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1998-06-24 00:00:00 +00:00
* $Header: /HexenWorld/Siege/newai.hc 3 5/25/98 1:39p Mgummelt $
void AI_Decision_Dead()
if (self.health>-80)
{ // Newly dead
if ((self.ai_state != AI_DEAD) && (self.ai_state != AI_DEAD_TWITCH))
self.ai_new_state = AI_DEAD;
else // He's dead Jim
if (self.ai_poss_states & AI_DEAD_TWITCH )
self.ai_new_state = AI_DEAD_TWITCH;
self.ai_state = AI_DECIDE; // So states will change
self.ai_new_state = AI_DEAD;
self.ai_duration = time + 15; // Wait 15 more seconds before vanishing
self.ai_new_state = AI_DEAD_GIB;
Turn in place until within an angle to launch an attack
float AI_face_enemy ()
self.ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(self.enemy.origin - self.origin);
ChangeYaw ();
if (FacingIdeal()) // Ready to go get em
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
returns 1 if the entity is in front (in sight) of self
float AI_infront (entity targ)
local vector vec;
local float dot;
makevectors (self.angles);
vec = normalize (targ.origin - self.origin);
dot = vec * v_forward;
if ( dot > 0.3)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
returns 1 if the entity is visible to self
float AI_visionblocked (entity targ)
local vector spot1, spot2;
spot1 = self.origin + self.view_ofs;
spot2 = targ.origin + targ.view_ofs;
traceline (spot1, spot2, TRUE, self); // see through other monsters
if (trace_inopen && trace_inwater)
return FALSE; // sight line crossed contents
if (trace_fraction == 1)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
returns the range catagorization of an entity reletive to self
0 melee range, will become hostile even if back is turned
1 visibility and infront, or visibility and show hostile
2 infront and show hostile
3 only triggered by damage
float AI_calc_range (entity targ)
local vector spot1, spot2;
local float rnge;
spot1 = self.origin + self.view_ofs;
spot2 = targ.origin + targ.view_ofs;
rnge = vlen (spot1 - spot2);
if (rnge < 50)
if (rnge < 400) // Was 250
return RANGE_NEAR;
if (rnge < 1000) // Was 800
return RANGE_MID;
return RANGE_FAR;
Self is currently not attacking anything, so try to find a target
Returns TRUE if an enemy was sighted
When a player fires a missile, the point of impact becomes a fakeplayer so
that monsters that see the impact will respond as if they had seen the
To avoid spending too much time, only a single client (or fakeclient) is
checked each frame. This means multi player games will have slightly
slower noticing monsters.
entity AI_TargetSearch ()
local entity client;
local float r;
// FIXME: need to get sight_entity stuff working
// spawnflags & 3 is a big hack, because zombie crucified used the first
// spawn flag prior to the ambush flag, and I forgot about it, so the second
// spawn flag works as well
/* if (sight_entity_time >= time - 0.1 && !(self.spawnflags & 3) )
client = sight_entity;
if (client.enemy == self.enemy)
client = checkclient ();
if (!client)
return FALSE; // current check entity isn't in PVS
// }
if (client.classname != "player")
return FALSE;
if (client.flags & FL_NOTARGET)
return FALSE;
if (client.items & IT_INVISIBILITY)
return FALSE;
return client;
Some preliminary target decisions
- if just hurt go after the attacker
- if enemy is the world look to see if you can find someone else
*/entity AI_Target ()
entity targ;
// Monster was just hurt - go after the attacker
if (self.just_hurt)
targ = self.enemy; // Set in T-Damage
