// this include must remain at the top of every bg_xxxx CPP file #include "common_headers.h" // define GAME_INCLUDE so that g_public.h does not define the // short, server-visible gclient_t and gentity_t structures, // because we define the full size ones in this file #define GAME_INCLUDE //#include "../renderer/tr_local.h" #include "q_shared.h" #include "g_shared.h" #include "bg_local.h" #include "../cgame/cg_local.h" #include "anims.h" #include "Q3_Interface.h" #include "g_local.h" #include "wp_saber.h" #include "g_vehicles.h" extern pmove_t *pm; extern pml_t pml; extern cvar_t *g_ICARUSDebug; extern cvar_t *g_timescale; extern cvar_t *g_synchSplitAnims; extern cvar_t *g_AnimWarning; extern cvar_t *g_noFootSlide; extern cvar_t *g_noFootSlideRunScale; extern cvar_t *g_noFootSlideWalkScale; extern cvar_t *g_saberAnimSpeed; extern cvar_t *g_saberAutoAim; extern cvar_t *g_speederControlScheme; extern cvar_t *g_saberNewControlScheme; extern qboolean InFront( vec3_t spot, vec3_t from, vec3_t fromAngles, float threshHold = 0.0f ); extern void WP_ForcePowerDrain( gentity_t *self, forcePowers_t forcePower, int overrideAmt ); extern qboolean ValidAnimFileIndex ( int index ); extern qboolean PM_ControlledByPlayer( void ); extern qboolean PM_DroidMelee( int npc_class ); extern qboolean PM_PainAnim( int anim ); extern qboolean PM_JumpingAnim( int anim ); extern qboolean PM_FlippingAnim( int anim ); extern qboolean PM_RollingAnim( int anim ); extern qboolean PM_SwimmingAnim( int anim ); extern qboolean PM_InKnockDown( playerState_t *ps ); extern qboolean PM_InRoll( playerState_t *ps ); extern qboolean PM_DodgeAnim( int anim ); extern qboolean PM_InSlopeAnim( int anim ); extern qboolean PM_ForceAnim( int anim ); extern qboolean PM_InKnockDownOnGround( playerState_t *ps ); extern qboolean PM_InSpecialJump( int anim ); extern qboolean PM_RunningAnim( int anim ); extern qboolean PM_WalkingAnim( int anim ); extern qboolean PM_SwimmingAnim( int anim ); extern qboolean PM_JumpingAnim( int anim ); extern qboolean PM_SaberStanceAnim( int anim ); extern qboolean PM_SaberDrawPutawayAnim( int anim ); extern void PM_SetJumped( float height, qboolean force ); extern qboolean PM_InGetUpNoRoll( playerState_t *ps ); extern qboolean PM_CrouchAnim( int anim ); extern qboolean G_TryingKataAttack( gentity_t *self, usercmd_t *cmd ); extern qboolean G_TryingCartwheel( gentity_t *self, usercmd_t *cmd ); extern qboolean G_TryingSpecial( gentity_t *self, usercmd_t *cmd ); extern qboolean G_TryingJumpAttack( gentity_t *self, usercmd_t *cmd ); extern qboolean G_TryingJumpForwardAttack( gentity_t *self, usercmd_t *cmd ); extern qboolean G_TryingLungeAttack( gentity_t *self, usercmd_t *cmd ); extern qboolean G_TryingPullAttack( gentity_t *self, usercmd_t *cmd, qboolean amPulling ); extern qboolean G_InCinematicSaberAnim( gentity_t *self ); extern qboolean G_ControlledByPlayer( gentity_t *self ); extern int g_crosshairEntNum; int PM_AnimLength( int index, animNumber_t anim ); qboolean PM_LockedAnim( int anim ); qboolean PM_StandingAnim( int anim ); qboolean PM_InOnGroundAnim ( playerState_t *ps ); qboolean PM_SuperBreakWinAnim( int anim ); qboolean PM_SuperBreakLoseAnim( int anim ); qboolean PM_LockedAnim( int anim ); saberMoveName_t PM_SaberFlipOverAttackMove( void ); qboolean PM_CheckFlipOverAttackMove( qboolean checkEnemy ); saberMoveName_t PM_SaberJumpForwardAttackMove( void ); qboolean PM_CheckJumpForwardAttackMove( void ); saberMoveName_t PM_SaberBackflipAttackMove( void ); qboolean PM_CheckBackflipAttackMove( void ); saberMoveName_t PM_SaberDualJumpAttackMove( void ); qboolean PM_CheckDualJumpAttackMove( void ); saberMoveName_t PM_SaberLungeAttackMove( qboolean fallbackToNormalLunge ); qboolean PM_CheckLungeAttackMove( void ); // Okay, here lies the much-dreaded Pat-created FSM movement chart... Heretic II strikes again! // Why am I inflicting this on you? Well, it's better than hardcoded states. // Ideally this will be replaced with an external file or more sophisticated move-picker // once the game gets out of prototype stage. // Silly, but I'm replacing these macros so they are shorter! #define AFLAG_IDLE (SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL) #define AFLAG_ACTIVE (SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLDLESS) #define AFLAG_WAIT (SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLDLESS) #define AFLAG_FINISH (SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD) //FIXME: add the alternate anims for each style? saberMoveData_t saberMoveData[LS_MOVE_MAX] = {// NB:randomized // name anim(do all styles?)startQ endQ setanimflag blend, blocking chain_idle chain_attack trailLen {"None", BOTH_STAND1, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_IDLE, 350, BLK_NO, LS_NONE, LS_NONE, 0 }, // LS_NONE = 0, // General movements with saber {"Ready", BOTH_STAND2, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_IDLE, 350, BLK_WIDE, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 0 }, // LS_READY, {"Draw", BOTH_STAND1TO2, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_FINISH, 350, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 0 }, // LS_DRAW, {"Putaway", BOTH_STAND2TO1, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_FINISH, 350, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 0 }, // LS_PUTAWAY, // Attacks //UL2LR {"TL2BR Att", BOTH_A1_TL_BR, Q_TL, Q_BR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_R_TL2BR, LS_R_TL2BR, 200 }, // LS_A_TL2BR //SLASH LEFT {"L2R Att", BOTH_A1__L__R, Q_L, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_R_L2R, LS_R_L2R, 200 }, // LS_A_L2R //LL2UR {"BL2TR Att", BOTH_A1_BL_TR, Q_BL, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_TIGHT, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_R_BL2TR, 200 }, // LS_A_BL2TR //LR2UL {"BR2TL Att", BOTH_A1_BR_TL, Q_BR, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_R_BR2TL, LS_R_BR2TL, 200 }, // LS_A_BR2TL //SLASH RIGHT {"R2L Att", BOTH_A1__R__L, Q_R, Q_L, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_R_R2L, LS_R_R2L, 200 },// LS_A_R2L //UR2LL {"TR2BL Att", BOTH_A1_TR_BL, Q_TR, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_R_TR2BL, LS_R_TR2BL, 200 }, // LS_A_TR2BL //SLASH DOWN {"T2B Att", BOTH_A1_T__B_, Q_T, Q_B, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_R_T2B, LS_R_T2B, 200 }, // LS_A_T2B //special attacks {"Back Stab", BOTH_A2_STABBACK1, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_A_BACKSTAB {"Back Att", BOTH_ATTACK_BACK, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_A_BACK {"CR Back Att", BOTH_CROUCHATTACKBACK1,Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_A_BACK_CR {"RollStab", BOTH_ROLL_STAB, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_ROLL_STAB {"Lunge Att", BOTH_LUNGE2_B__T_, Q_B, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_A_LUNGE {"Jump Att", BOTH_FORCELEAP2_T__B_,Q_T, Q_B, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_A_JUMP_T__B_ {"Flip Stab", BOTH_JUMPFLIPSTABDOWN,Q_R, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_T1_T___R, 200 }, // LS_A_FLIP_STAB {"Flip Slash", BOTH_JUMPFLIPSLASHDOWN1,Q_L,Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_T1__R_T_, 200 }, // LS_A_FLIP_SLASH {"DualJump Atk",BOTH_JUMPATTACK6, Q_R, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_T1_BL_TR, 200 }, // LS_JUMPATTACK_DUAL {"DualJumpAtkL_A",BOTH_ARIAL_LEFT, Q_R, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_A_TL2BR, 200 }, // LS_JUMPATTACK_ARIAL_LEFT {"DualJumpAtkR_A",BOTH_ARIAL_RIGHT, Q_R, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_A_TR2BL, 200 }, // LS_JUMPATTACK_ARIAL_RIGHT {"DualJumpAtkL_A",BOTH_CARTWHEEL_LEFT, Q_R,Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_T1_TL_BR, 200 }, // LS_JUMPATTACK_CART_LEFT {"DualJumpAtkR_A",BOTH_CARTWHEEL_RIGHT, Q_R,Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_T1_TR_BL, 200 }, // LS_JUMPATTACK_CART_RIGHT {"DualJumpAtkLStaff", BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FL1,Q_R,Q_L, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_T1__L__R, 200 }, // LS_JUMPATTACK_STAFF_LEFT {"DualJumpAtkRStaff", BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FR1,Q_R,Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_T1__R__L, 200 }, // LS_JUMPATTACK_STAFF_RIGHT {"ButterflyLeft", BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT,Q_R,Q_L, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_T1__L__R, 200 }, // LS_BUTTERFLY_LEFT {"ButterflyRight", BOTH_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT,Q_R,Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_T1__R__L, 200 }, // LS_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT {"BkFlip Atk", BOTH_JUMPATTACK7, Q_B, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_T1_T___R, 200 }, // LS_A_BACKFLIP_ATK {"DualSpinAtk", BOTH_SPINATTACK6, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_SPINATTACK_DUAL {"StfSpinAtk", BOTH_SPINATTACK7, Q_L, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_SPINATTACK {"LngLeapAtk", BOTH_FORCELONGLEAP_ATTACK,Q_R,Q_L, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_LEAP_ATTACK {"SwoopAtkR", BOTH_VS_ATR_S, Q_R, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_SWOOP_ATTACK_RIGHT {"SwoopAtkL", BOTH_VS_ATL_S, Q_L, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_SWOOP_ATTACK_LEFT {"TauntaunAtkR",BOTH_VT_ATR_S, Q_R, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_TAUNTAUN_ATTACK_RIGHT {"TauntaunAtkL",BOTH_VT_ATL_S, Q_L, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_TAUNTAUN_ATTACK_LEFT {"StfKickFwd", BOTH_A7_KICK_F, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 200 }, // LS_KICK_F {"StfKickBack", BOTH_A7_KICK_B, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 200 }, // LS_KICK_B {"StfKickRight",BOTH_A7_KICK_R, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 200 }, // LS_KICK_R {"StfKickLeft", BOTH_A7_KICK_L, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 200 }, // LS_KICK_L {"StfKickSpin", BOTH_A7_KICK_S, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 200 }, // LS_KICK_S {"StfKickBkFwd",BOTH_A7_KICK_BF, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 200 }, // LS_KICK_BF {"StfKickSplit",BOTH_A7_KICK_RL, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 200 }, // LS_KICK_RL {"StfKickFwdAir",BOTH_A7_KICK_F_AIR,Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 200 }, // LS_KICK_F_AIR {"StfKickBackAir",BOTH_A7_KICK_B_AIR,Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 200 }, // LS_KICK_B_AIR {"StfKickRightAir",BOTH_A7_KICK_R_AIR,Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 200 }, // LS_KICK_R_AIR {"StfKickLeftAir",BOTH_A7_KICK_L_AIR,Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 200 }, // LS_KICK_L_AIR {"StabDown", BOTH_STABDOWN, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 200 }, // LS_STABDOWN {"StabDownStf", BOTH_STABDOWN_STAFF,Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 200 }, // LS_STABDOWN_STAFF {"StabDownDual",BOTH_STABDOWN_DUAL, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_S_R2L, 200 }, // LS_STABDOWN_DUAL {"dualspinprot",BOTH_A6_SABERPROTECT,Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 500 }, // LS_DUAL_SPIN_PROTECT {"StfSoulCal", BOTH_A7_SOULCAL, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 500 }, // LS_STAFF_SOULCAL {"specialfast", BOTH_A1_SPECIAL, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 2000}, // LS_A1_SPECIAL {"specialmed", BOTH_A2_SPECIAL, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 2000}, // LS_A2_SPECIAL {"specialstr", BOTH_A3_SPECIAL, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 2000}, // LS_A3_SPECIAL {"upsidedwnatk",BOTH_FLIP_ATTACK7, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200}, // LS_UPSIDE_DOWN_ATTACK {"pullatkstab", BOTH_PULL_IMPALE_STAB,Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200}, // LS_PULL_ATTACK_STAB {"pullatkswing",BOTH_PULL_IMPALE_SWING,Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200}, // LS_PULL_ATTACK_SWING {"AloraSpinAtk",BOTH_ALORA_SPIN_SLASH,Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_SPINATTACK_ALORA {"Dual FB Atk", BOTH_A6_FB, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_DUAL_FB {"Dual LR Atk", BOTH_A6_LR, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_DUAL_LR {"StfHiltBash", BOTH_A7_HILT, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_HILT_BASH //starts {"TL2BR St", BOTH_S1_S1_TL, Q_R, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_A_TL2BR, LS_A_TL2BR, 200 }, // LS_S_TL2BR {"L2R St", BOTH_S1_S1__L, Q_R, Q_L, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_A_L2R, LS_A_L2R, 200 }, // LS_S_L2R {"BL2TR St", BOTH_S1_S1_BL, Q_R, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_A_BL2TR, LS_A_BL2TR, 200 }, // LS_S_BL2TR {"BR2TL St", BOTH_S1_S1_BR, Q_R, Q_BR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_A_BR2TL, LS_A_BR2TL, 200 }, // LS_S_BR2TL {"R2L St", BOTH_S1_S1__R, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_A_R2L, LS_A_R2L, 200 }, // LS_S_R2L {"TR2BL St", BOTH_S1_S1_TR, Q_R, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_A_TR2BL, LS_A_TR2BL, 200 }, // LS_S_TR2BL {"T2B St", BOTH_S1_S1_T_, Q_R, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_A_T2B, LS_A_T2B, 200 }, // LS_S_T2B //returns {"TL2BR Ret", BOTH_R1_BR_S1, Q_BR, Q_R, AFLAG_FINISH, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_R_TL2BR {"L2R Ret", BOTH_R1__R_S1, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_FINISH, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_R_L2R {"BL2TR Ret", BOTH_R1_TR_S1, Q_TR, Q_R, AFLAG_FINISH, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_R_BL2TR {"BR2TL Ret", BOTH_R1_TL_S1, Q_TL, Q_R, AFLAG_FINISH, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_R_BR2TL {"R2L Ret", BOTH_R1__L_S1, Q_L, Q_R, AFLAG_FINISH, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_R_R2L {"TR2BL Ret", BOTH_R1_BL_S1, Q_BL, Q_R, AFLAG_FINISH, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_R_TR2BL {"T2B Ret", BOTH_R1_B__S1, Q_B, Q_R, AFLAG_FINISH, 100, BLK_TIGHT, LS_READY, LS_READY, 200 }, // LS_R_T2B //Transitions {"BR2R Trans", BOTH_T1_BR__R, Q_BR, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_L2R, LS_A_R2L, 150 }, //# Fast arc bottom right to right {"BR2TR Trans", BOTH_T1_BR_TR, Q_BR, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_TR2BL, 150 }, //# Fast arc bottom right to top right (use: BOTH_T1_TR_BR) {"BR2T Trans", BOTH_T1_BR_T_, Q_BR, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_T2B, 150 }, //# Fast arc bottom right to top (use: BOTH_T1_T__BR) {"BR2TL Trans", BOTH_T1_BR_TL, Q_BR, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BR2TL, LS_A_TL2BR, 150 }, //# Fast weak spin bottom right to top left {"BR2L Trans", BOTH_T1_BR__L, Q_BR, Q_L, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_R2L, LS_A_L2R, 150 }, //# Fast weak spin bottom right to left {"BR2BL Trans", BOTH_T1_BR_BL, Q_BR, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TR2BL, LS_A_BL2TR, 150 }, //# Fast weak spin bottom right to bottom left {"R2BR Trans", BOTH_T1__R_BR, Q_R, Q_BR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TL2BR, LS_A_BR2TL, 150 }, //# Fast arc right to bottom right (use: BOTH_T1_BR__R) {"R2TR Trans", BOTH_T1__R_TR, Q_R, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_TR2BL, 150 }, //# Fast arc right to top right {"R2T Trans", BOTH_T1__R_T_, Q_R, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_T2B, 150 }, //# Fast ar right to top (use: BOTH_T1_T___R) {"R2TL Trans", BOTH_T1__R_TL, Q_R, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BR2TL, LS_A_TL2BR, 150 }, //# Fast arc right to top left {"R2L Trans", BOTH_T1__R__L, Q_R, Q_L, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_R2L, LS_A_L2R, 150 }, //# Fast weak spin right to left {"R2BL Trans", BOTH_T1__R_BL, Q_R, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TR2BL, LS_A_BL2TR, 150 }, //# Fast weak spin right to bottom left {"TR2BR Trans", BOTH_T1_TR_BR, Q_TR, Q_BR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TL2BR, LS_A_BR2TL, 150 }, //# Fast arc top right to bottom right {"TR2R Trans", BOTH_T1_TR__R, Q_TR, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_L2R, LS_A_R2L, 150 }, //# Fast arc top right to right (use: BOTH_T1__R_TR) {"TR2T Trans", BOTH_T1_TR_T_, Q_TR, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_T2B, 150 }, //# Fast arc top right to top (use: BOTH_T1_T__TR) {"TR2TL Trans", BOTH_T1_TR_TL, Q_TR, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BR2TL, LS_A_TL2BR, 150 }, //# Fast arc top right to top left {"TR2L Trans", BOTH_T1_TR__L, Q_TR, Q_L, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_R2L, LS_A_L2R, 150 }, //# Fast arc top right to left {"TR2BL Trans", BOTH_T1_TR_BL, Q_TR, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TR2BL, LS_A_BL2TR, 150 }, //# Fast weak spin top right to bottom left {"T2BR Trans", BOTH_T1_T__BR, Q_T, Q_BR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TL2BR, LS_A_BR2TL, 150 }, //# Fast arc top to bottom right {"T2R Trans", BOTH_T1_T___R, Q_T, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_L2R, LS_A_R2L, 150 }, //# Fast arc top to right {"T2TR Trans", BOTH_T1_T__TR, Q_T, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_TR2BL, 150 }, //# Fast arc top to top right {"T2TL Trans", BOTH_T1_T__TL, Q_T, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BR2TL, LS_A_TL2BR, 150 }, //# Fast arc top to top left {"T2L Trans", BOTH_T1_T___L, Q_T, Q_L, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_R2L, LS_A_L2R, 150 }, //# Fast arc top to left {"T2BL Trans", BOTH_T1_T__BL, Q_T, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TR2BL, LS_A_BL2TR, 150 }, //# Fast arc top to bottom left {"TL2BR Trans", BOTH_T1_TL_BR, Q_TL, Q_BR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TL2BR, LS_A_BR2TL, 150 }, //# Fast weak spin top left to bottom right {"TL2R Trans", BOTH_T1_TL__R, Q_TL, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_L2R, LS_A_R2L, 150 }, //# Fast arc top left to right (use: BOTH_T1__R_TL) {"TL2TR Trans", BOTH_T1_TL_TR, Q_TL, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_TR2BL, 150 }, //# Fast arc top left to top right (use: BOTH_T1_TR_TL) {"TL2T Trans", BOTH_T1_TL_T_, Q_TL, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_T2B, 150 }, //# Fast arc top left to top (use: BOTH_T1_T__TL) {"TL2L Trans", BOTH_T1_TL__L, Q_TL, Q_L, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_R2L, LS_A_L2R, 150 }, //# Fast arc top left to left (use: BOTH_T1__L_TL) {"TL2BL Trans", BOTH_T1_TL_BL, Q_TL, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TR2BL, LS_A_BL2TR, 150 }, //# Fast arc top left to bottom left {"L2BR Trans", BOTH_T1__L_BR, Q_L, Q_BR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TL2BR, LS_A_BR2TL, 150 }, //# Fast weak spin left to bottom right {"L2R Trans", BOTH_T1__L__R, Q_L, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_L2R, LS_A_R2L, 150 }, //# Fast weak spin left to right {"L2TR Trans", BOTH_T1__L_TR, Q_L, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_TR2BL, 150 }, //# Fast arc left to top right (use: BOTH_T1_TR__L) {"L2T Trans", BOTH_T1__L_T_, Q_L, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_T2B, 150 }, //# Fast arc left to top (use: BOTH_T1_T___L) {"L2TL Trans", BOTH_T1__L_TL, Q_L, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BR2TL, LS_A_TL2BR, 150 }, //# Fast arc left to top left {"L2BL Trans", BOTH_T1__L_BL, Q_L, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TR2BL, LS_A_BL2TR, 150 }, //# Fast arc left to bottom left (use: BOTH_T1_BL__L) {"BL2BR Trans", BOTH_T1_BL_BR, Q_BL, Q_BR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TL2BR, LS_A_BR2TL, 150 }, //# Fast weak spin bottom left to bottom right {"BL2R Trans", BOTH_T1_BL__R, Q_BL, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_L2R, LS_A_R2L, 150 }, //# Fast weak spin bottom left to right {"BL2TR Trans", BOTH_T1_BL_TR, Q_BL, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_TR2BL, 150 }, //# Fast weak spin bottom left to top right {"BL2T Trans", BOTH_T1_BL_T_, Q_BL, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_T2B, 150 }, //# Fast arc bottom left to top (use: BOTH_T1_T__BL) {"BL2TL Trans", BOTH_T1_BL_TL, Q_BL, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BR2TL, LS_A_TL2BR, 150 }, //# Fast arc bottom left to top left (use: BOTH_T1_TL_BL) {"BL2L Trans", BOTH_T1_BL__L, Q_BL, Q_L, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_R2L, LS_A_L2R, 150 }, //# Fast arc bottom left to left //Bounces {"Bounce BR", BOTH_B1_BR___, Q_BR, Q_BR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TL2BR, LS_T1_BR_TR, 150 }, {"Bounce R", BOTH_B1__R___, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_L2R, LS_T1__R__L, 150 }, {"Bounce TR", BOTH_B1_TR___, Q_TR, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_T1_TR_TL, 150 }, {"Bounce T", BOTH_B1_T____, Q_T, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_T1_T__BL, 150 }, {"Bounce TL", BOTH_B1_TL___, Q_TL, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BR2TL, LS_T1_TL_TR, 150 }, {"Bounce L", BOTH_B1__L___, Q_L, Q_L, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_R2L, LS_T1__L__R, 150 }, {"Bounce BL", BOTH_B1_BL___, Q_BL, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TR2BL, LS_T1_BL_TR, 150 }, //Deflected attacks (like bounces, but slide off enemy saber, not straight back) {"Deflect BR", BOTH_D1_BR___, Q_BR, Q_BR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TL2BR, LS_T1_BR_TR, 150 }, {"Deflect R", BOTH_D1__R___, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_L2R, LS_T1__R__L, 150 }, {"Deflect TR", BOTH_D1_TR___, Q_TR, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_T1_TR_TL, 150 }, {"Deflect T", BOTH_B1_T____, Q_T, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_T1_T__BL, 150 }, {"Deflect TL", BOTH_D1_TL___, Q_TL, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BR2TL, LS_T1_TL_TR, 150 }, {"Deflect L", BOTH_D1__L___, Q_L, Q_L, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_R2L, LS_T1__L__R, 150 }, {"Deflect BL", BOTH_D1_BL___, Q_BL, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_TR2BL, LS_T1_BL_TR, 150 }, {"Deflect B", BOTH_D1_B____, Q_B, Q_B, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_T1_T__BL, 150 }, //Reflected attacks {"Reflected BR",BOTH_V1_BR_S1, Q_BR, Q_BR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 150 },// LS_V1_BR {"Reflected R", BOTH_V1__R_S1, Q_R, Q_R, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 150 },// LS_V1__R {"Reflected TR",BOTH_V1_TR_S1, Q_TR, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 150 },// LS_V1_TR {"Reflected T", BOTH_V1_T__S1, Q_T, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 150 },// LS_V1_T_ {"Reflected TL",BOTH_V1_TL_S1, Q_TL, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 150 },// LS_V1_TL {"Reflected L", BOTH_V1__L_S1, Q_L, Q_L, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 150 },// LS_V1__L {"Reflected BL",BOTH_V1_BL_S1, Q_BL, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 150 },// LS_V1_BL {"Reflected B", BOTH_V1_B__S1, Q_B, Q_B, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 100, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 150 },// LS_V1_B_ // Broken parries {"BParry Top", BOTH_H1_S1_T_, Q_T, Q_B, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_UP, {"BParry UR", BOTH_H1_S1_TR, Q_TR, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_UR, {"BParry UL", BOTH_H1_S1_TL, Q_TL, Q_BR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_UL, {"BParry LR", BOTH_H1_S1_BL, Q_BL, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_LR, {"BParry Bot", BOTH_H1_S1_B_, Q_B, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_LL {"BParry LL", BOTH_H1_S1_BR, Q_BR, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_NO, LS_READY, LS_READY, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_LL // Knockaways {"Knock Top", BOTH_K1_S1_T_, Q_R, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_WIDE, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_T1_T__BR, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_UP, {"Knock UR", BOTH_K1_S1_TR, Q_R, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_WIDE, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_T1_TR__R, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_UR, {"Knock UL", BOTH_K1_S1_TL, Q_R, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_WIDE, LS_R_BR2TL, LS_T1_TL__L, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_UL, {"Knock LR", BOTH_K1_S1_BL, Q_R, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_WIDE, LS_R_TL2BR, LS_T1_BL_TL, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_LR, {"Knock LL", BOTH_K1_S1_BR, Q_R, Q_BR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_WIDE, LS_R_TR2BL, LS_T1_BR_TR, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_LL // Parry {"Parry Top", BOTH_P1_S1_T_, Q_R, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_WIDE, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_T2B, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_UP, {"Parry UR", BOTH_P1_S1_TR, Q_R, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_WIDE, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_TR2BL, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_UR, {"Parry UL", BOTH_P1_S1_TL, Q_R, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_WIDE, LS_R_BR2TL, LS_A_TL2BR, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_UL, {"Parry LR", BOTH_P1_S1_BL, Q_R, Q_BR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_WIDE, LS_R_TL2BR, LS_A_BR2TL, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_LR, {"Parry LL", BOTH_P1_S1_BR, Q_R, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_WIDE, LS_R_TR2BL, LS_A_BL2TR, 150 }, // LS_PARRY_LL // Reflecting a missile {"Reflect Top", BOTH_P1_S1_T_, Q_R, Q_T, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_WIDE, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_T2B, 300 }, // LS_PARRY_UP, {"Reflect UR", BOTH_P1_S1_TL, Q_R, Q_TR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_WIDE, LS_R_BR2TL, LS_A_TL2BR, 300 }, // LS_PARRY_UR, {"Reflect UL", BOTH_P1_S1_TR, Q_R, Q_TL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_WIDE, LS_R_BL2TR, LS_A_TR2BL, 300 }, // LS_PARRY_UL, {"Reflect LR", BOTH_P1_S1_BR, Q_R, Q_BL, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_WIDE, LS_R_TR2BL, LS_A_BL2TR, 300 }, // LS_PARRY_LR {"Reflect LL", BOTH_P1_S1_BL, Q_R, Q_BR, AFLAG_ACTIVE, 50, BLK_WIDE, LS_R_TL2BR, LS_A_BR2TL, 300 }, // LS_PARRY_LL, }; saberMoveName_t transitionMove[Q_NUM_QUADS][Q_NUM_QUADS] = { LS_NONE, //Can't transition to same pos! LS_T1_BR__R,//40 