13601 lines
172 KiB
13601 lines
172 KiB
** $Header: /roq/libim/impict.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $
** Copyright (c) 1989-1995 San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
** a division of General Atomics, San Diego, California, USA
** Users and possessors of this source code are hereby granted a
** nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright and design patent license to
** use this code in individual software. License is not granted for
** commercial resale, in whole or in part, without prior written
** permission from SDSC. This source is provided "AS IS" without express
** or implied warranty of any kind.
** For further information contact:
** E-Mail: info@sds.sdsc.edu
** Surface Mail: Information Center
** San Diego Supercomputer Center
** P.O. Box 85608
** San Diego, CA 92138-5608
** (619) 534-5000
#define HEADER " $Header: /roq/libim/impict.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $"
** impict.c - Apple Macintosh PICT file I/O
** libimage - SDSC image manipulation library
** impict.c contains routines to read/write Apple Macintosh PICT files for
** the image manipulation library. Raster data read in is stored
** in a VFB. Raster data written out is taken from a tag table.
** d =defined constant
** f =function
** m =defined macro
** t =typedef/struct/union
** v =variable
** ? =other
** none
** imPictRead f read a Macintosh PICT file
** imPictWrite f write a Macintosh PICT file
** NULL d an empty pointer
** imPictHeaderInfo t PICT file header information
** imPictHeaderFields v imPictHeaderInfo description for Bin pkg
** imReturnBinError m return right error based on Bin call
** imMalloc m malloc memory & return on error
** imBinRead m binary read from fd or fp
** $Log: /roq/libim/impict.c $
* 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod
** Revision 1.28 1995/06/29 00:28:04 bduggan
** updated copyright year
** Revision 1.27 1995/06/15 20:51:58 bduggan
** Added #ifdef DEBUG's around messages going to stderr
** Revision 1.26 1995/06/14 19:17:38 bduggan
** Added some casts, turned bzero into memset, took out some useless var's
** Revision 1.25 1995/04/03 21:33:42 bduggan
** took out #ifdef NEWMAGIC
** Revision 1.24 1995/02/16 05:32:17 moreland
** Fixed a pesky bug that turned out to be major - it has to do with
** the cmpCount field of a direct pixel map (32 bit). First, the code
** did not calculate a channel offset for each bitplane. Second, the
** programmer did not know that Apple chose to store 32-bit pixels
** with the alpha plane first (ie: ARGB, NOT RGBA). Oh well, what can
** you do with an undocumented proprietary file format... :^|
** Revision 1.23 1995/01/10 23:39:19 bduggan
** put in IMMULTI, IMPIPE instead of TRUE/FALSE
** uncapitlized i's in local functions
** made read/write routines static
** Revision 1.22 94/10/03 11:30:28 nadeau
** Updated to ANSI C and C++ compatibility.
** Removed all use of register keyword.
** Minimized use of custom SDSC types (e.g., uchar vs. unsigned char)
** Changed all float arguments to double.
** Added forward declarations.
** Added misc. casts to passify SGI and DEC compilers.
** Changed all macros and defined constants to have names
** starting with IM.
** Rearranged magic number structures for format handlers.
** Made format handler routines static (i.e., local to file).
** Updated comments, adding format descriptions and references.
** Updated indenting on some code.
** Updated copyright message.
** Revision 1.21 93/10/21 15:20:20 moreland
** Added support for 16 and 32 bit direct pixel image opcodes.
** Rearanged some code to support multiple ImFileWrite entry points.
** Fixed some gross mistakes in code that was "re-aranged" by the
** last person to diddle with the PICT module.
** PICT now supports 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 bit image reads and writes !
** Revision 1.20 93/03/09 10:49:36 nadeau
** Corrected non-ANSI-ism on an #endif comment.
** Revision 1.19 92/12/03 01:50:55 nadeau
** Corrected info messages.
** Revision 1.18 92/11/24 17:03:54 groening
** changed a SHORT to USHORT to maintian type compatibility.
** Made the variable clt global since it was used by different
** routines but it was not getting passed but declared in each routine.
** this fixed problems on crayy with losing the clt and problems
** on crayy when writing, which produced a truncation error.
** Happy, Happy.
** Revision 1.17 92/11/24 16:34:51 nadeau
** Corrected format information string.
** Revision 1.16 92/11/23 18:42:51 nadeau
** Removed use of IMINFOMSG.
** Revision 1.15 92/11/04 12:05:00 groening
** put ImFIleFormat info and magic number info
** from imfmt.c into this file.
** Revision 1.14 92/10/12 15:59:38 vle
** Added ImInfo messages.
** Revision 1.13 92/08/31 17:31:43 vle
** Updated copyright notice.
** Revision 1.12 92/07/01 13:34:56 groening
** added name of struct after terminating braces
** in struct to make the next compiler happy.
** Revision 1.11 91/09/26 14:11:35 moreland
** Added support for pen-mode (transfer modes)
** Fixed core-dumping bug on the Iris (overflowing buffer)
** Revision 1.10 91/06/25 08:09:33 moreland
** Cleaned up some of the small inconsistancies reported as warnings
** by the "lint" utility. Added some explicit casts, removed unused
** variables, and caught some typos in several 'unused' opcode handlers.
** Revision 1.9 91/06/20 09:40:35 moreland
** Rewrote imPictRead to use table-driven parser and to
** eliminate the difficult-to-compile/giant "switch" statement.
** Added better error/status messages (including "English" descriptions
** of opcodes being skipped).
** Revision 1.8 91/04/09 11:33:41 nadeau
** Removed inclusion of sys/fcntl.h.
** Revision 1.7 91/02/19 07:08:47 moreland
** Added code for FrameSameRect opcode
** Revision 1.6 91/02/18 16:24:09 moreland
** fixed !
** Revision 1.5 91/02/13 13:38:37 nadeau
** Removed tag table checking now handled by ImFileRead and
** ImFileWrite. Corrected a machine byte-order dependency
** in CLT writing.
** Revision 1.4 90/12/20 07:27:26 moreland
** *** empty log message ***
** Revision 1.3 90/12/13 13:14:41 rama
** Pictsize changed to unsigned int
** Revision 1.2 90/12/13 07:08:11 moreland
** *** empty log message ***
** Revision 1.1 90/11/09 09:06:40 moreland
** Initial revision
** Revision 1.15 90/08/15 07:30:59 moreland
** Removed the outer-most for loop - disabled multiple bands per VFB
** This fixed "the problem" and imPictWrite now works !!!! :^)
** Turns out rowBytes DOES have to be even.
** Revision 1.14 90/08/02 08:55:56 moreland
** imPictWrite works ! (with my color smiley face test)
** Turns out rowBytes does NOT have to be even after all.
** Revision 1.13 90/07/30 15:55:54 moreland
** Filled in Apple's reserved HeaderOp fields in imPictWrite.
** Color Lookup Table "val" field set to offset/index value.
** Revision 1.12 90/06/21 15:42:12 moreland
** PackBits routine has been written and tested (a little),
** It is now time to start writing imPictWrite.
** Revision 1.11 90/06/14 14:49:08 moreland
** Cleaned up "holes" for non-handled/skipped opcodes and put fprintf
** statements in to let a user know which opcodes are skipped.
** Revision 1.10b 90/06/11 15:17:24 moreland
** Got "Exposure INIT" PICT ScreenDumps to parse.
** Revision 1.10 90/06/11 15:17:24 moreland
** Got first PixMaps (pict1 & pict2) to display !
** Revision 1.9 90/06/07 12:23:58 moreland
** Finished Unpackbits.
** Got PackBitsRect opcode working for version 1 PICT files.
** Revision 1.8 90/06/05 15:32:32 moreland
** The UnpackBits routine MAY be working, but something is causing
** strange munging of bitmaps. (maybe tstBit is broken ?).
** Revision 1.7 90/06/04 14:49:28 moreland
** First attempt at PO_PackBitsRect opcode - spews raw bits into vfb
** At LEAST it skips over all of the PackBitsRect data correctly.
** Revision 1.6 90/05/23 16:12:44 moreland
** gave up on xpict (no 24bit colors) and wrote pict2pix
** todd provided "pixtorle" and "getsun/getx" (rle to sunview/X)
** Revision 1.5 90/05/22 16:00:51 moreland
** finished opcodes to support test-file "pict8"
** added DEBUG fprintf statements and cpp DEBUG flag
** began constructing "xpict" tool to display PICT files under X
** Revision 1.4 90/05/21 16:21:29 moreland
** wrote "draft" code for opcodes 0x0013 to 0x0030
** fixed stupid syntax errors so that the module compiles
** Revision 1.3 90/05/18 16:56:33 moreland
** constructed main parser SWITCH block for all opcodes
** wrote "draft" code for first 19 or so opcodes
** Revision 1.2 90/05/16 16:57:05 moreland
** typed in OPCODE define statements
** Revision 1.1 90/05/16 13:10:33 moreland
** Initial revision
** Revision 1.0 90/05/15 09:55:19 moreland
** First version creation
** PICT - Apple Macintosh pictures
** AKA
** pict2
** Inside Macintosh, Volumes I-V, Apple Computer, Inc.
** Custom development, John Moreland, San Diego Supercomputer Center, 1990.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sdsc.h>
#include "iminternal.h"
#include "im.h"
* PICT - Apple Macintosh Picture
* For information on these structures, how to use them, etc. please
* see imfmt.c.
#ifdef __STDC__
static int imPictRead( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable );
static int imPictWrite( ImFileFormatWriteMap *ppMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imPictWritePB1(ImFileFormatWriteMap *ppMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable );
static int imPictWritePB8( ImFileFormatWriteMap *ppMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imPictWritePB16( ImFileFormatWriteMap *ppMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imPictWritePBRGB( ImFileFormatWriteMap *ppMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable);
static int imPictRead( );
static int imPictWrite( );
static int imPictWritePB1( );
static int imPictWritePB8( );
static int imPictWritePB16( );
static int imPictWritePBRGB( );
static char *imPictNames[ ] = { "pict", "pict2", NULL };
static ImFileFormatReadMap imPictReadMap[ ] =
/* in out */
/* type,ch,dep, attr. VFB type attr. */
{ IN,1,1, PB, IMVFBRGB, 0 },
{ IN,1,2, PB | C, IMVFBRGB, 0 },
{ IN,1,4, PB | C, IMVFBRGB, 0 },
{ IN,1,8, PB | C, IMVFBRGB, 0 },
{ RGB,3,5, PB, IMVFBRGB, 0 },
{ RGB,3,8, PB, IMVFBRGB, 0 },
{ -1, 0, -1, 0 },
static ImFileFormatWriteMap imPictWriteMap[ ] =
/* in out */
/* VFB type, attr., type,ch,dep, attr., func */
{ IMVFBMONO, 0, IN,1,1, PB, imPictWritePB1 },
{ IMVFBINDEX8, C, IN,1,8, PB | C, imPictWritePB8 },
{ IMVFBINDEX16, 0, RGB,3,5, PB, imPictWritePB16 },
{ IMVFBRGB, 0, RGB,3,8, PB, imPictWritePBRGB },
{ -1, 0, -1, 0, NULL },
static ImFileMagic imFilePictMagic []=
{ 0, 0, NULL},
ImFileFormat ImFilePictFormat =
imPictNames, "Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file",
"Apple Computer, Inc.",
"1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, 16-, and 32-bit PackBits-compressed color index\n\
and RGB image files in PICT and PICT2 formats.",
"1-, 8-, 16-, and 32-bit PackBits-compressed color index and RGB\n\
image files in PICT2 format.",
imPictRead, imPictReadMap, imPictWriteMap
static ImClt * clt=NULL; /* VFB ColorTable - made global because of way
that code has already been written */
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL (0)
#define IModd(a) ( ( ( (a) % 2 ) == 0 )?FALSE:TRUE )
#define IMeven(a) ( ( ( (a) % 2 ) == 0 )?TRUE:FALSE )
#define IMBLACK 0
#define IMWHITE 255
/* Pen Transfer Modes */
#define IMSKIP_BUF_SIZ 4096 /* Generic "skip" buffer size */
#define IMSTR_LEN 256 /* Generic message-line-string size */
#define IMPICT_V1 0x1101 /* Version 1 PICT */
#define IMPICT_V2 0x0011 /* Version 2 PICT */
#define IMPC_PICLPAREN 0 /* Begin QD grouping 0 */
#define IMPC_PICRPAREN 1 /* End QD grouping 0 */
#define IMPC_PICAPPCOMMENT 100 /* Application-specific comment var */
#define IMPC_PICDWGBEG 130 /* Begin MacDraw picture 0 */
#define IMPC_PICDWGEND 131 /* End MacDraw picture 0 */
#define IMPC_PICGRPBEG 140 /* Begin grouped objects 0 */
#define IMPC_PICGRPEND 141 /* End grouped objects 0 */
#define IMPC_PICBITBEG 142 /* Begin series of bitmap bands 0 */
#define IMPC_PICBITEND 143 /* End series of bitmap bands 0 */
/* etc... */
typedef struct Rect
short int top, left, bottom, right;
} Rect;
static BinField RectFields[] =
typedef struct Pict2Header
unsigned short headerOp;
unsigned short version;
unsigned short reserved1;
unsigned long hRes;
unsigned long vRes;
short srcRect_top;
short srcRect_left;
short srcRect_bottom;
short srcRect_right;
unsigned long reserved2;
} Pict2Header;
static BinField Pict2HeaderFields[ ] =
USHORT, 2, 1,
USHORT, 2, 1,
USHORT, 2, 1,
ULONG, 4, 1,
ULONG, 4, 1,
SHORT, 2, 4,
ULONG, 4, 1,
0, 0, 0,
typedef long Fixed;
typedef struct Point
short int v, h;
} Point;
static BinField PointFields[] =
typedef struct PMap
struct Rect bnd;
short int version;
short int packType;
long int packSize;
Fixed hRes;
Fixed vRes;
short int pixelType;
short int pixelSize;
short int cmpCount;
short int cmpSize;
long int planeBytes;
long int pmTable;
long int pmReserved;
} PMap;
static BinField PMapFields[] =
SHORT,2,1, SHORT,2,1, SHORT,2,1, SHORT,2,1,
typedef struct CTable
long int ctSeed;
short int ctFlags;
short int ctSize;
} CTable;
static BinField CTableFields[] =
typedef struct CTEntry
unsigned short val, red, green, blue;
} CTEntry;
static BinField CTEntryFields[] =
typedef struct RGBColor
short int red, green, blue;
} RGBColor;
static BinField RGBColorFields[] =
typedef struct Region
short int rgnSize;
struct Rect rgnBBox;
} Region;
static BinField RegionFields[] =
SHORT,2,1, SHORT,2,1, SHORT,2,1, SHORT,2,1,
typedef unsigned char Pattern[8];
typedef struct BMap
struct Rect bnd;
struct Rect srcRect;
struct Rect dstRect;
short int mode;
} BMap;
static BinField BMapFields[] =
SHORT,2,1, SHORT,2,1, SHORT,2,1, SHORT,2,1,
SHORT,2,1, SHORT,2,1, SHORT,2,1, SHORT,2,1,
SHORT,2,1, SHORT,2,1, SHORT,2,1, SHORT,2,1,
typedef struct GState
short chExtra;
short pnLocHFrac;
struct Rect portRect;
struct Region visRgn;
struct Region clipRgn;
struct PMap bkPixPat;
struct RGBColor rgbFgColor; /* Used to "fill" objects */
struct RGBColor rgbBkColor; /* Used to "paint" objects */
struct Point pnLoc;
struct Point pnSize;
short pnMode;
struct PMap pnPixPat;
struct PMap fillPixPat;
short pnVis;
short txFont;
int txFace;
short txMode;
short txSize;
Fixed spExtra;
long fgColor;
long bkColor;
short colrBit;
short patStretch;
short hiliteMode; /* 0x001C - hilite mode flag - 0 */
short opColor; /* 0x001F - RGB OpColor : arith. modes - 0 */
struct RGBColor hiliteColor;
struct Rect lastRect; /* used for "Same" routines */
Pattern fgPat;
Pattern bkPat;
Pattern pnPat;
Pattern fillPat;
struct Point ovSize;
struct Point txRatNum;
struct Point txRatDen;
char version;
struct Point origin;
} GState;
/* Opcode handling functions */
static int PO_NOP();
static int PO_Clip();
static int PO_BkPat();
static int PO_TxFont();
static int PO_TxFace();
static int PO_TxMode();
static int PO_SpExtra();
static int PO_PnSize();
static int PO_PnMode();
static int PO_PnPat();
static int PO_FillPat();
static int PO_OvSize();
static int PO_Origin();
static int PO_TxSize();
static int PO_FgColor();
static int PO_BkColor();
static int PO_TxRatio();
static int PO_Version();
static int PO_BkPixPat();
static int PO_PnPixPat();
static int PO_FillPixPat();
static int PO_PnLocHFrac();
static int PO_ChExtra();
static int PO_reserved1();
static int PO_reserved2();
static int PO_reserved3();
static int PO_RGBFgCol();
static int PO_RGBBkCol();
static int PO_HiliteMode();
static int PO_HiliteColor();
static int PO_DefHilite();
static int PO_OpColor();
static int PO_Line();
static int PO_LineFrom();
static int PO_ShortLine();
static int PO_ShortLineFrom();
static int PO_reserved4();
static int PO_reserved5();
static int PO_reserved6();
static int PO_reserved7();
static int PO_LongText();
static int PO_DHText();
static int PO_DVText();
static int PO_DHDVText();
static int PO_reserved8();
static int PO_reserved9();
static int PO_reserved10();
static int PO_reserved11();
static int PO_FrameRect();
static int PO_PaintRect();
static int PO_EraseRect();
static int PO_InvertRect();
static int PO_FillRect();
static int PO_reserved12();
static int PO_reserved13();
static int PO_reserved14();
static int PO_FrameSameRect();
static int PO_PaintSameRect();
static int PO_EraseSameRect();
static int PO_InvertSameRect();
static int PO_FillSameRect();
static int PO_reserved15();
static int PO_reserved16();
static int PO_reserved17();
static int PO_FrameRRect();
static int PO_PaintRRect();
static int PO_EraseRRect();
static int PO_InvertRRect();
static int PO_FillRRect();
static int PO_reserved18();
static int PO_reserved19();
static int PO_reserved20();
static int PO_FrameSameRRect();
