/* * $Header: /H3/game/hcode/Items.hc 108 9/24/97 3:16p Mgummelt $ */ void() W_SetCurrentAmmo; void() W_SetCurrentWeapon; void() ring_touch; void()puzzle_touch; /* ALL LIGHTS SHOULD BE 0 1 0 IN COLOR ALL OTHER ITEMS SHOULD BE .8 .3 .4 IN COLOR */ void() SUB_regen = { self.model = self.mdl; // restore original model self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; // allow it to be touched again sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "items/itmspawn.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); // play respawn sound setorigin (self, self.origin); }; void ItemHitFloorWait () { // dprint("Waiting to hit\n"); if(self.flags&FL_ONGROUND||(pointcontents(self.origin-'0 0 38')==CONTENT_SOLID&&self.velocity_z<=0)) { traceline(self.origin,self.origin-'0 0 38',TRUE,self); self.flags(+)FL_ITEM; // make extra wide self.velocity='0 0 0'; self.solid=SOLID_TRIGGER; if(self.touch==puzzle_touch) { setorigin(self,trace_endpos+'0 0 28'); setsize (self, '-8 -8 -28', '8 8 8'); } else { setorigin(self,trace_endpos+'0 0 38'); setsize (self, '-8 -8 -38', '8 8 24'); } self.nextthink=-1; return; } else thinktime self : 0.05; } /* ============ PlaceItem plants the object on the floor ============ */ void() PlaceItem = { float oldz; float oldHull; self.mdl = self.model; // so it can be restored on respawn self.flags(+)FL_ITEM; // make extra wide self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; setsize (self, self.mins,self.maxs); self.velocity = '0 0 0'; self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 6; oldz = self.origin_z; if(!self.spawnflags&FLOATING) { oldHull=self.hull; self.hull = HULL_POINT; if(!droptofloor()) { dprint ("Item :"); dprint (self.classname); dprint (" fell out of level at "); dprint (vtos(self.origin)); dprint ("\n"); remove(self); return; } self.hull=oldHull; if(self.touch==puzzle_touch) { setorigin(self,self.origin+'0 0 28'); setsize (self, '-8 -8 -28', '8 8 8'); } else { setorigin(self,self.origin+'0 0 38'); setsize (self, '-8 -8 -38', '8 8 24'); } } else self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; }; /* ============ StartItem Sets the clipping size and plants the object on the floor ============ */ void() StartItem = { if (self.owner) // Spawned by the backpack function { self.movetype = MOVETYPE_PUSHPULL; if(self.touch==puzzle_touch) setsize (self, '-8 -8 -28', '8 8 8'); else setsize (self, '-16 -16 -38', '16 16 24'); if(self.think!=SUB_Remove&&self.owner.classname=="player"&&self.model!="models/bag.mdl") { self.think=SUB_Remove; thinktime self : 30;//Go away after 30 sec if thrown by player & not a backpack } } else { self.nextthink = time + 0.2; // items start after other solids self.think = PlaceItem; } }; /* //========================================================================= //HEALTH BOX //========================================================================= // // T_Heal: add health to an entity, limiting health to max_health // "ignore" will ignore max_health limit // float (entity e, float healamount, float ignore) T_Heal = { if (e.health <= 0) return 0; if ((!ignore) && (e.health >= other.max_health)) return 0; healamount = ceil(healamount); e.health = e.health + healamount; if ((!ignore) && (e.health >= other.max_health)) e.health = other.max_health; if (e.health > 250) e.health = 250; return 1; }; //QUAK-ED item_health (.3 .3 1) (0 0 0) (32 32 32) rotten megahealth //Health box. Normally gives 25 points. Rotten box heals 5-10 points, //megahealth will add 100 health, then rot you down to your maximum health limit, one point per second. //-------------------------FIELDS------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------- float H_ROTTEN = 1; float H_MEGA = 2; void() health_touch; void() item_megahealth_rot; //item_megahealth - Added by aleggett for use by the item spawner. void item_megahealth() { self.touch = health_touch; //rj setmodel(self, "maps/b_bh100.bsp"); self.noise = "items/r_item2.wav"; self.healamount = 100; self.healtype = 2; setsize (self, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); self.hull=HULL_POINT; StartItem (); } void() health_touch = { local float amount; local string s; if (other.classname != "player"||other.model=="models/sheep.mdl") return; if (self.healtype == 2) // Megahealth? Ignore max_health... { if (other.health >= 250) return; if (!T_Heal(other, self.healamount, 1)) return; } else { if (!T_Heal(other, self.healamount, 0)) return; } sprint(other, "You receive "); s = ftos(self.healamount); sprint(other, s); sprint(other, " health\n"); // health touch sound sound(other, CHAN_ITEM, self.noise, 1, ATTN_NORM); stuffcmd (other, "bf\n"); self.model = string_null; self.solid = SOLID_NOT; // Megahealth = rot down the player's super health if (self.healtype == 2) { other.items = other.items | IT_SUPERHEALTH; self.nextthink = time + 5; self.think = item_megahealth_rot; self.owner = other; } else { if (deathmatch != 2) // deathmatch 2 is the silly old rules { if (deathmatch) self.nextthink = time + 20; self.think = SUB_regen; } } activator = other; SUB_UseTargets(); // fire all targets / killtargets }; void() item_megahealth_rot = { other = self.owner; if (other.health > other.max_health) { other.health = other.health - 1; self.nextthink = time + 1; return; } // it is possible for a player to die and respawn between rots, so don't // just blindly subtract the flag off other.items = other.items - (other.items & IT_SUPERHEALTH); if (deathmatch == 1) // deathmatch 2 is silly old rules { self.nextthink = time + 20; self.think = SUB_regen; } }; */ /* =============================================================================== WEAPONS =============================================================================== */ float MAX_INV = 25; void max_ammo2 (entity AddTo, entity AddFrom) { // FIXME: I assume the max will be different between classes and levels if (AddTo.cnt_torch + AddFrom.cnt_torch > MAX_INV) AddFrom.cnt_torch = MAX_INV - AddTo.cnt_torch; if (AddTo.cnt_h_boost + AddFrom.cnt_h_boost > MAX_INV) AddFrom.cnt_h_boost = MAX_INV - AddTo.cnt_h_boost; if (AddTo.cnt_sh_boost + AddFrom.cnt_sh_boost > MAX_INV) AddFrom.cnt_sh_boost = MAX_INV - AddTo.cnt_sh_boost; if (AddTo.cnt_mana_boost + AddFrom.cnt_mana_boost > MAX_INV) AddFrom.cnt_mana_boost = MAX_INV - AddTo.cnt_mana_boost; if (AddTo.cnt_teleport + AddFrom.cnt_teleport > MAX_INV) AddFrom.cnt_teleport = MAX_INV - AddTo.cnt_teleport; if (AddTo.cnt_tome + AddFrom.cnt_tome > MAX_INV) AddFrom.cnt_tome = MAX_INV - AddTo.cnt_tome; if (AddTo.cnt_summon + AddFrom.cnt_summon > MAX_INV) AddFrom.cnt_summon = MAX_INV - AddTo.cnt_summon; if (AddTo.cnt_invisibility + AddFrom.cnt_invisibility > MAX_INV) AddFrom.cnt_invisibility = MAX_INV - AddTo.cnt_invisibility; if (AddTo.cnt_glyph + AddFrom.cnt_glyph > MAX_INV) AddFrom.cnt_glyph = MAX_INV - AddTo.cnt_glyph; if (AddTo.cnt_haste + AddFrom.cnt_haste > MAX_INV) AddFrom.cnt_haste = MAX_INV - AddTo.cnt_haste; if (AddTo.cnt_blast + AddFrom.cnt_blast > MAX_INV) AddFrom.cnt_blast = MAX_INV - AddTo.cnt_blast; if (AddTo.cnt_polymorph + AddFrom.cnt_polymorph > MAX_INV) AddFrom.cnt_polymorph = MAX_INV - AddTo.cnt_polymorph; if (AddTo.cnt_flight + AddFrom.cnt_flight > MAX_INV) AddFrom.cnt_flight = MAX_INV - AddTo.cnt_flight; if (AddTo.cnt_cubeofforce + AddFrom.cnt_cubeofforce > MAX_INV) AddFrom.cnt_cubeofforce = MAX_INV - AddTo.cnt_cubeofforce; if (AddTo.cnt_invincibility + AddFrom.cnt_invincibility > MAX_INV) AddFrom.cnt_invincibility = MAX_INV - AddTo.cnt_invincibility; if (AddTo.bluemana + AddFrom.bluemana > AddTo.max_mana) AddFrom.bluemana = AddTo.max_mana - AddTo.bluemana; if (AddTo.greenmana + AddFrom.greenmana > AddTo.max_mana) AddFrom.greenmana = AddTo.max_mana - AddTo.greenmana; } void max_playermana (void) { if (other.bluemana > other.max_mana) other.bluemana = other.max_mana; if (other.greenmana > other.max_mana) other.greenmana = other.max_mana; } float(float w) RankForWeapon = { if (w&IT_WEAPON4) return 1; if (w == IT_WEAPON3) return 2; if (w == IT_WEAPON2) return 3; if (w == IT_WEAPON1) return 4; return 4; }; /* ============= Deathmatch_Weapon Deathmatch weapon change rules for picking up a weapon ============= */ void(float old, float new) NewBestWeapon = { float or, nr; // change self.weapon if desired or = RankForWeapon (self.weapon); nr = RankForWeapon (new); if ( nr < or ) if(new&IT_WEAPON4) self.weapon=IT_WEAPON4; else self.weapon = new; }; void() W_BestWeapon; /* ============= weapon_touch ============= */ void