LS_T1_BR_TR, LS_T1_BR_T_, LS_T1_BR_TL, LS_T1_BR__L, LS_T1_BR_BL, LS_NONE, //No transitions to bottom, and no anims start there, so shouldn't need any LS_T1__R_BR,//46 LS_NONE, //Can't transition to same pos! LS_T1__R_TR, LS_T1__R_T_, LS_T1__R_TL, LS_T1__R__L, LS_T1__R_BL, LS_NONE, //No transitions to bottom, and no anims start there, so shouldn't need any LS_T1_TR_BR,//52 LS_T1_TR__R, LS_NONE, //Can't transition to same pos! LS_T1_TR_T_, LS_T1_TR_TL, LS_T1_TR__L, LS_T1_TR_BL, LS_NONE, //No transitions to bottom, and no anims start there, so shouldn't need any LS_T1_T__BR,//58 LS_T1_T___R, LS_T1_T__TR, LS_NONE, //Can't transition to same pos! LS_T1_T__TL, LS_T1_T___L, LS_T1_T__BL, LS_NONE, //No transitions to bottom, and no anims start there, so shouldn't need any LS_T1_TL_BR,//64 LS_T1_TL__R, LS_T1_TL_TR, LS_T1_TL_T_, LS_NONE, //Can't transition to same pos! LS_T1_TL__L, LS_T1_TL_BL, LS_NONE, //No transitions to bottom, and no anims start there, so shouldn't need any LS_T1__L_BR,//70 LS_T1__L__R, LS_T1__L_TR, LS_T1__L_T_, LS_T1__L_TL, LS_NONE, //Can't transition to same pos! LS_T1__L_BL, LS_NONE, //No transitions to bottom, and no anims start there, so shouldn't need any LS_T1_BL_BR,//76 LS_T1_BL__R, LS_T1_BL_TR, LS_T1_BL_T_, LS_T1_BL_TL, LS_T1_BL__L, LS_NONE, //Can't transition to same pos! LS_NONE, //No transitions to bottom, and no anims start there, so shouldn't need any LS_T1_BL_BR,//NOTE: there are no transitions from bottom, so re-use the bottom right transitions LS_T1_BR__R, LS_T1_BR_TR, LS_T1_BR_T_, LS_T1_BR_TL, LS_T1_BR__L, LS_T1_BR_BL, LS_NONE //No transitions to bottom, and no anims start there, so shouldn't need any }; void PM_VelocityForSaberMove( playerState_t *ps, vec3_t throwDir ) { vec3_t vForward, vRight, vUp, startQ, endQ; AngleVectors( ps->viewangles, vForward, vRight, vUp ); switch ( saberMoveData[ps->saberMove].startQuad ) { case Q_BR: VectorScale( vRight, 1, startQ ); VectorMA( startQ, -1, vUp, startQ ); break; case Q_R: VectorScale( vRight, 2, startQ ); break; case Q_TR: VectorScale( vRight, 1, startQ ); VectorMA( startQ, 1, vUp, startQ ); break; case Q_T: VectorScale( vUp, 2, startQ ); break; case Q_TL: VectorScale( vRight, -1, startQ ); VectorMA( startQ, 1, vUp, startQ ); break; case Q_L: VectorScale( vRight, -2, startQ ); break; case Q_BL: VectorScale( vRight, -1, startQ ); VectorMA( startQ, -1, vUp, startQ ); break; case Q_B: VectorScale( vUp, -2, startQ ); break; } switch ( saberMoveData[ps->saberMove].endQuad ) { case Q_BR: VectorScale( vRight, 1, endQ ); VectorMA( endQ, -1, vUp, endQ ); break; case Q_R: VectorScale( vRight, 2, endQ ); break; case Q_TR: VectorScale( vRight, 1, endQ ); VectorMA( endQ, 1, vUp, endQ ); break; case Q_T: VectorScale( vUp, 2, endQ ); break; case Q_TL: VectorScale( vRight, -1, endQ ); VectorMA( endQ, 1, vUp, endQ ); break; case Q_L: VectorScale( vRight, -2, endQ ); break; case Q_BL: VectorScale( vRight, -1, endQ ); VectorMA( endQ, -1, vUp, endQ ); break; case Q_B: VectorScale( vUp, -2, endQ ); break; } VectorMA( endQ, 2, vForward, endQ ); VectorScale( throwDir, 125, throwDir );//FIXME: pass in the throw strength? VectorSubtract( endQ, startQ, throwDir ); } qboolean PM_VelocityForBlockedMove( playerState_t *ps, vec3_t throwDir ) { vec3_t vForward, vRight, vUp; AngleVectors( ps->viewangles, vForward, vRight, vUp ); switch ( ps->saberBlocked ) { case BLOCKED_UPPER_RIGHT: VectorScale( vRight, 1, throwDir ); VectorMA( throwDir, 1, vUp, throwDir ); break; case BLOCKED_UPPER_LEFT: VectorScale( vRight, -1, throwDir ); VectorMA( throwDir, 1, vUp, throwDir ); break; case BLOCKED_LOWER_RIGHT: VectorScale( vRight, 1, throwDir ); VectorMA( throwDir, -1, vUp, throwDir ); break; case BLOCKED_LOWER_LEFT: VectorScale( vRight, -1, throwDir ); VectorMA( throwDir, -1, vUp, throwDir ); break; case BLOCKED_TOP: VectorScale( vUp, 2, throwDir ); break; default: return qfalse; break; } VectorMA( throwDir, 2, vForward, throwDir ); VectorScale( throwDir, 250, throwDir );//FIXME: pass in the throw strength? return qtrue; } int PM_AnimLevelForSaberAnim( int anim ) { if ( anim >= BOTH_A1_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_D1_B____ ) { return FORCE_LEVEL_1; } if ( anim >= BOTH_A2_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_D2_B____ ) { return FORCE_LEVEL_2; } if ( anim >= BOTH_A3_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_D3_B____ ) { return FORCE_LEVEL_3; } if ( anim >= BOTH_A4_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_D4_B____ ) {//desann return FORCE_LEVEL_4; } if ( anim >= BOTH_A5_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_D5_B____ ) {//tavion return FORCE_LEVEL_5; } if ( anim >= BOTH_A6_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_D6_B____ ) {//dual return SS_DUAL; } if ( anim >= BOTH_A7_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_D7_B____ ) {//staff return SS_STAFF; } return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } int PM_PowerLevelForSaberAnim( playerState_t *ps, int saberNum ) { int anim = ps->torsoAnim; int animTimeElapsed = PM_AnimLength( g_entities[ps->clientNum].client->clientInfo.animFileIndex, (animNumber_t)anim ) - ps->torsoAnimTimer; if ( anim >= BOTH_A1_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_D1_B____ ) { //FIXME: these two need their own style if ( ps->saber[0].type == SABER_LANCE ) { return FORCE_LEVEL_4; } else if ( ps->saber[0].type == SABER_TRIDENT ) { return FORCE_LEVEL_3; } return FORCE_LEVEL_1; } if ( anim >= BOTH_A2_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_D2_B____ ) { return FORCE_LEVEL_2; } if ( anim >= BOTH_A3_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_D3_B____ ) { return FORCE_LEVEL_3; } if ( anim >= BOTH_A4_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_D4_B____ ) {//desann return FORCE_LEVEL_4; } if ( anim >= BOTH_A5_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_D5_B____ ) {//tavion return FORCE_LEVEL_2; } if ( anim >= BOTH_A6_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_D6_B____ ) {//dual return FORCE_LEVEL_2; } if ( anim >= BOTH_A7_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_D7_B____ ) {//staff return FORCE_LEVEL_2; } if ( ( anim >= BOTH_P1_S1_T_ && anim <= BOTH_P1_S1_BR ) || ( anim >= BOTH_P6_S6_T_ && anim <= BOTH_P6_S6_BR ) || ( anim >= BOTH_P7_S7_T_ && anim <= BOTH_P7_S7_BR ) ) {//parries switch ( ps->saberAnimLevel ) { case SS_STRONG: case SS_DESANN: return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case SS_TAVION: case SS_STAFF: case SS_DUAL: case SS_MEDIUM: return FORCE_LEVEL_2; break; case SS_FAST: return FORCE_LEVEL_1; break; default: return FORCE_LEVEL_0; break; } } if ( ( anim >= BOTH_K1_S1_T_ && anim <= BOTH_K1_S1_BR ) || ( anim >= BOTH_K6_S6_T_ && anim <= BOTH_K6_S6_BR ) || ( anim >= BOTH_K7_S7_T_ && anim <= BOTH_K7_S7_BR ) ) {//knockaways return FORCE_LEVEL_3; } if ( ( anim >= BOTH_V1_BR_S1 && anim <= BOTH_V1_B__S1 ) || ( anim >= BOTH_V6_BR_S6 && anim <= BOTH_V6_B__S6 ) || ( anim >= BOTH_V7_BR_S7 && anim <= BOTH_V7_B__S7 ) ) {//knocked-away attacks return FORCE_LEVEL_1; } if ( ( anim >= BOTH_H1_S1_T_ && anim <= BOTH_H1_S1_BR ) || ( anim >= BOTH_H6_S6_T_ && anim <= BOTH_H6_S6_BR ) || ( anim >= BOTH_H7_S7_T_ && anim <= BOTH_H7_S7_BR ) ) {//broken parries return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_A2_STABBACK1: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 450 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 400 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_ATTACK_BACK: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 500 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_CROUCHATTACKBACK1: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 800 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FL1: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FR1: //FIXME: break up? return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_FJSS_TR_BL: case BOTH_FJSS_TL_BR: //FIXME: break up? return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_K1_S1_T_: //# knockaway saber top case BOTH_K1_S1_TR: //# knockaway saber top right case BOTH_K1_S1_TL: //# knockaway saber top left case BOTH_K1_S1_BL: //# knockaway saber bottom left case BOTH_K1_S1_B_: //# knockaway saber bottom case BOTH_K1_S1_BR: //# knockaway saber bottom right //FIXME: break up? return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_LUNGE2_B__T_: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 400 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 150 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_FORCELEAP2_T__B_: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 400 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 550 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_VS_ATR_S: case BOTH_VS_ATL_S: case BOTH_VT_ATR_S: case BOTH_VT_ATL_S: return FORCE_LEVEL_3;//??? break; case BOTH_JUMPFLIPSLASHDOWN1: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer <= 900 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 550 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_JUMPFLIPSTABDOWN: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer <= 1200 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed <= 250 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_JUMPATTACK6: /* if (pm->ps) { if ( ( pm->ps->legsAnimTimer >= 1450 && PM_AnimLength( g_entities[ps->clientNum].client->clientInfo.animFileIndex, BOTH_JUMPATTACK6 ) - pm->ps->legsAnimTimer >= 400 ) ||(pm->ps->legsAnimTimer >= 400 && PM_AnimLength( g_entities[ps->clientNum].client->clientInfo.animFileIndex, BOTH_JUMPATTACK6 ) - pm->ps->legsAnimTimer >= 1100 ) ) {//pretty much sideways return FORCE_LEVEL_3; } } */ if ( ( ps->torsoAnimTimer >= 1450 && animTimeElapsed >= 400 ) ||(ps->torsoAnimTimer >= 400 && animTimeElapsed >= 1100 ) ) {//pretty much sideways return FORCE_LEVEL_3; } return FORCE_LEVEL_0; break; case BOTH_JUMPATTACK7: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer <= 1200 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 200 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_SPINATTACK6: if ( animTimeElapsed <= 200 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_SPINATTACK7: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer <= 500 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 500 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_FORCELONGLEAP_ATTACK: if ( animTimeElapsed <= 200 ) {//1st four frames of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_3; } break; /* case BOTH_A7_KICK_F://these kicks attack, too case BOTH_A7_KICK_B: case BOTH_A7_KICK_R: case BOTH_A7_KICK_L: //FIXME: break up return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; */ case BOTH_STABDOWN: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer <= 900 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_3; } break; case BOTH_STABDOWN_STAFF: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer <= 850 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_3; } break; case BOTH_STABDOWN_DUAL: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer <= 900 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_3; } break; case BOTH_A6_SABERPROTECT: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 650 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_A7_SOULCAL: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 650 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 600 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_A1_SPECIAL: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 600 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 200 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_A2_SPECIAL: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 300 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 200 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_A3_SPECIAL: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 700 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 200 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_FLIP_ATTACK7: return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_PULL_IMPALE_STAB: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 1000 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_PULL_IMPALE_SWING: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 500 )//750 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 650 )//600 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_ALORA_SPIN_SLASH: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 900 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 250 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_A6_FB: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 250 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 250 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_A6_LR: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 250 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 250 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_3; break; case BOTH_A7_HILT: return FORCE_LEVEL_0; break; //===SABERLOCK SUPERBREAKS START=========================================================================== case BOTH_LK_S_DL_T_SB_1_W: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 700 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_5; break; case BOTH_LK_S_ST_S_SB_1_W: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 300 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_5; break; case BOTH_LK_S_DL_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_S_S_SB_1_W: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 700 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 400 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_5; break; case BOTH_LK_S_ST_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_S_T_SB_1_W: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 150 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 400 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_5; break; case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_T_SB_1_W: return FORCE_LEVEL_5; break; case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_S_SB_1_W: if ( animTimeElapsed < 1000 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_5; break; case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_T_SB_1_W: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 950 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 650 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_5; break; case BOTH_LK_DL_S_S_SB_1_W: if ( saberNum != 0 ) {//only right hand saber does damage in this suberbreak return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 900 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 450 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_5; break; case BOTH_LK_DL_S_T_SB_1_W: if ( saberNum != 0 ) {//only right hand saber does damage in this suberbreak return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 250 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 150 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_5; break; case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_S_SB_1_W: return FORCE_LEVEL_5; break; case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_T_SB_1_W: //special suberbreak - doesn't kill, just kicks them backwards return FORCE_LEVEL_0; break; case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_S_S_SB_1_W: if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 800 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 350 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } return FORCE_LEVEL_5; break; case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_S_T_SB_1_W: return FORCE_LEVEL_5; break; //===SABERLOCK SUPERBREAKS START=========================================================================== case BOTH_HANG_ATTACK: //FIME: break up if ( ps->torsoAnimTimer < 1000 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( animTimeElapsed < 250 ) {//beginning of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else {//sweet spot return FORCE_LEVEL_5; } break; case BOTH_ROLL_STAB: if ( animTimeElapsed > 400 ) {//end of anim return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else { return FORCE_LEVEL_3; } break; } return FORCE_LEVEL_0; } qboolean PM_InAnimForSaberMove( int anim, int saberMove ) { switch ( anim ) {//special case anims case BOTH_A2_STABBACK1: case BOTH_ATTACK_BACK: case BOTH_CROUCHATTACKBACK1: case BOTH_ROLL_STAB: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FL1: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FR1: case BOTH_FJSS_TR_BL: case BOTH_FJSS_TL_BR: case BOTH_LUNGE2_B__T_: case BOTH_FORCELEAP2_T__B_: case BOTH_JUMPFLIPSLASHDOWN1://# case BOTH_JUMPFLIPSTABDOWN://# case BOTH_JUMPATTACK6: case BOTH_JUMPATTACK7: case BOTH_SPINATTACK6: case BOTH_SPINATTACK7: case BOTH_VS_ATR_S: case BOTH_VS_ATL_S: case BOTH_VT_ATR_S: case BOTH_VT_ATL_S: case BOTH_FORCELONGLEAP_ATTACK: case BOTH_A7_KICK_F: case BOTH_A7_KICK_B: case BOTH_A7_KICK_R: case BOTH_A7_KICK_L: case BOTH_A7_KICK_S: case BOTH_A7_KICK_BF: case BOTH_A7_KICK_RL: case BOTH_A7_KICK_F_AIR: case BOTH_A7_KICK_B_AIR: case BOTH_A7_KICK_R_AIR: case BOTH_A7_KICK_L_AIR: case BOTH_STABDOWN: case BOTH_STABDOWN_STAFF: case BOTH_STABDOWN_DUAL: case BOTH_A6_SABERPROTECT: case BOTH_A7_SOULCAL: case BOTH_A1_SPECIAL: case BOTH_A2_SPECIAL: case BOTH_A3_SPECIAL: case BOTH_FLIP_ATTACK7: case BOTH_PULL_IMPALE_STAB: case BOTH_PULL_IMPALE_SWING: case BOTH_ALORA_SPIN_SLASH: case BOTH_A6_FB: case BOTH_A6_LR: case BOTH_A7_HILT: case BOTH_LK_S_DL_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_DL_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_ST_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_ST_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_S_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_S_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_S_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_S_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_S_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_S_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_HANG_ATTACK: return qtrue; } if ( PM_SaberDrawPutawayAnim( anim ) ) { if ( saberMove == LS_DRAW || saberMove == LS_PUTAWAY ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } else if ( PM_SaberStanceAnim( anim ) ) { if ( saberMove == LS_READY ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } int animLevel = PM_AnimLevelForSaberAnim( anim ); if ( animLevel <= 0 ) {//NOTE: this will always return false for the ready poses and putaway/draw... return qfalse; } //drop the anim to the first level and start the checks there anim -= (animLevel-FORCE_LEVEL_1)*SABER_ANIM_GROUP_SIZE; //check level 1 if ( anim == saberMoveData[saberMove].animToUse ) { return qtrue; } //check level 2 anim += SABER_ANIM_GROUP_SIZE; if ( anim == saberMoveData[saberMove].animToUse ) { return qtrue; } //check level 3 anim += SABER_ANIM_GROUP_SIZE; if ( anim == saberMoveData[saberMove].animToUse ) { return qtrue; } //check level 4 anim += SABER_ANIM_GROUP_SIZE; if ( anim == saberMoveData[saberMove].animToUse ) { return qtrue; } //check level 5 anim += SABER_ANIM_GROUP_SIZE; if ( anim == saberMoveData[saberMove].animToUse ) { return qtrue; } if ( anim >= BOTH_P1_S1_T_ && anim <= BOTH_H1_S1_BR ) {//parries, knockaways and broken parries return (anim==saberMoveData[saberMove].animToUse); } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInIdle( int move ) { switch ( move ) { case LS_NONE: case LS_READY: case LS_DRAW: case LS_PUTAWAY: return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInSpecialAttack( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_A2_STABBACK1: case BOTH_ATTACK_BACK: case BOTH_CROUCHATTACKBACK1: case BOTH_ROLL_STAB: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FL1: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FR1: case BOTH_FJSS_TR_BL: case BOTH_FJSS_TL_BR: case BOTH_LUNGE2_B__T_: case BOTH_FORCELEAP2_T__B_: case BOTH_JUMPFLIPSLASHDOWN1://# case BOTH_JUMPFLIPSTABDOWN://# case BOTH_JUMPATTACK6: case BOTH_JUMPATTACK7: case BOTH_SPINATTACK6: case BOTH_SPINATTACK7: case BOTH_FORCELONGLEAP_ATTACK: case BOTH_VS_ATR_S: case BOTH_VS_ATL_S: case BOTH_VT_ATR_S: case BOTH_VT_ATL_S: case BOTH_A7_KICK_F: case BOTH_A7_KICK_B: case BOTH_A7_KICK_R: case BOTH_A7_KICK_L: case BOTH_A7_KICK_S: case BOTH_A7_KICK_BF: case BOTH_A7_KICK_RL: case BOTH_A7_KICK_F_AIR: case BOTH_A7_KICK_B_AIR: case BOTH_A7_KICK_R_AIR: case BOTH_A7_KICK_L_AIR: case BOTH_STABDOWN: case BOTH_STABDOWN_STAFF: case BOTH_STABDOWN_DUAL: case BOTH_A6_SABERPROTECT: case BOTH_A7_SOULCAL: case BOTH_A1_SPECIAL: case BOTH_A2_SPECIAL: case BOTH_A3_SPECIAL: case BOTH_FLIP_ATTACK7: case BOTH_PULL_IMPALE_STAB: case BOTH_PULL_IMPALE_SWING: case BOTH_ALORA_SPIN_SLASH: case BOTH_A6_FB: case BOTH_A6_LR: case BOTH_A7_HILT: case BOTH_LK_S_DL_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_DL_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_ST_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_ST_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_S_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_S_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_S_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_S_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_S_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_S_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_HANG_ATTACK: return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInAttackPure( int move ) { if ( move >= LS_A_TL2BR && move <= LS_A_T2B ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInAttack( int move ) { if ( move >= LS_A_TL2BR && move <= LS_A_T2B ) { return qtrue; } switch ( move ) { case LS_A_BACK: case LS_A_BACK_CR: case LS_A_BACKSTAB: case LS_ROLL_STAB: case LS_A_LUNGE: case LS_A_JUMP_T__B_: case LS_A_FLIP_STAB: case LS_A_FLIP_SLASH: case LS_JUMPATTACK_DUAL: case LS_JUMPATTACK_ARIAL_LEFT: case LS_JUMPATTACK_ARIAL_RIGHT: case LS_JUMPATTACK_CART_LEFT: case LS_JUMPATTACK_CART_RIGHT: case LS_JUMPATTACK_STAFF_LEFT: case LS_JUMPATTACK_STAFF_RIGHT: case LS_BUTTERFLY_LEFT: case LS_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT: case LS_A_BACKFLIP_ATK: case LS_SPINATTACK_DUAL: case LS_SPINATTACK: case LS_LEAP_ATTACK: case LS_SWOOP_ATTACK_RIGHT: case LS_SWOOP_ATTACK_LEFT: case LS_TAUNTAUN_ATTACK_RIGHT: case LS_TAUNTAUN_ATTACK_LEFT: case LS_KICK_F: case LS_KICK_B: case LS_KICK_R: case LS_KICK_L: case LS_KICK_S: case LS_KICK_BF: case LS_KICK_RL: case LS_KICK_F_AIR: case LS_KICK_B_AIR: case LS_KICK_R_AIR: case LS_KICK_L_AIR: case LS_STABDOWN: case LS_STABDOWN_STAFF: case LS_STABDOWN_DUAL: case LS_DUAL_SPIN_PROTECT: case LS_STAFF_SOULCAL: case LS_A1_SPECIAL: case LS_A2_SPECIAL: case LS_A3_SPECIAL: case LS_UPSIDE_DOWN_ATTACK: case LS_PULL_ATTACK_STAB: case LS_PULL_ATTACK_SWING: case LS_SPINATTACK_ALORA: case LS_DUAL_FB: case LS_DUAL_LR: case LS_HILT_BASH: return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInTransition( int move ) { if ( move >= LS_T1_BR__R && move <= LS_T1_BL__L ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInStart( int move ) { if ( move >= LS_S_TL2BR && move <= LS_S_T2B ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInReturn( int move ) { if ( move >= LS_R_TL2BR && move <= LS_R_T2B ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInTransitionAny( int move ) { if ( PM_SaberInStart( move ) ) { return qtrue; } else if ( PM_SaberInTransition( move ) ) { return qtrue; } else if ( PM_SaberInReturn( move ) ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInBounce( int move ) { if ( move >= LS_B1_BR && move <= LS_B1_BL ) { return qtrue; } if ( move >= LS_D1_BR && move <= LS_D1_BL ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInBrokenParry( int move ) { if ( move >= LS_V1_BR && move <= LS_V1_B_ ) { return qtrue; } if ( move >= LS_H1_T_ && move <= LS_H1_BL ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInDeflect( int move ) { if ( move >= LS_D1_BR && move <= LS_D1_B_ ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInParry( int move ) { if ( move >= LS_PARRY_UP && move <= LS_PARRY_LL ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInKnockaway( int move ) { if ( move >= LS_K1_T_ && move <= LS_K1_BL ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInReflect( int move ) { if ( move >= LS_REFLECT_UP && move <= LS_REFLECT_LL ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInSpecial( int move ) { switch( move ) { case LS_A_BACK: case LS_A_BACK_CR: case LS_A_BACKSTAB: case LS_ROLL_STAB: case LS_A_LUNGE: case LS_A_JUMP_T__B_: case LS_A_FLIP_STAB: case LS_A_FLIP_SLASH: case LS_JUMPATTACK_DUAL: case LS_JUMPATTACK_ARIAL_LEFT: case LS_JUMPATTACK_ARIAL_RIGHT: case LS_JUMPATTACK_CART_LEFT: case LS_JUMPATTACK_CART_RIGHT: case LS_JUMPATTACK_STAFF_LEFT: case LS_JUMPATTACK_STAFF_RIGHT: case LS_BUTTERFLY_LEFT: case LS_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT: case LS_A_BACKFLIP_ATK: case LS_SPINATTACK_DUAL: case LS_SPINATTACK: case LS_LEAP_ATTACK: case LS_SWOOP_ATTACK_RIGHT: case LS_SWOOP_ATTACK_LEFT: case LS_TAUNTAUN_ATTACK_RIGHT: case LS_TAUNTAUN_ATTACK_LEFT: case LS_KICK_F: case LS_KICK_B: case LS_KICK_R: case LS_KICK_L: case LS_KICK_S: case LS_KICK_BF: case LS_KICK_RL: case LS_KICK_F_AIR: case LS_KICK_B_AIR: case LS_KICK_R_AIR: case LS_KICK_L_AIR: case LS_STABDOWN: case LS_STABDOWN_STAFF: case LS_STABDOWN_DUAL: case LS_DUAL_SPIN_PROTECT: case LS_STAFF_SOULCAL: case LS_A1_SPECIAL: case LS_A2_SPECIAL: case LS_A3_SPECIAL: case LS_UPSIDE_DOWN_ATTACK: case LS_PULL_ATTACK_STAB: case LS_PULL_ATTACK_SWING: case LS_SPINATTACK_ALORA: case LS_DUAL_FB: case LS_DUAL_LR: case LS_HILT_BASH: return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_KickMove( int move ) { switch( move ) { case LS_KICK_F: case LS_KICK_B: case LS_KICK_R: case LS_KICK_L: case LS_KICK_S: case LS_KICK_BF: case LS_KICK_RL: case LS_HILT_BASH: case LS_KICK_F_AIR: case LS_KICK_B_AIR: case LS_KICK_R_AIR: case LS_KICK_L_AIR: return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberCanInterruptMove( int move, int anim ) { if ( PM_InAnimForSaberMove( anim, move ) ) { switch( move ) { case LS_A_BACK: case LS_A_BACK_CR: case LS_A_BACKSTAB: case LS_ROLL_STAB: case LS_A_LUNGE: case LS_A_JUMP_T__B_: case LS_A_FLIP_STAB: case LS_A_FLIP_SLASH: case LS_JUMPATTACK_DUAL: case LS_JUMPATTACK_CART_LEFT: case LS_JUMPATTACK_CART_RIGHT: case LS_JUMPATTACK_STAFF_LEFT: case LS_JUMPATTACK_STAFF_RIGHT: case LS_BUTTERFLY_LEFT: case LS_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT: case LS_A_BACKFLIP_ATK: case LS_SPINATTACK_DUAL: case LS_SPINATTACK: case LS_LEAP_ATTACK: case LS_SWOOP_ATTACK_RIGHT: case LS_SWOOP_ATTACK_LEFT: case LS_TAUNTAUN_ATTACK_RIGHT: case LS_TAUNTAUN_ATTACK_LEFT: case LS_KICK_S: case LS_KICK_BF: case LS_KICK_RL: case