//FIRE HURT FIELD======================================================== void fire_hurt_field_touch () { if(self.attack_finished>time) return; if(self.inactive) return; if(other.health<=0) return; self.attack_finished=time+HX_FRAME_TIME; T_Damage(other,self,self,self.dmg); if(self.owner.classname=="big greek fire") if(!other.flags2&FL2_ONFIRE); {//torch 'em if(flammable(other)) spawn_burner(other,TRUE); } else other.fire_damage += 1;//burn more! if(self.t_width0.1) { self.scale-=0.1; setsize(self.trigger_field,'-24 -24 0'*self.scale,'24 24 48'*self.scale); thinktime self : 0.01; self.dmg=self.trigger_field.dmg=self.scale*3; } else { remove(self.trigger_field); stopSound(self,0); remove(self); } } /*QUAKED light_newfire (0 1 0) (-10 -10 -13) (10 10 41) START_LOW HURT Large yellow flame ---------------------------------- If triggered, will toggle between lightvalue1 and lightvalue2 .lightvalue1 (default 0) .lightvalue2 (default 11, equivalent to 300 brightness) Two values the light will fade-toggle between, 0 is black, 25 is brightest, 11 is equivalent to a value of 300. .fadespeed (default 1) = How many seconds it will take to complete the desired lighting change The light will start on at a default of the higher light value unless you turn on the startlow flag. START_LOW = will make the light start at the lower of the lightvalues you specify (default uses brighter) HURT = Will hurt things that touch it. .dmg = how much to hurt people who touch fire - damage/20th of a second. Default = .2; NOTE: IF YOU DON'T PLAN ON USING THE DEFAULTS, ALL LIGHTS IN THE BANK OF LIGHTS NEED THIS INFO */ void spawn_big_fire(vector org) { entity bigfire; bigfire=spawn(); oself=self; self = bigfire; self.dmg=2; self.classname="big greek fire"; self.drawflags(+)SCALE_ORIGIN_BOTTOM|DRF_TRANSLUCENT|MLS_FIREFLICKER; self.scale = 1; setmodel(self,"models/newfire.mdl"); setorigin(self,org); spawn_burnfield(org); setsize(self.trigger_field,'-24 -24 0','24 24 48'); sound (self,CHAN_LOOP+PHS_OVERRIDE_R, "misc/flamloop.wav", 0.5, ATTN_LOOP); self.think = burn_out; thinktime self : 10; self=oself; };