// screen.c -- master for refresh, status bar, console, chat, notify, etc /* * $Header: /H2 Mission Pack/gl_screen.c 20 3/18/98 11:34p Jmonroe $ */ #include "quakedef.h" /* background clear rendering turtle/net/ram icons sbar centerprint / slow centerprint notify lines intermission / finale overlay loading plaque console menu required background clears required update regions syncronous draw mode or async One off screen buffer, with updates either copied or xblited Need to double buffer? async draw will require the refresh area to be cleared, because it will be xblited, but sync draw can just ignore it. sync draw CenterPrint () SlowPrint () Screen_Update (); Con_Printf (); net turn off messages option the refresh is allways rendered, unless the console is full screen console is: notify lines half full */ int glx, gly, glwidth, glheight; // only the refresh window will be updated unless these variables are flagged int scr_copytop; int scr_copyeverything; float scr_con_current; float scr_conlines; // lines of console to display float oldscreensize, oldfov; cvar_t scr_viewsize = {"viewsize","100", true}; cvar_t scr_fov = {"fov","90"}; // 10 - 170 cvar_t scr_conspeed = {"scr_conspeed","300"}; cvar_t scr_centertime = {"scr_centertime","4"}; cvar_t scr_showram = {"showram","1"}; cvar_t scr_showturtle = {"showturtle","0"}; cvar_t scr_showpause = {"showpause","1"}; cvar_t scr_printspeed = {"scr_printspeed","8"}; extern cvar_t crosshair; qboolean scr_initialized; // ready to draw qpic_t *scr_ram; qpic_t *scr_net; qpic_t *scr_turtle; float introTime = 0.0; int scr_fullupdate; int scr_topupdate; int clearconsole; int clearnotify; int sb_lines; viddef_t vid; // global video state vrect_t scr_vrect; qboolean scr_disabled_for_loading; qboolean scr_drawloading; float scr_disabled_time; static qboolean scr_needfull = false; int total_loading_size, current_loading_size, loading_stage; void SCR_ScreenShot_f (void); void Plaque_Draw (char *message, qboolean AlwaysDraw); void Info_Plaque_Draw (char *message); void Bottom_Plaque_Draw (char *message); /* =============================================================================== CENTER PRINTING =============================================================================== */ char scr_centerstring[1024]; float scr_centertime_start; // for slow victory printing float scr_centertime_off; int scr_center_lines; int scr_erase_lines; int scr_erase_center; static int lines; #define MAXLINES 27 static int StartC[MAXLINES],EndC[MAXLINES]; #define MAX_INFO 1024 char infomessage[MAX_INFO]; qboolean info_up = false; extern int *pr_info_string_index; extern char *pr_global_info_strings; extern int pr_info_string_count; void UpdateInfoMessage(void) { unsigned int i; unsigned int check; char *newmessage; strcpy(infomessage, "Objectives:"); if (!pr_global_info_strings) return; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { check = (1 << i); if (cl.info_mask & check) { newmessage = &pr_global_info_strings[pr_info_string_index[i]]; strcat(infomessage, "@@"); strcat(infomessage, newmessage); } } for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { check = (1 << i); if (cl.info_mask2 & check) { newmessage = &pr_global_info_strings[pr_info_string_index[i+32]]; strcat(infomessage, "@@"); strcat(infomessage, newmessage); } } } void FindTextBreaks(char *message, int Width) { int length,pos,start,lastspace,oldlast; length = strlen(message); lines = pos = start = 0; lastspace = -1; while(1) { if (pos-start >= Width || message[pos] == '@' || message[pos] == 