LS_STABDOWN: case LS_STABDOWN_STAFF: case LS_STABDOWN_DUAL: case LS_DUAL_SPIN_PROTECT: case LS_STAFF_SOULCAL: case LS_A1_SPECIAL: case LS_A2_SPECIAL: case LS_A3_SPECIAL: case LS_UPSIDE_DOWN_ATTACK: case LS_PULL_ATTACK_STAB: case LS_PULL_ATTACK_SWING: case LS_SPINATTACK_ALORA: case LS_DUAL_FB: case LS_DUAL_LR: case LS_HILT_BASH: return qfalse; } if ( PM_SaberInAttackPure( move ) ) { return qfalse; } if ( PM_SaberInStart( move ) ) { return qfalse; } if ( PM_SaberInTransition( move ) ) { return qfalse; } if ( PM_SaberInBounce( move ) ) { return qfalse; } if ( PM_SaberInBrokenParry( move ) ) { return qfalse; } if ( PM_SaberInDeflect( move ) ) { return qfalse; } if ( PM_SaberInParry( move ) ) { return qfalse; } if ( PM_SaberInKnockaway( move ) ) { return qfalse; } if ( PM_SaberInReflect( move ) ) { return qfalse; } } switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_A2_STABBACK1: case BOTH_ATTACK_BACK: case BOTH_CROUCHATTACKBACK1: case BOTH_ROLL_STAB: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FL1: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FR1: case BOTH_FJSS_TR_BL: case BOTH_FJSS_TL_BR: case BOTH_LUNGE2_B__T_: case BOTH_FORCELEAP2_T__B_: case BOTH_JUMPFLIPSLASHDOWN1://# case BOTH_JUMPFLIPSTABDOWN://# case BOTH_JUMPATTACK6: case BOTH_JUMPATTACK7: case BOTH_SPINATTACK6: case BOTH_SPINATTACK7: case BOTH_FORCELONGLEAP_ATTACK: case BOTH_VS_ATR_S: case BOTH_VS_ATL_S: case BOTH_VT_ATR_S: case BOTH_VT_ATL_S: case BOTH_A7_KICK_S: case BOTH_A7_KICK_BF: case BOTH_A7_KICK_RL: case BOTH_STABDOWN: case BOTH_STABDOWN_STAFF: case BOTH_STABDOWN_DUAL: case BOTH_A6_SABERPROTECT: case BOTH_A7_SOULCAL: case BOTH_A1_SPECIAL: case BOTH_A2_SPECIAL: case BOTH_A3_SPECIAL: case BOTH_FLIP_ATTACK7: case BOTH_PULL_IMPALE_STAB: case BOTH_PULL_IMPALE_SWING: case BOTH_ALORA_SPIN_SLASH: case BOTH_A6_FB: case BOTH_A6_LR: case BOTH_A7_HILT: case BOTH_LK_S_DL_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_DL_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_ST_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_ST_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_S_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_S_S_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_S_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_DL_S_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_S_S_SB_1_W: case BOTH_LK_ST_S_T_SB_1_W: case BOTH_HANG_ATTACK: return qfalse; } return qtrue; } saberMoveName_t PM_BrokenParryForAttack( int move ) { //Our attack was knocked away by a knockaway parry //FIXME: need actual anims for this //FIXME: need to know which side of the saber was hit! For now, we presume the saber gets knocked away from the center switch ( saberMoveData[move].startQuad ) { case Q_B: return LS_V1_B_; break; case Q_BR: return LS_V1_BR; break; case Q_R: return LS_V1__R; break; case Q_TR: return LS_V1_TR; break; case Q_T: return LS_V1_T_; break; case Q_TL: return LS_V1_TL; break; case Q_L: return LS_V1__L; break; case Q_BL: return LS_V1_BL; break; } return LS_NONE; } saberMoveName_t PM_BrokenParryForParry( int move ) { //FIXME: need actual anims for this //FIXME: need to know which side of the saber was hit! For now, we presume the saber gets knocked away from the center switch ( move ) { case LS_PARRY_UP: //Hmm... since we don't know what dir the hit came from, randomly pick knock down or knock back if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) ) { return LS_H1_B_; } else { return LS_H1_T_; } break; case LS_PARRY_UR: return LS_H1_TR; break; case LS_PARRY_UL: return LS_H1_TL; break; case LS_PARRY_LR: return LS_H1_BR; break; case LS_PARRY_LL: return LS_H1_BL; break; case LS_READY: return LS_H1_B_;//??? break; } return LS_NONE; } saberMoveName_t PM_KnockawayForParry( int move ) { //FIXME: need actual anims for this //FIXME: need to know which side of the saber was hit! For now, we presume the saber gets knocked away from the center switch ( move ) { case BLOCKED_TOP://LS_PARRY_UP: return LS_K1_T_;//push up break; case BLOCKED_UPPER_RIGHT://LS_PARRY_UR: default://case LS_READY: return LS_K1_TR;//push up, slightly to right break; case BLOCKED_UPPER_LEFT://LS_PARRY_UL: return LS_K1_TL;//push up and to left break; case BLOCKED_LOWER_RIGHT://LS_PARRY_LR: return LS_K1_BR;//push down and to left break; case BLOCKED_LOWER_LEFT://LS_PARRY_LL: return LS_K1_BL;//push down and to right break; } //return LS_NONE; } saberMoveName_t PM_SaberBounceForAttack( int move ) { switch ( saberMoveData[move].startQuad ) { case Q_B: case Q_BR: return LS_B1_BR; break; case Q_R: return LS_B1__R; break; case Q_TR: return LS_B1_TR; break; case Q_T: return LS_B1_T_; break; case Q_TL: return LS_B1_TL; break; case Q_L: return LS_B1__L; break; case Q_BL: return LS_B1_BL; break; } return LS_NONE; } saberMoveName_t PM_AttackMoveForQuad( int quad ) { switch ( quad ) { case Q_B: case Q_BR: return LS_A_BR2TL; break; case Q_R: return LS_A_R2L; break; case Q_TR: return LS_A_TR2BL; break; case Q_T: return LS_A_T2B; break; case Q_TL: return LS_A_TL2BR; break; case Q_L: return LS_A_L2R; break; case Q_BL: return LS_A_BL2TR; break; } return LS_NONE; } int saberMoveTransitionAngle[Q_NUM_QUADS][Q_NUM_QUADS] = { 0,//Q_BR,Q_BR, 45,//Q_BR,Q_R, 90,//Q_BR,Q_TR, 135,//Q_BR,Q_T, 180,//Q_BR,Q_TL, 215,//Q_BR,Q_L, 270,//Q_BR,Q_BL, 45,//Q_BR,Q_B, 45,//Q_R,Q_BR, 0,//Q_R,Q_R, 45,//Q_R,Q_TR, 90,//Q_R,Q_T, 135,//Q_R,Q_TL, 180,//Q_R,Q_L, 215,//Q_R,Q_BL, 90,//Q_R,Q_B, 90,//Q_TR,Q_BR, 45,//Q_TR,Q_R, 0,//Q_TR,Q_TR, 45,//Q_TR,Q_T, 90,//Q_TR,Q_TL, 135,//Q_TR,Q_L, 180,//Q_TR,Q_BL, 135,//Q_TR,Q_B, 135,//Q_T,Q_BR, 90,//Q_T,Q_R, 45,//Q_T,Q_TR, 0,//Q_T,Q_T, 45,//Q_T,Q_TL, 90,//Q_T,Q_L, 135,//Q_T,Q_BL, 180,//Q_T,Q_B, 180,//Q_TL,Q_BR, 135,//Q_TL,Q_R, 90,//Q_TL,Q_TR, 45,//Q_TL,Q_T, 0,//Q_TL,Q_TL, 45,//Q_TL,Q_L, 90,//Q_TL,Q_BL, 135,//Q_TL,Q_B, 215,//Q_L,Q_BR, 180,//Q_L,Q_R, 135,//Q_L,Q_TR, 90,//Q_L,Q_T, 45,//Q_L,Q_TL, 0,//Q_L,Q_L, 45,//Q_L,Q_BL, 90,//Q_L,Q_B, 270,//Q_BL,Q_BR, 215,//Q_BL,Q_R, 180,//Q_BL,Q_TR, 135,//Q_BL,Q_T, 90,//Q_BL,Q_TL, 45,//Q_BL,Q_L, 0,//Q_BL,Q_BL, 45,//Q_BL,Q_B, 45,//Q_B,Q_BR, 90,//Q_B,Q_R, 135,//Q_B,Q_TR, 180,//Q_B,Q_T, 135,//Q_B,Q_TL, 90,//Q_B,Q_L, 45,//Q_B,Q_BL, 0//Q_B,Q_B, }; int PM_SaberAttackChainAngle( int move1, int move2 ) { if ( move1 == -1 || move2 == -1 ) { return -1; } return saberMoveTransitionAngle[saberMoveData[move1].endQuad][saberMoveData[move2].startQuad]; } qboolean PM_SaberKataDone( int curmove = LS_NONE, int newmove = LS_NONE ) { if ( pm->ps->forceRageRecoveryTime > level.time ) {//rage recovery, only 1 swing at a time (tired) if ( pm->ps->saberAttackChainCount > 0 ) {//swung once return qtrue; } else {//allow one attack return qfalse; } } else if ( (pm->ps->forcePowersActive&(1<ps->saber[0].maxChain == -1 ) { return qfalse; } else if ( pm->ps->saber[0].maxChain != 0 ) { if ( pm->ps->saberAttackChainCount >= pm->ps->saber[0].maxChain ) { return qtrue; } else { return qfalse; } } if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_DESANN || pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_TAVION ) {//desann and tavion can link up as many attacks as they want return qfalse; } //FIXME: instead of random, apply some sort of logical conditions to whether or // not you can chain? Like if you were completely missed, you can't chain as much, or...? // And/Or based on FP_SABER_OFFENSE level? So number of attacks you can chain // increases with your FP_SABER_OFFENSE skill? if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF ) { //TEMP: for now, let staff attacks infinitely chain return qfalse; /* if ( pm->ps->saberAttackChainCount > Q_irand( 3, 4 ) ) { return qtrue; } else if ( pm->ps->saberAttackChainCount > 0 ) { int chainAngle = PM_SaberAttackChainAngle( curmove, newmove ); if ( chainAngle < 135 || chainAngle > 215 ) {//if trying to chain to a move that doesn't continue the momentum if ( pm->ps->saberAttackChainCount > 1 ) { return qtrue; } } else if ( chainAngle == 180 ) {//continues the momentum perfectly, allow it to chain 66% of the time if ( pm->ps->saberAttackChainCount > 2 ) { return qtrue; } } else {//would continue the movement somewhat, 50% chance of continuing if ( pm->ps->saberAttackChainCount > 3 ) { return qtrue; } } } */ } else if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_DUAL ) { //TEMP: for now, let staff attacks infinitely chain return qfalse; } else if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_3 ) { if ( curmove == LS_NONE || newmove == LS_NONE ) { if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel >= FORCE_LEVEL_3 && pm->ps->saberAttackChainCount > Q_irand( 0, 1 ) ) { return qtrue; } } else if ( pm->ps->saberAttackChainCount > Q_irand( 2, 3 ) ) { return qtrue; } else if ( pm->ps->saberAttackChainCount > 0 ) { int chainAngle = PM_SaberAttackChainAngle( curmove, newmove ); if ( chainAngle < 135 || chainAngle > 215 ) {//if trying to chain to a move that doesn't continue the momentum return qtrue; } else if ( chainAngle == 180 ) {//continues the momentum perfectly, allow it to chain 66% of the time if ( pm->ps->saberAttackChainCount > 1 ) { return qtrue; } } else {//would continue the movement somewhat, 50% chance of continuing if ( pm->ps->saberAttackChainCount > 2 ) { return qtrue; } } } } else {//FIXME: have chainAngle influence fast and medium chains as well? if ( (pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_2 || pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_DUAL) && pm->ps->saberAttackChainCount > Q_irand( 2, 5 ) ) { return qtrue; } } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_CheckEnemyInBack( float backCheckDist ) { if ( !pm->gent || !pm->gent->client ) { return qfalse; } if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) && !g_saberAutoAim->integer && pm->cmd.forwardmove >= 0 ) {//don't auto-backstab return qfalse; } if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//only when on ground return qfalse; } trace_t trace; vec3_t end, fwd, fwdAngles = {0,pm->ps->viewangles[YAW],0}; AngleVectors( fwdAngles, fwd, NULL, NULL ); VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, -backCheckDist, fwd, end ); pm->trace( &trace, pm->ps->origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, pm->ps->clientNum, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_BODY ); if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f && trace.entityNum < ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) { gentity_t *traceEnt = &g_entities[trace.entityNum]; if ( traceEnt && traceEnt->health > 0 && traceEnt->client && traceEnt->client->playerTeam == pm->gent->client->enemyTeam && traceEnt->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) { if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) ) {//player if ( pm->gent ) {//set player enemy to traceEnt so he auto-aims at him pm->gent->enemy = traceEnt; } } return qtrue; } } return qfalse; } saberMoveName_t PM_PickBackStab( void ) { if ( !pm->gent || !pm->gent->client ) { return LS_READY; } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers && pm->ps->saber[1].Active() ) { if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) { return LS_A_BACK_CR; } else { return LS_A_BACK; } } if ( pm->gent->client->ps.saberAnimLevel == SS_TAVION ) { return LS_A_BACKSTAB; } else if ( pm->gent->client->ps.saberAnimLevel == SS_DESANN ) { if ( pm->ps->saberMove == LS_READY || !Q_irand( 0, 3 ) ) { return LS_A_BACKSTAB; } else if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) { return LS_A_BACK_CR; } else { return LS_A_BACK; } } else if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_2 || pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_DUAL ) {//using medium attacks or dual sabers if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) { return LS_A_BACK_CR; } else { return LS_A_BACK; } } else { return LS_A_BACKSTAB; } } saberMoveName_t PM_CheckStabDown( void ) { if ( !pm->gent || !pm->gent->enemy || !pm->gent->enemy->client ) { return LS_NONE; } if ( (pm->ps->saber[0].saberFlags&SFL_NO_STABDOWN) ) { return LS_NONE; } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers && (pm->ps->saber[1].saberFlags&SFL_NO_STABDOWN) ) { return LS_NONE; } if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS || PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) //PLAYER ONLY {//player if ( G_TryingKataAttack( pm->gent, &pm->cmd ) )//(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS) )//Holding focus {//want to try a special return LS_NONE; } } if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) ) {//player if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE )//in air {//sorry must be on ground (or have just jumped) if ( level.time-pm->ps->lastOnGround <= 50 && (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_JUMPING) ) {//just jumped, it's okay } else { return LS_NONE; } } /* if ( pm->cmd.upmove > 0 ) {//trying to jump } else if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE //in air && level.time-pm->ps->lastOnGround <= 250 //just left ground && (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_JUMPING) )//jumped {//just jumped } else { return LS_NONE; } */ pm->ps->velocity[2] = 0; pm->cmd.upmove = 0; } else if ( (pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS&&!PM_ControlledByPlayer()) ) {//NPC if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE )//in air {//sorry must be on ground (or have just jumped) if ( level.time-pm->ps->lastOnGround <= 250 && (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_JUMPING) ) {//just jumped, it's okay } else { return LS_NONE; } } if ( !pm->gent->NPC ) {//wtf??? return LS_NONE; } if ( Q_irand( 0, RANK_CAPTAIN ) > pm->gent->NPC->rank ) {//lower ranks do this less often return LS_NONE; } } vec3_t enemyDir, faceFwd, facingAngles = {0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0}; AngleVectors( facingAngles, faceFwd, NULL, NULL ); VectorSubtract( pm->gent->enemy->currentOrigin, pm->ps->origin, enemyDir ); float enemyZDiff = enemyDir[2]; enemyDir[2] = 0; float enemyHDist = VectorNormalize( enemyDir )-(pm->gent->maxs[0]+pm->gent->enemy->maxs[0]); float dot = DotProduct( enemyDir, faceFwd ); if ( //(pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS || PM_ControlledByPlayer()) dot > 0.65f //&& enemyHDist >= 32 //was 48 && enemyHDist <= 164//was 112 && PM_InKnockDownOnGround( &pm->gent->enemy->client->ps )//still on ground && !PM_InGetUpNoRoll( &pm->gent->enemy->client->ps )//not getting up yet && enemyZDiff <= 20 ) {//guy is on the ground below me, do a top-down attack if ( pm->gent->enemy->s.number >= MAX_CLIENTS || !G_ControlledByPlayer( pm->gent->enemy ) ) {//don't get up while I'm doing this //stop them from trying to get up for at least another 3 seconds TIMER_Set( pm->gent->enemy, "noGetUpStraight", 3000 ); } //pick the right anim if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_DUAL || (pm->ps->dualSabers&&pm->ps->saber[1].Active()) ) { return LS_STABDOWN_DUAL; } else if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF ) { return LS_STABDOWN_STAFF; } else { return LS_STABDOWN; } } return LS_NONE; } extern saberMoveName_t PM_NPCSaberAttackFromQuad( int quad ); saberMoveName_t PM_SaberFlipOverAttackMove( void ); saberMoveName_t PM_AttackForEnemyPos( qboolean allowFB, qboolean allowStabDown ) { saberMoveName_t autoMove = LS_INVALID; if( !pm->gent->enemy ) { return LS_NONE; } vec3_t enemy_org, enemyDir, faceFwd, faceRight, faceUp, facingAngles = {0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0}; AngleVectors( facingAngles, faceFwd, faceRight, faceUp ); //FIXME: predict enemy position? if ( pm->gent->enemy->client ) { //VectorCopy( pm->gent->enemy->currentOrigin, enemy_org ); //HMM... using this will adjust for bbox size, so let's do that... vec3_t size; VectorSubtract( pm->gent->enemy->absmax, pm->gent->enemy->absmin, size ); VectorMA( pm->gent->enemy->absmin, 0.5, size, enemy_org ); VectorSubtract( pm->gent->enemy->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, pm->ps->origin, enemyDir ); } else { if ( pm->gent->enemy->bmodel && VectorCompare( vec3_origin, pm->gent->enemy->currentOrigin ) ) {//a brush model without an origin brush vec3_t size; VectorSubtract( pm->gent->enemy->absmax, pm->gent->enemy->absmin, size ); VectorMA( pm->gent->enemy->absmin, 0.5, size, enemy_org ); } else { VectorCopy( pm->gent->enemy->currentOrigin, enemy_org ); } VectorSubtract( enemy_org, pm->ps->origin, enemyDir ); } float enemyZDiff = enemyDir[2]; float enemyDist = VectorNormalize( enemyDir ); float dot = DotProduct( enemyDir, faceFwd ); if ( dot > 0 ) {//enemy is in front if ( allowStabDown ) {//okay to try this saberMoveName_t stabDownMove = PM_CheckStabDown(); if ( stabDownMove != LS_NONE ) { return stabDownMove; } } if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS || PM_ControlledByPlayer()) && dot > 0.65f && enemyDist <= 64 && pm->gent->enemy->client && (enemyZDiff <= 20 || PM_InKnockDownOnGround( &pm->gent->enemy->client->ps ) || PM_CrouchAnim( pm->gent->enemy->client->ps.legsAnim ) ) ) {//swing down at them return LS_A_T2B; } if ( allowFB ) {//directly in front anim allowed if ( !(pm->ps->saber[0].saberFlags&SFL_NO_BACK_ATTACK) && (!pm->ps->dualSabers || !(pm->ps->saber[1].saberFlags&SFL_NO_BACK_ATTACK)) ) {//okay to do backstabs with this saber if ( enemyDist > 200 || pm->gent->enemy->health <= 0 ) {//hmm, look in back for an enemy if ( pm->ps->clientNum && !PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) {//player should never do this automatically if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//only when on ground if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->client && pm->gent->NPC && pm->gent->NPC->rank >= RANK_LT_JG && Q_irand( 0, pm->gent->NPC->rank ) > RANK_ENSIGN ) {//only fencers and higher can do this, higher rank does it more if ( PM_CheckEnemyInBack( 100 ) ) { return PM_PickBackStab(); } } } } } } //this is the default only if they're *right* in front... if ( (pm->ps->clientNum&&!PM_ControlledByPlayer()) || ((pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) && cg.renderingThirdPerson && !cg.zoomMode) ) {//NPC or player not in 1st person if ( PM_CheckFlipOverAttackMove( qtrue ) ) {//enemy must be close and in front return PM_SaberFlipOverAttackMove(); } } if ( PM_CheckLungeAttackMove() ) {//NPC autoMove = PM_SaberLungeAttackMove( qtrue ); } else { autoMove = LS_A_T2B; } } else {//pick a random one if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) ) { autoMove = LS_A_TR2BL; } else { autoMove = LS_A_TL2BR; } } float dotR = DotProduct( enemyDir, faceRight ); if ( dotR > 0.35 ) {//enemy is to far right autoMove = LS_A_L2R; } else if ( dotR < -0.35 ) {//far left autoMove = LS_A_R2L; } else if ( dotR > 0.15 ) {//enemy is to near right autoMove = LS_A_TR2BL; } else if ( dotR < -0.15 ) {//near left autoMove = LS_A_TL2BR; } if ( DotProduct( enemyDir, faceUp ) > 0.5 ) {//enemy is above me if ( autoMove == LS_A_TR2BL ) { autoMove = LS_A_BL2TR; } else if ( autoMove == LS_A_TL2BR ) { autoMove = LS_A_BR2TL; } } } else if ( allowFB ) {//back attack allowed //if ( !PM_InKnockDown( pm->ps ) ) if ( !(pm->ps->saber[0].saberFlags&SFL_NO_BACK_ATTACK) && (!pm->ps->dualSabers || !(pm->ps->saber[1].saberFlags&SFL_NO_BACK_ATTACK)) ) {//okay to do backstabs with this saber if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//only when on ground if ( !pm->gent->enemy->client || pm->gent->enemy->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//enemy not a client or is a client and on ground if ( dot < -0.75f && enemyDist < 128 && (pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_FAST || pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF || (pm->gent->client &&(pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION||pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ALORA)&&Q_irand(0,2))) ) {//fast back-stab if ( !(pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_DUCKED) && pm->cmd.upmove >= 0 ) {//can't do it while ducked? if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) || (pm->gent->NPC && pm->gent->NPC->rank >= RANK_LT_JG) ) {//only fencers and above can do this autoMove = LS_A_BACKSTAB; } } } else if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel != SS_FAST && pm->ps->saberAnimLevel != SS_STAFF ) {//higher level back spin-attacks if ( (pm->ps->clientNum&&!PM_ControlledByPlayer()) || ((pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) && cg.renderingThirdPerson && !cg.zoomMode) ) { if ( (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_DUCKED) || pm->cmd.upmove < 0 ) { autoMove = LS_A_BACK_CR; } else { autoMove = LS_A_BACK; } } } } } } } return autoMove; } qboolean PM_InSecondaryStyle( void ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[0].numBlades > 1 && pm->ps->saber[0].singleBladeStyle && (pm->ps->saber[0].stylesForbidden&(1<ps->saber[0].singleBladeStyle)) && pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == pm->ps->saber[0].singleBladeStyle ) { return qtrue; } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers && !pm->ps->saber[1].Active() )//pm->ps->saberAnimLevel != SS_DUAL ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } saberMoveName_t PM_SaberLungeAttackMove( qboolean fallbackToNormalLunge ) { G_DrainPowerForSpecialMove( pm->gent, FP_SABER_OFFENSE, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_FB ); //see if we have an overridden (or cancelled) lunge move if ( pm->ps->saber[0].lungeAtkMove != LS_INVALID ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[0].lungeAtkMove != LS_NONE ) { return (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[0].lungeAtkMove; } } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].lungeAtkMove != LS_INVALID ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].lungeAtkMove != LS_NONE ) { return (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[1].lungeAtkMove; } } } //no overrides, cancelled? if ( pm->ps->saber[0].lungeAtkMove == LS_NONE ) { return LS_NONE; } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].lungeAtkMove == LS_NONE ) { return LS_NONE; } } //do normal checks if ( pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ALORA && !Q_irand( 0, 3 ) ) {//alora NPC return LS_SPINATTACK_ALORA; } else { if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { return LS_SPINATTACK_DUAL; } switch ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel ) { case SS_DUAL: return LS_SPINATTACK_DUAL; break; case SS_STAFF: return LS_SPINATTACK; break; default://normal lunge if ( fallbackToNormalLunge ) { vec3_t fwdAngles, jumpFwd; VectorCopy( pm->ps->viewangles, fwdAngles ); fwdAngles[PITCH] = fwdAngles[ROLL] = 0; //do the lunge AngleVectors( fwdAngles, jumpFwd, NULL, NULL ); VectorScale( jumpFwd, 150, pm->ps->velocity ); pm->ps->velocity[2] = 50; PM_AddEvent( EV_JUMP ); return LS_A_LUNGE; } break; } } return LS_NONE; } qboolean PM_CheckLungeAttackMove( void ) { //check to see if it's cancelled? if ( pm->ps->saber[0].lungeAtkMove == LS_NONE ) { if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].lungeAtkMove == LS_NONE || pm->ps->saber[1].lungeAtkMove == LS_INVALID ) { return qfalse; } } else { return qfalse; } } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].lungeAtkMove == LS_NONE ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[0].lungeAtkMove == LS_NONE || pm->ps->saber[0].lungeAtkMove == LS_INVALID ) { return qfalse; } } } //do normal checks if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_FAST//fast || pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_DUAL//dual || pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF //staff || pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_DESANN || pm->ps->dualSabers ) {//alt+back+attack using fast, dual or staff attacks if ( pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && !PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) {//NPC if ( pm->cmd.upmove < 0 || (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_DUCKED) ) {//ducking if ( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND2 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_SABERFAST_STANCE || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_SABERSLOW_STANCE || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_SABERSTAFF_STANCE || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_SABERDUAL_STANCE || (level.time-pm->ps->lastStationary) <= 500 ) {//standing or just stopped standing if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->NPC //NPC && pm->gent->NPC->rank >= RANK_LT_JG //high rank && ( pm->gent->NPC->rank == RANK_LT_JG || Q_irand( -3, pm->gent->NPC->rank ) >= RANK_LT_JG )//Q_irand( 0, pm->gent->NPC->rank ) >= RANK_LT_JG ) && !Q_irand( 0, 3-g_spskill->integer ) ) {//only fencer and higher can do this if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_DESANN ) { if ( !Q_irand( 0, 4 ) ) { return qtrue; } } else { return qtrue; } } } } } else {//player if ( G_TryingLungeAttack( pm->gent, &pm->cmd ) && G_EnoughPowerForSpecialMove( pm->ps->forcePower, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_FB )/*pm->ps->forcePower >= SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_FB*/ )//have enough force power to pull it off { return qtrue; } } } return qfalse; } saberMoveName_t PM_SaberJumpForwardAttackMove( void ) { G_DrainPowerForSpecialMove( pm->gent, FP_LEVITATION, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_FB ); //see if we have an overridden (or cancelled) kata move if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkFwdMove != LS_INVALID ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkFwdMove != LS_NONE ) { return (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkFwdMove; } } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkFwdMove != LS_INVALID ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkFwdMove != LS_NONE ) { return (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkFwdMove; } } } //no overrides, cancelled? if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_NONE ) { return LS_NONE; } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_NONE ) { return LS_NONE; } } if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_DUAL || pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF ) { pm->cmd.upmove = 0;//no jump just yet if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF ) { if ( Q_irand(0, 1) ) { return LS_JUMPATTACK_STAFF_LEFT; } else { return LS_JUMPATTACK_STAFF_RIGHT; } } return LS_JUMPATTACK_DUAL; } else { vec3_t fwdAngles, jumpFwd; VectorCopy( pm->ps->viewangles, fwdAngles ); fwdAngles[PITCH] = fwdAngles[ROLL] = 0; AngleVectors( fwdAngles, jumpFwd, NULL, NULL ); VectorScale( jumpFwd, 200, pm->ps->velocity ); pm->ps->velocity[2] = 180; pm->ps->forceJumpZStart = pm->ps->origin[2];//so we don't take damage if we land at same height pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMPING|PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL; //FIXME: NPCs yell? PM_AddEvent( EV_JUMP ); G_SoundOnEnt( pm->gent, CHAN_BODY, "sound/weapons/force/jump.wav" ); pm->cmd.upmove = 0; return LS_A_JUMP_T__B_; } } qboolean PM_CheckJumpForwardAttackMove( void ) { if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS && PM_InSecondaryStyle() ) { return qfalse; } //check to see if it's cancelled? if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_NONE ) { if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_NONE || pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_INVALID ) { return qfalse; } } else { return qfalse; } } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_NONE ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_NONE || pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_INVALID ) { return qfalse; } } } //do normal checks if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0 //going forward && pm->ps->forceRageRecoveryTime < pm->cmd.serverTime //not in a force Rage recovery period && pm->ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 //can force jump && pm->gent && !