// This hopefully will be the cinematic with the Ssithera victim in the Dungeon level.
// Starring Rick Johnson as the Hero and Eric Biessman as the Victim.
#include "../common/header.ds"

output "r:/base/ds/dungeon"

local entity camera1
local entity camera2
local entity camera3
local entity camera4
local entity camera5
local entity zoom
local entity zoom2
local entity spawner
local entity victim
local entity dungeonkey
local entity player1
parameter entity hero

local int sig
local int sig1

cache sound "cinematics/torture victim/117-345.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/torture victim/117a-344.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/torture victim/117a-345.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/torture victim/118-350.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/torture victim/119-345.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/torture victim/wheel.wav"

hero.yaw_speed = 6

camera1 = find entity with targetname "camera1"
camera2 = find entity with targetname "camera2"
camera3 = find entity with targetname "camera3"
camera4 = find entity with targetname "camera4"
camera5 = find entity with targetname "camera5"
zoom = find entity with targetname "zoom"
zoom2 = find entity with targetname "zoom2"
spawner = find entity with targetname "spawner"
victim = find entity with targetname "victim"
player1 = get entity activator

// its a start

	copy player attributes from entity player1 to entity hero
	hero.modelindex = hero.count
	hero.solid = SOLID_SOLID
	hero.movetype = 4

	enable cinematics

// Our story starts out with a lovely camrea shot.

	play sound "cinematics/torture victim/117a-344.wav" for entity victim

	use entity camera1

// Let's make our hero walk forward shall we? Victim in pain.

	animate entity hero performing action WALK2_ANIMATION by moving [140, 0, 0] by turning [0, 0, 0] signaling sig
	wait for all clearing sig

// At last our hero speaks

	move entity zoom2 by [0, 100, 0] over 3 seconds

	print 259 captioned
	play sound "cinematics/torture victim/117-345.wav" for entity hero

	animate entity hero performing action WALK2_ANIMATION by moving [60, 0, 0] by turning [-45, 0, 0] signaling sig
	wait for all clearing sig

	animate entity hero performing action WALK2_ANIMATION by moving [27, 0, 0] by turning [-45, 0, 0] signaling sig
	wait for all clearing sig

// Our Hero releases the poor victim

	animate entity hero performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
	wait for all clearing sig

	play sound "cinematics/torture victim/wheel.wav" for entity hero

	animate entity hero performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig1
	animate entity victim performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
	wait for all clearing sig, sig1	

	animate entity hero performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION

// Our story continues with this magnificent camera change. (up high looking down)

	use entity camera1	

	use entity camera4

	play sound "cinematics/torture victim/117a-345.wav" for entity hero

	animate entity victim performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION
	wait 3 seconds

// Camera (high, looking down in hero and victim)

	print 260 captioned
	play sound "cinematics/torture victim/118-350.wav" for entity victim

	animate entity victim performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION

	animate entity hero performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
	wait for all clearing sig

	animate entity hero performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION repeating for 18 times

	use entity camera4

	use entity camera5

	wait 9 seconds

// Camera (medium shot, zooms in)

	use entity camera5	

	use entity camera2

	wait 4 seconds

	dungeonkey = spawn entity with fields "classname" = "item_puzzle_dungeonkey" , "angle" = 0 , "origin" = [-2391, -2758, 793]

	animate entity victim performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION

	print 261 captioned
	play sound "cinematics/torture victim/119-345.wav" for entity victim

	wait 10 seconds

	animate entity victim performing action ACTION6_ANIMATION

	move entity zoom by [30, 30, 0] over 10 seconds signaling sig
	wait for all clearing sig

	wait 2 seconds

// The final shot.

	use entity camera2	

	use entity camera3

	wait 2 seconds

	player1.origin = hero.origin
	player1.p_origin = hero.origin
	set view angles of entity player1 to hero.angles

	hero.modelindex = 0
	hero.solid = SOLID_NOT

	disable cinematics
	use entity camera3