//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // WADLINK.TXT // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; WAD NAME #ifdef EXTENDED ; Extended version $WADNAME extended/heretic #elif defined(REGISTERED) ; Registered version $WADNAME heretic #else ; Shareware version $WADNAME heretic1 #endif #ifdef EXTENDED \data\extended.txt #endif ; PALETTES AND COLOR MAPS \art\palette\playpal.lmp \art\palette\colormap.lmp \art\palette\tinttab.lmp ; DEMOS AND DOS SCREENS \data\txtscr_s\loading.bin #ifdef EXTENDED ; Extended version $shootwad \art\screens\scrn_e.wad \data\txtscr_e\endtext.bin \data\demos_r\demo1.lmp \data\demos_r\demo2.lmp \data\demos_r\demo3.lmp #elif defined(REGISTERED) ; Registered version $shootwad \art\screens\scrn_r.wad \data\txtscr_r\endtext.bin \data\demos_r\demo1.lmp \data\demos_r\demo2.lmp \data\demos_r\demo3.lmp #else ; Shareware version $shootwad \art\screens\scrn_s.wad \data\txtscr_s\endtext.bin \data\demos_s\demo1.lmp \data\demos_s\demo2.lmp \data\demos_s\demo3.lmp #endif ; LEVEL MAPS $shootwad \data\e1m1 $shootwad \data\e1m2 $shootwad \data\e1m3 $shootwad \data\e1m4 $shootwad \data\e1m5 $shootwad \data\e1m6 $shootwad \data\e1m7 $shootwad \data\e1m8 $shootwad \data\e1m9 #ifdef REGISTERED $shootwad \data\e2m1 $shootwad \data\e2m2 $shootwad \data\e2m3 $shootwad \data\e2m4 $shootwad \data\e2m5 $shootwad \data\e2m6 $shootwad \data\e2m7 $shootwad \data\e2m8 $shootwad \data\e2m9 $shootwad \data\e3m1 $shootwad \data\e3m2 $shootwad \data\e3m3 $shootwad \data\e3m4 $shootwad \data\e3m5 $shootwad \data\e3m6 $shootwad \data\e3m7 $shootwad \data\e3m8 $shootwad \data\e3m9 #ifdef EXTENDED $shootwad \data\e4m1 $shootwad \data\e4m2 $shootwad \data\e4m3 $shootwad \data\e4m4 $shootwad \data\e4m5 $shootwad \data\e4m6 $shootwad \data\e4m7 $shootwad \data\e4m8 $shootwad \data\e4m9 $shootwad \data\e5m1 $shootwad \data\e5m2 $shootwad \data\e5m3 $shootwad \data\e5m4 $shootwad \data\e5m5 $shootwad \data\e5m6 $shootwad \data\e5m7 $shootwad \data\e5m8 $shootwad \data\e5m9 $shootwad \data\e6m1 $shootwad \data\e6m2 $shootwad \data\e6m3 #else $shootwad \data\e4m1map #endif #endif ; TEXTURE INFO AND PATCH NAMES \data\texture1.lmp #ifdef REGISTERED \data\texture2.lmp #endif \data\pnames.lmp ; AUTOMAP $shootwad \art\automap\automap ; SOUND \data\genmidi.op2 ; \data\dmxgus.ini ;included in wavwad.wads... \sound\samples\sndcurve.lmp #ifdef REGISTERED $shootwad \sound\samples\wavwad #else $shootwad \sound\samples\wavwad1 #endif ; SCREENS ;$shootwad \gfx\screens\help ;$shootwad \gfx\screens\credits #ifdef REGISTERED ;$shootwad \gfx\screens\victory2 ;$shootwad \gfx\screens\title ;$shootwad \gfx\screens\pfub ;$shootwad \gfx\screens\end #else ;$shootwad \gfx\screens\stitle #endif ; INTERMISSION #ifdef REGISTERED $shootwad \art\intermsn\intermsn.wad #else $shootwad \art\intermsn\interm1.wad #endif ; STATUS BAR #ifdef REGISTERED $shootwad \art\statbar\statbar #else $shootwad \art\statbar\statbar1 #endif ; MENU $shootwad \art\menu\menu ; FONTS $label fonta_s $shootwad \art\fonts\fonta $label fonta_e $label fontb_s $shootwad \art\fonts\fontb $label fontb_e ; START SPRITES $label s_start ; EPISODE 1 WINDOW WEAPONS $shootwad \art\weapons\staff\staff.wad $shootwad \art\weapons\goldwand\goldwand.wad $shootwad \art\weapons\crossbow\crossbow.wad $shootwad \art\weapons\blaster\blaster $shootwad \art\weapons\gauntlet\gauntlet.wad $shootwad \art\weapons\beak\beak.wad #ifdef REGISTERED ; EPISODE 2 AND 3 WINDOW WEAPONS ; Fire mace $shootwad \art\weapons\mace\mace.wad ; Hellstaff $shootwad \art\weapons\hornrod\hornrod.wad ; Phoenix rod $shootwad \art\weapons\phoenix\phoenix.wad #endif ; PLAYER $shootwad \art\player\player $shootwad \art\player\player2 ; EPISODE 1 MONSTERS ; Chicken $shootwad \art\monsters\chicken\chicken ; Imp (Gargoyle) $shootwad \art\monsters\imp\imp ; Mummy (Golem) $shootwad \art\monsters\mummy\mummy ; Knight (Undead warrior) $shootwad \art\monsters\knight\knight ; Wizard (Disciple of D'Sparil) $shootwad \art\monsters\wizard\wizard ; Head (Ironlich) $shootwad \art\monsters\head\head #ifdef REGISTERED ; EPISODE 2 AND 3 MONSTERS ; Clink (Sabreclaw) $shootwad \art\monsters\clink\clink ; Beast (Weredragon) $shootwad \art\monsters\beast\beast ; Snake (Ophidian) $shootwad \art\monsters\snake\snake ; Minotaur (Maulotaur) $shootwad \art\monsters\minotaur\walk $shootwad \art\monsters\minotaur\pain $shootwad \art\monsters\minotaur\death $shootwad \art\monsters\minotaur\attack $shootwad \art\monsters\minotaur\fx ; Sorcerer (D'Sparil) $shootwad \art\monsters\sorcerer\d1 $shootwad \art\monsters\sorcerer\d2 $shootwad \art\monsters\sorcerer\s1 $shootwad \art\monsters\sorcerer\s2 #endif ; STATIC SPRITES $shootwad \art\sprites\e1spr #ifdef REGISTERED $shootwad \art\weapons\images\images $shootwad \art\artifcts\artifcts $shootwad \art\items\items $shootwad \art\ammo\ammo #else $shootwad \art\weapons\images\images1 $shootwad \art\artifcts\arti1 $shootwad \art\items\items1 $shootwad \art\ammo\ammo1 #endif #ifdef REGISTERED $shootwad \art\sprites\e23spr #endif ; END SPRITES $label s_end ; START PATCHES $label p_start ; EPSIDOE 1 PATCHES $label p1_start $shootwad \art\walls\e1\e1walls $shootwad \art\backdrop\e1sky $label p1_end ; EPISODE 2 AND 3 PATCHES #ifdef REGISTERED $label p2_start $shootwad \art\walls\e23\e23walls $shootwad \art\backdrop\e23sky $label p2_end #endif ; END PATCHES $label p_end ; START FLATS $label f_start ; EPISODE 1 FLATS $label f1_start $shootwad \art\flats\e1\e1flats $label f1_end ; EPISODE 2 AND 3 FLATS #ifdef REGISTERED $label f2_start $shootwad \art\flats\e23\e23flats $label f2_end #endif ; END FLATS $label f_end