(pm->gent->flags&FL_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS) // yes this locked weapons check also includes force powers, if we need a separate check later I'll make one && (pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE||level.time-pm->ps->lastOnGround<=250) //on ground or just jumped (if not player) ) { if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_DUAL || pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF ) {//dual and staff if ( !PM_SaberInTransitionAny( pm->ps->saberMove ) //not going to/from/between an attack anim && !PM_SaberInAttack( pm->ps->saberMove ) //not in attack anim && pm->ps->weaponTime <= 0//not busy && (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK) )//want to attack { if ( pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && !PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) {//NPC if ( pm->cmd.upmove > 0 || (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_JUMPING) )//jumping NPC { if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->NPC && (pm->gent->NPC->rank==RANK_CREWMAN||pm->gent->NPC->rank>=RANK_LT) ) { return qtrue; } } } else {//PLAYER if ( G_TryingJumpForwardAttack( pm->gent, &pm->cmd ) && G_EnoughPowerForSpecialMove( pm->ps->forcePower, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_FB ) )//have enough power to attack { return qtrue; } } } } //check strong else if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STRONG //strong style || pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_DESANN )//desann { if ( //&& !PM_InKnockDown( pm->ps ) !pm->ps->dualSabers //&& (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND2||pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_SABERFAST_STANCE||pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_SABERSLOW_STANCE||level.time-pm->ps->lastStationary<=500)//standing or just started moving ) {//strong attack: jump-hack /* if ( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND2 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_SABERFAST_STANCE || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_SABERSLOW_STANCE || level.time-pm->ps->lastStationary <= 250 )//standing or just started moving */ if ( pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && !PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) {//NPC if ( pm->cmd.upmove > 0 || (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_JUMPING) )//NPC jumping { if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->NPC && (pm->gent->NPC->rank==RANK_CREWMAN||pm->gent->NPC->rank>=RANK_LT) ) {//only acrobat or boss and higher can do this if ( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND2 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_SABERFAST_STANCE || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_SABERSLOW_STANCE || level.time-pm->ps->lastStationary <= 250 ) {//standing or just started moving if ( pm->gent->client && pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_DESANN ) { if ( !Q_irand( 0, 1 ) ) { return qtrue; } } else { return qtrue; } } } } } else {//player if ( G_TryingJumpForwardAttack( pm->gent, &pm->cmd ) && G_EnoughPowerForSpecialMove( pm->ps->forcePower, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_FB ) ) { return qtrue; } } } } } return qfalse; } saberMoveName_t PM_SaberFlipOverAttackMove( void ) { //see if we have an overridden (or cancelled) kata move if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkFwdMove != LS_INVALID ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkFwdMove != LS_NONE ) { return (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkFwdMove; } } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkFwdMove != LS_INVALID ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkFwdMove != LS_NONE ) { return (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkFwdMove; } } } //no overrides, cancelled? if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_NONE ) { return LS_NONE; } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_NONE ) { return LS_NONE; } } //FIXME: check above for room enough to jump! //FIXME: while in this jump, keep velocity[2] at a minimum until the end of the anim vec3_t fwdAngles, jumpFwd; VectorCopy( pm->ps->viewangles, fwdAngles ); fwdAngles[PITCH] = fwdAngles[ROLL] = 0; AngleVectors( fwdAngles, jumpFwd, NULL, NULL ); VectorScale( jumpFwd, 150, pm->ps->velocity ); pm->ps->velocity[2] = 250; //250 is normalized for a standing enemy at your z level, about 64 tall... adjust for actual maxs[2]-mins[2] of enemy and for zdiff in origins if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->enemy ) { //go higher for taller enemies pm->ps->velocity[2] *= (pm->gent->enemy->maxs[2]-pm->gent->enemy->mins[2])/64.0f; //go higher for enemies higher than you, lower for those lower than you float zDiff = pm->gent->enemy->currentOrigin[2] - pm->ps->origin[2]; pm->ps->velocity[2] += (zDiff)*1.5f; //clamp to decent-looking values //FIXME: still jump too low sometimes if ( zDiff <= 0 && pm->ps->velocity[2] < 200 ) {//if we're on same level, don't let me jump so low, I clip into the ground pm->ps->velocity[2] = 200; } else if ( pm->ps->velocity[2] < 50 ) { pm->ps->velocity[2] = 50; } else if ( pm->ps->velocity[2] > 400 ) { pm->ps->velocity[2] = 400; } } pm->ps->forceJumpZStart = pm->ps->origin[2];//so we don't take damage if we land at same height pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMPING|PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL; //FIXME: NPCs yell? PM_AddEvent( EV_JUMP ); G_SoundOnEnt( pm->gent, CHAN_BODY, "sound/weapons/force/jump.wav" ); pm->cmd.upmove = 0; //FIXME: don't allow this to land on other people pm->gent->angle = pm->ps->viewangles[YAW];//so we know what yaw we started this at G_DrainPowerForSpecialMove( pm->gent, FP_LEVITATION, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_FB ); if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) ) { return LS_A_FLIP_STAB; } else { return LS_A_FLIP_SLASH; } } qboolean PM_CheckFlipOverAttackMove( qboolean checkEnemy ) { if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS && PM_InSecondaryStyle() ) { return qfalse; } //check to see if it's cancelled? if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_NONE ) { if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_NONE || pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_INVALID ) { return qfalse; } } else { return qfalse; } } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_NONE ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_NONE || pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkFwdMove == LS_INVALID ) { return qfalse; } } } //do normal checks if ( (pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_MEDIUM //medium || pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_TAVION )//tavion && pm->ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 //can force jump && !(pm->gent->flags&FL_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS) // yes this locked weapons check also includes force powers, if we need a separate check later I'll make one && (pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE||level.time-pm->ps->lastOnGround<=250) //on ground or just jumped ) { qboolean tryMove = qfalse; if ( pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && !PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) {//NPC if ( pm->cmd.upmove > 0//want to jump || (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_JUMPING) )//jumping {//flip over-forward down-attack if ( (pm->gent->NPC && (pm->gent->NPC->rank==RANK_CREWMAN||pm->gent->NPC->rank>=RANK_LT) && !Q_irand(0, 2) ) )//NPC who can do this, 33% chance {//only player or acrobat or boss and higher can do this tryMove = qtrue; } } } else {//player if ( G_TryingJumpForwardAttack( pm->gent, &pm->cmd ) && G_EnoughPowerForSpecialMove( pm->ps->forcePower, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_FB ) )//have enough power { if ( !pm->cmd.rightmove ) { if ( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_JUMP1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCEJUMP1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_INAIR1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCEINAIR1 ) {//in a non-flip forward jump tryMove = qtrue; } } } } if ( tryMove ) { if ( !checkEnemy ) {//based just on command input return qtrue; } else {//based on presence of enemy if ( pm->gent->enemy )//have an enemy { vec3_t fwdAngles = {0,pm->ps->viewangles[YAW],0}; if ( pm->gent->enemy->health > 0 && pm->ps->forceRageRecoveryTime < pm->cmd.serverTime //not in a force Rage recovery period && pm->gent->enemy->maxs[2] > 12 && (!pm->gent->enemy->client || !PM_InKnockDownOnGround( &pm->gent->enemy->client->ps ) ) && DistanceSquared( pm->gent->currentOrigin, pm->gent->enemy->currentOrigin ) < 10000 && InFront( pm->gent->enemy->currentOrigin, pm->gent->currentOrigin, fwdAngles, 0.3f ) ) {//enemy must be alive, not low to ground, close and in front return qtrue; } } return qfalse; } } } return qfalse; } saberMoveName_t PM_SaberBackflipAttackMove( void ) { //see if we have an overridden (or cancelled) kata move if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkBackMove != LS_INVALID ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkBackMove != LS_NONE ) { return (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkBackMove; } } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkBackMove != LS_INVALID ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkBackMove != LS_NONE ) { return (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkBackMove; } } } //no overrides, cancelled? if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkBackMove == LS_NONE ) { return LS_NONE; } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkBackMove == LS_NONE ) { return LS_NONE; } } pm->cmd.upmove = 0;//no jump just yet return LS_A_BACKFLIP_ATK; } qboolean PM_CheckBackflipAttackMove( void ) { if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS && PM_InSecondaryStyle() ) { return qfalse; } //check to see if it's cancelled? if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkBackMove == LS_NONE ) { if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkBackMove == LS_NONE || pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkBackMove == LS_INVALID ) { return qfalse; } } else { return qfalse; } } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkBackMove == LS_NONE ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkBackMove == LS_NONE || pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkBackMove == LS_INVALID ) { return qfalse; } } } //do normal checks if ( pm->ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 //can force jump && pm->ps->forceRageRecoveryTime < pm->cmd.serverTime //not in a force Rage recovery period && pm->gent && !(pm->gent->flags&FL_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS) // yes this locked weapons check also includes force powers, if we need a separate check later I'll make one //&& (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_SABERSTAFF_STANCE || level.time-pm->ps->lastStationary<=250)//standing or just started moving && (pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE||level.time-pm->ps->lastOnGround<=250) )//on ground or just jumped (if not player) { if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove < 0 //moving backwards && pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF //using staff && (pm->cmd.upmove > 0 || (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_JUMPING)) )//jumping {//jumping backwards and using staff if ( !PM_SaberInTransitionAny( pm->ps->saberMove ) //not going to/from/between an attack anim && !PM_SaberInAttack( pm->ps->saberMove ) //not in attack anim && pm->ps->weaponTime <= 0//not busy && (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK) )//want to attack {//not already attacking if ( pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && !PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) {//NPC if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->NPC && (pm->gent->NPC->rank==RANK_CREWMAN||pm->gent->NPC->rank>=RANK_LT) ) {//acrobat or boss and higher can do this return qtrue; } } else {//player return qtrue; } } } } return qfalse; } saberMoveName_t PM_CheckDualSpinProtect( void ) { if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS && PM_InSecondaryStyle() ) { return LS_NONE; } //see if we have an overridden (or cancelled) kata move if ( pm->ps->saber[0].kataMove != LS_INVALID ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[0].kataMove != LS_NONE ) { return (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[0].kataMove; } } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].kataMove != LS_INVALID ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].kataMove != LS_NONE ) { return (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[1].kataMove; } } } //no overrides, cancelled? if ( pm->ps->saber[0].kataMove == LS_NONE ) { return LS_NONE; } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].kataMove == LS_NONE ) { return LS_NONE; } } //do normal checks if ( pm->ps->saberMove == LS_READY//ready //&& (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer())//PLAYER ONLY...? //&& pm->ps->viewangles[0] > 30 //looking down && pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_DUAL//using dual saber style && pm->ps->saber[0].Active() && pm->ps->saber[1].Active()//both sabers on //&& pm->ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_PUSH]>=FORCE_LEVEL_3//force push 3 //&& ((pm->ps->forcePowersActive&(1<ps->forcePowerDebounce[FP_PUSH]>level.time)//force-pushing && G_TryingKataAttack( pm->gent, &pm->cmd )//(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS)//holding focus && G_EnoughPowerForSpecialMove( pm->ps->forcePower, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER, qtrue )//pm->ps->forcePower >= SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER//DUAL_SPIN_PROTECT_POWER//force push 3 && (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK)//pressing attack ) {//FIXME: some NPC logic to do this? /* if ( (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_DUCKED||pm->cmd.upmove<0)//crouching && g_crosshairEntNum >= ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) */ { if ( pm->gent ) { G_DrainPowerForSpecialMove( pm->gent, FP_PUSH, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER, qtrue );//drain the required force power } return LS_DUAL_SPIN_PROTECT; } } return LS_NONE; } saberMoveName_t PM_CheckStaffKata( void ) { if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS && PM_InSecondaryStyle() ) { return LS_NONE; } //see if we have an overridden (or cancelled) kata move if ( pm->ps->saber[0].kataMove != LS_INVALID ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[0].kataMove != LS_NONE ) { return (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[0].kataMove; } } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].kataMove != LS_INVALID ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].kataMove != LS_NONE ) { return (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[1].kataMove; } } } //no overrides, cancelled? if ( pm->ps->saber[0].kataMove == LS_NONE ) { return LS_NONE; } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[1].kataMove == LS_NONE ) { return LS_NONE; } } //do normal checks if ( pm->ps->saberMove == LS_READY//ready //&& (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer())//PLAYER ONLY...? //&& pm->ps->viewangles[0] > 30 //looking down && pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF//using dual saber style && pm->ps->saber[0].Active()//saber on //&& pm->ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_PUSH]>=FORCE_LEVEL_3//force push 3 //&& ((pm->ps->forcePowersActive&(1<ps->forcePowerDebounce[FP_PUSH]>level.time)//force-pushing && G_TryingKataAttack( pm->gent, &pm->cmd )//(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS)//holding focus && G_EnoughPowerForSpecialMove( pm->ps->forcePower, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER, qtrue )//pm->ps->forcePower >= SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER//DUAL_SPIN_PROTECT_POWER//force push 3 && (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK)//pressing attack ) {//FIXME: some NPC logic to do this? /* if ( (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_DUCKED||pm->cmd.upmove<0)//crouching && g_crosshairEntNum >= ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) */ { if ( pm->gent ) { G_DrainPowerForSpecialMove( pm->gent, FP_LEVITATION, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER, qtrue );//drain the required force power } return LS_STAFF_SOULCAL; } } return LS_NONE; } extern qboolean WP_ForceThrowable( gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *forwardEnt, gentity_t *self, qboolean pull, float cone, float radius, vec3_t forward ); saberMoveName_t PM_CheckPullAttack( void ) { if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS && PM_InSecondaryStyle() ) { return LS_NONE; } if ( (pm->ps->saber[0].saberFlags&SFL_NO_PULL_ATTACK) ) { return LS_NONE; } if ( pm->ps->dualSabers && (pm->ps->saber[1].saberFlags&SFL_NO_PULL_ATTACK) ) { return LS_NONE; } if ( (pm->ps->saberMove == LS_READY||PM_SaberInReturn(pm->ps->saberMove)||PM_SaberInReflect(pm->ps->saberMove))//ready //&& (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer())//PLAYER ONLY && pm->ps->saberAnimLevel >= SS_FAST//single saber styles - FIXME: Tavion? && pm->ps->saberAnimLevel <= SS_STRONG//single saber styles - FIXME: Tavion? && G_TryingPullAttack( pm->gent, &pm->cmd, qfalse )//(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS)//holding focus //&& pm->cmd.forwardmove<0//pulling back && (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK)//attacking && G_EnoughPowerForSpecialMove( pm->ps->forcePower, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_FB )//pm->ps->forcePower >= SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_FB//have enough power ) {//FIXME: some NPC logic to do this? qboolean doMove = g_saberNewControlScheme->integer?qtrue:qfalse;//in new control scheme, can always do this, even if there's no-one to do it to if ( g_saberNewControlScheme->integer || g_crosshairEntNum < ENTITYNUM_WORLD )//in old control scheme, there has to be someone there { saberMoveName_t pullAttackMove = LS_NONE; if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_FAST ) { pullAttackMove = LS_PULL_ATTACK_STAB; } else { pullAttackMove = LS_PULL_ATTACK_SWING; } if ( g_crosshairEntNum < ENTITYNUM_WORLD && pm->gent && pm->gent->client ) { gentity_t *targEnt = &g_entities[g_crosshairEntNum]; if ( targEnt->client && targEnt->health > 0 //FIXME: check other things like in knockdown, saberlock, uninterruptable anims, etc. && !PM_InOnGroundAnim( &targEnt->client->ps ) && !PM_LockedAnim( targEnt->client->ps.legsAnim ) && !PM_SuperBreakLoseAnim( targEnt->client->ps.legsAnim ) && !PM_SuperBreakWinAnim( targEnt->client->ps.legsAnim ) && targEnt->client->ps.saberLockTime <= 0 && WP_ForceThrowable( targEnt, targEnt, pm->gent, qtrue, 1.0f, 0.0f, NULL ) ) { if ( !g_saberNewControlScheme->integer ) {//in old control scheme, make sure they're close or far enough away for the move we'll be doing float targDist = Distance( targEnt->currentOrigin, pm->ps->origin ); if ( pullAttackMove == LS_PULL_ATTACK_STAB ) {//must be closer than 512 if ( targDist > 384.0f ) { return LS_NONE; } } else//if ( pullAttackMove == LS_PULL_ATTACK_SWING ) {//must be farther than 256 if ( targDist > 512.0f ) { return LS_NONE; } if ( targDist < 192.0f ) { return LS_NONE; } } } vec3_t targAngles = {0,targEnt->client->ps.viewangles[YAW],0}; if ( InFront( pm->ps->origin, targEnt->currentOrigin, targAngles ) ) { NPC_SetAnim( targEnt, SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_PULLED_INAIR_F, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE, SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); } else { NPC_SetAnim( targEnt, SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_PULLED_INAIR_B, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE, SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); } //hold the anim until I'm with done pull anim targEnt->client->ps.legsAnimTimer = targEnt->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer = PM_AnimLength( pm->gent->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex, (animNumber_t)saberMoveData[pullAttackMove].animToUse ); //set pullAttackTime pm->gent->client->ps.pullAttackTime = targEnt->client->ps.pullAttackTime = level.time+targEnt->client->ps.legsAnimTimer; //make us know about each other pm->gent->client->ps.pullAttackEntNum = g_crosshairEntNum; targEnt->client->ps.pullAttackEntNum = pm->ps->clientNum; //do effect and sound on me pm->ps->powerups[PW_FORCE_PUSH] = level.time + 1000; if ( pm->gent ) { G_Sound( pm->gent, G_SoundIndex( "sound/weapons/force/pull.wav" ) ); } doMove = qtrue; } } if ( doMove ) { if ( pm->gent ) { G_DrainPowerForSpecialMove( pm->gent, FP_PULL, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_FB ); } return pullAttackMove; } } } return LS_NONE; } saberMoveName_t PM_CheckPlayerAttackFromParry( int curmove ) { if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS || PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) { if ( curmove >= LS_PARRY_UP && curmove <= LS_REFLECT_LL ) {//in a parry switch ( saberMoveData[curmove].endQuad ) { case Q_T: return LS_A_T2B; break; case Q_TR: return LS_A_TR2BL; break; case Q_TL: return LS_A_TL2BR; break; case Q_BR: return LS_A_BR2TL; break; case Q_BL: return LS_A_BL2TR; break; //shouldn't be a parry that ends at L, R or B } } } return LS_NONE; } saberMoveName_t PM_SaberAttackForMovement( int forwardmove, int rightmove, int curmove ) { qboolean noSpecials = qfalse; if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS && PM_InSecondaryStyle() ) { noSpecials = qtrue; } saberMoveName_t overrideJumpRightAttackMove = LS_INVALID; if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkRightMove != LS_INVALID ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkRightMove != LS_NONE ) {//actually overriding overrideJumpRightAttackMove = (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkRightMove; } else if ( pm->ps->dualSabers && pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkRightMove > LS_NONE ) {//would be cancelling it, but check the second saber, too overrideJumpRightAttackMove = (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkRightMove; } else {//nope, just cancel it overrideJumpRightAttackMove = LS_NONE; } } else if ( pm->ps->dualSabers && pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkRightMove != LS_INVALID ) {//first saber not overridden, check second overrideJumpRightAttackMove = (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkRightMove; } saberMoveName_t overrideJumpLeftAttackMove = LS_INVALID; if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkLeftMove != LS_INVALID ) { if ( pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkLeftMove != LS_NONE ) {//actually overriding overrideJumpLeftAttackMove = (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[0].jumpAtkLeftMove; } else if ( pm->ps->dualSabers && pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkLeftMove > LS_NONE ) {//would be cancelling it, but check the second saber, too overrideJumpLeftAttackMove = (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkLeftMove; } else {//nope, just cancel it overrideJumpLeftAttackMove = LS_NONE; } } else if ( pm->ps->dualSabers && pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkLeftMove != LS_INVALID ) {//first saber not overridden, check second overrideJumpLeftAttackMove = (saberMoveName_t)pm->ps->saber[1].jumpAtkLeftMove; } #ifdef _XBOX if ( rightmove > 64 ) #else if ( rightmove > 0 ) #endif // _XBOX {//moving right if ( !noSpecials && overrideJumpRightAttackMove != LS_NONE && (pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE||level.time-pm->ps->lastOnGround<=250) //on ground or just jumped && (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK)//hitting attack && pm->ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_0//have force jump 1 at least && G_EnoughPowerForSpecialMove( pm->ps->forcePower, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_LR )//pm->ps->forcePower >= SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_LR//have enough power && (((pm->ps->clientNum>=MAX_CLIENTS&&!PM_ControlledByPlayer())&&pm->cmd.upmove > 0)//jumping NPC ||((pm->ps->clientNumgent, &pm->cmd)/*(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS)*/)) )//focus-holding player {//cartwheel right vec3_t right, fwdAngles = {0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0}; if ( pm->gent ) { G_DrainPowerForSpecialMove( pm->gent, FP_LEVITATION, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_LR ); } pm->cmd.upmove = 0; if ( overrideJumpRightAttackMove != LS_INVALID ) {//overridden with another move return overrideJumpRightAttackMove; } else if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF ) { AngleVectors( fwdAngles, NULL, right, NULL ); pm->ps->velocity[0] = pm->ps->velocity[1] = 0; VectorMA( pm->ps->velocity, 190, right, pm->ps->velocity ); return LS_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT; } else { if ( !(pm->ps->saber[0].saberFlags&SFL_NO_CARTWHEELS) && (!pm->ps->dualSabers || !