// Preamble $pageName = "Delete News"; $need = 'auth'; require "parts/preamble.php"; // Load most of document if (!$userInfo['u_admin']) // no access from non-admin bailout ('
You don\'t have access to this page. Bug an admin to delete a news post.
'); need ('sql'); function convertToHTML ($string) { $table = array_flip (get_html_translation_table (HTML_ENTITIES)); return strtr ($string, $table); } function convertFromHTML ($string) { $table = get_html_translation_table (HTML_ENTITIES); return strtr ($string, $table); } function newsEntry ($array) { need ('date'); return 'News entry $newsID has been deleted successfully."; } else { echo '
There was an error in your input. If you don\'t know what it is, I\'m not going to tell you.'; } } } ?>
ID | Date | User | Text |
Couldn\'t connect to the SQL server with the password you gave. ("You suck, butthead.")
'; } require siteHome . "/parts/postamble.php"; // Finish this sucker up ?>