/* * $Header: /H2 Mission Pack/HCode/warhamer.hc 4 3/13/98 3:27a Mgummelt $ */ /* ============================================================================== Q:\art\models\weapons\warhammer\final\warham.hc MG ============================================================================== */ // For building the model $cd Q:\art\models\weapons\warhammer\final $origin 0 0 0 $base BASE skin $skin skin $flags 0 // $frame Chop1 Chop2 Chop3 Chop4 Chop5 $frame Chop6 Chop7 Chop8 Chop9 Chop10 $frame Chop11 Chop12 // $frame Hack1 Hack2 Hack3 Hack4 Hack5 $frame Hack6 Hack7 Hack8 Hack9 Hack10 // $frame LtoR1 LtoR2 LtoR3 LtoR4 LtoR5 $frame LtoR6 LtoR7 LtoR8 LtoR9 LtoR10 $frame LtoR11 // $frame Return1 Return2 Return3 Return4 // $frame RtoL1 RtoL2 RtoL3 RtoL4 RtoL5 $frame RtoL6 RtoL7 RtoL8 RtoL9 RtoL10 $frame RtoL11 RtoL12 RtoL13 // $frame Select1 Select2 Select3 Select4 Select5 $frame Select6 Select7 Select8 Select9 // $frame Throw1 Throw2 Throw3 Throw4 Throw5 $frame Throw6 Throw7 Throw8 Throw9 Throw10 // $frame idle void(vector org) spawn_tfog; void(float max_strikes, float damg)CastLightning; void()warhammer_idle; void()Cru_Wham_Fire; void()warhammer_select; void ThrowHammerReturn (void) { sound(self.controller, CHAN_ITEM, "weapons/weappkup.wav",1, ATTN_NORM); // if(self.controller.weapon==IT_WEAPON1) // Only play selection if they're still on weapon1 //Or, if using another weapon, play the select frames, //then go back to what you were doing with the current weapon self.controller.weapon=IT_WEAPON1; self.controller.th_weapon=warhammer_select; stopSound(self,CHAN_VOICE); //sound(self, CHAN_VOICE, "misc/null.wav", 0.3, ATTN_NORM); remove(self); } /* void HammerZap (void) { vector zapangle, tospot, fromspot; float numstrikes, strikelength; if(pointcontents(self.origin)==CONTENT_WATER)//FIXME:Include other water types strikelength=42; else strikelength=14; numstrikes=random(1,6); while(numstrikes>0) { zapangle=RandomVector('360 360 360'); makevectors(zapangle); fromspot = self.origin + v_forward*16; tospot=self.origin + (v_forward*random(strikelength+32,32)); //Keep it to 30 si it won' have to draw more than one model do_lightning (self,self.level,STREAM_ATTACHED,1,fromspot,tospot,3,TE_STREAM_LIGHTNING); self.level+=1; numstrikes-=1; if(self.level>32) self.level=0; } self.effects=EF_MUZZLEFLASH; } */ void hammer_bounce () { if(other.thingtype!=THINGTYPE_FLESH) if(self.t_width377) self.aflag= -1; if (self.aflag == -1) { local vector dir; dir = normalize(destiny - self.origin); if (self.watertype < -2) self.velocity = dir * self.speed*0.5; else self.velocity = dir * self.speed; self.angles = vectoangles(self.velocity); if (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND) { self.avelocity = '500 0 0'; self.flags(-)FL_ONGROUND; } } if(self.pain_finished<=time) { sound(self, CHAN_VOICE, "paladin/axblade.wav", 0.3, ATTN_NORM); self.pain_finished=time+0.3; } if(self.controller.health<=0||!self.controller.flags2&FL_ALIVE||self.controller.model=="models/sheep.mdl") { stopSound(self,CHAN_VOICE); //sound(self, CHAN_VOICE, "misc/null.wav", 0.3, ATTN_NORM); if(pointcontents(self.origin)==CONTENT_SOLID) remove(self); else { self.touch=hammer_bounce; self.avelocity=randomv('-400 -400 -400','400 400 400'); self.movetype=MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; self.think=corpseblink; thinktime self : 3; } return; } // HammerZap(); thinktime self : 0.1; self.think = ThrowHammerThink; }; void HammerTouch () { float inertia; if (other == self.controller) if (self.aflag||self.bloodloss 2) missile.velocity = missile.velocity * missile.speed*0.5; else missile.velocity = missile.velocity * missile.speed; missile.touch = HammerTouch; thinktime missile : 0; missile.frags=TRUE; missile.bloodloss = time + 0.3; missile.lifetime = time + 3; sound(missile, CHAN_VOICE, "paladin/axblade.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); missile.think = ThrowHammerThink; setmodel(missile, "models/hamthrow.mdl"); setsize(missile,'-1 -2 -4','1 2 4'); setorigin(missile, self.origin+self.proj_ofs + v_forward * FL_SWIM); missile.avelocity = '-500 0 0'; missile.aflag = 0; missile.level= 4; missile.drawflags=MLS_ABSLIGHT;//Powermode? Translucent when returning? missile.abslight = 1; missile.dmg=200; self.attack_finished=time + 1; } void warhammer_gone () { self.th_weapon=warhammer_gone; self.weaponmodel=""; self.weaponframe=0; } void warhammer_throw () { self.th_weapon=warhammer_throw; self.wfs = advanceweaponframe($Throw1,$Throw10); if (self.weaponframe == $Throw7) { sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/vorpswng.