as released 1998-11-24
This commit is contained in:
865 changed files with 275335 additions and 0 deletions
Toolkit/Designer/Download Acrobat Reader.url
Normal file
Toolkit/Designer/Download Acrobat Reader.url
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// maps will be loaded and saved from <basepath>/maps
"basepath" "C:\PROG~FBU\HERE~VP5\base"
// you are using your local machine to bsp, set rshcmd to ""
// and remotebasebath to the same thing as basepath.
// if you are using a remote unix host, remotebasepath
// will usually be different.
"rshcmd" "C:\PROG~FBU\HERE~VP5\Toolkit\Designer\HereticEd\batch\"
"remotebasepath" "C:\PROG~FBU\HERE~VP5\base"
// the entity classes are found by parsing through
// all the files in <entitypath>, looking for
// /*QUAKED comments
"entitypath" "C:\PROG~FBU\HERE~VP5\Toolkit\Programming\GameCode\game\*.c"
// the "textures" menu is filled with all of the directories
// found under <texturepath>. All texture references from maps
// have <texturepath> implicitly prepended.
// The textures directory can be duplicated on a local harddrive
// for better performance.
"texturepath" "C:\PROG~FBU\HERE~VP5\base\textures"
// every five minutes, the editor will autosave a map if it is dirty.
// this should be on a local drive, so multiple people editing
// maps don't collide
"autosave" "C:\PROG~FBU\HERE~VP5\base\maps\"
// the "bsp" menu in QuakeEd is filled with the following bsp_* commands
// when selected, the value string will be expanded then executed in the
// background.
// ! will be replaced with <rshcmd>
// $ will be replaced with <remotebasepath>/maps/<currentmap>
// @ is changed to a quote(in case you need one in the command line)
"bsp_Relight_Qrad" "!relight.bat $"
"bsp_novis" "!novis.bat $"
"bsp_Entities" "!onlyents.bat $"
"bsp_FullVis (nowater)" "!fullvisw.bat $"
"bsp_FullVis" "!fullvis.bat $"
"bsp_FullVis (no qrad)" "!fullvisnoq.bat $"
"bsp_FullVis (qrad -extra)" "!fullvisxq.bat $"
"bsp_FullVis (nodetail, qrad -extra)" "!fullvisnodetail.bat $"
"bsp_FastVis" "!fastvis.bat $"
"bsp_FastVis (nowater)" "!fastvisnowater.bat $"
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@echo Full Vis
@echo .
qbsp3 -chop 1024 %1
qvis3 %1
qrad3 %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@echo Full Vis
@echo .
qbsp3 -chop 512 %1
qvis3 %1
qrad3 %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@echo Full Vis
@echo .
qbsp3 %1
qvis3 %1
qrad3 %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@echo Vis Rad
@echo .
qbsp3 -onlyents %1
qvis3 %1
qrad3 %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@echo Fast Vis
@echo .
qbsp3 %1
qvis3 -fast %1
qrad3 -bounce 0 %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@echo Fast Vis No QRad
@echo .
qbsp3 %1
qvis3 -fast %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@echo Fast Vis No Water
@echo .
qbsp3 -nowater %1
qvis3 -fast %1
qrad3 -bounce 0 %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@echo Full Vis
@echo .
bin_nt\qbsp3 %1
bin_nt\qvis3 %1
bin_nt\qrad3 -chop 256 %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@echo Full Vis No Detail
@echo .
qbsp3 -nodetail %1
qvis3 %1
qrad3 -extra %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@echo Full Vis No QRad
@echo .
qbsp3 %1
qvis3 %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@echo Full Vis No Water
@echo .
qbsp3 -nowater %1
qvis3 %1
qrad3 %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@echo Full Vis Extra QRad
@echo .
qbsp3 %1
qvis3 %1
qrad3 -extra %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@echo Full Vis
@echo .
qbsp3 %1
qvis3 %1
qrad3 -chop 128 %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@echo No Vis
@echo .
qbsp3 %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@echo Only Ents
@echo .
qbsp3 -onlyents %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@echo Relight
@echo .
qbsp3 -onlyents %1
qrad3 %1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@rem edit this line to the path where you installed the toolkit editor
path C:\PROG~FBU\HERE~VP5\Toolkit\Designer\HereticEd;%path
hereticed.exe heretic2.qe4
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Toolkit/Designer/Shortcut to HereticEd.lnk
Normal file
Toolkit/Designer/Shortcut to HereticEd.lnk
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// Big statue falling if the Mutant Ssithra hits the tower.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
local entity tower
local entity statue
tower = find entity with targetname "stbase"
statue = find entity with targetname "BigFatStatue"
rotate entity tower by [-15,0,0] at 200 speed
move entity tower by [0,0,-16] at 100 speed
rotate entity statue by [-15,0,0] at 400 speed
move entity statue by [-96,0,-24] at 400 speed
play sound "misc/plattrem.wav" for entity tower
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
//the gorgon's break through the freakin wall!
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
//define variables
local entity blockone
local entity blocktwo
local int sig
local int sig2
local int sig3
local int sig4
field vector "velocity"
blockone = find entity with targetname "blockone"
blocktwo = find entity with targetname "blocktwo"
//start of script
blockone.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NOCLIP
blocktwo.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NOCLIP
play sound "doors/stoneend.wav" for entity blockone
play sound "doors/stoneend.wav" for entity blocktwo
move entity blockone by [0, -150, -24] at 700 speed signaling sig
rotate entity blockone by [0, 70, 90] at 400 speed signaling sig2
move entity blocktwo by [0, -200, -24] at 800 speed signaling sig3
rotate entity blocktwo by [0, 130, 100] at 500 speed signaling sig4
wait for any clearing sig, sig2, sig3, sig4
use entity blocktwo
blockone.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NONE
blocktwo.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NONE
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
//A one and a two and a...
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
//define variables
local entity door
local entity door2
local entity camera
local int sig
local int sig2
door = find entity with targetname "bigdoor1"
door2 = find entity with targetname "bigdoor2"
camera = find entity with targetname "doorcam"
//start er up
enable cinematics
use entity camera
move entity door by [0, 120, 0] at 30 speed signaling sig
move entity door2 by [0, -120, 0] at 30 speed signaling sig2
play sound "doors/gendoorstart.wav" for entity door
play sound "doors/gendoorstart.wav" for entity door2
wait 4.0 seconds
play sound "doors/gendoorstop.wav" for entity door
play sound "doors/gendoorstop.wav" for entity door2
wait for all clearing sig, sig2
use entity camera
disable cinematics
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// the floating crystal puzzle piece.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
local entity train1
local entity train2
field vector "angle_velocity"
train1 = find entity with targetname "train"
train2 = find entity with targetname "trainpuz"
train2.owner = train1
train2.distance = 80
train2.start_origin = [-80, 0, 0]
train1.angle_velocity = [0, 90, 0]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// the floating crystal puzzle piece.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
local entity train1
local entity train2
field vector "angle_velocity"
train1 = find entity with targetname "train"
train2 = find entity with targetname "trainpuz"
train2.owner = train1
train2.distance = 80
train2.start_origin = [80, 0, 0]
train1.angle_velocity = [0, 90, 0]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
// The Diamond thing falls down and goes boom.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
local entity piece1
local entity piece2
local entity piece3
local entity break
local int sig
local int sig1
local int sig2
local int sig3
local int sig4
local int sig5
local int b1
local int b2
piece1 = find entity with targetname "d1"
piece2 = find entity with targetname "d2"
piece3 = find entity with targetname "d3"
break = find entity with targetname "break"
// in the begining
break.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
move entity piece1 by [0, 10, 5] at 300 speed signaling sig
move entity piece2 by [0, 10, 5] at 300 speed signaling sig1
move entity piece3 by [0, 10, 5] at 300 speed signaling sig2
move entity break by [0, 10, 5] at 300 speed signaling b1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1, sig2, b1
move entity piece1 by [0, 10, -20] at 300 speed signaling sig
move entity piece2 by [0, 10, -20] at 300 speed signaling sig1
move entity piece3 by [0, 10, -20] at 300 speed signaling sig2
move entity break by [0, 10, -20] at 300 speed signaling b1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1, sig2, b1
rotate entity piece1 by [-45, 0, 0] at 300 speed signaling sig
move entity piece1 by [0, 50, 0] at 300 speed signaling sig3
rotate entity piece2 by [-45, 0, 0] at 300 speed signaling sig1
move entity piece2 by [0, 50, 0] at 300 speed signaling sig4
rotate entity piece3 by [-45, 0, 0] at 300 speed signaling sig2
move entity piece3 by [0, 50, 0] at 300 speed signaling sig5
rotate entity break by [-45, 0, 0] at 300 speed signaling b1
move entity break by [0, 50, 0] at 300 speed signaling b2
wait for all clearing sig, sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, b1, b2
rotate entity piece1 to [0, 45, -90] at 300 speed signaling sig
move entity piece1 by [20, 10, 15] at 300 speed signaling sig3
rotate entity piece2 to [0, 45, -90] at 300 speed signaling sig1
move entity piece2 by [20, 10, 15] at 300 speed signaling sig4
rotate entity piece3 to [0, 45, -90] at 300 speed signaling sig2
move entity piece3 by [20, 10, 15] at 300 speed signaling sig5
rotate entity break to [0, 45, -90] at 300 speed signaling b1
move entity break by [20, 10, 15] at 300 speed signaling b2
wait for all clearing sig, sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, b1, b2
move entity piece1 by [30, 75, -255] at 500 speed signaling sig
move entity piece2 by [30, 75, -255] at 500 speed signaling sig1
move entity piece3 by [30, 75, -255] at 500 speed signaling sig2
move entity break by [30, 75, -255] at 500 speed signaling b1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1, sig2, b1
use entity break
play sound "misc/breakstone.wav" for entity piece1
move entity piece1 by [0, 10, 10] at 300 speed signaling sig
move entity piece2 by [-10, 0, 10] at 300 speed signaling sig1
move entity piece3 by [0, -10, 10] at 300 speed signaling sig2
wait for all clearing sig, sig1, sig2
move entity piece1 by [0, 10, -10] at 300 speed signaling sig
move entity piece2 by [-10, 0, -10] at 300 speed signaling sig1
move entity piece3 by [0, -10, -10] at 300 speed signaling sig2
wait for all clearing sig, sig1, sig2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
// The Diamond thing falls down and goes boom.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
local entity piece2
local int sig
field vector "velocity"
piece2 = find entity with targetname "d2"
move entity piece2 by [0, 0, 5] at 500 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
move entity piece2 by [0, 0, -16] at 500 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
rotate entity piece2 by [-45, 0, 0] at 300 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
piece2.velocity = [0, 50, 0]
rotate entity piece2 to [0, 45, -90] at 400 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
piece2.velocity = [0, 0, 0]
move entity piece2 by [0, 20, 40] at 500 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
piece2.velocity = [0, 470, -270]
rotate entity piece2 to [0, 0, -270] at 400 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
piece2.velocity = [0, 0, 0]
move entity piece2 by [0, 50, -130] at 450 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
move entity piece2 by [-10, -10, 10] at 500 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
move entity piece2 by [-10, -10, -10] at 500 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// The Diamond thing falls down and goes boom.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
local entity piece3
local int sig
field vector "velocity"
piece3 = find entity with targetname "d3"
move entity piece3 by [0, 0, 5] at 500 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
move entity piece3 by [0, 0, -16] at 500 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
rotate entity piece3 by [-45, 0, 0] at 300 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
piece3.velocity = [0, 50, 0]
rotate entity piece3 to [0, 45, -90] at 400 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
piece3.velocity = [0, 0, 0]
move entity piece3 by [0, 20, 40] at 500 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
piece3.velocity = [0, 470, -270]
rotate entity piece3 to [0, 0, -270] at 400 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
piece3.velocity = [0, 0, 0]
move entity piece3 by [0, 50, -130] at 450 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
move entity piece3 by [10, -5, 10] at 500 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
move entity piece3 by [10, -5, -10] at 500 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
//Picking up firewall weapon.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "R:/base/ds/andoria"
//define entity
local entity flamel
local entity flamer
//local entity ped
local entity barreltop
local entity barrelback
local entity rubblefront
local entity rubbleback
local entity camera
local entity camtarget
local entity c1
local entity player1
local entity wall
local int sig
local int sig1
flamel = find entity with targetname "flamel"
flamer = find entity with targetname "flamer"
//ped = find entity with targetname "ped"
barreltop = find entity with targetname "barreltop"
barrelback = find entity with targetname "barrelback"
rubblefront = find entity with targetname "rubble1"
rubbleback = find entity with targetname "r2"
camera = find entity with targetname "camera"
camtarget = find entity with targetname "camtarget"
c1 = find entity with targetname "c1"
player1 = get entity activator
wall = find entity with targetname "wall"
enable cinematics
copy player attributes from entity player1 to entity c1
c1.modelindex = c1.count
c1.solid = SOLID_SOLID
c1.movetype = 4
// move entity ped by [0, 0, -12] at 30 speed signaling sig
// wait for all clearing sig
//move fire
use entity camera
flamel.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NOCLIP
flamer.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NOCLIP
move entity flamel by [64, 4, 0] at 60 speed signaling sig
move entity flamer by [64, 0, 0] at 60 speed signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
move entity flamel by [0, 0, -16] at 60 speed signaling sig
move entity flamer by [0, 0, -16] at 60 speed signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
move entity flamel by [48, 0, 0] at 60 speed signaling sig
move entity flamer by [48, 0, 0] at 60 speed signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
move entity flamel by [0, 0, -20] at 60 speed signaling sig
move entity flamer by [0, 0, -20] at 60 speed signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
camtarget.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
move entity camtarget by [640, 0, 0] at 100 speed
move entity flamel by [640, 0, 0] at 400 speed signaling sig
move entity flamer by [640, 0, 0] at 400 speed signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
use entity rubblefront
use entity barreltop
wait .3 seconds
use entity wall
use entity rubbleback
use entity barrelback
// move entity flamel by [0, 0, -640] at 1000 speed signaling sig
// move entity flamer by [0, 0, -640] at 1000 speed signaling sig1
// wait for all clearing sig, sig1
wait 2 seconds
use entity camera
player1.origin = c1.origin
player1.p_origin = c1.origin
set view angles of entity player1 to c1.angles
c1.modelindex = 0
c1.solid = SOLID_NOT
disable cinematics
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
//the gorgon's break through the freakin wall!
