1998-11-24 00:00:00 +00:00
// game.h -- game dll information visible to server.
#include <windows.h>
#include "q_ClientServer.h"
#include "g_NewSystem.h"
#include "g_BoundingForm.h"
// ************************************************************************************************
// 'SVF_XXX'.
// ----------
// Held in 'edict_t'->svflags.
// ************************************************************************************************
#define SVF_NOCLIENT 0x00000001 // Don't send entity to clients, even if it has effects.
// This overides SVF_ALWAYS_SEND
#define SVF_DEADMONSTER 0x00000002 // Treat as CONTENTS_DEADMONSTER for collision.
#define SVF_MONSTER 0x00000004 // Treat as CONTENTS_MONSTER for collision.
#define SVF_INUSE 0x00000008 // Used to replace the inuse field.
#define SVF_ALWAYS_SEND 0x00000010 // Always send the ent to all the clients, regardless of
// of PVS or view culling
#define SVF_NO_AUTOTARGET 0x00000020 // This entity will not be chosen by FindNearestVisibleActorInFrustum
#define SVF_REFLECT 0x00000040 // Reflect shots
#define SVF_TAKE_NO_IMPACT_DMG 0x00000080 // Don't apply impact damage to this entity
#define SVF_BOSS 0x00000100 // Immunity to a number of things
#define SVF_TOUCHED_BEAST 0x00000200 // Used for beast faked physics hack
#define SVF_DO_NO_IMPACT_DMG 0x00000400 // This entity Doesn't do impact damage to others
#define SVF_NO_PLAYER_DAMAGE 0x00000800 // This entity Doesn't take damage from players
#define SVF_PARTS_GIBBED 0x00001000 // Used to delay gibbing so monsters can throw body parts
#define SVF_WAIT_NOTSOLID 0x00002000 // Hacky flag to postpone dead monsters from turning notsolid
#define SVF_ONFIRE 0x00004000 // He likes it Hot! Hot! Hot!
#define SVF_SHOW_START_BUOY 0x00008000 // just puts an effect on a buoy for showbuoy debug mode
#define SVF_SHOW_END_BUOY 0x00010000 // just puts an effect on a buoy for showbuoy debug mode
#define SVF_FLOAT 0x00020000 // Allows walkmonsters to walk off ledges, assumes a low gravity
#define SVF_ALLOW_AUTO_TARGET 0x00040000 // Used to allow player to autotarget non-monsters
#define SVF_ALERT_NO_SHADE 0x00080000 // only used by alert_entity to make monsters check the alert as a sound alert
// ************************************************************************************************
// 'solid_t'.
// ----------
// edict->solid values
// ************************************************************************************************
typedef enum
SOLID_NOT, // No interaction with other objects.
SOLID_TRIGGER, // Only touch when inside, after moving.
SOLID_BBOX, // Touch on edge.
SOLID_BSP // BSP clip, touch on edge.
} solid_t;
// ************************************************************************************************
// 'link_t'.
// ---------
// Only used for entity area links.
// ************************************************************************************************
typedef struct link_s
struct link_s *prev,*next;
} link_t;
// Forward define these two as they are needed below.
typedef struct gclient_s gclient_t;
// Do not define the following short, server-visible 'gclient_t' and 'edict_t' structures because
// when we are being #inclued in g_local.h.
// ************************************************************************************************
// 'gclient_t'.
// ------------
// This structure is cleared on each PutClientInServer().
// ************************************************************************************************
typedef struct gclient_s
// Following two fields are known to the server.
player_state_t ps; // Communicated by server to clients.
int ping;
// can add anything it wants after this point.
} gclient_t;
// ************************************************************************************************
// 'edict_s'.
// ------------
// ************************************************************************************************
struct edict_s
// This is sent to the server as part of each client frame.
entity_state_t s;
// NULL if not a player. The server expects the first part of a 'gclient_s' to be a
// 'player_state_t' but the rest of it is opaque.
struct gclient_s *client;
// House keeping information not used by the game logic.
qboolean inuse;
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int just_deleted; // used to delete stuff entities properly on the client
int client_sent; // used to delete stuff entities properly on the client
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int linkcount;
// FIXME: move these fields to a server private sv_entity_t
link_t area; // Linked to a division node or leaf.
int num_clusters; // If -1, use headnode instead.
int clusternums[MAX_ENT_CLUSTERS];
int headnode; // Unused if num_clusters is -1.
int areanum,areanum2;
int svflags;
edict_t *groundentity; // entity serving as ground
int groundentity_linkcount; // if self and groundentity's don't match, groundentity should be cleared
vec3_t groundNormal; // normal of the ground
vec3_t intentMins, intentMaxs; // if PF_RESIZE is set, then physics will attempt to change
// the ents bounding form to the new one indicated
// If it was succesfully resized, the PF_RESIZE is turned off
// otherwise it will remain on.
solid_t solid;
int clipmask;
edict_t *owner;
vec3_t mins,maxs;
vec3_t absmin,absmax,size;
// called when self is the collidee in a collision, resulting in the impediment or bouncing of trace->ent
void (*isBlocking)(edict_t *self, struct trace_s *trace);
// The game dll can add anything it wants after this point in the edict_t in g_Edict.h.
