
1652 lines
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2000-11-10 00:00:00 +00:00
// cl_ents.c -- entity parsing and management
#include "quakedef.h"
extern cvar_t cl_predict_players;
extern cvar_t cl_predict_players2;
extern cvar_t cl_solid_players;
extern model_t *player_models[MAX_PLAYER_CLASS];
static struct predicted_player {
int flags;
qboolean active;
vec3_t origin; // predicted origin
} predicted_players[MAX_CLIENTS];
#define U_MODEL (1<<16)
#define U_SOUND (1<<17)
#define U_DRAWFLAGS (1<<18)
#define U_ABSLIGHT (1<<19)
char *parsedelta_strings[] =
"U_ANGLE1", //0
"U_ANGLE3", //1
"U_SCALE", //2
"U_SKIN", //4
"U_EFFECTS", //5
"U_MOREBITS2", //7
"", //8 is unused
"U_ORIGIN1", //9
"U_ORIGIN2", //10
"U_ORIGIN3", //11
"U_ANGLE2", //12
"U_FRAME", //13
"U_REMOVE", //14
dlight_t *CL_AllocDlight (int key)
int i;
dlight_t *dl;
// first look for an exact key match
if (key)
dl = cl_dlights;
for (i=0 ; i<MAX_DLIGHTS ; i++, dl++)
if (dl->key == key)
memset (dl, 0, sizeof(*dl));
dl->key = key;
return dl;
// then look for anything else
dl = cl_dlights;
for (i=0 ; i<MAX_DLIGHTS ; i++, dl++)
if (dl->die < cl.time)
memset (dl, 0, sizeof(*dl));
dl->key = key;
return dl;
dl = &cl_dlights[0];
memset (dl, 0, sizeof(*dl));
dl->key = key;
return dl;
void CL_NewDlight (int key, float x, float y, float z, float radius, float time,
int type)
dlight_t *dl;
dl = CL_AllocDlight (key);
dl->origin[0] = x;
dl->origin[1] = y;
dl->origin[2] = z;
dl->radius = radius;
dl->die = cl.time + time;
if (type == 0) {
dl->color[0] = 0.2;
dl->color[1] = 0.1;
dl->color[2] = 0.05;
dl->color[3] = 0.7;
} else if (type == 1) {
dl->color[0] = 0.05;
dl->color[1] = 0.05;
dl->color[2] = 0.3;
dl->color[3] = 0.7;
} else if (type == 2) {
dl->color[0] = 0.5;
dl->color[1] = 0.05;
dl->color[2] = 0.05;
dl->color[3] = 0.7;
} else if (type == 3) {
dl->color[1] = 0.05;
dl->color[2] = 0.4;
dl->color[3] = 0.7;
void CL_DecayLights (void)
int i;
dlight_t *dl;
dl = cl_dlights;
for (i=0 ; i<MAX_DLIGHTS ; i++, dl++)
if (dl->die < cl.time || !dl->radius)
if (dl->radius > 0)
dl->radius -= host_frametime*dl->decay;
if (dl->radius < 0)
dl->radius = 0;
dl->radius += host_frametime*dl->decay;
if (dl->radius > 0)
dl->radius = 0;
Can go from either a baseline or a previous packet_entity
static void ShowNetParseDelta(int x)
int i;
char orstring[2];
if (cl_shownet.value != 2)
Con_Printf("bits: ");
for (i=0;i<=19;i++)
if (x != 8)
if (x & (1 << i))
orstring[0]= '|';
int bitcounts[32]; /// just for protocol profiling
void CL_ParseDelta (entity_state_t *from, entity_state_t *to, int bits)
int i;
// set everything to the state we are delta'ing from
*to = *from;
to->number = bits & 511;
bits &= ~511;
if (bits & U_MOREBITS)
{ // read in the low order bits
i = MSG_ReadByte ();
bits |= i;
if(bits & U_MOREBITS2)
i =MSG_ReadByte ();
bits |= (i << 16);
// count the bits for net profiling
for (i=0 ; i<19 ; i++)
if (bits&(1<<i))
to->flags = bits;
if (bits & U_MODEL)
if (bits & U_MODEL16)
to->modelindex = MSG_ReadShort ();
to->modelindex = MSG_ReadByte ();
if (bits & U_FRAME)
to->frame = MSG_ReadByte ();
if (bits & U_COLORMAP)
to->colormap = MSG_ReadByte();
if (bits & U_SKIN)
to->skinnum = MSG_ReadByte();
if (bits & U_DRAWFLAGS)
to->drawflags = MSG_ReadByte();
if (bits & U_EFFECTS)
to->effects = MSG_ReadLong();
if (bits & U_ORIGIN1)
to->origin[0] = MSG_ReadCoord ();
if (bits & U_ANGLE1)
to->angles[0] = MSG_ReadAngle();
if (bits & U_ORIGIN2)
to->origin[1] = MSG_ReadCoord ();
if (bits & U_ANGLE2)
to->angles[1] = MSG_ReadAngle();
if (bits & U_ORIGIN3)
to->origin[2] = MSG_ReadCoord ();
if (bits & U_ANGLE3)
to->angles[2] = MSG_ReadAngle();
if (bits & U_SCALE)
to->scale = MSG_ReadByte();
if (bits & U_ABSLIGHT)
to->abslight = MSG_ReadByte();
if (bits & U_SOUND)
i = MSG_ReadShort();
S_StartSound(to->number, 1, cl.sound_precache[i], to->origin, 1.0, 1.0);
void FlushEntityPacket (void)
int word;
entity_state_t olde, newe;
Con_DPrintf ("FlushEntityPacket\n");
memset (&olde, 0, sizeof(olde));
cl.validsequence = 0; // can't render a frame
cl.frames[cls.netchan.incoming_sequence&UPDATE_MASK].invalid = true;
// read it all, but ignore it
while (1)
word = (unsigned short)MSG_ReadShort ();
if (msg_badread)
{ // something didn't parse right...