0) { oldlast = lastspace; if (message[pos] == '@' || lastspace == -1 || message[pos] == 0) lastspace = pos; StartC[lines] = start; EndC[lines] = lastspace; lines++; if (lines == MAXLINES) return; if (message[pos] == '@') start = pos + 1; else if (oldlast == -1) start = lastspace; else start = lastspace + 1; lastspace = -1; } if (message[pos] == 32) lastspace = pos; else if (message[pos] == 0) { break; } pos++; } } /* ============== SCR_CenterPrint Called for important messages that should stay in the center of the screen for a few moments ============== */ void SCR_CenterPrint (char *str) { strncpy (scr_centerstring, str, sizeof(scr_centerstring)-1); scr_centertime_off = scr_centertime.value; scr_centertime_start = cl.time; FindTextBreaks(scr_centerstring, 38); scr_center_lines = lines; } void SCR_DrawCenterString (void) { int i; int bx, by; int remaining; char temp[80]; // the finale prints the characters one at a time if (cl.intermission) remaining = scr_printspeed.value * (cl.time - scr_centertime_start); else remaining = 9999; scr_erase_center = 0; FindTextBreaks(scr_centerstring, 38); by = ((25-lines) * 8) / 2; for(i=0;i scr_erase_lines) scr_erase_lines = scr_center_lines; scr_centertime_off -= host_frametime; if (scr_centertime_off <= 0 && !cl.intermission) return; if (key_dest != key_game) return; if(intro_playing) Bottom_Plaque_Draw(scr_centerstring); else SCR_DrawCenterString (); } //============================================================================= /* ================= SCR_CalcRefdef Must be called whenever vid changes Internal use only ================= */ static void SCR_CalcRefdef (void) { vrect_t vrect; float size; int h; scr_fullupdate = 0; // force a background redraw vid.recalc_refdef = 0; // force the status bar to redraw SB_Changed(); //======================================== // bound viewsize if (scr_viewsize.value < 30) Cvar_Set ("viewsize","30"); if (scr_viewsize.value > 120) Cvar_Set ("viewsize","120"); // bound field of view if (scr_fov.value < 10) Cvar_Set ("fov","10"); if (scr_fov.value > 170) Cvar_Set ("fov","170"); // intermission is always full screen if (cl.intermission) size = 110; else size = scr_viewsize.value; /* if (size >= 120) sb_lines = 0; // no status bar at all else if (size >= 110) sb_lines = 24; // no inventory else sb_lines = 24+16+8;*/ if(size >= 110) { // No status bar sb_lines = 0; } else { sb_lines = 36; } size = scr_viewsize.value > 100 ? 100 : scr_viewsize.value; if (cl.intermission) { size = 100; sb_lines = 0; } size /= 100; h = vid.height - sb_lines; r_refdef.vrect.width = vid.width * size; if (r_refdef.vrect.width < 96) { size = 96.0 / vid.width; r_refdef.vrect.width = 96; // min for icons } r_refdef.vrect.height = vid.height * size; if (r_refdef.vrect.height > vid.height - sb_lines) r_refdef.vrect.height = vid.height - sb_lines; r_refdef.vrect.x = (vid.width - r_refdef.vrect.width)/2; r_refdef.vrect.y = (h - r_refdef.vrect.height)/2; scr_vrect = r_refdef.vrect; } /* ================= SCR_SizeUp_f Keybinding command ================= */ void SCR_SizeUp_f (void) { Cvar_SetValue ("viewsize",scr_viewsize.value+10); SB_ViewSizeChanged(); vid.recalc_refdef = 1; } /* ================= SCR_SizeDown_f Keybinding command ================= */ void SCR_SizeDown_f (void) { Cvar_SetValue ("viewsize",scr_viewsize.value-10); SB_ViewSizeChanged(); vid.recalc_refdef = 1; } //============================================================================ /* ================== SCR_Init ================== */ void SCR_Init (void) { Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_fov); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_viewsize); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_conspeed); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_showram); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_showturtle); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_showpause); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_centertime); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_printspeed); // // register our commands // Cmd_AddCommand ("screenshot",SCR_ScreenShot_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("sizeup",SCR_SizeUp_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("sizedown",SCR_SizeDown_f); scr_ram = Draw_PicFromWad ("ram"); scr_net = Draw_PicFromWad ("net"); scr_turtle = Draw_PicFromWad ("turtle"); scr_initialized = true; } /* ============== SCR_DrawRam ============== */ void SCR_DrawRam (void) { if (!scr_showram.value) return; if (!r_cache_thrash) return; Draw_Pic (scr_vrect.x+32, scr_vrect.y, scr_ram); } /* ============== SCR_DrawTurtle ============== */ void SCR_DrawTurtle (void) { static int count; if (!scr_showturtle.value) return; if (host_frametime < 0.1) { count = 0; return; } count++; if (count < 3) return; Draw_Pic (scr_vrect.x, scr_vrect.y, scr_turtle); } /* ============== SCR_DrawNet ============== */ void SCR_DrawNet (void) { if (realtime - cl.last_received_message < 0.3) return; if (cls.demoplayback) return; Draw_Pic (scr_vrect.x+64, scr_vrect.y, scr_net); } /* ============== DrawPause ============== */ void SCR_DrawPause (void) { qpic_t *pic; float delta; static qboolean newdraw = false; int finaly; static float LogoPercent,LogoTargetPercent; if (!scr_showpause.value) // turn off for screenshots return; // if (!cl.paused) // return; // pic = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/pause.lmp"); // Draw_Pic ( (vid.width - pic->width)/2, // (vid.height - 48 - pic->height)/2, pic); if (!cl.paused) { newdraw = false; return; } if (!newdraw) { newdraw = true; LogoTargetPercent= 1; LogoPercent = 0; } pic = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/menu/paused.lmp"); // Draw_Pic ( (vid.width - pic->width)/2, // (vid.height - 48 - pic->height)/2, pic); if (LogoPercent < LogoTargetPercent) { delta = ((LogoTargetPercent-LogoPercent)/.5)*host_frametime; if (delta < 0.004) { delta = 0.004; } LogoPercent += delta; if (LogoPercent > LogoTargetPercent) { LogoPercent = LogoTargetPercent; } } finaly = ((float)pic->height * LogoPercent) - pic->height; Draw_TransPicCropped ( (vid.width - pic->width)/2, finaly, pic); } /* ============== SCR_DrawLoading ============== */ void SCR_DrawLoading (void) { int size, count, offset; qpic_t *pic; if (!scr_drawloading && loading_stage == 0) return; pic = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/menu/loading.lmp"); offset = (vid.width - pic->width)/2; Draw_TransPic (offset , 0, pic); if (loading_stage == 0) return; if (total_loading_size) size = current_loading_size * 106 / total_loading_size; else size = 0; if (loading_stage == 1) count = size; else count = 106; Draw_Fill (offset+42, 87, count, 1, 136); Draw_Fill (offset+42, 87+1, count, 4, 138); Draw_Fill (offset+42, 87+5, count, 1, 136); if (loading_stage == 2) count = size; else count = 0; Draw_Fill (offset+42, 97, count, 1, 168); Draw_Fill (offset+42, 97+1, count, 4, 170); Draw_Fill (offset+42, 97+5, count, 1, 