#endif // GAME_INCLUDE
// ************************************************************************************************
// 'game_import_t'.
// ----------------
// The game dll imports these functions which are provided by the main engine code.
// ************************************************************************************************
typedef struct
// Special message printing routines.
void (*bprintf) (int printlevel, char *fmt, ...);
void (*bcaption) (int printlevel, short stringid);
void (*Obituary) (int printlevel, short stringid, short client1, short client2);
void (*dprintf) (char *fmt, ...);
void (*cprintf) (edict_t *ent, int printlevel, char *fmt, ...);
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void (*clprintf) (edict_t *ent, edict_t *from, int color, char *fmt, ...);
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void (*centerprintf) (edict_t *ent, char *fmt, ...);
void (*gamemsg_centerprintf) (edict_t *ent, short msg);
void (*levelmsg_centerprintf) (edict_t *ent, short msg);
void (*msgvar_centerprintf) (edict_t *ent, short msg, int vari);
void (*msgdual_centerprintf) (edict_t *ent, short msg1, short msg2);
void (*captionprintf) (edict_t *ent, short msg);
// Sound playing routines.
void (*sound) (edict_t *ent, int channel, int soundindex, float volume, float attenuation, float timeofs);
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void (*soundevent) (byte EventId,float leveltime,edict_t *ent, int channel, int soundindex, float volume, float attenuation, float timeofs);
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void (*positioned_sound) (vec3_t origin, edict_t *ent, int channel, int soundinedex, float volume, float attenuation, float timeofs);
// Config strings hold all the index strings, the lightstyles and misc data, like the sky
// definition and cdtrack. All of the current configstrings are sent to clients when they
// connect and changes are sent to all connected clients.
void (*configstring) (int num, char *string);
// Error, bailout routine.
void (*error) (char *fmt, ...);
// routine that sends over new CD track
void (*changeCDtrack) (edict_t *ent, int track, int loop );
// New names can only be added during spawning but existing names can be looked up at any time.
void (*cleanlevel) (void);
int (*modelindex) (char *name);
void (*modelremove) (char *name);
int (*soundindex) (char *name);
void (*soundremove) (char *name);
int (*imageindex) (char *name);
void (*setmodel) (edict_t *ent, char *name);
// Collision detection.
void (*trace) (vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, edict_t *passent, int contentmask,trace_t *tr);
int (*pointcontents) (vec3_t point);
// Potentially visible / invisible set routines.
qboolean (*inPVS) (vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2);
qboolean (*inPHS) (vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2);
void (*SetAreaPortalState) (int portalnum, qboolean open);
qboolean (*AreasConnected) (int area1, int area2);
// An entity will never be sent to a client or used for collision if it is not passed to
// linkentity. If the size, position, or solidity changes, it must be relinked.
void (*linkentity) (edict_t *ent);
void (*unlinkentity) (edict_t *ent); // Call before removing an interactive edict.
int (*BoxEdicts) (vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, edict_t **list, int maxcount, int areatype);
void (*Pmove) (pmove_t *pmove, qboolean server); // Player movement code, common with client prediction.
// New_Physics
int (*FindEntitiesInBounds) (vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, struct SinglyLinkedList_s *list, int areatype);
void (*TraceBoundingForm) (struct FormMove_s *formMove);
qboolean (*ResizeBoundingForm) (edict_t *self, struct FormMove_s *formMove);
int (*GetContentsAtPoint) (vec3_t point);
qboolean (*CheckDistances)(vec3_t origin, float dist);
// End New_Physics
// Network messaging services.
void (*multicast) (vec3_t origin, multicast_t to);
void (*unicast) (edict_t *ent, qboolean reliable);
void (*WriteChar) (int c);
void (*WriteByte) (int c);
void (*WriteShort) (int c);
void (*WriteLong) (int c);
void (*WriteFloat) (float f);
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void (*WriteString) (char *s);
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void (*WritePosition) (vec3_t pos); // Some fractional bits.