Host_EndGame ("msg_badread in packetentities\n");
if (!word)
break; // done
CL_ParseDelta (&olde, &newe, word);
An svc_packetentities has just been parsed, deal with the
rest of the data stream.
void CL_ParsePacketEntities (qboolean delta)
int oldpacket, newpacket;
packet_entities_t *oldp, *newp, dummy;
int oldindex, newindex;
int word, newnum, oldnum;
qboolean full;
byte from;
newpacket = cls.netchan.incoming_sequence&UPDATE_MASK;
newp = &cl.frames[newpacket].packet_entities;
cl.frames[newpacket].invalid = false;
if (delta)
from = MSG_ReadByte ();
oldpacket = cl.frames[newpacket].delta_sequence;
if ( (from&UPDATE_MASK) != (oldpacket&UPDATE_MASK) )
Con_DPrintf ("WARNING: from mismatch\n");
oldpacket = -1;
full = false;
if (oldpacket != -1)
if (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - oldpacket >= UPDATE_BACKUP-1)
{ // we can't use this, it is too old
FlushEntityPacket ();
cl.validsequence = cls.netchan.incoming_sequence;
oldp = &cl.frames[oldpacket&UPDATE_MASK].packet_entities;
{ // this is a full update that we can start delta compressing from now
oldp = &dummy;
dummy.num_entities = 0;
cl.validsequence = cls.netchan.incoming_sequence;
full = true;
oldindex = 0;
newindex = 0;
newp->num_entities = 0;
while (1)
word = (unsigned short)MSG_ReadShort ();
if (msg_badread)
{ // something didn't parse right...
Host_EndGame ("msg_badread in packetentities\n");
if (!word)
while (oldindex < oldp->num_entities)
{ // copy all the rest of the entities from the old packet
//Con_Printf ("copy %i\n", oldp->entities[oldindex].number);
if (newindex >= MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES)
Host_EndGame ("CL_ParsePacketEntities: newindex == MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES");
newp->entities[newindex] = oldp->entities[oldindex];
newnum = word&511;
oldnum = oldindex >= oldp->num_entities ? 9999 : oldp->entities[oldindex].number;
while (newnum > oldnum)
if (full)
Con_Printf ("WARNING: oldcopy on full update");
FlushEntityPacket ();
//Con_Printf ("copy %i\n", oldnum);
// copy one of the old entities over to the new packet unchanged
if (newindex >= MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES)
Host_EndGame ("CL_ParsePacketEntities: newindex == MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES");
newp->entities[newindex] = oldp->entities[oldindex];
oldnum = oldindex >= oldp->num_entities ? 9999 : oldp->entities[oldindex].number;
if (newnum < oldnum)
{ // new from baseline
//Con_Printf ("baseline %i\n", newnum);
if (word & U_REMOVE)
if (full)
cl.validsequence = 0;
Con_Printf ("WARNING: U_REMOVE on full update\n");
FlushEntityPacket ();
if (newindex >= MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES)
Host_EndGame ("CL_ParsePacketEntities: newindex == MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES");
CL_ParseDelta (&cl_baselines[newnum], &newp->entities[newindex], word);
if (newnum == oldnum)
{ // delta from previous
if (full)
cl.validsequence = 0;
Con_Printf ("WARNING: delta on full update");
if (word & U_REMOVE)
//Con_Printf ("delta %i\n",newnum);
CL_ParseDelta (&oldp->entities[oldindex], &newp->entities[newindex], word);
newp->num_entities = newindex;
void HandleEffects(int effects, int number, entity_t *ent, vec3_t oldOrg)
dlight_t *dl;
int rotateSet = 0;
// Effect Flags
if (effects & EF_BRIGHTFIELD)
{ // show that this guy is cool or something...