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
//define variables
local entity door
local int sig
local int sig2
door = find entity with targetname "metaldoor"
//start of script
//door.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NOCLIP
play sound "objects/klang.wav" for entity door
move entity door by [60, -150, -56] at 400 speed signaling sig
rotate entity door by [0, 160, 90] at 400 speed signaling sig2
wait for all clearing sig, sig2
use entity door
play sound "doors/thud4.wav" for entity door
//door.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
//The super duper guardian statue rotater lever-o-matic thing a ma bob!
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
//define variables
local entity leverblock
local entity lever
local entity guardian
local entity secdoor
local entity camera
local entity activate
local entity counter
local entity c1
local entity player1
local int sig
local int sig2
leverblock = find entity with targetname "block"
lever = find entity with targetname "lever"
guardian = find entity with targetname "guard1"
secdoor = find entity with targetname "secret"
camera = find entity with targetname "guardcam"
activate = find entity with targetname "active"
counter = find entity with targetname "counter"
c1 = find entity with targetname "c1"
player1 = get entity activator
//move lever outward (cool huh?)
move entity secdoor by [-16, 0, 0] at 30 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
move entity secdoor by [0, 120, 0] at 40 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
wait .3 seconds
lever.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity lever
move entity lever by [48, 0, 0] at 30 speed signaling sig
move entity leverblock by [48, 0, 0] at 30 speed signaling sig2
wait for all clearing sig, sig2
enable trigger entity activate
//use lever... rotate statue
use entity lever
wait 1 seconds
enable cinematics
copy player attributes from entity player1 to entity c1
c1.modelindex = c1.count
c1.solid = SOLID_SOLID
c1.movetype = 4
use entity camera
guardian.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
play sound "doors/gendoorstart.wav" for entity guardian
rotate entity guardian by [0, -90, 0] over 3 seconds signaling sig
wait 3.0 seconds
play sound "doors/gendoorstop.wav" for entity guardian
wait for all clearing sig
player1.origin = c1.origin
player1.p_origin = c1.origin
set view angles of entity player1 to c1.angles
c1.modelindex = 0
c1.solid = SOLID_NOT
disable cinematics
use entity camera
use entity counter
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
//The super duper guardian statue (part 2)
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
//define variables
local entity leverblock
local entity lever
local entity guardian
local entity secdoor
local entity camera
local entity activate
local entity counter
local entity c2
local entity player1
local int sig
local int sig2
leverblock = find entity with targetname "block2"
lever = find entity with targetname "lever2"
guardian = find entity with targetname "guard2"
secdoor = find entity with targetname "secret2"
camera = find entity with targetname "guardcam2"
activate = find entity with targetname "active2"
counter = find entity with targetname "counter"
c2 = find entity with targetname "c2"
player1 = get entity activator
//move lever outward (cool huh?)
move entity secdoor by [-16, 0, 0] at 30 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
move entity secdoor by [0, -120, 0] at 40 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
wait .3 seconds
lever.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity lever
move entity lever by [48, 0, 0] at 30 speed signaling sig
move entity leverblock by [48, 0, 0] at 30 speed signaling sig2
wait for all clearing sig, sig2
enable trigger entity activate
//use lever... rotate statue
use entity lever
wait 1 seconds
enable cinematics
copy player attributes from entity player1 to entity c2
c2.modelindex = c2.count
c2.solid = SOLID_SOLID
c2.movetype = 4
use entity camera
guardian.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
play sound "doors/gendoorstart.wav" for entity guardian
rotate entity guardian by [0, 90, 0] over 3 seconds signaling sig
wait 3.0 seconds
play sound "doors/gendoorstop.wav" for entity guardian
wait for all clearing sig
player1.origin = c2.origin
player1.p_origin = c2.origin
set view angles of entity player1 to c2.angles
c2.modelindex = 0
c2.solid = SOLID_NOT
disable cinematics
use entity camera
use entity counter
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
//platform that raises block over stairs
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
//define variables
local entity plat
local entity buttons
local entity punch
local entity bars
local entity block
local entity back
local entity saw
local entity rope
local int sig
local int sig2
local int sig3
global int up_or_down1
global int up_or_down2
plat = find entity with targetname "lifter"
buttons = find entity with targetname "buttonpunchers"
punch = find entity with targetname "punch"
bars = find entity with targetname "pusher2"
block = find entity with targetname "pickmeup"
back = find entity with targetname "pusher1"
saw = find entity with targetname "blade"
rope = find entity with targetname "rope"
//start of script
//plat moves down after checking to see if bars are in place
label downsy
if up_or_down2 = 0
up_or_down1 = 1
play sound "doors/elevatorstart.wav" for entity plat
// wait 0.9 seconds
// play sound "doors/elevatormove.wav" for entity plat
move entity plat by [0, 0, -176] at 100 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "doors/elevatorstop.wav" for entity plat
up_or_down1 = 0
goto checkit
up_or_down1 = 1
play sound "doors/elevatorstart.wav" for entity plat
// wait 0.9 seconds
// play sound "doors/elevatormove.wav" for entity plat
move entity plat by [0, 0, -144] at 100 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "doors/elevatorstop.wav" for entity plat
wait 2 seconds
play sound "doors/elevatorstart.wav" for entity plat
// wait 0.9 seconds
// play sound "doors/elevatormove.wav" for entity plat
move entity plat by [0, 0, 144] at 100 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "doors/elevatorstop.wav" for entity plat
up_or_down1 = 0
goto holdon
//pause to allow bars to be moved into place
label checkit
wait 10 seconds
goto upsy
//plat moves up after checking to see if bars are in place
label upsy
if up_or_down2 = 0
up_or_down1 = 1
play sound "doors/elevatorstart.wav" for entity plat
// wait 0.9 seconds
// play sound "doors/elevatormove.wav" for entity plat
move entity plat by [0, 0, 176] at 100 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "doors/elevatorstop.wav" for entity plat
up_or_down1 = 0
goto holdon
up_or_down1 = 1
disable trigger entity buttons
disable trigger entity punch
play sound "doors/elevatorstart.wav" for entity plat
// wait 0.9 seconds
// play sound "doors/elevatormove.wav" for entity plat
move entity saw by [0, 0, 384] at 400 speed
move entity rope by [0, 0, 384] at 400 speed
move entity plat by [0, 0, 176] at 100 speed signaling sig
move entity bars by [0, 0, 176] at 100 speed signaling sig2
move entity block by [0, 0, 176] at 100 speed signaling sig3
wait for all clearing sig, sig2, sig3
play sound "doors/elevatorstop.wav" for entity plat
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity back
move entity back by [0, -176, 0] at 300 speed signaling sig
label holdon
goto downsy
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
//blocking entities
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
//define variables
local entity back
local entity front
local entity crap
global int up_or_down1
global int up_or_down2
local int sig
local int sig2
back = find entity with targetname "pusher1"
front = find entity with targetname "pusher2"
crap = find entity with targetname "pickmeup"
//start of script
label start
if up_or_down1 = 0
if up_or_down2 = 0
up_or_down2 = 1
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity crap
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity back
move entity back by [0, 400, 0] at 300 speed signaling sig
move entity front by [0, 400, 0] at 300 speed signaling sig2
up_or_down2 = 0
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity front
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity back
move entity back by [0, -400, 0] at 300 speed signaling sig
move entity front by [0, -400, 0] at 300 speed signaling sig2
print 51 captioned
goto start
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
//breaking part of jump platform
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
//define variables
local entity drop
local int sig1
local int sig2
drop = find entity with targetname "jumpbreak2"
//start of script
//drop.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NOCLIP
rotate entity drop by [0, 10, -180] at 400 speed signaling sig1
move entity drop by [60, 80, -176] at 700 speed signaling sig2
play sound "doors/objectdrop.wav" for entity drop
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2
//drop.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// a stupid lift i can't get to work anyother way.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
local entity lift
local int sig
lift = find entity with targetname "tom"
// start
label start
move entity lift by [0, 0, 246] over 3 seconds signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
wait 2 seconds
move entity lift by [0, 0, -246] over 3 seconds signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
goto start
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
//Roof caving in, in Andslums
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
//define variables
local entity roofcam
local entity camtrain
local entity domebreak1
local entity domebreak3
local entity domebreak4
local entity domebreak5
local entity domebreak6
local entity domebreak7
local entity domebreak8
local entity domebreak9
local entity dometrain
local entity dometrain10
local entity dome1
local entity dome2
local entity dome3
local entity walkway
local entity walkwaya
local entity quaker
local entity dmg
local entity corv
local entity player1
local int sig
local int sig2
local int sig3
local int sig4
roofcam = find entity with targetname "t111"
camtrain = find entity with scripttarget "camtrain"
domebreak1 = find entity with targetname "domebreak1"
domebreak3 = find entity with targetname "domebreak3"
domebreak4 = find entity with targetname "domebreak4"
domebreak5 = find entity with targetname "domebreak5"
domebreak6 = find entity with targetname "domebreak6"
domebreak7 = find entity with targetname "domeJS1"
domebreak8 = find entity with targetname "domeJS2"
domebreak9 = find entity with targetname "domeJS3"
dometrain = find entity with targetname "dometrain"
dometrain10 = find entity with targetname "dometrain10"
dome1 = find entity with targetname "t20"
dome2 = find entity with targetname "dome2"
dome3 = find entity with targetname "dome3"
walkway = find entity with targetname "walkway"
walkwaya = find entity with targetname "walkwaya"
quaker = find entity with targetname "quaker"
dmg = find entity with targetname "dmg"
corv = find entity with targetname "corv"
dometrain.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
dometrain10.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
player1 = get entity activator
copy player attributes from entity player1 to entity corv
corv.modelindex = corv.count
corv.solid = SOLID_SOLID
corv.movetype = 4
//start er up
enable cinematics
enable trigger entity quaker
use entity roofcam
animate entity corv performing action ACTION7_ANIMATION repeating for 10 times
play sound "world/quake.wav" for entity corv on channel 10
use entity quaker
wait 1 seconds
use entity domebreak6
wait .5 seconds
use entity domebreak3
wait .5 seconds
use entity dome3
use entity domebreak5
use entity domebreak8
wait .7 seconds
use entity dome1
use entity dome2
wait .5 seconds
use entity domebreak1
use entity domebreak4
use entity domebreak9
use entity domebreak7
enable trigger entity dmg
move entity camtrain by [0, 0, -256] at 225 speed
move entity dometrain by [0, 0, -568] at 800 speed signaling sig
rotate entity dometrain by [0, 0, 45] at 80 speed signaling sig2
wait .2 seconds
move entity dometrain10 by [36, -16, -256] at 800 speed signaling sig3
rotate entity dometrain10 by [52, 0, 42] at 160 speed signaling sig4
wait for all clearing sig3, sig4
move entity dometrain10 by [36, -16, -200] at 1000 speed signaling sig3
move entity walkwaya by [0, 0, -168] at 800 speed
use entity walkway
wait for all clearing sig, sig2, sig3
use entity dometrain
use entity dometrain10
play sound "world/quakend.wav" for entity corv on channel 10
wait 2 seconds
animate entity corv performing action ACTION8_ANIMATION repeating for 1 times
wait 1 seconds
disable trigger entity quaker
disable trigger entity dmg
use entity roofcam
walkwaya.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NONE
player1.origin = corv.origin
player1.p_origin = corv.origin
set view angles of entity player1 to corv.angles
corv.modelindex = 0
corv.solid = SOLID_NOT
disable cinematics
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
//rubble falling
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "R:base/ds/andoria"
//define variables
local entity rubble
local entity dust
local int sig
rubble = find entity with targetname "r1"
dust = find entity with targetname "r2"
//rubble falls
use entity dust
wait 0.5 seconds
move entity rubble by [0, 0, -308] at 800 speed signaling sig
play sound "doors/objectdrop.wav" for entity rubble
rotate entity rubble to [0, 0, 18] at 400 speed
wait for all clearing sig
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
//saw blade from hell
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
//define variables
local entity saw
local entity rope
local entity dam
local int sig
local int sig2
saw = find entity with targetname "blade"
rope = find entity with targetname "rope"
dam = find entity with targetname "dam"
//start of script
label start
saw.angle_velocity = [0, 0, 480]
play sound "objects/yoyo.wav" for entity saw
move entity saw by [0, 0, -416] at 400 speed signaling sig
move entity rope by [0, 0, -416] at 400 speed signaling sig2
wait for all clearing sig, sig2
enable trigger entity dam
play sound "objects/yoyo.wav" for entity dam
wait 3 seconds
disable trigger entity dam
saw.angle_velocity = [0, 0, -480]
play sound "objects/yoyo.wav" for entity saw
move entity saw by [0, 0, 416] at 300 speed signaling sig
move entity rope by [0, 0, 416] at 300 speed signaling sig2
wait for all clearing sig, sig2
saw.angle_velocity = [0, 0, 0]
goto start
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// Corvus goes back to siernan. if he does not have both puzzle items that he needs
// this script will play.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
local entity siernan
local entity camera
local entity player1
local int sig
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/question.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/getitems.wav"
cache sound "corvus/no.wav"
siernan = find entity with targetname "siernan"
camera = find entity with targetname "luke"
player1 = get entity activator
// here we go.