else if (self.enemy==world) // No enemies currently
targ=AI_TargetSearch (); // Look for a player to kill
else // Go after the current enemy
targ = self.enemy;
return targ;
void AI_MeleeAttack ()
AI_face_enemy(); // Turn to face the enemy
void AI_MissileAttack ()
AI_face_enemy(); // Turn to face the enemy
void AI_Stand ()
void AI_Pain ()
AI_face_enemy(); // Turn to face the enemy
void AI_Walk ()
movetogoal (self.move_distance);
void AI_Wander ()
movetogoal (self.move_distance);
Charge the enemy - unless monster is too close to enemy, then attack
void AI_Charge ()
float rnge;
rnge = AI_calc_range (self.enemy);
if (rnge==RANGE_MELEE) // Too close - attack enemy
movetogoal (self.move_distance);
Monster is majorly dead so make him explode
void AI_Dead_Gib ()
Monster is dead - in a very real and legally binding sense
// FIXME: We need to come up with a nice way of getting rid of dead bodies
void AI_Dead ()
if (self.ai_duration <= time)
Turn and look for an enemy that is behind monster
void AI_TurnLook ()
self.angles_y += 4;
Set up the variables for the new AI state
This has the final say in the enemy
void AI_Change_State(entity targ)
self.ai_state_func(); // Change monster variables to match the new state
// Set up the info for the new state
if (self.ai_new_state == AI_STAND)
self.ai_move_func = AI_Stand;
self.goalentity = self.pathentity;
self.enemy = world;
else if (self.ai_new_state == AI_WALK)
self.ai_move_func = AI_Walk;
self.goalentity = self.pathentity;
self.enemy = world;
else if (self.ai_new_state==AI_CHARGE)
self.ai_move_func = AI_Charge;
self.goalentity = targ;
self.enemy = targ;
else if (self.ai_new_state==AI_MISSILE_ATTACK)
self.ai_move_func = AI_MissileAttack;
self.goalentity = targ;
self.enemy = targ;
self.ai_duration = time + 9999; // This action must run it course before changing
else if (self.ai_new_state==AI_MISSILE_REATTACK)
self.ai_move_func = AI_MissileAttack;
self.goalentity = targ;
self.enemy = targ;
self.ai_duration = time + 9999; // This action must run it course before changing
else if (self.ai_new_state==AI_MELEE_ATTACK)
self.ai_move_func = AI_MeleeAttack;
self.goalentity = targ;
self.enemy = targ;
self.ai_duration = time + 9999; // This action must run it course before changing
else if ((self.ai_new_state==AI_PAIN) || (self.ai_new_state==AI_PAIN_CLOSE) || (self.ai_new_state==AI_PAIN_FAR))
self.ai_move_func = AI_Pain;
self.goalentity = self.enemy;
self.ai_duration = time + 9999; // This action must run it course before changing
else if (self.ai_new_state==AI_DEAD)
self.ai_move_func = AI_Dead;
// self.goalentity = world;
// self.enemy = world;
self.ai_duration = time + 15; // Body will lay there for a while before disappearing
else if (self.ai_new_state==AI_DEAD_TWITCH)
self.ai_move_func = AI_Dead;
self.goalentity = world;
self.enemy = world;
else if (self.ai_new_state==AI_DEAD_GIB)
self.ai_move_func = AI_Dead_Gib;
self.goalentity = world;
self.enemy = world;
else if (self.ai_new_state==AI_TURNLOOK)
self.ai_move_func = AI_TurnLook;
self.goalentity = world;
self.enemy = world;
else if (self.ai_new_state==AI_WANDER)
self.ai_move_func = AI_Wander;
self.goalentity = world;
self.enemy = world;
self.ai_move_func = AI_Walk;
self.goalentity = self.pathentity;
self.ai_state = self.ai_new_state;
At MELEE distance from the enemy - decide what state to take
entity AI_Decision_Melee(float in_sight,float in_front,entity targ)
float chance;
entity newtarg;
if (self.just_hurt)
{ // What types of pain can it have???
