/* * $Header: /HexenWorld/Siege/FIGHT.hc 5 5/25/98 1:38p Mgummelt $ */ /* * A monster is in fight mode if it thinks it can effectively attack its enemy. * When it decides it can't attack, it goes into hunt mode. */ float anglemod(float v); void ChooseTurn(vector dest); void ai_face(); float CheckMonsterAttack(float AttackType, float ChanceModifier); float enemy_vis, enemy_infront, enemy_range; float enemy_yaw; float MAX_MELEE = 1; float MAX_MISSILE = 2; float MAX_BOTH = 3; float MAX_FAR_MELEE = 4; float MAX_SHORT_MISSILE = 8; /* * CheckAttack() -- The player is in view, so decide to move or launch an * attack. Returns FALSE if movement should continue. */ float CheckAttack() { vector spot1, spot2; entity targ; float chance; targ = self.enemy; // see if any entities are in the way of the shot spot1 = self.origin + self.view_ofs; spot2 = (targ.absmin+targ.absmax)*0.5; traceline (spot1, spot2, FALSE, self); if(trace_ent.thingtype>=THINGTYPE_WEBS) traceline (trace_endpos, spot2, FALSE, trace_ent); if (trace_ent != targ) if(trace_ent.health>25||!trace_ent.takedamage||(trace_ent.flags&FL_MONSTER&&trace_ent.classname!="player_sheep")) return FALSE;//Don't have a clear shot, and don't want to shoot obstruction //FIXME: check for translucent water? if (trace_inopen && trace_inwater) return FALSE; // sight line crossed contents if (enemy_range == RANGE_MELEE) { // melee attack if (self.th_melee) { self.th_melee (); return TRUE; } } //FIXME: check for darkness, maybe won't fire, maybe aim will be off // missile attack if (!self.th_missile) return FALSE; if (time < self.attack_finished) return FALSE; if (enemy_range == RANGE_FAR) return FALSE; if (enemy_range == RANGE_MELEE) { chance = 0.9; self.attack_finished = 0; } else if (enemy_range == RANGE_NEAR) { if (self.th_melee) chance = 0.2; else chance = 0.4; } else if (enemy_range == RANGE_MID) { if (self.th_melee) chance = 0.05; else chance = 0.1; } else chance = 0; if (random () < chance) { self.th_missile (); SUB_AttackFinished (random(0,2)); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* * ai_face() -- Keep facing the enemy. */ void ai_face() { self.ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(self.goalentity.origin - self.origin); // self.ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(self.enemy.origin - self.origin); ChangeYaw(); } /* * ai_charge() -- The monster is in a melee attack, so get as close as * possible to .enemy. */ float visible(entity targ); float infront(entity targ); float range (entity targ); void ai_charge(float d) { ai_face(); movetogoal(d); // done in C code... } void ai_charge_side() { local vector dtemp; local float heading; // aim to the left of the enemy for a flyby // self.ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(self.enemy.origin - self.origin); self.ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(self.goalentity.origin - self.origin); ChangeYaw(); makevectors (self.angles); dtemp = self.enemy.origin - 30*v_right; heading = vectoyaw(dtemp - self.origin); walkmove(heading, 20, FALSE); } /* * ai_melee() */ void ai_melee() {//Bad idea- doesn't care where around self player is! vector org1,org2; float ldmg; if (!self.enemy) return; // removed before stroke org1=self.origin+self.proj_ofs; org2=self.enemy.origin; if(vlen(org2-org1)>60) return; traceline(org1,org2,FALSE,self); if(trace_ent!=self.enemy) { org2=(self.enemy.absmin+self.enemy.absmax)*0.5; traceline(org1,org2,FALSE,self); } if(!trace_ent.takedamage) return; if(self.model=="models/spider.mdl") ldmg=random(self.scale*3); else ldmg = random(9); T_Damage (trace_ent, self, self, ldmg); } /* * ai_melee_side() */ void ai_melee_side() { local vector delta; local float ldmg; if (!self.enemy) return; // removed before stroke ai_charge_side(); delta = self.enemy.origin - self.origin; if (vlen(delta) > 60) return; if (!CanDamage (self.enemy, self)) return; ldmg = random(9); T_Damage (self.enemy, self, self, ldmg); }