2000-05-08 02:39:55 +00:00

33 lines
1 KiB

<? // Preamble
$siteName = "The QuakeForge Project";
define('siteHome', "/home/groups/quake/htdocs");
require(siteHome ."/parts/library.php"); // Load function library
require(siteHome ."/parts/head.php"); // Load the HEAD and open BODY
require(siteHome ."/parts/topstrip.php"); // Display top strip
require(siteHome ."/parts/titletable.php"); // Display main title w/ logos
<TABLE width="100%" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" border="0">
<TR vAlign="top">
<TD bgColor="<? echo menuBgColor; ?>">
<? include(siteHome ."/parts/menu.php"); /* menus */ ?>
<TD width="100%">
<? tableHeader("100%", "black"); ?>
<? tableSpacer( 9, 9, 3, "black"); ?>
<? tableSpacer( 9, 9, 1, "black"); ?>
<? require(siteHome ."/parts/topmain.php"); ?>
<? tableSpacer( 9, 9, 1, "black"); ?>
<? tableSpacer( 18, 9, 3, "black"); ?>
<? tableSpacer( 9, 9, 1, "black"); ?>
<!-- Content Start -->