/* * $Header: /HexenWorld/HCode/window.hc 1 2/04/98 1:59p Rjohnson $ */ /* ============================================================================== WINDOWS ============================================================================== */ float () crandom; //============================================================================ //============================================================================ vector() ChunkVelocity = { local vector v; v_x = 300 * crandom(); v_y = 300 * crandom(); v_z = 300 + 100 * random(); v = v * 0.7; return v; }; void(vector space) CreateSpriteChunks = { local entity sprite; sprite = spawn(); space_x = space_x * random(); space_y = space_y * random(); space_z = space_z * random(); setorigin (sprite, self.absmin + space); if (self.thingtype==THINGTYPE_GLASS) setmodel (sprite, "gfx/glass.spr"); else setmodel (sprite, "gfx/stone.spr"); setsize (sprite, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); sprite.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; sprite.solid = SOLID_NOT; sprite.velocity = ChunkVelocity(); sprite.think = SUB_Remove; sprite.ltime = time; sprite.nextthink = time + 1 + random()*1; }; void(vector space) CreateModelChunks = { local entity chunk; local float final; chunk = spawn(); space_x = space_x * random(); space_y = space_y * random(); space_z = space_z * random(); setorigin (chunk, self.absmin + space); if (self.thingtype==THINGTYPE_GLASS) { final = random(); if (final<0.20) setmodel (chunk, "models/shard1.mdl"); else if (final<0.40) setmodel (chunk, "models/shard2.mdl"); else if (final<0.60) setmodel (chunk, "models/shard3.mdl"); else if (final<0.80) setmodel (chunk, "models/shard4.mdl"); else setmodel (chunk, "models/shard5.mdl"); } else if (self.thingtype==THINGTYPE_WOOD) { final = random(); if (final < 0.25) setmodel (chunk, "models/splnter1.mdl"); else if (final < 0.50) setmodel (chunk, "models/splnter2.mdl"); else if (final < 0.75) setmodel (chunk, "models/splnter3.mdl"); else setmodel (chunk, "models/splnter4.mdl"); } else setmodel (chunk, "progs/gib1.mdl"); setsize (chunk, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); chunk.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; chunk.solid = SOLID_NOT; chunk.velocity = ChunkVelocity(); chunk.think = SUB_Remove; chunk.avelocity_x = random()*1200; chunk.avelocity_y = random()*1200; chunk.avelocity_z = random()*1200; chunk.ltime = time; chunk.nextthink = time + 1 + random(); }; void () brush_die = { local vector space; local float holdcount,spritecount,chunkcount; space = self.absmax - self.absmin; holdcount = space_x + space_y + space_z; spritecount = holdcount/8; chunkcount = holdcount/16; if (self.thingtype==THINGTYPE_GLASS) sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "raven/glassbrk.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); else if (self.thingtype==THINGTYPE_WOOD) sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "raven/woodbrk.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); else sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "raven/wallbrk.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); while (spritecount>0) { // CreateSpriteChunks(space); spritecount = spritecount - 1; } while (chunkcount>0) { CreateModelChunks(space); chunkcount = chunkcount - 1; } remove(self); }; /*QUAKED breakable_brush (0 0 1) ? Breakable window or wall -------------------------FIELDS------------------------- thingtype - type of chunks and sprites it will generate 0 - glass 1 - stone 2 - wood health - amount of damage item can take. Default is based on thingtype glass - 25 stone - 75 wood - 50 -------------------------------------------------------- */ void() breakable_brush = { self.max_health = self.health; self.solid = SOLID_BSP; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_PUSH; setorigin (self, self.origin); setmodel (self, self.model); self.th_die = brush_die; if (!self.health) { if (self.thingtype == THINGTYPE_GLASS) self.health = 25; else if (self.thingtype == THINGTYPE_STONE) self.health = 75; else if (self.thingtype == THINGTYPE_WOOD) self.health = 50; else self.health = 25; } self.use = brush_die; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO_GRENADE; };