static int PO_PaintSameRRect();
static int PO_EraseSameRRect();
static int PO_InvertSameRRect();
static int PO_FillSameRRect();
static int PO_reserved21();
static int PO_reserved22();
static int PO_reserved23();
static int PO_FrameOval();
static int PO_PaintOval();
static int PO_EraseOval();
static int PO_InvertOval();
static int PO_FillOval();
static int PO_reserved24();
static int PO_reserved25();
static int PO_reserved26();
static int PO_FrameSameOval();
static int PO_PaintSameOval();
static int PO_EraseSameOval();
static int PO_InvertSameOval();
static int PO_FillSameOval();
static int PO_reserved27();
static int PO_reserved28();
static int PO_reserved29();
static int PO_FrameArc();
static int PO_PaintArc();
static int PO_EraseArc();
static int PO_InvertArc();
static int PO_FillArc();
static int PO_reserved30();
static int PO_reserved31();
static int PO_reserved32();
static int PO_FrameSameArc();
static int PO_PaintSameArc();
static int PO_EraseSameArc();
static int PO_InvertSameArc();
static int PO_FillSameArc();
static int PO_reserved33();
static int PO_reserved34();
static int PO_reserved35();
static int PO_FramePoly();
static int PO_PaintPoly();
static int PO_ErasePoly();
static int PO_InvertPoly();
static int PO_FillPoly();
static int PO_reserved36();
static int PO_reserved37();
static int PO_reserved38();
static int PO_FrameSamePoly();
static int PO_PaintSamePoly();
static int PO_EraseSamePoly();
static int PO_InvertSamePoly();
static int PO_FillSamePoly();
static int PO_reserved39();
static int PO_reserved40();
static int PO_reserved41();
static int PO_FrameRgn();
static int PO_PaintRgn();
static int PO_EraseRgn();
static int PO_InvertRgn();
static int PO_FillRgn();
static int PO_reserved42();
static int PO_reserved43();
static int PO_reserved44();
static int PO_FrameSameRgn();
static int PO_PaintSameRgn();
static int PO_EraseSameRgn();
static int PO_InvertSameRgn();
static int PO_FillSameRgn();
static int PO_reserved45();
static int PO_reserved46();
static int PO_reserved47();
static int PO_BitsRect();
static int PO_BitsRgn();
static int PO_reserved48();
static int PO_reserved49();
static int PO_reserved50();
static int PO_reserved51();
static int PO_reserved52();
static int PO_reserved53();
static int PO_PackBitsRect();
static int PO_PackBitsRgn();
static int PO_DirectBitsRect();
static int PO_DirectBitsRgn();
static int PO_reserved56();
static int PO_reserved57();
static int PO_reserved58();
static int PO_reserved59();
static int PO_ShortComment();
static int PO_LongComment();
static int PO_reserved60();
/* etc... */
static int PO_reserved73();
static int PO_reserved74();
/* etc... */
static int PO_reserved105();
static int PO_reserved106();
/* etc... */
static int PO_reserved152();
static int PO_opEndPic();
static int PO_reserved153();
/* etc... */
static int PO_reserved408();
static int PO_reserved409();
/* etc... */
static int PO_reserved2968();
static int PO_HeaderOp();
static int PO_reserved2969();
/* etc... */
static int PO_reserved9999();
struct POCHandler
int opcode;
char * name;
int (*handler)();
typedef struct POCHandler POCHandler;
POCHandler POCHandlerList[] =
{ 0x0000, "Null Operation", PO_NOP }, /* 0 */
{ 0x0001, "Clip Region", PO_Clip }, /* rgn size */
{ 0x0002, "Background Pattern", PO_BkPat }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0003, "Text Font", PO_TxFont }, /* 2 */
{ 0x0004, "Text Face", PO_TxFace }, /* 1 */
{ 0x0005, "Text Mode", PO_TxMode }, /* 2 */
{ 0x0006, "Space Extra", PO_SpExtra }, /* 4 */
{ 0x0007, "Pen Size", PO_PnSize }, /* 4 */
{ 0x0008, "Pen Mode", PO_PnMode }, /* 2 */
{ 0x0009, "Pen Pattern", PO_PnPat }, /* 8 */
{ 0x000A, "Fill Pattern", PO_FillPat }, /* 8 */
{ 0x000B, "Oval Size", PO_OvSize }, /* 4 */
{ 0x000C, "Set Origin - dh, dv", PO_Origin }, /* 4 */
{ 0x000D, "Text Size", PO_TxSize }, /* 2 */
{ 0x000E, "Foreground Color", PO_FgColor }, /* 4 */
{ 0x000F, "Background Color", PO_BkColor }, /* 4 */
{ 0x0010, "Text Ratio", PO_TxRatio }, /* 4 */
{ 0x0011, "Version", PO_Version }, /* 1 */
{ 0x0012, "Background Pixel Pattern", PO_BkPixPat }, /* var */
{ 0x0013, "Pen Pixel Pattern", PO_PnPixPat }, /* var */
{ 0x0014, "Fill Pixel Pattern", PO_FillPixPat }, /* var */
{ 0x0015, "Fractional Pen Position", PO_PnLocHFrac }, /* 2 */
{ 0x0016, "Extra for each character", PO_ChExtra }, /* 2 */
{ 0x0017, "Reserved1 for Apple use", PO_reserved1 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x0018, "Reserved2 for Apple use", PO_reserved2 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x0019, "Reserved3 for Apple use", PO_reserved3 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x001A, "RGB Forground Color", PO_RGBFgCol }, /* var */
{ 0x001B, "RGB Background Color", PO_RGBBkCol }, /* var */
{ 0x001C, "Hilite Mode Flag", PO_HiliteMode }, /* 0 */
{ 0x001D, "RGB Hilite Color", PO_HiliteColor }, /* var */
{ 0x001E, "Use Default Hilite Color", PO_DefHilite }, /* 0 */
{ 0x001F, "RGB OpColor / Arith Modes", PO_OpColor }, /* 0 */
{ 0x0020, "Line (penLoc, newPt)", PO_Line }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0021, "Line From (newPt)", PO_LineFrom }, /* 4 */
{ 0x0022, "Short Line (pnLoc)", PO_ShortLine }, /* 6 */
{ 0x0023, "Short Line From (dh, dv)", PO_ShortLineFrom }, /* 2 */
{ 0x0024, "Reserved4 for Apple use", PO_reserved4 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x0025, "Reserved5 for Apple use", PO_reserved5 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x0026, "Reserved6 for Apple use", PO_reserved6 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x0027, "Reserved7 for Apple use", PO_reserved7 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x0028, "Long Text (loc, cnt, txt)", PO_LongText }, /* 5+text */
{ 0x0029, "HOffset Text (dh,cnt,txt)", PO_DHText }, /* 2+text */
{ 0x002A, "VOffset Text (dv,cnt,txt)", PO_DVText }, /* 2+text */
{ 0x002B, "DHDV Text (dh,dv,cnt,txt)", PO_DHDVText }, /* 3+text */
{ 0x002C, "Reserved8 for Apple use", PO_reserved8 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x002D, "Reserved9 for Apple use", PO_reserved9 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x002E, "Reserved10 for Apple use", PO_reserved10 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x002F, "Reserved11 for Apple use", PO_reserved11 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x0030, "Frame Rect (rect)", PO_FrameRect }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0031, "Paint Rect (rect)", PO_PaintRect }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0032, "Erase Rect (rect)", PO_EraseRect }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0033, "Invert Rect (rect)", PO_InvertRect }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0034, "Fill Rect (rect)", PO_FillRect }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0035, "Reserved12 for Apple use", PO_reserved12 }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0036, "Reserved13 for Apple use", PO_reserved13 }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0037, "Reserved14 for Apple use", PO_reserved14 }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0038, "Frame Same Rect", PO_FrameSameRect }, /* 0 */
{ 0x0039, "Paint Same Rect", PO_PaintSameRect }, /* 0 */
{ 0x003A, "Erase Same Rect", PO_EraseSameRect }, /* 0 */
{ 0x003B, "Invert Same Rect", PO_InvertSameRect }, /* 0 */
{ 0x003C, "Fill Same Rect", PO_FillSameRect }, /* 0 */
{ 0x003D, "Reserved15 for Apple use", PO_reserved15 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x003E, "Reserved16 for Apple use", PO_reserved16 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x003F, "Reserved17 for Apple use", PO_reserved17 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x0040, "Frame Round Rect (rect)", PO_FrameRRect }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0041, "Paint Round Rect (rect)", PO_PaintRRect }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0042, "Erase Round Rect (rect)", PO_EraseRRect }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0043, "Invert Round Rect (rect)", PO_InvertRRect }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0044, "Fill Round Rect (rect)", PO_FillRRect }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0045, "Reserved18 for Apple use", PO_reserved18 }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0046, "Reserved19 for Apple use", PO_reserved19 }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0047, "Reserved20 for Apple use", PO_reserved20 }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0048, "Frame Same Round Rect", PO_FrameSameRRect }, /* 0 */
{ 0x0049, "Paint Same Round Rect", PO_PaintSameRRect }, /* 0 */
{ 0x004A, "Erase Same Round Rect", PO_EraseSameRRect }, /* 0 */
{ 0x004B, "Invert Same Round Rect", PO_InvertSameRRect }, /* 0 */
{ 0x004C, "Fill Same Round Rect", PO_FillSameRRect }, /* 0 */
{ 0x004D, "Reserved21 for Apple use", PO_reserved21 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x004E, "Reserved22 for Apple use", PO_reserved22 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x004F, "Reserved23 for Apple use", PO_reserved23 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x0050, "Frame Oval (rect)", PO_FrameOval }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0051, "Paint Oval (rect)", PO_PaintOval }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0052, "Erase Oval (rect)", PO_EraseOval }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0053, "Invert Oval (rect)", PO_InvertOval }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0054, "Fill Oval (rect)", PO_FillOval }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0055, "Reserved24 for Apple use", PO_reserved24 }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0056, "Reserved25 for Apple use", PO_reserved25 }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0057, "Reserved26 for Apple use", PO_reserved26 }, /* 8 */
{ 0x0058, "Frame Same Oval (rect)", PO_FrameSameOval }, /* 0 */
{ 0x0059, "Paint Same Oval (rect)", PO_PaintSameOval }, /* 0 */
{ 0x005A, "Erase Same Oval (rect)", PO_EraseSameOval }, /* 0 */
{ 0x005B, "Invert Same Oval (rect)", PO_InvertSameOval }, /* 0 */
{ 0x005C, "Fill Same Oval (rect)", PO_FillSameOval }, /* 0 */
{ 0x005D, "Reserved27 for Apple use", PO_reserved27 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x005E, "Reserved28 for Apple use", PO_reserved28 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x005F, "Reserved29 for Apple use", PO_reserved29 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x0060, "Frame Arc (r,beg,angle)", PO_FrameArc }, /* 12 */
{ 0x0061, "Paint Arc (r,beg,angle)", PO_PaintArc }, /* 12 */
{ 0x0062, "Erase Arc (r,beg,angle)", PO_EraseArc }, /* 12 */
{ 0x0063, "Invert Arc (r,beg,angle)", PO_InvertArc }, /* 12 */
{ 0x0064, "Fill Arc (r,beg,angle)", PO_FillArc }, /* 12 */
{ 0x0065, "Reserved30 for Apple use", PO_reserved30 }, /* 12 */
{ 0x0066, "Reserved31 for Apple use", PO_reserved31 }, /* 12 */
{ 0x0066, "Reserved32 for Apple use", PO_reserved32 }, /* 12 */
{ 0x0068, "Frame Same Arc", PO_FrameSameArc }, /* 4 */
{ 0x0069, "Paint Same Arc", PO_PaintSameArc }, /* 4 */
{ 0x006A, "Erase Same Arc", PO_EraseSameArc }, /* 4 */
{ 0x006B, "Invert Same Arc", PO_InvertSameArc }, /* 4 */
{ 0x006C, "Fill Same Arc", PO_FillSameArc }, /* 4 */
{ 0x006D, "Reserved33 for Apple use", PO_reserved33 }, /* 4 */
{ 0x006E, "Reserved34 for Apple use", PO_reserved34 }, /* 4 */
{ 0x006F, "Reserved35 for Apple use", PO_reserved35 }, /* 4 */
{ 0x0070, "Frame Polygon", PO_FramePoly }, /* poly size */
{ 0x0071, "Paint Polygon", PO_PaintPoly }, /* poly size */
{ 0x0072, "Erase Polygon", PO_ErasePoly }, /* poly size */
{ 0x0073, "Invert Polygon", PO_InvertPoly }, /* poly size */
{ 0x0074, "Fill Polygon", PO_FillPoly }, /* poly size */
{ 0x0075, "Reserved36 for Apple use", PO_reserved36 }, /* poly Size */
{ 0x0076, "Reserved37 for Apple use", PO_reserved37 }, /* poly Size */
{ 0x0077, "Reserved38 for Apple use", PO_reserved38 }, /* poly Size */
{ 0x0078, "Frame Same Poly", PO_FrameSamePoly }, /* ? */
{ 0x0079, "Paint Same Poly", PO_PaintSamePoly }, /* ? */
{ 0x007A, "Erase Same Poly", PO_EraseSamePoly }, /* ? */
{ 0x007B, "Invert Same Poly", PO_InvertSamePoly }, /* ? */
{ 0x007C, "Fill Same Poly", PO_FillSamePoly }, /* ? */
{ 0x007D, "Reserved39 for Apple use", PO_reserved39 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x007E, "Reserved40 for Apple use", PO_reserved40 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x007F, "Reserved41 for Apple use", PO_reserved41 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x0080, "Frame Region", PO_FrameRgn }, /* rgn size */
{ 0x0081, "Paint Region", PO_PaintRgn }, /* rgn size */
{ 0x0082, "Erase Region", PO_EraseRgn }, /* rgn size */
{ 0x0083, "Invert Region", PO_InvertRgn }, /* rgn size */
{ 0x0084, "Fill Region", PO_FillRgn }, /* rgn size */
{ 0x0085, "Reserved for Apple use", PO_reserved42 }, /* rgn size */
{ 0x0086, "Reserved for Apple use", PO_reserved43 }, /* rgn size */
{ 0x0087, "Reserved for Apple use", PO_reserved44 }, /* rgn size */
{ 0x0088, "Frame Same Region", PO_FrameSameRgn }, /* ? */
{ 0x0089, "Paint Same Region", PO_PaintSameRgn }, /* ? */
{ 0x008A, "Erase Same Region", PO_EraseSameRgn }, /* ? */
{ 0x008B, "Invert Same Region", PO_InvertSameRgn }, /* ? */
{ 0x008C, "Fill Same Region", PO_FillSameRgn }, /* ? */
{ 0x008D, "Reserved45 for Apple use", PO_reserved45 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x008E, "Reserved46 for Apple use", PO_reserved46 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x008F, "Reserved47 for Apple use", PO_reserved47 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x0090, "Copybits, rect clipped", PO_BitsRect }, /* var */
{ 0x0091, "Copybits, rgn clipped", PO_BitsRgn }, /* var */
{ 0x0092, "Reserved48 for Apple use", PO_reserved48 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x0093, "Reserved49 for Apple use", PO_reserved49 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x0094, "Reserved50 for Apple use", PO_reserved50 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x0095, "Reserved51 for Apple use", PO_reserved51 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x0096, "Reserved52 for Apple use", PO_reserved52 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x0097, "Reserved53 for Apple use", PO_reserved53 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x0098, "Packed Bits (rect clipped)", PO_PackBitsRect }, /* var */
{ 0x0099, "Packed Bits (rgn clipped)", PO_PackBitsRgn }, /* var */
{ 0x009A, "32-bit QuickDraw RGB map", PO_DirectBitsRect }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x009B, "32-bit QuickDraw RGB map", PO_DirectBitsRgn }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x009C, "Reserved56 for Apple use", PO_reserved56 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x009D, "Reserved57 for Apple use", PO_reserved57 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x009E, "Reserved58 for Apple use", PO_reserved58 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x009F, "Reserved59 for Apple use", PO_reserved59 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x00A0, "Short Comment", PO_ShortComment }, /* 2 */
{ 0x00A1, "Long Comment", PO_LongComment } /* 4+data */
{ 0x00A2, "Reserved60 for Apple use", PO_reserved60 }, /* 2+data */
/* etc... */
{ 0x00AF, "Reserved for Apple use", PO_reserved73 }, /* 2+data */
{ 0x00B0, "Reserved for Apple use", PO_reserved74 }, /* 0 */
/* etc... */
{ 0x00CF, "Reserved for Apple use", PO_reserved105 }, /* 0 */
{ 0x00D0, "Reserved for Apple use", PO_reserved106 }, /* 4+data */
/* etc... */
{ 0x00FE, "Reserved for Apple use", PO_reserved152 }, /* 4+data */
{ 0x00FF, "End of picture", PO_opEndPic }, /* 0 */
{ 0x0100, "Reserved for Apple use", PO_reserved153 }, /* 2 */
/* etc... */
{ 0x01FF, "Reserved for Apple use", PO_reserved408 }, /* 2 */
{ 0x0200, "Reserved for Apple use", PO_reserved409 }, /* 4 */
/* etc... */
{ 0x0BFF, "Reserved for Apple use", PO_reserved2968 }, /* 4 */
{ 0x0C00, "Reserved for Apple use", PO_HeaderOp }, /* 2 */
{ 0x0C01, "Reserved for Apple use", PO_reserved2969 }, /* ? */
/* etc... */
{ 0xFFFF, "Reserved for Apple use", PO_reserved9999 }, /* ? */
#endif /* CANT_BE_INDEXED */
/* g_ = global
* l_ = local
* e_ = external
unsigned short g_Opcode = 0; /* Current (Last Read) PICT opcode */
struct GState g_gs; /* Current Graphics State */
int g_ioType; /* I/O flags */
int g_fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE * g_fp; /* Input file pointer */
ImVfb * g_vfb; /* The current image/vfb */
short g_pictVers = 0; /* PICT version */
struct Rect g_pictFrame; /* bounding rectangle of the image */
char g_buf[ IMSKIP_BUF_SIZ ]; /* Used to skip data */
* Returns TRUE if the two RGB colors are equal, or FALSE otherwise.
