte: flag<0:3> count<8:11> count<0:7>
* (Note: this is flipped from the byte listing
* in descriptions above)
flag = twobyte >> 12;
count = twobyte & 0x0fff;
switch ( flag )
case 1:
lcnt = lcnt + count +1;
while ( count-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSIndex16( vfb, pptr, (*infoptr++) );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
bytecount += 2;
case 2:
while ( count-- >= 0 )
lambda = *infoptr++;
lcnt = lcnt + lambda +1;
while ( lambda-- >= 0 )
ImVfbSIndex16( vfb, pptr, (*infoptr) );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
bytecount +=2;
case 0:
* This signifies end of block
bytecount = h->block;
ImErrorFatal( ImQError(), -1, ImErrNo );
* If the end of a block has been reached,
* read next block of picture info.
if ( bytecount >= h->block-2 )
if (ImBinRead(ioType, fd, fp, info, UINT16,
2, h->block/2 ) == -1)
free( (char *)info );
infoptr = info;
bytecount = 0;
* Free the pixel storage arrays picture data
free( (char *)info );
* Add the VFB to the tagTable.
TagTableAppend( tagTable, TagEntryAlloc( "image vfb", POINTER, &vfb ) );
return ( 1 );
* imPicReadDump12 - read a PIXAR 12-bit dumped picture file
* Space is allocated for the VFB and the PIXAR dumped pixels are
* directly transfered to the VFB based on the number of channels
* after reducing info to an 8 bit representation, and then
* the completed VFB is added to the tag list.
* (Note: that the 12-bit pixel values in info are first reduced to
* an 8-bit representation before being transfered to the
* the appropriate vfb color indicators. )
static int /* Returns # tags read in */
#ifdef __STDC__
imPicReadDump12( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable, imPicHeaderInfo *h, int fields, int channels )
imPicReadDump12( ioType, fd, fp, flags, tagTable, h, fields, channels )
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flags; /* Format flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag list to add to */
imPicHeaderInfo *h; /* The Pixar picture header */
int fields; /* The flags for the vfb */
int channels; /* The Pixar picture format */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Read in image */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
sdsc_uint16 *info; /* Buffer for PIXAR pic data */
sdsc_uint16 *infoHead; /* The start of the info buffer */
unsigned char *empty; /* Buffer for unused area */
int x,y; /* Convenient short names */
int i,j; /* Loop counters */
x = h->pic_width;
y = h->pic_height;
* Allocate a VFB of the required size.
if ( (vfb = ImVfbAlloc( x, y, fields )) == IMVFBNULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError(), -1, ImErrNo );
* Position the pointer at the beginning of the first scanline
pptr = ImVfbQFirst( vfb );
* Allocate buffer large enough for one scanline of pixel info
* (NOTE: 12 bit data stored in TWO bytes )
* and for the unused portion between the header and dumped pixels.
* Save start point of info buffer.
ImMalloc( info, sdsc_uint16 *, (2*channels*x) );
infoHead = info;
* First read in unused portion up to the first tile
if ( (h->tile_ptr - IMPICHEADERSIZE) > 0 )
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFILE )
ImSeek(ioType,fd,fp,h->tile_ptr-IMPICHEADERSIZE, 1 );
ImMalloc( empty, unsigned char *, h->block-IMPICHEADERSIZE);
if (ImBinRead(ioType, fd, fp, empty, UCHAR,
1, h->tile_ptr - IMPICHEADERSIZE) == -1)
free( (char *)empty );
free( (char *)info );
* Determine what PIC Image format we have and
* Loop through the scan lines. Dump pixels from info for each line
* into the vfb based on # of channels.
* (NOTE: No default needed as error checking for format done before)
switch ( h->pic_format )
* Since Vfb can only hold 8-bit RGB values, the 12-bit values
* must be truncated. Need to warn the user that this occurs
ImErrorWarning( "12-bit data being reduced to 8-bit data",
for ( i=0; i<y; i++ )
* read a scanline of pixel info to be dumped
if (ImBinRead(ioType,fd,fp,info,UINT16,2,4*x) == -1)
free( (char *)info );
for ( j=0; j < x; j++ )
ImVfbSRed( vfb, pptr, ((*info++) >> 4) );
ImVfbSGreen( vfb, pptr, ((*info++) >> 4) );
ImVfbSBlue( vfb, pptr, ((*info++) >> 4) );
ImVfbSAlpha( vfb, pptr, ((*info++) >> 4) );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
info = infoHead;
* Since Vfb can only hold 8-bit RGB values, the 12-bit values
* must be truncated. Need to warn the user that this occurs
ImErrorWarning( "12-bit data being reduced to 8-bit data",
for ( i=0; i<y; i++ )
* read a scanline of pixel info to be dumped
if (ImBinRead(ioType,fd,fp,info,UINT16,2,3*x) == -1)
free( (char *)info );
for ( j=0; j < x; j++ )
ImVfbSRed( vfb, pptr, ((*info++) >> 4) );
ImVfbSGreen( vfb, pptr, ((*info++) >> 4) );
ImVfbSBlue( vfb, pptr, ((*info++) >> 4) );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
info = infoHead;
for ( i=0; i<y; i++ )
* read a scanline of pixel info to be dumped
if (ImBinRead(ioType,fd,fp,info,UINT16,2,x) == -1)
free( (char *)info );
for ( j=0; j < x; j++ )
ImVfbSIndex16( vfb, pptr, *info++ );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
info = infoHead;
* Add the VFB to the tagTable.