//R_EntityParticles (ent);
dl = CL_AllocDlight (number);
//dl->color[0] = .5 + cos(cl.time*7)*.5;
//dl->color[1] = .5 + cos(cl.time*7 + M_PI*2/3)*.5;
//dl->color[2] = .5 + cos(cl.time*7 + M_PI*4/3)*.5;
//dl->color[3] = 1.0;
VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin);
dl->radius = 200 + cos(cl.time*5)*100;
dl->die = cl.time + 0.001;
R_BrightFieldSource (ent->origin);
if (effects & EF_DARKFIELD)
R_DarkFieldParticles (ent);
if (effects & EF_MUZZLEFLASH)
vec3_t fv, rv, uv;
dl = CL_AllocDlight (number);
VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin);
dl->origin[2] += 16;
AngleVectors (ent->angles, fv, rv, uv);
VectorMA (dl->origin, 18, fv, dl->origin);
dl->radius = 200 + (rand()&31);
dl->minlight = 32;
dl->die = cl.time + 0.1;
if (effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT)
dl = CL_AllocDlight (number);
VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin);
dl->origin[2] += 16;
dl->radius = 400 + (rand()&31);
dl->die = cl.time + 0.001;
if (effects & EF_DIMLIGHT)
dl = CL_AllocDlight (number);
VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin);
dl->radius = 200 + (rand()&31);
dl->die = cl.time + 0.001;
/* if (effects & EF_DARKLIGHT)
dl = CL_AllocDlight (number);
VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin);
dl->radius = 200.0 + (rand()&31);
dl->die = cl.time + 0.001;
//rjr dl->dark = true;
if (effects & EF_LIGHT)
dl = CL_AllocDlight (number);
VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin);
dl->radius = 200;
dl->die = cl.time + 0.001;
if(effects & EF_POISON_GAS)
CL_UpdatePoisonGas(ent, number);
if(effects & EF_ACIDBLOB)
ent->angleAdd[0] = 0;
ent->angleAdd[1] = 0;
ent->angleAdd[2] = 200 * cl.time;
rotateSet = 1;
CL_UpdateAcidBlob(ent, number);
if(effects & EF_ONFIRE)
CL_UpdateOnFire(ent, number);
CL_UpdatePowerFlameBurn(ent, number);
if(effects & EF_ICESTORM_EFFECT)
CL_UpdateIceStorm(ent, number);
if (effects & EF_HAMMER_EFFECTS)
ent->angleAdd[0] = 200 * cl.time;
ent->angleAdd[1] = 0;
ent->angleAdd[2] = 0;
rotateSet = 1;
CL_UpdateHammer(ent, number);
if (effects & EF_BEETLE_EFFECTS)
R_SuccubusInvincibleParticles (ent);
if(effects & EF_UPDATESOUND)
S_UpdateSoundPos (number, 7, ent->origin);
ent->angleAdd[0] = 0;
ent->angleAdd[1] = 0;
ent->angleAdd[2] = 0;
void CL_LinkPacketEntities (void)
entity_t *ent;
packet_entities_t *pack;
entity_state_t *s1, *s2;
float f;
model_t *model;
vec3_t old_origin;
float autorotate;
int i, j;
int pnum;
dlight_t *dl;
pack = &cl.frames[cls.netchan.incoming_sequence&UPDATE_MASK].packet_entities;
autorotate = anglemod(100*cl.time);
f = 0; // FIXME: no interpolation right now
for (pnum=0 ; pnum<pack->num_entities ; pnum++)
s1 = &pack->entities[pnum];
s2 = s1; // FIXME: no interpolation right now
/* // spawn light flashes, even ones coming from invisible objects
if (s1->effects & (EF_BLUE | EF_RED) == (EF_BLUE | EF_RED))
CL_NewDlight (s1->number, s1->origin[0], s1->origin[1], s1->origin[2], 200 + (rand()&31), 0.1, 3);
else if (s1->effects & EF_BLUE)
CL_NewDlight (s1->number, s1->origin[0], s1->origin[1], s1->origin[2], 200 + (rand()&31), 0.1, 1);
else if (s1->effects & EF_RED)
CL_NewDlight (s1->number, s1->origin[0], s1->origin[1], s1->origin[2], 200 + (rand()&31), 0.1, 2);
else if (s1->effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT)
CL_NewDlight (s1->number, s1->origin[0], s1->origin[1], s1->origin[2] + 16, 400 + (rand()&31), 0.1, 0);
else if (s1->effects & EF_DIMLIGHT)
CL_NewDlight (s1->number, s1->origin[0], s1->origin[1], s1->origin[2], 200 + (rand()&31), 0.1, 0);
// if set to invisible, skip
if (!s1->modelindex)
// create a new entity
if (cl_numvisedicts == MAX_VISEDICTS)
break; // object list is full
ent = &cl_visedicts[cl_numvisedicts];
ent->keynum = s1->number;
ent->model = model = cl.model_precache[s1->modelindex];
ent->sourcecolormap = vid.colormap;
if (!s1->colormap)
ent->colorshade = 0;
ent->colormap = ent->sourcecolormap;
ent->scoreboard = NULL;
ent->colorshade = s1->colormap;
ent->colormap = globalcolormap;
ent->scoreboard = NULL;
/* // set colormap
if (s1->colormap && (s1->colormap < MAX_CLIENTS)
&& !strcmp(ent->model->name,"models/paladin.mdl") )
ent->colormap = cl.players[s1->colormap-1].translations;