#ifdef __STDC__
int EqualRGB( struct RGBColor color1, struct RGBColor color2 )
int EqualRGB( color1, color2 )
struct RGBColor color1;
struct RGBColor color2;
if ( color1.red != color2.red ) return( FALSE );
if ( color1.green != color2.green ) return( FALSE );
if ( color1.blue != color2.blue ) return( FALSE );
return( TRUE );
* This is the main routine that is called to SET a VFB pixel at the
* specified (x,y) coordinate to the given RGB color. This routine
* also CLIPS (does not draw) pixels which fall outside the VFB
* drawing area. This routine DOES NOT USE the pnSize "pen size"
* to color pixels adjacent to the pen location.
* This routine uses the current pnMode (pen transfer mode) to determine
* how to blend the source pixel with the destination pixel.
#ifdef __STDC__
static void SetPixel( short int x, short int y, struct RGBColor color )
static void SetPixel( x, y, color )
short int x, y;
struct RGBColor color;
ImVfbPtr pptr;
/* Do nothing and return if the pixel is out of bounds */
if ( (x < 0) || (y < 0) ) return;
/* If the current pnMode is "transparent", */
/* and "color" is the same as the current background color, */
/* then there is no need to do any drawing. Return */
/* This has the effect of leaving transparent "holes" in an image. */
if ( (g_gs.pnMode == IMTM_TRANSPARENT) &&
EqualRGB( color, g_gs.rgbBkColor ) )
pptr = ImVfbQPtr( g_vfb, x, y );
ImVfbSRed( g_vfb, pptr, color.red );
ImVfbSGreen( g_vfb, pptr, color.green );
ImVfbSBlue( g_vfb, pptr, color.blue );
* This is the main routine that is called to PAINT a VFB pixel at the
* specified (x,y) coordinate to the given RGB color. This routine
* also CLIPS (does not draw) pixels which fall outside the VFB
* drawing area. Additionally, this routine uses the pnSize "pen size"
* to color pixels adjacent to the pen location based on the width and
* height of the current pen size setting.
#ifdef __STDC__
static void PaintPixel( short int x, short int y, struct RGBColor color )
static void PaintPixel( x, y, color )
short int x, y;
struct RGBColor color;
int i, j;
if ( (g_gs.pnSize.h < 1) || (g_gs.pnSize.v < 1)) return;
for ( i=x; i<(x+g_gs.pnSize.h); i++ ) {
for ( j=y; j<(y+g_gs.pnSize.v); j++ ) {
SetPixel( i, j, color );
* Bresenham's vector -> raster line conversion alogrithm,
* written in special brute-force-and-ignorance style.
#ifdef __STDC__
static void rline( short int x1, short int y1, short int x2, short int y2 )
static void rline( x1, y1, x2, y2 )
short int x1, y1, x2, y2;
int dx, dy, step1, step2, d, deltap, deltaq;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: rline: (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)\n", x1, y1, x2, y2 );
g_gs.pnLoc.h = x2;
g_gs.pnLoc.v = y2;
dx= abs( x2-x1 );
dy= abs( y2-y1 );
step1 = ( (x1<x2) ? 1 : (-1) );
step2 = ( (y1<y2) ? 1 : (-1) );
PaintPixel( x1, y1, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
if( dy <= dx )
deltap = dy+dy;
d = deltap-dx;
deltaq = d-dx;
while ( x1 != x2 )
x1 += step1;
if ( d < 0 )
d += deltap;
y1 += step2;
d += deltaq;
PaintPixel( x1, y1, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
} else {
deltap = dx+dx;
d = deltap - dy;
deltaq = d - dy;
while( y1 != y2 )
y1 += step2;
if ( d < 0 )
d += deltap;
x1 += step1;
d += deltaq;
PaintPixel( x1, y1, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
* The correct amount of data has been skipped for the opcode, but
* let the user know that they may lose information and that we are able
* to continue on to the next opcode.
#ifdef __STDC__
static int OpcodeWarn( unsigned short oc )
static int OpcodeWarn( oc )
unsigned short oc;
char msg[ IMSTR_LEN ];
/* oc is always >= 0x0000 since it is unsigned. */
sprintf( msg, "Skipped opcode '%s' (0x%0x)", POCHandlerList[oc].name, oc );
sprintf( msg, "Skipped opcode 'NO DESCRIPTION AVAILABLE' 0x%x", oc );
ImErrorWarning( msg, -1, ImErrNo = IMEUNSUPPORTED );
return( -1 );
* We have encountered an opcode which we do not know how to deal with.
* The opcode/data is too complex to even be able to skip, so tell the
* user we are going to have to stop where we are.
#ifdef __STDC__
static int OpcodeUns( unsigned short oc )
static int OpcodeUns( oc )
unsigned short oc;
char msg[ IMSTR_LEN ];
sprintf( msg, "Unsupported opcode 0x%x", oc );
ImErrorFatal( msg, -1, ImErrNo = IMESYNTAX );
* We have read an opcode that we could normaly handle, but we have
* noticed that there is bad data following the opcode. Tell the user
* that we can not continue.
#ifdef __STDC__
static int OpcodeErr( unsigned short oc )
static int OpcodeErr( oc )
unsigned short oc;
char msg[ IMSTR_LEN ];
sprintf( msg, "Bad data in opcode 0x%x", oc );
ImErrorFatal( msg, -1, ImErrNo = IMESYNTAX );
#ifdef __STDC__
static int tstBit( unsigned char uchr, int cnt )
static int tstBit( uchr, cnt )
unsigned char uchr;
int cnt;
if ( (cnt>7) || (cnt<0) ) return( (int) -1 );
return( (int) ((1<<cnt) & uchr) );
#ifdef __STDC__
static int SkipBytes( long count )
static int SkipBytes( count )
long count;
int result=0;
int skip=0;
while ( count > 0 )
if ( count <= IMSKIP_BUF_SIZ )
skip = count;
result = ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, g_buf, CHAR, 1, skip );
if ( result <= -1 ) return( result );
count -= skip;
return( result );
* Opcode handlers / functions
/* 0x0000 - Null operation - 0 */
static int
int result = 0;
return( result );
/* 0x0001 - define clipRegion - region size */
static int
PO_Clip( )
int result = 10;
struct Region rgn;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &rgn, RegionFields ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( rgn.rgnSize != 10 )
result += (rgn.rgnSize - 10);
if ( SkipBytes( (long) rgn.rgnSize - 10 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
g_gs.clipRgn.rgnBBox.top = rgn.rgnBBox.top;
g_gs.clipRgn.rgnBBox.left = rgn.rgnBBox.left;
g_gs.clipRgn.rgnBBox.bottom = rgn.rgnBBox.bottom;
g_gs.clipRgn.rgnBBox.right = rgn.rgnBBox.right;
return( result );
/* 0x0002 - background pattern - 8 */
static int
PO_BkPat( )
int result = 8;
unsigned char uc;
uc = (unsigned char) result;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, g_gs.bkPat, UCHAR, 1, uc ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x0003 - text font (word) - 2 */
static int
PO_TxFont( )
int result = 2;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.txFont, SHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x0004 - text face (byte) - 1 */
static int
PO_TxFace( )
int result = 1;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.txFace, UCHAR, 1, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x0005 - text mode (word) - 2 */
static int
PO_TxMode( )
int result = 2;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.txMode, SHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x0006 - space extra (fixed point) - 4 */
static int
PO_SpExtra( )
int result = 4;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.spExtra, IMFIXED, 4, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x0007 - pen size (point) - 4 */
static int
PO_PnSize( )
int result = 4;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.pnSize, PointFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x0008 - pen mode (word) - 2 */
static int
PO_PnMode( )
int result = 2;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.pnMode, SHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x0009 - pen pattern - 8 */
static int
PO_PnPat( )
int result = 8;
unsigned char uc;
uc = (unsigned char) result;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, g_gs.pnPat, UCHAR, 1, uc ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x000A - fill pattern - 8 */
static int
PO_FillPat( )
int result = 8;
unsigned char uc;
uc = (unsigned char) result;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, g_gs.fillPat, UCHAR, 1, uc )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x000B - oval size (point) - 4 */
static int
PO_OvSize( )
int result = 4;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.ovSize, PointFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x000C - dh, dv (word) - 4 */
static int
PO_Origin( )
int result = 4;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.origin, PointFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x000D - text size (word) - 2 */
static int
PO_TxSize( )
int result = 2;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.txSize, SHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x000E - foreground color (long) - 4 */
static int
PO_FgColor( )
int result = 4;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.fgColor, LONG, 4, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x000F - background color (long) - 4 */
static int
PO_BkColor( )
int result = 4;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.bkColor, LONG, 4, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x0010 - numer, denom (points) - 4 */
static int
PO_TxRatio( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.txRatNum, PointFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.txRatDen, PointFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x0011 - version (byte) - 1 */
static int
PO_Version( )
int result = 1;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.version, UCHAR, 1, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x0012 - color background pattern - variable */
static int
PO_BkPixPat( )
int result = 2;
unsigned short ushort1;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &ushort1, SHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ushort1 == 1 )
result += -666;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) -666 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
{ /* ushort1 == 2 */
result += 70;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) 70 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0013 - color pen pattern - variable */
static int
PO_PnPixPat( )
int result = 2;
unsigned short ushort1=0;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &ushort1, SHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ushort1 == 1 )
result += -666;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) -666 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
{ /* ushort1 == 2 */
result += 70;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) 70 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0014 - color fill pattern - variable */
static int
PO_FillPixPat( )
int result = 2;
int i;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &i, INT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( i == 1 )
result += -666;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) -666 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
{ /* i == 2 */
result += 70;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) 70 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0015 - fractional pen position - 2 */
static int
PO_PnLocHFrac( )
int result = 2;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.pnLocHFrac, SHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x0016 - extra for each character - 2 */
static int
PO_ChExtra( )
int result = 2;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.chExtra, SHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x0017 - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved1( )
int result = 0;
return( result );
/* 0x0018 - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved2( )
int result = 0;
return( result );
/* 0x0019 - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved3( )
int result = 0;
return( result );
/* 0x001A - set RGB foreground color - variable */
static int
PO_RGBFgCol( )
int result = 4;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.rgbFgColor, RGBColorFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x001B - set RGB background color - variable */
static int
PO_RGBBkCol( )
int result = 4;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.rgbBkColor, RGBColorFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x001C - hilite mode flag - 0 */
static int
PO_HiliteMode( )
int result = 0;
g_gs.hiliteMode = ! g_gs.hiliteMode;
return( result );
/* 0x001D - RGB hilite color - variable */
static int
PO_HiliteColor( )
int result = 4;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.hiliteColor, RGBColorFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
return( result );
/* 0x001E - use default hilite color - 0 */
static int
PO_DefHilite( )
int result = 0;
g_gs.hiliteColor.red = 0;
g_gs.hiliteColor.green = 0;
g_gs.hiliteColor.blue = 0;
return( result );
/* 0x001F - RGB OpColor : arith. modes - 0 */
static int
PO_OpColor( )
int result = 0;
g_gs.opColor = ! g_gs.opColor;
return( result );
/* 0x0020 - pnLoc, newPt (points) - 8 */
static int
PO_Line( )
int result = 8;
struct Point point1;
if (ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.pnLoc, PointFields )==-1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if (ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &point1, PointFields )==-1)
ImReturnBinError( );
rline( g_gs.pnLoc.h, g_gs.pnLoc.v, point1.h, point1.v );
return( result );
/* 0x0021 - newPt (point) - 4 */
static int
PO_LineFrom( )
int result = 4;
struct Point point1;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &point1, PointFields ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
rline( g_gs.pnLoc.h, g_gs.pnLoc.v, point1.h, point1.v );
return( result );
/* 0x0022 - pnLoc (point), dh, dv - 6 */
static int
PO_ShortLine( )
int result = 6;
char char1, char2;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.pnLoc, PointFields ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &char1, CHAR, 1, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &char2, CHAR, 1, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
rline( g_gs.pnLoc.h, g_gs.pnLoc.v,
(g_gs.pnLoc.h + char1), (g_gs.pnLoc.v + char2) );
return( result );
/* 0x0023 - dh (byte), dv (byte) - 2 */
static int
PO_ShortLineFrom( )
int result = 2;
char char1, char2;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &char1, CHAR, 1, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &char2, CHAR, 1, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
rline( g_gs.pnLoc.h, g_gs.pnLoc.v,
g_gs.pnLoc.h + char1, g_gs.pnLoc.v + char2 );
return( result );
/* 0x0024 - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved4( )
int result = 2;
unsigned short ushort1=0;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ushort1 > 0 )
result += ushort1;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) ushort1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0025 - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved5( )
int result = 2;
unsigned short ushort1=0;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ushort1 > 0 )
result += ushort1;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) ushort1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0026 - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved6( )
int result = 2;
unsigned short ushort1=0;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ushort1 > 0 )
result += ushort1;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) ushort1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0027 - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved7( )
int result = 2;
unsigned short ushort1=0;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ushort1 > 0 )
result += ushort1;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) ushort1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0028 - txLoc (point), count, text - 5+text */
static int
PO_LongText( )
int result = 5;
struct Point point1;
unsigned char uchar1;
char msg[ IMSTR_LEN ];
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &point1, PointFields ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &uchar1, UCHAR, 1, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
result += uchar1;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) uchar1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
g_buf[uchar1] = '\0';
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "SKIPPED TEXT: '%s'\n", g_buf );
return( result );
/* 0x0029 - dh, count, text - 2+text */
static int
PO_DHText( )
int result = 2;
unsigned char uchar1, uchar2;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &uchar1, UCHAR, 1, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &uchar2, UCHAR, 1, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
result += uchar2;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) uchar2 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
g_buf[uchar2] = '\0';
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "SKIPPED TEXT: '%s'\n", g_buf );
return( result );
/* 0x002A - dv, count, text - 2+text */
static int
PO_DVText( )
int result = 2;
unsigned char uchar1, uchar2;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &uchar1, UCHAR, 1, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &uchar2, UCHAR, 1, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
result += uchar2;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) uchar2 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
g_buf[uchar2] = '\0';
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "SKIPPED TEXT: '%s'\n", g_buf );
return( result );
/* 0x002B - dh, dv, count, text - 3+text */
static int
PO_DHDVText( )
int result = 3;
unsigned char uchar1, uchar2, uchar3;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &uchar1, UCHAR, 1, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &uchar2, UCHAR, 1, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &uchar3, UCHAR, 1, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
result += uchar3;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) uchar3 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
g_buf[uchar3] = '\0';