TagTableAppend( tagTable, TagEntryAlloc( "image vfb", POINTER, &vfb ) );
* Free the pixel storage arrays
free( (char *)info );
return ( 1 );
* imPicWriteHeader - write header for a Pic file
* Initialize and write out the header for a PIC file.
static int /* Returns status */
#ifdef __STDC__
imPicWriteHeader( int ioType, int fd, FILE* fp, ImVfb* vfb, int format, int storage, int alpha, int length )
imPicWriteHeader( ioType, fd, fp, vfb, format, storage, alpha, length )
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Read in image */
int format; /* Image format (depth) */
int storage; /* Image storage style */
int alpha; /* Image alpha mode */
int length; /* Image length */
imPicHeaderInfo header; /* PIC file header */
int numWritten; /* Number of bytes written */
char message[100]; /* ImInfo message */
* Check to see if the user wants the PIC image to be dump format
* ( default: PIC image will be encoded 8-bit )
* And set format in image header.
memset( (void *)&header, 0x00, sizeof( header ) );
header.pic_storage = storage;
header.magic_number = IMPICNUMBER;
header.version_number = 2;
header.labelptr = 0;
header.pic_height = ImVfbQHeight( vfb );
header.pic_width = ImVfbQWidth( vfb );
header.tile_height = header.pic_height;
header.tile_width = header.pic_width;
header.block = IMPICBLOCK;
header.alpha = alpha;
header.x_offset = 0;
header.y_offset = 0;
header.intspace = 0;
header.tile_ptr = IMPICWRITESTART;
header.tile_len = length;
header.pic_format = format;
if (( numWritten = ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &header,
imPicHeaderFields )) == -1 )
if ( numWritten != IMPICHEADERSIZE )
ImErrorFatal ( ImQError(), -1, ImErrNo );
* To allow for variable space between the header and the data
* this section has been included.
if ( numWritten < IMPICWRITESTART )
int numToWrite;
unsigned char *buf; /* Pointer for temp buffer */
numToWrite = IMPICWRITESTART - numWritten;
ImMalloc( buf, unsigned char*, numToWrite );
memset( (void *)buf, 0x00, numToWrite );
if(ImBinWrite(ioType,fd,fp,buf,UCHAR,1,numToWrite)== -1 )
free( buf );
free( buf );
* These lines are used if a flag is set to printout file info.
sprintf (message,"%d",header.version_number);
ImInfo ("Version",message);
ImInfo ("Byte Order","Least Significant Byte First");
sprintf (message, "%d x %d",header.pic_width, header.pic_height);
ImInfo ("Resolution",message);
if ( (header.pic_storage == IMPICENCODE12) ||
(header.pic_storage == IMPICDUMP12) )
switch ( header.pic_format )
sprintf (message, "48-bit RGB and Alpha");
sprintf (message, "36-bit RGB");
sprintf (message, "12-bit Grayscale");
switch ( header.pic_format )
sprintf (message, "32-bit RGB and Alpha");
sprintf (message, "24-bit RGB");
sprintf (message, "8-bit Grayscale");
ImInfo( "Type", message );
if ( (header.pic_storage == IMPICENCODE12) ||
(header.pic_storage == IMPICENCODE8) )
ImInfo ("Compression Type","Run Length Encoded (RLE)")
ImInfo ("Compression Type","none (dump)");
if (header.pic_format==IMFULLRGBA) ImInfo ("Alpha Channel","8-bit")
else ImInfo ("Alpha Channel","none");
return ( 0 );
* imPicWriteRGBA - write a four-channel PIC file, dump
* imPicWriteRGBARLE - write a four-channel PIC file, encoded
* Vfb pixel info is read into buffers and is either run length encoded
* by counting the number of repitiions on each scanline, or the info
* is dumped directly into the PIXAR Picture file.
static int /* Returns # of tags used */
#ifdef __STDC__
imPicWriteRGBA(ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imPicWriteRGBA( pMap, ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable )
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Format flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag list to read from */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Image to write */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
unsigned char *buf; /* Run buffer */
unsigned char *bufStart; /* Pointer to first loc in buf */
int i,j; /* Loop counters */
int x,y; /* Loop bounds */
* PIC files are usually generated on PIXARs, which stores
* MULTIPLE-byte data with the least significant 8 in the first
* byte. This is an LBF byte order.