if (self.ai_poss_states & AI_PAIN_CLOSE )
self.ai_new_state = AI_PAIN_CLOSE;
self.ai_new_state = AI_PAIN;
self.just_hurt = FALSE;
newtarg = targ;
chance = random(); // 90% chance of a melee attack
// 20% chance of wandering
// if health is below 10 there is an
// 90% chance he will throw a missile (he's almost dead so take him out with a bang)
// 20% chance of wandering
if (chance < 0.90)
if (self.health > 10)
self.ai_new_state = AI_MELEE_ATTACK;
self.ai_new_state = AI_MISSILE_ATTACK;
self.ai_state = AI_DECIDE; // make it so states change
self.ai_new_state = AI_WANDER;
self.angles_y += random() * 40;
self.ai_duration = time + (random() * 2) + 2;
newtarg = targ;
return newtarg;
At NEAR distance from the enemy - decide what state to take
entity AI_Decision_Near(float in_sight,float in_front,entity targ)
float chance;
entity newtarg;
if (self.just_hurt)
if (self.ai_poss_states & AI_PAIN_CLOSE )
self.ai_new_state = AI_PAIN_CLOSE;
self.ai_new_state = AI_PAIN;
self.just_hurt = FALSE;
newtarg = targ;
chance = random(); // 100% chance of a charging
if (chance <= 1) // Yes I know, I will add other states soon
self.ai_new_state = AI_CHARGE;
self.ai_state = AI_DECIDE; // make it so states change
self.ai_new_state = AI_WANDER;
self.angles_y += random() * 40;
self.ai_duration = time + (random() * 2) + 2;
newtarg = targ;
return newtarg;
At MID distance from the enemy - decide what state to take
entity AI_Decision_Mid(float in_sight,float in_front,entity targ)
float chance;
entity newtarg;
// He was just hurt make him go through pain
if (self.just_hurt)
if (self.ai_poss_states & AI_PAIN_CLOSE )
self.ai_new_state = AI_PAIN_CLOSE;
self.ai_new_state = AI_PAIN;
self.just_hurt = FALSE;
newtarg = targ;
// No walls are blocking enemy and enemy's right in front of monster
else if ((in_sight) && (in_front))
{ // Can monster throw missiles
if (self.ai_poss_states & AI_MISSILE_ATTACK )
chance = random(); // 70% chance of throwing a missile
// 30% chance of charging
if (chance <= 0.70)
// Not missile attacking yet
if ((self.ai_state != AI_MISSILE_ATTACK) && (self.ai_state != AI_MISSILE_REATTACK))
self.ai_new_state = AI_MISSILE_ATTACK;
self.ai_new_state = AI_MISSILE_REATTACK;
self.ai_state = AI_DECIDE; // make it so reattacks can repeat
self.ai_new_state = AI_CHARGE;
self.ai_duration = time + (random() * 2) + 1;
else // No missile attack so charge enemy
self.ai_new_state = AI_CHARGE;
self.ai_duration = time + (random() * 2) + 1;
newtarg = targ;
// Enemy is close but he is not right in front of monster
// so stand and turn for a minute
else if (in_sight)
chance = random(); // 80% chance he'll keep walking
// 20% chance he'll turn looking for the player
if ((chance <= 0.80) || (self.ai_state != AI_WALK)) // Keep walking
self.ai_new_state = AI_WALK;
self.ai_duration = time + random() * 4;
else // Stop and turn
self.ai_new_state = AI_TURNLOOK;
self.ai_duration = time + random() + 1;
newtarg = world;
// A wall is in the way so continue do what you're doing
if (self.ai_state == AI_DECIDE)
self.ai_new_state = AI_STAND;
self.ai_new_state = self.ai_state;
newtarg = world; // Cause we haven't seen him yet
return newtarg;
At FAR distance from the enemy - decide what state to take
entity AI_Decision_Far(float in_sight,float in_front,entity targ)
float chance;
entity newtarg;
// He was just hurt make him go through pain
if (self.just_hurt) // Just given pain
if (self.ai_poss_states & AI_PAIN_FAR )
self.ai_new_state = AI_PAIN_FAR;
self.ai_new_state = AI_PAIN;
self.just_hurt = FALSE;
newtarg = targ;
// He just finished his pain now he should charge
else if ((self.ai_state==AI_PAIN_FAR) || (self.ai_state==AI_PAIN))
chance = random(); // 45% chance he'll charge
// 45% chance he'll fire a missile (if he can)
// 10% chance of wandering to get away