ent->scoreboard = &cl.players[s1->colormap-1];
ent->colormap = vid.colormap;
ent->scoreboard = NULL;
// set skin
ent->skinnum = s1->skinnum;
// set frame
ent->frame = s1->frame;
ent->drawflags = s1->drawflags;
ent->scale = s1->scale;
ent->abslight = s1->abslight;
// rotate binary objects locally
/* rjr rotate them in renderer if (model->flags & EF_ROTATE)
ent->angles[0] = 0;
ent->angles[1] = autorotate;
ent->angles[2] = 0;
float a1, a2;
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
a1 = s1->angles[i];
a2 = s2->angles[i];
if (a1 - a2 > 180)
a1 -= 360;
if (a1 - a2 < -180)
a1 += 360;
ent->angles[i] = a2 + f * (a1 - a2);
// calculate origin
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
ent->origin[i] = s2->origin[i] +
f * (s1->origin[i] - s2->origin[i]);
// scan the old entity display list for a matching
for (i=0 ; i<cl_oldnumvisedicts ; i++)
if (cl_oldvisedicts[i].keynum == ent->keynum)
VectorCopy (cl_oldvisedicts[i].origin, old_origin);
if (i == cl_oldnumvisedicts)
continue; // not in last message
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
//if ( abs(old_origin[i] - ent->origin[i]) > 128)
if ( abs(old_origin[i] - ent->origin[i]) > 512) // this is an issue for laggy situations...
{ // no trail if too far
VectorCopy (ent->origin, old_origin);
// some of the effects need to know how far the thing has moved...
// cl.players[s1->number].invis=false;
if((int)s1->effects & EF_NODRAW)
ent->skinnum=101;//ice, but in siege will be invis skin for dwarf to see
s1->effects &= ~EF_NODRAW;
// cl.players[s1->number].invis=true;
HandleEffects(s1->effects, s1->number, ent, old_origin);
// add automatic particle trails
if (!model->flags)
// Model Flags
if (ent->model->flags & EF_GIB)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, 2);
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_ZOMGIB)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, 4);
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_TRACER)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, 3);
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_TRACER2)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, 5);
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_ROCKET)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, 0);
/* dl = CL_AllocDlight (i);
VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin);
dl->radius = 200;
dl->die = cl.time + 0.01;*/
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_FIREBALL)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, rt_fireball);
dl = CL_AllocDlight (i);
VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin);
dl->radius = 120 - (rand() % 20);
dl->die = cl.time + 0.01;
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_ICE)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, rt_ice);
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_SPIT)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, rt_spit);
dl = CL_AllocDlight (i);
VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin);
dl->radius = -120 - (rand() % 20);
dl->die = cl.time + 0.05;
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_SPELL)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, rt_spell);
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_GRENADE)
// R_RunParticleEffect4(old_origin,3,284,pt_slowgrav,3);
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, rt_grensmoke);
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_TRACER3)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, 6);
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_VORP_MISSILE)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, rt_vorpal);
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_SET_STAFF)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin,rt_setstaff);
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_MAGICMISSILE)
if ((rand() & 3) < 1)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, rt_magicmissile);
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_BONESHARD)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, rt_boneshard);
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_SCARAB)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, rt_scarab);