* There is no floating point in the file so we
* won't bother setting the float format for BIN.
BinByteOrder( BINLBF );
* Initialize the things we need
TagEntryQValue( TagTableQDirect( tagTable, "image vfb", 0 ), &vfb );
x = ImVfbQWidth( vfb );
y = ImVfbQHeight( vfb );
pptr = ImVfbQFirst( vfb );
* Write the PIXAR picture file header.
* NOTE: we can pre-compute the length of the pixel data since
* we know the each pixel written will have 4 bytes associated
* with it one for R,G,B,and A. Therefore, Length = 4*x*y
if ( imPicWriteHeader( ioType, fd, fp, vfb, IMFULLRGBA, IMPICDUMP8, IMISALPHA, (4*x*y) ) == -1 )
return ( -1 ); /* Error already handled */
* Allocate a buffer big enough for one scanline, read pixel info
* from vfb, and write it directly to pixar picture file.
ImMalloc( bufStart, unsigned char*, 4*x );
for( i=0; i<y; i++ )
buf = bufStart;
for ( j = 0; j < x; j++ )
*buf++ = ImVfbQRed( vfb, pptr );
*buf++ = ImVfbQGreen( vfb, pptr );
*buf++ = ImVfbQBlue( vfb, pptr );
*buf++ = ImVfbQAlpha( vfb, pptr );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
if( ImBinWrite(ioType,fd,fp,bufStart,UCHAR,1,4*x) == -1 )
free( bufStart );
free( bufStart );
return ( 1 );
static int /* Returns # of tags used */
#ifdef __STDC__
imPicWriteRGBARLE(ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imPicWriteRGBARLE( pMap, ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable )
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Format flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag list to read from */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Image to write */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
unsigned char redBuf[2]; /* R value for two pixels */
unsigned char grnBuf[2]; /* G value for two pixels */
unsigned char bluBuf[2]; /* B value for two pixels */
unsigned char alpBuf[2]; /* A value for two pixels */
unsigned char *buf; /* Run buffer */
unsigned char *bufStart; /* Pointer to first loc in buf */
int i,j,k; /* Loop counters */
int x,y; /* Loop bounds */
unsigned char reps; /* Number of repititions */
unsigned int count, flag; /* Pixar encoding parameters */
int numToWrite; /* Num of bytes to write in buf */
int numWritten; /* bytes written in curr. block */
int totWritten; /* Total number of bytes written*/
int fillBuf; /* Flag to signify to fill buf */
* PIC files are usually generated on PIXARs, which stores
* MULTIPLE-byte data with the least significant 8 in the first
* byte. This is an LBF byte order.
* There is no floating point in the file so we
* won't bother setting the float format for BIN.
BinByteOrder( BINLBF );
* Although the PIXAR picture file header resides first in the file
* the header contains a size field which indicates the length of the
* image, which can only be determined AFTER the pixel values have
* be written,
* Therefore, skip over the header position first, write the data
* next, then go back to the start of the file and write the header.
* Seek to data start position
ImSeek( ioType, fd, fp, IMPICWRITESTART, 1 );
* Initialize the things we need
TagEntryQValue( TagTableQDirect( tagTable, "image vfb", 0 ), &vfb );
x = ImVfbQWidth( vfb );
y = ImVfbQHeight( vfb );
pptr = ImVfbQFirst( vfb );
* Allocate run buffer large enough for one scanline
* with maximum storage for full channels ( one packet )
* and including utilization of space for exceeding block size.
* Retain the start of the buffer space.
ImMalloc( bufStart, unsigned char *, (x*5+4) );
buf = bufStart +2;
* Preset bytes written count for case of exceeding block size.
* Runlength encoding flag = 2 for Pixar format.
numWritten = 0;
totWritten = 0;
fillBuf = 0;
flag = 2;
* Loop through the scan lines. Fill the arrays with channel values,
* encode them, and then write them out to a temporary buffer
* in order to keep track of number of runlengths.
* Then write out to file at end of counting process filling out
* block with zeros when maximum block size has been reached.