168); } //============================================================================= /* ================== SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole ================== */ void SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole (void) { Con_CheckResize (); if (scr_drawloading) return; // never a console with loading plaque // decide on the height of the console con_forcedup = !cl.worldmodel || cls.signon != SIGNONS; if (con_forcedup) { scr_conlines = vid.height; // full screen scr_con_current = scr_conlines; } else if (key_dest == key_console) scr_conlines = vid.height/2; // half screen else scr_conlines = 0; // none visible if (scr_conlines < scr_con_current) { scr_con_current -= scr_conspeed.value*host_frametime; if (scr_conlines > scr_con_current) scr_con_current = scr_conlines; } else if (scr_conlines > scr_con_current) { scr_con_current += scr_conspeed.value*host_frametime; if (scr_conlines < scr_con_current) scr_con_current = scr_conlines; } if (clearconsole++ < vid.numpages) { SB_Changed(); } else if (clearnotify++ < vid.numpages) { } else con_notifylines = 0; } /* ================== SCR_DrawConsole ================== */ void SCR_DrawConsole (void) { if (scr_con_current) { scr_copyeverything = 1; Con_DrawConsole (scr_con_current, true); clearconsole = 0; } else { if (key_dest == key_game || key_dest == key_message) Con_DrawNotify (); // only draw notify in game } } /* ============================================================================== SCREEN SHOTS ============================================================================== */ typedef struct _TargaHeader { unsigned char id_length, colormap_type, image_type; unsigned short colormap_index, colormap_length; unsigned char colormap_size; unsigned short x_origin, y_origin, width, height; unsigned char pixel_size, attributes; } TargaHeader; /* ================== SCR_ScreenShot_f ================== */ void SCR_ScreenShot_f (void) { byte *buffer; char pcxname[80]; char checkname[MAX_OSPATH]; int i, c, temp; sprintf (checkname, "%s/shots", com_gamedir); Sys_mkdir (checkname); // // find a file name to save it to // strcpy(pcxname,"shots/hexen00.tga"); for (i=0 ; i<=99 ; i++) { pcxname[11] = i/10 + '0'; pcxname[12] = i%10 + '0'; sprintf (checkname, "%s/%s", com_gamedir, pcxname); if (Sys_FileTime(checkname) == -1) break; // file doesn't exist } if (i==100) { Con_Printf ("SCR_ScreenShot_f: Couldn't create a TGA file\n"); return; } buffer = malloc(glwidth*glheight*3 + 18); memset (buffer, 0, 18); buffer[2] = 2; // uncompressed type buffer[12] = glwidth&255; buffer[13] = glwidth>>8; buffer[14] = glheight&255; buffer[15] = glheight>>8; buffer[16] = 24; // pixel size glReadPixels (glx, gly, glwidth, glheight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer+18 ); // swap rgb to bgr c = 18+glwidth*glheight*3; for (i=18 ; i 0) { Draw_TileClear (0,0,r_refdef.vrect.x,vid.height); Draw_TileClear (r_refdef.vrect.x + r_refdef.vrect.width, 0 , vid.width - r_refdef.vrect.x + r_refdef.vrect.width,vid.height); } // if (r_refdef.vrect.height < vid.height-44) { Draw_TileClear (r_refdef.vrect.x, 0, r_refdef.vrect.width, r_refdef.vrect.y); Draw_TileClear (r_refdef.vrect.x, r_refdef.vrect.y + r_refdef.vrect.height, r_refdef.vrect.width, vid.height - (r_refdef.vrect.y + r_refdef.vrect.height) ); } } // This is also located in screen.c #define PLAQUE_WIDTH 26 void Plaque_Draw (char *message, qboolean AlwaysDraw) { int i; char temp[80]; int bx,by; if (scr_con_current == vid.height && !AlwaysDraw) return; // console is full screen if (!