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synced 2025-03-14 05:30:42 +00:00
201 lines
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201 lines
5.4 KiB
function newsItem( $date, $user, $text )
if ($user == "Theoddone33") $user = "theoddone33";
echo '<TR><TD><DL><DT><FONT SIZE=-1>Posted on ' . $date . ' by ' . $user . '</FONT></DT>' .
' <DD><P>' . $text . '</DD>' .
function monthForm ()
?><FORM name="bymonth" method="get" action="/old_news.php"><?
tableBoxHeader ('black', tableHeadColor);
tableTitle ("Search by Month", 1, tableHeadColor);
?><TD align="center"><?
tableHeader("100%", featureBgColor);
<TR vAlign="center">
<TD align="center">
<TD align="center">
<SELECT name="month">
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < 13 ; $i++ ) {
printf("<OPTION>%02d</OPTION>", $i);
<TD align="center">
<TD align="center">
<SELECT name="year">
<TR vAlign="center">
<TD align="center" colSpan="4">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search">
tableFooter ();
tableBoxFooter ();
function keywordForm ()
?><FORM name="bystring" method="get" action="/old_news.php"><?
tableBoxHeader ('black', tableHeadColor);
tableTitle ("Search by String", 1, tableHeadColor);
?><TD align="center"><?
tableHeader("100%", featureBgColor);
<TR vAlign="center">
<TD align="center">
<TD align="center">
<INPUT name="string" type="text" size="25">
<TR vAlign="center">
<TD align="center" colSpan="2">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search">
tableFooter ();
tableBoxFooter ();
function listMonths ()
$startyear = 2000;
$today = getdate ();
while ($startyear <= $today['year']) {
for ($month = $today['mon']+1 ; $month > 1 ; $month--) {
echo '<P><A href="old_news.php?month=' .
date ("m", mktime (0,0,0,$month,0,0,0)) .
'&year=' . date ("Y", mktime (0,0,0,0,0,$today['year']+1,0)) . '">' .
date ("F, Y", mktime (0,0,0,$month,0,$today['year'],0)) .
function latestNews ( $length )
need('date sql');
$conn = @mysql_pconnect (sqlHost, sqlUser, sqlPass);
echo sqlHost . sqlUser . $conn;
if ($conn) {
$query = 'SELECT n_date, n_user, n_news FROM news_main' .
" WHERE n_date > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $length)" .
' ORDER BY n_date DESC';
$result = @mysql_db_query (sqlDB, $query, $conn);
if ($result) {
$numRows = @mysql_num_rows ($result);
if ($numRows) {
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $numRows ; $i++) {
list ($n_date, $n_user, $n_news) = mysql_fetch_row ($result);
newsItem (dateFromSQLDateTime ($n_date), $n_user, StripSlashes($n_news));
} else {
newsItem ('now', 'Web Server', '<P>No current news!');
} else {
newsItem ('now', 'Web Server', '<P>No news in database!');
mysql_close ($conn);
} else {
newsItem ('Now', 'Web Server', '<P>Error: Could not connect to SQL server to fetch news. Please notify the server administrator.');
function monthlyNews ( $month, $year )
need('date sql');
// Do sanity checking on dates
if (((!is_int($year)) || $year < 2000)) {
$year = date('Y',time());
if ($month < 1 || $month > 12) {
$month = date('m',time());
$date = "$year-$month";
$conn = @mysql_pconnect (sqlHost, sqlUser, sqlPass);
if ($conn) {
$query = 'SELECT n_date, n_user, n_news FROM news_main' .
" WHERE n_date BETWEEN '$date-00 00:00:00'" .
" AND '$date-31 23:59:59'" .
' ORDER BY n_date DESC';
$result = @mysql_db_query (sqlDB, $query, $conn);
if ($result) {
$numRows = @mysql_num_rows ($result);
if ($numRows) {
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $numRows ; $i++) {
list ($n_date, $n_user, $n_news) = mysql_fetch_row ($result);
newsItem (dateFromSQLDateTime ($n_date), $n_user, StripSlashes($n_news));
} else {
newsItem ('now', 'Web Server', '<P>No news for this month!');
} else {
newsItem ('now', 'Web Server', '<P>No news in database!');
mysql_close ($conn);
} else {
newsItem ('Now', 'Web Server', '<P>Error: Could not connect to SQL server to fetch news. Please notify the server administrator.');
function searchNews ( $string )
need ('date sql');
$search = AddSlashes ("%$string%");
$conn = @mysql_pconnect (sqlHost, sqlUser, sqlPass);
if ($conn) {
$query = 'SELECT n_date, n_user, n_news FROM news_main' .
" WHERE n_news LIKE '$search'" .
' ORDER BY n_date DESC';
$result = @mysql_db_query (sqlDB, $query, $conn);
if ($result) {
$numRows = @mysql_num_rows ($result);
if ($numRows) {
tableBoxHeader( 'black', tableHeadColor );
tableTitle( "Search Results", 1, tableHeadColor );
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $numRows ; $i++) {
list ($n_date, $n_user, $n_news) = mysql_fetch_row ($result);
newsItem (dateFromSQLDateTime ($n_date), $n_user, StripSlashes($n_news));
} else {
newsItem ('now', 'Web Server', "No news found matching '$string'");
} else {
newsItem ('now', 'Web Server', "No news found matching '$string'");
mysql_close ($conn);
} else {
newsItem ('now', 'Web Server', '<STRONG>SQL error!</STRONG> Please contact the <A href="mailto:deek@quakeforge.net">Webmaster</A>.');