* (note:we do not have to worry about the "count" overflowing since
* the blocksize has been fixed to IMPICBLOCK (=8192) and for
* "count" to overflow there would be 5*4095 bytes "to be written".
* The block size would be exceeded first )
for( i=0; i<y; i++ )
reps = 0; count = (unsigned int) -1;
* For each scanline this count starts at two (bytes) for
* minimum write of the 16 bit packed, flag and count
numToWrite = 2;
redBuf[0] = ImVfbQRed( vfb, pptr );
grnBuf[0] = ImVfbQGreen( vfb, pptr );
bluBuf[0] = ImVfbQBlue( vfb, pptr );
alpBuf[0] = ImVfbQAlpha( vfb, pptr );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
* Copy the vfb pixel values into arrays
* and check for repetitions throughout each scanline.
for ( j = 1; j < x; j++ )
redBuf[1] = ImVfbQRed( vfb, pptr );
grnBuf[1] = ImVfbQGreen( vfb, pptr );
bluBuf[1] = ImVfbQBlue( vfb, pptr );
alpBuf[1] = ImVfbQAlpha( vfb, pptr );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
if ( (redBuf[1] == redBuf[0]) &&
(grnBuf[1] == grnBuf[0]) &&
(bluBuf[1] == bluBuf[0]) &&
(alpBuf[1] == alpBuf[0]) )
if ( reps == 255 )
fillBuf = 1;
reps ++;
fillBuf = 1;
if ( fillBuf )
* There must always be at least 2 bytes
* that can be filled with zero's to signify
* the end of the block.(packed as 16 bits)
if ( (numWritten+numToWrite+5)>=(IMPICBLOCK-4) )
* The blocksize will be exceeded if we
* fill the buffer with next packet, and
* since packets cannot span successive
* blocks, the current buffer needs to
* be written and the remainder of
* the block filled with 0's.
* A rare case occurs if the end of a
* scanline was previously written and
* the next packet to fill would cause
* block to overflow; thus, signify
* end of block
if ( numToWrite == 2 )
count = 0;
flag = 0;
* store count and flag bits and
* update count for subsequent check
*bufStart = (unsigned char) (count & 0xff);
*(bufStart+1) = (unsigned char) ((flag << 4) + (count >> 8) );
numWritten += numToWrite;
* Fill out remainder of block
* with zero's which signifies end.
if ( numWritten < IMPICBLOCK )
k = IMPICBLOCK - numWritten;
memset( (void *)buf, 0x00, k );
numToWrite += k;
buf += k;
* Write stored buffer runlength info
UCHAR,1,numToWrite) == -1 )
totWritten += numToWrite;
* Reset variables for next block
buf = bufStart+2;
count = (unsigned int)-1;
numToWrite = 2;
numWritten = 0;
if ( flag == 0 ) flag = 2;
* Fill buffer with next packet info
count ++;
*buf++ = reps;
*buf++ = redBuf[0];
*buf++ = grnBuf[0];
*buf++ = bluBuf[0];
*buf++ = alpBuf[0];
numToWrite += 5;
reps = 0;
* Reset flag and set current pixel as the
* pixel to be compared to for future runs.
fillBuf = 0;
redBuf[0] = redBuf[1];
grnBuf[0] = grnBuf[1];
bluBuf[0] = bluBuf[1];
alpBuf[0] = alpBuf[1];
* Completed scanline. Write out packed 16 bits (flag & count)
* and info of packets contained in buffer.
* Fill buffer with next packet info
count ++;
*buf++ = reps;
*buf++ = redBuf[0];
*buf++ = grnBuf[0];
*buf++ = bluBuf[0];
*buf++ = alpBuf[0];
numToWrite += 5;
*bufStart = (unsigned char) (count & 0xff);
*(bufStart+1) = (unsigned char) ((flag << 4) + (count >> 8));
if(ImBinWrite(ioType,fd,fp,bufStart,UCHAR,1,numToWrite)== -1 )
free( bufStart );
buf = bufStart+2;
numWritten += numToWrite;
totWritten += numToWrite;
* The rest of the last block needs to be completed so that any block
* reads that do not check for the end of the file can read blindly
* NOTE: Some tests were performed on the technique to just close the
* last block with 4 zero's ( which signify the end of the block ),
* but just in case some applications may get confused if the
* block is not totally complete, the remainder of the block will
* be filled with zeros.
if ( numWritten < IMPICBLOCK )
unsigned char *buf;
numToWrite = IMPICBLOCK - numWritten;
ImMalloc( buf, unsigned char*, numToWrite );
memset( (void *)buf, 0x00, numToWrite );
if(ImBinWrite(ioType,fd,fp,buf,UCHAR,1,numToWrite)== -1 )
free( buf );
totWritten += numToWrite;
free( buf );
* Now that all the image data has been written, the header must
* be written; thus, seek back to the start of the file and write it
ImSeek( ioType, fd, fp, 0, 0 );
* Write the PIXAR picture file header.
