//************************************************************************** //** //** builtin.hc //** //** $Header: /HexenWorld/Siege/builtin.hc 19 5/25/98 1:38p Mgummelt $ //** //************************************************************************** // Sets v_forward, etc. void makevectors(vector ang) : 1; void setorigin(entity e, vector o) : 2; // Set movetype and solid before calling. void setmodel(entity e, string m) : 3; void setsize(entity e, vector min, vector max) : 4; void lightstylestatic(float style, float value) : 5; void debugbreak(void) : 6; // Returns 0 - 1. float random(void) : 7; void sound(entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) : 8; vector normalize(vector v) : 9; void error(string e) : 10; void objerror(string e) : 11; float vlen(vector v) : 12; float vectoyaw(vector v) : 13; entity spawn(void) : 14; void remove(entity e) : 15; // Sets trace_* globals. void traceline(vector v1, vector v2, float nomonsters, entity forent) : 16; // Returns a client to look for. entity checkclient(void) : 17; entity find(entity start, .string fld, string match) : 18; // For sounds in demo and retail version. string precache_sound(string s) : 19; // For models in demo and retail version. string precache_model(string s) : 20; void stuffcmd(entity client, string s) : 21; entity findradius(vector org, float rad) : 22; void bprint(float level, string s) : 23; void sprint(entity client, float level, string s) : 24; void dprint(string s) : 25; string ftos(float f) : 26; string vtos(vector v) : 27; // Prints all edicts. void coredump(void) : 28; void traceon(void) : 29; void traceoff(void) : 30; // Prints an entire edict. void eprint(entity e) : 31; // Returns TRUE or FALSE. float walkmove (float yaw, float dist, float set_trace) : 32; float tracearea(vector v1, vector v2, vector mins, vector maxs, float nomonsters, entity forent) : 33; // TRUE if landed on floor. float droptofloor(void) : 34; void lightstyle(float style, string value) : 35; // Round to nearest int. float rint(float v) : 36; // Largest integer <= v. float floor(float v) : 37; // Smallest integer >= v. float ceil(float v) : 38; // Award experience to player. //void AwardExperience(entity ToEnt, entity FromEnt, float Amount) : 39; // TRUE if self is on ground. float checkbottom(entity e) : 40; // Returns a CONTENT_*. float pointcontents(vector v) : 41; // Start a particle effect. void particle2(vector o, vector dmin, vector dmax, float color, float type, float count) : 42; float fabs(float f) : 43; // Returns a shooting vector. vector aim(entity e,vector d,float speed) : 44; // Returns the cvar value. float cvar(string s) : 45; // Put a string into local que. void localcmd(string s) : 46; // For looping through all ents. entity nextent(entity e) : 47; // Start a particle effect. void particle(vector o, vector d, float color, float count) : 48; // Turn towards self.ideal_yaw at self.yaw_speed. float ChangeYaw(void) : 49; // Calculate distance, ignoring z. float vhlen(vector v) : 50; vector vectoangles(vector v) : 51; void WriteByte(float to, float f) : 52; void WriteChar(float to, float f) : 53; void WriteShort(float to, float f) : 54; void WriteLong(float to, float f) : 55; void WriteCoord(float to, float f) : 56; void WriteAngle(float to, float f) : 57; void WriteString(float to, string s) : 58; void WriteEntity(float to, entity s) : 59; void dprintf(string s, float num) : 60; float cos(float angle) : 61; float sin(float angle) : 62; float AdvanceFrame(float start, float end) : 63; void dprintv(string s, vector vec) : 64; float RewindFrame(float start, float end) : 65; void setclass(entity e, float value) : 66; void movetogoal(float step) : 67; // For files in demo and retail version. string precache_file(string s) : 68; void makestatic(entity e) : 69; void changelevel(string level, string spot) : 70; // Returns the current value of a light style. float lightstylevalue(float style) : 71; // Sets a cvar value. void cvar_set(string var, string val) : 72; // Same as sprint(), but centered. void centerprint(entity client, string s) : 73; void ambientsound(vector pos, string samp, float vol, float atten) : 74; // For models only in retail version. string precache_model2(string s) : 75; // For sounds only in retail version. string precache_sound2(string s) : 76; // For files only in retail version. string precache_file2(string s) : 77; // Sets parm1... to the values at level start for coop respawn. void setspawnparms(entity e) : 78; void plaque_draw(float to, float index) : 79; // Create rain. void rain_go(vector v1, vector v2, vector e_size, vector dir, float color, float count) : 80; // Particle explosion. void particleexplosion(vector v,float f,float c,float s) : 81; // Move a step. float movestep(float x, float y, float z, float set_trace) : 82; // Returns TRUE or FALSE (move other). float advanceweaponframe(float startframe, float endframe) : 83; float sqrt(float num1) : 84; void particle3(vector o, vector box, float color, float type, float count) : 85; void particle4(vector o, float radius, float color, float type, float count) : 86; // m will used as: models/puzzle/m.mdl void setpuzzlemodel(entity e, string m) : 87; //float starteffect(float to, float effect) : 88; float starteffect(...) : 88; float endeffect(float to, float effect_id) : 89; string precache_puzzle_model(string s) : 90; vector concatv(vector in, vector limit) : 91; string getstring(float id) : 92; entity spawn_temp(void) : 93; vector v_factor(vector factor) : 94; // returns (v_right * factor_x) + (v_forward * factor_y) + (v_up * factor_z) vector v_factorrange(vector start, vector end) : 95; string precache_sound3(string s) : 96; string precache_model3(string s) : 97; string precache_file3(string s) : 98; void logfrag(entity killer, entity killee) : 99; // add to stats string infokey(entity e, string key) : 100; // get a key value (world = serverinfo) float stof(string s) : 101; // convert string to float void multicast(vector where, float set) : 102; // sends the temp message to a set void turneffect(float effect_id, vector pos, vector dir) : 103; void updateeffect(...) : 104; //have server send an update message (type-specific) to clients // format: updateeffect(, , ); void setseed(float seed) : 105; //seed is really a short int float seedrand(void) : 106; void multieffect(...) : 107; float getmeid(void) : 108; void weapon_sound(entity e, string s) : 109; //net efficient weapon sound on entity void bcenterprint2(string s, string s) : 110; // center prints two concated strings to all clients void print_indexed(float to, float level, float index): 111;//print string in strings.txt indicated by index void centerprint2(entity e, string s, string s) : 112; void print_name(float to, float level, entity who) : 113;//print name of who void stopSound(entity e, float chan) : 114; void updateSoundPos(entity e, float chan) : 115; string precache_sound5(string s) : 116; string precache_model5(string s) : 117; string precache_file5(string s) : 118; void setsiegeteam(entity who, float s_team) : 119; void updateSiegeInfo(void) : 120;