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VA Linux Systems SourceForge

Progress indicators.

Linux 100% [**********]

Excellent support.

Irix 80% [******** ]

Satisfactory support.

FreeBSD 1% [ ]

Support coming soon.
Darius has supplied a patch, 80% when applied.

Solarius 40% [**** ]

It works, kinda.

DOS 12% [* ]

We THINK it works. Meaning, we also think it might be broken. We have no way of testing it. We need a maintainer for this. It might work, with a bit of work. Also, grab autoconf at www.delorie.com/djgpp/ and djgpp if you want to play with it.

Win98 50% [***** ]

Support Broken
We need help with win32 support!

WinNT 50% [***** ]

I suppose it's as well supported as win98.

BeOS 0% [ ]

No support.

MacOS 0% [ ]

No support.

OS/2 0% [ ]

No Support.