*message) return; FindTextBreaks(message, PLAQUE_WIDTH); by = ((25-lines) * 8) / 2; M_DrawTextBox2 (32, by-16, 30, lines+2,false); for(i=0;i>1), line + ((vid.height - 200)>>1), num); } void I_Print (int cx, int cy, char *str) { while (*str) { I_DrawCharacter (cx, cy, ((unsigned char)(*str))+256); str++; cx += 8; } } void Bottom_Plaque_Draw (char *message) { int i; char temp[80]; int bx,by; if (!*message) return; scr_needfull = true; FindTextBreaks(message, PLAQUE_WIDTH); by = (((vid.height)/8)-lines-2) * 8; M_DrawTextBox2 (32, by-16, 30, lines+2,true); for(i=0;i>1),((vid.height - 200)>>1), pic); if (cl.intermission >= 6 && cl.intermission <= 8) { elapsed = (cl.time - cl.completed_time) * 20; elapsed -= 50; if (elapsed < 0) elapsed = 0; } else if (cl.intermission == 12) { elapsed = (introTime); if (introTime < 500) introTime+=0.25; } else { elapsed = (cl.time - cl.completed_time) * 20; } if (cl.intermission <= 4 && cl.intermission + 394 <= pr_string_count) message = &pr_global_strings[pr_string_index[cl.intermission + 394]]; else if (cl.intermission == 5) message = &pr_global_strings[pr_string_index[ABILITIES_STR_INDEX+NUM_CLASSES*2+1]]; else if (cl.intermission >= 6 && cl.intermission <= 8 && cl.intermission + 386 <= pr_string_count) message = &pr_global_strings[pr_string_index[cl.intermission + 386]]; else if (cl.intermission == 9) message = &pr_global_strings[pr_string_index[391]]; else message = ""; if (cl.intermission == 10) message = &pr_global_strings[pr_string_index[538]]; else if (cl.intermission == 11) message = &pr_global_strings[pr_string_index[545]]; else if (cl.intermission == 12) message = &pr_global_strings[pr_string_index[561]]; FindTextBreaks(message, 38); if (cl.intermission == 8) by = 16; else by = ((25-lines) * 8) / 2; for(i=0;i elapsed) size = elapsed; temp[size] = 0; bx = ((40-strlen(temp)) * 8) / 2; if (cl.intermission < 6 || cl.intermission > 9) I_Print (bx, by, temp); else M_PrintWhite (bx, by, temp); elapsed -= size; if (elapsed <= 0) break; } if (i == lines && elapsed >= 300 && cl.intermission >= 6 && cl.intermission <= 7) { cl.intermission++; cl.completed_time = cl.time; } // Con_Printf("Time is %10.2f\n",elapsed); } //========================================================================== // // SB_FinaleOverlay // //========================================================================== void SB_FinaleOverlay(void) { qpic_t *pic; scr_copyeverything = 1; pic = Draw_CachePic("gfx/finale.lmp"); Draw_TransPic((vid.width-pic->width)/2, 16, pic); } /* ================== SCR_UpdateScreen This is called every frame, and can also be called explicitly to flush text to the screen. WARNING: be very careful calling this from elsewhere, because the refresh needs almost the entire 256k of stack space! ================== */ void SCR_UpdateScreen (void) { static float oldscr_viewsize; vrect_t vrect; scr_copytop = 0; scr_copyeverything = 0; if (scr_disabled_for_loading) { if (realtime - scr_disabled_time > 60) { scr_disabled_for_loading = false; total_loading_size = 0; loading_stage = 0; Con_Printf ("load failed.