if ( imPicWriteHeader( ioType, fd, fp, vfb, IMFULLRGBA, IMPICENCODE8, IMISALPHA, totWritten ) == -1 )
return ( -1 ); /* Error already handled */
free( bufStart );
return ( 1 );
* imPicWriteRGB - write a three-channel PIC file, dump
* imPicWriteRGBRLE - write a three-channel PIC file, encoded
* Vfb pixel info is read into buffers and is either run length encoded
* by counting the number of repitiions on each scanline, or the info
* is dumped directly into the PIXAR Picture file.
static int /* Returns # of tags used */
#ifdef __STDC__
imPicWriteRGB(ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imPicWriteRGB( pMap, ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable )
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Format flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag list to read from */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Image to write */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
unsigned char *buf; /* Run buffer */
unsigned char *bufStart; /* Pointer to first loc in buf */
int i,j; /* Loop counters */
int x,y; /* Loop bounds */
* PIC files are usually generated on PIXARs, which stores
* MULTIPLE-byte data with the least significant 8 in the first
* byte. This is an LBF byte order.
* There is no floating point in the file so we
* won't bother setting the float format for BIN.
BinByteOrder( BINLBF );
* Initialize the things we need
TagEntryQValue( TagTableQDirect( tagTable, "image vfb", 0 ), &vfb );
x = ImVfbQWidth( vfb );
y = ImVfbQHeight( vfb );
pptr = ImVfbQFirst( vfb );
* Write the PIXAR picture file header.
* NOTE: we can pre-compute the length of the pixel data since
* we know the each pixel written will have 3 bytes associated
* with it one for R,G,and B. Therefore, Length = 3*x*y
if ( imPicWriteHeader( ioType, fd, fp, vfb, IMRGBBACK, IMPICDUMP8, IMNOALPHA, (3*x*y) ) == -1 )
return ( -1 ); /* Error already handled */
/* Allocate a buffer big enough for one scanline, read pixel info
* from vfb, and write it directly to pixar picture file.
ImMalloc( bufStart, unsigned char*, 3*x );
for( i=0; i<y; i++ )
buf = bufStart;
for ( j = 0; j < x; j++ )
*buf++ = ImVfbQRed( vfb, pptr );
*buf++ = ImVfbQGreen( vfb, pptr );
*buf++ = ImVfbQBlue( vfb, pptr );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
if(ImBinWrite(ioType,fd,fp,bufStart,UCHAR,1,3*x) == -1 )
free( bufStart );
free( bufStart );
return ( 1 );
static int /* Returns # of tags used */
#ifdef __STDC__
imPicWriteRGBRLE(ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imPicWriteRGBRLE( pMap, ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable )
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Format flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag list to read from */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Image to write */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
unsigned char redBuf[2]; /* R value for two pixels */
unsigned char grnBuf[2]; /* G value for two pixels */
unsigned char bluBuf[2]; /* B value for two pixels */
unsigned char *buf; /* Run buffer */
unsigned char *bufStart; /* Pointer to first loc in buf */
int i,j,k; /* Loop counters */
int x,y; /* Loop bounds */
unsigned char reps; /* Number of repititions */
unsigned int count, flag; /* Pixar encoding parameters */
int numToWrite; /* Num of bytes to write in buf */
int numWritten; /* Number of bytes written */
int totWritten; /* Total number of bytes written*/
int fillBuf; /* Flag to signify to fill buf */
* PIC files are usually generated on PIXARs, which stores
* MULTIPLE-byte data with the least significant 8 in the first
* byte. This is an LBF byte order.
* There is no floating point in the file so we
* won't bother setting the float format for BIN.
BinByteOrder( BINLBF );
* Although the PIXAR picture file header resides first in the file
* the header contains a size field which indicates the length of the
* image, which can only be determined AFTER the pixel values have
* be written,
* Therefore, skip over the header position first, write the data
* next, then go back to the start of the file and write the header.
* Seek to data start position
ImSeek( ioType, fd, fp, IMPICWRITESTART, 1 );
* Initialize the things we need
TagEntryQValue( TagTableQDirect( tagTable, "image vfb", 0 ), &vfb );
x = ImVfbQWidth( vfb );
y = ImVfbQHeight( vfb );
pptr = ImVfbQFirst( vfb );
* Allocate run buffer large enough for one scanline
* with maximum storage for full channels ( one packet )
* and including utilization of space for exceeding block size.
