// Filename:- ui_debug.cpp // // an entire temp module just for doing some evil menu hackery during development... // #include "../server/exe_headers.h" #if 0 // this entire module was special code to StripEd-ify *menu, it isn't needed now, but I'll keep the source around for a while -ste #ifdef _DEBUG #include #include "../qcommon/sstring.h" typedef sstring<4096> sstringBIG_t; typedef set StringSet_t; StringSet_t MenusUsed; typedef map ReferencesAndPackages_t; ReferencesAndPackages_t ReferencesAndPackage; struct Reference_t { sstringBIG_t sString; sstring_t sReference; sstring_t sMenu; Reference_t() { sString = ""; sReference = ""; sMenu = ""; } // sort by menu entry, then by reference within menu... // bool operator < (const Reference_t& _X) const { int i = stricmp(sMenu.c_str(),_X.sMenu.c_str()); if (i) return i<0; return !!(stricmp(sReference.c_str(),_X.sReference.c_str()) < 0); } }; #include typedef list References_t; References_t BadReferences; sstring_t sCurrentMenu; void UI_Debug_AddMenuFilePath(LPCSTR psMenuFile) // eg "ui/blah.menu" { sCurrentMenu = psMenuFile; OutputDebugString(va("Current menu: \"%s\"\n",psMenuFile)); } typedef struct { // to correct... // sstring_t sMenuFile; sstringBIG_t sTextToFind; // will be either @REFERENCE or "text" sstringBIG_t sTextToReplaceWith; // will be @NEWREF // // to generate new data... // sstring_t sStripEdReference; // when NZ, this will create a new StripEd entry... sstringBIG_t sStripEdText; sstring_t sStripEdFileRef; // ... in this file reference (eg "SPMENUS%d"), where 0.255 of each all have this in them (for ease of coding) } CorrectionDataItem_t; typedef list CorrectionData_t; CorrectionData_t CorrectionData; static LPCSTR CreateUniqueReference(LPCSTR psText) { static set ReferencesSoFar; static sstringBIG_t NewReference; LPCSTR psTextScanPos = psText; while(*psTextScanPos) { while (isspace(*psTextScanPos)) psTextScanPos++; NewReference = psTextScanPos; // cap off text at an approx length... // const int iApproxReferenceLength = 20; char *p; if (iApproxReferenceLength TextConsolidationTable_t; // string and ref static TextConsolidationTable_t TextConsolidationTable, RefrConsolidationTable; static int iIndex = 0; // INC'd every time a new StripEd entry is synthesised TextConsolidationTable_t::iterator it = TextConsolidationTable.find(psText); if (it == TextConsolidationTable.end()) { // new entry... // LPCSTR psNewReference = CreateUniqueReference( (strlen(psReference) > strlen(psText))?psReference:psText ); CorrectionDataItem_t CorrectionDataItem; CorrectionDataItem.sMenuFile = psMenuFile; CorrectionDataItem.sTextToFind = strlen(psReference) ? ( /* !stricmp(psReference,psNewReference) ? "" :*/ va("@%s",psReference) ) : va("\"%s\"",psText); CorrectionDataItem.sTextToReplaceWith = /* !stricmp(psReference,psNewReference) ? "" : */va("@%s",psNewReference); // CorrectionDataItem.sStripEdReference = psNewReference; CorrectionDataItem.sStripEdText = psText; // qboolean bIsMulti = !!strstr(psMenuFile,"jk2mp"); // CorrectionDataItem.sStripEdFileRef = va("%sMENUS%d",bIsMulti?"MP":"SP",iIndex/256); CorrectionDataItem.sStripEdFileRef = va( "MENUS%d",iIndex/256); iIndex++; CorrectionData.push_back( CorrectionDataItem ); TextConsolidationTable[ psText ] = psNewReference; RefrConsolidationTable[ psText ] = CorrectionDataItem.sStripEdFileRef.c_str(); } else { // text already entered, so do a little duplicate-resolving... // // need to find the reference for the existing version... // LPCSTR psNewReference = (*it).second.c_str(); LPCSTR psPackageRef = (*RefrConsolidationTable.find(psText)).second.c_str(); // yeuch, hack-city // only enter correction data if references are different... // // if (stricmp(psReference,psNewReference)) { CorrectionDataItem_t CorrectionDataItem; CorrectionDataItem.sMenuFile = psMenuFile; CorrectionDataItem.sTextToFind = strlen(psReference) ? va("@%s",psReference) : va("\"%s\"",psText); CorrectionDataItem.sTextToReplaceWith = va("@%s",psNewReference); // CorrectionDataItem.sStripEdReference = ""; CorrectionDataItem.sStripEdText = ""; CorrectionDataItem.sStripEdFileRef = psPackageRef; CorrectionData.push_back( CorrectionDataItem ); } } } static void EnterGoodRef(LPCSTR ps4LetterType, LPCSTR psReference, LPCSTR psPackageReference, LPCSTR psText) { EnterRef(psReference, psText, sCurrentMenu.c_str()); ReferencesAndPackage[psReference].insert(psPackageReference); MenusUsed.insert(psPackageReference); } static bool SendFileToNotepad(LPCSTR psFilename) { bool bReturn = false; char sExecString[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(sExecString,"notepad %s",psFilename); if (WinExec(sExecString, // LPCSTR lpCmdLine, // address of command line SW_SHOWNORMAL // UINT uCmdShow // window style for new application ) >31 // don't ask me, Windoze just uses >31 as OK in this call. ) { // ok... // bReturn = true; } else { assert(0);//ErrorBox("Unable to locate/run NOTEPAD on this machine!\n\n(let me know about this -Ste)"); } return bReturn; } // creates as temp file, then spawns notepad with it... // static bool SendStringToNotepad(LPCSTR psWhatever, LPCSTR psLocalFileName) { bool bReturn = false; LPCSTR psOutputFileName = va("c:\\%s",psLocalFileName); FILE *handle = fopen(psOutputFileName,"wt"); if (handle) { fprintf(handle,"%s",psWhatever); // NOT fprintf(handle,psWhatever), which will try and process built-in %s stuff fclose(handle); bReturn = SendFileToNotepad(psOutputFileName); } else { assert(0);//ErrorBox(va("Unable to create file \"%s\" for notepad to use!",psOutputFileName)); } return bReturn; } static qboolean DoFileFindReplace( LPCSTR psMenuFile, LPCSTR psFind, LPCSTR psReplace ) { char *buffer; OutputDebugString(va("Loading: \"%s\"\n",psMenuFile)); int iLen = FS_ReadFile( psMenuFile,(void **) &buffer); if (iLen<1) { OutputDebugString("Failed!\n"); assert(0); return qfalse; } // find/rep... // string str(buffer); str += "\r\n"; // safety for *(char+1) stuff FS_FreeFile( buffer ); // let go of the buffer // originally this kept looping for replacements, but now it only does one (since the find/replace args are repeated // and this is called again if there are >1 replacements of the same strings to be made... // // int iReplacedCount = 0; char *pFound; int iSearchPos = 0; while ( (pFound = strstr(str.c_str()+iSearchPos,psFind)) != NULL) { // special check, the next char must be whitespace or carriage return etc, or we're not on a whole-word position... // int iFoundLoc = pFound - str.c_str(); char cAfterFind = pFound[strlen(psFind)]; if (cAfterFind > 32) { // ... then this string was part of a larger one, so ignore it... // iSearchPos = iFoundLoc+1; continue; } str.replace(iFoundLoc, strlen(psFind), psReplace); // iSearchPos = iFoundLoc+1; // iReplacedCount++; break; } // assert(iReplacedCount); // if (iReplacedCount>1) // { // int z=1; // } FS_WriteFile( psMenuFile, str.c_str(), strlen(str.c_str())); OutputDebugString("Ok\n"); return qtrue; } void UI_Dump_f(void) { string sFinalOutput; vector vStripEdFiles; #define OUTPUT sFinalOutput+= #define OUTPUTSTRIP vStripEdFiles[vStripEdFiles.size()-1] += OUTPUT("### UI_Dump(): Top\n"); for (ReferencesAndPackages_t::iterator it = ReferencesAndPackage.begin(); it!=ReferencesAndPackage.end(); ++it) { if ( (*it).second.size()>1) { OUTPUT(va("!!!DUP: Ref \"%s\" exists in:\n",(*it).first.c_str())); StringSet_t &Set = (*it).second; for (StringSet_t::iterator itS = Set.begin(); itS!=Set.end(); ++itS) { OUTPUT(va("%s\n",(*itS).c_str())); } } } OUTPUT("\nSP Package Reference list:\n"); for (StringSet_t::iterator itS = MenusUsed.begin(); itS!=MenusUsed.end(); ++itS) { OUTPUT(va("%s\n",(*itS).c_str())); } OUTPUT("\nBad Text list:\n"); for (References_t::iterator itBad=BadReferences.begin(); itBad!=BadReferences.end();++itBad) { Reference_t &BadReference = (*itBad); OUTPUT(va("File: %30s \"%s\"\n",BadReference.sMenu.c_str(), BadReference.sString.c_str())); } OUTPUT("\nAdding bad references to final correction list...\n"); for (itBad=BadReferences.begin(); itBad!