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); ThrowHammer(); } else if (self.wfs==WF_LAST_FRAME) warhammer_gone(); } /* void test_traceline () { vector source; vector dir; makevectors (self.v_angle); source = self.origin + self.proj_ofs; dir=normalize(v_forward); traceline (source, source + dir*64, TRUE, self); // if (trace_fraction <1.0) // spawntestmarker(trace_endpos); } */ void warhammer_fire (string hitdir,vector ofs) { vector source; vector org,dir; float damg, inertia,force; makevectors (self.v_angle); source = self.origin + self.proj_ofs; // tracearea (self.origin, self.origin + v_forward*64*self.scale, '-16 -16 -14','16 16 14',FALSE, world); traceline (source, source + v_forward*64*self.scale + ofs, FALSE, self.goalentity); if(!trace_ent||trace_ent==self.goalentity) traceline (source, source + v_forward*64*self.scale + ofs-v_up*32, FALSE, self.goalentity); if(!trace_ent||trace_ent==self.goalentity) traceline (source, source + v_forward*64*self.scale + ofs+v_up*16, FALSE, self.goalentity); if (trace_fraction <1.0)//&&trace_ent!=firsttarg) { org = trace_endpos + (v_forward * 4); if (trace_ent.takedamage&&trace_ent!=self) { if(trace_ent.solid==SOLID_BSP||trace_ent.movetype==MOVETYPE_PUSH) inertia = 1000; else if(trace_ent.mass<=10) inertia=1; else inertia=trace_ent.mass/10; force=self.strength/40+0.5; self.goalentity=trace_ent; SpawnPuff (org, '0 0 0', 20,trace_ent); damg = random(15,25); org = trace_endpos + (v_forward * -1); if(!MetalHitSound(trace_ent.thingtype)) sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/gauntht1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); if(hitdir=="top") { damg=damg*2; trace_ent.deathtype="hammercrush"; } if(inertia<100)//don't move anything more than 1000 mass { dir =normalize(trace_ent.origin - self.origin)*damg*2; if(hitdir=="right") { dir=dir+normalize(v_right)*40; trace_ent.punchangle_y=6; } else if(hitdir=="left") { dir=dir-normalize(v_right)*40; trace_ent.punchangle_y=-6; } trace_ent.velocity = dir*(1/inertia)*force; if(trace_ent.movetype==MOVETYPE_FLY) { if(trace_ent.flags&FL_ONGROUND) trace_ent.velocity_z=175/inertia*force; } else trace_ent.velocity_z = 175/inertia*force; trace_ent.flags(-)FL_ONGROUND; } T_Damage (trace_ent, self, self, damg); } else if(ofs=='0 0 0') { // hit wall, add sparks? sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/hitwall.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } } } void warhammer_idle(void) { self.th_weapon=warhammer_idle; self.weaponframe=$idle; } void warhammer_return (void) { self.th_weapon=warhammer_return; self.wfs = advanceweaponframe($Return1,$Return4); if (self.wfs==WF_CYCLE_WRAPPED) warhammer_idle(); } void warhammer_deselect (void) { self.wfs = advanceweaponframe($Select9,$Select1); self.th_weapon=warhammer_deselect; if (self.wfs == WF_LAST_FRAME) W_SetCurrentAmmo(); } void warhammer_select (void) { // Check to see if have warhammer // if(!self.?) warhammer_gone(); self.th_weapon=warhammer_select; self.wfs = advanceweaponframe($Select1,$Select9); self.weaponmodel = "models/warhamer.mdl"; if (self.wfs==WF_CYCLE_WRAPPED) { self.attack_finished = time - 1; warhammer_idle(); } } void warhammer_c (void) { vector ofs; makevectors(self.v_angle); self.th_weapon=warhammer_c; self.wfs = advanceweaponframe($LtoR1,$LtoR11); if (self.weaponframe == $LtoR4) self.weaponframe+=3; if (self.weaponframe == $LtoR7) { sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/vorpswng.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.goalentity=self; ofs=normalize(v_right)*30; warhammer_fire ("right",ofs); } else if (self.weaponframe == $LtoR8) warhammer_fire ("right",'0 0 0'); else if (self.weaponframe == $LtoR9) { ofs=normalize(v_right)*-30; warhammer_fire ("right",ofs); } if (self.wfs==WF_CYCLE_WRAPPED) warhammer_return(); } void warhammer_b (void) { vector ofs; makevectors(self.v_angle); self.th_weapon=warhammer_b; self.wfs = advanceweaponframe($RtoL1,$RtoL11); if (self.weaponframe == $RtoL5) { sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/vorpswng.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.goalentity=self; ofs=normalize(v_right)*-30; warhammer_fire ("left",ofs); } else if (self.weaponframe == $RtoL6) warhammer_fire ("left",'0 0 0'); else if (self.weaponframe == $RtoL7) { ofs=normalize(v_right)*30; warhammer_fire ("left",ofs); } if (self.wfs==WF_CYCLE_WRAPPED) warhammer_select(); } void warhammer_a (void) { vector ofs; makevectors(self.v_angle); self.th_weapon=warhammer_a; self.wfs = advanceweaponframe($Chop1,$Chop12); if (self.weaponframe == $Chop7) { sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/vorpswng.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.goalentity=self; ofs=normalize(v_up)*30; ofs+=normalize(v_right)*15; warhammer_fire ("top",ofs); } else if (self.weaponframe == $Chop8) warhammer_fire ("top",'0 0 0'); else if (self.weaponframe == $Chop9) { ofs=normalize(v_up)*-30; warhammer_fire ("top",ofs); } if (self.wfs==WF_CYCLE_WRAPPED) warhammer_return(); } void Cru_Wham_Fire (void) { float r; if(self.artifact_active&ART_TOMEOFPOWER) warhammer_throw(); else { self.attack_finished = time + .7; // Attack every .7 seconds r = rint(random(1,3)); if (r==1) warhammer_a(); else if (r==2) warhammer_b(); else if (r==3) warhammer_c(); } }