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "SKIPPED TEXT: '%s'\n", g_buf );
return( result );
/* 0x002C - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved8( )
int result = 2;
short short1=0;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &short1, SHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
result += short1;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) short1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x002D - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved9( )
int result = 2;
short short1=0;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &short1, SHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
result += short1;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) short1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x002E - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved10( )
int result = 2;
short short1=0;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &short1, SHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
result += short1;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) short1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x002F - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved11( )
int result = 2;
short short1=0;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &short1, SHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
result += short1;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) short1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0030 - rect - 8 */
static int
PO_FrameRect( )
int result = 8;
int i=0;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG FrameRect: t, l, b, r = 0x%0x, 0x%0x, 0x%0x, 0x%0x\n", g_gs.lastRect.top, g_gs.lastRect.left, g_gs.lastRect.bottom, g_gs.lastRect.right );
/* Draw the sides of the rectangle */
for ( i=g_gs.lastRect.top; i<=(g_gs.lastRect.bottom-g_gs.pnSize.v); i++ )
PaintPixel( g_gs.lastRect.left, i, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
PaintPixel( g_gs.lastRect.right-g_gs.pnSize.h, i, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
/* Draw the top & bottom of the rectangle */
for ( i=g_gs.lastRect.left; i<=(g_gs.lastRect.right-g_gs.pnSize.h); i++ )
PaintPixel( i, g_gs.lastRect.top, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
PaintPixel( i, g_gs.lastRect.bottom-g_gs.pnSize.v, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
return( result );
/* 0x0031 - rect - 8 */
static int
PO_PaintRect( )
int result = 8;
int i=0, j=0;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
for ( i=g_gs.lastRect.left+1; i<g_gs.lastRect.right; i++ )
for ( j=g_gs.lastRect.top+1; j<g_gs.lastRect.bottom; j++ )
PaintPixel( i, j, g_gs.rgbBkColor );
return( result );
/* 0x0032 - rect - 8 */
static int
PO_EraseRect( )
int result = 8;
int i=0, j=0;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
for ( i=g_gs.lastRect.left+1; i<g_gs.lastRect.right; i++ )
for ( j=g_gs.lastRect.top+1; j<g_gs.lastRect.bottom; j++ )
PaintPixel( i, j, g_gs.rgbBkColor );
return( result );
/* 0x0033 - rect - 8 */
static int
PO_InvertRect( )
int result = 8;
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
int i=0, j=0;
struct RGBColor color;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
for ( i=g_gs.lastRect.left+1; i<g_gs.lastRect.right; i++ )
for ( j=g_gs.lastRect.top+1; j<g_gs.lastRect.bottom; j++ )
pptr = ImVfbQPtr( g_vfb, i, j );
color.red = (~0) ^ ImVfbQRed( g_vfb, pptr );
color.green = (~0) ^ ImVfbQGreen( g_vfb, pptr );
color.blue = (~0) ^ ImVfbQBlue( g_vfb, pptr );
SetPixel( i, j, color );
return( result );
/* 0x0034 - rect - 8 */
static int
PO_FillRect( )
int result = 8;
int i=0, j=0;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
for ( i=g_gs.lastRect.left+1; i<g_gs.lastRect.right; i++ )
for ( j=g_gs.lastRect.top+1; j<g_gs.lastRect.bottom; j++ )
PaintPixel( i, j, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
return( result );
/* 0x0035 - reserved for Apple use - 8 */
static int
PO_reserved12( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0036 - reserved for Apple use - 8 */
static int
PO_reserved13( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0037 - reserved for Apple use - 8 */
static int
PO_reserved14( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0038 - rect - 0 */
static int
PO_FrameSameRect( )
int result = 0;
int i=0;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG FrameSameRect: t, l, b, r = 0x%0x, 0x%0x, 0x%0x, 0x%0x\n", g_gs.lastRect.top, g_gs.lastRect.left, g_gs.lastRect.bottom, g_gs.lastRect.right );
/* Draw the sides of the rectangle */
for ( i=g_gs.lastRect.top; i<=(g_gs.lastRect.bottom-g_gs.pnSize.v); i++ )
PaintPixel( g_gs.lastRect.left, i, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
PaintPixel( g_gs.lastRect.right-g_gs.pnSize.h, i, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
/* Draw the top & bottom of the rectangle */
for ( i=g_gs.lastRect.left; i<=(g_gs.lastRect.right-g_gs.pnSize.h); i++ )
PaintPixel( i, g_gs.lastRect.top, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
PaintPixel( i, g_gs.lastRect.bottom-g_gs.pnSize.v, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
return( result );
/* 0x0039 - rect - 0 */
static int
PO_PaintSameRect( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x003A - rect - 0 */
static int
PO_EraseSameRect( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x003B - rect - 0 */
static int
PO_InvertSameRect( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x003C - rect - 0 */
static int
PO_FillSameRect( )
int result = 0;
int i=0;
/* Draw the sides of the rectangle */
for ( i=g_gs.lastRect.top; i<=g_gs.lastRect.bottom; i++ )
PaintPixel( g_gs.lastRect.left, i, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
PaintPixel( g_gs.lastRect.right, i, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
/* Draw the top & bottom of the rectangle */
for ( i=g_gs.lastRect.left; i<=g_gs.lastRect.right; i++ )
PaintPixel( i, g_gs.lastRect.top, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
PaintPixel( i, g_gs.lastRect.bottom, g_gs.rgbFgColor );
return( result );
/* 0x003D - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved15( )
int result = 0;
return( result );
/* 0x003E - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved16( )
int result = 0;
return( result );
/* 0x003F - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved17( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0040 - rect - 8 */
static int
PO_FrameRRect( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0041 - rect - 8 */
static int
PO_PaintRRect( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0042 - rect - 8 */
static int
PO_EraseRRect( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0043 - rect - 8 */
static int
PO_InvertRRect( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0044 - rect - 8 */
static int
PO_FillRRect( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0045 - reserved for Apple use - 8 */
static int
PO_reserved18( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0046 - reserved for Apple use - 8 */
static int
PO_reserved19( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0047 - reserved for Apple use - 8 */
static int
PO_reserved20( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0048 - rect - 0 */
static int
PO_FrameSameRRect( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0049 - rect - 0 */
static int
PO_PaintSameRRect( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x004A - rect - 0 */
static int
PO_EraseSameRRect( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x004B - rect - 0 */
static int
PO_InvertSameRRect( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x004C - rect - 0 */
static int
PO_FillSameRRect( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x004D - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved21( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x004E - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved22( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x004F - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved23( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0050 - rect - 8 */
static int
PO_FrameOval( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0051 - rect - 8 */
static int
PO_PaintOval( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0052 - rect - 8 */
static int
PO_EraseOval( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0053 - rect - 8 */
static int
PO_InvertOval( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0054 - rect - 8 */
static int
PO_FillOval( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0055 - reserved for Apple use - 8 */
static int
PO_reserved24( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0056 - reserved for Apple use - 8 */
static int
PO_reserved25( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0057 - reserved for Apple use - 8 */
static int
PO_reserved26( )
int result = 8;
if ( ImBinReadStruct( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.lastRect, RectFields)== -1)
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0058 - rect - 0 */
static int
PO_FrameSameOval( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0059 - rect - 0 */
static int
PO_PaintSameOval( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x005A - rect - 0 */
static int
PO_EraseSameOval( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x005B - rect - 0 */
static int
PO_InvertSameOval( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x005C - rect - 0 */
static int
PO_FillSameOval( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x005D - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved27( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x005E - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved28( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x005F - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved29( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0060 - rect, startAngle, arcAngle - 12 */
static int
PO_FrameArc( )
int result = 12;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0061 - rect, startAngle, arcAngle - 12 */
static int
PO_PaintArc( )
int result = 12;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0062 - rect, startAngle, arcAngle - 12 */
static int
PO_EraseArc( )
int result = 12;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0063 - rect, startAngle, arcAngle - 12 */
static int
PO_InvertArc( )
int result = 12;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0064 - rect, startAngle, arcAngle - 12 */
static int
PO_FillArc( )
int result = 12;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0065 - reserved for Apple use - 12 */
static int
PO_reserved30( )
int result = 12;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0066 - reserved for Apple use - 12 */
static int
PO_reserved31( )
int result = 12;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0067 - reserved for Apple use - 12 */
static int
PO_reserved32( )
int result = 12;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0068 - rect - 4 */
static int
PO_FrameSameArc( )
int result = 4;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0069 - rect - 4 */
static int
PO_PaintSameArc( )
int result = 4;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x006A - rect - 4 */
static int
PO_EraseSameArc( )
int result = 4;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x006B - rect - 4 */
static int
PO_InvertSameArc( )
int result = 4;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x006C - rect - 4 */
static int
PO_FillSameArc( )
int result = 4;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x006D - reserved for Apple use - 4 */
static int
PO_reserved33( )
int result = 4;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x006E - reserved for Apple use - 4 */
static int
PO_reserved34( )
int result = 4;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x006F - reserved for Apple use - 4 */
static int
PO_reserved35( )
int result = 4;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0070 - polygon - poly size */
static int
PO_FramePoly( )
int result = 2;
int i=0;
short short1=0, short2=0;
struct Rect rect1;
struct Point point1;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &short1, SHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
result += 8;
if (ImBinReadStruct(g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &rect1, RectFields)==-1)
short2 = (short1 - 10) / 4; /* how many points in the poly */
result += (short2 * 4); /* with 4 bytes per point */
/* Read the first point as the new pen loc */
if (ImBinReadStruct(g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.pnLoc, PointFields)==-1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG FramePoly: polySize = %d\n", short1 );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG FramePoly: t, l, b, r = %d, %d, %d, %d\n", rect1.top, rect1.left, rect1.bottom, rect1.right );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG FramePoly: pt1 = %d, %d\n", g_gs.pnLoc.h, g_gs.pnLoc.v );
/* Read and draw the rest of the points */
for ( i=1; i<short2; i++ )
if (ImBinReadStruct(g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &point1, PointFields)==-1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG FramePoly: pt = %d, %d\n", point1.h, point1.v );
rline( g_gs.pnLoc.h, g_gs.pnLoc.v, point1.h, point1.v );
return( result );
/* 0x0071 - polygon - poly size */
static int
PO_PaintPoly( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0072 - polygon - poly size */
static int
PO_ErasePoly( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0073 - polygon - poly size */
static int
PO_InvertPoly( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0074 - polygon - poly size */
static int
PO_FillPoly( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0075 - reserved for Apple use - poly size */
static int
PO_reserved36( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0076 - reserved for Apple use - poly size */
static int
PO_reserved37( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0077 - reserved for Apple use - poly size */
static int
PO_reserved38( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0078 - not yet Implemented - ? */
static int
PO_FrameSamePoly( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0079 - not yet Implemented - ? */
static int
PO_PaintSamePoly( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x007A - not yet Implemented - ? */
static int
PO_EraseSamePoly( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x007B - not yet Implemented - ? */
static int
PO_InvertSamePoly( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x007C - not yet implemented - ? */
static int
PO_FillSamePoly( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x007D - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved39( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x007E - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved40( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x007F - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved41( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0080 - rgn - rgn size */
static int
PO_FrameRgn( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0081 - rgn - rgn size */
static int
PO_PaintRgn( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0082 - rgn - rgn size */
static int
PO_EraseRgn( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0083 - rgn - rgn size */
static int
PO_InvertRgn( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0084 - rgn - rgn size */
static int
PO_FillRgn( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0085 - reserved for Apple use - rgn size */
static int
PO_reserved42( )
int result = 10;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0086 - reserved for Apple use - rgn size */
static int
PO_reserved43( )
int result = 10;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0087 - reserved for Apple use - rgn size */
static int
PO_reserved44( )
int result = 10;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) result ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0088 - not yet implemented - ? */
static int
PO_FrameSameRgn( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0089 - not yet implemented - ? */
static int
PO_PaintSameRgn( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x008A - not yet implemented - ? */
static int
PO_EraseSameRgn( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x008B - not yet implemented - ? */
static int
PO_InvertSameRgn( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x008C - not yet implemented - ? */
static int
PO_FillSameRgn( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x008D - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved45( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x008E - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved46( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x008F - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
static int
PO_reserved47( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0092 - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved48( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0093 - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved49( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0094 - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved50( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0095 - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved51( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0096 - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved52( )
int result = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0097 - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved53( )
int result = 2;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0090, 0x0091, 0x0098, 0x0099 - CopyBits */