weapon_touch (void) { float new, old; entity stemp; float leave,hadweap; if (!other.flags & FL_CLIENT||other.model=="models/sheep.mdl") return; if (deathmatch == 2 || coop) { if(other.items&self.items) return; else leave = 1; } else leave = 0; other.oldweapon = other.weapon; new = self.items; // Give player weapon and mana if (self.classname=="wp_weapon2") { if (other.playerclass == CLASS_PALADIN) self.netname = STR_VORPAL; else if (other.playerclass == CLASS_CRUSADER) self.netname = STR_ICESTAFF; else if (other.playerclass == CLASS_NECROMANCER) self.netname = STR_MAGICMISSILE; else if (other.playerclass == CLASS_ASSASSIN) self.netname = STR_CROSSBOW; other.bluemana += 25; } else if (self.classname=="wp_weapon3") { if (other.playerclass == CLASS_PALADIN) self.netname = STR_AXE; else if (other.playerclass == CLASS_CRUSADER) self.netname = STR_METEORSTAFF; else if (other.playerclass == CLASS_NECROMANCER) self.netname = STR_BONESHARD; else if (other.playerclass == CLASS_ASSASSIN) self.netname = STR_GRENADES; other.greenmana += 25; } else if (self.classname=="wp_weapon4_head") { if (other.playerclass == CLASS_PALADIN) self.netname = STR_PURIFIER1; else if (other.playerclass == CLASS_CRUSADER) self.netname = STR_SUN1; else if (other.playerclass == CLASS_NECROMANCER) self.netname = STR_RAVENSTAFF1; else if (other.playerclass == CLASS_ASSASSIN) self.netname = STR_SET1; other.bluemana += 25; other.greenmana += 25; if (other.items & IT_WEAPON4_2) new += IT_WEAPON4; } else if (self.classname=="wp_weapon4_staff") { if (other.playerclass == CLASS_PALADIN) self.netname = STR_PURIFIER2; else if (other.playerclass == CLASS_CRUSADER) self.netname = STR_SUN2; else if (other.playerclass == CLASS_NECROMANCER) self.netname = STR_RAVENSTAFF2; else if (other.playerclass == CLASS_ASSASSIN) self.netname = STR_SET2; other.bluemana += 25; other.greenmana += 25; if (other.items & IT_WEAPON4_1) new += IT_WEAPON4; } else objerror ("weapon_touch: unknown classname"); sprint (other, STR_YOUGOTTHE); sprint (other, self.netname); sprint (other, "\n"); sound (other, CHAN_ITEM, "weapons/weappkup.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); // touch sound stuffcmd (other, "bf\n"); max_playermana (); // Check mana limits // change to the weapon if(other.items&new) hadweap=TRUE; old = other.items; other.items = other.items | new; stemp = self; self = other; max_playermana(); if(self.attack_finished other.max_health) other.health = other.max_health; self.model = string_null; self.solid = SOLID_NOT; if (deathmatch == 1) self.nextthink = time + RESPAWN_TIME; self.think = SUB_regen; sprint(other, STR_YOUHAVETHE); sprint(other,self.netname); sprint(other,"\n"); activator = other; SUB_UseTargets(); // fire all targets / killtargets } } void spawn_instant_health(void) { self.touch = ihealth_touch; setmodel (self, "models/i_hboost.mdl"); setsize (self, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); self.hull=HULL_POINT; self.classname = "item_health"; self.netname = STR_INSTANTHEALTH; StartItem (); } /*QUAKED item_health (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING Player is given 10 health instantly -------------------------FIELDS------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- */ void item_health (void) { spawn_instant_health(); } void mana_touch(void) { if ((other.classname!="player") || (other.health < 1)||other.model=="models/sheep.mdl") return; if (self.owner == other && self.artifact_ignore_owner_time > time) return; if (self.artifact_ignore_time > time) return; if ((self.classname == "item_mana_green") && (other.greenmana >= other.max_mana)) return; if ((self.classname == "item_mana_blue") && (other.bluemana >= other.max_mana)) return; if ((self.classname == "item_mana_both") && (other.bluemana >= other.max_mana) && (other.greenmana >= other.max_mana)) return; sprint(other, STR_YOUHAVETHE); sprint(other,self.netname); sprint(other,"\n"); sound (other, CHAN_VOICE, "items/itempkup.