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2013-04-04 18:02:27 +00:00
/* getbits.c, bit level routines */
* All modifications (mpeg2decode -> mpeg2play) are
* Copyright (C) 1996, Stefan Eckart. All Rights Reserved.
/* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
* Disclaimer of Warranty
* These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
* royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
* any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
* implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
* purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
* incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
* arising from the use of these programs.
* This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
* customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
* The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
* programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
* patents.
* Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
* are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
* general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
* design.
#include <io.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "global.h"
/* initialize buffer, call once before first getbits or showbits */
void Initialize_Buffer()
ld->Incnt = 0;
ld->Rdptr = ld->Rdbfr + 2048;
ld->Rdmax = ld->Rdptr;
#ifdef VERIFY
/* only the verifier uses this particular bit counter
* Bitcnt keeps track of the current parser position with respect
* to the video elementary stream being decoded, regardless
* of whether or not it is wrapped within a systems layer stream
ld->Bitcnt = 0;
ld->Bfr = 0;
Flush_Buffer(0); /* fills valid data into bfr */
void Fill_Buffer()
int Buffer_Level;
Buffer_Level = read(ld->Infile,ld->Rdbfr,2048);
ld->Rdptr = ld->Rdbfr;
if (System_Stream_Flag)
ld->Rdmax -= 2048;
/* end of the bitstream file */
if (Buffer_Level < 2048)
/* just to be safe */
if (Buffer_Level < 0)
Buffer_Level = 0;
/* pad until the next to the next 32-bit word boundary */
while (Buffer_Level & 3)
ld->Rdbfr[Buffer_Level++] = 0;
/* pad the buffer with sequence end codes */
while (Buffer_Level < 2048)
ld->Rdbfr[Buffer_Level++] = SEQUENCE_END_CODE>>24;
ld->Rdbfr[Buffer_Level++] = SEQUENCE_END_CODE>>16;
ld->Rdbfr[Buffer_Level++] = SEQUENCE_END_CODE>>8;
ld->Rdbfr[Buffer_Level++] = SEQUENCE_END_CODE&0xff;
/* MPEG-1 system layer demultiplexer */
int Get_Byte()
while(ld->Rdptr >= ld->Rdbfr+2048)
ld->Rdptr -= 2048;
ld->Rdmax -= 2048;
return *ld->Rdptr++;
/* extract a 16-bit word from the bitstream buffer */
int Get_Word()
int Val;
Val = Get_Byte();
return (Val<<8) | Get_Byte();
/* return next n bits (right adjusted) without advancing */
unsigned int Show_Bits(N)
int N;
return ld->Bfr >> (32-N);
/* return next bit (could be made faster than Get_Bits(1)) */
unsigned int Get_Bits1()
return Get_Bits(1);
/* advance by n bits */
void Flush_Buffer(N)
int N;
int Incnt;
ld->Bfr <<= N;
Incnt = ld->Incnt -= N;
if (Incnt <= 24)
if (System_Stream_Flag && (ld->Rdptr >= ld->Rdmax-4))
if (ld->Rdptr >= ld->Rdmax)
ld->Bfr |= Get_Byte() << (24 - Incnt);
Incnt += 8;
while (Incnt <= 24);
else if (ld->Rdptr < ld->Rdbfr+2044)
ld->Bfr |= *ld->Rdptr++ << (24 - Incnt);
Incnt += 8;
while (Incnt <= 24);
if (ld->Rdptr >= ld->Rdbfr+2048)
ld->Bfr |= *ld->Rdptr++ << (24 - Incnt);
Incnt += 8;
while (Incnt <= 24);
ld->Incnt = Incnt;
#ifdef VERIFY
ld->Bitcnt += N;
#endif /* VERIFY */
/* return next n bits (right adjusted) */
unsigned int Get_Bits(N)
int N;
unsigned int Val;
Val = Show_Bits(N);
return Val;