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_ACIDBALL)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, rt_acidball);
else if (ent->model->flags & EF_BLOODSHOT)
R_RocketTrail (old_origin, ent->origin, rt_bloodshot);
changed for use with the powered ravens
typedef struct
int modelindex;
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t angles;
int frame;
} projectile_t;
projectile_t cl_projectiles[MAX_PROJECTILES];
int cl_num_projectiles;
extern int cl_ravenindex, cl_raven2index;
void CL_ClearProjectiles (void)
cl_num_projectiles = 0;
Nails are passed as efficient temporary entities
Note: all references to these functions have been replaced with
calls to the Missile functions below
void CL_ParseProjectiles (void)
int i, c, j;
byte bits[6];
projectile_t *pr;
c = MSG_ReadByte ();
for (i=0 ; i<c ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<6 ; j++)
bits[j] = MSG_ReadByte ();
if (cl_num_projectiles == MAX_PROJECTILES)
pr = &cl_projectiles[cl_num_projectiles];
pr->modelindex = cl_ravenindex;
pr->origin[0] = ( ( bits[0] + ((bits[1]&15)<<8) ) <<1) - 4096;
pr->origin[1] = ( ( (bits[1]>>4) + (bits[2]<<4) ) <<1) - 4096;
pr->origin[2] = ( ( bits[3] + ((bits[4]&15)<<8) ) <<1) - 4096;
pr->angles[0] = 360*(bits[4]>>4)/16;
pr->angles[1] = 360*(bits[5]&31)/32;
pr->frame = (bits[5]>>5) & 7;
c = MSG_ReadByte ();
for (i=0 ; i<c ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<6 ; j++)
bits[j] = MSG_ReadByte ();
if (cl_num_projectiles == MAX_PROJECTILES)
pr = &cl_projectiles[cl_num_projectiles];
pr->modelindex = cl_raven2index;
pr->origin[0] = ( ( bits[0] + ((bits[1]&15)<<8) ) <<1) - 4096;
pr->origin[1] = ( ( (bits[1]>>4) + (bits[2]<<4) ) <<1) - 4096;
pr->origin[2] = ( ( bits[3] + ((bits[4]&15)<<8) ) <<1) - 4096;
pr->angles[0] = 360*(bits[4]>>4)/16;
pr->angles[1] = 360*bits[5]/256;
pr->frame = 0;
void CL_LinkProjectiles (void)
int i;
projectile_t *pr;
entity_t *ent;
for (i=0, pr=cl_projectiles ; i<cl_num_projectiles ; i++, pr++)
// grab an entity to fill in
if (cl_numvisedicts == MAX_VISEDICTS)
break; // object list is full
ent = &cl_visedicts[cl_numvisedicts];
ent->keynum = 0;
if (pr->modelindex < 1)
ent->model = cl.model_precache[pr->modelindex];
ent->skinnum = 0;
ent->frame = 0;
ent->colormap = vid.colormap;
ent->scoreboard = NULL;
ent->frame = pr->frame;
VectorCopy (pr->origin, ent->origin);
VectorCopy (pr->angles, ent->angles);
typedef struct
int modelindex;
vec3_t origin;
int type;
} missile_t;
#define MAX_MISSILES 32
missile_t cl_missiles[MAX_MISSILES];
int cl_num_missiles;
extern int cl_ballindex, cl_missilestarindex;
void CL_ClearMissiles (void)
cl_num_missiles = 0;
Missiles are passed as efficient temporary entities
void CL_ParsePackMissiles (void)
int i, c, j;
byte bits[5];
missile_t *pr;
c = MSG_ReadByte ();
for (i=0 ; i<c ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<5 ; j++)
bits[j] = MSG_ReadByte ();
if (cl_num_missiles == MAX_MISSILES)
pr = &cl_missiles[cl_num_missiles];
pr->origin[0] = ( ( bits[0] + ((bits[1]&15)<<8) ) <<1) - 4096;
pr->origin[1] = ( ( (bits[1]>>4) + (bits[2]<<4) ) <<1) - 4096;
pr->origin[2] = ( ( bits[3] + ((bits[4]&15)<<8) ) <<1) - 4096;
pr->type = bits[4]>>4;
//type may be used later to select models
vec3_t missilestar_angle;
void CL_LinkMissiles (void)
int i;
missile_t *pr;
entity_t *ent;
missilestar_angle[1] += host_frametime * 300;
missilestar_angle[2] += host_frametime * 400;
for (i=0, pr=cl_missiles ; i<cl_num_missiles ; i++, pr++)
// grab an entity to fill in for missile itself
if (cl_numvisedicts == MAX_VISEDICTS)
break; // object list is full
ent = &cl_visedicts[cl_numvisedicts];
if(rand() % 10 < 3)
R_RunParticleEffect4 (ent->origin, 7, 148 + rand() % 11, pt_grav, 10 + rand() % 10);
ent->keynum = 0;
if(pr->type == 1)
{ //ball
ent->model = cl.model_precache[cl_ballindex];
ent->scale = 10;
{ //missilestar
ent->model = cl.model_precache[cl_missilestarindex];
ent->scale = 50;
VectorCopy (missilestar_angle , ent->angles);
ent->skinnum = 0;
ent->frame = 0;
ent->colormap = vid.colormap;
ent->scoreboard = NULL;
ent->drawflags = SCALE_ORIGIN_CENTER;
VectorCopy (pr->origin, ent->origin);
extern int cl_spikeindex, cl_playerindex[MAX_PLAYER_CLASS], cl_flagindex;
entity_t *CL_NewTempEntity (void);
extern int parsecountmod;
extern double parsecounttime;