* Retain the start of the buffer space.
ImMalloc( bufStart, unsigned char *, (x*4+4) );
buf = bufStart +2;
* Preset bytes written count for case of exceeding block size.
* Runlength encoding flag = 2 for Pixar format.
numWritten = 0;
totWritten = 0;
fillBuf = 0;
flag = 2;
* Loop through the scan lines. Fill the arrays with channel values,
* encode them, and then write them out to a temporary buffer
* in order to keep track of number of runlengths.
* Then write out to file at end of counting process filling out
* block with zeros when maximum block size has been reached.
* (note:we do not have to worry about the "count" overflowing since
* the blocksize has been fixed to IMPICBLOCK (=8192) and for
* "count" to overflow there would be 4*4095 bytes "to be written".
* The block size would be exceeded first )
for( i=0; i<y; i++ )
reps = 0; count = (unsigned int)-1;
* For each scanline this count starts at two (bytes) for
* minimum write of the 16 bit packed flags and count
numToWrite = 2;
redBuf[0] = ImVfbQRed( vfb, pptr );
grnBuf[0] = ImVfbQGreen( vfb, pptr );
bluBuf[0] = ImVfbQBlue( vfb, pptr );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
* Copy the vfb pixel values into arrays
* and check for repetitions throughout each scanline.
for ( j = 1; j < x; j++ )
redBuf[1] = ImVfbQRed( vfb, pptr );
grnBuf[1] = ImVfbQGreen( vfb, pptr );
bluBuf[1] = ImVfbQBlue( vfb, pptr );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
if ( (redBuf[1] == redBuf[0]) &&
(grnBuf[1] == grnBuf[0]) &&
(bluBuf[1] == bluBuf[0]) )
if ( reps == 255 )
fillBuf = 1;
reps ++;
fillBuf = 1;
if ( fillBuf )
* There must always be at least 2 bytes
* that can be filled with zero's to signify
* the end of the block.(packed as 16 bits)
if ( (numWritten+numToWrite+4)>=(IMPICBLOCK-4) )
* The blocksize will be exceeded if we
* fill the buffer with next packet, and
* since packets cannot span successive
* blocks, the current buffer needs to
* be written and the remainder of
* the block filled with 0's.
* A rare case occurs if the end of a
* scanline was previously written and
* the next packet to fill would cause
* block to overflow --
* signify end of block
if ( numToWrite == 2 )
count = 0;
flag = 0;
* store count and flag bits and
* update count for subsequent check
*bufStart = (unsigned char) (count & 0xff);
*(bufStart+1) = (unsigned char) ((flag << 4) +
(count >> 8) );
numWritten += numToWrite;
* Fill out remainder of block
* with zero's to signify end.
if ( numWritten < IMPICBLOCK )
k = IMPICBLOCK - numWritten;
memset( (void *)buf, 0x00, k );
numToWrite += k;
buf += k;
* Write stored buffer runlength info
UCHAR,1,numToWrite) == -1 )
totWritten += numToWrite;
* Reset variables for next block
buf = bufStart+2;
count = (unsigned int)-1;
numToWrite = 2;
numWritten = 0;
if ( flag == 0 ) flag = 2;
* Fill buffer with next packet info
count ++;
*buf++ = reps;
*buf++ = redBuf[0];
*buf++ = grnBuf[0];
*buf++ = bluBuf[0];
numToWrite += 4;
reps = 0;
* Reset flag and set current pixel as the
* pixel to be compared to for future runs.
fillBuf = 0;
redBuf[0] = redBuf[1];
grnBuf[0] = grnBuf[1];
bluBuf[0] = bluBuf[1];
* Completed scanline. Write out packed 16 bits (flag & count)
* and info of packets contained in buffer.
* Fill buffer with next packet info
count ++;
*buf++ = reps;
*buf++ = redBuf[0];
*buf++ = grnBuf[0];
*buf++ = bluBuf[0];
numToWrite += 4;
*bufStart = (unsigned char) (count & 0xff);
*(bufStart+1) = (unsigned char) ((flag << 4) + (count >> 8));
if(ImBinWrite(ioType,fd,fp,bufStart,UCHAR,1,numToWrite)== -1 )
free( bufStart );
buf = bufStart+2;
numWritten += numToWrite;
totWritten += numToWrite;
* The rest of the last block needs to be completed so that any block
* reads that do not check for the end of the file can read blindly
* NOTE: Some tests were performed on the technique to just close the
* last block with 4 zero's ( which signify the end of the block ),
* but just in case some applications may get confused if the
* block is not totally complete, the remainder of the block will
* be filled with zeros.