enable cinematics
siernan.yaw_speed = 4
use entity camera
animate entity siernan performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by turning [-45, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/question.wav" for entity siernan
print 185 captioned
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
play sound "corvus/no.wav" for entity siernan
print 186 captioned
wait 1 seconds
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/getitems.wav" for entity siernan
print 187 captioned
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
wait 1 seconds
animate entity siernan performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by turning [45, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
disable cinematics
use entity camera
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
// The first time corvus meets siernan.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
local entity camera1
local entity camera2
local entity camera3
local entity camera4
local entity camera5
local entity camera6
local entity camera7
local entity camera8
local entity objective
local entity take
local entity siernan
local entity corvus
local entity player1
local entity movecam1
local int sig
cache sound "cinematics/first siernan/48-4.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/first siernan/49-6.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/first siernan/50-5.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/first siernan/51-5.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/first siernan/52-8.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/first siernan/53-3.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/first siernan/54-2.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/first siernan/55-12.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/first siernan/56-1.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/first siernan/57-2.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/first siernan/58-2.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/first siernan/59-8.wav"
camera1 = find entity with targetname "camera1"
camera2 = find entity with targetname "camera2"
camera3 = find entity with targetname "camera3"
camera4 = find entity with targetname "camera4"
camera5 = find entity with targetname "camera5"
camera6 = find entity with targetname "camera6"
camera7 = find entity with targetname "camera7"
camera8 = find entity with targetname "camera8"
objective = find entity with targetname "objective3"
take = find entity with targetname "take3"
siernan = find entity with targetname "siernan"
corvus = find entity with targetname "corvus"
movecam1 = find entity with targetname "movecam1"
player1 = get entity activator
// lets start this sucker.
siernan.yaw_speed = 7
copy player attributes from entity player1 to entity corvus
corvus.modelindex = corvus.count
corvus.solid = SOLID_SOLID
corvus.movetype = 4
siernan.movetype = 5
enable cinematics
//camera1, high on right side of corvus looking at siernan.
use entity camera1
animate entity corvus performing action WALK2_ANIMATION by moving [100, 0, 0] by turning [-15, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTOP2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
play sound "cinematics/first siernan/48-4.wav" for entity siernan
print 168 captioned
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION
play sound "cinematics/first siernan/49-6.wav" for entity corvus
print 169 captioned
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION9_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
use entity camera1
//camera2, middle shot of siernan.
use entity camera2
animate entity siernan performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by turning [-90, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action WALKSTART_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by moving [100, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by moving [100, 0, 0] by turning [45, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action WALKSTOP1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/first siernan/50-5.wav" for entity siernan
print 170 captioned
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION repeating for 2 times signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
use entity camera2
//camera3, middle shot of corvus
use entity camera3
animate entity corvus performing action WALK2_ANIMATION by moving [75, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
// animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTOP1_ANIMATION signaling sig
// wait for all clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/first siernan/51-5.wav" for entity corvus
print 171 captioned
animate entity siernan performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION8_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION11_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION12_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION6_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION11_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION12_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
use entity camera3
//camera4, side shot of both charactors
use entity camera4
play sound "cinematics/first siernan/52-8.wav" for entity siernan
print 172 captioned
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/first siernan/53-3.wav" for entity corvus
print 173 captioned
animate entity siernan performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION8_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION11_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION12_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION10_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
use entity camera4
//camera7, side shot.
use entity camera7
play sound "cinematics/first siernan/54-2.wav" for entity siernan
print 174 captioned
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
print 175 captioned
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
use entity camera7
//camera6, back to looking straight on corvus.
use entity camera6
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION11_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/first siernan/55-12.wav" for entity corvus
print 176 captioned
animate entity siernan performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION12_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION8_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION10_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION8_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION11_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION12_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
use entity camera6
//camera5, looking at siernan and moving a little bit.
use entity camera5
play sound "cinematics/first siernan/56-1.wav" for entity siernan
print 177 captioned
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
print 178 captioned
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
move entity movecam1 by [50, 0, 20] over 15 seconds
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
print 179 captioned
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
print 180 captioned
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
use entity camera5
//camera8, side shot of both charactors (same as camera4)
use entity camera8
play sound "cinematics/first siernan/57-2.wav" for entity corvus
print 181 captioned
animate entity siernan performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION10_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION6_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
play sound "cinematics/first siernan/58-2.wav" for entity siernan
print 182 captioned
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/first siernan/59-8.wav" for entity siernan
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
print 183 captioned
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
use entity take
use entity objective
disable cinematics
player1.origin = corvus.origin
player1.p_origin = corvus.origin
set view angles of entity player1 to corvus.angles
corvus.modelindex = 0
corvus.solid = SOLID_NOT
use entity camera8
animate entity siernan performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by turning [90, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by turning [90, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by moving [20, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by turning [-45, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by moving [20, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by turning [-90, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
// The second time corvus meets siernan.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
local entity camera1a
local entity objective
local entity take
local entity siernan
local entity siernan2
local entity corvus2
local entity spreader
local entity assassin
local entity player2
local int sig
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/60-14.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/61-16.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/62-14.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/63-18.wav"
camera1a = find entity with targetname "camera1a"
objective = find entity with targetname "objective4"
take = find entity with targetname "take4"
siernan = find entity with targetname "siernan"
siernan2 = find entity with targetname "siernan2"
corvus2 = find entity with targetname "corvus2"
player2 = get entity activator
// bring in the boys
spreader = spawn entity with fields "classname" = "monster_spreader", "angle" = 225, "origin" = [-2192, -16, -456], "target" = "monsters"
assassin = spawn entity with fields "classname" = "monster_assassin", "angle" = 180, "origin" = [-2064, -160, -424], "target" = "monsters"
siernan.modelindex = 0
siernan.solid = SOLID_NOT
siernan2.modelindex = siernan2.count
siernan2.solid = SOLID_SOLID
//camera1a, side shot of both charactors. corvus walks into view. kneels etc.
copy player attributes from entity player2 to entity corvus2
corvus2.modelindex = corvus2.count
corvus2.solid = SOLID_SOLID
corvus2.movetype = 4
siernan2.movetype = 5
enable cinematics
use entity camera1a
animate entity corvus2 performing action WALK2_ANIMATION by moving [75, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/60-14.wav" for entity corvus2
print 189 captioned
animate entity corvus2 performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/61-16.wav" for entity siernan2
print 190 captioned
animate entity siernan2 performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION
animate entity corvus2 performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus2 performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION repeating for 10 times signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/62-14.wav" for entity corvus2
print 191 captioned
animate entity corvus2 performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus2 performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION repeating
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/63-18.wav" for entity siernan2
print 192 captioned
animate entity siernan2 performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION
wait 1 seconds
animate entity corvus2 performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus2 performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
wait 11 seconds
use entity take
use entity objective
player2.origin = corvus2.origin
player2.p_origin = corvus2.origin
set view angles of entity player2 to corvus2.angles
corvus2.modelindex = 0
corvus2.solid = SOLID_NOT
disable cinematics
use entity camera1a
//this is where the script stop until corvus combines the earth blood and the crystal and brings the cure back to siernan.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
// The third time corvus meets siernan. corvus now has the potion. hopefully.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
local entity camera3a
local entity camera4a
local entity camera5a
local entity camera6a
local entity camera7a
local entity camera8a
local entity camera9a
local entity aremac
local entity aremac1
local entity aremac2
local entity funcwall
local entity siernan2
local entity siernan3
local entity nan
local entity corvus3
local entity player3
local entity trian
local entity portal
local entity trian2
local entity target
local entity objective
local entity take
local int sig
local int sig1
field vector "movetype"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/64-18.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/65-18.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/66-20.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/67-16.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/68-23.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/69-16.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/70-18.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/71-21.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/72-14.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/73-16.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/74-21.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/second siernan/75-14.wav"
camera3a = find entity with targetname "camera3a"
camera4a = find entity with targetname "camera4a"
camera5a = find entity with targetname "camera5a"
camera6a = find entity with targetname "camera6a"
camera7a = find entity with targetname "camera7a"
camera8a = find entity with targetname "camera8a"
camera9a = find entity with targetname "camera9a"
aremac = find entity with targetname "aremac"
aremac1 = find entity with targetname "aremac1"
aremac2 = find entity with targetname "aremac2"
funcwall = find entity with targetname "funcwall"
siernan2 = find entity with targetname "siernan2"
siernan3 = find entity with targetname "siernan3"
nan = find entity with targetname "nan"
corvus3 = find entity with targetname "corvus3"
trian = find entity with targetname "trian"
portal = find entity with targetname "t130"
trian2 = find entity with targetname "trian2"
target = find entity with targetname "target"
objective = find entity with targetname "objective5"
take = find entity with targetname "take5"
//switching siernans
use entity funcwall
wait .1 seconds
siernan2.modelindex = 0
siernan2.solid = SOLID_NOT
nan.modelindex = nan.count
nan.solid = SOLID_SOLID
// here we go
player3 = get entity activator
copy player attributes from entity player3 to entity corvus3
corvus3.modelindex = corvus3.count
corvus3.solid = SOLID_SOLID
corvus3.movetype = 4
siernan3.movetype = 5
nan.movetype = 5
enable cinematics
//camera3a, away looking at both charactors.
use entity camera3a
move entity aremac by [50, -25 , 20] over 10 seconds
wait 1 seconds
animate entity corvus3 performing action WALK3_ANIMATION by moving [116, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus3 performing action ACTION18_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus3 performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION repeating for 100 times
// siernan reaching out
animate entity nan performing action ACTION13_ANIMATION signaling sig by turning [-35, 0, 0]
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity nan performing action IDLE4_ANIMATION repeating for 100 times
// corvus pouring the juice in siernan's hands
animate entity corvus3 performing action ACTION20_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
// siernan takes a sip
animate entity nan performing action ACTION12_ANIMATION by turning [-55, 0, 0]
// corvus takes a drink
animate entity corvus3 performing action ACTION19_ANIMATION
wait 1 seconds
use entity camera3a
//aremac2, close up of siernan.
use entity aremac2
wait 1 seconds
animate entity corvus3 performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION repeating for 100 times
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/64-18.wav" for entity nan
print 194 captioned
animate entity nan performing action ACTION11_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity nan performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
use entity aremac2
//aremac1, close up of corvus.
use entity aremac1
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/65-18.wav" for entity corvus3
print 195 captioned
animate entity corvus3 performing action ACTION17_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
nan.modelindex = 0
nan.solid = SOLID_NOT
siernan3.modelindex = siernan3.count
siernan3.solid = SOLID_SOLID
animate entity corvus3 performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
use entity aremac1
//camera4a, close up of siernan.
use entity camera4a
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/66-20.wav" for entity siernan3
print 196 captioned
animate entity siernan3 performing action ACTION9_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan3 performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
use entity camera4a
//camera5a, behind siernan looking at corvus
use entity camera5a
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/67-16.wav" for entity corvus3
print 197 captioned
animate entity corvus3 performing action ACTION14_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus3 performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
move entity trian by [75, 0, 30] over 10 seconds
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/68-23.wav" for entity siernan3
print 198 captioned
animate entity siernan3 performing action ACTION10_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait 3 seconds
print 199 captioned
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan3 performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
use entity camera5a
//camera6a, long shot so you can see the door open.