void CL_SavePlayer (void)
int num;
player_info_t *info;
player_state_t *state;
num = MSG_ReadByte ();
if (num > MAX_CLIENTS)
Sys_Error ("CL_ParsePlayerinfo: bad num");
info = &cl.players[num];
state = &cl.frames[parsecountmod].playerstate[num];
state->messagenum = cl.parsecount;
state->state_time = parsecounttime;
void CL_ParsePlayerinfo (void)
int msec;
int flags;
player_info_t *info;
player_state_t *state;
int num;
int i;
qboolean playermodel = false;
num = MSG_ReadByte ();
if (num > MAX_CLIENTS)
Sys_Error ("CL_ParsePlayerinfo: bad num");
info = &cl.players[num];
state = &cl.frames[parsecountmod].playerstate[num];
flags = state->flags = MSG_ReadShort ();
state->messagenum = cl.parsecount;
state->origin[0] = MSG_ReadCoord ();
state->origin[1] = MSG_ReadCoord ();
state->origin[2] = MSG_ReadCoord ();
state->frame = MSG_ReadByte ();
// the other player's last move was likely some time
// before the packet was sent out, so accurately track
// the exact time it was valid at
if (flags & PF_MSEC)
msec = MSG_ReadByte ();
state->state_time = parsecounttime - msec*0.001;
state->state_time = parsecounttime;
if (flags & PF_COMMAND)
MSG_ReadUsercmd (&state->command, false);
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
if (flags & (PF_VELOCITY1<<i) )
state->velocity[i] = MSG_ReadShort();
state->velocity[i] = 0;
if (flags & PF_MODEL)
state->modelindex = MSG_ReadShort ();
playermodel = true;
i = info->playerclass;
if (i >= 1 && i <= MAX_PLAYER_CLASS)
state->modelindex = cl_playerindex[i-1];
state->modelindex = cl_playerindex[0];
if (flags & PF_SKINNUM)
state->skinnum = MSG_ReadByte ();
state->skinnum = 1;//using a playermodel and attacker - skin is set to 1
state->skinnum = 0;
if (flags & PF_EFFECTS)
state->effects = MSG_ReadByte ();
state->effects = 0;
if (flags & PF_EFFECTS2)
state->effects |= (MSG_ReadByte() << 8);
state->effects &= 0xff;
if (flags & PF_WEAPONFRAME)
state->weaponframe = MSG_ReadByte ();
state->weaponframe = 0;
if (flags & PF_DRAWFLAGS)
state->drawflags = MSG_ReadByte();
state->drawflags = 0;
if (flags & PF_SCALE)
state->scale = MSG_ReadByte();
state->scale = 0;
if (flags & PF_ABSLIGHT)
state->abslight = MSG_ReadByte();
state->abslight = 0;
if(flags & PF_SOUND)
i = MSG_ReadShort ();
S_StartSound(num, 1, cl.sound_precache[i], state->origin, 1.0, 1.0);
VectorCopy (state->command.angles, state->viewangles);
Called when the CTF flags are set
void CL_AddFlagModels (entity_t *ent, int team)
int i;
float f;
vec3_t v_forward, v_right, v_up;
entity_t *newent;
if (cl_flagindex == -1)
f = 14;
if (ent->frame >= 29 && ent->frame <= 40) {
if (ent->frame >= 29 && ent->frame <= 34) { //axpain
if (ent->frame == 29) f = f + 2;
else if (ent->frame == 30) f = f + 8;
else if (ent->frame == 31) f = f + 12;
else if (ent->frame == 32) f = f + 11;
else if (ent->frame == 33) f = f + 10;
else if (ent->frame == 34) f = f + 4;
} else if (ent->frame >= 35 && ent->frame <= 40) { // pain
if (ent->frame == 35) f = f + 2;
else if (ent->frame == 36) f = f + 10;
else if (ent->frame == 37) f = f + 10;
else if (ent->frame == 38) f = f + 8;
else if (ent->frame == 39) f = f + 4;
else if (ent->frame == 40) f = f + 2;
} else if (ent->frame >= 103 && ent->frame <= 118) {
if (ent->frame >= 103 && ent->frame <= 104) f = f + 6; //nailattack
else if (ent->frame >= 105 && ent->frame <= 106) f = f + 6; //light
else if (ent->frame >= 107 && ent->frame <= 112) f = f + 7; //rocketattack
else if (ent->frame >= 112 && ent->frame <= 118) f = f + 7; //shotattack
newent = CL_NewTempEntity ();
newent->model = cl.model_precache[cl_flagindex];
newent->skinnum = team;
AngleVectors (ent->angles, v_forward, v_right, v_up);
v_forward[2] = -v_forward[2]; // reverse z component
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
newent->origin[i] = ent->origin[i] - f*v_forward[i] + 22*v_right[i];
newent->origin[2] -= 16;
VectorCopy (ent->angles, newent->angles)
newent->angles[2] -= 45;
Create visible entities in the correct position
for all current players
void CL_LinkPlayers (void)
int j;
player_info_t *info;
player_state_t *state;
player_state_t exact;
double enttime, playertime;
entity_t *ent;
int msec;
frame_t *frame;
int oldphysent;
dlight_t *dl;
playertime = realtime - cls.latency + 0.02;