/* BitMaps - Version 1 PICTs */
static int
BitMap( )
int result=0; /* return value - number of bytes read */
unsigned short rowBytes; /* PICT BitMap row byte count */
short BCLen=0; /* PICT BitMap byteCount length */
struct BMap bMap; /* PICT BitMap structure */
unsigned short ushort1=0, ushort2=0;
struct Rect rect1;
short padRight;
short sLines, lin;
unsigned int byteCount=0; /* PICT BitMap byteCount */
unsigned char * runBuffer;
unsigned char * pixBuffer;
unsigned short byt;
unsigned short bit;
unsigned short bitC;
int x, y; /* Convenient short names */
char msg[ IMSTR_LEN ];
struct RGBColor color;
result = 2;
/* read rowBytes */
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &rowBytes, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
runBuffer = (unsigned char*) malloc( 4 * rowBytes );
pixBuffer = (unsigned char*) malloc( 4 * rowBytes );
if ( (runBuffer == NULL) || (pixBuffer == NULL) )
sprintf( msg, "Failed to allocate runBuffer" );
ImErrorFatal( msg, -1, ImErrNo = IMESYNTAX );
/* if rowBytes > 250 then byteCount is a word */
/* otherwise byteCount is a byte */
if ( rowBytes > 250 ) BCLen = 2;
else BCLen = 1;
result += 26;
if ( ImBinReadStruct(g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &bMap, BMapFields)== -1)
if ( g_Opcode == 0x0091 || g_Opcode == 0x0099 )
* If we have a region, read and ignore rgn data
result += 10;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if (ImBinReadStruct(g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &rect1, RectFields)==-1)
if ( ushort1 > 10 )
ushort2 = ushort1 - 10;
result += ushort2;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) ushort2 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG PackBitsRect ; rowBytes = %d\n", rowBytes );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG PackBitsRect ; bnd = {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", bMap.bnd.top, bMap.bnd.left, bMap.bnd.bottom, bMap.bnd.right );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG PackBitsRect ; src = {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", bMap.srcRect.top, bMap.srcRect.left, bMap.srcRect.bottom, bMap.srcRect.right );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG PackBitsRect ; dst = {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", bMap.dstRect.top, bMap.dstRect.left, bMap.dstRect.bottom, bMap.dstRect.right );
padRight = bMap.bnd.right - bMap.bnd.left;
sLines = bMap.bnd.bottom - bMap.bnd.top;
for ( lin=0; lin<sLines; lin++ )
if ( g_Opcode == 0x0098 )
result += 1;
if ( ImBinRead(g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &byteCount, UINT, BCLen, 1)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( lin==0 || lin==sLines-1 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG PackBitsRect ; sl=%d, bc=%d\n", lin+1, byteCount );
if ( lin==0 ) fprintf( stderr, "...etc...\n" );
result += byteCount;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, pixBuffer, UCHAR, 1, byteCount )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
UnpackBits( pixBuffer, runBuffer, &byteCount );
{ /* g_Opcode == PO_BitsRect */
byteCount = rowBytes;
result += byteCount;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, runBuffer, UCHAR, 1, byteCount )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG BitsRect ; sl=%d, bs=%d\n", lin+1, byteCount );
for ( byt=0; byt<byteCount; byt++ )
for ( bit=0; bit<8; bit++ )
if ( (byt*8 + bit) > padRight )
x = bMap.dstRect.left + byt*8 + bit;
y = bMap.dstRect.top + lin;
if ( tstBit( runBuffer[byt], 7-bit ) )
color.red = color.green = color.blue = bitC;
SetPixel( x, y, color );
} /* bits in each byte in each scanline */
} /* byte in each scanline */
} /* each scanline */
free( (char *)runBuffer );
free( (char *)pixBuffer );
return( result );
/* 0x0090, 0x0091, 0x0098, 0x0099 - CopyBits */
/* PixMaps - Version 2 PICTs */
static int
PixMap( )
int result=0; /* return value - number of bytes read */
int i=0; /* generic loop counter */
unsigned short rowBytes; /* PICT PixMap row byte count */
short BCLen=0; /* PICT PixMap byteCount length */
struct PMap pMap; /* PICT PixMap structure */
unsigned short ushort1=0;
unsigned short ushort2=0;
struct Rect rect1;
short padRight;
short sLines, lin;
unsigned int byteCount=0; /* PICT PixMap byteCount */
struct CTable cTab; /* PICT ColorLookupTable struct */
unsigned short byt;
int x, y; /* Convenient short names */
struct CTEntry ctEnt; /* PICT ColorLookupTable Entry struct */
ImCltPtr ctPtr; /* VFB ColorTable pointer */
unsigned char * runBuffer;
unsigned char * pixBuffer;
char msg[ IMSTR_LEN ];
struct RGBColor color;
struct Rect pm_srcRect;
struct Rect pm_dstRect;
int old_mode; /* Remember the old pen transfer mode */
char message[100]; /* ImInfo message */
result = 2;
/* read rowBytes */
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &rowBytes, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
runBuffer = (unsigned char*) malloc( 4 * rowBytes );
pixBuffer = (unsigned char*) malloc( 4 * rowBytes );
if ( (runBuffer == NULL) || (pixBuffer == NULL) )
sprintf( msg, "Failed to allocate runBuffer" );
ImErrorFatal( msg, -1, ImErrNo = IMESYNTAX );
/* if rowBytes >= 0x8000 then we have a PixMap */
if ( rowBytes >= 0x8000 )
rowBytes = 0x7FFF & rowBytes;
/* if rowBytes > 250 then byteCount is a word */
/* otherwise byteCount is a byte */
if ( rowBytes > 250 )
BCLen = 2;
BCLen = 1;
result += 46;
if ( ImBinReadStruct(g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &pMap, PMapFields)== -1)
/* Do we have a REGION-Clipped PixMaps ? */
if ( g_Opcode == 0x0091 || g_Opcode == 0x0099 )
/* If we have a region, read and ignore rgn data */
result += 10;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if (ImBinReadStruct(g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &rect1, RectFields)==-1)
if ( ushort1 > 10 )
ushort2 = ushort1 - 10;
result += ushort2;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) ushort2 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG PackBitsRect ; rowBytes = %d\n", rowBytes );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG PackBitsRect ; bnd = {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", pMap.bnd.top, pMap.bnd.left, pMap.bnd.bottom, pMap.bnd.right );
padRight = pMap.bnd.right - pMap.bnd.left;
sLines = pMap.bnd.bottom - pMap.bnd.top;
/* Read the colorTable header */
result += 8;
sprintf( message, "%d-bit Color Indexed", pMap.pixelSize );
ImInfo( "Type", message );
if (ImBinReadStruct(g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &cTab, CTableFields)==-1)
/* Allocate a new IM-CLT */
if ( clt == NULL )
clt = ImCltAlloc( cTab.ctSize + 1 );
ImVfbSClt( g_vfb, clt );
sprintf( message, "%d Entries", (cTab.ctSize+1) );
ImInfo( "Color Table", message );
ImInfo( "Color Table", "none" );
/* Read the colorTable data */
for ( i=0; i<=cTab.ctSize; i++ )
result += 8;
if (ImBinReadStruct(g_ioType,g_fd,g_fp,&ctEnt,CTEntryFields)==-1)
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( i==0 || i==cTab.ctSize ) {
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG PackBitsRect ; ctEnt[%d] = (r=0x%0x,g=0x%0x,b=0x%0x)\n", i, ctEnt.red, ctEnt.green, ctEnt.blue );
if ( i==0 ) fprintf( stderr, "...etc...\n" );
ctPtr = ImCltQPtr( clt, i );
ImCltSRed( ctPtr, ctEnt.red );
ImCltSGreen( ctPtr, ctEnt.green );
ImCltSBlue( ctPtr, ctEnt.blue );
/* Read the srcRect, dstRect, and transfer mode */
result += 18;
if (ImBinReadStruct(g_ioType,g_fd,g_fp,&pm_srcRect,RectFields)==-1)
if (ImBinReadStruct(g_ioType,g_fd,g_fp,&pm_dstRect,RectFields)==-1)
old_mode = g_gs.pnMode; /* Remember global pen transfer mode */
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.pnMode, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* Read and process the PixData scanlines */
for ( lin=0; lin<sLines; lin++ )
if ( g_Opcode == 0x0098 )
result += BCLen;
if ( ImBinRead(g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &byteCount, UINT, BCLen, 1)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( lin==0 || lin==sLines-1 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG PackBitsRect ; sl=%d, bc=%d\n", lin+1, byteCount );
if ( lin==0 ) fprintf( stderr, "...etc...\n" );
result += byteCount;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, pixBuffer, UCHAR, 1, byteCount )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
UnpackBits( pixBuffer, runBuffer, &byteCount );
{ /* g_Opcode == PO_BitsRect */
byteCount = rowBytes;
result += byteCount;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, runBuffer, UCHAR, 1, byteCount )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG BitsRect ; sl=%d, bc=%d\n", lin+1, byteCount );
for ( byt=0; byt<byteCount; byt++ )
x = pMap.bnd.left + byt;
/* Don't draw pad-bits (beyond pixmap bounds) */
if ( x >= pMap.bnd.right ) break;
#ifdef DEBUG
y = g_pictFrame.bottom - (pMap.bnd.top + lin);
y = pMap.bnd.top + lin;
ctPtr = ImCltQPtr( clt, runBuffer[byt] );
color.red = ImCltQRed( ctPtr );
color.green = ImCltQGreen( ctPtr );
color.blue = ImCltQBlue( ctPtr );
SetPixel( x, y, color );
} /* byte in each scanline */
} /* each scanline */
g_gs.pnMode = old_mode; /* Restore the global pen transfer mode */
return( result );
/* 0x009A, 0x009B - DirectBits CopyBits */
/* 16 and 32 bit DirectBits PixMaps - Version 2 PICTs */
static int
DirectBits( )
int result=0; /* return value - number of bytes read */
int i=0; /* generic loop counter */
unsigned short rowBytes; /* PICT PixMap row byte count */
short BCLen=0; /* PICT PixMap byteCount length */
struct PMap pMap; /* PICT PixMap structure */
unsigned short ushort1=0;
unsigned short ushort2=0;
struct Rect rect1;
short padRight;
short sLines, lin;
unsigned int byteCount=0; /* PICT PixMap byteCount */
unsigned short byt;
int x, y; /* Convenient short names */
struct CTEntry ctEnt; /* PICT ColorLookupTable Entry struct */
ImCltPtr ctPtr; /* VFB ColorTable pointer */
unsigned char * runBuffer;
unsigned char * pixBuffer;
char msg[ IMSTR_LEN ];
struct RGBColor color;
struct Rect pm_srcRect;
struct Rect pm_dstRect;
int old_mode; /* Remember the old pen transfer mode */
char message[100]; /* ImInfo message */
int chanOff; /* Component offset into pixel data */
int alphaOff; /* Alpha component offset into pixel data */
result = 2;
/* read and skip baseAddr */
result += 4;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) 4 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
/* read rowBytes */
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &rowBytes, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
runBuffer = (unsigned char*) malloc( 4 * rowBytes );
pixBuffer = (unsigned char*) malloc( 4 * rowBytes );
if ( (runBuffer == NULL) || (pixBuffer == NULL) )
sprintf( msg, "Failed to allocate runBuffer" );
ImErrorFatal( msg, -1, ImErrNo = IMESYNTAX );
/* if rowBytes >= 0x8000 then we have a PixMap */
if ( rowBytes >= 0x8000 )
rowBytes = 0x7FFF & rowBytes;
/* if rowBytes > 250 then byteCount is a word */
/* otherwise byteCount is a byte */
if ( rowBytes > 250 )
BCLen = 2;
BCLen = 1;
result += 46;
if ( ImBinReadStruct(g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &pMap, PMapFields)== -1)
/* Do we have a REGION-Clipped PixMaps ? */
if ( g_Opcode == 0x009B )
/* If we have a region, read and ignore rgn data */
result += 10;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if (ImBinReadStruct(g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &rect1, RectFields)==-1)
if ( ushort1 > 10 )
ushort2 = ushort1 - 10;
result += ushort2;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) ushort2 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG PackBitsRect ; rowBytes = %d\n", rowBytes );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG PackBitsRect ; bnd = {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", pMap.bnd.top, pMap.bnd.left, pMap.bnd.bottom, pMap.bnd.right );
padRight = pMap.bnd.right - pMap.bnd.left;
sLines = pMap.bnd.bottom - pMap.bnd.top;
/* Read the srcRect, dstRect, and transfer mode */
result += 18;
if (ImBinReadStruct(g_ioType,g_fd,g_fp,&pm_srcRect,RectFields)==-1)
if (ImBinReadStruct(g_ioType,g_fd,g_fp,&pm_dstRect,RectFields)==-1)
old_mode = g_gs.pnMode; /* Remember global pen transfer mode */
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &g_gs.pnMode, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* Read and process the PixData scanlines */
for ( lin=0; lin<sLines; lin++ )
result += BCLen;
if ( ImBinRead(g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &byteCount, UINT, BCLen, 1)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( lin==0 || lin==sLines-1 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG PackBitsRect ; sl=%d, bc=%d\n", lin+1, byteCount );
if ( lin==0 ) fprintf( stderr, "...etc...\n" );
result += byteCount;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, pixBuffer, UCHAR, 1, byteCount )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "DEBUG: byteCount (before unpacking) = %d\n", byteCount );
if ( pMap.packType == 3 )
UnpackBits3( pixBuffer, runBuffer, &byteCount );
for ( byt=0; byt<byteCount; byt+=2 )
x = pMap.bnd.left + ( byt / 2 );
/* 16 bit RLE by pixelSize chunks */
ushort1 = runBuffer[byt];
ushort1 = ushort1 << 8;
ushort1 = ushort1 | runBuffer[byt+1];
/* Construct BLUE */
color.blue = ushort1 & 0x1f;
color.blue = color.blue << 3;
ushort1 = ushort1 >> 2;
color.blue = color.blue | (ushort1 & 0x7);
ushort1 = ushort1 >> 3;
/* Construct GREEN */
color.green = ushort1 & 0x1f;
color.green = color.green << 3;
ushort1 = ushort1 >> 2;
color.green = color.green | (ushort1 & 0x7);
ushort1 = ushort1 >> 3;
/* Construct RED */
color.red = ushort1 & 0x1f;
color.red = color.red << 3;
ushort1 = ushort1 >> 2;
color.red = color.red | (ushort1 & 0x7);
ushort1 = ushort1 >> 3;
/* Don't draw pad-bits (beyond pixmap bounds) */
if ( x >= pMap.bnd.right ) break;
y = pMap.bnd.top + lin;
SetPixel( x, y, color );
} else if ( pMap.packType == 4 )
UnpackBits( pixBuffer, runBuffer, &byteCount );
chanOff = byteCount/pMap.cmpCount;
/* See if there is an alpha channel (cmpCount == 4 ) */
/* Note: Apple stores alpha channels FIRST (ARGB) */
/* For now, ignore alpha channel by stepping over it */
if ( pMap.cmpCount == 4 )
alphaOff = chanOff;
alphaOff = 0;
y = pMap.bnd.top + lin;
for ( byt=0; byt<chanOff; byt+=1 )
x = pMap.bnd.left + byt;
/* 32 bit RLE by component chunks */
color.red = runBuffer[byt+alphaOff];
color.green = runBuffer[byt+alphaOff+chanOff];
color.blue = runBuffer[byt+alphaOff+chanOff*2];
/* Don't draw pad-bits (beyond pixmap bounds) */
if ( x >= pMap.bnd.right ) break;
SetPixel( x, y, color );
} else
sprintf( msg, "Bad packType %d", pMap.packType );
ImErrorFatal( msg, -1, ImErrNo = IMESYNTAX );
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "DEBUG: byteCount = %d, x = %d, y = %d\n", byteCount, x, y );
} /* each scanline */
g_gs.pnMode = old_mode; /* Restore the global pen transfer mode */
return( result );
/* 0x0090, 0x0091, 0x0098, 0x0099 - CopyBits */
static int
CopyBits( )
int result=0; /* return value - number of bytes read */
if ( g_pictVers == IMPICT_V1 )
/* Bitmap - 1 bit QuickDraw */
result = BitMap( );
} else /* g_pictVers == IMPICT_V2 */
if ( g_Opcode == 0x009A || g_Opcode == 0x009B ) {
/* DirectBits - 16 and 32 bit QuickDraw */
result = DirectBits( );
} else {
/* Indexed Color - 2, 4, and 8 bit QuickDraw */
result = PixMap( );
return( result );
/* 0x0090 - copybits, rect clip - variable */
static int
PO_BitsRect( )
return( CopyBits( ) );
/* 0x0091 - copybits, rgn clip - variable */
static int
PO_BitsRgn( )
return( CopyBits( ) );
/* 0x0098 - packed, rect clip - variable */
static int
PO_PackBitsRect( )
return( CopyBits( ) );
/* 0x0099 - packed, rgn clip - variable */
static int
PO_PackBitsRgn( )
return( CopyBits( ) );
/* 0x009A - 32-bit QuickDraw - 2+data */
static int
PO_DirectBitsRect( )
return( CopyBits( ) );
/* 0x009B - 32-bit QuickDraw - 2+data */
static int
PO_DirectBitsRgn( )
return( CopyBits( ) );
/* 0x009C - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved56( )
int result = 2;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x009D - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved57( )
int result = 2;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x009E - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved58( )
int result = 2;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x009F - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
static int
PO_reserved59( )
int result = 2;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x00A0 - kind (word) - 2 */
static int
PO_ShortComment( )
int result = 2;
unsigned short ushort1 = 0;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
/* This is too anoying to see the warning over and over */
/* OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode ); */
return( result );
/* 0x00A1 - kind, size (words), data - 4+data */
static int
PO_LongComment( )
int result = 4;
unsigned short ushort1 = 0;
unsigned short ushort2 = 0;
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinRead( g_ioType, g_fd, g_fp, &ushort2, USHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
result += ushort2;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) ushort2 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x00FF - end of picture - 2 */
static int
PO_opEndPic( )
int result = 2;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: OPCode just read is 'End Of Picture' (0x%0x)\n", g_Opcode );
return( result );
/* 0x0C00 - Header Opcode - 2 */
static int
PO_HeaderOp( )
int result = 2;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: OPCode just read is 'Header Opcode' (0x%0x)\n", g_Opcode );
return( result );
* libim functions
* imPictRead - read a Macintosh PICT file
* The file header is read and the size of the image determined.
