#include "common_headers.h" #ifdef _IMMERSION ////-------------------------- /// MultiEffect::GetStartDelay //------------------------------ // Determines the shortest start delay. // qboolean MultiEffect::GetStartDelay( DWORD &StartDelay ) { StartDelay = MAXDWORD; qboolean result = qtrue; int i,max; for ( i = 0, max = GetNumberOfContainedEffects() ; i < max ; i++ ){ DWORD CurrentStartDelay; CImmEffect* pIE = GetContainedEffect( i ); if ( pIE && pIE->GetStartDelay( CurrentStartDelay ) ){ StartDelay = Min( StartDelay, CurrentStartDelay ); } else { result = qfalse; } } return qboolean ( result && max > 0 ); } ////------------------------ /// MultiEffect::GetDelayEnd //---------------------------- // Computes end of earliest start delay. Compare this value with ::GetTickCount() // to determine if any component waveform started playing on the device. // qboolean MultiEffect::GetDelayEnd( DWORD &DelayEnd ) { DelayEnd = MAXDWORD; qboolean result = qtrue; int i,max; for ( i = 0, max = GetNumberOfContainedEffects() ; i < max ; i++ ){ DWORD StartDelay; CImmEffect* pIE = GetContainedEffect( i ); if ( pIE && pIE->GetStartDelay( StartDelay ) ){ DelayEnd = Min( DelayEnd, StartDelay + pIE->m_dwLastStarted ); } else { result = qfalse; } } return qboolean ( result && max > 0 ); } ////--------------------------- /// MultiEffect::ChangeDuration //------------------------------- // Analogous to CImmEffect::ChangeDuration. Changes duration of all component effects. // Returns false if any effect returns false. Attempts to change duration of all effects // regardless of individual return values. // qboolean MultiEffect::ChangeDuration( DWORD Duration ) { DWORD CurrentDuration; qboolean result = GetDuration( CurrentDuration ); if ( result ) { DWORD RelativeDuration = Duration - CurrentDuration; int i,max; for ( i = 0, max = GetNumberOfContainedEffects() ; i < max ; i++ ){ IMM_ENVELOPE Envelope = {0}; CImmEffect* pIE = GetContainedEffect( i ); result &= qboolean ( pIE && pIE->GetDuration( CurrentDuration ) && pIE->ChangeDuration( CurrentDuration + RelativeDuration ) && ( !pIE->GetEnvelope( &Envelope ) || ( Envelope.dwAttackTime = ( CurrentDuration ? (DWORD)((float)Envelope.dwAttackTime * (float)Duration / (float)CurrentDuration) : 0 ) , Envelope.dwFadeTime = ( CurrentDuration ? (DWORD)((float)Envelope.dwFadeTime * (float)Duration / (float)CurrentDuration) : 0 ) , pIE->ChangeEnvelope( &Envelope ) ) ) ); } result &= qboolean( max > 0 ); } return result; } ////----------------------- /// MultiEffect::ChangeGain //--------------------------- // Analogous to CImmEffect::ChangeGain. Changes gain of all component effects. // Returns false if any effect returns false. Attempts to change gain of all effects // regardless of individual return values. // qboolean MultiEffect::ChangeGain( DWORD Gain ) { DWORD CurrentGain; qboolean result = GetGain( CurrentGain ); if ( result ) { DWORD RelativeGain = Gain - CurrentGain; int i,max; for ( i = 0, max = GetNumberOfContainedEffects() ; i < max ; i++ ){ CImmEffect* pIE = GetContainedEffect( i ); result &= qboolean ( pIE && pIE->GetGain( CurrentGain ) && pIE->ChangeGain( CurrentGain + RelativeGain ) ); } result &= qboolean( max > 0 ); } return result; } ////---------------------- /// MultiEffect::GetStatus //-------------------------- // Analogous to CImmEffect::GetStatus. ORs all status flags from all component effects. // Returns false if any effect returns false. Attempts to get status of all effects // regardless of individual return values. // qboolean MultiEffect::GetStatus( DWORD &Status ) { Status = 0; qboolean result = qtrue; int i,max; for ( i = 0, max = GetNumberOfContainedEffects() ; i < max ; i++ ){ DWORD CurrentStatus; CImmEffect* pIE = GetContainedEffect( i ); if ( pIE && pIE->GetStatus( &CurrentStatus ) ){ Status |= CurrentStatus; } else { result = qfalse; } } return qboolean ( result && max > 0 ); } qboolean MultiEffect::ChangeStartDelay( DWORD StartDelay ) { DWORD CurrentStartDelay; qboolean result = GetStartDelay( CurrentStartDelay ); if ( result ) { DWORD RelativeStartDelay = StartDelay - CurrentStartDelay; int i,max; for ( i = 0, max = GetNumberOfContainedEffects() ; i < max ; i++ ){ CImmEffect* pIE = GetContainedEffect( i ); result &= qboolean ( pIE && pIE->GetStartDelay( CurrentStartDelay ) && pIE->ChangeStartDelay( CurrentStartDelay + RelativeStartDelay ) ); } result &= qboolean( max > 0 ); } return result; } qboolean MultiEffect::GetDuration( DWORD &Duration ) { Duration = 0; qboolean result = qtrue; int i,max; for ( i = 0, max = GetNumberOfContainedEffects() ; i < max ; i++ ){ DWORD CurrentDuration; CImmEffect* pIE = GetContainedEffect( i ); if ( pIE && pIE->GetDuration( CurrentDuration ) ){ Duration = Max( Duration, CurrentDuration ); } else { result = qfalse; } } return qboolean ( result && max > 0 ); } qboolean MultiEffect::GetGain( DWORD &Gain ) { Gain = 0; qboolean result = qtrue; int i,max; for ( i = 0, max = GetNumberOfContainedEffects() ; i < max ; i++ ){ DWORD CurrentGain; CImmEffect* pIE = GetContainedEffect( i ); if ( pIE && pIE->GetGain( CurrentGain ) ){ Gain = Max( Gain, CurrentGain ); } else { result = qfalse; } } return qboolean ( result && max > 0 ); } #endif // _IMMERSION