=BadReferences.end();++itBad) { Reference_t &BadReference = (*itBad); EnterRef("", BadReference.sString.c_str(), BadReference.sMenu.c_str() ); } OUTPUT("\nFinal correction list:\n"); // qboolean bIsMulti = !!strstr((*CorrectionData.begin()).sMenuFile.c_str(),"jk2mp"); // actually do the find/replace... // for (CorrectionData_t::iterator itCorrectionData = CorrectionData.begin(); itCorrectionData != CorrectionData.end(); ++itCorrectionData) { CorrectionDataItem_t &CorrectionDataItem = (*itCorrectionData); if (CorrectionDataItem.sTextToFind.c_str()[0] && CorrectionDataItem.sTextToReplaceWith.c_str()[0]) { OUTPUT( va("Load File: \"%s\", find \"%s\", replace with \"%s\"\n", CorrectionDataItem.sMenuFile.c_str(), CorrectionDataItem.sTextToFind.c_str(), CorrectionDataItem.sTextToReplaceWith.c_str() ) ); // if (strstr(CorrectionDataItem.sTextToReplaceWith.c_str(),"START_A_NEW_GAME")) // { // int z=1; // } assert( CorrectionDataItem.sTextToReplaceWith.c_str()[0] ); string sReplace( CorrectionDataItem.sTextToReplaceWith.c_str() ); sReplace.insert(1,"_"); sReplace.insert(1,CorrectionDataItem.sStripEdFileRef.c_str()); DoFileFindReplace( CorrectionDataItem.sMenuFile.c_str(), CorrectionDataItem.sTextToFind.c_str(), sReplace.c_str()//CorrectionDataItem.sTextToReplaceWith.c_str() ); } } // scan in all SP files into one huge string, so I can pick out any foreign translations to add in when generating // new StripEd files... // char **ppsFiles; char *buffers[1000]; // max # SP files, well-OTT. int iNumFiles; int i; string sStripFiles; // scan for shader files ppsFiles = FS_ListFiles( "strip", ".sp", &iNumFiles ); if ( !ppsFiles || !iNumFiles ) { assert(0); } else { // load files... // for (i=0; i=0; i-- ) { sStripFiles += buffers[i]; sStripFiles += "\r\n"; FS_FreeFile( buffers[i] ); } } int iIndex=0; for (itCorrectionData = CorrectionData.begin(); itCorrectionData != CorrectionData.end(); ++itCorrectionData) { CorrectionDataItem_t &CorrectionDataItem = (*itCorrectionData); if (CorrectionDataItem.sStripEdReference.c_str()[0] // skip over duplicate-resolving entries // && CorrectionDataItem.sStripEdText.c_str()[0] // ) { string strAnyForeignStringsFound; // will be entire line plus CR string strNotes; // will be just the bit within quotes LPCSTR psFoundExisting; int iInitialSearchPos = 0; while (iInitialSearchPos < sStripFiles.size() && (strAnyForeignStringsFound.empty() || strNotes.empty()) ) { if ( (psFoundExisting = strstr( sStripFiles.c_str()+iInitialSearchPos, va("\"%s\"",CorrectionDataItem.sStripEdText.c_str()))) != NULL ) { // see if we can find any NOTES entry above this... // LPCSTR p; if (strNotes.empty()) { p = psFoundExisting; while (p > sStripFiles.c_str() && *p!='{') { if (!strnicmp(p,"NOTES",5) && isspace(p[-1]) && isspace(p[5])) { p = strchr(p,'"'); if (!p++) break; while (*p != '"') strNotes += *p++; break; } p--; } } // now search for any foreign versions we already have translated... // if (strAnyForeignStringsFound.empty()) { p = psFoundExisting; LPCSTR psNextBrace = strchr(p,'}'); assert(psNextBrace); if (psNextBrace) { for (int i=2; i<10; i++) { LPCSTR psForeign = strstr(p,va("TEXT_LANGUAGE%d",i)); if (psForeign && psForeign < psNextBrace) { strAnyForeignStringsFound += " "; while (*psForeign != '\n' && *psForeign != '\0') { strAnyForeignStringsFound += *psForeign++; } strAnyForeignStringsFound += "\n"; } } } } iInitialSearchPos = psFoundExisting - sStripFiles.c_str(); iInitialSearchPos++; // one past, so we don't re-find ourselves } else { break; } } if (!strNotes.empty()) { strNotes = va(" NOTES \"%s\"\n",strNotes.c_str()); } // now do output... // if (!(iIndex%256)) { string s; vStripEdFiles.push_back(s); OUTPUTSTRIP( va( "VERSION 1\n" "CONFIG W:\\bin\\striped.cfg\n" "ID %d\n" "REFERENCE MENUS%d\n" "DESCRIPTION \"menu text\"\n" "COUNT 256\n", // count will need correcting for last one 250 + (iIndex/256), // 250 range seems to be unused iIndex/256 ) ); // OUTPUTSTRIP( va("REFERENCE %s\n", va("%sMENUS%d",bIsMulti?"MP":"SP",iIndex/256)) ); // OUTPUTSTRIP( va("REFERENCE %s\n", va( "MENUS%d",iIndex/256)) ); } OUTPUTSTRIP( va( "INDEX %d\n" "{\n" " REFERENCE %s\n" "%s" " TEXT_LANGUAGE1 \"%s\"\n" "%s" "}\n", iIndex%256, CorrectionDataItem.sStripEdReference.c_str(), (strNotes.empty()?"":strNotes.c_str()), CorrectionDataItem.sStripEdText.c_str(), strAnyForeignStringsFound.c_str() ) ); iIndex++; } } OUTPUT("### UI_Dump(): Bottom\n"); SendStringToNotepad(sFinalOutput.c_str(), "temp.txt"); // output the SP files... // for (i=0; i