//************************************************************************** //** //** strings.hc //** //** $Header: /H3/game/hcode/strings.hc 18 9/02/97 2:01a Rlove $ //** //************************************************************************** string STR_THE; string STR_YOUGOTTHE; string STR_YOUHAVETHE; string STR_YOUHAVEACQUIRED; string STR_YOUPOSSESS; string STR_VORPAL; string STR_AXE; string STR_PURIFIER1; string STR_PURIFIER2; string STR_ICESTAFF; string STR_METEORSTAFF; string STR_SUN1; string STR_SUN2; string STR_GRENADES; string STR_CROSSBOW; string STR_RAVENSTAFF1; string STR_RAVENSTAFF2; string STR_MAGICMISSILE; string STR_BONESHARD; string STR_SET1; string STR_SET2; string STR_NOCARRYWEAPON; string STR_NOTENOUGHMANA; string STR_NOROOM; string STR_WASTELEFRAGGEDBY; string STR_LEFTTHEGAMEWITH; string STR_FRAGS; string STR_JOINEDTHEGAME; string STR_CEASEDTOFUNCTION; string STR_CHUNKYSALSA; string STR_TORCH; string STR_HEALTHBOOST; string STR_SUPERHEALTHBOOST; string STR_INVINCIBILITY; string STR_INVISIBILITY; string STR_BLUEMANA; string STR_GREENMANA; string STR_COMBINEDMANA; string STR_INSTANTHEALTH; string STR_BLAST; string STR_CUBEOFFORCE; string STR_FLIGHT; string STR_MANABOOST; string STR_HASTE; string STR_GLYPH; string STR_TOME; string STR_TELEPORT; string STR_SUMMON; string STR_POLYMORPH; string STR_RINGFLIGHT; string STR_RINGWATERBREATHING; string STR_RINGREGENERATION; string STR_RINGTURNING; string STR_ARMORAMULET; string STR_ARMORBRACER; string STR_ARMORBREASTPLATE; string STR_ARMORHELMET; string STR_DONOTPOSSESS; void StringsInit(void) { STR_THE = "The "; STR_YOUGOTTHE = "You got the "; STR_YOUHAVETHE = "You have the "; STR_YOUHAVEACQUIRED = "You have acquired the "; STR_YOUPOSSESS = "You possess the "; STR_VORPAL = "Vorpal Sword"; STR_AXE = "Double Bladed Axe"; STR_PURIFIER1 = "Purifier Piece 1"; STR_PURIFIER2 = "Purifier Piece 2"; STR_ICESTAFF = "Ice Staff"; STR_METEORSTAFF = "Meteor Staff"; STR_SUN1 = "SunStaff Piece 1"; STR_SUN2 = "SunStaff Piece 2"; STR_GRENADES = "Grenades"; STR_CROSSBOW = "Crossbow"; STR_RAVENSTAFF1 = "Raven Staff Piece 1"; STR_RAVENSTAFF2 = "Raven Staff Piece 2"; STR_MAGICMISSILE = "Magic Missiles"; STR_BONESHARD = "Bone Shard"; STR_SET1 = "Scarab Staff Piece 1"; STR_SET2 = "Scarab Staff Piece 2"; STR_NOCARRYWEAPON = "You do not carry that weapon.\n"; STR_NOTENOUGHMANA = "Not enough mana for that weapon.\n"; STR_NOROOM = "No room to stand up here!\n"; STR_WASTELEFRAGGEDBY = " was telefragged by "; STR_LEFTTHEGAMEWITH = " quit the game with "; STR_FRAGS = " frags\n"; STR_JOINEDTHEGAME = " joined the game\n"; STR_CEASEDTOFUNCTION = " has ceased to function\n"; STR_CHUNKYSALSA = " is now chunky salsa\n"; STR_TORCH = "Torch"; STR_HEALTHBOOST = "Quartz Flask"; STR_SUPERHEALTHBOOST = "Mystic Urn"; STR_INVINCIBILITY = "Icon of the Defender"; STR_INVISIBILITY = "Invisibility Sphere"; STR_BLUEMANA = "Blue Mana"; STR_GREENMANA = "Green Mana"; STR_COMBINEDMANA = "Combined Mana"; STR_INSTANTHEALTH = "Healing Vial"; STR_BLAST = "Disc of Repulsion"; STR_CUBEOFFORCE = "Force Cube"; STR_MANABOOST = "Krater of Might"; STR_HASTE = "Boots of Speed"; STR_GLYPH = "Glyph Of The Ancients"; STR_TOME = "Tome of Power"; STR_TELEPORT = "Chaos Device"; STR_SUMMON = "Stone of Summoning"; STR_POLYMORPH = "Seal of the Ovinomancer"; STR_RINGFLIGHT = "Ring of Flight"; STR_RINGWATERBREATHING = "Ring of Water Breathing"; STR_RINGREGENERATION = "Ring of Regeneration"; STR_RINGTURNING = "Ring of Turning"; STR_ARMORAMULET = "Amulet of Protection"; STR_ARMORBRACER = "Bracers"; STR_ARMORBREASTPLATE = "Breastplate"; STR_ARMORHELMET = "Helmet"; STR_DONOTPOSSESS = "You do not possess this item."; }