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); stuffcmd (other, "bf\n"); if (self.classname == "item_mana_green") other.greenmana += self.count; else if (self.classname == "item_mana_blue") other.bluemana += self.count; else { other.greenmana += self.count; other.bluemana += self.count; } max_playermana(); self.model = string_null; self.solid = SOLID_NOT; if (deathmatch == 1) self.nextthink = time + RESPAWN_TIME; self.think = SUB_regen; activator = other; SUB_UseTargets(); // fire all targets / killtargets } void spawn_item_mana_green(float amount) { setmodel (self, "models/i_gmana.mdl"); self.touch = mana_touch; setsize (self, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); self.hull=HULL_POINT; self.classname = "item_mana_green"; self.netname = STR_GREENMANA; self.count=amount; StartItem (); } /*QUAKED item_mana_green (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING BIG Player is given 15 green mana instantly BIG = 30 mana. -------------------------FIELDS------------------------- none -------------------------------------------------------- */ void item_mana_green (void) { if(self.spawnflags&2) { self.drawflags(+)SCALE_ORIGIN_CENTER|MLS_POWERMODE; self.scale=2; spawn_item_mana_green(30); } else spawn_item_mana_green(15); } void spawn_item_mana_blue(float amount) { self.touch = mana_touch; setmodel (self, "models/i_bmana.mdl"); setsize (self, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); self.hull=HULL_POINT; self.classname = "item_mana_blue"; self.count=amount; self.netname = STR_BLUEMANA; StartItem (); } /*QUAKED item_mana_blue (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING BIG Player is given 15 blue mana instantly BIG = 30 -------------------------FIELDS------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- */ void item_mana_blue (void) { if(self.spawnflags&2) { self.drawflags(+)SCALE_ORIGIN_CENTER|MLS_POWERMODE; self.scale=2; spawn_item_mana_blue(30); } else spawn_item_mana_blue(15); } void spawn_item_mana_both(float amount) { self.touch = mana_touch; setmodel (self, "models/i_btmana.mdl"); setsize (self, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); self.hull=HULL_POINT; self.classname = "item_mana_both"; self.count=amount; self.netname = STR_COMBINEDMANA; StartItem (); } /*QUAKED item_mana_both (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING BIG Player is given 15 green and 10 blue mana instantly BIG = 30 each -------------------------FIELDS------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- */ void item_mana_both (void) { if(self.spawnflags&2) { self.drawflags(+)SCALE_ORIGIN_CENTER|MLS_POWERMODE; self.scale=2; spawn_item_mana_both(30); } else spawn_item_mana_both(15); } /* =============================================================================== ARMOR =============================================================================== */ void armor_touch(void) { if((other.classname != "player") || (other.health <= 0)||other.model=="models/sheep.mdl") { return; } if(self.classname == "item_armor_amulet") { other.armor_amulet = 20; } else if(self.classname == "item_armor_bracer") { other.armor_bracer = 20; } else if(self.classname == "item_armor_breastplate") { other.armor_breastplate = 20; } else if(self.classname == "item_armor_helmet") { other.armor_helmet = 20; } self.solid = SOLID_NOT; self.model = string_null; if(deathmatch == 1) { self.nextthink = time + RESPAWN_TIME; } self.think = SUB_regen; sprint(other, STR_YOUHAVETHE); sprint(other, self.netname); sprint(other, "\n"); sound(other, CHAN_ITEM, "items/armrpkup.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); stuffcmd(other, "bf\n"); activator = other; SUB_UseTargets(); } void spawn_item_armor_helmet(void) { setmodel (self, "models/i_helmet.mdl"); setsize (self, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); self.hull=HULL_POINT; self.touch = armor_touch; self.netname = STR_ARMORHELMET; StartItem (); } /*QUAKED item_armor_helmet (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING -------------------------FIELDS------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- */ void item_armor_helmet (void) { spawn_item_armor_helmet(); } void spawn_item_armor_breastplate (void) { setmodel (self, "models/i_bplate.mdl"); setsize (self, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); self.hull=HULL_POINT; self.touch = armor_touch; self.netname = STR_ARMORBREASTPLATE; StartItem (); } /*QUAKED item_armor_breastplate (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING -------------------------FIELDS------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- */ void item_armor_breastplate (void) { spawn_item_armor_breastplate(); } void spawn_item_armor_bracer(void) { setmodel (self, "models/i_bracer.mdl"); setsize (self, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); self.hull=HULL_POINT; self.touch = armor_touch; self.netname = STR_ARMORBRACER; StartItem (); } /*QUAKED item_armor_bracer (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING -------------------------FIELDS------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- */ void item_armor_bracer (void) { spawn_item_armor_bracer(); } void spawn_item_armor_amulet(void) { setmodel (self, "models/i_amulet.mdl"); setsize (self, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); self.hull=HULL_POINT; self.touch = armor_touch; self.netname = STR_ARMORAMULET; StartItem (); } /*QUAKED item_armor_amulet (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING -------------------------FIELDS------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- */ void item_armor_amulet (void) { spawn_item_armor_amulet(); } /* =============================================================================== PLAYER BACKPACKS =============================================================================== */ void GetPuzzle2(entity item, entity person, string which); void BackpackTouch(void) { string s; float old, new; float ItemCount; if (other.classname != "player"||other.model=="models/sheep.mdl") return; if (other.health <= 0) return; if (self.owner == other && self.artifact_ignore_owner_time > time) return; if (self.artifact_ignore_time > time) return; ItemCount = 0; sprint (other, "You get "); max_ammo2 (other,self); if (self.cnt_torch > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.cnt_torch += self.cnt_torch; s = ftos(self.cnt_torch); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); sprint(other,STR_TORCH); if (self.cnt_torch > 1) // Plural sprint(other,"es"); } if (self.cnt_h_boost > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.cnt_h_boost += self.cnt_h_boost; s = ftos(self.cnt_h_boost); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); sprint(other,STR_HEALTHBOOST); if (self.cnt_h_boost > 1) // Plural sprint(other,"s"); } if (self.cnt_sh_boost > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.cnt_sh_boost += self.cnt_sh_boost; s = ftos(self.cnt_sh_boost); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); sprint(other,STR_SUPERHEALTHBOOST); if (self.cnt_sh_boost > 1) // Plural sprint(other,"s"); } if (self.cnt_mana_boost > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.cnt_mana_boost += self.cnt_mana_boost; s = ftos(self.cnt_mana_boost); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); if (self.cnt_mana_boost == 1) sprint(other,STR_MANABOOST); else sprint(other,"Kraters of Might"); } if (self.cnt_teleport > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.cnt_teleport += self.cnt_teleport; s = ftos(self.cnt_teleport); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); sprint(other,STR_TELEPORT); if (self.cnt_teleport > 1) // Plural sprint(other,"s"); } if (self.cnt_tome > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.cnt_tome += self.cnt_tome; s = ftos(self.cnt_tome); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); if (self.cnt_tome == 1) sprint(other,STR_TOME); else sprint(other,"Tomes of Power"); } if (self.cnt_summon > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.cnt_summon += self.cnt_summon; s = ftos(self.cnt_summon); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); if (self.cnt_summon == 1) sprint(other,STR_SUMMON); else sprint(other,"Stones of Summoning"); } if (self.cnt_flight > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.cnt_flight += self.cnt_flight; s = ftos(self.cnt_flight); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); if (self.cnt_flight == 1) sprint(other,STR_RINGFLIGHT); else sprint(other,"Rings of Flight"); } if (self.cnt_glyph > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.cnt_glyph += self.cnt_glyph; s = ftos(self.cnt_glyph); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); if (self.cnt_glyph == 1) sprint(other,STR_GLYPH); else sprint(other,"Glyphs Of The