I'd like to say first off that based on the feedback I've gotten from my last State of the Code update, I'll probably be doing these more often. They'll also be showing up on the webpage soon I hope. I'm keeping archives until that happens. This one's a bit long because a lot has happened and I should have wrriten this about Friday night. Sorry for the delay.

0.1.1 update

In general, the update for 0.1.1 is coming along nicely. A lot of the changes I have been working on have actually been committed to thre tree. If you grab the Release_0_1 tag out of CVS right now, your version will still say it is 0.1.0, but it should have most of the bugs fixed. All in all, a very good thing. Here's what I've still got to do with it:

That's it! Tentatively, 0.1.1 can be ready to roll as early as this weekend. You can still grab the Release_0_1_0 tag for the current release, but please grab the current stuff and "test" the hell out of it. 0.1.0 was pretty good, but 0.1.1 should fix every known issue I've been told about since then. Break it if you can, please!

Unstable updates

If you have been living under a rock and don't know it, unstable works again! Mostly. Mercury has, in fear for his mortal life, undone many of the changes made to unstable which caused so much breakage before. The only target not working again is the SDL target because nobody else but me seems to be building -sdl and just because I build it doesn't mean I understand that target. (Remember, my areas are the QF build system and some of the stuff deep in the engine core!) If you can fix it, step up and do so.

Win32 support. xC and Endy have Win32 "working" again under VC++, for some versions of working. xC is working on the problems, but could use a hand if you can help him. Here's what's broken:

The protocol breakage between the QW clients and server has been fixed. We are still (unfortunately) compatible with Win32 2.3x clients with all the problems that invites. We'll probably so remain until we're done with the merge because we don't want to change the protocol on win32 people until we know we can support them. Currently we just don't have enough win32 developers with their hands in the code to make sure it remains working.

I've begun working on QER/QSG colored lighting in QF. It's the first QER feature I'm working on in the hope that we'll eventually be working from a common codebase. That's up to them of course but we all know the QF tree is superior to the q1source tree. Still, they may not want to have to work around software renderer limitations, so we'll see.

The merge continues at impressive speeds. The merge hall of fame has a new face today as taniwha has proven his insanity by filling the CVS list with commits of merged files.

Project relations

We've been talking to QuakeWorld Forever about their secure QuakeWorld implementation. I will probably at some point be helping them implement public key cryptography. I've explored the best way to do this (Netrek uses a similar strategy) and have a few ideas. We'll see how they pan out.

As I mentioned above, I'm implementing some QER features and Endy from QSG has been picking away at a few of our Win32 problems. I generally consider these two groups to be closely related, but we're going to be working with them more to make this a truly multi-project effort and ensure some standardization and compatibility between our projects.

If you haven't heard, you've lived under a rock for quite some time now. QuakeLives is and has been almost since the project's inception, in violation of the GNU GPL. They tell us that they did not and do not have Copyright infringement problems with that license, the GNU GPL. They demanded we remove any statement saying otherwise from our website. (Mercury says he left QuakeLives because of GPL violations---this is noted on our news page.) Since we can prove otherwise, we've refused.

Speaking of QuakeLives, the MegaTF website was distributing copies of a release marked 2.54 without source. Slade of QuakeLives told us that MegaTF was distributing "warez" and later denied making that statement. We've got logs if anybody cares enough to read them, naturally. At any rate, Ambush has removed the offending binaries until he has some idea where things really stand with QuakeLives. He is not retargetting MegaTF in the meantime. Talk to him, not to us, etc.