(pm->ps->saber[1].saberFlags&SFL_NO_CARTWHEELS)) ) {//okay to do cartwheels with this saber /* if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//still on ground VectorClear( pm->ps->velocity ); return LS_JUMPATTACK_CART_RIGHT; } else */ {//in air AngleVectors( fwdAngles, NULL, right, NULL ); pm->ps->velocity[0] = pm->ps->velocity[1] = 0; VectorMA( pm->ps->velocity, 190, right, pm->ps->velocity ); PM_SetJumped( JUMP_VELOCITY, qtrue ); return LS_JUMPATTACK_ARIAL_RIGHT; } } } } else if ( pm->ps->legsAnim != BOTH_CARTWHEEL_RIGHT && pm->ps->legsAnim != BOTH_ARIAL_RIGHT ) {//not in a cartwheel/arial if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS || PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) //PLAYER ONLY {//player if ( G_TryingSpecial(pm->gent, &pm->cmd)/*(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS)*/ )//Holding focus {//if no special worked, do nothing return LS_NONE; } } //checked all special attacks, if we're in a parry, attack from that move saberMoveName_t parryAttackMove = PM_CheckPlayerAttackFromParry( curmove ); if ( parryAttackMove != LS_NONE ) { return parryAttackMove; } //check regular attacks if ( forwardmove > 0 ) {//forward right = TL2BR slash return LS_A_TL2BR; } else if ( forwardmove < 0 ) {//backward right = BL2TR uppercut return LS_A_BL2TR; } else {//just right is a left slice return LS_A_L2R; } } } #ifdef _XBOX else if ( rightmove < -64 ) #else else if ( rightmove < 0 ) #endif // _XBOX {//moving left if ( !noSpecials && overrideJumpLeftAttackMove != LS_NONE && (pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE||level.time-pm->ps->lastOnGround<=250) //on ground or just jumped && (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK)//hitting attack && pm->ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_0//have force jump 1 at least && G_EnoughPowerForSpecialMove( pm->ps->forcePower, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_LR )//pm->ps->forcePower >= SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_LR//have enough power && (((pm->ps->clientNum>=MAX_CLIENTS&&!PM_ControlledByPlayer())&&pm->cmd.upmove > 0)//jumping NPC ||((pm->ps->clientNumgent, &pm->cmd)/*(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS)*/)) )//focus-holding player {//cartwheel left vec3_t right, fwdAngles = {0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0}; if ( pm->gent ) { G_DrainPowerForSpecialMove( pm->gent, FP_LEVITATION, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_LR ); } pm->cmd.upmove = 0; if ( overrideJumpRightAttackMove != LS_INVALID ) {//overridden with another move return overrideJumpRightAttackMove; } else if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF ) { AngleVectors( fwdAngles, NULL, right, NULL ); pm->ps->velocity[0] = pm->ps->velocity[1] = 0; VectorMA( pm->ps->velocity, -190, right, pm->ps->velocity ); return LS_BUTTERFLY_LEFT; } else { if ( !(pm->ps->saber[0].saberFlags&SFL_NO_CARTWHEELS) && (!pm->ps->dualSabers || !(pm->ps->saber[1].saberFlags&SFL_NO_CARTWHEELS)) ) {//okay to do cartwheels with this saber /* if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//still on ground VectorClear( pm->ps->velocity ); return LS_JUMPATTACK_ARIAL_LEFT; } else */ { AngleVectors( fwdAngles, NULL, right, NULL ); pm->ps->velocity[0] = pm->ps->velocity[1] = 0; VectorMA( pm->ps->velocity, -190, right, pm->ps->velocity ); PM_SetJumped( JUMP_VELOCITY, qtrue ); return LS_JUMPATTACK_CART_LEFT; } } } } else if ( pm->ps->legsAnim != BOTH_CARTWHEEL_LEFT && pm->ps->legsAnim != BOTH_ARIAL_LEFT ) {//not in a left cartwheel/arial if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS || PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) //PLAYER ONLY {//player if ( G_TryingSpecial(pm->gent, &pm->cmd)/*(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS)*/ )//Holding focus {//if no special worked, do nothing return LS_NONE; } } //checked all special attacks, if we're in a parry, attack from that move saberMoveName_t parryAttackMove = PM_CheckPlayerAttackFromParry( curmove ); if ( parryAttackMove != LS_NONE ) { return parryAttackMove; } //check regular attacks if ( forwardmove > 0 ) {//forward left = TR2BL slash return LS_A_TR2BL; } else if ( forwardmove < 0 ) {//backward left = BR2TL uppercut return LS_A_BR2TL; } else {//just left is a right slice return LS_A_R2L; } } } else {//not moving left or right #ifdef _XBOX if ( forwardmove > 64 ) #else if ( forwardmove > 0 ) #endif // _XBOX {//forward= T2B slash saberMoveName_t stabDownMove = noSpecials?LS_NONE:PM_CheckStabDown(); if ( stabDownMove != LS_NONE ) { return stabDownMove; } if ( ((pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) && cg.renderingThirdPerson && !cg.zoomMode) )//player in third person, not zoomed in {//player in thirdperson, not zoomed in //flip-over attack logic if ( !noSpecials && PM_CheckFlipOverAttackMove( qfalse ) ) {//flip over-forward down-attack return PM_SaberFlipOverAttackMove(); } //lunge attack logic else if ( PM_CheckLungeAttackMove() ) { return PM_SaberLungeAttackMove( qtrue ); } //jump forward attack logic else if ( !noSpecials && PM_CheckJumpForwardAttackMove() ) { return PM_SaberJumpForwardAttackMove(); } } //player NPC with enemy: autoMove logic if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->enemy && pm->gent->enemy->client ) {//I have an active enemy if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS || PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) {//a player who is running at an enemy //if the enemy is not a jedi, don't use top-down, pick a diagonal or side attack if ( pm->gent->enemy->s.weapon != WP_SABER && pm->gent->enemy->client->NPC_class != CLASS_REMOTE//too small to do auto-aiming accurately && pm->gent->enemy->client->NPC_class != CLASS_SEEKER//too small to do auto-aiming accurately && pm->gent->enemy->client->NPC_class != CLASS_GONK//too short to do auto-aiming accurately && pm->gent->enemy->client->NPC_class != CLASS_HOWLER//too short to do auto-aiming accurately && g_saberAutoAim->integer ) { saberMoveName_t autoMove = PM_AttackForEnemyPos( qfalse, (qboolean)(pm->ps->clientNum>=MAX_CLIENTS&&!PM_ControlledByPlayer()) ); if ( autoMove != LS_INVALID ) { return autoMove; } } } if ( pm->ps->clientNum>=MAX_CLIENTS && !PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) //NPC ONLY {//NPC if ( PM_CheckFlipOverAttackMove( qtrue ) ) { return PM_SaberFlipOverAttackMove(); } } } //Regular NPCs if ( pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && !PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) //NPC ONLY {//NPC or player in third person, not zoomed in //fwd jump attack logic if ( PM_CheckJumpForwardAttackMove() ) { return PM_SaberJumpForwardAttackMove(); } //lunge attack logic else if ( PM_CheckLungeAttackMove() ) { return PM_SaberLungeAttackMove( qtrue ); } } if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS || PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) //PLAYER ONLY {//player if ( G_TryingSpecial(pm->gent,&pm->cmd) )//(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS) )//Holding focus {//if no special worked, do nothing return LS_NONE; } } //checked all special attacks, if we're in a parry, attack from that move saberMoveName_t parryAttackMove = PM_CheckPlayerAttackFromParry( curmove ); if ( parryAttackMove != LS_NONE ) { return parryAttackMove; } //check regular attacks return LS_A_T2B; } #ifdef _XBOX else if ( forwardmove < -64 ) #else else if ( forwardmove < 0 ) #endif // _XBOX {//backward= T2B slash//B2T uppercut? if ( g_saberNewControlScheme->integer ) { saberMoveName_t pullAtk = PM_CheckPullAttack(); if ( pullAtk != LS_NONE ) { return pullAtk; } } if ( g_saberNewControlScheme->integer && (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS || PM_ControlledByPlayer()) //PLAYER ONLY && (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS) )//Holding focus, trying special backwards attacks {//player lunge attack logic if ( ( pm->ps->dualSabers //or dual || pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF )//pm->ps->SaberStaff() )//or staff && G_EnoughPowerForSpecialMove( pm->ps->forcePower, SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_FB )/*pm->ps->forcePower >= SABER_ALT_ATTACK_POWER_FB*/ )//have enough force power to pull it off {//alt+back+attack using fast, dual or staff attacks PM_SaberLungeAttackMove( qfalse ); } } else if ( (pm->ps->clientNum&&!PM_ControlledByPlayer()) //NPC || ((pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) && cg.renderingThirdPerson && !cg.zoomMode) )//player in third person, not zooomed {//NPC or player in third person, not zoomed if ( PM_CheckBackflipAttackMove() ) { return PM_SaberBackflipAttackMove();//backflip attack } if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS || PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) //PLAYER ONLY {//player if ( G_TryingSpecial(pm->gent,&pm->cmd) )//(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS) )//Holding focus {//if no special worked, do nothing return LS_NONE; } } //if ( !PM_InKnockDown( pm->ps ) ) //check backstabs if ( !(pm->ps->saber[0].saberFlags&SFL_NO_BACK_ATTACK) && (!pm->ps->dualSabers || !(pm->ps->saber[1].saberFlags&SFL_NO_BACK_ATTACK)) ) {//okay to do backstabs with this saber if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//only when on ground if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->enemy ) {//FIXME: or just trace for a valid enemy standing behind me? And no enemy in front? vec3_t enemyDir, faceFwd, facingAngles = {0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0}; AngleVectors( facingAngles, faceFwd, NULL, NULL ); VectorSubtract( pm->gent->enemy->currentOrigin, pm->ps->origin, enemyDir ); float dot = DotProduct( enemyDir, faceFwd ); if ( dot < 0 ) {//enemy is behind me if ( dot < -0.75f && DistanceSquared( pm->gent->currentOrigin, pm->gent->enemy->currentOrigin ) < 16384//128 squared && (pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_FAST || pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF || (pm->gent->client &&(pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION||pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ALORA)&&Q_irand(0,1))) ) {//fast attacks and Tavion if ( !(pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_DUCKED) && pm->cmd.upmove >= 0 ) {//can't do it while ducked? if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) || (pm->gent->NPC && pm->gent->NPC->rank >= RANK_LT_JG) ) {//only fencers and above can do this return LS_A_BACKSTAB; } } } else if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel != SS_FAST && pm->ps->saberAnimLevel != SS_STAFF ) {//medium and higher attacks if ( (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_DUCKED) || pm->cmd.upmove < 0 ) { return LS_A_BACK_CR; } else { return LS_A_BACK; } } } else {//enemy in front float enemyDistSq = DistanceSquared( pm->gent->currentOrigin, pm->gent->enemy->currentOrigin ); if ( (pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_1||pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF||pm->gent->client->NPC_class==CLASS_TAVION||pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ALORA||(pm->gent->client->NPC_class==CLASS_DESANN&&!Q_irand(0,3))) && enemyDistSq > 16384 || pm->gent->enemy->health <= 0 )//128 squared {//my enemy is pretty far in front of me and I'm using fast attacks if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) || ( pm->gent && pm->gent->client && pm->gent->NPC && pm->gent->NPC->rank >= RANK_LT_JG && Q_irand( 0, pm->gent->NPC->rank ) > RANK_ENSIGN ) ) {//only fencers and higher can do this, higher rank does it more if ( PM_CheckEnemyInBack( 128 ) ) { return PM_PickBackStab(); } } } else if ( (pm->ps->saberAnimLevel >= FORCE_LEVEL_2 || pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_DESANN) && enemyDistSq > 40000 || pm->gent->enemy->health <= 0 )//200 squared {//enemy is very faw away and I'm using medium/strong attacks if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) || ( pm->gent && pm->gent->client && pm->gent->NPC && pm->gent->NPC->rank >= RANK_LT_JG && Q_irand( 0, pm->gent->NPC->rank ) > RANK_ENSIGN ) ) {//only fencers and higher can do this, higher rank does it more if ( PM_CheckEnemyInBack( 164 ) ) { return PM_PickBackStab(); } } } } } else {//no current enemy if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) && pm->gent && pm->gent->client ) {//only player if ( PM_CheckEnemyInBack( 128 ) ) { return PM_PickBackStab(); } } } } } } if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS || PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) //PLAYER ONLY {//player if ( G_TryingSpecial( pm->gent, &pm->cmd ) )//(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS) )//Holding focus {//if no special worked, do nothing return LS_NONE; } } //checked all special attacks, if we're in a parry, attack from that move saberMoveName_t parryAttackMove = PM_CheckPlayerAttackFromParry( curmove ); if ( parryAttackMove != LS_NONE ) { return parryAttackMove; } //check regular attacks //else just swing down return LS_A_T2B; } else {//not moving in any direction if ( PM_SaberInBounce( curmove ) ) {//bounces should go to their default attack if you don't specify a direction but are attacking if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS || PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) //PLAYER ONLY {//player if ( G_TryingSpecial(pm->gent,&pm->cmd) )//(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS) )//Holding focus {//if no special worked, do nothing return LS_NONE; } } saberMoveName_t newmove; if ( pm->ps->clientNum && !PM_ControlledByPlayer() && Q_irand( 0, 3 ) ) {//use NPC random newmove = PM_NPCSaberAttackFromQuad( saberMoveData[curmove].endQuad ); } else {//player uses chain-attack newmove = saberMoveData[curmove].chain_attack; } if ( PM_SaberKataDone( curmove, newmove ) ) { return saberMoveData[curmove].chain_idle; } else { return newmove; } } else if ( PM_SaberInKnockaway( curmove ) ) {//bounces should go to their default attack if you don't specify a direction but are attacking if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS || PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) //PLAYER ONLY {//player if ( G_TryingSpecial( pm->gent, &pm->cmd ) )//(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS) )//Holding focus {//if no special worked, do nothing return LS_NONE; } } saberMoveName_t newmove; if ( pm->ps->clientNum && !PM_ControlledByPlayer() && Q_irand( 0, 3 ) ) {//use NPC random newmove = PM_NPCSaberAttackFromQuad( saberMoveData[curmove].endQuad ); } else { if ( pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_FAST || pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_TAVION ) {//player is in fast attacks, so come right back down from the same spot newmove = PM_AttackMoveForQuad( saberMoveData[curmove].endQuad ); } else {//use a transition to wrap to another attack from a different dir newmove = saberMoveData[curmove].chain_attack; } } if ( PM_SaberKataDone( curmove, newmove ) ) { return saberMoveData[curmove].chain_idle; } else { return newmove; } } else if ( curmove == LS_READY || curmove == LS_A_FLIP_STAB || curmove == LS_A_FLIP_SLASH || ( curmove >= LS_PARRY_UP && curmove <= LS_REFLECT_LL ) ) {//Not moving at all, not too busy to attack //push + lookdown + attack + dual sabers = LS_DUAL_SPIN_PROTECT if ( g_saberNewControlScheme->integer ) { if ( PM_CheckDualSpinProtect() ) { return LS_DUAL_SPIN_PROTECT; } if ( PM_CheckStaffKata() ) { return LS_STAFF_SOULCAL; } } if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS || PM_ControlledByPlayer() ) //PLAYER ONLY {//player if ( G_TryingSpecial( pm->gent, &pm->cmd ) )//(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS) )//Holding focus {//if no special worked, do nothing return LS_NONE; } } //checked all special attacks, if we're in a parry, attack from that move saberMoveName_t parryAttackMove = PM_CheckPlayerAttackFromParry( curmove ); if ( parryAttackMove != LS_NONE ) { return parryAttackMove; } //check regular attacks if ( pm->ps->clientNum || g_saberAutoAim->integer ) {//auto-aim if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->enemy ) {//based on enemy position, pick a proper attack saberMoveName_t autoMove = PM_AttackForEnemyPos( qtrue, (qboolean)(pm->ps->clientNum>=MAX_CLIENTS) ); if ( autoMove != LS_INVALID ) { return autoMove; } } else if ( fabs(pm->ps->viewangles[0]) > 30 ) {//looking far up or far down uses the top to bottom attack, presuming you want a vertical attack return LS_A_T2B; } } else {//for now, just pick a random attack return ((saberMoveName_t)Q_irand( LS_A_TL2BR, LS_A_T2B )); } } } } //FIXME: pick a return? return LS_NONE; } saberMoveName_t PM_SaberAnimTransitionMove( saberMoveName_t curmove, saberMoveName_t newmove ) { //FIXME: take FP_SABER_OFFENSE into account here somehow? int retmove = newmove; if ( curmove == LS_READY ) {//just standing there switch ( newmove ) { case LS_A_TL2BR: case LS_A_L2R: case LS_A_BL2TR: case LS_A_BR2TL: case LS_A_R2L: case LS_A_TR2BL: case LS_A_T2B: //transition is the start retmove = LS_S_TL2BR + (newmove-LS_A_TL2BR); break; } } else { switch ( newmove ) { //transitioning to ready pose case LS_READY: switch ( curmove ) { //transitioning from an attack case LS_A_TL2BR: case LS_A_L2R: case LS_A_BL2TR: case LS_A_BR2TL: case LS_A_R2L: case LS_A_TR2BL: case LS_A_T2B: //transition is the return retmove = LS_R_TL2BR + (newmove-LS_A_TL2BR); break; } break; //transitioning to an attack case LS_A_TL2BR: case LS_A_L2R: case LS_A_BL2TR: case LS_A_BR2TL: case LS_A_R2L: case LS_A_TR2BL: case LS_A_T2B: if ( newmove == curmove ) {//FIXME: need a spin or something or go to next level, but for now, just play the return //going into another attack... //allow endless chaining in level 1 attacks, several in level 2 and only one or a few in level 3 //FIXME: don't let strong attacks chain to an attack in the opposite direction ( > 45 degrees?) if ( PM_SaberKataDone( curmove, newmove ) ) {//done with this kata, must return to ready before attack again retmove = LS_R_TL2BR + (newmove-LS_A_TL2BR); } else {//okay to chain to another attack retmove = transitionMove[saberMoveData[curmove].endQuad][saberMoveData[newmove].startQuad]; } } else if ( saberMoveData[curmove].endQuad == saberMoveData[newmove].startQuad ) {//new move starts from same quadrant retmove = newmove; } else { switch ( curmove ) { //transitioning from an attack case LS_A_TL2BR: case LS_A_L2R: case LS_A_BL2TR: case LS_A_BR2TL: case LS_A_R2L: case LS_A_TR2BL: case LS_A_T2B: case LS_D1_BR: case LS_D1__R: case LS_D1_TR: case LS_D1_T_: case LS_D1_TL: case LS_D1__L: case LS_D1_BL: case LS_D1_B_: retmove = transitionMove[saberMoveData[curmove].endQuad][saberMoveData[newmove].startQuad]; break; //transitioning from a return case LS_R_TL2BR: case LS_R_L2R: case LS_R_BL2TR: case LS_R_BR2TL: case LS_R_R2L: case LS_R_TR2BL: case LS_R_T2B: //transitioning from a bounce /* case LS_BOUNCE_UL2LL: case LS_BOUNCE_LL2UL: case LS_BOUNCE_L2LL: case LS_BOUNCE_L2UL: case LS_BOUNCE_UR2LR: case LS_BOUNCE_LR2UR: case LS_BOUNCE_R2LR: case LS_BOUNCE_R2UR: case LS_BOUNCE_TOP: case LS_OVER_UR2UL: case LS_OVER_UL2UR: case LS_BOUNCE_UR: case LS_BOUNCE_UL: case LS_BOUNCE_LR: case LS_BOUNCE_LL: */ //transitioning from a parry/reflection/knockaway/broken parry case LS_PARRY_UP: case LS_PARRY_UR: case LS_PARRY_UL: case LS_PARRY_LR: case LS_PARRY_LL: case LS_REFLECT_UP: case LS_REFLECT_UR: case LS_REFLECT_UL: case LS_REFLECT_LR: case LS_REFLECT_LL: case LS_K1_T_: case LS_K1_TR: case LS_K1_TL: case LS_K1_BR: case LS_K1_BL: case LS_V1_BR: case LS_V1__R: case LS_V1_TR: case LS_V1_T_: case LS_V1_TL: case LS_V1__L: case LS_V1_BL: case LS_V1_B_: case LS_H1_T_: case LS_H1_TR: case LS_H1_TL: case LS_H1_BR: case LS_H1_BL: retmove = transitionMove[saberMoveData[curmove].endQuad][saberMoveData[newmove].startQuad]; break; //NB: transitioning from transitions is fine } } break; //transitioning to any other anim is not supported } } if ( retmove == LS_NONE ) { return newmove; } return ((saberMoveName_t)retmove); } /* ------------------------- PM_LegsAnimForFrame Returns animNumber for current frame ------------------------- */ int PM_LegsAnimForFrame( gentity_t *ent, int legsFrame ) { //Must be a valid client if ( ent->client == NULL ) return -1; //Must have a file index entry if( ValidAnimFileIndex( ent->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex ) == qfalse ) return -1; animation_t *animations = level.knownAnimFileSets[ent->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex].animations; int glaIndex = gi.G2API_GetAnimIndex(&(ent->ghoul2[0])); for ( int animation = 0; animation < BOTH_CIN_1; animation++ ) //first anim after last legs { if ( animation >= TORSO_DROPWEAP1 && animation < LEGS_TURN1 ) //first legs only anim {//not a possible legs anim continue; } if ( animations[animation].glaIndex != glaIndex ) { continue; } if ( animations[animation].firstFrame > legsFrame ) {//This anim starts after this frame continue; } if ( animations[animation].firstFrame + animations[animation].numFrames < legsFrame ) {//This anim ends before this frame continue; } //else, must be in this anim! return animation; } //Not in ANY torsoAnim? SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN // assert(0); return -1; } int PM_ValidateAnimRange( const int startFrame, const int endFrame, const float animSpeed ) {//given a startframe and endframe, see if that lines up with any known animation animation_t *animations = level.knownAnimFileSets[0].animations; for ( int anim = 0; anim < MAX_ANIMATIONS; anim++ ) { if ( animSpeed < 0 ) {//playing backwards if ( animations[anim].firstFrame == endFrame ) { if ( animations[anim].numFrames + animations[anim].firstFrame == startFrame ) { //Com_Printf( "valid reverse anim: %s\n", animTable[anim].name ); return anim; } } } else {//playing forwards if ( animations[anim].firstFrame == startFrame ) {//This anim starts on this frame if ( animations[anim].firstFrame + animations[anim].numFrames == endFrame ) {//This anim ends on this frame //Com_Printf( "valid forward anim: %s\n", animTable[anim].name ); return anim; } } } //else, must not be this anim! } //Not in ANY anim? SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN Com_Printf( "invalid anim range %d to %d, speed %4.2f\n", startFrame, endFrame, animSpeed ); return -1; } /* ------------------------- PM_TorsoAnimForFrame Returns animNumber for current frame ------------------------- */ int PM_TorsoAnimForFrame( gentity_t *ent, int torsoFrame ) { //Must be a valid client if ( ent->client == NULL ) return -1; //Must have a file index entry if( ValidAnimFileIndex( ent->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex ) == qfalse ) return -1; animation_t *animations = level.knownAnimFileSets[ent->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex].animations; int glaIndex = gi.G2API_GetAnimIndex(&(ent->ghoul2[0])); for ( int animation = 0; animation < LEGS_TURN1; animation++ ) //first legs only anim { if ( animations[animation].glaIndex != glaIndex ) { continue; } if ( animations[animation].firstFrame > torsoFrame ) {//This anim starts after this frame continue; } if ( animations[animation].firstFrame + animations[animation].numFrames < torsoFrame ) {//This anim ends before this frame continue; } //else, must be in this anim! return animation; } //Not in ANY torsoAnim? SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN // assert(0); return -1; } qboolean PM_FinishedCurrentLegsAnim( gentity_t *self ) { int junk, curFrame; float currentFrame, animSpeed; if ( !self->client ) { return qtrue; } gi.G2API_GetBoneAnimIndex( &self->ghoul2[self->playerModel], self->rootBone, (cg.time?cg.time:level.time), ¤tFrame, &junk, &junk, &junk, &animSpeed, NULL ); curFrame = floor( currentFrame ); int legsAnim = self->client->ps.legsAnim; animation_t *animations = level.knownAnimFileSets[self->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex].animations; if ( curFrame >= animations[legsAnim].firstFrame + (animations[legsAnim].numFrames - 2) ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } /* ------------------------- PM_HasAnimation ------------------------- */ qboolean PM_HasAnimation( gentity_t *ent, int animation ) { //Must be a valid client if ( !ent || ent->client == NULL ) return qfalse; //must be a valid anim number if ( animation < 0 || animation >= MAX_ANIMATIONS ) { return qfalse; } //Must have a file index entry if( ValidAnimFileIndex( ent->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex ) == qfalse ) return qfalse; animation_t *animations = level.knownAnimFileSets[ent->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex].animations; //No frames, no anim if ( animations[animation].numFrames == 0 ) return qfalse; //Has the sequence return qtrue; } int PM_PickAnim( gentity_t *self, int minAnim, int maxAnim ) { int anim; int count = 0; if ( !self ) { return Q_irand(minAnim, maxAnim); } do { anim = Q_irand(minAnim, maxAnim); count++; } while ( !PM_HasAnimation( self, anim ) && count < 1000 ); return anim; } /* ------------------------- PM_AnimLength ------------------------- */ int PM_AnimLength( int index, animNumber_t anim ) { if ( ValidAnimFileIndex( index ) == false ) return 0; return level.knownAnimFileSets[index].animations[anim].numFrames * abs(level.knownAnimFileSets[index].animations[anim].frameLerp); } /* ------------------------- PM_SetLegsAnimTimer ------------------------- */ void PM_SetLegsAnimTimer( gentity_t *ent, int *legsAnimTimer, int time ) { *legsAnimTimer = time; if ( *legsAnimTimer < 0 && time != -1 ) {//Cap timer to 0 if was counting down, but let it be -1 if that was intentional *legsAnimTimer = 0; } if ( !*legsAnimTimer && ent && Q3_TaskIDPending( ent, TID_ANIM_LOWER ) ) {//Waiting for legsAnimTimer to complete, and it just got set to zero if ( !Q3_TaskIDPending( ent, TID_ANIM_BOTH) ) {//Not waiting for top Q3_TaskIDComplete( ent, TID_ANIM_LOWER ); } else {//Waiting for both to finish before complete Q3_TaskIDClear( &ent->taskID[TID_ANIM_LOWER] );//Bottom is done, regardless if ( !Q3_TaskIDPending( ent, TID_ANIM_UPPER) ) {//top is done and we're done Q3_TaskIDComplete( ent, TID_ANIM_BOTH ); } } } } /* ------------------------- PM_SetTorsoAnimTimer ------------------------- */ void PM_SetTorsoAnimTimer( gentity_t *ent, int *torsoAnimTimer, int time ) { *torsoAnimTimer = time; if ( *torsoAnimTimer < 0 && time != -1 ) {//Cap timer to 0 if was counting down, but let it be -1 if that was intentional *torsoAnimTimer = 0; } if ( !