Ancients"); } if (self.cnt_haste > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.cnt_haste += self.cnt_haste; s = ftos(self.cnt_haste); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); sprint(other,STR_HASTE); } if (self.cnt_blast > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.cnt_blast += self.cnt_blast; s = ftos(self.cnt_blast); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); if (self.cnt_blast == 1) sprint(other,STR_BLAST); else sprint(other,"Discs of Repulsion"); } if (self.cnt_polymorph > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.cnt_polymorph += self.cnt_polymorph; s = ftos(self.cnt_polymorph); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); if (self.cnt_polymorph == 1) sprint(other,STR_POLYMORPH); else sprint(other,"Seals of the Ovinomancer"); } if (self.cnt_invisibility > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.cnt_invisibility += self.cnt_invisibility; s = ftos(self.cnt_invisibility); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); sprint(other,STR_INVISIBILITY); if (self.cnt_polymorph > 1) sprint(other,"s"); } if (self.cnt_cubeofforce > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.cnt_cubeofforce += self.cnt_cubeofforce; s = ftos(self.cnt_cubeofforce); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); sprint(other,STR_CUBEOFFORCE); if (self.cnt_cubeofforce > 1) sprint(other,"s"); } if (self.cnt_invincibility > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.cnt_invincibility += self.cnt_invincibility; s = ftos(self.cnt_invincibility); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); if (self.cnt_invincibility == 1) sprint(other,STR_INVINCIBILITY); else sprint(other,"Icons of the Defender"); } if (self.bluemana > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.bluemana += self.bluemana; s = ftos(self.bluemana); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); sprint(other,STR_BLUEMANA); } if (self.greenmana > 0) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.greenmana += self.greenmana; s = ftos(self.greenmana); sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); sprint(other,STR_GREENMANA); } if (self.armor_amulet) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.armor_amulet = self.armor_amulet; sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); sprint(other,STR_ARMORAMULET); } if (self.armor_bracer) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.armor_bracer = self.armor_bracer; sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); sprint(other,STR_ARMORBRACER); } if (self.armor_breastplate) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.armor_breastplate = self.armor_breastplate; sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); sprint(other,STR_ARMORBREASTPLATE); } if (self.armor_helmet) { if (ItemCount) sprint(other,", "); ItemCount += 1; other.armor_helmet = self.armor_helmet; sprint(other,s); sprint(other," "); sprint(other,STR_ARMORHELMET); } if (!ItemCount) sprint(other,"...Nothing!"); /* if (self.puzzle_inv1) GetPuzzle2(self, other, self.puzzle_inv1); if (self.puzzle_inv2) GetPuzzle2(self, other, self.puzzle_inv2); if (self.puzzle_inv3) GetPuzzle2(self, other, self.puzzle_inv3); if (self.puzzle_inv4) GetPuzzle2(self, other, self.puzzle_inv4); if (self.puzzle_inv5) GetPuzzle2(self, other, self.puzzle_inv5); if (self.puzzle_inv6) GetPuzzle2(self, other, self.puzzle_inv6); if (self.puzzle_inv7) GetPuzzle2(self, other, self.puzzle_inv7); if (self.puzzle_inv8) GetPuzzle2(self, other, self.puzzle_inv8); */ // if the player was using his best weapon, change up to the new one if better new = self.items; if (!new) new = other.weapon; old = other.items; other.items (+) new; // change weapons sprint (other, "\n"); // backpack touch sound sound (other, CHAN_ITEM, "weapons/ammopkup.