/* ======================================================================== SPREAD SPIKER (jweier) ======================================================================== */ float sspike_INCR; void () sspike_getSpread = { local vector v1, v2; //TODO: search the entities for two spreads belonging to this trap //TODO: take the two vectors and determine the number of shots to // cover a spread of NUM_SHOTS_SPREAD shots //TODO: set sspike_INCR to reflect this increment }; void (vector thisShot) sspike_use = { launch_spike (self.origin, thisShot); }; void () sspike_think = { //TODO: update the vector by an sspike_INCR sspike_use(self.angles); self.nextthink = time + self.wait; newmis.velocity = self.movedir * 500; }; void() trap_sspikeshooter = { //??? //SetMovedir(); //self.use = sspike_use; self.think = sspike_think; precache_sound ("weapons/spike2.wav"); };