* Space is allocated for the VFB and the run codes read in to
* a run buffer. The run buffer is then expanded into straight
* RGB values in the VFB and the completed VFB added to the tag list.
static int /* Returns # tags read in */
#ifdef __STDC__
imPictRead( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable )
imPictRead( ioType, fd, fp, flags, tagTable )
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable * flags; /* Format flags */
TagTable * tagTable; /* Tag list to add to */
int result=0;
int x, y, i, j; /* Convenient short names */
unsigned short pictSize=0; /* size (in bytes) of image data */
short OCLen=0; /* PICT opcode length */
/* bitmap-pixmap stuff */
int NData=0; /* Amount of data read for one opcode */
unsigned short ushort1;
unsigned long ulong1;
char msg[ IMSTR_LEN ];
char message[100]; /* ImInfo message */
g_ioType = ioType;
g_fd = fd;
g_fp = fp;
* Initialize the "Graphics State" structure elements to "zero".
memset( (void *)&g_gs, 0x00, sizeof( struct GState ) );
g_gs.rgbBkColor.red = IMWHITE;
g_gs.rgbBkColor.green = IMWHITE;
g_gs.rgbBkColor.blue = IMWHITE;
g_gs.rgbFgColor.red = IMBLACK;
g_gs.rgbFgColor.green = IMBLACK;
g_gs.rgbFgColor.blue = IMBLACK;
g_gs.pnSize.h = 1;
g_gs.pnSize.v = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: set our byte order to MBF\n" );
* PICT files are usually generated on Macs, which have an MBF
* byte order. There is no floating point in the file so we
* won't bother setting the float format for BIN.
BinByteOrder( BINMBF );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: read and ignore the 512 byte header\n" );
* Read in the 512 byte header.
* Its application specific so after we read it we can throw it away.
if ( SkipBytes( (long) 512 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: read pictSize\n" );
* Read in the 2 byte "pictSize" field.
* Since PICT1 format PICTs can only be 32k the 2 bytes works fine,
* but for PICT2 format PICTs this 2 bytes only represents the low
* order word. Apple says we can ignore this value.
if ( ImBinRead( ioType, fd, fp, &pictSize, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: pictSize (LSW) = 0x%0x (%d)\n", pictSize, pictSize );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: read g_pictFrame\n" );
* Read in the 8 byte "g_pictFrame" field.
* The g_pictFrame describes the bounding rectangle of the image.
* We can use this to tell how big our Virtual Frame Buffer should be.
if ( ImBinReadStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &g_pictFrame, RectFields) == -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.top = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.top, g_pictFrame.top );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.left = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.left, g_pictFrame.left );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.bottom = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.bottom, g_pictFrame.bottom );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.right = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.right, g_pictFrame.right );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: read version\n" );
* Read in the 2 bytes of pict version numbers.
* If it is a PICT2 then also skip over the extra 28 bytes of junk.
if ( ImBinRead( ioType, fd, fp, &g_pictVers, SHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( g_pictVers == IMPICT_V1 )
OCLen = 1;
strcpy( message, "1 (original PICT)" );
else if ( g_pictVers == IMPICT_V2 )
OCLen = 2;
/* PICT2 has some extra "reserved junk" we can skip over */
if ( SkipBytes( (long) 28 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
strcpy( message, "2 (32-bit QuickDraw PICT2)" );
sprintf( msg, "Unknown PICT version 0x%0x (%d)", g_pictVers, g_pictVers);
ImErrorFatal( msg, -1, ImErrNo = IMESYNTAX );
ImInfo( "Version", message );
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( g_pictVers == IMPICT_V1 )
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: This is a version 1 PICT file\n" );
if ( g_pictVers == IMPICT_V2 )
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: This is a version 2 PICT file\n" );
ImInfo( "Byte Order", "Most Significant Byte First" );
* We are now ready to start reading opcodes and data,
* so we might as well allocate a VFB of the required size...
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: allocate a vfb\n" );
x = g_pictFrame.right /* - g_pictFrame.left */ ;
y = g_pictFrame.bottom /* - g_pictFrame.top */ ;
sprintf( message, "%d x %d", x, y );
ImInfo( "Resolution", message );
if ( (g_vfb = ImVfbAlloc( x, y, IMVFBRGB )) == IMVFBNULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
* Fill the VFB with the default background color.
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: fill the vfb with background color\n" );
for ( i=0; i<x; i++ )
for ( j=0; j<y; j++ )
SetPixel( i, j, g_gs.rgbBkColor );
* OK, lets start parsing the PICT opcodes !
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: start reading opcodes\n" );
g_Opcode = 0;
if ( ImBinRead( ioType, fd, fp, &g_Opcode, USHORT, OCLen, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
while ( g_Opcode != 0x00FF )
/* g_Opcode is >= 0x0000 since it is unsigned. */
if ( g_Opcode <= IMLAST_INDEXED_OPCODE )
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: OPCode just read is '%s' (0x%0x)\n", POCHandlerList[g_Opcode].name, g_Opcode );
NData += (*POCHandlerList[g_Opcode].handler)( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: OPCode just read = 0x%0x\n", g_Opcode );
/* 0x00A2 to 0x00AF - reserved for Apple use - 2+data */
if ( (g_Opcode>=0x00A2) && (g_Opcode<=0x00AF) )
NData += 2;
if ( ImBinRead( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ushort1 > 0 )
NData += ushort1;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) ushort1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
/* 0x00B0 to 0x00CF - reserved for Apple use - 0 */
else if ( (g_Opcode>=0x00B0) && (g_Opcode<=0x00CF) )
NData += 0;
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
/* 0x00D0 to 0x00FE - reserved for Apple use - 4+data */
else if ( (g_Opcode>=0x00D0) && (g_Opcode<=0x00FE) )
NData += 4;
if ( ImBinRead( ioType, fd, fp, &ulong1, ULONG, 4, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ulong1 > 0 )
NData += (int) ulong1;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) ulong1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
/* 0x0100 to 0x01FF - reserved for Apple use - 2 */
else if ( (g_Opcode>=0x0100) && (g_Opcode<=0x01FF) )
NData += 2;
if ( ImBinRead( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
/* 0x0200 to 0x0BFF - reserved for Apple use - 2*nnXX */
else if ( (g_Opcode>=0x0200) && (g_Opcode<=0x7FFF) )
NData += (g_Opcode >> 8) * 2;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) NData ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
/* 0x8100 to 0xFFFF - reserved for Apple use - 2*nnXX */
else if ( (g_Opcode>=0x8100) && (g_Opcode<=0xFFFF) )
NData += 4;
if ( ImBinRead( ioType, fd, fp, &ulong1, ULONG, 4, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ulong1 > 0 )
NData += (int) ulong1;
if ( SkipBytes( (long) ulong1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OpcodeWarn( g_Opcode );
NData = 0;
OpcodeUns( g_Opcode );
* If we are reading PICT2, the next opcode must be word
* aligned relative to the last opcode. So, if we are not
* on an even boundary, read on extra "junk" byte.
* NOTE: If the amount of data read after an opcode is odd
* then we know we have to read an extra byte.
if ( g_pictVers == IMPICT_V2 )
if ( (NData % 2) == 1 )
NData += 1;
if ( ImBinRead( ioType, fd, fp, &i, INT, 1, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
result += NData;
NData = 0;
* read the next opcode
if ( ImBinRead( ioType, fd, fp, &g_Opcode, USHORT, OCLen, 1)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
ImInfo( "Compression Type", "Apple Macintosh PackBits" );
* Add the CLUT to the tagTable.
TagTableAppend( tagTable, TagEntryAlloc( "image clt", POINTER, &clt ) );
* Add the VFB to the tagTable.
TagTableAppend( tagTable, TagEntryAlloc( "image vfb", POINTER, &g_vfb ) );
return ( result );
* imPictWrite - write a Macintosh PICT file
* The tag list is checked to see that there is a VFB in it, and
* that there's only one VFB. That VFB is then queried, and the
* PICT file header set up and written out. The VFB data is then
* read out and converted to run-codes, and those codes written out.
* Write a PICT file containing a 1-bit BitMap
* Returns # of tags used
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imPictWritePB1( ImFileFormatWriteMap *ppMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable )
imPictWritePB1( ppMap, ioType, fd, fp, flags, tagTable )
ImFileFormatWriteMap *ppMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable * flags; /* Format flags */
TagTable * tagTable; /* Tag list to read from */
ImVfb * vfb; /* Read in image */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
unsigned char * runBuffer; /* Run buffer */
unsigned char * rbp; /* Run buffer pointer */
ImClt * clt; /* A VFB ColorTable */
ImCltPtr ctPtr; /* A VFB ColorTable pointer */
unsigned int byteCount; /* PICT bit-pixMap byteCount */
unsigned short rowBytes; /* PICT bit-pixMap rowBytes */
short pictSize; /* size (in bytes) of image data */
short OCLen; /* PICT opcode length */
short BCLen; /* PICT bit-pixMap byteCount length */
struct PMap pMap; /* PICT PixMap structure */
struct CTable cTab; /* PICT ColorLookupTable struct */
struct CTEntry ctEnt; /* PICT ColorLookupTable Entry struct*/
int nColors;
int sLines;
int clutBytes;
int bytesPerSLine;
int bytesPerBand;
int sLinesPerBand;
int sLine;
int i = 0;
int col;
unsigned long OddCount;
Pict2Header header; /* PICT 2 file header */
int nBands;
struct Region rgn;
unsigned short ushort1;
char message[100]; /* ImInfo message */
TagEntryQValue( TagTableQDirect( tagTable, "image vfb", 0 ), &vfb );
clt = ImVfbQClt( vfb );
* PICT files are usually generated on Macs, which have an MBF
* byte order. There is no floating point in the file so we
* won't bother setting the float format for BIN.
BinByteOrder( BINMBF );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write 512 byte header\n" );
* Write in the 512 byte (blank) header.
memset( (void *)g_buf, 0x00, 512 );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, g_buf, UCHAR, 1, 512 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write pictSize\n" );
* Write the 2 byte "pictSize" field.
* Since PICT1 format PICTs can only be 32k the 2 bytes works fine,
* but for PICT2 format PICTs this 2 bytes only represents the low
* order word. As IM V, p92 states, "Many applications already support
* PICT resources larger than 32k. ... This was made possible by having
* QuickDraw ignore the size word and simply read the picture until the
* end-of-picture opcode is reached."
pictSize = 0x0000;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &pictSize, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write g_pictFrame\n" );
* Write the 8 byte "g_pictFrame" field.
* The g_pictFrame describes the bounding rectangle of the image.
* We can get this by looking at the size of our Virtual Frame Buffer.
g_pictFrame.top = 0;
g_pictFrame.left = 0;
g_pictFrame.bottom = ImVfbQHeight( vfb );
g_pictFrame.right = ImVfbQWidth( vfb );
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &g_pictFrame, RectFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.top = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.top, g_pictFrame.top );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.left = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.left, g_pictFrame.left );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.bottom = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.bottom, g_pictFrame.bottom );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.right = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.right, g_pictFrame.right );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write version\n" );
* Write the 2 bytes of pict version numbers.
* Note that we always write version 2 PICT files.
ushort1 = 0x0011;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
ushort1 = 0x02FF;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
ImInfo( "Version", "2" );
ImInfo( "Byte Order", "Most Significant Byte First" );
sprintf( message, "%d x %d", g_pictFrame.right, g_pictFrame.bottom );
ImInfo( "Resolution", message );
/* PICT2 has some extra "reserved junk" we have to fill */
header.headerOp = 0x0C00;
header.version = ~0;
header.reserved1 = 0;
header.hRes = 0x00480000;
header.vRes = 0x00480000;
header.srcRect_top = 0;
header.srcRect_left = 0;
header.srcRect_bottom = g_pictFrame.bottom;
header.srcRect_right = g_pictFrame.right;
header.reserved2 = 0;
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &header, Pict2HeaderFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
OCLen = 2; /* 2 BYTE OPCODES */
* Most PICT2 files usualy have several opcodes to get bitmaps started:
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write the traditional start-em-off opcodes\n" );
/* ShortComment { picDwgBeg }; */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* DefHilite {}; */
ushort1 = 0x001E;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* ClipRgn { 10, { 0, 0, g_pictFrame.right, g_pictFrame.bottom }, $"" }; */
ushort1 = 0x0001;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
rgn.rgnSize = 10;
rgn.rgnBBox.top = 0;
rgn.rgnBBox.left = 0;
rgn.rgnBBox.bottom = g_pictFrame.bottom;
rgn.rgnBBox.right = g_pictFrame.right;
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &rgn, RegionFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
* Allocate space for a run buffer large enough for 1 unencoded
* scanline. An encoded scanline should be smaller.
ImMalloc( runBuffer, unsigned char *, 4 * g_pictFrame.right );
* Construct all of the "magic" numbers we need to write the image.
/* How many colors do we have to work with in the CLUT ? */
nColors = ImCltQNColors( clt );
* Figure out how many PixMap bands we want to break the image into.