\n"); } else return; } if (!scr_initialized || !con_initialized) return; // not initialized yet GL_BeginRendering (&glx, &gly, &glwidth, &glheight); // // determine size of refresh window // if (vid.recalc_refdef) SCR_CalcRefdef (); // // do 3D refresh drawing, and then update the screen // SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole (); if (cl.intermission > 1 || cl.intermission <= 12) { V_RenderView (); } GL_Set2D (); // // draw any areas not covered by the refresh // SCR_TileClear (); if (scr_drawdialog) { SB_Draw(); Draw_FadeScreen (); SCR_DrawNotifyString (); scr_copyeverything = true; } else if (scr_drawloading) { SB_Draw(); Draw_FadeScreen (); SCR_DrawLoading (); } else if (cl.intermission >= 1 && cl.intermission <= 12) { SB_IntermissionOverlay(); if (cl.intermission < 12) { SCR_DrawConsole(); M_Draw(); } } /* else if (cl.intermission == 2 && key_dest == key_game) { SB_FinaleOverlay(); SCR_CheckDrawCenterString(); }*/ else { if (crosshair.value) Draw_Character (scr_vrect.x + scr_vrect.width/2, scr_vrect.y + scr_vrect.height/2, '+'); SCR_DrawRam(); SCR_DrawNet(); SCR_DrawTurtle(); SCR_DrawPause(); SCR_CheckDrawCenterString(); SB_Draw(); Plaque_Draw(plaquemessage,0); SCR_DrawConsole(); M_Draw(); if (errormessage) Plaque_Draw(errormessage,1); if (info_up) { UpdateInfoMessage(); Info_Plaque_Draw(infomessage); } } if (loading_stage) SCR_DrawLoading(); V_UpdatePalette (); GL_EndRendering (); } /* * $Log: /H2 Mission Pack/gl_screen.c $ * * 20 3/18/98 11:34p Jmonroe * fixed gl renderheight in intermission, fixed bottom plaque draw, added * credit cd track * * 19 3/16/98 11:23a Jweier * * 18 3/16/98 12:01a Jweier * * 17 3/15/98 10:33p Jweier * * 16 3/14/98 5:39p Jmonroe * made info_plaque draw safe, fixed bit checking * * 15 3/12/98 6:31p Mgummelt * * 14 3/12/98 3:32p Jweier * * 13 3/11/98 7:12p Mgummelt * * 12 3/11/98 6:20p Mgummelt * * 11 3/09/98 7:03p Jweier * * 10 3/01/98 8:46p Jweier * * 9 3/01/98 3:21p Jweier * * 8 2/28/98 6:42p Jweier * * 7 2/28/98 5:15p Jweier * * 6 2/28/98 12:29a Jweier * * 5 2/27/98 11:53p Jweier * * 4 2/26/98 4:59p Jweier * * 3 2/10/98 1:26p Jmonroe * * 2 2/09/98 3:44p Jweier * * 36 10/29/97 5:39p Jheitzman * * 34 9/25/97 11:55p Rjohnson * Changed the dialog box for the yes / no requestor * * 33 9/25/97 2:10p Rjohnson * Smaller status bar * * 32 9/25/97 1:55p Rjohnson * Updates * * 31 9/23/97 8:56p Rjohnson * Updates * * 30 9/15/97 11:15a Rjohnson * Updates * * 29 9/09/97 10:49a Rjohnson * Updates * * 28 9/04/97 4:44p Rjohnson * Updates * * 27 8/31/97 10:23p Rjohnson * Ending updates * * 26 8/31/97 10:09p Rjohnson * End of game sequence * * 25 8/31/97 9:27p Rjohnson * GL Updates * * 24 8/30/97 6:16p Rjohnson * Centering text * * 23 8/21/97 2:42p Rjohnson * Fix for screen resizing * * 22 8/21/97 12:44a Rjohnson * End of demo text * * 21 8/20/97 2:25p Rjohnson * Fixes * * 20 8/19/97 10:35p Rjohnson * Fix for loading plaque * * 19 8/19/97 7:46p Rjohnson * End of game updates * * 18 8/18/97 12:03a Rjohnson * Added loading progress * * 17 8/05/97 2:41p Rjohnson * Fix for end of hub * * 16 8/05/97 11:56a Rjohnson * Update for end of hub * * 15 7/24/97 12:30p Rjohnson * Updates for center strings * * 14 7/14/97 3:01p Rjohnson * Added support for line breaks for centered text * * 13 7/08/97 4:16p Rjohnson * Modified plaque drawing routines * * 12 6/27/97 11:54a Rjohnson * Changed screenshot from quake to hexen * * 11 6/27/97 11:53a Rjohnson * Changed screen shots from quake to hexen * * 10 6/17/97 10:28a Bgokey * * 9 6/16/97 3:13a Rjohnson * Fixes for: allocating less memory, models clipping out, and plaques in * gl version * * 8 6/15/97 7:44p Rjohnson * Added new pause and loading graphics * * 7 5/15/97 2:39p Rjohnson * Made it so that the screen shots are placed in their own directory * * 6 4/30/97 11:20p Bgokey * * 5 4/17/97 3:42p Rjohnson * Modifications for the gl version for menus * * 4 4/15/97 6:37p Rjohnson * Added loading plaque * * 3 3/13/97 11:16p Rjohnson * Fixed rendering view size */