use entity camera6a
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/69-16.wav" for entity corvus3
print 200 captioned
animate entity corvus3 performing action ACTION16_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus3 performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/70-18.wav" for entity siernan3
print 201 captioned
use entity portal
animate entity siernan3 performing action ACTION10_ANIMATION
// wait 4 seconds
target.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
move entity trian2 by [0, 0, 20] over 1 seconds signaling sig
move entity target by [0, 0, 50] over 2 seconds signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
move entity trian2 by [-325, -100, 50] over 5 seconds signaling sig
move entity target by [-175, -100, 50] over 5 seconds signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
move entity target by [0, -300, 0] over 1 seconds signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
print 202 captioned
move entity trian2 by [0, -325, 0] over 3 seconds signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
move entity trian2 by [0, -300, 0] over 3 seconds signaling sig
move entity target by [-400, -300, 0] over 3 seconds signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
animate entity siernan3 performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
move entity target by [-450, 0, 0] over 3 seconds signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
use entity camera6a
//camera7a, side shot of charactors.
use entity camera7a
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/71-21.wav" for entity corvus3
print 203 captioned
animate entity corvus3 performing action ACTION13_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus3 performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/72-14.wav" for entity siernan3
print 204 captioned
animate entity siernan3 performing action ACTION8_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/73-16.wav" for entity siernan3
print 205 captioned
animate entity siernan3 performing action ACTION7_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan3 performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
use entity camera7a
//camera8a, looking over siernan'n shoulder at corvus (something like camera5a)
use entity camera8a
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/74-21.wav" for entity corvus3
print 206 captioned
animate entity corvus3 performing action ACTION15_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus3 performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
use entity camera8a
//camera9a, waist up shot of siernan.
use entity camera9a
play sound "cinematics/second siernan/75-14.wav" for entity siernan3
print 207 captioned
animate entity siernan3 performing action ACTION6_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity siernan3 performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
use entity take
use entity objective
disable cinematics
player3.origin = corvus3.origin
player3.p_origin = corvus3.origin
set view angles of entity player3 to corvus3.angles
corvus3.modelindex = 0
corvus3.solid = SOLID_NOT
siernan3.solid = SOLID_SOLID
use entity camera9a
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
//rubble falling
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "R:base/ds/andoria"
//define variables
local entity rubble
local entity rubble2
local int sig
rubble = find entity with targetname "toppler"
rubble2 = find entity with targetname "topl2"
//pillar falls
rubble.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NOCLIP
play sound "doors/objectdrop.wav" for entity rubble
rotate entity rubble by [0, 45, -90] at 200 speed
wait 0.2 seconds
move entity rubble by [0, 0, -120] at 400 speed signaling sig
wait 0.2 seconds
use entity rubble2
wait for all clearing sig
rubble.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
//teleporter secret doors... ooooooh.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
//define variables
local entity door1
local entity door2
local entity cam
local int sig
local int sig2
door1 = find entity with targetname "tportdoor1"
door2 = find entity with targetname "tportdoor2"
cam = find entity with targetname "tportcam"
//start script, meng
use entity cam
move entity door1 by [0, 0, -24] at 50 speed signaling sig
move entity door2 by [0, 0, -24] at 50 speed signaling sig2
wait for all clearing sig, sig2
move entity door1 by [0, 56, 0] at 50 speed signaling sig
move entity door2 by [0, -56, 0] at 50 speed signaling sig2
wait for all clearing sig, sig2
use entity cam
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
//raise water and close doors
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/andoria"
//define variables
local entity water
local entity door1
local entity door2
local entity cam
local int sig1
local int sig2
local int sig3
local int wait4me
water = find entity with targetname "movewater"
door1 = find entity with targetname "waterdoor2"
door2 = find entity with targetname "waterdoor1"
cam = find entity with targetname "watrcammm"
//start of script
label start
if wait4me != 666
wait4me = 666
//use entity cam
play sound "objects/oilpump.wav" for entity cam on channel 10
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity door1 on channel 10
move entity door1 by [0, 0, -272] at 300 speed signaling sig1
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity door2 on channel 10
play sound "objects/oilpump.wav" for entity cam on channel 10
rotate entity door2 by [-90, 0, 0] at 30 speed signaling sig2
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2
play sound "doors/stonestop.wav" for entity door1 on channel 10
play sound "doors/stonestop.wav" for entity door2 on channel 10
play sound "objects/oilpump.wav" for entity cam on channel 10
wait .5 seconds
//use entity cam
// play sound "ambient/river.wav" for entity water on channel 2
move entity water by [0, 0, 260] at 20 speed signaling sig3
wait for all clearing sig3
// play sound "misc/null.wav" for entity water on channel 2
wait 20 seconds
// play sound "ambient/river.wav" for entity water
move entity water by [0, 0, -260] at 20 speed signaling sig3
wait for all clearing sig3
// play sound "misc/null.wav" for entity water on channel 2
wait 3 seconds
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity door1 on channel 10
move entity door1 by [0, 0, 272] at 300 speed signaling sig1
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity door2 on channel 10
rotate entity door2 by [90, 0, 0] at 30 speed signaling sig2
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2
play sound "doors/stonestop.wav" for entity door1 on channel 10
play sound "doors/stonestop.wav" for entity door2 on channel 10
wait4me = 0
goto start
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
//Assassin's explosive trap.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "R:/base/ds/canyon"
//define entity
local entity flamel
local entity rubble
local entity activate
local entity deactivate
local int sig
flamel = find entity with targetname "flamel"
rubble = find entity with targetname "rubble"
activate = find entity with targetname "activate"
deactivate = find entity with targetname "deactivate"
//move fire
flamel.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
move entity flamel by [0, 0, -120] at 200 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
use entity rubble
wait .1 seconds
use entity activate
wait .1 seconds
use entity deactivate
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
//Lever pushes crates out of doorway at bottom of SSDocks tower
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/canyon"
//define variables
local entity pivot1
local entity pivot2
local entity break1
local entity break2
local entity break3
local entity drop1
local entity drop2
local entity drop3
local int sig1
local int sig2
pivot1 = find entity with targetname "brid1"
pivot2 = find entity with targetname "brid2"
drop1 = find entity with targetname "brid3"
drop2 = find entity with targetname "brid4"
drop3 = find entity with targetname "brid5"
break1 = find entity with targetname "rope1"
break2 = find entity with targetname "rope2"
break3 = find entity with targetname "rope3"
pivot1.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NOCLIP
pivot2.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NOCLIP
drop1.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NOCLIP
drop2.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NOCLIP
drop3.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NOCLIP
use entity break3
wait 0.2 seconds
use entity break1
use entity break2
wait 0.2 seconds
move entity drop1 by [-16, 10, -384] at 300 speed
drop1.angle_velocity = [0, 200, 100]
rotate entity pivot1 by [40, 20, 50] at 400 speed signaling sig1
move entity pivot1 by [0, 0, 8] at 300 speed
rotate entity pivot2 by [-40, 20, -50] at 300 speed signaling sig2
move entity pivot2 by [0, 0, 8] at 300 speed
move entity drop2 by [0, 0, -384] at 400 speed
rotate entity drop2 by [100, 100, -300] at 300 speed
move entity drop3 by [0, 0, -384] at 350 speed
rotate entity drop3 by [100, 100, -300] at 200 speed
wait 0.8 seconds
use entity drop1
use entity drop2
wait 0.4 seconds
use entity drop3
//use entity pivot2
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2
pivot1.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
pivot2.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
//Ssithra scout encounter
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/canyon"
//define variables
local entity corvus
local entity scout
local entity cam1
local entity cam2
local entity cam2t
local entity cam2train
local entity cam3
local entity cam3b
local entity cam4
local entity cam1b
local entity cam4b
local entity cam5
local entity cam6
local entity cam6b
local entity objective
local int sig
local int sig1
local int sig2
local entity player1
corvus = find entity with targetname "corvus"
scout = find entity with targetname "scout"
cam1 = find entity with targetname "c1"
cam1b = find entity with targetname "camtrain"
cam2 = find entity with targetname "c2"
cam2t = find entity with targetname "cam2target"
cam2train = find entity with targetname "cam2train"
cam3 = find entity with targetname "c3"
cam3b = find entity with targetname "t41"
cam4 = find entity with targetname "c4"
cam4b = find entity with targetname "cam4b"
cam5 = find entity with targetname "nothing"
cam6 = find entity with targetname "cam6"
cam6b = find entity with targetname "cam6b"
objective = find entity with targetname "objective5"
cache sound "cinematics/Scout/76-334.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Scout/77-332.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Scout/78-332.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Scout/79-330.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Scout/80-335.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Scout/81-335.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Scout/82-330.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Scout/83-335.wav"
player1 = get entity activator // Get player who set off trigger
copy player attributes from entity player1 to entity corvus
corvus.modelindex = corvus.count // Turn on cinematic corvus
corvus.solid = SOLID_SOLID // Make him block
enable cinematics
//First camera closing in on both Corvus and Scout
use entity cam1
wait 1 seconds
move entity cam1b by [-16, 80, -24] over 3.5 seconds
//You are the scout?
animate entity corvus performing action WALK2_ANIMATION by moving [80, 0, 0] by turning [35, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
print 209 captioned to entity player1
play sound "cinematics/Scout/76-334.wav" for entity corvus
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig1
wait .2 seconds
animate entity scout performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION signaling sig1
use entity cam1
//Scout, cough, cough... yup. Corvus..."infected?"
use entity cam2
cam2t.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
move entity cam2t by [16, 8, 0] over 12 seconds
move entity cam2train by [16, 8, 16] over 12 seconds
print 210 captioned to entity player1
play sound "cinematics/Scout/77-332.wav" for entity scout
animate entity scout performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
wait 7 seconds
use entity cam2
use entity cam3
print 211 captioned to entity player1
play sound "cinematics/Scout/78-332.wav" for entity corvus
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION signaling sig
animate entity scout performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION signaling sig2
wait for all clearing sig, sig2
use entity cam3
//Action breakdown #1 Scout... they seem immune.
use entity cam4
move entity cam4b by [36, 56, 24] over 30 seconds
print 212 captioned to entity player1
play sound "cinematics/Scout/79-330.wav" for entity scout
animate entity scout performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity scout performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
print 213 captioned to entity player1
animate entity scout performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity scout performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity scout performing action IDLE3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
use entity cam4
//My journey has been for nothing.
use entity cam5
print 214 captioned to entity player1
play sound "cinematics/Scout/80-335.wav" for entity corvus
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION signaling sig
//wait for all clearing sig
use entity cam5
//Action breakdown #2 No. She may listen.
use entity cam6
print 215 captioned to entity player1
play sound "cinematics/Scout/81-335.wav" for entity scout
move entity cam6b by [-84, -170, 32] over 59 seconds
animate entity scout performing action ACTION6_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity scout performing action ACTION7_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity scout performing action ACTION8_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity scout performing action ACTION10_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
print 216 captioned to entity player1
play sound "cinematics/Scout/82-330.wav" for entity scout
animate entity scout performing action ACTION7_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity scout performing action ACTION7_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity scout performing action ACTION7_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity scout performing action ACTION9_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/Scout/83-335.wav" for entity scout
animate entity scout performing action DEATH1_ANIMATION signaling sig
use entity objective
wait 1 seconds
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait .5 seconds
use entity cam6
disable cinematics
player1.origin = corvus.origin
player1.p_origin = corvus.origin // Put player where Cinematic corvus is set view angles of entity player1 to hero.angles
corvus.modelindex = 0
corvus.solid = SOLID_NOT
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
//Swinging wood on a broken bridge.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/canyon"
parameter entity parm1
parameter vector parm2
parameter float parm3
local entity thing
local vector distance
local vector tvec
local float time_var
local int sgnl
local float ttime
local float counter
thing = parm1
distance = parm2
time_var = parm3
counter = 0
label begin
counter += 9
ttime = sin counter
ttime += 1
ttime /= 4
ttime += time_var
tvec = distance
tvec *= -1
rotate entity thing to tvec over ttime seconds signaling sgnl
wait for any clearing sgnl
counter += 17
ttime = sin counter
ttime += 1
ttime /= 4
ttime += time_var
tvec = distance
rotate entity thing to tvec over ttime seconds signaling sgnl
wait for any clearing sgnl
goto begin
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
//Swinging wood on a broken bridge
output "r:/base/ds/canyon"
parameter entity parm1
parameter vector parm2
parameter float parm3
local entity thing
local vector distance
local vector tvec
local float time_var
local int sgnl
local float ttime
local float counter
thing = parm1
distance = parm2
time_var = parm3
counter = 0
label begin
counter += 9
ttime = sin counter
ttime += 1
ttime /= 4
ttime += time_var
tvec = distance
tvec *= -1
rotate entity thing to tvec over ttime seconds signaling sgnl
wait for any clearing sgnl
counter += 17
ttime = sin counter
ttime += 1
ttime /= 4
ttime += time_var
tvec = distance
rotate entity thing to tvec over ttime seconds signaling sgnl
wait for any clearing sgnl
goto begin
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
//bed goes down
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity bed
local int sig
bed = find entity with targetname "bed"
//label loop
play sound "doors/gendoorstart.wav" for entity bed on channel 10
move entity bed by [0, 0, -280] at 75 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "doors/gendoorstop.wav" for entity bed on channel 10
//goto loop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
//teleporter in secret bed room if player is stupid.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity teleporter
local entity plat
local entity cam
local int sig
teleporter = find entity with targetname "telactivate"
plat = find entity with targetname "beddoor"
cam = find entity with targetname "bedcam"
//move it
use entity cam
rotate entity plat by [0, 0, 90] at 75 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
use entity teleporter
wait 2 seconds
use entity cam
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
//teleporter thing goes back up
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity teleporter
local entity plat
local int sig
teleporter = find entity with targetname "telactivate"
plat = find entity with targetname "beddoor"
//move it
wait 1 seconds
use entity teleporter
rotate entity plat by [0, 0, -90] at 75 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
// Bed goes up
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity bed
local int sig
//label loop
bed = find entity with targetname "bed"
play sound "doors/gendoorstart.wav" for entity bed on channel 10
move entity bed by [0, 0, 280] at 75 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "doors/gendoorstop.wav" for entity bed on channel 10
//goto loop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
// Big honkin' door!