* Note that for each band we have to write out a new copy of the CLUT,
* so we will try to figure on writting the least amount of data,
* with the additional constraint that bands are no larger than 32k.
sLines = g_pictFrame.bottom;
clutBytes = nColors * 8;
bytesPerSLine = g_pictFrame.right + 2;
bytesPerBand = 32000 - clutBytes;
sLinesPerBand = bytesPerBand / bytesPerSLine;
/* The last band may be small. */
nBands = (sLines / sLinesPerBand) + 1;
/* Calculate the rowBytes and ByteCountSize for the pixMap */
rowBytes = ( ( ( 8 * ( g_pictFrame.right ) + 31 ) >> 5 ) << 2 );
/* if rowBytes > 250 then byteCount is a word, else it is a byte */
if ( rowBytes > 250 )
BCLen = 2;
BCLen = 1;
/* rowBytes = 0x8000 | rowBytes; High-bit lit means "PixMap" */
/* ShortComment { picBitBeg }; */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* Data counter to keep track of opcode alignment */
OddCount = 0;
/* Write out the [Pack]PixMap g_Opcode itself */
if ( rowBytes >= 8 )
ushort1 = 0x0098;
ushort1 = 0x0090;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
/* Write rowBytes */
rowBytes |= 0x8000; /* High-bit lit means "PixMap" */
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &rowBytes, USHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
rowBytes &= 0x7FFF; /* Undo the High-bit so we can use rowBytes "normally" */
/* Write PixMap header */
pMap.bnd.top = 0;
pMap.bnd.left = 0;
pMap.bnd.bottom = g_pictFrame.bottom;
pMap.bnd.right = g_pictFrame.right;
pMap.version = 0;
pMap.packType = 0;
pMap.packSize = 0x00000000;
pMap.hRes = 0x00480000;
pMap.vRes = 0x00480000;
pMap.pixelType = 0;
pMap.pixelSize = 8;
pMap.cmpCount = 1;
pMap.cmpSize = 8;
pMap.planeBytes = 0x00000000;
pMap.pmTable = 0L;
pMap.pmReserved = 0x00000000;
if ( ImBinWriteStruct(ioType, fd, fp, &pMap, PMapFields)== -1)
/* Write out the CLUT (Color Lookup Table) for each PixMap (yuk!) */
cTab.ctSeed = 0L;
cTab.ctFlags = 0x0000;
cTab.ctSize = nColors - 1;
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &cTab, CTableFields ) == -1 )
ctPtr = ImCltQFirst( clt );
for ( i=0; i<nColors; i++ )
ctEnt.val = i;
/* Make the hi and low bytes of the clut values equal */
ctEnt.red = (ImCltQRed( ctPtr ) << 8) | ImCltQRed( ctPtr );
ctEnt.green = (ImCltQGreen( ctPtr ) << 8) | ImCltQGreen( ctPtr);
ctEnt.blue = (ImCltQBlue( ctPtr ) << 8) | ImCltQBlue( ctPtr );
ImCltSInc( clt, ctPtr );
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &ctEnt, CTEntryFields ) == -1 )
ImInfo( "Type", "8-bit Color Indexed" );
sprintf( message, "%d Entries", nColors );
ImInfo( "Color Table", message );
ImInfo( "Compression Type", "Apple MacIntosh Pack Bits" );
/* Write the srcRect, dstRect, and mode */
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &g_pictFrame, RectFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &g_pictFrame, RectFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
ushort1 = 0; /* srcCopy */
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* Construct-Compress-Write the scanlines */
for ( sLine=0; sLine<sLines ; sLine++ )
/* Build an unpacked scanline from the vfb */
pptr = ImVfbQPtr( vfb, 0, sLine );
for ( col=0; col<g_pictFrame.right; col++ )
runBuffer[col] = ImVfbQIndex8( vfb, pptr );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
/* byteCount = g_pictFrame.right; DEBUG */
/* byteCount = g_pictFrame.right; */
byteCount = rowBytes;
/* Pack the scanline ? */
if ( rowBytes >= 8 )
PackBits( runBuffer, (unsigned char*) g_buf, &byteCount );
rbp = (unsigned char*) g_buf;
rbp = (unsigned char*) runBuffer;
/* Write the packed scanline */
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &byteCount, UINT,
BCLen, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, rbp, UCHAR,
1, byteCount ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OddCount += (BCLen + byteCount);
* If we have written an odd amount of data for the opcode,
* then we have to pad an extra byte so that the next opcode
* is word aligned
if ( IModd( OddCount ) )
g_buf[0] = '\0';
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, g_buf, UCHAR, 1, 1)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* ShortComment { picBitEnd }; */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* ShortComment { picDwgEnd }; */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write the END opcode\n" );
/* PO_opEndPic { }; */
ushort1 = 0x00FF;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
free( (char *)runBuffer );
return ( 1 );
* Write a PICT file containing an 8-bit CLUT and PixMap
* Returns # of tags used
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imPictWritePB8( ImFileFormatWriteMap *ppMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable )
imPictWritePB8( ppMap, ioType, fd, fp, flags, tagTable )
ImFileFormatWriteMap *ppMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable * flags; /* Format flags */
TagTable * tagTable; /* Tag list to read from */
ImVfb * vfb; /* Read in image */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
unsigned char * runBuffer; /* Run buffer */
unsigned char * rbp; /* Run buffer pointer */
ImClt * clt; /* A VFB ColorTable */
ImCltPtr ctPtr; /* A VFB ColorTable pointer */
unsigned int byteCount; /* PICT bit-pixMap byteCount */
unsigned short rowBytes; /* PICT bit-pixMap rowBytes */
short pictSize; /* size (in bytes) of image data */
short OCLen; /* PICT opcode length */
short BCLen; /* PICT bit-pixMap byteCount length */
struct PMap pMap; /* PICT PixMap structure */
struct CTable cTab; /* PICT ColorLookupTable struct */
struct CTEntry ctEnt; /* PICT ColorLookupTable Entry struct*/
int nColors;
int sLines;
int clutBytes;
int bytesPerSLine;
int bytesPerBand;
int sLinesPerBand;
int sLine;
int i = 0;
int col;
unsigned long OddCount;
Pict2Header header; /* PICT 2 file header */
int nBands;
struct Region rgn;
unsigned short ushort1;
char message[100]; /* ImInfo message */
TagEntryQValue( TagTableQDirect( tagTable, "image vfb", 0 ), &vfb );
clt = ImVfbQClt( vfb );
* PICT files are usually generated on Macs, which have an MBF
* byte order. There is no floating point in the file so we
* won't bother setting the float format for BIN.
BinByteOrder( BINMBF );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write 512 byte header\n" );
* Write in the 512 byte (blank) header.
memset( (void *)g_buf, 0x00, 512 );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, g_buf, UCHAR, 1, 512 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write pictSize\n" );
* Write the 2 byte "pictSize" field.
* Since PICT1 format PICTs can only be 32k the 2 bytes works fine,
* but for PICT2 format PICTs this 2 bytes only represents the low
* order word. As IM V, p92 states, "Many applications already support
* PICT resources larger than 32k. ... This was made possible by having
* QuickDraw ignore the size word and simply read the picture until the
* end-of-picture opcode is reached."
pictSize = 0x0000;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &pictSize, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write g_pictFrame\n" );
* Write the 8 byte "g_pictFrame" field.
* The g_pictFrame describes the bounding rectangle of the image.
* We can get this by looking at the size of our Virtual Frame Buffer.
g_pictFrame.top = 0;
g_pictFrame.left = 0;
g_pictFrame.bottom = ImVfbQHeight( vfb );
g_pictFrame.right = ImVfbQWidth( vfb );
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &g_pictFrame, RectFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.top = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.top, g_pictFrame.top );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.left = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.left, g_pictFrame.left );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.bottom = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.bottom, g_pictFrame.bottom );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.right = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.right, g_pictFrame.right );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write version\n" );
* Write the 2 bytes of pict version numbers.
* Note that we always write version 2 PICT files.
ushort1 = 0x0011;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
ushort1 = 0x02FF;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
ImInfo( "Version", "2" );
ImInfo( "Byte Order", "Most Significant Byte First" );
sprintf( message, "%d x %d", g_pictFrame.right, g_pictFrame.bottom );
ImInfo( "Resolution", message );
/* PICT2 has some extra "reserved junk" we have to fill */
header.headerOp = 0x0C00;
header.version = ~0;
header.reserved1 = 0;
header.hRes = 0x00480000;
header.vRes = 0x00480000;
header.srcRect_top = 0;
header.srcRect_left = 0;
header.srcRect_bottom = g_pictFrame.bottom;
header.srcRect_right = g_pictFrame.right;
header.reserved2 = 0;
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &header, Pict2HeaderFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
OCLen = 2; /* 2 BYTE OPCODES */
* Most PICT2 files usualy have several opcodes to get bitmaps started:
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write the traditional start-em-off opcodes\n" );
/* ShortComment { picDwgBeg }; */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* DefHilite {}; */
ushort1 = 0x001E;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* ClipRgn { 10, { 0, 0, g_pictFrame.right, g_pictFrame.bottom }, $"" }; */
ushort1 = 0x0001;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
rgn.rgnSize = 10;
rgn.rgnBBox.top = 0;
rgn.rgnBBox.left = 0;
rgn.rgnBBox.bottom = g_pictFrame.bottom;
rgn.rgnBBox.right = g_pictFrame.right;
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &rgn, RegionFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
* Allocate space for a run buffer large enough for 1 unencoded
* scanline. An encoded scanline should be smaller.
ImMalloc( runBuffer, unsigned char *, 4 * g_pictFrame.right );
* Construct all of the "magic" numbers we need to write the image.
/* How many colors do we have to work with in the CLUT ? */
nColors = ImCltQNColors( clt );
* Figure out how many PixMap bands we want to break the image into.
* Note that for each band we have to write out a new copy of the CLUT,
* so we will try to figure on writting the least amount of data,
* with the additional constraint that bands are no larger than 32k.
sLines = g_pictFrame.bottom;
clutBytes = nColors * 8;
bytesPerSLine = g_pictFrame.right + 2;
bytesPerBand = 32000 - clutBytes;
sLinesPerBand = bytesPerBand / bytesPerSLine;
/* The last band may be small. */
nBands = (sLines / sLinesPerBand) + 1;
/* Calculate the rowBytes and ByteCountSize for the pixMap */
rowBytes = ( ( ( 8 * ( g_pictFrame.right ) + 31 ) >> 5 ) << 2 );
/* if rowBytes > 250 then byteCount is a word, else it is a byte */
if ( rowBytes > 250 )
BCLen = 2;
BCLen = 1;
/* rowBytes = 0x8000 | rowBytes; High-bit lit means "PixMap" */
/* ShortComment { picBitBeg }; */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* Data counter to keep track of opcode alignment */
OddCount = 0;
/* Write out the [Pack]PixMap g_Opcode itself */
if ( rowBytes >= 8 )
ushort1 = 0x0098;
ushort1 = 0x0090;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
/* Write rowBytes */
rowBytes |= 0x8000; /* High-bit lit means "PixMap" */
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &rowBytes, USHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
rowBytes &= 0x7FFF; /* Undo the High-bit so we can use rowBytes "normally" */
/* Write PixMap header */
pMap.bnd.top = 0;
pMap.bnd.left = 0;
pMap.bnd.bottom = g_pictFrame.bottom;
pMap.bnd.right = g_pictFrame.right;
pMap.version = 0;
pMap.packType = 0;
pMap.packSize = 0x00000000;
pMap.hRes = 0x00480000;
pMap.vRes = 0x00480000;
pMap.pixelType = 0;
pMap.pixelSize = 8;
pMap.cmpCount = 1;
pMap.cmpSize = 8;
pMap.planeBytes = 0x00000000;
pMap.pmTable = 0L;
pMap.pmReserved = 0x00000000;
if ( ImBinWriteStruct(ioType, fd, fp, &pMap, PMapFields)== -1)
/* Write out the CLUT (Color Lookup Table) for each PixMap (yuk!) */
cTab.ctSeed = 0L;
cTab.ctFlags = 0x0000;
cTab.ctSize = nColors - 1;
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &cTab, CTableFields ) == -1 )
ctPtr = ImCltQFirst( clt );
for ( i=0; i<nColors; i++ )
ctEnt.val = i;
/* Make the hi and low bytes of the clut values equal */
ctEnt.red = (ImCltQRed( ctPtr ) << 8) | ImCltQRed( ctPtr );
ctEnt.green = (ImCltQGreen( ctPtr ) << 8) | ImCltQGreen( ctPtr);
ctEnt.blue = (ImCltQBlue( ctPtr ) << 8) | ImCltQBlue( ctPtr );
ImCltSInc( clt, ctPtr );
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &ctEnt, CTEntryFields ) == -1 )
ImInfo( "Type", "8-bit Color Indexed" );
sprintf( message, "%d Entries", nColors );
ImInfo( "Color Table", message );
ImInfo( "Compression Type", "Apple MacIntosh Pack Bits" );
/* Write the srcRect, dstRect, and mode */
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &g_pictFrame, RectFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &g_pictFrame, RectFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
ushort1 = 0; /* srcCopy */
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* Construct-Compress-Write the scanlines */
for ( sLine=0; sLine<sLines ; sLine++ )
/* Build an unpacked scanline from the vfb */
pptr = ImVfbQPtr( vfb, 0, sLine );
for ( col=0; col<g_pictFrame.right; col++ )
runBuffer[col] = ImVfbQIndex8( vfb, pptr );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
/* byteCount = g_pictFrame.right; DEBUG */
/* byteCount = g_pictFrame.right; */
byteCount = rowBytes;
/* Pack the scanline ? */
if ( rowBytes >= 8 )
PackBits( runBuffer, (unsigned char*) g_buf, &byteCount );
rbp = (unsigned char*) g_buf;
rbp = (unsigned char*) runBuffer;
/* Write the packed scanline */
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &byteCount, UINT,
BCLen, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, rbp, UCHAR,
1, byteCount ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OddCount += (BCLen + byteCount);
* If we have written an odd amount of data for the opcode,
* then we have to pad an extra byte so that the next opcode
* is word aligned
if ( IModd( OddCount ) )
g_buf[0] = '\0';
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, g_buf, UCHAR, 1, 1)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* ShortComment { picBitEnd }; */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* ShortComment { picDwgEnd }; */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write the END opcode\n" );
/* PO_opEndPic { }; */
ushort1 = 0x00FF;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
free( (char *)runBuffer );
return ( 1 );
* Write a PICT file containing a 16-bit PixMap
* Returns # of tags used
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imPictWritePB16( ImFileFormatWriteMap *ppMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable )
imPictWritePB16( ppMap, ioType, fd, fp, flags, tagTable )
ImFileFormatWriteMap *ppMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable * flags; /* Format flags */
TagTable * tagTable; /* Tag list to read from */
ImVfb * vfb; /* Read in image */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
unsigned char * runBuffer; /* Run buffer */
unsigned char * rbp; /* Run buffer pointer */
ImClt * clt; /* A VFB ColorTable */
ImCltPtr ctPtr; /* A VFB ColorTable pointer */
unsigned int byteCount; /* PICT bit-pixMap byteCount */
unsigned short rowBytes; /* PICT bit-pixMap rowBytes */
short pictSize; /* size (in bytes) of image data */
short OCLen; /* PICT opcode length */
short BCLen; /* PICT bit-pixMap byteCount length */
struct PMap pMap; /* PICT PixMap structure */
struct CTable cTab; /* PICT ColorLookupTable struct */
struct CTEntry ctEnt; /* PICT ColorLookupTable Entry struct*/
int nColors;
int sLines;
int clutBytes;
int bytesPerSLine;
int bytesPerBand;
int sLinesPerBand;
int sLine;
int i = 0;
int col;
unsigned long OddCount;
Pict2Header header; /* PICT 2 file header */
int nBands;
struct Region rgn;
unsigned short ushort1;
char message[100]; /* ImInfo message */
TagEntryQValue( TagTableQDirect( tagTable, "image vfb", 0 ), &vfb );
clt = ImVfbQClt( vfb );
* PICT files are usually generated on Macs, which have an MBF
* byte order. There is no floating point in the file so we
* won't bother setting the float format for BIN.
BinByteOrder( BINMBF );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write 512 byte header\n" );
* Write in the 512 byte (blank) header.
memset( (void *)g_buf, 0x00,512 );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, g_buf, UCHAR, 1, 512 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write pictSize\n" );
* Write the 2 byte "pictSize" field.
* Since PICT1 format PICTs can only be 32k the 2 bytes works fine,
* but for PICT2 format PICTs this 2 bytes only represents the low
* order word. As IM V, p92 states, "Many applications already support
* PICT resources larger than 32k. ... This was made possible by having
* QuickDraw ignore the size word and simply read the picture until the
* end-of-picture opcode is reached."
pictSize = 0x0000;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &pictSize, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write g_pictFrame\n" );
* Write the 8 byte "g_pictFrame" field.
* The g_pictFrame describes the bounding rectangle of the image.