if (playertime > realtime)
playertime = realtime;
frame = &cl.frames[cl.parsecount&UPDATE_MASK];
for (j=0, info=cl.players, state=frame->playerstate ; j < MAX_CLIENTS
; j++, info++, state++)
if (state->messagenum != cl.parsecount)
continue; // not present this frame
// spawn light flashes, even ones coming from invisible objects
#ifdef GLQUAKE
if (!gl_flashblend.value || j != cl.playernum)
/* if (state->effects & (EF_BLUE | EF_RED) == (EF_BLUE | EF_RED))
CL_NewDlight (j, state->origin[0], state->origin[1], state->origin[2], 200 + (rand()&31), 0.1, 3);
else if (state->effects & EF_BLUE)
CL_NewDlight (j, state->origin[0], state->origin[1], state->origin[2], 200 + (rand()&31), 0.1, 1);
else if (state->effects & EF_RED)
CL_NewDlight (j, state->origin[0], state->origin[1], state->origin[2], 200 + (rand()&31), 0.1, 2);
else if (state->effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT)
CL_NewDlight (j, state->origin[0], state->origin[1], state->origin[2] + 16, 400 + (rand()&31), 0.1, 0);
else if (state->effects & EF_DIMLIGHT)
CL_NewDlight (j, state->origin[0], state->origin[1], state->origin[2], 200 + (rand()&31), 0.1, 0);
#ifdef GLQUAKE
if (!state->modelindex)
cl.players[j].modelindex = state->modelindex;
// grab an entity to fill in
if (cl_numvisedicts == MAX_VISEDICTS)
break; // object list is full
ent = &cl_visedicts[cl_numvisedicts];
ent->keynum = 0;
ent->model = cl.model_precache[state->modelindex];
ent->skinnum = state->skinnum;
ent->frame = state->frame;
ent->sourcecolormap = info->translations;
ent->colorshade = 0;
ent->colormap = ent->sourcecolormap;
ent->drawflags = state->drawflags;
ent->scale = state->scale;
ent->abslight = state->abslight;
if (ent->model == player_models[0] ||
ent->model == player_models[1] ||
ent->model == player_models[2] ||
ent->model == player_models[3] ||
ent->model == player_models[4] ||//mg-siege
ent->model == player_models[5])
ent->scoreboard = info; // use custom skin
ent->scoreboard = NULL;
// angles
ent->angles[PITCH] = -state->viewangles[PITCH]/3;
ent->angles[YAW] = state->viewangles[YAW];
ent->angles[ROLL] = 0;
ent->angles[ROLL] = V_CalcRoll (ent->angles, state->velocity)*4;
// only predict half the move to minimize overruns
msec = 500*(playertime - state->state_time);
if (msec <= 0 || (!cl_predict_players.value && !cl_predict_players2.value) || j == cl.playernum)
VectorCopy (state->origin, ent->origin);
//Con_DPrintf ("nopredict\n");
// predict players movement
if (msec > 255)
msec = 255;
state->command.msec = msec;
//Con_DPrintf ("predict: %i\n", msec);
oldphysent = pmove.numphysent;
CL_SetSolidPlayers (j);
CL_PredictUsercmd (state, &exact, &state->command, false);
pmove.numphysent = oldphysent;
VectorCopy (exact.origin, ent->origin);
if((int)state->effects & EF_NODRAW)
ent->skinnum=101;//ice, but in siege will be invis skin for dwarf to see
state->effects &= ~EF_NODRAW;
HandleEffects(state->effects, j+1, ent, NULL);
// the player object never gets added
if (j == cl.playernum)
// if (state->effects & EF_FLAG1)
// CL_AddFlagModels (ent, 0);
// else if (state->effects & EF_FLAG2)
// CL_AddFlagModels (ent, 1);
Builds all the pmove physents for the current frame
void CL_SetSolidEntities (void)
int i, j;
frame_t *frame;
packet_entities_t *pak;
entity_state_t *state;
extern vec3_t player_mins;
extern vec3_t player_maxs;
extern vec3_t player_maxs_crouch;
player_state_t exact;
int msec;
double enttime, playertime;
pmove.physents[0].model = cl.worldmodel;
VectorCopy (vec3_origin, pmove.physents[0].origin);
pmove.physents[0].info = 0;
pmove.numphysent = 1;
frame = &cl.frames[parsecountmod];
pak = &frame->packet_entities;
for (i=0 ; i<pak->num_entities ; i++)
state = &pak->entities[i];
if (!state->modelindex)
if (!cl.model_precache[state->modelindex])
if ( cl.model_precache[state->modelindex]->hulls[1].firstclipnode
|| cl.model_precache[state->modelindex]->clipbox )
pmove.physents[pmove.numphysent].model = cl.model_precache[state->modelindex];
VectorCopy (state->origin, pmove.physents[pmove.numphysent].origin);
VectorCopy (state->angles, pmove.physents[pmove.numphysent].angles);
Calculate the new position of players, without other player clipping
We do this to set up real player prediction.
