// ogles pushing a wheel #include "../common/header.ds" output "r:/base/ds/cloud" local entity ogle1 local entity ogle2 local entity wheel local int sig ogle1 = find entity with targetname "ogle1" ogle2 = find entity with targetname "ogle2" wheel = find entity with targetname "t289" ogle1.owner = wheel ogle1.distance = 155 ogle1.start_origin = wheel.origin - [0, 0, 184] ogle1.start_angles = [0, 160, 0] ogle1.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_SCRIPT_ANGULAR ogle1.state = 3 ogle2.owner = wheel ogle2.distance = 155 ogle2.start_origin = wheel.origin - [0, 0, 184] ogle2.start_angles = [0, 300, 0] ogle2.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_SCRIPT_ANGULAR ogle2.state = 3 label loop rotate entity wheel by [0,-360,0] at 10 speed signaling sig wait for all clearing sig goto loop