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity toplf
local entity toprt
local entity topup
local entity topdn
local entity midupout
local entity midupin
local entity middnout
local entity middnin
local entity botup
local entity botdn
local entity bar1
local entity bar2
local entity bar3
local entity bar4
local entity bar5
local entity bar6
local entity bar7
local entity bar8
local entity portal
local int sig1
local int sig2
local int sig3
local int sig4
local int sig5
local int sig6
local int sig7
local int sig8
toplf = find entity with targetname "toplf"
toprt = find entity with targetname "toprt"
topup = find entity with targetname "topup"
topdn = find entity with targetname "topdn"
midupout = find entity with targetname "midupout"
midupin = find entity with targetname "midupin"
middnout = find entity with targetname "middnout"
middnin = find entity with targetname "middnin"
botup = find entity with targetname "botup"
botdn = find entity with targetname "botdn"
bar1 = find entity with targetname "bar1"
bar2 = find entity with targetname "bar2"
bar3 = find entity with targetname "bar3"
bar4 = find entity with targetname "bar4"
bar5 = find entity with targetname "bar5"
bar6 = find entity with targetname "bar6"
bar7 = find entity with targetname "bar7"
bar8 = find entity with targetname "bar8"
portal = find entity with targetname "portal"
label weee
use entity portal
wait .5 seconds
play sound "doors/kchunk5.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "doors/kchunk5.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
move entity bar1 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig1
move entity bar2 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig2
move entity bar3 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig3
move entity bar4 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig4
move entity bar5 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig5
move entity bar6 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig6
move entity bar7 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig7
move entity bar8 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig8
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6, sig7, sig8
wait .5 seconds
play sound "objects/gearsmove.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "objects/gearsmove.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
move entity bar1 by [0,160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig1
move entity bar2 by [0,-96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig2
move entity bar3 by [0,96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig3
move entity bar4 by [0,-160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig4
move entity bar5 by [0,160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig5
move entity bar6 by [0,-96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig6
move entity bar7 by [0,96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig7
move entity bar8 by [0,-160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig8
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6, sig7, sig8
play sound "doors/thud4.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "doors/thud4.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
wait 2 seconds
move entity botdn by [0,0,-60] at 30 speed
move entity botup by [0,0,-60] at 30 speed
move entity middnout by [0,-64,0] at 30 speed
move entity midupout by [0,64,0] at 30 speed
move entity middnin by [0,-120,0] at 60 speed
move entity midupin by [0,120,0] at 60 speed
move entity topup by [0,112,0] at 40 speed
move entity topdn by [0,-112,0] at 40 speed
move entity toprt by [0,0,224] at 40 speed
move entity toplf by [0,0,224] at 40 speed
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait.5 seconds
play sound "doors/stoneloop.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stoneloop.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait 5 seconds
play sound "doors/stoneend.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stoneend.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait 2 seconds
move entity botdn by [0,0,60] at 30 speed
move entity botup by [0,0,60] at 30 speed
move entity middnout by [0,64,0] at 30 speed
move entity midupout by [0,-64,0] at 30 speed
move entity middnin by [0,120,0] at 60 speed
move entity midupin by [0,-120,0] at 60 speed
move entity topup by [0,-112,0] at 40 speed
move entity topdn by [0,112,0] at 40 speed
move entity toprt by [0,0,-224] at 40 speed
move entity toplf by [0,0,-224] at 40 speed
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait.5 seconds
play sound "doors/stoneloop.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stoneloop.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait 5 seconds
play sound "doors/stoneend.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stoneend.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait 2 seconds
play sound "doors/kchunk5.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "doors/kchunk5.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
wait .5 seconds
play sound "objects/gearsmove.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "objects/gearsmove.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
move entity bar1 by [0,-160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig1
move entity bar2 by [0,96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig2
move entity bar3 by [0,-96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig3
move entity bar4 by [0,160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig4
move entity bar5 by [0,-160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig5
move entity bar6 by [0,96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig6
move entity bar7 by [0,-96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig7
move entity bar8 by [0,160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig8
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6, sig7, sig8
move entity bar1 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig1
move entity bar2 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig2
move entity bar3 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig3
move entity bar4 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig4
move entity bar5 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig5
move entity bar6 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig6
move entity bar7 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig7
move entity bar8 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig8
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6, sig7, sig8
play sound "doors/thud4.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "doors/thud4.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
use entity portal
goto weee
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
// Big honkin' door!
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity toplf
local entity toprt
local entity topup
local entity topdn
local entity midupout
local entity midupin
local entity middnout
local entity middnin
local entity botup
local entity botdn
local entity bar1
local entity bar2
local entity bar3
local entity bar4
local entity bar5
local entity bar6
local entity bar7
local entity bar8
local entity portal
local int sig1
local int sig2
local int sig3
local int sig4
local int sig5
local int sig6
local int sig7
local int sig8
toplf = find entity with targetname "toplf"
toprt = find entity with targetname "toprt"
topup = find entity with targetname "topup"
topdn = find entity with targetname "topdn"
midupout = find entity with targetname "midupout"
midupin = find entity with targetname "midupin"
middnout = find entity with targetname "middnout"
middnin = find entity with targetname "middnin"
botup = find entity with targetname "botup"
botdn = find entity with targetname "botdn"
bar1 = find entity with targetname "bar1"
bar2 = find entity with targetname "bar2"
bar3 = find entity with targetname "bar3"
bar4 = find entity with targetname "bar4"
bar5 = find entity with targetname "bar5"
bar6 = find entity with targetname "bar6"
bar7 = find entity with targetname "bar7"
bar8 = find entity with targetname "bar8"
portal = find entity with targetname "portal"
label weee
move entity botdn by [0,0,64] at 30 speed
move entity botup by [0,0,64] at 30 speed
move entity middnout by [0,64,0] at 30 speed
move entity midupout by [0,-64,0] at 30 speed
move entity middnin by [0,120,0] at 60 speed
move entity midupin by [0,-120,0] at 60 speed
move entity topup by [0,-112,0] at 40 speed
move entity topdn by [0,112,0] at 40 speed
move entity toprt by [0,0,-112] at 40 speed
move entity toplf by [0,0,-112] at 40 speed
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait.5 seconds
play sound "doors/stoneloop.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stoneloop.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait 1.5 seconds
play sound "doors/stoneend.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stoneend.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait 2 seconds
play sound "doors/kchunk5.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "doors/kchunk5.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
wait .5 seconds
play sound "objects/gearsmove.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "objects/gearsmove.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
move entity bar1 by [0,-160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig1
move entity bar2 by [0,96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig2
move entity bar3 by [0,-96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig3
move entity bar4 by [0,160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig4
move entity bar5 by [0,-160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig5
move entity bar6 by [0,96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig6
move entity bar7 by [0,-96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig7
move entity bar8 by [0,160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig8
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6, sig7, sig8
move entity bar1 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig1
move entity bar2 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig2
move entity bar3 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig3
move entity bar4 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig4
move entity bar5 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig5
move entity bar6 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig6
move entity bar7 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig7
move entity bar8 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig8
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6, sig7, sig8
play sound "doors/thud4.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "doors/thud4.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
use entity portal
goto weee
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
// Big honkin' door!
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity toplf
local entity toprt
local entity topup
local entity topdn
local entity midupout
local entity midupin
local entity middnout
local entity middnin
local entity botup
local entity botdn
local entity bar1
local entity bar2
local entity bar3
local entity bar4
local entity bar5
local entity bar6
local entity bar7
local entity bar8
local entity portal
local entity doorcam
local int sig1
local int sig2
local int sig3
local int sig4
local int sig5
local int sig6
local int sig7
local int sig8
toplf = find entity with targetname "toplf"
toprt = find entity with targetname "toprt"
topup = find entity with targetname "topup"
topdn = find entity with targetname "topdn"
midupout = find entity with targetname "midupout"
midupin = find entity with targetname "midupin"
middnout = find entity with targetname "middnout"
middnin = find entity with targetname "middnin"
botup = find entity with targetname "botup"
botdn = find entity with targetname "botdn"
bar1 = find entity with targetname "bar1"
bar2 = find entity with targetname "bar2"
bar3 = find entity with targetname "bar3"
bar4 = find entity with targetname "bar4"
bar5 = find entity with targetname "bar5"
bar6 = find entity with targetname "bar6"
bar7 = find entity with targetname "bar7"
bar8 = find entity with targetname "bar8"
portal = find entity with targetname "portal"
doorcam = find entity with targetname "doorcam"
label weee
use entity doorcam
use entity portal
wait .5 seconds
play sound "doors/kchunk5.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "doors/kchunk5.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
move entity bar1 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig1
move entity bar2 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig2
move entity bar3 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig3
move entity bar4 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig4
move entity bar5 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig5
move entity bar6 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig6
move entity bar7 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig7
move entity bar8 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig8
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6, sig7, sig8
wait .5 seconds
play sound "objects/gearsmove.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "objects/gearsmove.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
move entity bar1 by [0,160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig1
move entity bar2 by [0,-96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig2
move entity bar3 by [0,96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig3
move entity bar4 by [0,-160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig4
move entity bar5 by [0,160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig5
move entity bar6 by [0,-96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig6
move entity bar7 by [0,96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig7
move entity bar8 by [0,-160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig8
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6, sig7, sig8
play sound "doors/thud4.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "doors/thud4.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
wait 2 seconds
move entity botdn by [0,0,-64] at 30 speed
move entity botup by [0,0,-64] at 30 speed
move entity middnout by [0,-64,0] at 30 speed
move entity midupout by [0,64,0] at 30 speed
move entity middnin by [0,-120,0] at 60 speed
move entity midupin by [0,120,0] at 60 speed
move entity topup by [0,112,0] at 40 speed
move entity topdn by [0,-112,0] at 40 speed
move entity toprt by [0,0,112] at 40 speed
move entity toplf by [0,0,112] at 40 speed
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait.5 seconds
play sound "doors/stoneloop.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stoneloop.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait 1.5 seconds
play sound "doors/stoneend.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stoneend.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait .5 seconds
use entity doorcam
//goto weee
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
//gaurds die, ogles cheer, flames go out
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
//define variables
local entity fire
local entity fire1
local entity hurt
local entity light
local int sig
fire = find entity with targetname "fire"
fire1 = find entity with targetname "fire1"
hurt = find entity with targetname "firedamage"
light = find entity with targetname "flamelight"
//turn stuff off.
use entity fire
use entity fire1
move entity hurt by [0, 0, -256] over 1 seconds
move entity light by [0, 0, -256] over 1 seconds signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// The fantabulous rotating lab table!