if ( numWritten < IMPICBLOCK )
unsigned char *buf;
numToWrite = IMPICBLOCK - numWritten;
ImMalloc( buf, unsigned char*, numToWrite );
memset( (void *)buf, 0x00, numToWrite );
if(ImBinWrite(ioType,fd,fp,buf,UCHAR,1,numToWrite)== -1 )
free( buf );
totWritten += numToWrite;
free( buf );
* Now that all the image data has been written, the header must
* be written; thus, seek back to the start of the file and write it
ImSeek( ioType, fd, fp, 0, 0 );
* Write the PIXAR picture file header.
if ( imPicWriteHeader( ioType, fd, fp, vfb, IMRGBBACK, IMPICENCODE8, IMNOALPHA, totWritten ) == -1 )
return ( -1 ); /* Error already handled */
free( bufStart );
return ( 1 );
* imPicWrite8 - write a one-channel PIC file, dump
* imPicWrite8RLE - write a one-channel PIC file, encoded
* Vfb pixel info is read into buffers and is either run length encoded
* by counting the number of repitiions on each scanline, or the info
* is dumped directly into the PIXAR Picture file.
static int /* Returns # of tags used */
#ifdef __STDC__
imPicWrite8(ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imPicWrite8( pMap, ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable )
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Format flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag list to read from */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Image to write */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
unsigned char *buf; /* Run buffer */
unsigned char *bufStart; /* Pointer to first loc in buf */
int i,j; /* Loop counters */
int x,y; /* Loop bounds */
* PIC files are usually generated on PIXARs, which stores
* MULTIPLE-byte data with the least significant 8 in the first
* byte. This is an LBF byte order.
* There is no floating point in the file so we
* won't bother setting the float format for BIN.
BinByteOrder( BINLBF );
* Initialize the things we need
TagEntryQValue( TagTableQDirect( tagTable, "image vfb", 0 ), &vfb );
x = ImVfbQWidth( vfb );
y = ImVfbQHeight( vfb );
pptr = ImVfbQFirst( vfb );
* Write the PIXAR picture file header.
* NOTE: we can pre-compute the length of the pixel data since
* we know the each pixel written will have 1 byte associated
* with it one for R. Therefore, Length = x*y
if ( imPicWriteHeader( ioType, fd, fp, vfb, IMSINGLECHAN, IMPICDUMP8, IMNOALPHA, (x*y) ) == -1 )
return ( -1 ); /* Error already handled */
/* Allocate a buffer big enough for one scanline, read pixel info
* from vfb, and write it directly to pixar picture file.
ImMalloc( bufStart, unsigned char*, x );
for( i=0; i<y; i++ )
buf = bufStart;
for ( j = 0; j < x; j++ )
*buf++ = ImVfbQIndex8( vfb, pptr );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
if(ImBinWrite(ioType,fd,fp,bufStart,UCHAR,1,x) == -1 )
free( bufStart );
free( bufStart );
return ( 1 );
static int /* Returns # of tags used */
#ifdef __STDC__
imPicWrite8RLE(ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable)
imPicWrite8RLE( pMap, ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable )
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Format flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag list to read from */
ImVfb *vfb; /* Image to write */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
unsigned char redBuf[2]; /* R value for two pixels */
unsigned char *buf; /* Run buffer */
unsigned char *bufStart; /* Pointer to first loc in buf */
int i,j,k; /* Loop counters */
int x,y; /* Loop bounds */
unsigned char reps; /* Number of repititions */
unsigned int count, flag; /* Pixar encoding parameters */
int numToWrite; /* Num of bytes to write in buf */
int numWritten; /* Number of bytes written */
int totWritten; /* Total number of bytes written*/
int fillBuf; /* Flag to signify to fill buf */
* PIC files are usually generated on PIXARs, which stores
* MULTIPLE-byte data with the least significant 8 in the first
* byte. This is an LBF byte order.
* There is no floating point in the file so we
* won't bother setting the float format for BIN.
BinByteOrder( BINLBF );
* Although the PIXAR picture file header resides first in the file
* the header contains a size field which indicates the length of the
* image, which can only be determined AFTER the pixel values have
* be written,
* Therefore, skip over the header position first, write the data
* next, then go back to the start of the file and write the header.
* Seek to data start position
ImSeek( ioType, fd, fp, IMPICWRITESTART, 1 );
* Initialize the things we need
TagEntryQValue( TagTableQDirect( tagTable, "image vfb", 0 ), &vfb );
x = ImVfbQWidth( vfb );
y = ImVfbQHeight( vfb );
pptr = ImVfbQFirst( vfb );
* Allocate run buffer large enough for one scanline
* with maximum storage for full channels ( one packet )
* and including utilization of space for exceeding block size.