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); stuffcmd (other, "bf\n"); // remove the backpack, change self to the player remove(self); self = other; // change to the weapon if (!deathmatch) self.weapon = new; else NewBestWeapon (old, new); W_SetCurrentWeapon (); } void MonsterDropStuff(void) { float chance; if(!self.flags&FL_MONSTER) return; if (self.monsterclass < CLASS_GRUNT) return; // Grunts drop only instant items if (self.monsterclass == CLASS_GRUNT) { if (random() < .15) // %15 chance he'll drop something { chance = random(); if (chance < .25) self.greenmana = 10; else if (chance < .50) self.bluemana = 10; else if (chance < .75) { self.greenmana = 10; self.bluemana = 10; } else { self.spawn_health = 1; } } } // Henchmen drop instant items or lesser artifacts else if (self.monsterclass == CLASS_HENCHMAN) { if (random() < .15) // %15 chance he'll drop something { chance = random(); if (chance < .08) self.greenmana = 10; else if (chance < .16) self.bluemana = 10; else if (chance < .24) { self.greenmana = 10; self.bluemana = 10; } else if (chance < .32) { self.spawn_health = 1; } else if (chance < .40) self.cnt_torch = 1; else if (chance < .48) self.cnt_h_boost = 1; else if (chance < .56) self.cnt_mana_boost = 1; else if (chance < .64) self.cnt_teleport = 1; else if (chance < .72) self.cnt_tome = 1; else if (chance < .80) self.cnt_haste = 1; else if (chance < .90) self.cnt_blast = 1; } } // Leaders drop armor or artifacts else if (self.monsterclass == CLASS_LEADER) { if (random() < .15) // %15 chance he'll drop something { chance = random(); if (chance < .05) self.cnt_torch = 1; else if (chance < .10) self.cnt_h_boost = 1; else if (chance < .15) self.cnt_sh_boost = 1; else if (chance < .20) self.cnt_mana_boost = 1; else if (chance < .25) self.cnt_teleport = 1; else if (chance < .30) self.cnt_tome = 1; else if (chance < .35) self.cnt_summon = 1; else if (chance < .40) self.cnt_invisibility = 1; else if (chance < .45) self.cnt_glyph = 1; else if (chance < .50) self.cnt_haste = 1; else if (chance < .55) self.cnt_blast = 1; else if (chance < .60) self.cnt_polymorph = 1; else if (chance < .65) self.cnt_cubeofforce = 1; else if (chance < .70) self.cnt_invincibility = 1; else if (chance < .75) self.armor_amulet = 20; else if (chance < .80) self.armor_bracer = 20; else if (chance < .85) self.armor_breastplate = 20; else self.armor_helmet = 20; } } DropBackpack(); } /* =============== DropBackpack =============== */ void DropBackpack(void) { entity item,old_self; float total; item = spawn(); if(self.playerclass==CLASS_NECROMANCER) self.cnt_glyph=rint(self.cnt_glyph/5); total = 0; if (self.cnt_torch > 3) total += item.cnt_torch = 3; else total += item.cnt_torch = self.cnt_torch; if (self.cnt_h_boost > 3) total += item.cnt_h_boost = 3; else total += item.cnt_h_boost = self.cnt_h_boost; if (self.cnt_sh_boost > 3) total += item.cnt_sh_boost = 3; else total += item.cnt_sh_boost = self.cnt_sh_boost; if (self.cnt_mana_boost > 3) total += item.cnt_mana_boost = 3; else total += item.cnt_mana_boost = self.cnt_mana_boost; if (self.cnt_teleport > 3) total += item.cnt_teleport = 3; else total += item.cnt_teleport = self.cnt_teleport; if (self.cnt_tome > 3) total += item.cnt_tome = 3; else total += item.cnt_tome = self.cnt_tome; if (self.cnt_summon > 3) total += item.cnt_summon = 3; else total += item.cnt_summon = self.cnt_summon; if (self.cnt_invisibility > 3) total += item.cnt_invisibility = 3; else total += item.cnt_invisibility = self.cnt_invisibility; if (self.cnt_glyph > 3) total += item.cnt_glyph = 3; else total += item.cnt_glyph = self.cnt_glyph; if (self.cnt_haste > 3) total += item.cnt_haste = 3; else total += item.cnt_haste = self.cnt_haste; if (self.cnt_blast > 3) total += item.cnt_blast = 3; else total += item.cnt_blast = self.cnt_blast; if (self.cnt_polymorph > 3) total += item.cnt_polymorph = 3; else total += item.cnt_polymorph = self.cnt_polymorph; if (self.cnt_flight > 3) total += item.cnt_flight = 3; else total += item.cnt_flight = self.cnt_flight; if (self.cnt_cubeofforce > 3) total += item.cnt_cubeofforce = 3; else total += item.cnt_cubeofforce = self.cnt_cubeofforce; if (self.cnt_invincibility > 3) total += item.cnt_invincibility = 3; else total += item.cnt_invincibility = self.cnt_invincibility; // Full armor on this body? if (self.armor_amulet==20) { total += 1; item.armor_amulet = self.armor_amulet; } if (self.armor_bracer==20) { total += 1; item.armor_bracer = self.armor_bracer; } if (self.armor_breastplate==20) { total += 1; item.armor_breastplate = self.armor_breastplate; } if (self.armor_helmet==20) { total += 1; item.armor_helmet = self.armor_helmet; } /* if (self.puzzle_inv1) { item.puzzle_inv1 = self.puzzle_inv1; total = 999; } if (self.puzzle_inv2) { item.puzzle_inv2 = self.puzzle_inv2; total = 999; } if (self.puzzle_inv3) { item.puzzle_inv3 = self.puzzle_inv3; total = 999; } if (self.puzzle_inv4) { item.puzzle_inv4 = self.puzzle_inv4; total = 999; } if (self.puzzle_inv5) { item.puzzle_inv5 = self.puzzle_inv5; total = 999; } if (self.puzzle_inv6) { item.puzzle_inv6 = self.puzzle_inv6; total = 999; } if (self.puzzle_inv7) { item.puzzle_inv7 = self.puzzle_inv7; total = 999; } if (self.puzzle_inv8) { item.puzzle_inv8 = self.puzzle_inv8; total = 999; } */ // Any mana or instant health item.bluemana = self.bluemana; item.greenmana = self.greenmana; item.spawn_health = self.spawn_health; // total = 1; // item.cnt_tome = 1; if (!total && !item.bluemana && !item.greenmana && !item.spawn_health) { // Nothing to put in the backpack remove(item); return; } setorigin(item,self.origin); item.origin = self.origin + '0 0 40'; item.flags(+)FL_ITEM; item.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; item.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; item.owner = self; item.artifact_ignore_owner_time = time + 2; item.artifact_ignore_time = time + 0.1; if ((total == 1 && !item.bluemana && !item.greenmana && !item.spawn_health) || (total == 0 && item.bluemana && !item.greenmana && !item.spawn_health) || (total == 0 && !item.bluemana && item.greenmana && !item.spawn_health) || (total == 0 && !item.bluemana && !item.greenmana && item.spawn_health)) { // throw out the individual item item.velocity_z = 200; // item.velocity_x = random(-20,20); // item.velocity_y = random(-20,20); old_self = self; self = item; if (item.cnt_torch) { spawn_artifact(ARTIFACT_TORCH,NO_RESPAWN); } else if (item.cnt_h_boost) { spawn_artifact(ARTIFACT_HP_BOOST,NO_RESPAWN); } else if (item.cnt_sh_boost) { spawn_artifact(ARTIFACT_SUPER_HP_BOOST,NO_RESPAWN); } else if (item.cnt_mana_boost) { spawn_artifact(ARTIFACT_MANA_BOOST,NO_RESPAWN); } else if (item.cnt_teleport) { spawn_artifact(ARTIFACT_TELEPORT,NO_RESPAWN); } else if (item.cnt_tome) { spawn_artifact(ARTIFACT_TOME,NO_RESPAWN); } else if (item.cnt_summon) { spawn_artifact (ARTIFACT_SUMMON,NO_RESPAWN); } else if (item.cnt_invisibility) { spawn_artifact (ARTIFACT_INVISIBILITY,NO_RESPAWN); } else if (item.cnt_glyph) { spawn_artifact (ARTIFACT_GLYPH,NO_RESPAWN); } else if (item.cnt_haste) { spawn_artifact (ARTIFACT_HASTE,NO_RESPAWN); } else if (item.cnt_blast) { spawn_artifact(ARTIFACT_BLAST,NO_RESPAWN); } else if (item.cnt_polymorph) { spawn_artifact (ARTIFACT_POLYMORPH,NO_RESPAWN); } else if (item.cnt_flight) { spawn_artifact (ARTIFACT_FLIGHT,NO_RESPAWN); } else if (item.cnt_cubeofforce) { spawn_artifact (ARTIFACT_CUBEOFFORCE,NO_RESPAWN); } else if (item.cnt_invincibility) { spawn_artifact (ARTIFACT_INVINCIBILITY,NO_RESPAWN); } else if ((item.bluemana) && (item.greenmana)) { spawn_item_mana_both(self.bluemana); } else if (item.bluemana) { spawn_item_mana_blue(self.bluemana); } else if (item.greenmana) { spawn_item_mana_green(self.greenmana); } else if (item.spawn_health) { spawn_instant_health(); } else if (item.armor_amulet) { spawn_item_armor_amulet(); } else if (item.armor_bracer) { spawn_item_armor_bracer(); } else if (item.armor_breastplate) { spawn_item_armor_breastplate(); } else if (item.armor_helmet) { spawn_item_armor_helmet(); } else { dprint("Bad backpack!"); remove(item); self = old_self; return; } self = old_self; } else { item.velocity_z = 300; // item.velocity_x = random(-20,20); // item.velocity_y = random(-20,20); setmodel (item, "models/bag.mdl"); setsize (item, '-16 -16 -45', '16 16 10'); item.hull=HULL_POINT; item.touch = BackpackTouch; item.nextthink = time + 120; // remove after 2 minutes item.think = SUB_Remove; if (!total) { remove(item); return; } } self.cnt_torch=0; self.cnt_h_boost=0; self.cnt_sh_boost=0; self.cnt_mana_boost=0; self.cnt_teleport=0; self.cnt_tome=0; self.cnt_summon=0; self.cnt_invisibility=0; self.cnt_glyph=0; self.cnt_haste=0; self.cnt_blast=0; self.cnt_polymorph=0; self.cnt_flight=0; self.cnt_cubeofforce=0; self.cnt_invincibility=0; self.armor_amulet=0; self.armor_bracer=0; self.armor_breastplate = 0; self.armor_helmet = 0; self.bluemana=0; self.greenmana=0; self.spawn_health=0; }