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity labtable
local entity arm
local int sig
labtable = find entity with targetname "t100"
arm = find entity with targetname "t200"
label loop
wait 3 seconds
labtable.owner = arm
labtable.state = 0
labtable.distance = 240
labtable.start_origin = [0, 0, 240]
play sound "objects/globebottomstart.wav" for entity arm on channel 10
rotate entity arm by [0,0,-180] at 30 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "objects/globebottomend.wav" for entity arm on channel 10
wait 15 seconds
play sound "objects/globebottomstart.wav" for entity arm on channel 10
rotate entity arm by [0,0, 180] at 30 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "objects/globebottomend.wav" for entity arm on channel 10
goto loop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
//Levers come from the walls in the sanctum.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
// define varibles
local entity leverr
local entity leverl
local entity leverbaser
local entity leverbasel
local entity doorr
local entity doorl
local entity steps
local int sig
local int sig1
local int sig2
local int sig3
leverr = find entity with targetname "leverr"
leverl = find entity with targetname "leverl"
leverbaser = find entity with targetname "t50"
leverbasel = find entity with targetname "t62"
doorr = find entity with targetname "r7"
doorl = find entity with targetname "d7"
steps = find entity with targetname "steps"
//move it
play sound "doors/kchunk3.wav" for entity doorl on channel 10
move entity doorr by [-16, 0, 0] at 75 speed signaling sig
move entity doorl by [-16, 0, 0] at 75 speed signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
wait .5 seconds
move entity doorr by [0, 32, 0] at 75 speed signaling sig
move entity doorl by [0, -32, 0] at 75 speed signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
play sound "doors/slide2.wav" for entity leverbasel on channel 10
leverr.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
leverl.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
move entity leverr by [104, 0, 0] at 75 speed signaling sig
move entity leverl by [104, 0, 0] at 75 speed signaling sig1
move entity leverbaser by [104, 0, 0] at 75 speed signaling sig2
move entity leverbasel by [104, 0, 0] at 75 speed signaling sig3
wait for all clearing sig, sig1, sig2, sig3
play sound "doors/thud4.wav" for entity leverbasel on channel 10
move entity steps by [32, 0, 0] at 75 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
//lift in boiler room
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
//define variables
local entity roll
local entity lift
local int sig
local int sig1
roll = find entity with targetname "roll"
lift = find entity with targetname "lift"
label loop
//lift goes up
move entity lift by [0, 0, 576] at 60 speed signaling sig
rotate entity roll to [-576, 0, 0] at 60 speed signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
wait 2 seconds
move entity lift by [0, 0, -576] at 80 speed signaling sig
rotate entity roll to [576, 0, 0] at 80 speed signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
goto loop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
// Big Gaurd comes out and whoops ass!
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity light
local entity chain
local entity tablef
local entity tableb
local entity rubble
local entity junk
local entity kill
local entity kill1
local entity throne
local int sig
local int sig1
local int sig2
light = find entity with targetname "chandelier"
chain = find entity with targetname "chain"
tablef = find entity with targetname "tablefront"
tableb = find entity with targetname "tableback"
rubble = find entity with targetname "tablerubble"
kill = find entity with targetname "kill"
kill1 = find entity with targetname "kill1"
throne = find entity with targetname "throne"
junk = find entity with targetname "junk"
// wow
use entity chain
light.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_PUSH
move entity light by [0, 0, -336] over .25 seconds signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "monsters/tbeast/slam.wav" for entity rubble
use entity rubble
use entity junk
rotate entity tablef by [0, 0, -15] at 300 speed signaling sig
rotate entity tableb by [0, 0, 15] at 300 speed signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
use entity kill
use entity kill1
use entity throne
wait 10 seconds
light.modelindex = 0
light.solid = SOLID_NOT
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
// The big boss man
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity barrier
local entity cam1
local entity cam2
local entity cam3
local entity cam4
local entity cam5
local entity camone
local entity dolly1
local entity dolly2
local entity dolly3
local entity dolly4
local entity cam1train
local entity cam2train
local entity cam3train
local entity cam4train
local entity boss
parameter entity hero
local entity player1
local entity monster
local entity cd
local entity close
local entity hero
local entity doorcam
local entity coop
local entity toplf
local entity toprt
local entity topup
local entity topdn
local entity midupout
local entity midupin
local entity middnout
local entity middnin
local entity botup
local entity botdn
local entity bar1
local entity bar2
local entity bar3
local entity bar4
local entity bar5
local entity bar6
local entity bar7
local entity bar8
local entity portal
local entity take
local int sig
local int sig1
local int sig2
local int sig3
local int sig4
local int sig5
local int sig6
local int sig7
local int sig8
//hero.yaw_speed = 8
barrier = find entity with targetname "barrier"
cam1 = find entity with targetname "shot1"
cam1train = find entity with scripttarget "train1"
cam2 = find entity with targetname "shot2"
cam2train = find entity with scripttarget "train2"
cam3 = find entity with targetname "shot3"
cam3train = find entity with scripttarget "train3"
cam4 = find entity with targetname "shot4"
cam4train = find entity with scripttarget "train4"
cam5 = find entity with targetname "cam5"
camone = find entity with targetname "camone"
dolly1 = find entity with scripttarget "pan1"
dolly2 = find entity with scripttarget "pan2"
dolly3 = find entity with scripttarget "pan3"
dolly4 = find entity with scripttarget "pan4"
boss = find entity with targetname "boss"
monster = find entity with targetname "monster"
cd = find entity with targetname "cd"
close = find entity with targetname "close"
hero = find entity with targetname "hero"
doorcam = find entity with targetname "doorcam2"
coop = find entity with targetname "telcoop"
toplf = find entity with targetname "toplf"
toprt = find entity with targetname "toprt"
topup = find entity with targetname "topup"
topdn = find entity with targetname "topdn"
midupout = find entity with targetname "midupout"
midupin = find entity with targetname "midupin"
middnout = find entity with targetname "middnout"
middnin = find entity with targetname "middnin"
botup = find entity with targetname "botup"
botdn = find entity with targetname "botdn"
bar1 = find entity with targetname "bar1"
bar2 = find entity with targetname "bar2"
bar3 = find entity with targetname "bar3"
bar4 = find entity with targetname "bar4"
bar5 = find entity with targetname "bar5"
bar6 = find entity with targetname "bar6"
bar7 = find entity with targetname "bar7"
bar8 = find entity with targetname "bar8"
portal = find entity with targetname "portal"
take = find entity with targetname "take"
//Switching player
player1 = get entity activator // Get player who set off trigger
copy player attributes from entity player1 to entity hero
hero.modelindex = hero.count // Turn on cinematic corvus
hero.solid = SOLID_SOLID // Make him block
hero.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_STEP
enable cinematics
cache sound "cinematics/morcalavin/120-54.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/morcalavin/121-60.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/morcalavin/122-52.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/morcalavin/123-66.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/morcalavin/124-52.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/morcalavin/125-76.wav"
// Corvus walks in and door closes.
use entity doorcam
animate entity hero performing action WALK2_ANIMATION by moving [302, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
animate entity hero performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
wait .5 seconds
move entity botdn by [0,0,64] at 30 speed
move entity botup by [0,0,64] at 30 speed
move entity middnout by [0,64,0] at 30 speed
move entity midupout by [0,-64,0] at 30 speed
move entity middnin by [0,120,0] at 60 speed
move entity midupin by [0,-120,0] at 60 speed
move entity topup by [0,-112,0] at 40 speed
move entity topdn by [0,112,0] at 40 speed
move entity toprt by [0,0,-112] at 40 speed
move entity toplf by [0,0,-112] at 40 speed
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stonestart.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait.5 seconds
play sound "doors/stoneloop.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stoneloop.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait 1.5 seconds
play sound "doors/stoneend.wav" for entity botup on channel 10
play sound "doors/stoneend.wav" for entity botdn on channel 10
wait 2 seconds
play sound "doors/kchunk5.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "doors/kchunk5.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
wait .5 seconds
play sound "objects/gearsmove.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "objects/gearsmove.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
move entity bar1 by [0,-160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig1
move entity bar2 by [0,96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig2
move entity bar3 by [0,-96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig3
move entity bar4 by [0,160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig4
move entity bar5 by [0,-160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig5
move entity bar6 by [0,96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig6
move entity bar7 by [0,-96,0] at 50 speed signaling sig7
move entity bar8 by [0,160,0] at 50 speed signaling sig8
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6, sig7, sig8
move entity bar1 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig1
move entity bar2 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig2
move entity bar3 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig3
move entity bar4 by [-16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig4
move entity bar5 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig5
move entity bar6 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig6
move entity bar7 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig7
move entity bar8 by [16,0,0] at 50 speed signaling sig8
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6, sig7, sig8
play sound "doors/thud4.wav" for entity bar1 on channel 10
play sound "doors/thud4.wav" for entity bar3 on channel 10
use entity portal
wait 1.5 seconds
use entity doorcam
// Establishing shot
use entity camone
animate entity hero performing action WALK2_ANIMATION by moving [370, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
use entity camone
// Morcalavin speaks
use entity cam1
print 263 captioned
play sound "cinematics/morcalavin/120-54.wav" for entity boss
move entity cam1train by [96, 16, 0] over 28 seconds
animate entity boss performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
animate entity hero performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION signaling sig1
wait 10 seconds
print 264 captioned
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
// wait .5 seconds
use entity cam1
// Corvus replies
use entity cam2
print 265 captioned
play sound "cinematics/morcalavin/121-60.wav" for entity hero
animate entity hero performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
animate entity boss performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
// wait .5 seconds
use entity cam2
// Morcalavin is sarcastic
use entity cam3
print 266 captioned
play sound "cinematics/morcalavin/122-52.wav" for entity boss
animate entity boss performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
animate entity hero performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
wait .2 seconds
use entity cam3
// They banter back and forth
use entity cam4
print 267 captioned
play sound "cinematics/morcalavin/123-66.wav" for entity hero
animate entity hero performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
animate entity boss performing action IDLE3_ANIMATION signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
print 268 captioned
play sound "cinematics/morcalavin/124-52.wav" for entity boss
animate entity boss performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
animate entity hero performing action IDLE3_ANIMATION signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
use entity cam4
use entity cam5
print 269 captioned
play sound "cinematics/morcalavin/125-76.wav" for entity hero
animate entity hero performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
animate entity boss performing action IDLE4_ANIMATION signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
use entity cam5
//Switching back
player1.origin = hero.origin // Put player where Cinematic corvus is
player1.p_origin = hero.origin // Put player where Cinematic corvus is set view angles of entity player1 to hero.angles
hero.modelindex = 0 // Turn off the cinematic corvus model
hero.solid = SOLID_NOT // Make him not solid
//Switching Morcalavin
monster.origin = boss.origin // Put Monster where Morcalavin is
monster.angles = boss.angles // Make Monster angles like Morcalavin
boss.modelindex = 0 // Turn off the cinematic Morcalavin model
boss.solid = SOLID_NOT // Make him not solid
disable cinematics
use entity take
use entity coop
use entity barrier
use entity cd
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// The fantabulous rotating lab table!
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity table
local entity kill
local entity light
local entity flame
local entity flame1
local entity lever
local int sig
local int sig1
lever = find entity with targetname "lablever"
table = find entity with targetname "newtable"
kill = find entity with targetname "kill"
light = find entity with targetname "strike"
flame = find entity with targetname "burn"
flame = find entity with targetname "burn1"
//use entity light
//play sound "Weapons/lightning.wav" for entity lever
//wait .25 seconds
//use entity kill
label loop
play sound "doors/elevatorstop.wav" for entity table on channel 10
wait 1 seconds
move entity table by [0, 0, 440] at 60 speed signaling sig
play sound "objects/hugewheel.wav" for entity table on channel 10
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "objects/piston.wav" for entity table on channel 10
wait 5 seconds
play sound "doors/elevatorstop.wav" for entity table on channel 10
wait 1 seconds
move entity table by [0, 0, -440] at 60 speed signaling sig
play sound "objects/hugewheel.wav" for entity table on channel 10
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "objects/piston.wav" for entity table on channel 10
wait 5 seconds
goto loop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// ogles pushing a wheel
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity ogle1
local entity ogle2
local entity wheel
local int sig
ogle1 = find entity with targetname "ogle1"
ogle2 = find entity with targetname "ogle2"
wheel = find entity with targetname "t289"
ogle1.owner = wheel
ogle1.distance = 155
ogle1.start_origin = wheel.origin - [0, 0, 184]
ogle1.start_angles = [0, 160, 0]
ogle1.state = 3
ogle2.owner = wheel
ogle2.distance = 155
ogle2.start_origin = wheel.origin - [0, 0, 184]
ogle2.start_angles = [0, 300, 0]
ogle2.state = 3
label loop
rotate entity wheel by [0,-360,0] at 10 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
goto loop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
//secret door in the labs
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
//define varibales
local entity sdoor
local int sig
sdoor = find entity with targetname "secretdoor"
play sound "doors/thud4.wav" for entity sdoor
move entity sdoor by [-16, 0, 0] at 50 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "doors/metal1.wav" for entity sdoor
move entity sdoor by [0, 192, 0] over 2 seconds signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
wait .5 seconds
play sound "doors/kchunk6.wav" for entity sdoor
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// secret door moves back
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
//define varibales
local entity sdoor
local int sig
sdoor = find entity with targetname "secretdoor"
play sound "doors/metal1.wav" for entity sdoor
move entity sdoor by [0, -192, 0] over 2 seconds signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "doors/thud3.wav" for entity sdoor
move entity sdoor by [16, 0, 0] at 50 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
// After all 6 tomes are turned off.