* Retain the start of the buffer space.
ImMalloc( bufStart, unsigned char *, (x*2+4) );
buf = bufStart +2;
* Preset bytes written count for case of exceeding block size.
* Runlength encoding flag = 2 for Pixar format.
numWritten = 0;
totWritten = 0;
flag = 2;
fillBuf = 0;
* Loop through the scan lines. Fill the arrays with channel values,
* encode them, and then write them out to a temporary buffer
* in order to keep track of number of runlengths.
* Then write out to file at end of counting process filling out
* block with zeros when maximum block size has been reached.
* (note:we do not have to worry about the "count" overflowing since
* the blocksize has been fixed to IMPICBLOCK (=8192) and for
* "count" to overflow there would be 2*4095 bytes "to be written".
* The block size would be exceeded first )
for( i=0; i<y; i++ )
reps = 0; count = (unsigned int)-1;
* For each scanline this count starts at two (bytes) for
* minimum write of the 16 bit packed flags and count
numToWrite = 2;
redBuf[0] = ImVfbQIndex8( vfb, pptr );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
* Copy the vfb pixel values into arrays
* and check for repetitions throughout each scanline.
for ( j = 1; j < x; j++ )
redBuf[1] = ImVfbQIndex8( vfb, pptr );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
if ( redBuf[1] == redBuf[0] )
if ( reps == 255 )
fillBuf = 1;
reps ++;
fillBuf = 1;
if ( fillBuf )
* There must always be at least 2 bytes
* that can be filled with zero's to signify
* the end of the block.(packed as 16 bits)
if ( (numWritten+numToWrite+2)>=(IMPICBLOCK-4) )
* The blocksize will be exceeded if we
* fill the buffer with next packet, and
* since packets cannot span successive
* blocks, the current buffer needs to
* be written and the remainder of
* the block filled with 0's.
* A rare case occurs if the end of a
* scanline was previously written and
* the next packet to fill would cause
* block to overflow --
* signify end of block
if ( numToWrite == 2 )
count = 0;
flag = 0;
* store count and flag bits and
* update count for subsequent check
*bufStart = (unsigned char) (count & 0xff);
*(bufStart+1) = (unsigned char) ((flag << 4) +
(count >> 8) );
numWritten += numToWrite;
* Fill out remainder of block
* with zero's to signify end.
if ( numWritten < IMPICBLOCK )
k = IMPICBLOCK - numWritten;
memset( (void *)buf, 0x00, k );
numToWrite += k;
buf += k;
* Write stored buffer runlength info
UCHAR,1,numToWrite) == -1 )
totWritten += numToWrite;
* Reset variables for next block
buf = bufStart+2;
count = (unsigned int)-1;
numToWrite = 2;
numWritten = 0;
if ( flag == 0 ) flag = 2;
* Fill buffer with next packet info
count ++;
*buf++ = reps;
*buf++ = redBuf[0];
numToWrite += 2;
reps = 0;
* Reset flag and set current pixel as the
* pixel to be compared to for future runs.
fillBuf = 0;
redBuf[0] = redBuf[1];
* Completed scanline. Write out packed 16 bits (flag & count)
* and info of packets contained in buffer.
* Fill buffer with next packet info
count ++;
*buf++ = reps;
*buf++ = redBuf[0];
numToWrite += 2;
*bufStart = (unsigned char) (count & 0xff);
*(bufStart+1) = (unsigned char) ((flag << 4) + (count >> 8));
if(ImBinWrite(ioType,fd,fp,bufStart,UCHAR,1,numToWrite)== -1 )
free( bufStart );
buf = bufStart+2;
numWritten += numToWrite;
totWritten += numToWrite;
* The rest of the last block needs to be completed so that any block
* reads that do not check for the end of the file can read blindly
if ( numWritten < IMPICBLOCK )
unsigned char *buf;
numToWrite = IMPICBLOCK - numWritten;
ImMalloc( buf, unsigned char*, numToWrite );
memset( (void *)buf, 0x00, numToWrite );
if(ImBinWrite(ioType,fd,fp,buf,UCHAR,1,numToWrite)== -1 )
free( buf );
totWritten += numToWrite;
free( buf );
* Now that all the image data has been written, the header must
* be written; thus, seek back to the start of the file and write it
ImSeek( ioType, fd, fp, 0, 0 );
* Write the PIXAR picture file header.
if ( imPicWriteHeader( ioType, fd, fp, vfb, IMSINGLECHAN, IMPICENCODE8, IMNOALPHA, totWritten ) == -1 )
return ( -1 ); /* Error already handled */
free( bufStart );
return ( 1 );