Players are predicted twice, first without clipping other players,
then with clipping against them.
This sets up the first phase.
void CL_SetUpPlayerPrediction(qboolean dopred)
int j;
player_info_t *info;
player_state_t *state;
player_state_t exact;
double enttime, playertime;
int msec;
frame_t *frame;
struct predicted_player *pplayer;
playertime = realtime - cls.latency + 0.02;
if (playertime > realtime)
playertime = realtime;
frame = &cl.frames[cl.parsecount&UPDATE_MASK];
for (j=0, pplayer = predicted_players, state=frame->playerstate;
j++, pplayer++, state++)
pplayer->active = false;
if (state->messagenum != cl.parsecount)
continue; // not present this frame
if (!state->modelindex)
pplayer->active = true;
pplayer->flags = state->flags;
// note that the local player is special, since he moves locally
// we use his last predicted postition
if (j == cl.playernum)
// only predict half the move to minimize overruns
msec = 500*(playertime - state->state_time);
if (msec <= 0 ||
(!cl_predict_players.value && !cl_predict_players2.value) ||
VectorCopy (state->origin, pplayer->origin);
//Con_DPrintf ("nopredict\n");
// predict players movement
if (msec > 255)
msec = 255;
state->command.msec = msec;
//Con_DPrintf ("predict: %i\n", msec);
CL_PredictUsercmd (state, &exact, &state->command, false);
VectorCopy (exact.origin, pplayer->origin);
Builds all the pmove physents for the current frame
Note that CL_SetUpPlayerPrediction() must be called first!
pmove must be setup with world and solid entity hulls before calling
(via CL_PredictMove)
void CL_SetSolidPlayers (int playernum)
int j;
extern vec3_t player_mins;
extern vec3_t player_maxs;
extern vec3_t player_maxs_crouch;
struct predicted_player *pplayer;
extern vec3_t beast_mins;
extern vec3_t beast_maxs;
physent_t *pent;
if (!cl_solid_players.value)
pent = pmove.physents + pmove.numphysent;
for (j=0, pplayer = predicted_players; j < MAX_CLIENTS; j++, pplayer++)
if (!pplayer->active)
continue; // not present this frame
// the player object never gets added
if (j == playernum)
if (pplayer->flags & PF_DEAD)
continue; // dead players aren't solid
pent->model = 0;
VectorCopy(pplayer->origin, pent->origin);
{//use golem hull
Sys_Error("Using beast model");
VectorCopy(beast_mins, pent->mins);
VectorCopy(beast_maxs, pent->mins);
VectorCopy(player_mins, pent->mins);
if(pplayer->flags & PF_CROUCH)
VectorCopy(player_maxs_crouch, pent->maxs);
VectorCopy(player_maxs, pent->maxs);
// }
Builds the visedicts array for cl.time
Made up of: clients, packet_entities, nails, and tents
void CL_EmitEntities (void)
if (cls.state != ca_active)
if (!cl.validsequence)
cl_oldnumvisedicts = cl_numvisedicts;
cl_oldvisedicts = cl_visedicts_list[(cls.netchan.incoming_sequence-1)&1];
cl_visedicts = cl_visedicts_list[cls.netchan.incoming_sequence&1];
cl_numvisedicts = 0;
CL_LinkPlayers ();
CL_LinkPacketEntities ();
CL_LinkProjectiles ();
CL_UpdateTEnts ();