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity tome
local entity camera1
local entity target1
local entity hero
local entity player1
local entity puzztome
local vector holdpos
local entity miss
local entity take
local int sig
local int sig1
local int sig2
local int holdindex
local vector holdangles
tome = find entity with targetname "tome"
camera1 = find entity with targetname "cam1"
target1 = find entity with scripttarget "target1"
hero = find entity with targetname "hero"
puzztome = find entity with targetname "puzztome"
miss = find entity with targetname "miss"
take = find entity with targetname "take"
player1 = get entity activator
//Switching player
copy player attributes from entity player1 to entity hero
hero.origin = player1.origin
hero.angles = player1.angles
hero.modelindex = hero.count // Turn on cinematic corvus
hero.solid = SOLID_SOLID // Make him block
hero.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_STEP
camera1.origin = player1.origin + [8, 72, 16]
target1.origin = player1.origin + [0, -16, 0]
tome.origin = player1.origin + [24, 32, 0]
tome.angles = hero.angles + [0, 180, 0]
holdangles = tome.angles
tome.ideal_yaw = holdangles.y
tome.solid = SOLID_SOLID
tome.modelindex = tome.count
enable cinematics
use entity camera1
wait 1 seconds
animate entity tome performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION repeating for 5 times
animate entity hero performing action PIVOTLEFT_ANIMATION by turning [60, 0, 0]
print 75 captioned
play sound "tome/place_tome.wav" for entity tome
wait 16 seconds
use entity camera1
//Switching back
disable cinematics
player1.origin = hero.origin // Put player where Cinematic corvus is
player1.p_origin = hero.origin // Put player where Cinematic corvus is
set view angles of entity player1 to hero.angles
hero.modelindex = 0 // Turn off the cinematic corvus model
hero.solid = SOLID_NOT // Make him not solid
holdpos = tome.origin + [0, 0, 8]
tome.modelindex = 0
tome.solid = SOLID_NOT
target1.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NOCLIP
//holdpos = player1.origin + [24, 32, 8]
//puzztome = spawn entity with fields "classname" = "item_puzzle_tome", "origin" = holdpos
puzztome.origin = player1.origin + [0, 0, 8]
use entity puzztome
use entity take
wait .1 seconds
use entity miss
wait .5 seconds
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
// stairs go down to secret room
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
//define variables
local entity step1
local entity step2
local entity step3
local entity step4
local entity step5
local entity step6
local entity step7
local entity step8
local entity panelr
local entity panell
local int sig1
local int sig2
local int sig3
local int sig4
local int sig5
local int sig6
local int sig7
local int sig8
step1 = find entity with targetname "s1"
step2 = find entity with targetname "s2"
step3 = find entity with targetname "s3"
step4 = find entity with targetname "s4"
step5 = find entity with targetname "s5"
step6 = find entity with targetname "s6"
step7 = find entity with targetname "s7"
step8 = find entity with targetname "s8"
panelr = find entity with targetname "pr"
panell = find entity with targetname "pl"
// move stuff
label loop
move entity step1 by [0, 0, -16] at 50 speed signaling sig1
move entity step2 by [0, 0, -32] at 55 speed signaling sig2
move entity step3 by [0, 0, -48] at 60 speed signaling sig3
move entity step4 by [0, 0, -64] at 65 speed signaling sig4
move entity step5 by [0, 0, -80] at 70 speed signaling sig5
move entity step6 by [0, 0, -96] at 75 speed signaling sig6
move entity step7 by [0, 0, -112] at 80 speed signaling sig7
move entity step8 by [0, 0, -128] at 85 speed signaling sig8
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, sig5, sig6, sig7, sig8
play sound "doors/kchunk7.wav" for entity panelr on channel 10
move entity panelr by [56, 0, 0] at 50 speed signaling sig1
move entity panell by [-56, 0, 0] at 50 speed signaling sig2
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2
play sound "doors/kchunk6.wav" for entity panelr on channel 10
goto loop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
// stairs go down to secret room
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
//define variables
local entity step1
local entity step2
local entity step3
local entity step4
local entity step5
local entity step6
local entity step7
local entity step8
local entity panelr
local entity panell
local int sig1
local int sig2
local int sig3
local int sig4
local int sig5
local int sig6
local int sig7
local int sig8
step1 = find entity with targetname "s1"
step2 = find entity with targetname "s2"
step3 = find entity with targetname "s3"
step4 = find entity with targetname "s4"
step5 = find entity with targetname "s5"
step6 = find entity with targetname "s6"
step7 = find entity with targetname "s7"
step8 = find entity with targetname "s8"
panelr = find entity with targetname "pr"
panell = find entity with targetname "pl"
// move stuff
label loop
play sound "doors/kchunk6.wav" for entity panelr on channel 10
move entity panelr by [-56, 0, 0] at 50 speed signaling sig1
move entity panell by [56, 0, 0] at 50 speed signaling sig2
wait for all clearing sig1, sig2
play sound "doors/kchunk7.wav" for entity panelr on channel 10
move entity step8 by [0, 0, 128] at 50 speed signaling sig8
move entity step7 by [0, 0, 112] at 45 speed signaling sig7
move entity step6 by [0, 0, 96] at 40 speed signaling sig6
move entity step5 by [0, 0, 80] at 35 speed signaling sig5
move entity step4 by [0, 0, 64] at 30 speed signaling sig4
move entity step3 by [0, 0, 48] at 25 speed signaling sig3
move entity step2 by [0, 0, 32] at 20 speed signaling sig2
move entity step1 by [0, 0, 16] at 15 speed signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig8, sig7, sig6, sig5, sig4, sig3, sig2, sig1
goto loop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
// biotank secret room
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
// define varibles
local entity doorr
local entity doorl
local entity floor
local entity cover
local entity cam
local entity portal
local entity light
local entity lablight
local int sig
local int sig1
local int sig2
doorr = find entity with targetname "biodoor1"
doorl = find entity with targetname "biodoor"
floor = find entity with targetname "tankdoor1"
cover = find entity with targetname "tankdoor2"
light = find entity with targetname "biolight"
lablight = find entity with targetname "biolight2"
cam = find entity with targetname "tankcam"
portal = find entity with targetname "portal"
// wow
label loop
use entity cam
light.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_NOCLIP
play sound "doors/kchunk7.wav" for entity floor
move entity floor by [0, 0, -154] over 2 seconds signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
play sound "doors/kchunk6.wav" for entity doorr
move entity doorr by [72, 0, 0] over 1 seconds signaling sig
move entity doorl by [-72, 0, 0] over 1 seconds signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
use entity lablight
play sound "doors/kchunk5.wav" for entity cover
move entity cover by [0, 56, 0] over 1 seconds signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
wait .5 seconds
use entity cam
goto loop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// biotank secret room
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
// define varibles
local entity doorr
local entity doorl
local entity floor
local entity cover
local entity cam1
local entity portal
local entity light
local entity lablight
local int sig
local int sig1
local int sig2
doorr = find entity with targetname "biodoor1"
doorl = find entity with targetname "biodoor"
floor = find entity with targetname "tankdoor1"
cover = find entity with targetname "tankdoor2"
light = find entity with targetname "biolight"
lablight = find entity with targetname "biolight2"
cam1 = find entity with targetname "tankcam1"
portal = find entity with targetname "portal"
// wow
label loop
use entity cam1
play sound "doors/kchunk5.wav" for entity cover
move entity cover by [0, -56, 0] over 1 seconds signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
use entity lablight
play sound "doors/kchunk6.wav" for entity doorr
move entity doorr by [-72, 0, 0] over 1 seconds signaling sig
move entity doorl by [72, 0, 0] over 1 seconds signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
play sound "doors/kchunk7.wav" for entity floor
move entity floor by [0, 0, 154] over 2 seconds signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
wait .5 seconds
use entity cam1
goto loop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Pivoting cam to run while sister_tome plays
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity cam
local entity ctr
local entity mess
local entity give
local int sig
cam = find entity with targetname "rotcam"
ctr = find entity with scripttarget "camtrain"
mess = find entity with targetname "mess"
give = find entity with targetname "mission"
//start action!
enable cinematics
use entity cam
wait 1 seconds
print 72 captioned
move entity ctr by [-256, -256, 0] over 20 seconds signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
use entity cam
use entity give
disable cinematics
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// Pivoting cam to run while sister_tome plays
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
global int countem
label countloop
countem += 1
if countem = 6
wait 12 seconds
print 75
wait 16 seconds
goto countloop
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
//wow cam for the cloudhub
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/cloud"
local entity cam
local entity cambase
local entity null
local entity light
local entity light2
local entity light3
local entity player1
local entity hero
local int sig
local int sig1
cam = find entity with targetname "t66"
cambase = find entity with targetname "t64"
null = find entity with targetname "t65"
light = find entity with targetname "t82"
light2 = find entity with targetname "t76"
light3 = find entity with targetname "t81"
hero = find entity with targetname "wowcorvus"
player1 = get entity activator // Get player who set off trigger
copy player attributes from entity player1 to entity hero
hero.modelindex = hero.count // Turn on cinematic corvus
hero.solid = SOLID_SOLID // Make him block
hero.movetype = PHYSICSTYPE_STEP
enable cinematics
use entity cam
animate entity hero performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
move entity cambase by [450, -712, 360] over 3.5 seconds signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
use entity light
play sound "Weapons/lightning.wav" for entity cam
wait .5 seconds
use entity light2
play sound "Weapons/lightning.wav" for entity cam
wait 1 seconds
use entity light2
play sound "Weapons/lightning.wav" for entity cam
wait .25 seconds
use entity light
play sound "Weapons/lightning.wav" for entity cam
wait .25 seconds
use entity light
play sound "Weapons/lightning.wav" for entity cam
wait 1.5 seconds
use entity cam
player1.origin = hero.origin // Put player where Cinematic corvus is
player1.p_origin = hero.origin // Put player where Cinematic corvus is set view angles of entity player1 to hero.angles
hero.modelindex = 0 // Turn off the cinematic corvus model
hero.solid = SOLID_NOT // Make him not solid
disable cinematics
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
// This thing is intended to allow the creation of a rotating door
// that always swings away from the player, thus avoiding those
// annoying hitches when the door swings towards you.
output "r:/base/ds/common"
parameter entity parm1
parameter vector parm2
parameter int parm3
parameter int parm4
parameter entity parm5
local entity door
local vector angles
local int spd
local int delay
local int sgnl
label beginning
door = parm1
angles = parm2
spd = parm3
delay = parm4
use entity parm5
rotate entity door to angles at spd speed signaling sgnl
wait for any clearing sgnl
wait delay seconds
angles = [0,0,0]
rotate entity door to angles at spd speed signaling sgnl
wait for any clearing sgnl
use entity parm5
goto beginning
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
output "r:/base/ds/common"
parameter entity parm1
parameter entity parm2
parameter int parm3
parameter vector parm4
parameter vector parm5
local entity door
local entity areaportal
local int spd
local vector d1
local vector d2
local vector d1a
local vector d2a
local int sgnl
label beginning
door = parm1
areaportal = parm2
spd = parm3
d1 = parm4
d2 = parm5
d1a = [0,0,0]
d2a = [0,0,0]
use entity areaportal
move entity door by d1 at spd speed signaling sgnl
wait for any clearing sgnl
move entity door by d2 at spd speed signaling sgnl
wait for any clearing sgnl
wait 0.5 seconds
d1a -= d1
d2a -= d2
move entity door by d2a at spd speed signaling sgnl
wait for any clearing sgnl
move entity door by d1a at spd speed signaling sgnl
wait for any clearing sgnl
use entity areaportal
goto beginning
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// template file for scripts
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/common"
local int sig
parameter entity bug
bug.yaw_speed = 5
// Idle 1
animate entity bug performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION by turning [180, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pain 1
animate entity bug performing action PAIN1_ANIMATION repeating for 2 times signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walking
animate entity bug performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by moving [200, 0, 0] by turning [180, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Backpedal
animate entity bug performing action BACKPEDAL1_ANIMATION by moving [-200, 0, 0] by turning [0, 0,0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Idling
animate entity bug performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION by turning [-200, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
animate entity bug performing action ATTACK1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
animate entity bug performing action PAIN2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
animate entity bug performing action ATTACK2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
animate entity bug performing action RUN1_ANIMATION by moving [200, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Death
animate entity bug performing action DEATH1_ANIMATION by turning [300, 0, 0] signaling sig
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
// A camera test!
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/common"
local entity camera
local entity cameratarget
local int cut
camera = find entity with targetname "rollem"
cameratarget = find entity with targetname "camlook"
// move camera (I hope)
use entity camera
move entity cameratarget by [128,32,16] at 35 speed signaling cut
wait for all clearing cut
move entity camera by [16,96,32] at 35 speed signaling cut
wait for all clearing cut
wait 2 seconds
move entity cameratarget by [8,128,-48] at 35 speed signaling cut
wait for all clearing cut
use entity camera
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
//This is the cool camera script!