*torsoAnimTimer && ent && Q3_TaskIDPending( ent, TID_ANIM_UPPER ) ) {//Waiting for torsoAnimTimer to complete, and it just got set to zero if ( !Q3_TaskIDPending( ent, TID_ANIM_BOTH) ) {//Not waiting for bottom Q3_TaskIDComplete( ent, TID_ANIM_UPPER ); } else {//Waiting for both to finish before complete Q3_TaskIDClear( &ent->taskID[TID_ANIM_UPPER] );//Top is done, regardless if ( !Q3_TaskIDPending( ent, TID_ANIM_LOWER) ) {//lower is done and we're done Q3_TaskIDComplete( ent, TID_ANIM_BOTH ); } } } } extern qboolean PM_SpinningSaberAnim( int anim ); extern float saberAnimSpeedMod[NUM_FORCE_POWER_LEVELS]; void PM_SaberStartTransAnim( int saberAnimLevel, int anim, float *animSpeed, gentity_t *gent ) { if ( anim >= BOTH_A1_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_ROLL_STAB ) { if ( g_saberAnimSpeed->value != 1.0f ) { *animSpeed *= g_saberAnimSpeed->value; } else if ( gent && gent->client && gent->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER ) { if ( gent->client->ps.saber[0].animSpeedScale != 1.0f ) { *animSpeed *= gent->client->ps.saber[0].animSpeedScale; } if ( gent->client->ps.dualSabers && gent->client->ps.saber[1].animSpeedScale != 1.0f ) { *animSpeed *= gent->client->ps.saber[1].animSpeedScale; } } } if ( gent && gent->client && gent->client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS]&(1<client->ps.dualSabers && saberAnimLevel == SS_DUAL && gent->weaponModel[1] ) {//using a scepter and dual style, slow down anims if ( anim >= BOTH_A1_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_H7_S7_BR ) { *animSpeed *= 0.75; } } if ( gent && gent->client && gent->client->ps.forceRageRecoveryTime > level.time ) {//rage recovery if ( anim >= BOTH_A1_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_H1_S1_BR ) {//animate slower *animSpeed *= 0.75; } } else if ( gent && gent->NPC && gent->NPC->rank == RANK_CIVILIAN ) {//grunt reborn if ( anim >= BOTH_A1_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_R1_TR_S1 ) {//his fast attacks are slower if ( !PM_SpinningSaberAnim( anim ) ) { *animSpeed *= 0.75; } return; } } else if ( gent && gent->client ) { if ( gent->client->ps.saber[0].type == SABER_LANCE || gent->client->ps.saber[0].type == SABER_TRIDENT ) {//FIXME: hack for now - these use the fast anims, but slowed down. Should have own style if ( anim >= BOTH_A1_T__B_ && anim <= BOTH_R1_TR_S1 ) {//his fast attacks are slower if ( !PM_SpinningSaberAnim( anim ) ) { *animSpeed *= 0.75; } return; } } } if ( ( anim >= BOTH_T1_BR__R && anim <= BOTH_T1_BL_TL ) || ( anim >= BOTH_T3_BR__R && anim <= BOTH_T3_BL_TL ) || ( anim >= BOTH_T5_BR__R && anim <= BOTH_T5_BL_TL ) ) { if ( saberAnimLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_1 || saberAnimLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_5 ) {//FIXME: should not be necc for FORCE_LEVEL_1's *animSpeed *= 1.5; } else if ( saberAnimLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_3 ) { *animSpeed *= 0.75; } } } /* void PM_SaberStartTransAnim( int anim, int entNum, int saberOffenseLevel, float *animSpeed ) { //check starts if ( ( anim >= BOTH_S1_S1_T_ && anim <= BOTH_S1_S1_TR ) || ( anim >= BOTH_S1_S1_T_ && anim <= BOTH_S1_S1_TR ) || ( anim >= BOTH_S3_S1_T_ && anim <= BOTH_S3_S1_TR ) ) { if ( entNum == 0 ) { *animSpeed *= saberAnimSpeedMod[FORCE_LEVEL_3]; } else { *animSpeed *= saberAnimSpeedMod[saberOffenseLevel]; } } //Check transitions else if ( PM_SpinningSaberAnim( anim ) ) {//spins stay normal speed return; } else if ( ( anim >= BOTH_T1_BR__R && anim <= BOTH_T1_BL_TL ) || ( anim >= BOTH_T2_BR__R && anim <= BOTH_T2_BL_TL ) || ( anim >= BOTH_T3_BR__R && anim <= BOTH_T3_BL_TL ) ) {//slow down the transitions if ( entNum == 0 && saberOffenseLevel <= FORCE_LEVEL_2 ) { *animSpeed *= saberAnimSpeedMod[saberOffenseLevel]; } else { *animSpeed *= saberAnimSpeedMod[saberOffenseLevel]/2.0f; } } return; } */ extern qboolean player_locked; extern qboolean MatrixMode; float PM_GetTimeScaleMod( gentity_t *gent ) { if ( g_timescale->value ) { if ( !MatrixMode && gent->client->ps.legsAnim != BOTH_FORCELONGLEAP_START && gent->client->ps.legsAnim != BOTH_FORCELONGLEAP_ATTACK && gent->client->ps.legsAnim != BOTH_FORCELONGLEAP_LAND ) { if ( gent && gent->s.clientNum == 0 && !player_locked && gent->client->ps.forcePowersActive&(1<value); } else if ( gent && gent->client && gent->client->ps.forcePowersActive&(1<value); } } } return 1.0f; } static inline qboolean PM_IsHumanoid( CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo ) { char *GLAName; GLAName = gi.G2API_GetGLAName( ghlInfo ); assert(GLAName); if ( !Q_stricmp( "models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid", GLAName ) ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } /* ------------------------- PM_SetAnimFinal ------------------------- */ #define G2_DEBUG_TIMING (0) void PM_SetAnimFinal(int *torsoAnim,int *legsAnim, int setAnimParts,int anim,int setAnimFlags, int *torsoAnimTimer,int *legsAnimTimer, gentity_t *gent,int blendTime) // default blendTime=350 { // BASIC SETUP AND SAFETY CHECKING //================================= // If It Is A Busted Entity, Don't Do Anything Here. //--------------------------------------------------- if (!gent || !gent->client) { return; } // Make Sure This Character Has Such An Anim And A Model //------------------------------------------------------- if (anim<0 || anim>=MAX_ANIMATIONS || !ValidAnimFileIndex(gent->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex)) { #ifndef FINAL_BUILD if (g_AnimWarning->integer) { if (anim<0 || anim>=MAX_ANIMATIONS) { gi.Printf(S_COLOR_RED"PM_SetAnimFinal: Invalid Anim Index (%d)!\n", anim); } else { gi.Printf(S_COLOR_RED"PM_SetAnimFinal: Invalid Anim File Index (%d)!\n", gent->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex); } } #endif return; } // Get Global Time Properties //---------------------------- float timeScaleMod = PM_GetTimeScaleMod( gent ); const int actualTime = (cg.time?cg.time:level.time); const animation_t* animations = level.knownAnimFileSets[gent->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex].animations; const animation_t& curAnim = animations[anim]; // Make Sure This Character Has Such An Anim And A Model //------------------------------------------------------- if (animations[anim].numFrames==0) { static int LastAnimWarningNum=0; #ifndef FINAL_BUILD if (LastAnimWarningNum!=anim) { if ((cg_debugAnim.integer==3) || // 3 = do everyone (cg_debugAnim.integer==1 && gent->s.number==0) || // 1 = only the player (cg_debugAnim.integer==2 && gent->s.number!=0) || // 2 = only everyone else (cg_debugAnim.integer==4 && gent->s.number!=cg_debugAnimTarget.integer) // 4 = specific entnum ) { gi.Printf(S_COLOR_RED"PM_SetAnimFinal: Anim %s does not exist in this model (%s)!\n", animTable[anim].name, gent->NPC_type ); } } LastAnimWarningNum = anim; #endif return; } // If It's Not A Ghoul 2 Model, Just Remember The Anims And Stop, Because Everything Beyond This Is Ghoul2 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!gi.G2API_HaveWeGhoul2Models(gent->ghoul2)) { if (setAnimParts&SETANIM_TORSO) { (*torsoAnim) = anim; } if (setAnimParts&SETANIM_LEGS) { (*legsAnim) = anim; } return; } // Lower Offensive Skill Slows Down The Saber Start Attack Animations //-------------------------------------------------------------------- PM_SaberStartTransAnim( gent->client->ps.saberAnimLevel, anim, &timeScaleMod, gent ); // SETUP VALUES FOR INCOMMING ANIMATION //====================================== const bool animFootMove = (PM_WalkingAnim(anim) || PM_RunningAnim(anim) || anim==BOTH_CROUCH1WALK || anim==BOTH_CROUCH1WALKBACK); const bool animHoldless = (setAnimFlags&SETANIM_FLAG_HOLDLESS)!=0; const bool animHold = (setAnimFlags&SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD)!=0; const bool animRestart = (setAnimFlags&SETANIM_FLAG_RESTART)!=0; const bool animOverride = (setAnimFlags&SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE)!=0; const bool animSync = (g_synchSplitAnims->integer!=0 && !animRestart); float animCurrent = (-1.0f); float animSpeed = (50.0f / curAnim.frameLerp * timeScaleMod); // animSpeed is 1.0 if the frameLerp (ms/frame) is 50 (20 fps). const float animFPS = (fabsf(curAnim.frameLerp)); const int animDurMSec = (int)(((curAnim.numFrames - 1) * animFPS) / timeScaleMod); const int animHoldMSec = ((animHoldless && timeScaleMod==1.0f)?((animDurMSec>1)?(animDurMSec-1):(animFPS)):(animDurMSec)); int animFlags = (curAnim.loopFrames!=-1)?(BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP):(BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE); int animStart = (curAnim.firstFrame); int animEnd = (curAnim.firstFrame)+(animations[anim].numFrames); // If We Have A Blend Timer, Add The Blend Flag //---------------------------------------------- if (blendTime > 0) { animFlags |= BONE_ANIM_BLEND; } // If Animation Is Going Backwards, Swap Last And First Frames //------------------------------------------------------------- if (animSpeed<0.0f) { // #ifndef FINAL_BUILD #if 0 if (g_AnimWarning->integer==1) { if (animFlags&BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP) { gi.Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW"PM_SetAnimFinal: WARNING: Anim (%s) looping backwards!\n", animTable[anim].name); } } #endif int temp = animEnd; animEnd = animStart; animStart = temp; blendTime = 0; } // If The Animation Is Walking Or Running, Attempt To Scale The Playback Speed To Match //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (g_noFootSlide->integer && animFootMove && !(animSpeed<0.0f) //FIXME: either read speed from animation.cfg or only do this for NPCs // for whom we've specifically determined the proper numbers! && gent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_HOWLER && gent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_WAMPA && gent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_GONK && gent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_HOWLER && gent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_MOUSE && gent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_PROBE && gent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_PROTOCOL && gent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_R2D2 && gent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_R5D2 && gent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_SEEKER) { bool Walking = !!PM_WalkingAnim(anim); bool HasDual = (gent->client->ps.saberAnimLevel==SS_DUAL); bool HasStaff = (gent->client->ps.saberAnimLevel==SS_STAFF); float moveSpeedOfAnim = 150.0f;//g_noFootSlideRunScale->value; if (anim==BOTH_CROUCH1WALK || anim==BOTH_CROUCH1WALKBACK) { moveSpeedOfAnim = 75.0f; } else { if (gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_HAZARD_TROOPER) { moveSpeedOfAnim = 50.0f; } else if (gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_RANCOR) { moveSpeedOfAnim = 173.0f; } else { if (Walking) { if (HasDual || HasStaff) { moveSpeedOfAnim = 100.0f; } else { moveSpeedOfAnim = 50.0f;// g_noFootSlideWalkScale->value; } } else { if (HasStaff) { moveSpeedOfAnim = 250.0f; } else { moveSpeedOfAnim = 150.0f; } } } } animSpeed *= (gent->resultspeed/moveSpeedOfAnim); if (animSpeed<0.01f) { animSpeed = 0.01f; } // Make Sure Not To Play Too Fast An Anim //---------------------------------------- float maxPlaybackSpeed = (1.5f * timeScaleMod); if (animSpeed>maxPlaybackSpeed) { animSpeed = maxPlaybackSpeed; } } // GET VALUES FOR EXISTING BODY ANIMATION //========================================== float bodySpeed = 0.0f; float bodyCurrent = 0.0f; int bodyStart = 0; int bodyEnd = 0; int bodyFlags = 0; int bodyAnim = (*legsAnim); int bodyBone = (gent->rootBone); bool bodyTimerOn = ((*legsAnimTimer>0) || (*legsAnimTimer)==-1); bool bodyPlay = ((setAnimParts&SETANIM_LEGS) && (bodyBone!=-1) && (animOverride || !bodyTimerOn)); bool bodyAnimating = !!gi.G2API_GetBoneAnimIndex(&gent->ghoul2[gent->playerModel], bodyBone, actualTime, &bodyCurrent, &bodyStart, &bodyEnd, &bodyFlags, &bodySpeed, NULL); bool bodyOnAnimNow = (bodyAnimating && bodyAnim==anim && bodyStart==animStart && bodyEnd==animEnd); bool bodyMatchTorsFrame = false; // GET VALUES FOR EXISTING TORSO ANIMATION //=========================================== float torsSpeed = 0.0f; float torsCurrent = 0.0f; int torsStart = 0; int torsEnd = 0; int torsFlags = 0; int torsAnim = (*torsoAnim); int torsBone = (gent->lowerLumbarBone); bool torsTimerOn = ((*torsoAnimTimer)>0 || (*torsoAnimTimer)==-1); bool torsPlay = (gent->client->NPC_class!=CLASS_RANCOR && (setAnimParts&SETANIM_TORSO) && (torsBone!=-1) && (animOverride || !torsTimerOn)); bool torsAnimating = !!gi.G2API_GetBoneAnimIndex(&gent->ghoul2[gent->playerModel], torsBone, actualTime, &torsCurrent, &torsStart, &torsEnd, &torsFlags, &torsSpeed, NULL); bool torsOnAnimNow = (torsAnimating && torsAnim==anim && torsStart==animStart && torsEnd==animEnd); bool torsMatchBodyFrame = false; // APPLY SYNC TO TORSO //===================== if (animSync && torsPlay && !bodyPlay && bodyOnAnimNow && (!torsOnAnimNow || torsCurrent!=bodyCurrent)) { torsMatchBodyFrame = true; animCurrent = bodyCurrent; } if (animSync && bodyPlay && !torsPlay && torsOnAnimNow && (!bodyOnAnimNow || bodyCurrent!=torsCurrent)) { bodyMatchTorsFrame = true; animCurrent = torsCurrent; } // If Already Doing These Exact Parameters, Then Don't Play //---------------------------------------------------------- if (!animRestart) { torsPlay &= !(torsOnAnimNow && torsSpeed==animSpeed && !torsMatchBodyFrame); bodyPlay &= !(bodyOnAnimNow && bodySpeed==animSpeed && !bodyMatchTorsFrame); } #ifndef FINAL_BUILD if ((cg_debugAnim.integer==3) || // 3 = do everyone (cg_debugAnim.integer==1 && gent->s.number==0) || // 1 = only the player (cg_debugAnim.integer==2 && gent->s.number!=0) || // 2 = only everyone else (cg_debugAnim.integer==4 && gent->s.number!=cg_debugAnimTarget.integer) // 4 = specific entnum ) { if (bodyPlay || torsPlay) { char* entName = gent->targetname; char* location; // Select Entity Name //-------------------- if (!entName || !entName[0]) { entName = gent->NPC_targetname; } if (!entName || !entName[0]) { entName = gent->NPC_type; } if (!entName || !entName[0]) { entName = gent->classname; } if (!entName || !entName[0]) { entName = "UNKNOWN"; } // Select Play Location //---------------------- if (bodyPlay && torsPlay) { location = "BOTH "; } else if (bodyPlay) { location = "LEGS "; } else { location = "TORSO"; } // Print It! //----------- Com_Printf("[%10d] ent[%3d-%18s] %s anim[%3d] - %s\n", actualTime, gent->s.number, entName, location, anim, animTable[anim].name ); } } #endif // PLAY ON THE TORSO //======================== if (torsPlay) { *torsoAnim = anim; float oldAnimCurrent = animCurrent; if (animCurrent!=bodyCurrent && torsOnAnimNow && !animRestart && !torsMatchBodyFrame) { animCurrent = torsCurrent; } gi.G2API_SetAnimIndex(&gent->ghoul2[gent->playerModel], curAnim.glaIndex); gi.G2API_SetBoneAnimIndex(&gent->ghoul2[gent->playerModel], torsBone, animStart, animEnd, (torsOnAnimNow && !animRestart)?(animFlags&~BONE_ANIM_BLEND):(animFlags), animSpeed, actualTime, animCurrent, blendTime); if (gent->motionBone!=-1) { gi.G2API_SetBoneAnimIndex(&gent->ghoul2[gent->playerModel], gent->motionBone, animStart, animEnd, (torsOnAnimNow && !animRestart)?(animFlags&~BONE_ANIM_BLEND):(animFlags), animSpeed, actualTime, animCurrent, blendTime); } animCurrent = oldAnimCurrent; // If This Animation Is To Be Locked And Held, Calculate The Duration And Set The Timer //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (animHold || animHoldless) { PM_SetTorsoAnimTimer(gent, torsoAnimTimer, animHoldMSec); } } // PLAY ON THE WHOLE BODY //======================== if (bodyPlay) { *legsAnim = anim; if (bodyOnAnimNow && !animRestart && !bodyMatchTorsFrame) { animCurrent = bodyCurrent; } gi.G2API_SetAnimIndex(&gent->ghoul2[gent->playerModel], curAnim.glaIndex); gi.G2API_SetBoneAnimIndex(&gent->ghoul2[gent->playerModel], bodyBone, animStart, animEnd, (bodyOnAnimNow && !animRestart)?(animFlags&~BONE_ANIM_BLEND):(animFlags), animSpeed, actualTime, animCurrent, blendTime); // If This Animation Is To Be Locked And Held, Calculate The Duration And Set The Timer //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (animHold || animHoldless) { PM_SetLegsAnimTimer(gent, legsAnimTimer, animHoldMSec); } } // PRINT SOME DEBUG TEXT OF EXISTING VALUES //========================================== if (false) { gi.Printf("PLAYANIM: (%3d) Speed(%4.2f) ", anim, animSpeed); if (bodyAnimating) { gi.Printf("BODY: (%4.2f) (%4.2f) ", bodyCurrent, bodySpeed); } else { gi.Printf(" "); } if (torsAnimating) { gi.Printf("TORS: (%4.2f) (%4.2f)\n", torsCurrent, torsSpeed); } else { gi.Printf("\n"); } } } void PM_SetAnim(pmove_t *pm,int setAnimParts,int anim,int setAnimFlags, int blendTime) { // FIXME : once torsoAnim and legsAnim are in the same structure for NPC and Players // rename PM_SetAnimFinal to PM_SetAnim and have both NPC and Players call PM_SetAnim if ( pm->ps->pm_type >= PM_DEAD ) {//FIXME: sometimes we'll want to set anims when your dead... twitches, impacts, etc. return; } if ( pm->gent == NULL ) { return; } if ( !pm->gent || pm->gent->health > 0 ) {//don't lock anims if the guy is dead if ( pm->ps->torsoAnimTimer && PM_LockedAnim( pm->ps->torsoAnim ) && !PM_LockedAnim( anim ) ) {//nothing can override these special anims setAnimParts &= ~SETANIM_TORSO; } if ( pm->ps->legsAnimTimer && PM_LockedAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) && !PM_LockedAnim( anim ) ) {//nothing can override these special anims setAnimParts &= ~SETANIM_LEGS; } } if ( !setAnimParts ) { return; } if (setAnimFlags&SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE) { // pm->ps->animationTimer = 0; if (setAnimParts & SETANIM_TORSO) { if( (setAnimFlags & SETANIM_FLAG_RESTART) || pm->ps->torsoAnim != anim ) { PM_SetTorsoAnimTimer( pm->gent, &pm->ps->torsoAnimTimer, 0 ); } } if (setAnimParts & SETANIM_LEGS) { if( (setAnimFlags & SETANIM_FLAG_RESTART) || pm->ps->legsAnim != anim ) { PM_SetLegsAnimTimer( pm->gent, &pm->ps->legsAnimTimer, 0 ); } } } PM_SetAnimFinal(&pm->ps->torsoAnim,&pm->ps->legsAnim,setAnimParts,anim,setAnimFlags,&pm->ps->torsoAnimTimer,&pm->ps->legsAnimTimer,&g_entities[pm->ps->clientNum],blendTime);//was pm->gent } bool TorsoAgainstWindTest( gentity_t* ent ) { if (ent&&//valid ent ent->client&&//a client (ent->client->ps.weapon!=WP_SABER||ent->client->ps.saberMove==LS_READY)&&//either not holding a saber or the saber is in the ready pose (ent->s.numbercurrentOrigin) && gi.WE_IsOutside(ent->currentOrigin) ) { if (Q_stricmp(level.mapname, "t2_wedge")!=0) { vec3_t fwd; vec3_t windDir; if (gi.WE_GetWindVector(windDir, ent->currentOrigin)) { VectorScale(windDir, -1.0f, windDir); AngleVectors(pm->gent->currentAngles, fwd, 0, 0); if (DotProduct(fwd, windDir)>0.65f) { if (ent->client && ent->client->ps.torsoAnim!=BOTH_WIND) { NPC_SetAnim(ent, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_WIND, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL, 400); } return true; } } } } return false; } /* ------------------------- PM_TorsoAnimLightsaber ------------------------- */ // Note that this function is intended to set the animation for the player, but // only does idle-ish anims. Anything that has a timer associated, such as attacks and blocks, // are set by PM_WeaponLightsaber() extern Vehicle_t *G_IsRidingVehicle( gentity_t *pEnt ); extern qboolean PM_LandingAnim( int anim ); extern qboolean PM_JumpingAnim( int anim ); qboolean PM_InCartwheel( int anim ); void PM_TorsoAnimLightsaber() { // ********************************************************* // WEAPON_READY // ********************************************************* if ( pm->ps->forcePowersActive&(1<ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_GRIP] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 ) {//holding an enemy aloft with force-grip return; } if ( pm->ps->forcePowersActive&(1<ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_LIGHTNING] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 ) {//lightning return; } if ( pm->ps->forcePowersActive&(1<ps->saber[0].blade[0].active && pm->ps->saber[0].blade[0].length < 3 && !(pm->ps->saberEventFlags&SEF_HITWALL) && pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_RAISING ) { if (!G_IsRidingVehicle(pm->gent)) { PM_SetSaberMove(LS_DRAW); } return; } else if ( !pm->ps->SaberActive() && pm->ps->SaberLength() ) { if (!G_IsRidingVehicle(pm->gent)) { PM_SetSaberMove(LS_PUTAWAY); } return; } if (pm->ps->weaponTime > 0) { // weapon is already busy. if ( pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_TOSS1 || pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_TOSS2 ) {//in toss if ( !pm->ps->torsoAnimTimer ) {//weird, get out of it, I guess PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } } return; } if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_READY || pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING || pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT ) {//ready if ( pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER && (pm->ps->SaberLength()) ) {//saber is on // Select the proper idle Lightsaber attack move from the chart. if (pm->ps->saberMove > LS_READY && pm->ps->saberMove < LS_MOVE_MAX) { PM_SetSaberMove(saberMoveData[pm->ps->saberMove].chain_idle); } else { if ( PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_LandingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_InCartwheel( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_FlippingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim )) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) && pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_BUTTON_HOLD ) {//using something if ( !pm->ps->useTime ) {//stopped holding it, release PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_BUTTON_RELEASE, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); }//else still holding, leave it as it is } else { if ( (PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALK_STAFF || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALK_DUAL || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALKBACK_STAFF || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALKBACK_DUAL ) && pm->ps->saberBlockingTime < cg.time ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetSaberMove(LS_READY); } } } } /* if ( PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_LandingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_InCartwheel( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_FlippingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim )) {//jumping, landing cartwheel, flipping PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetSaberMove( LS_READY ); } */ } else if (TorsoAgainstWindTest(pm->gent)) { } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_RUN1 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_RUN1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_RUN2 )//&& pm->ps->saberAnimLevel != SS_STAFF ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_RUN2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_RUN_STAFF ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_RUN_STAFF,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_RUN_DUAL ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_RUN_DUAL,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALK1 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_WALK1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALK2 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_WALK2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALK_STAFF ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_WALK_STAFF,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALK_DUAL ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_WALK_DUAL,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_CROUCH1IDLE && pm->ps->clientNum != 0 )//player falls through { //??? Why nothing? What if you were running??? //PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_CROUCH1IDLE,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_JUMP1 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_JUMP1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else {//Used to default to both_stand1 which is an arms-down anim // PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_ATTACK1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL);//TORSO_WEAPONREADY1 // Select the next proper pose for the lightsaber assuming that there are no attacks. if (pm->ps->saberMove > LS_READY && pm->ps->saberMove < LS_MOVE_MAX) { PM_SetSaberMove(saberMoveData[pm->ps->saberMove].chain_idle); } else { if ( PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_LandingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_InCartwheel( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_FlippingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim )) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) && pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_BUTTON_HOLD ) {//using something if ( !pm->ps->useTime ) {//stopped holding it, release PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_BUTTON_RELEASE, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); }//else still holding, leave it as it is } else { PM_SetSaberMove(LS_READY); } } } } } // ********************************************************* // WEAPON_IDLE // ********************************************************* else if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_IDLE ) { if (TorsoAgainstWindTest(pm->gent)) { } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_GUARD_LOOKAROUND1 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_GUARD_LOOKAROUND1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_GUARD_IDLE1 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_GUARD_IDLE1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND1IDLE1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND2IDLE1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND2IDLE2 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND3IDLE1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND5IDLE1 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND2TO4 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND2TO4,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND4TO2 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND4TO2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND4 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND4,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else { // This is now set in SetSaberMove. // Idle for Lightsaber if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->client ) { // pm->gent->client->saberTrail.inAction = qfalse; } qboolean saberInAir = qtrue; if ( pm->ps->saberInFlight ) {//guiding saber if ( PM_SaberInBrokenParry( pm->ps->saberMove ) || pm->ps->saberBlocked == BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN || PM_DodgeAnim( pm->ps->torsoAnim ) ) {//we're stuck in a broken parry saberInAir = qfalse; } if ( pm->ps->saberEntityNum < ENTITYNUM_NONE && pm->ps->saberEntityNum > 0 )//player is 0 {// if ( &g_entities[pm->ps->saberEntityNum] != NULL && g_entities[pm->ps->saberEntityNum].s.pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY ) {//fell to the ground and we're not trying to pull it back saberInAir = qfalse; } } } if ( pm->ps->saberInFlight && saberInAir && (!pm->ps->dualSabers || !pm->ps->saber[1].Active())) { if ( !PM_ForceAnim( pm->ps->torsoAnim ) || pm->ps->torsoAnimTimer < 300 ) {//don't interrupt a force power anim if ( pm->ps->torsoAnim != BOTH_LOSE_SABER || !pm->ps->torsoAnimTimer ) { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_SABERPULL,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); } } } else {//saber is on // Idle for Lightsaber if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->client ) { if ( !G_InCinematicSaberAnim( pm->gent ) ) { pm->gent->client->ps.SaberDeactivateTrail( 0 ); } } // Idle for idle/ready Lightsaber // PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_ATTACK1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL);//TORSO_WEAPONIDLE1 // Select the proper idle Lightsaber attack move from the chart. if (pm->ps->saberMove > LS_READY && pm->ps->saberMove < LS_MOVE_MAX) { PM_SetSaberMove(saberMoveData[pm->ps->saberMove].chain_idle); } else { if ( PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_LandingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_InCartwheel( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_FlippingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim )) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) && pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_BUTTON_HOLD ) {//using something if ( !pm->ps->useTime ) {//stopped holding it, release PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_BUTTON_RELEASE, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); }//else still holding, leave it as it is } else { if ( (PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALK_STAFF || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALK_DUAL || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALKBACK_STAFF || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALKBACK_DUAL ) && pm->ps->saberBlockingTime < cg.time ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim int setFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL; if ( PM_LandingAnim( pm->ps->torsoAnim ) ) { setFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE; } PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,setFlags); } else { PM_SetSaberMove(LS_READY); } } } } } } } } /* ------------------------- PM_TorsoAnimation ------------------------- */ void PM_TorsoAnimation( void ) {//FIXME: Write a much smarter and more appropriate anim picking routine logic... // int oldAnim; if ( PM_InKnockDown( pm->ps ) || PM_InRoll( pm->ps )) {//in knockdown return; } if ( (pm->ps->eFlags&EF_HELD_BY_WAMPA) ) { return; } if ( (pm->ps->eFlags&EF_FORCE_DRAINED) ) {//being drained //PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_HUGGEE1, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); return; } if ( (pm->ps->forcePowersActive&(1<ps->forceDrainEntityNum < ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) {//draining //PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_HUGGER1, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); return; } if( pm->gent && pm->gent->NPC && (pm->gent->NPC->scriptFlags & SCF_FORCED_MARCH) ) { return; } if(pm->gent != NULL && pm->gent->client) { pm->gent->client->renderInfo.torsoFpsMod = 1.0f; } if ( pm->gent && pm->ps && pm->ps->eFlags & EF_LOCKED_TO_WEAPON ) { if ( pm->gent->owner && pm->gent->owner->e_UseFunc == useF_emplaced_gun_use )//ugly way to tell, but... {//full body PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_BOTH,BOTH_GUNSIT1,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD);//SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL } else {//torso PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_GUNSIT1,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD);//SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL } return; } /* else if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->client && pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE && pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS && (m_pVehicleInfo[((CVehicleNPC *)pm->gent->NPC)->m_iVehicleTypeID].numHands == 2 || g_speederControlScheme->value == 2) ) {//can't look around PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,m_pVehicleInfo[((CVehicleNPC *)pm->gent->NPC)->m_iVehicleTypeID].riderAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); return; }*/ if ( pm->ps->taunting > level.time ) { if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->client && pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ALORA ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_BOTH,BOTH_ALORA_TAUNT,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD);//SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL } else if ( pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER && pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_DUAL && PM_HasAnimation( pm->gent, BOTH_DUAL_TAUNT ) ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_BOTH,BOTH_DUAL_TAUNT,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD);//SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL } else if ( pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER && pm->ps->saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF )//pm->ps->saber[0].type == SABER_STAFF ) {//turn on the blades if ( PM_HasAnimation( pm->gent, BOTH_STAFF_TAUNT ) ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_BOTH,BOTH_STAFF_TAUNT,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD);//SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL } /* else { if ( !pm->ps->saber[0].blade[0].active ) {//first blade is off //turn it on pm->ps->SaberBladeActivate( 0, 0, qtrue ); if ( !pm->ps->saber[0].blade[1].active ) {//second blade is also off, extend time of this taunt so we have enough time to turn them both on pm->ps->taunting = level.time + 3000; } } else if ( (pm->ps->taunting - level.time) < 1500 ) {//only 1500ms left in taunt if ( !pm->ps->saber[0].blade[1].active ) {//second blade is off //turn it on pm->ps->SaberBladeActivate( 0, 1, qtrue ); } } //pose PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_BOTH,BOTH_SABERSTAFF_STANCE,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); pm->ps->torsoAnimTimer = pm->ps->legsAnimTimer = (pm->ps->taunting - level.time); } */ } else if ( PM_HasAnimation( pm->gent, BOTH_GESTURE1 ) ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_BOTH,BOTH_GESTURE1,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD);//SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL pm->gent->client->ps.SaberActivateTrail( 100 ); //FIXME: will this reset? //FIXME: force-control (yellow glow) effect on hand and saber? } else { //PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONIDLE1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } return; } if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER ) // WP_LIGHTSABER { qboolean saberInAir = qfalse; if ( pm->ps->SaberLength() && !pm->ps->saberInFlight ) { PM_TorsoAnimLightsaber(); } else { if ( pm->ps->forcePowersActive&(1<ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_GRIP] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 ) {//holding an enemy aloft with force-grip return; } if ( pm->ps->forcePowersActive&(1<ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_LIGHTNING] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 ) {//lightning return; } if ( pm->ps->forcePowersActive&(1<ps->saberMove ) || pm->ps->saberBlocked == BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN || PM_DodgeAnim( pm->ps->torsoAnim ) ) {//we're stuck in a broken parry PM_TorsoAnimLightsaber(); } else { if ( pm->ps->saberEntityNum < ENTITYNUM_NONE && pm->ps->saberEntityNum > 0 )//player is 0 {// if ( &g_entities[pm->ps->saberEntityNum] != NULL && g_entities[pm->ps->saberEntityNum].s.pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY ) {//fell to the ground and we're not trying to pull it back saberInAir = qfalse; } } if ( pm->ps->saberInFlight && saberInAir && (!pm->ps->dualSabers //not using 2 sabers || !pm->ps->saber[1].Active() //left one off || pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_SABERDUAL_STANCE//not attacking || pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_SABERPULL//not attacking || pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_STAND1//not attacking || PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->torsoAnim ) //not attacking || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->torsoAnim ) //not attacking || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->torsoAnim )//not attacking || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->torsoAnim ) )//not attacking ) { if ( !PM_ForceAnim( pm->ps->torsoAnim ) || pm->ps->torsoAnimTimer < 300 ) {//don't interrupt a force power anim if ( pm->ps->torsoAnim != BOTH_LOSE_SABER || !pm->ps->torsoAnimTimer ) { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_SABERPULL,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); } } } else { if ( PM_InSlopeAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//HMM... this probably breaks the saber putaway and select anims if ( pm->ps->SaberLength() > 0 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } } else { if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) && pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_BUTTON_HOLD ) {//using something if ( !pm->ps->useTime ) {//stopped holding it, release PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_BUTTON_RELEASE, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); }//else still holding, leave it as it is } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } } } } } if (pm->ps->weaponTime<= 0 && (pm->ps->saberMove==LS_READY || pm->ps->SaberLength()==0) && !saberInAir) { TorsoAgainstWindTest(pm->gent); } return; } if ( PM_ForceAnim( pm->ps->torsoAnim ) && pm->ps->torsoAnimTimer > 0 ) {//in a force anim, don't do a stand anim return; } qboolean weaponBusy = qfalse; if ( pm->ps->weapon == WP_NONE ) { weaponBusy = qfalse; } else if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_FIRING || pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING || pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT ) { weaponBusy = qtrue; } else if ( pm->ps->lastShotTime > level.time - 3000 ) { weaponBusy = qtrue; } else if ( pm->ps->weaponTime > 0 ) { weaponBusy = qtrue; } else if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->client->fireDelay > 0 ) { weaponBusy = qtrue; } else if ( TorsoAgainstWindTest(pm->gent) ) { return; } else if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) && cg.zoomTime > cg.time - 5000 ) {//if we used binoculars recently, aim weapon weaponBusy = qtrue; pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_IDLE; } else if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) {//ducking is considered on alert... plus looks stupid to have arms hanging down when crouched weaponBusy = qtrue; } if ( pm->ps->weapon == WP_NONE || pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_READY || pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING || pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT ) { if ( pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER && pm->ps->SaberLength() ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_ATTACK1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL);//TORSO_WEAPONREADY1 } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_RUN1 && !weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_RUN1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_RUN2 && !weaponBusy )//&& pm->ps->saberAnimLevel != SS_STAFF ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_RUN2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_RUN4 && !weaponBusy )//&& pm->ps->saberAnimLevel != SS_STAFF ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_RUN4,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_RUN_STAFF && !weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_RUN_STAFF,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_RUN_DUAL && !weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_RUN_DUAL,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALK1 && !weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_WALK1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALK2 && !weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_WALK2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALK_STAFF && !weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_WALK_STAFF,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_WALK_DUAL&& !weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_WALK_DUAL,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_CROUCH1IDLE && pm->ps->clientNum != 0 )//player falls through { //??? Why nothing? What if you were running??? //PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_CROUCH1IDLE,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_JUMP1 && !weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_JUMP1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL, 100); // Only blend over 100ms } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_SWIM_IDLE1 && !weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_SWIM_IDLE1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_SWIMFORWARD && !weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_SWIMFORWARD,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if ( pm->ps->weapon == WP_NONE ) { int legsAnim = pm->ps->legsAnim; /* if ( PM_RollingAnim( legsAnim ) || PM_FlippingAnim( legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( legsAnim ) || PM_PainAnim( legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( legsAnim ) ) */ { PM_SetAnim(pm, SETANIM_TORSO, legsAnim, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } } else {//Used to default to both_stand1 which is an arms-down anim if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) && pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_BUTTON_HOLD ) {//using something if ( !pm->ps->useTime ) {//stopped holding it, release PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_BUTTON_RELEASE, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); }//else still holding, leave it as it is } else if ( pm->gent != NULL && (pm->gent->s.numbergent)) && pm->ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_CHARGING && pm->ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT ) {//PLayer- temp hack for weapon frame if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->client && pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_RANCOR ) {//ignore } else if ( pm->ps->weapon == WP_MELEE ) {//hehe PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND6,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } } else if ( PM_InSpecialJump( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//use legs anim //FIXME: or just use whatever's currently playing? //PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, pm->ps->legsAnim, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } else { switch(pm->ps->weapon) { // ******************************************************** case WP_SABER: // WP_LIGHTSABER // Ready pose for Lightsaber // PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_ATTACK1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL);//TORSO_WEAPONREADY1 // Select the next proper pose for the lightsaber assuming that there are no attacks. if (pm->ps->saberMove > LS_NONE && pm->ps->saberMove < LS_MOVE_MAX) { PM_SetSaberMove(saberMoveData[pm->ps->saberMove].chain_idle); } break; // ******************************************************** case WP_BRYAR_PISTOL: //FIXME: if recently fired, hold the ready! if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT || weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if ( PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } break; case WP_BLASTER_PISTOL: if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->weaponModel[1] > 0 ) {//dual pistols if ( weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_GUNSIT1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if ( PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND6,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } } else {//single pistols if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT || weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if ( PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } } break; case WP_NONE: //NOTE: should never get here break; case WP_MELEE: if ( PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->client && pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_RANCOR ) {//ignore } else if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->client && !PM_DroidMelee( pm->gent->client->NPC_class ) ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND6,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } } break; case WP_TUSKEN_STAFF: if ( PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_STAND3, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } break; case WP_NOGHRI_STICK: PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY3,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); //PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_LEGS,BOTH_ATTACK2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); break; case WP_BLASTER: PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY3,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); //PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_LEGS,BOTH_ATTACK2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); break; case WP_DISRUPTOR: case WP_TUSKEN_RIFLE: if ( (pm->ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_FIRING && pm->ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_CHARGING && pm->ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT) || PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//running sniper weapon uses normal ready if ( pm->ps->clientNum ) { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, TORSO_WEAPONREADY3, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } else { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, TORSO_WEAPONREADY3, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } } else { if ( pm->ps->clientNum ) { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, TORSO_WEAPONREADY4, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD );//TORSO_WEAPONREADY4//SETANIM_FLAG_RESTART| } else { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, TORSO_WEAPONREADY4, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } } break; case WP_BOT_LASER: PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONIDLE2,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_RESTART|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); break; case WP_THERMAL: if ( pm->ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_FIRING && pm->ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_CHARGING && pm->ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT && (PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim )) ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) && (pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING || pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT) ) {//player pulling back to throw if ( PM_StandingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_LEGS, BOTH_THERMAL_READY, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); } else if ( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_THERMAL_READY ) {//sigh... hold it so pm_footsteps doesn't override if ( pm->ps->legsAnimTimer < 100 ) { pm->ps->legsAnimTimer = 100; } } PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_THERMAL_READY, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); } else { if ( weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, TORSO_WEAPONREADY10, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } else { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_STAND1, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } } } break; case WP_REPEATER: if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->client && pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_GALAKMECH ) {// if ( pm->gent->alt_fire ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY3,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY3,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } break; case WP_TRIP_MINE: case WP_DET_PACK: if ( PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { if ( weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, TORSO_WEAPONREADY3, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } else { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_STAND1, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } } break; default: PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY3,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); break; } } } } else if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_IDLE ) { if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_GUARD_LOOKAROUND1 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_GUARD_LOOKAROUND1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_GUARD_IDLE1 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_GUARD_IDLE1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND1IDLE1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND2IDLE1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND2IDLE2 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND3IDLE1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND5IDLE1 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); pm->ps->saberMove = LS_READY; } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND2TO4 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND2TO4,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND4TO2 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND4TO2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND4 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND4,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_SWIM_IDLE1 ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_SWIM_IDLE1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_SWIMFORWARD ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_SWIMFORWARD,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if ( PM_InSpecialJump( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//use legs anim //FIXME: or just use whatever's currently playing? //PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, pm->ps->legsAnim, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } else if ( (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer()) && pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_BUTTON_HOLD ) {//using something if ( !pm->ps->useTime ) {//stopped holding it, release PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_BUTTON_RELEASE, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); }//else still holding, leave it as it is } else { if ( !weaponBusy && pm->ps->weapon != WP_BOWCASTER && pm->ps->weapon != WP_REPEATER && pm->ps->weapon != WP_FLECHETTE && pm->ps->weapon != WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER && pm->ps->weapon != WP_CONCUSSION && ( PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || (PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) && (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS||PM_ControlledByPlayer())) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) ) {//running w/1-handed or light 2-handed weapon uses full-body anim if you're not using the weapon right now PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { switch ( pm->ps->weapon ) { // ******************************************************** case WP_SABER: // WP_LIGHTSABER // Shouldn't get here, should go to TorsoAnimLightsaber break; // ******************************************************** case WP_BRYAR_PISTOL: if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT || weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if ( PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONIDLE2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } break; case WP_BLASTER_PISTOL: if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->weaponModel[1] > 0 ) {//dual pistols if ( weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_GUNSIT1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if ( PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } } else {//single pistols if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT || weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if ( PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONIDLE2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } } break; case WP_NONE: //NOTE: should never get here break; case WP_MELEE: if ( PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->client && pm->gent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_RANCOR ) {//ignore } else if ( pm->gent && pm->gent->client && !PM_DroidMelee( pm->gent->client->NPC_class ) ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND6,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,BOTH_STAND1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } } break; case WP_TUSKEN_STAFF: if ( PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_STAND3, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } break; case WP_NOGHRI_STICK: if ( weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY3,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONIDLE3,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } break; case WP_BLASTER: if ( weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY3,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONIDLE3,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } break; case WP_DISRUPTOR: case WP_TUSKEN_RIFLE: if ( (pm->ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_FIRING && pm->ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_CHARGING && pm->ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT) || PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//running sniper weapon uses normal ready if ( pm->ps->clientNum ) { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, TORSO_WEAPONREADY3, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } else { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, TORSO_WEAPONREADY3, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } } else { if ( pm->ps->clientNum ) { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, TORSO_WEAPONREADY4, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } else { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, TORSO_WEAPONREADY4, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } } break; case WP_BOT_LASER: PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONIDLE2,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_RESTART|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); break; case WP_THERMAL: if ( PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { if ( weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, TORSO_WEAPONIDLE10, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } else { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_STAND1, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } } break; case WP_REPEATER: if ( weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY3,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONIDLE3,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } break; case WP_TRIP_MINE: case WP_DET_PACK: if ( PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_WalkingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_JumpingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SwimmingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//running w/1-handed weapon uses full-body anim PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,pm->ps->legsAnim,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { if ( weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, TORSO_WEAPONIDLE3, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } else { PM_SetAnim( pm, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_STAND1, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); } } break; default: if ( weaponBusy ) { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONREADY3,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else { PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_TORSO,TORSO_WEAPONIDLE3,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } break; } } } } } //========================================================================= // Anim checking utils //========================================================================= int PM_GetTurnAnim( gentity_t *gent, int anim ) { if ( !gent ) { return -1; } switch( anim ) { case BOTH_STAND1: //# Standing idle: no weapon: hands down case BOTH_STAND1IDLE1: //# Random standing idle case BOTH_STAND2: //# Standing idle with a weapon case BOTH_SABERFAST_STANCE: case BOTH_SABERSLOW_STANCE: case BOTH_STAND2IDLE1: //# Random standing idle case BOTH_STAND2IDLE2: //# Random standing idle case BOTH_STAND3: //# Standing hands behind back: at ease: etc. case BOTH_STAND3IDLE1: //# Random standing idle case BOTH_STAND4: //# two handed: gun down: relaxed stand case BOTH_STAND5: //# standing idle, no weapon, hand down, back straight case BOTH_STAND5IDLE1: //# Random standing idle case BOTH_STAND6: //# one handed: gun at side: relaxed stand case BOTH_STAND2TO4: //# Transition from stand2 to stand4 case BOTH_STAND4TO2: //# Transition from stand4 to stand2 case BOTH_GESTURE1: //# Generic gesture: non-specific case BOTH_GESTURE2: //# Generic gesture: non-specific case BOTH_TALK1: //# Generic talk anim case BOTH_TALK2: //# Generic talk anim if ( PM_HasAnimation( gent, LEGS_TURN1 ) ) { return LEGS_TURN1; } else { return -1; } break; case BOTH_ATTACK1: //# Attack with generic 1-handed weapon case BOTH_ATTACK2: //# Attack with generic 2-handed weapon case BOTH_ATTACK3: //# Attack with heavy 2-handed weapon case BOTH_ATTACK4: //# Attack with ??? case BOTH_MELEE1: //# First melee attack case BOTH_MELEE2: //# Second melee attack case BOTH_GUARD_LOOKAROUND1: //# Cradling weapon and looking around case BOTH_GUARD_IDLE1: //# Cradling weapon and standing if ( PM_HasAnimation( gent, LEGS_TURN2 ) ) { return LEGS_TURN2; } else { return -1; } break; default: return -1; break; } } int PM_TurnAnimForLegsAnim( gentity_t *gent, int anim ) { if ( !gent ) { return -1; } switch( anim ) { case BOTH_STAND1: //# Standing idle: no weapon: hands down case BOTH_STAND1IDLE1: //# Random standing idle if ( PM_HasAnimation( gent, BOTH_TURNSTAND1 ) ) { return BOTH_TURNSTAND1; } else { return -1; } break; case BOTH_STAND2: //# Standing idle with a weapon case BOTH_SABERFAST_STANCE: case BOTH_SABERSLOW_STANCE: case BOTH_STAND2IDLE1: //# Random standing idle case BOTH_STAND2IDLE2: //# Random standing idle if ( PM_HasAnimation( gent, BOTH_TURNSTAND2 ) ) { return BOTH_TURNSTAND2; } else { return -1; } break; case BOTH_STAND3: //# Standing hands behind back: at ease: etc. case BOTH_STAND3IDLE1: //# Random standing idle if ( PM_HasAnimation( gent, BOTH_TURNSTAND3 ) ) { return BOTH_TURNSTAND3; } else { return -1; } break; case BOTH_STAND4: //# two handed: gun down: relaxed stand if ( PM_HasAnimation( gent, BOTH_TURNSTAND4 ) ) { return BOTH_TURNSTAND4; } else { return -1; } break; case BOTH_STAND5: //# standing idle, no weapon, hand down, back straight case BOTH_STAND5IDLE1: //# Random standing idle if ( PM_HasAnimation( gent, BOTH_TURNSTAND5 ) ) { return BOTH_TURNSTAND5; } else { return -1; } break; case BOTH_CROUCH1: //# Transition from standing to crouch case BOTH_CROUCH1IDLE: //# Crouching idle /* case BOTH_UNCROUCH1: //# Transition from crouch to standing case BOTH_CROUCH2TOSTAND1: //# going from crouch2 to stand1 case BOTH_CROUCH3: //# Desann crouching down to Kyle (cin 9) case BOTH_UNCROUCH3: //# Desann uncrouching down to Kyle (cin 9) case BOTH_CROUCH4: //# Slower version of crouch1 for cinematics case BOTH_UNCROUCH4: //# Slower version of uncrouch1 for cinematics */ if ( PM_HasAnimation( gent, BOTH_TURNCROUCH1 ) ) { return BOTH_TURNCROUCH1; } else { return -1; } break; default: return -1; break; } } qboolean PM_InOnGroundAnim ( playerState_t *ps ) { switch( ps->legsAnim ) { case BOTH_DEAD1: case BOTH_DEAD2: case BOTH_DEAD3: case BOTH_DEAD4: case BOTH_DEAD5: case BOTH_DEADFORWARD1: case BOTH_DEADBACKWARD1: case BOTH_DEADFORWARD2: case BOTH_DEADBACKWARD2: case BOTH_LYINGDEATH1: case BOTH_LYINGDEAD1: case BOTH_SLEEP1: //# laying on back-rknee up-rhand on torso return qtrue; break; case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN1: //# case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN2: //# case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN3: //# case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN4: //# case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN5: //# case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_T_SB_1_L: case BOTH_RELEASED: if ( ps->legsAnimTimer < 500 ) {//pretty much horizontal by this point return qtrue; } break; case BOTH_PLAYER_PA_3_FLY: if ( ps->legsAnimTimer < 300 ) {//pretty much horizontal by this point return qtrue; } /* else if ( ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS && ps->legsAnimTimer < 300 + PLAYER_KNOCKDOWN_HOLD_EXTRA_TIME ) { return qtrue; } */ break; case BOTH_GETUP1: case BOTH_GETUP2: case BOTH_GETUP3: case BOTH_GETUP4: case BOTH_GETUP5: case BOTH_GETUP_CROUCH_F1: case BOTH_GETUP_CROUCH_B1: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_F1: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_F2: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B1: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B2: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B3: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B4: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B5: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B6: if ( ps->legsAnimTimer > PM_AnimLength( g_entities[ps->clientNum].client->clientInfo.animFileIndex, (animNumber_t)ps->legsAnim )-400 ) {//still pretty much horizontal at this point return qtrue; } break; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_InSpecialDeathAnim( int anim ) { switch( pm->ps->legsAnim ) { case BOTH_DEATH_ROLL: //# Death anim from a roll case BOTH_DEATH_FLIP: //# Death anim from a flip case BOTH_DEATH_SPIN_90_R: //# Death anim when facing 90 degrees right case BOTH_DEATH_SPIN_90_L: //# Death anim when facing 90 degrees left case BOTH_DEATH_SPIN_180: //# Death anim when facing backwards case BOTH_DEATH_LYING_UP: //# Death anim when lying on back case BOTH_DEATH_LYING_DN: //# Death anim when lying on front case BOTH_DEATH_FALLING_DN: //# Death anim when falling on face case BOTH_DEATH_FALLING_UP: //# Death anim when falling on back case BOTH_DEATH_CROUCHED: //# Death anim when crouched return qtrue; break; default: return qfalse; break; } } qboolean PM_InDeathAnim ( void ) {//Purposely does not cover stumbledeath and falldeath... switch( pm->ps->legsAnim ) { case BOTH_DEATH1: //# First Death anim case BOTH_DEATH2: //# Second Death anim case BOTH_DEATH3: //# Third Death anim case BOTH_DEATH4: //# Fourth Death anim case BOTH_DEATH5: //# Fifth Death anim case BOTH_DEATH6: //# Sixth Death anim case BOTH_DEATH7: //# Seventh Death anim case BOTH_DEATH8: //# case BOTH_DEATH9: //# case BOTH_DEATH10: //# case BOTH_DEATH11: //# case BOTH_DEATH12: //# case BOTH_DEATH13: //# case BOTH_DEATH14: //# case BOTH_DEATH14_UNGRIP: //# Desann's end death (cin #35) case BOTH_DEATH14_SITUP: //# Tavion sitting up after having been thrown (cin #23) case BOTH_DEATH15: //# case BOTH_DEATH16: //# case BOTH_DEATH17: //# case BOTH_DEATH18: //# case BOTH_DEATH19: //# case BOTH_DEATH20: //# case BOTH_DEATH21: //# case BOTH_DEATH22: //# case BOTH_DEATH23: //# case BOTH_DEATH24: //# case BOTH_DEATH25: //# case BOTH_DEATHFORWARD1: //# First Death in which they get thrown forward case BOTH_DEATHFORWARD2: //# Second Death in which they get thrown forward case BOTH_DEATHFORWARD3: //# Tavion's falling in cin# 23 case BOTH_DEATHBACKWARD1: //# First Death in which they get thrown backward case BOTH_DEATHBACKWARD2: //# Second Death in which they get thrown backward case BOTH_DEATH1IDLE: //# Idle while close to death case BOTH_LYINGDEATH1: //# Death to play when killed lying down case BOTH_STUMBLEDEATH1: //# Stumble forward and fall face first death case BOTH_FALLDEATH1: //# Fall forward off a high cliff and splat death - start case BOTH_FALLDEATH1INAIR: //# Fall forward off a high cliff and splat death - loop case BOTH_FALLDEATH1LAND: //# Fall forward off a high cliff and splat death - hit bottom //# #sep case BOTH_ DEAD POSES # Should be last frame of corresponding previous anims case BOTH_DEAD1: //# First Death finished pose case BOTH_DEAD2: //# Second Death finished pose case BOTH_DEAD3: //# Third Death finished pose case BOTH_DEAD4: //# Fourth Death finished pose case BOTH_DEAD5: //# Fifth Death finished pose case BOTH_DEAD6: //# Sixth Death finished pose case BOTH_DEAD7: //# Seventh Death finished pose case BOTH_DEAD8: //# case BOTH_DEAD9: //# case BOTH_DEAD10: //# case BOTH_DEAD11: //# case BOTH_DEAD12: //# case BOTH_DEAD13: //# case BOTH_DEAD14: //# case BOTH_DEAD15: //# case BOTH_DEAD16: //# case BOTH_DEAD17: //# case BOTH_DEAD18: //# case BOTH_DEAD19: //# case BOTH_DEAD20: //# case BOTH_DEAD21: //# case BOTH_DEAD22: //# case BOTH_DEAD23: //# case BOTH_DEAD24: //# case BOTH_DEAD25: //# case BOTH_DEADFORWARD1: //# First thrown forward death finished pose case BOTH_DEADFORWARD2: //# Second thrown forward death finished pose case BOTH_DEADBACKWARD1: //# First thrown backward death finished pose case BOTH_DEADBACKWARD2: //# Second thrown backward death finished pose case BOTH_LYINGDEAD1: //# Killed lying down death finished pose case BOTH_STUMBLEDEAD1: //# Stumble forward death finished pose case BOTH_FALLDEAD1LAND: //# Fall forward and splat death finished pose //# #sep case BOTH_ DEAD TWITCH/FLOP # React to being shot from death poses case BOTH_DEADFLOP1: //# React to being shot from First Death finished pose case BOTH_DEADFLOP2: //# React to being shot from Second Death finished pose case BOTH_DISMEMBER_HEAD1: //# case BOTH_DISMEMBER_TORSO1: //# case BOTH_DISMEMBER_LLEG: //# case BOTH_DISMEMBER_RLEG: //# case BOTH_DISMEMBER_RARM: //# case BOTH_DISMEMBER_LARM: //# return qtrue; break; default: return PM_InSpecialDeathAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ); break; } } qboolean PM_InCartwheel( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_ARIAL_LEFT: case BOTH_ARIAL_RIGHT: case BOTH_ARIAL_F1: case BOTH_CARTWHEEL_LEFT: case BOTH_CARTWHEEL_RIGHT: return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_InButterfly( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FL1: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FR1: return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_StandingAnim( int anim ) {//NOTE: does not check idles or special (cinematic) stands switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_STAND1: case BOTH_STAND2: case BOTH_STAND3: case BOTH_STAND4: case BOTH_ATTACK3: return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_InAirKickingAnim( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_A7_KICK_F_AIR: case BOTH_A7_KICK_B_AIR: case BOTH_A7_KICK_R_AIR: case BOTH_A7_KICK_L_AIR: return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_KickingAnim( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_A7_KICK_F: case BOTH_A7_KICK_B: case BOTH_A7_KICK_R: case BOTH_A7_KICK_L: case BOTH_A7_KICK_S: case BOTH_A7_KICK_BF: case BOTH_A7_KICK_RL: //NOT a kick, but acts like one: case BOTH_A7_HILT: //NOT kicks, but do kick traces anyway case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_B: case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_F: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_B: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_F: return qtrue; break; default: return PM_InAirKickingAnim( anim ); break; } //return qfalse; } qboolean PM_StabDownAnim( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_STABDOWN: case BOTH_STABDOWN_STAFF: case BOTH_STABDOWN_DUAL: return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_GoingToAttackDown( playerState_t *ps ) { if ( PM_StabDownAnim( ps->torsoAnim )//stabbing downward || ps->saberMove == LS_A_LUNGE//lunge || ps->saberMove == LS_A_JUMP_T__B_//death from above || ps->saberMove == LS_A_T2B//attacking top to bottom || ps->saberMove == LS_S_T2B//starting at attack downward || (PM_SaberInTransition( ps->saberMove ) && saberMoveData[ps->saberMove].endQuad == Q_T) )//transitioning to a top to bottom attack { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_ForceUsingSaberAnim( int anim ) {//saber/acrobatic anims that should prevent you from recharging force power while you're in them... switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_JUMPFLIPSLASHDOWN1: case BOTH_JUMPFLIPSTABDOWN: case BOTH_FORCELEAP2_T__B_: case BOTH_JUMPATTACK6: case BOTH_JUMPATTACK7: case BOTH_FORCELONGLEAP_START: case BOTH_FORCELONGLEAP_ATTACK: case BOTH_FORCEWALLRUNFLIP_START: case BOTH_FORCEWALLRUNFLIP_END: case BOTH_FORCEWALLRUNFLIP_ALT: case BOTH_FORCEWALLREBOUND_FORWARD: case BOTH_FORCEWALLREBOUND_LEFT: case BOTH_FORCEWALLREBOUND_BACK: case BOTH_FORCEWALLREBOUND_RIGHT: case BOTH_FLIP_ATTACK7: case BOTH_FLIP_HOLD7: case BOTH_FLIP_LAND: case BOTH_PULL_IMPALE_STAB: case BOTH_PULL_IMPALE_SWING: case BOTH_A6_SABERPROTECT: case BOTH_A7_SOULCAL: case BOTH_A1_SPECIAL: case BOTH_A2_SPECIAL: case BOTH_A3_SPECIAL: case BOTH_ARIAL_LEFT: case BOTH_ARIAL_RIGHT: case BOTH_CARTWHEEL_LEFT: case BOTH_CARTWHEEL_RIGHT: case BOTH_FLIP_LEFT: case BOTH_FLIP_BACK1: case BOTH_FLIP_BACK2: case BOTH_FLIP_BACK3: case BOTH_ALORA_FLIP_B: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FL1: case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FR1: case BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT: case BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT_FLIP: case BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT_STOP: case BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT: case BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT_FLIP: case BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT_STOP: case BOTH_WALL_FLIP_RIGHT: case BOTH_WALL_FLIP_LEFT: case BOTH_FORCEJUMP1: case BOTH_FORCEINAIR1: case BOTH_FORCELAND1: case BOTH_FORCEJUMPBACK1: case BOTH_FORCEINAIRBACK1: case BOTH_FORCELANDBACK1: case BOTH_FORCEJUMPLEFT1: case BOTH_FORCEINAIRLEFT1: case BOTH_FORCELANDLEFT1: case BOTH_FORCEJUMPRIGHT1: case BOTH_FORCEINAIRRIGHT1: case BOTH_FORCELANDRIGHT1: case BOTH_FLIP_F: case BOTH_FLIP_B: case BOTH_FLIP_L: case BOTH_FLIP_R: case BOTH_ALORA_FLIP_1: case BOTH_ALORA_FLIP_2: case BOTH_ALORA_FLIP_3: case BOTH_DODGE_FL: case BOTH_DODGE_FR: case BOTH_DODGE_BL: case BOTH_DODGE_BR: case BOTH_DODGE_L: case BOTH_DODGE_R: case BOTH_DODGE_HOLD_FL: case BOTH_DODGE_HOLD_FR: case BOTH_DODGE_HOLD_BL: case BOTH_DODGE_HOLD_BR: case BOTH_DODGE_HOLD_L: case BOTH_DODGE_HOLD_R: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_F1: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_F2: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B1: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B2: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B3: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B4: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B5: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B6: case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_B: case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_F: case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_L: case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_R: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_B: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_F: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_L: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_R: case BOTH_WALL_FLIP_BACK1: case BOTH_WALL_FLIP_BACK2: case BOTH_SPIN1: case BOTH_FJSS_TR_BL: case BOTH_FJSS_TL_BR: case BOTH_DEFLECTSLASH__R__L_FIN: case BOTH_ARIAL_F1: return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean G_HasKnockdownAnims( gentity_t *ent ) { if ( PM_HasAnimation( ent, BOTH_KNOCKDOWN1 ) && PM_HasAnimation( ent, BOTH_KNOCKDOWN2 ) && PM_HasAnimation( ent, BOTH_KNOCKDOWN3 ) && PM_HasAnimation( ent, BOTH_KNOCKDOWN4 ) && PM_HasAnimation( ent, BOTH_KNOCKDOWN5 ) ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_InAttackRoll( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_B: case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_F: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_B: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_F: return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_LockedAnim( int anim ) {//anims that can *NEVER* be overridden, regardless switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_KYLE_PA_1: case BOTH_KYLE_PA_2: case BOTH_KYLE_PA_3: case BOTH_PLAYER_PA_1: case BOTH_PLAYER_PA_2: case BOTH_PLAYER_PA_3: case BOTH_PLAYER_PA_3_FLY: case BOTH_TAVION_SCEPTERGROUND: case BOTH_TAVION_SWORDPOWER: case BOTH_SCEPTER_START: case BOTH_SCEPTER_HOLD: case BOTH_SCEPTER_STOP: //grabbed by wampa case BOTH_GRABBED: //# case BOTH_RELEASED: //# when Wampa drops player, transitions into fall on back case BOTH_HANG_IDLE: //# case BOTH_HANG_ATTACK: //# case BOTH_HANG_PAIN: //# return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SuperBreakLoseAnim( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_LK_S_DL_S_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_S_DL_T_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_S_ST_S_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_S_ST_T_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_S_S_S_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_S_S_T_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_S_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_T_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_S_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_T_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_DL_S_S_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_DL_S_T_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_S_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_T_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_S_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_T_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_ST_S_S_SB_1_L: //super break I lost case BOTH_LK_ST_S_T_SB_1_L: //super break I lost return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SuperBreakWinAnim( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_LK_S_DL_S_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_S_DL_T_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_S_ST_S_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_S_ST_T_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_S_S_S_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_S_S_T_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_S_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_T_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_S_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_T_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_DL_S_S_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_DL_S_T_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_S_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_T_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_S_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_T_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_ST_S_S_SB_1_W: //super break I won case BOTH_LK_ST_S_T_SB_1_W: //super break I won return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberLockBreakAnim( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_BF1BREAK: case BOTH_BF2BREAK: case BOTH_CWCIRCLEBREAK: case BOTH_CCWCIRCLEBREAK: case BOTH_LK_S_DL_S_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_S_DL_S_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_S_DL_T_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_S_DL_T_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_S_ST_S_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_S_ST_S_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_S_ST_T_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_S_ST_T_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_S_S_S_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_S_S_S_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_S_S_T_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_S_S_T_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_S_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_S_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_T_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_DL_DL_T_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_S_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_S_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_T_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_T_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_DL_S_S_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_DL_S_S_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_DL_S_T_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_DL_S_T_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_S_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_S_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_T_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_ST_DL_T_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_S_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_S_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_T_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_ST_ST_T_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_ST_S_S_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_ST_S_S_B_1_W: //normal break I won case BOTH_LK_ST_S_T_B_1_L: //normal break I lost case BOTH_LK_ST_S_T_B_1_W: //normal break I won return (PM_SuperBreakLoseAnim(anim)||PM_SuperBreakWinAnim(anim)); break; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_GetupAnimNoMove( int legsAnim ) { switch( legsAnim ) { case BOTH_GETUP1: case BOTH_GETUP2: case BOTH_GETUP3: case BOTH_GETUP4: case BOTH_GETUP5: case BOTH_GETUP_CROUCH_F1: case BOTH_GETUP_CROUCH_B1: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_F1: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_F2: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B1: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B2: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B3: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B4: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B5: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B6: return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_KnockDownAnim( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN1: case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN2: case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN3: case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN4: case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN5: /* //special anims: case BOTH_RELEASED: case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_T_SB_1_L: case BOTH_PLAYER_PA_3_FLY: */ return qtrue; break; /* default: return PM_InGetUp( ps ); break; */ } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_KnockDownAnimExtended( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN1: case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN2: case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN3: case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN4: case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN5: //special anims: case BOTH_RELEASED: case BOTH_LK_DL_ST_T_SB_1_L: case BOTH_PLAYER_PA_3_FLY: return qtrue; break; /* default: return PM_InGetUp( ps ); break; */ } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SaberInKata( saberMoveName_t saberMove ) { switch ( saberMove ) { case LS_A1_SPECIAL: case LS_A2_SPECIAL: case LS_A3_SPECIAL: case LS_DUAL_SPIN_PROTECT: case LS_STAFF_SOULCAL: return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_CanRollFromSoulCal( playerState_t *ps ) { if ( ps->legsAnim == BOTH_A7_SOULCAL && ps->legsAnimTimer < 700 && ps->legsAnimTimer > 250 ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean BG_FullBodyTauntAnim( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_GESTURE1: case BOTH_DUAL_TAUNT: case BOTH_STAFF_TAUNT: case BOTH_BOW: case BOTH_MEDITATE: case BOTH_SHOWOFF_FAST: case BOTH_SHOWOFF_MEDIUM: case BOTH_SHOWOFF_STRONG: case BOTH_SHOWOFF_DUAL: case BOTH_SHOWOFF_STAFF: case BOTH_VICTORY_FAST: case BOTH_VICTORY_MEDIUM: case BOTH_VICTORY_STRONG: case BOTH_VICTORY_DUAL: case BOTH_VICTORY_STAFF: return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; }