if (chance <= 0.10)
self.ai_new_state = AI_WANDER;
self.ai_duration = time + (random() * 2) + 2;
else if (chance <= 55)
if (self.ai_state & AI_MISSILE_ATTACK)
self.ai_new_state = AI_MISSILE_ATTACK;
newtarg = targ;
self.ai_new_state = AI_CHARGE;
self.ai_duration = time + (random() * 4) + 4;
newtarg = targ;
self.ai_new_state = AI_CHARGE;
self.ai_duration = time + (random() * 4) + 4;
newtarg = targ;
// Not in pain and everyone is too far away and monster has a path to walk
else if (self.pathentity)
self.ai_new_state = AI_WALK;
newtarg = world;
// Not in pain and everyone is too far away and no path to walk
self.ai_new_state = AI_STAND;
newtarg = world;
return newtarg;
Have monster look for enemys
Based on range from enemy decide what state to go to
Place new state in ai_new_state
void AI_Decision_Tree(float state_demanded)
float rnge,in_sight,in_front;
local entity targ,finaltarg;
if ((state_demanded==FALSE) || (self.ai_new_state == AI_DECIDE)) // Monster is not forcing a state
if ((self.ai_duration > time) && (self.ai_new_state != AI_DECIDE)) // Shouldn't change states just yet
if (self.health > 0) // Still alive
if (self.ai_new_state == AI_DECIDE) // Reset time for the DECIDE state
self.ai_duration = time - 1;
targ=AI_Target(); // Find a target if there is one
rnge = AI_calc_range (targ); // Get target range
in_sight=AI_visionblocked (targ); // Is a wall between monster and target?
in_front=AI_infront(targ); // Is target in front of monster
// Decide on a new state for the monster based on range to enemy
if (rnge == RANGE_FAR)
else if (rnge == RANGE_MID)
else if (rnge == RANGE_NEAR)
else if (rnge == RANGE_MELEE) // He's very very close
else // Monster is forcing a state
finaltarg=self.enemy; // Keep it's current enemy
if (self.ai_new_state!=self.ai_state) // Did we just change states??
Main loop for monster AI
- decide on state of monster
- use monster's own AI function
- use main movement function
void AI_Main()
float demand_state;
if (!comamode) // Freeze monsters
AI_Decision_Tree(demand_state); // Should monster change it's current state
self.ai_self_func(); // AI particular to this type of monster (Archer_Walk Archer_Stand...)
// Did monster force a change in ai state? Change it before running ai_move_func
if (self.ai_state != self.ai_new_state)
demand_state = TRUE;
demand_state = FALSE;
self.ai_move_func(); // General monster AI AI_Walk, AI_Stand ...
if (self.ai_state != self.ai_new_state) // was a change in AI forced??
demand_state = TRUE;
demand_state = FALSE;
} while (demand_state==TRUE);
AI_TargetSearch ();
if (!self.ai_frame_time)
self.nextthink = time + HX_FRAME_TIME;
self.nextthink = time + self.ai_frame_time;
void AI_start ()
self.origin_z += 1; // raise off floor a bit
if (!walkmove(0,0, FALSE))
dprint ("walkmonster in wall at: ");
dprint (vtos(self.origin));
dprint ("\n");
if (self.target)
self.goalentity = self.pathentity = find(world, targetname, self.target);
self.ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(self.goalentity.origin - self.origin);
if (!self.pathentity)
dprint ("Monster can't find target at ");
dprint (vtos(self.origin));
dprint ("\n");
self.think = AI_Main;
// spread think times so they don't all happen at same time
self.nextthink = self.nextthink + random()*0.5;
void AI_Land_Init ()
self.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
self.ideal_yaw = self.angles * '0 1 0';
if (!self.yaw_speed)
self.yaw_speed = 20;
self.view_ofs = '0 0 25';
self.use = monster_use;
self.flags = self.flags | FL_MONSTER;
self.enemy = world;
self.ai_state = AI_DECIDE;
// delay drop to floor to make sure all doors have been spawned
// spread think times so they don't all happen at same time
self.nextthink = self.nextthink + random()*0.5;
self.think = AI_start;
total_monsters += 1;