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/common"
//define variables
local entity train
local entity rollem
local int sig
train = find entity with targetname "t100"
rollem = find entity with targetname "camera"
//move camera
use entity rollem
move entity train by [128, 128, 0] at 100 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
rotate entity train by [0, 0, 128] at 200 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
wait 3 seconds
move entity train by [16, 16, 64] at 100 speed signaling sig
wait for all clearing sig
use entity rollem
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
// template file for scripts
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/common"
local int sig
local entity camera1
parameter entity corvus
camera1 = find entity with targetname "camera1"
corvus.yaw_speed = 15
use entity camera1
// Walk start
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTART_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk 1
animate entity corvus performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by moving [240, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk stop1
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTOP1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk start
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTART_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk 1
animate entity corvus performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by moving [140, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk stop2
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTOP2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Idle 1
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION repeating for 2 times signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Left Go
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTLEFTGO_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Left
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTLEFT_ANIMATION by turning [180, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Left Stop
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTLEFTSTOP_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Idle 1
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION repeating for 2 times signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Right Go
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTRIGHTGO_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Right
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTRIGHT_ANIMATION by turning [-180, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Right Stop
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTLEFTSTOP_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 1
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 2
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 3
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Idle 2
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION by turning [180, 0, 0] repeating for 4 times signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk start
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTART_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk 2
animate entity corvus performing action WALK2_ANIMATION by moving [240, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Strafe Left
//animate entity corvus performing action STRAFELEFT_ANIMATION signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Strafe Right
//animate entity corvus performing action STRAFERIGHT_ANIMATION signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Idle 1
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
// template file for scripts
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/common"
local int sig
local int modelindex
local entity camera1
local entity player1
local vector character_pos
local vector player_pos
local int holdindex
parameter entity corvus
corvus.yaw_speed = 15
camera1 = find entity with targetname "camera1"
use entity camera1
player1 = get entity activator // Get player who set off trigger
holdindex = player1.modelindex // Save players model
player1.modelindex = 0 // Make players model disappear
player1.solid = SOLID_NOT // Player won't block now
corvus.modelindex = corvus.count // Turn on cinematic corvus
corvus.solid = SOLID_SOLID // Make him block
enable cinematics
// Walk start
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTART_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk 1
animate entity corvus performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by moving [200, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk stop1
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTOP1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk start
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTART_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
disable cinematics
player1.origin = corvus.origin // Put player where Cinematic corvus is
player1.angles = corvus.angles // Make player angles like Cinematic Corvus
player1.modelindex = holdindex // Return the model to the player
player1.solid = SOLID_SOLID // Make the player solid
corvus.modelindex = 0 // Turn off the cinematic corvus model
corvus.solid = SOLID_NOT // Make him not solid
use entity camera1
// Pivot Left Go
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTLEFTGO_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Left
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTLEFT_ANIMATION by turning [180, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Left Stop
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTLEFTSTOP_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk 1
animate entity corvus performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by moving [200, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk stop2
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTOP2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Right Go
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTRIGHTGO_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Right
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTRIGHT_ANIMATION by turning [-180, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Right Stop
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTLEFTSTOP_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk 1
animate entity corvus performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by moving [200, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk stop1
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTOP1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk start
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTART_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 1
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Idle 1
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
use entity camera1
// The big switch back
corvus.origin = corvus.origin
player1.origin = player1.origin
wait 2 seconds
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
// template file for scripts
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/common"
local int sig
parameter entity corvus
corvus.yaw_speed = 15
// Idle2
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION repeating for 4 times signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 2
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 2
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk start
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTART_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk 1
animate entity corvus performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by moving [240, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk stop1
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTOP1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk start
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTART_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk 1
animate entity corvus performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by moving [140, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk stop2
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTOP2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Idle 1
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION repeating for 2 times signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Left Go
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTLEFTGO_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Left
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTLEFT_ANIMATION by turning [180, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Left Stop
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTLEFTSTOP_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Idle 1
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION repeating for 2 times signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Right Go
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTRIGHTGO_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Right
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTRIGHT_ANIMATION by turning [-180, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pivot Right Stop
animate entity corvus performing action PIVOTLEFTSTOP_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 1
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 2
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 3
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 4
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 5
animate entity corvus performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Idle 2
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION by turning [180, 0, 0] repeating for 4 times signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk start
animate entity corvus performing action WALKSTART_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Walk 2
animate entity corvus performing action WALK2_ANIMATION by moving [240, 0, 0] signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Idle 1
animate entity corvus performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
// template file for scripts
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/common"
local int sig
parameter entity dranor
dranor.yaw_speed = 15
cache sound "cinematics/dranor/19-316.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/dranor/20-314.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/dranor/21-319.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/dranor/22-314.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/dranor/23-315.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/dranor/24-316.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/dranor/25-316.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/dranor/26-319.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/dranor/27-315.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/dranor/28-317.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/dranor/29-317.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/dranor/30-314.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/dranor/31-314.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/dranor/32-317.wav"
// Idle 1
animate entity dranor performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION repeating for 2 times signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 12
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION12_ANIMATION repeating for 20 times signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 1
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/dranor/19-316.wav" for entity dranor
// Action 2
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/dranor/20-314.wav" for entity dranor
// Idle 2
animate entity dranor performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/dranor/21-319.wav" for entity dranor
// Action 3
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/dranor/22-314.wav" for entity dranor
// Idle 3
animate entity dranor performing action IDLE3_ANIMATION repeating for 2 times signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/dranor/23-315.wav" for entity dranor
// Action 4
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 5
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/dranor/24-316.wav" for entity dranor
// Idle 3
animate entity dranor performing action IDLE3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/dranor/25-316.wav" for entity dranor
// Action 7
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION7_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 6
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION6_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/dranor/26-319.wav" for entity dranor
// Action 8
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION8_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 9
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION9_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/dranor/27-315.wav" for entity dranor
// Idle 3
animate entity dranor performing action IDLE3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/dranor/28-317.wav" for entity dranor
// Action 4
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 5
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 10
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION10_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/dranor/29-317.wav" for entity dranor
// Action 8
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION8_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 4
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 5
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 11
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION11_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/dranor/30-314.wav" for entity dranor
// Idle 3
animate entity dranor performing action IDLE3_ANIMATION repeating for 3 times signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/dranor/31-314.wav" for entity dranor
// Action 4
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 11
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION11_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action 5
animate entity dranor performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
play sound "cinematics/dranor/32-317.wav" for entity dranor
// Death 1
animate entity dranor performing action DEATH1_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
field vector "origin"
field int "movetype"
field vector "start_origin"
field vector "start_angles"
field int "state"
field float "distance"
field entity "owner"
field float "wait"
field vector "velocity"
field vector "angle_velocity"
field entity "team_chain"
field float "yaw_speed"
field int "modelindex"
field int "count"
field int "solid"
field vector "angles"
field vector "delta_angles"
field int "skinnum"
field int "c_mode"
field float "ideal_yaw"
field vector "p_origin"
field int "takedamage"
// Defines for print level
#define PRINT_LOW 0 // pickup messages
#define PRINT_MEDIUM 1 // death messages
#define PRINT_HIGH 2 // critical messages
#define PRINT_CHAT 3 // chat messages
// Physic movetypes
#define MOVETYPE_NONE 10 // never moves
#define MOVETYPE_NOCLIP 11 // origin and angles change with no interaction
#define MOVETYPE_PUSH 12 // no clip to world, push on box contact
#define MOVETYPE_STOP 13 // no clip to world, stops on box contact
#define MOVETYPE_WALK 14 // gravity
#define MOVETYPE_STEP 15 // gravity, special edge handling
#define MOVETYPE_FLY 16
#define MOVETYPE_TOSS 17 // gravity
#define MOVETYPE_SCRIPT_ANGULAR 19 // moves with the rotation of another entity
// Defines for animation sequences
#define GIB1_ANIMATION 28
#define IDLE1_ANIMATION 29
#define IDLE2_ANIMATION 30
#define IDLE3_ANIMATION 31
#define IDLE4_ANIMATION 32
#define IDLE5_ANIMATION 33
#define IDLE6_ANIMATION 34
#define JUMP1_ANIMATION 35
#define PAIN1_ANIMATION 36
#define PAIN2_ANIMATION 37
#define PAIN3_ANIMATION 38
#define RUN1_ANIMATION 45
#define WALK1_ANIMATION 56
#define WALK2_ANIMATION 57
#define WALK3_ANIMATION 58
#define WALK4_ANIMATION 59
#define SOLID_NOT 0
#define SOLID_SOLID 2
#define DAMAGE_NO 0 // Won't take damage
#define DAMAGE_YES 1 // Takes damage
#define DAMAGE_AIM 2 // Can be autotargeted???
#define DAMAGE_NO_RADIUS 3 // Will not take damage from radius blasts
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
// template file for scripts
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/common"
local int sig
parameter entity highpriestess
highpriestess.yaw_speed = 2
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/107-454.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/108-450.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/109-450.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/110-455.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/112-458.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/113-455.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/99-450.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/100-451.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/101-454.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/102-454.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/103-454.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/104-454.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/105-450.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/106-454.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/114-458.wav"
cache sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/115-458.wav"
animate entity highpriestess performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION repeating for 100 times signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action7
//play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/99-450.wav" for entity highpriestess
//animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION7_ANIMATION signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Action8
//play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/100-451.wav" for entity highpriestess
//animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION8_ANIMATION signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Action9
//play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/101-454.wav" for entity highpriestess
//animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION9_ANIMATION signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Action10
//play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/102-454.wav" for entity highpriestess
//animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION10_ANIMATION signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Action11
//play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/103-454.wav" for entity highpriestess
//animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION11_ANIMATION signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Action12
//play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/104-454.wav" for entity highpriestess
//animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION12_ANIMATION signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Action13
//play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/105-450.wav" for entity highpriestess
//animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION13_ANIMATION signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Action14
//play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/106-454.wav" for entity highpriestess
//animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION14_ANIMATION signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Action1
//play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/107-454.wav" for entity highpriestess
//animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION1_ANIMATION signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Action2
play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/108-450.wav" for entity highpriestess
animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION2_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action3
play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/109-450.wav" for entity highpriestess
animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION3_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action4
play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/110-455.wav" for entity highpriestess
animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION4_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action5
play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/112-458.wav" for entity highpriestess
animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION5_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action6
play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/113-455.wav" for entity highpriestess
animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION6_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action15
play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/114-458.wav" for entity highpriestess
animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION15_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Action16
play sound "cinematics/Fallen Priestess/115-458.wav" for entity highpriestess
animate entity highpriestess performing action ACTION16_ANIMATION signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
// template file for scripts
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/common"
local int sig
parameter entity plagueelf
// Idle 3
animate entity plagueelf performing action IDLE3_ANIMATION repeating for 2 times signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// Pain 1
animate entity plagueelf performing action PAIN1_ANIMATION by turning [180, 0, 0] repeating for 4 times signaling sig
wait for any clearing sig
// DEATH 1
animate entity plagueelf performing action DEATH1_ANIMATION signaling sig
// DEATH 2
//animate entity plagueelf performing action DEATH2_ANIMATION signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// DEATH 3
//animate entity plagueelf performing action DEATH3_ANIMATION signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Idle 3
//animate entity plagueelf performing action IDLE3_ANIMATION by turning [180, 0, 0] repeating for 2 times signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Idle 1
//animate entity plagueelf performing action IDLE1_ANIMATION by turning [180, 0, 0] repeating for 4 times signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Idle 2
//animate entity plagueelf performing action IDLE2_ANIMATION by turning [-180, 0, 0] repeating for 2 times signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Run 1
//animate entity plagueelf performing action RUN1_ANIMATION by moving [200, 0, 0] by turning [180, 0, 0] signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Walk 1
//animate entity plagueelf performing action WALK2_ANIMATION by moving [200, 0, 0] by turning [180, 0, 0] signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// Walk 2
//animate entity plagueelf performing action WALK1_ANIMATION by moving [200, 0, 0] by turning [180, 0, 0] signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
//animate entity plagueelf performing action ATTACK1_ANIMATION by moving [100, 0, 0] signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
//animate entity plagueelf performing action ATTACK2_ANIMATION repeating for 3 times signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
//animate entity plagueelf performing action ATTACK3_ANIMATION signaling sig
//wait for any clearing sig
// DEATH 4
//animate entity plagueelf performing action DEATH4_ANIMATION
// GIB 1
//animate entity plagueelf performing action GIB1_ANIMATION
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// template file for scripts
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/common"
local entity ogle1
local entity push1
local int sig
local int sig1
ogle1 = find entity with targetname ogle1
push1 = find entity with targetname push1
animate entity ogle1 performing action WALK3_ANIMATION by moving [704, 0, 0] signaling sig
move entity push1 by [0, -704, 0] at 40 speed signaling sig1
wait for all clearing sig, sig1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// template file for scripts
#include "../common/header.ds"
output "r:/base/ds/common"
local entity break1
local entity break2
break1 = find entity with targetname "break1"
break2 = find entity with targetname "break2"
use entity break1
use entity break2
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more
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