* We can get this by looking at the size of our Virtual Frame Buffer.
g_pictFrame.top = 0;
g_pictFrame.left = 0;
g_pictFrame.bottom = ImVfbQHeight( vfb );
g_pictFrame.right = ImVfbQWidth( vfb );
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &g_pictFrame, RectFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.top = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.top, g_pictFrame.top );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.left = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.left, g_pictFrame.left );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.bottom = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.bottom, g_pictFrame.bottom );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.right = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.right, g_pictFrame.right );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write version\n" );
* Write the 2 bytes of pict version numbers.
* Note that we always write version 2 PICT files.
ushort1 = 0x0011;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
ushort1 = 0x02FF;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
ImInfo( "Version", "2" );
ImInfo( "Byte Order", "Most Significant Byte First" );
sprintf( message, "%d x %d", g_pictFrame.right, g_pictFrame.bottom );
ImInfo( "Resolution", message );
/* PICT2 has some extra "reserved junk" we have to fill */
header.headerOp = 0x0C00;
header.version = ~0;
header.reserved1 = 0;
header.hRes = 0x00480000;
header.vRes = 0x00480000;
header.srcRect_top = 0;
header.srcRect_left = 0;
header.srcRect_bottom = g_pictFrame.bottom;
header.srcRect_right = g_pictFrame.right;
header.reserved2 = 0;
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &header, Pict2HeaderFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
OCLen = 2; /* 2 BYTE OPCODES */
* Most PICT2 files usualy have several opcodes to get bitmaps started:
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write the traditional start-em-off opcodes\n" );
/* ShortComment { picDwgBeg }; */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* DefHilite {}; */
ushort1 = 0x001E;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* ClipRgn { 10, { 0, 0, g_pictFrame.right, g_pictFrame.bottom }, $"" }; */
ushort1 = 0x0001;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
rgn.rgnSize = 10;
rgn.rgnBBox.top = 0;
rgn.rgnBBox.left = 0;
rgn.rgnBBox.bottom = g_pictFrame.bottom;
rgn.rgnBBox.right = g_pictFrame.right;
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &rgn, RegionFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
* Allocate space for a run buffer large enough for 1 unencoded
* scanline. An encoded scanline should be smaller.
ImMalloc( runBuffer, unsigned char *, 4 * g_pictFrame.right );
* Construct all of the "magic" numbers we need to write the image.
/* How many colors do we have to work with in the CLUT ? */
nColors = ImCltQNColors( clt );
* Figure out how many PixMap bands we want to break the image into.
* Note that for each band we have to write out a new copy of the CLUT,
* so we will try to figure on writting the least amount of data,
* with the additional constraint that bands are no larger than 32k.
sLines = g_pictFrame.bottom;
clutBytes = nColors * 8;
bytesPerSLine = g_pictFrame.right + 2;
bytesPerBand = 32000 - clutBytes;
sLinesPerBand = bytesPerBand / bytesPerSLine;
/* The last band may be small. */
nBands = (sLines / sLinesPerBand) + 1;
/* Calculate the rowBytes and ByteCountSize for the pixMap */
rowBytes = ( ( ( 8 * ( g_pictFrame.right ) + 31 ) >> 5 ) << 2 );
/* if rowBytes > 250 then byteCount is a word, else it is a byte */
if ( rowBytes > 250 )
BCLen = 2;
BCLen = 1;
/* rowBytes = 0x8000 | rowBytes; High-bit lit means "PixMap" */
/* ShortComment { picBitBeg }; */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* Data counter to keep track of opcode alignment */
OddCount = 0;
/* Write out the [Pack]PixMap g_Opcode itself */
if ( rowBytes >= 8 )
ushort1 = 0x0098;
ushort1 = 0x0090;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
/* Write rowBytes */
rowBytes |= 0x8000; /* High-bit lit means "PixMap" */
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &rowBytes, USHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
rowBytes &= 0x7FFF; /* Undo the High-bit so we can use rowBytes "normally" */
/* Write PixMap header */
pMap.bnd.top = 0;
pMap.bnd.left = 0;
pMap.bnd.bottom = g_pictFrame.bottom;
pMap.bnd.right = g_pictFrame.right;
pMap.version = 0;
pMap.packType = 0;
pMap.packSize = 0x00000000;
pMap.hRes = 0x00480000;
pMap.vRes = 0x00480000;
pMap.pixelType = 0;
pMap.pixelSize = 8;
pMap.cmpCount = 1;
pMap.cmpSize = 8;
pMap.planeBytes = 0x00000000;
pMap.pmTable = 0L;
pMap.pmReserved = 0x00000000;
if ( ImBinWriteStruct(ioType, fd, fp, &pMap, PMapFields)== -1)
/* Write out the CLUT (Color Lookup Table) for each PixMap (yuk!) */
cTab.ctSeed = 0L;
cTab.ctFlags = 0x0000;
cTab.ctSize = nColors - 1;
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &cTab, CTableFields ) == -1 )
ctPtr = ImCltQFirst( clt );
for ( i=0; i<nColors; i++ )
ctEnt.val = i;
/* Make the hi and low bytes of the clut values equal */
ctEnt.red = (ImCltQRed( ctPtr ) << 8) | ImCltQRed( ctPtr );
ctEnt.green = (ImCltQGreen( ctPtr ) << 8) | ImCltQGreen( ctPtr);
ctEnt.blue = (ImCltQBlue( ctPtr ) << 8) | ImCltQBlue( ctPtr );
ImCltSInc( clt, ctPtr );
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &ctEnt, CTEntryFields ) == -1 )
ImInfo( "Type", "8-bit Color Indexed" );
sprintf( message, "%d Entries", nColors );
ImInfo( "Color Table", message );
ImInfo( "Compression Type", "Apple MacIntosh Pack Bits" );
/* Write the srcRect, dstRect, and mode */
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &g_pictFrame, RectFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &g_pictFrame, RectFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
ushort1 = 0; /* srcCopy */
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* Construct-Compress-Write the scanlines */
for ( sLine=0; sLine<sLines ; sLine++ )
/* Build an unpacked scanline from the vfb */
pptr = ImVfbQPtr( vfb, 0, sLine );
for ( col=0; col<g_pictFrame.right; col++ )
runBuffer[col] = ImVfbQIndex8( vfb, pptr );
ImVfbSInc( vfb, pptr );
/* byteCount = g_pictFrame.right; DEBUG */
/* byteCount = g_pictFrame.right; */
byteCount = rowBytes;
/* Pack the scanline ? */
if ( rowBytes >= 8 )
PackBits( runBuffer, (unsigned char*) g_buf, &byteCount );
rbp = (unsigned char*) g_buf;
rbp = (unsigned char*) runBuffer;
/* Write the packed scanline */
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &byteCount, UINT,
BCLen, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, rbp, UCHAR,
1, byteCount ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OddCount += (BCLen + byteCount);
* If we have written an odd amount of data for the opcode,
* then we have to pad an extra byte so that the next opcode
* is word aligned
if ( IModd( OddCount ) )
g_buf[0] = '\0';
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, g_buf, UCHAR, 1, 1)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* ShortComment { picBitEnd }; */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* ShortComment { picDwgEnd }; */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write the END opcode\n" );
/* PO_opEndPic { }; */
ushort1 = 0x00FF;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
free( (char *)runBuffer );
return ( 1 );
* Write a PICT file containing a 32-bit PixMap
* Returns # of tags used
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imPictWritePBRGB( ImFileFormatWriteMap *ppMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flags, TagTable *tagTable )
imPictWritePBRGB( ppMap, ioType, fd, fp, flags, tagTable )
ImFileFormatWriteMap *ppMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable * flags; /* Format flags */
TagTable * tagTable; /* Tag list to read from */
ImVfb * vfb; /* Read in image */
ImVfbPtr pptr; /* Pixel pointer */
unsigned char * runBuffer; /* Run buffer */
unsigned char * rbp; /* Run buffer pointer */
unsigned int byteCount; /* PICT bit-pixMap byteCount */
unsigned short rowBytes; /* PICT bit-pixMap rowBytes */
short pictSize; /* size (bytes) of image data */
short OCLen; /* PICT opcode length */
short BCLen; /* PICT bit-pixMap byteCount length */
struct PMap pMap; /* PICT PixMap structure */
int sLines;
int sLine;
int i = 0;
int col;
unsigned long OddCount = 0; /* Keeps track of opcode alignment */
Pict2Header header; /* PICT 2 file header */
int depth;
struct Region rgn;
unsigned short ushort1;
unsigned long ulong1;
char message[100]; /* ImInfo message */
TagEntryQValue( TagTableQDirect( tagTable, "image vfb", 0 ), &vfb );
* PICT files are usually generated on Macs, which have an MBF
* byte order. There is no floating point in the file so we
* won't bother setting the float format for BIN.
BinByteOrder( BINMBF );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write 512 byte header\n" );
* Write in the 512 byte (blank) header.
memset( (void *)g_buf, 0x00, 512 );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, g_buf, UCHAR, 1, 512 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write pictSize\n" );
* Write the 2 byte "pictSize" field.
* Since PICT1 format PICTs can only be 32k the 2 bytes works fine,
* but for PICT2 format PICTs this 2 bytes only represents the low
* order word. As IM V, p92 states, "Many applications already support
* PICT resources larger than 32k. ... This was made possible by having
* QuickDraw ignore the size word and simply read the picture until the
* end-of-picture opcode is reached."
pictSize = 0x0000;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &pictSize, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write g_pictFrame\n" );
* Write the 8 byte "g_pictFrame" field.
* The g_pictFrame describes the bounding rectangle of the image.
* We can get this by looking at the size of our Virtual Frame Buffer.
g_pictFrame.top = 0;
g_pictFrame.left = 0;
g_pictFrame.bottom = ImVfbQHeight( vfb );
g_pictFrame.right = ImVfbQWidth( vfb );
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &g_pictFrame, RectFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.top = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.top, g_pictFrame.top );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.left = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.left, g_pictFrame.left );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.bottom = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.bottom, g_pictFrame.bottom );
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: g_pictFrame.right = 0x%0x (%d)\n", g_pictFrame.right, g_pictFrame.right );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write version\n" );
* Write the 2 bytes of pict version numbers.
* Note that we always write version 2 PICT files.
ushort1 = 0x0011;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
ushort1 = 0x02FF;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
ImInfo( "Version", "2" );
ImInfo( "Byte Order", "Most Significant Byte First" );
sprintf( message, "%d x %d", g_pictFrame.right, g_pictFrame.bottom );
ImInfo( "Resolution", message );
/* PICT2 has some extra "reserved junk" we have to fill */
header.headerOp = 0x0C00;
header.version = 0xfffe; /* = -2 Extended version 2 PICT */
header.reserved1 = 0;
header.hRes = 0x00480000;
header.vRes = 0x00480000;
header.srcRect_top = 0;
header.srcRect_left = 0;
header.srcRect_bottom = g_pictFrame.bottom;
header.srcRect_right = g_pictFrame.right;
header.reserved2 = 0;
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &header, Pict2HeaderFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
OCLen = 2; /* 2 BYTE OPCODES */
* Most PICT2 files usualy have several opcodes to get bitmaps started:
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write the traditional start opcodes\n" );
/* ShortComment { picDwgBeg }; */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* DefHilite {}; */
ushort1 = 0x001E;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* ClipRgn { 10, { 0, 0, g_pictFrame.right, g_pictFrame.bottom } } */
ushort1 = 0x0001;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
rgn.rgnSize = 10;
rgn.rgnBBox.top = 0;
rgn.rgnBBox.left = 0;
rgn.rgnBBox.bottom = g_pictFrame.bottom;
rgn.rgnBBox.right = g_pictFrame.right;
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &rgn, RegionFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
* Allocate space for a run buffer large enough for 1 unencoded
* scanline. An encoded scanline should be smaller.
ImMalloc( runBuffer, unsigned char *, 4 * g_pictFrame.right );
* Construct all of the "magic" numbers we need to write the image.
sLines = g_pictFrame.bottom;
* Calculate the rowBytes and ByteCountSize for the pixMap.
* This formula multiplies the number of pixels across the PixMap by
* the pixel depth to get the number of bits, and then this is divided
* by eight to get the number of bytes. This division by eight looks
* very strange because the number of bytes per row must be even, so
* this formula takes advantage of integer division and multiplication
* to make the result come out even. This particular formula
* additionally makes sure that the number of bytes per row is a
* multiple of four. This helps optimize the performance of Color
* QuickDraw operations because it allows Color QuickDraw to refer
* to each row beginning on a long word boundary in memory.
/* rowBytes = 3 * g_pictFrame.right; */
/* if ( IModd( rowBytes ) ) rowBytes++; */
depth = 32;
rowBytes = ((depth * (g_pictFrame.right - g_pictFrame.left) + 31) / 32) * 4;
/* if rowBytes > 250 then byteCount is a word, else it is a byte */
if ( rowBytes > 250 )
BCLen = 2;
BCLen = 1;
/* ShortComment { picBitBeg } */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* Write out the DirectBitsRect opcode itself */
ushort1 = 0x009A;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
/* Write out the baseAddr flag */
ulong1 = 0x000000FF; /* Means direct pixels */
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ulong1, ULONG, 4, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
/* Write rowBytes */
rowBytes |= 0x8000; /* High-bit lit means "PixMap" */
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &rowBytes, USHORT, 2, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
rowBytes &= 0x7FFF; /* Undo High-bit to use rowBytes "normally" */
/* Write PixMap header */
pMap.bnd.top = 0;
pMap.bnd.left = 0;
pMap.bnd.bottom = g_pictFrame.bottom;
pMap.bnd.right = g_pictFrame.right;
pMap.version = 0;
pMap.packType = 4; /* RGB RLE encoding */
pMap.packSize = 0x00000000;
pMap.hRes = 0x00480000; /* 72 dpi */
pMap.vRes = 0x00480000; /* 72 dpi */
pMap.pixelType = 16; /* For Direct Pixels */
pMap.pixelSize = 32; /* RGB data */
pMap.cmpCount = 3; /* Red, Green, Blue */
pMap.cmpSize = 8;
pMap.planeBytes = 0x00000000;
pMap.pmTable = 0L;
pMap.pmReserved = 0x00000000;
if ( ImBinWriteStruct(ioType, fd, fp, &pMap, PMapFields)== -1)
/* Write the srcRect, dstRect, and mode */
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &g_pictFrame, RectFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWriteStruct( ioType, fd, fp, &g_pictFrame, RectFields)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
ushort1 = 64; /* ditherCopy */
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* Construct-Compress-Write the scanlines */
for ( sLine=0; sLine<sLines ; sLine++ )
/* Build an unpacked scanline from the vfb */
for ( col=0; col<g_pictFrame.right; col++ )
pptr = ImVfbQPtr( vfb, col, sLine );
runBuffer[ col + 0 * g_pictFrame.right ] = ImVfbQRed( vfb, pptr );
runBuffer[ col + 1 * g_pictFrame.right ] = ImVfbQGreen( vfb, pptr );
runBuffer[ col + 2 * g_pictFrame.right ] = ImVfbQBlue( vfb, pptr );
byteCount = 3 * g_pictFrame.right;
/* Pack the scanline ? */
if ( rowBytes >= 8 )
PackBits( runBuffer, (unsigned char*)g_buf, &byteCount );
rbp = (unsigned char*) g_buf;
} else
rbp = (unsigned char*) runBuffer;
/* Write the packed scanline */
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &byteCount, UINT,
BCLen, 1 ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, rbp, UCHAR,
1, byteCount ) == -1 )
ImReturnBinError( );
OddCount += (BCLen + byteCount);
* If we have written an odd amount of data for the opcode,
* then we have to pad an extra byte so that the next opcode
* is word aligned
if ( IModd( OddCount ) )
g_buf[0] = '\0';
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, g_buf, UCHAR, 1, 1)== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* ShortComment { picBitEnd }; */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
/* ShortComment { picDwgEnd }; */
ushort1 = 0x00A0;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, 2, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: write the END opcode\n" );
/* PO_opEndPic { }; */
ushort1 = 0x00FF;
if ( ImBinWrite( ioType, fd, fp, &ushort1, USHORT, OCLen, 1 )== -1)
ImReturnBinError( );
free( (char *)runBuffer );
return ( 1 );