
302 lines
9.1 KiB

// The big boss man
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity barrier
local entity cam1
local entity cam2
local entity cam3
local entity cam4
local entity cam5
local entity camone
local entity dolly1
local entity dolly2
local entity dolly3
local entity dolly4
local entity cam1train
local entity cam2train
local entity cam3train
local entity cam4train
local entity boss
parameter entity hero
local entity player1
local entity monster
local entity cd
local entity close
local entity hero
local entity doorcam
local entity coop
local entity toplf
local entity toprt
local entity topup
local entity topdn
local entity midupout
local entity midupin
local entity middnout
local entity middnin
local entity botup
local entity botdn
local entity bar1
local entity bar2
local entity bar3
local entity bar4
local entity bar5
local entity bar6
local entity bar7
local entity bar8
local entity portal
local entity take
local int sig
local int sig1
local int sig2
local int sig3
local int sig4
local int sig5
local int sig6
local int sig7
local int sig8
//hero.yaw_speed = 8
barrier = find entity with targetname "barrier"
cam1 = find entity with targetname "shot1"
cam1train = find entity with scripttarget "train1"
cam2 = find entity with targetname "shot2"
cam2train = find entity with scripttarget "train2"
cam3 = find entity with targetname "shot3"
cam3train = find entity with scripttarget "train3"
cam4 = find entity with targetname "shot4"
cam4train = find entity with scripttarget "train4"
cam5 = find entity with targetname "cam5"
camone = find entity with targetname "camone"
dolly1 = find entity with scripttarget "pan1"
dolly2 = find entity with scripttarget "pan2"
dolly3 = find entity with scripttarget "pan3"
dolly4 = find entity with scripttarget "pan4"
boss = find entity with targetname "boss"
monster = find entity with targetname "monster"
cd = find entity with targetname "cd"
close = find entity with targetname "close"
hero = find entity with targetname "hero"
doorcam = find entity with targetname "doorcam2"
coop = find entity with targetname "telcoop"
toplf = find entity with targetname "toplf"
toprt = find entity with targetname "toprt"
topup = find entity with targetname "topup"
topdn = find entity with targetname "topdn"
midupout = find entity with targetname "midupout"
midupin = find entity with targetname "midupin"
middnout = find entity with targetname "middnout"
middnin = find entity with targetname "middnin"
botup = find entity with targetname "botup"
botdn = find entity with targetname "botdn"
bar1 = find entity with targetname "bar1"
bar2 = find entity with targetname "bar2"
bar3 = find entity with targetname "bar3"
bar4 = find entity with targetname "bar4"
bar5 = find entity with targetname "bar5"
bar6 = find entity with targetname "bar6"
bar7 = find entity with targetname "bar7"
bar8 = find entity with targetname "bar8"
portal = find entity with targetname "portal"
take = find entity with targetname "take"
//Switching player
player1 = get entity activator // Get player who set off trigger
copy player attributes from entity player1 to entity hero
hero.modelindex = hero.count // Turn on cinematic corvus
hero.solid = SOLID_SOLID // Make him block
hero.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_STEP
enable cinematics
cache sound "cinematics/morcalavin/120-54.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/morcalavin/121-60.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/morcalavin/122-52.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/morcalavin/123-66.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/morcalavin/124-52.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/morcalavin/125-76.wav"
// Corvus walks in and door closes.
use entity doorcam
animate entity hero performing action WALK2_ANIMATION by moving [302, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity hero performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
wait .5 seconds
move entity botdn by [0,0,64] at 30 speed
move entity botup by [0,0,64] at 30 speed
move entity middnout by [0,64,0] at 30 speed
move entity midupout by [0,-64,0] at 30 speed
move entity middnin by [0,120,0] at 60 speed
move entity midupin by [0,-120,0] at 60 speed
move entity topup by [0,-112,0] at 40 speed
move entity topdn by [0,112,0] at 40 speed
move entity toprt by [0,0,-112] at 40 speed
move entity toplf by [0,0,-112] at 40 speed
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait.5 seconds
play sound "doors/stoneloop.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stoneloop.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait 1.5 seconds
play sound "doors/stoneend.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stoneend.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait 2 seconds
play sound "doors/kchunk5.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "doors/kchunk5.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
wait .5 seconds
play sound "objects/gearsmove.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "objects/gearsmove.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
move entity bar1 by [0,-160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig1
move entity bar2 by [0,96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig2
move entity bar3 by [0,-96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig3
move entity bar4 by [0,160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig4
move entity bar5 by [0,-160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig5
move entity bar6 by [0,96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig6
move entity bar7 by [0,-96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig7
move entity bar8 by [0,160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig8
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6, sig7, sig8
move entity bar1 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig1
move entity bar2 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig2
move entity bar3 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig3
move entity bar4 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig4
move entity bar5 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig5
move entity bar6 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig6
move entity bar7 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig7
move entity bar8 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig8
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6, sig7, sig8
play sound "doors/thud4.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "doors/thud4.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
use entity portal
wait 1.5 seconds
use entity doorcam
// Establishing shot
use entity camone
animate entity hero performing action WALK2_ANIMATION by moving [370, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
use entity camone
// Morcalavin speaks
use entity cam1
print 263 captioned
play sound "cinematics/morcalavin/120-54.wav" for entity boss
move entity cam1train by [96, 16, 0] over 28 seconds
animate entity boss performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
animate entity hero performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION signaling sig1
wait 10 seconds
print 264 captioned
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
// wait .5 seconds
use entity cam1
// Corvus replies
use entity cam2
print 265 captioned
play sound "cinematics/morcalavin/121-60.wav" for entity hero
animate entity hero performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
animate entity boss performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
// wait .5 seconds
use entity cam2
// Morcalavin is sarcastic
use entity cam3
print 266 captioned
play sound "cinematics/morcalavin/122-52.wav" for entity boss
animate entity boss performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
animate entity hero performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
wait .2 seconds
use entity cam3
// They banter back and forth
use entity cam4
print 267 captioned
play sound "cinematics/morcalavin/123-66.wav" for entity hero
animate entity hero performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
animate entity boss performing action IDLE3_ANIMATION signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
print 268 captioned
play sound "cinematics/morcalavin/124-52.wav" for entity boss
animate entity boss performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
animate entity hero performing action IDLE3_ANIMATION signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
use entity cam4
use entity cam5
print 269 captioned
play sound "cinematics/morcalavin/125-76.wav" for entity hero
animate entity hero performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
animate entity boss performing action IDLE4_ANIMATION signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
use entity cam5
//Switching back
player1.origin = hero.origin // Put player where Cinematic corvus is
player1.p_origin = hero.origin // Put player where Cinematic corvus is set view angles of entity player1 to hero.angles
hero.modelindex = 0 // Turn off the cinematic corvus model
hero.solid = SOLID_NOT // Make him not solid
//Switching Morcalavin
monster.origin = boss.origin // Put Monster where Morcalavin is
monster.angles = boss.angles // Make Monster angles like Morcalavin
boss.modelindex = 0 // Turn off the cinematic Morcalavin model
boss.solid = SOLID_NOT // Make him not solid
disable cinematics
use entity take
use entity coop
use entity barrier
use entity cd