void (*WriteDir) (vec3_t pos); // Single byte encoded, very coarse.
void (*WriteAngle) (float f);
void (*CreateEffect) (entity_state_t *ent, int type, int flags, vec3_t origin, char *format, ...);
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void (*RemoveEffects)(entity_state_t *ent, int type);
void (*CreateEffectEvent) (byte EventId,entity_state_t *ent, int type, int flags, vec3_t origin, char *format, ...);
void (*RemoveEffectsEvent)(byte EventId,entity_state_t *ent, int type);
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int (*CreatePersistantEffect) (entity_state_t *ent, int type, int flags, vec3_t origin, char *format, ...);
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qboolean (*RemovePersistantEffect) (int toRemove, int call_from); // removes the effect from the server's persistant effect list.
// The effect is not removed on the client
// This should be done by removing the effects from the owning entity or freeing
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// Managed memory allocation.
void *(*TagMalloc) (int size, int tag);
void (*TagFree) (void *block);
void (*FreeTags) (int tag);
// Console variable interaction.
cvar_t *(*cvar) (char *var_name, char *value, int flags);
cvar_t *(*cvar_set) (char *var_name, char *value);
cvar_t *(*cvar_forceset) (char *var_name, char *value);
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float (*cvar_variablevalue) (char *var_name);
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// ClientCommand and console command parameter checking.
int (*argc) (void);
char *(*argv) (int n);
char *(*args) (void);
// Add commands to the server console as if they were typed in for map changing, etc.
void (*AddCommandString) (char *text);
// Debugging aid.
void (*DebugGraph) (float value, byte r, byte g, byte b);
// Files will be memory mapped read only. The returned buffer may be part of a larger '.pak'
// file, or a discrete file from anywhere in the quake search path. A -1 return means the file
// does not exist. NULL can be passed for buf to just determine existance.
int (*FS_LoadFile) (char *name, void **buf);
void (*FS_FreeFile) (void *buf);
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char *(*FS_Userdir) (void);
void (*FS_CreatePath) (char *path);
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void (*Sys_LoadGameDll)(const char *name, HINSTANCE *hinst, DWORD *chkSum);
void (*Sys_UnloadGameDll)(const char *name, HINSTANCE *hinst);
// pointer to the server side persistant effects arrary
void (*ClearPersistantEffects) (void);
void *Persistant_Effects_Array;
} game_import_t;
// ************************************************************************************************
// 'game_export_t'.
// ----------------
// The game dll exports these functions.
// ************************************************************************************************
typedef struct
int apiversion;
int numSkeletalJoints;
struct G_SkeletalJoint_s *skeletalJoints;
struct ArrayedListNode_s *jointNodes;
// The init() function will only be called when a game starts, not each time a level is loaded.
// Persistant data for clients and the server can be allocated in init().
void (*Init) (void);
void (*Shutdown) (void);
// Each new level entered will cause a call to SpawnEntities().
void (*SpawnEntities) (char *mapname, char *entstring, char *spawnpoint, qboolean loadgame);
void (*ConstructEntities)(void);
void (*CheckCoopTimeout)(qboolean BeenHereBefore);
// Read/Write Game is for storing persistant cross level information about the world state and
// the clients. WriteGame is called every time a level is exited. ReadGame is called on a
// loadgame.
void (*WriteGame) (char *filename, qboolean autosave);
void (*ReadGame) (char *filename);
// ReadLevel is called after the default map information has been loaded with SpawnEntities, so
// any stored client spawn spots will be used when the clients reconnect.
void (*WriteLevel) (char *filename);
void (*ReadLevel) (char *filename);
qboolean (*ClientConnect) (edict_t *ent, char *userinfo);
void (*ClientBegin) (edict_t *ent);
void (*ClientUserinfoChanged) (edict_t *ent, char *userinfo);
void (*ClientDisconnect) (edict_t *ent);
void (*ClientCommand) (edict_t *ent);
void (*ClientThink) (edict_t *ent, usercmd_t *cmd);
void (*RunFrame) (void);
// ServerCommand will be called when an "sv <command>" command is issued on the server console.
// The game can issue gi.argc() / gi.argv() commands to get the rest of the parameters.
void (*ServerCommand) (void);
// Global variables shared between game and server. The edict array is allocated in the game dll
// so it can vary in size from one game to another. The size will be fixed when ge->Init() is
// called.
struct edict_s *edicts;
int edict_size;
int num_edicts; // Current number of edicts. Always <= max_edicts.
int max_edicts;
} game_export_t;
game_export_t *GetGameApi (game_import_t *import);