<? $sitename = "The QuakeForge Project"; $pagename = "State of the Code"; require("parts/library.php"); // Load function library include("parts/head.php"); // Load the HEAD and open BODY include("parts/topstrip.php"); // Display top strip include("parts/titletable.php"); // Display main title w/ logos ?> <TABLE width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <TR valign="top"> <? include("parts/menu.php"); // Import left-side menus tableSpacer( 1, 9, 1, "black"); // Separate content from menus ?> <TD width="100%"> <? $focused = "none"; // name of focused icon include( "parts/topmain.php" ); // Display content top table echo '<P><A href="#ProgressMeter">See the latest progress graphs</A>'; ?> <P>The State of the Code address is a not-frequenetly-enough updated article written by <a href="mailto:knghtbrd@debian.org">Knghtbrd</a> primarily for QuakeForge developers and other people who consider themselves to be knee deep in the code, whether they happen to be writing it or just testing it. What you won't find here is a lot of the fluff news that tells the casual onlooker that the project is actually doing stuff without really telling you what the state of things are. <P>No attempt will be made to soften technical issues so anyone can understand them. If you want to really know what's going on, you probably don't want details left out because they might not make a whole lot of sense to a non-coder. Feedback is always welcome. So are corrections if they're necessary - contrary to popular (with him) belief, Knghtbrd has in fact been known to be wrong sometimes. He isn't afraid to admit it either (most of the time..) <? include( "state.html" ); // Include Knightbird's SotC ?> <P> <TABLE width="100%" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" border="0"> <TR vAlign=top> <TD colSpan="2"> <A name="ProgressMeter"></A> <? function progressKey() // Display key for progress bar { echo '<TR><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD align="center">' . '<IMG src="/img/graph/ProgressBar.desc.png" ALT="0-33% Hackers, 34-67% Developers, 68-100% Users">' . '</TD><TD> </TD><TD align="left" ></TD></TR>'; } function progressMeter( $name, $pct, $comments ) { $result = ''; $result .= '<TR><TD class="progress" align="right">' . $name . '</TD><TH> </TH>'; $result .= '<TD align="center" vAlign="top"><IMG src="/img/blank.gif" height="1" width="1" alt="' . $pct . '% Complete">'; $result .= barGraph( $pct ); $result .= '</TD><TH> </TH><TD class="progress" align="left">' . $comments . '</TD></TR>'; echo $result; } tableBoxHeader( 'black', $tableHeadColor ); tableTitle( 'Progress', 3, $tableHeadColor ); // tableBoxHeader("Progress", 3, 'white', '#737b9c', 'black'); echo '<TR><TD colSpan="3">'; tableHeader(3, 'black'); progressKey(); progressMeter('3Dfx MiniGL', 85, 'Being replaced by Mesa where possible'); progressMeter('DOS', 15, 'Working on DJGPP cross-compilation'); progressMeter('GGI', 90, 'new cross-platform software standard?'); progressMeter('GLX', 80, 'X11 context handling has problems'); progressMeter('MGL', 60, 'No comments'); progressMeter('SDL', 90, 'new cross-platform software standard?'); progressMeter('Sun XIL', 10, 'Unknown status'); progressMeter('SVGAlib', 85, 'No comments'); progressMeter('WGL', 65, 'No comments'); progressMeter('X11', 90, 'X11 context handling has problems'); progressKey(); tableFooter(); tableBoxFooter(); ?> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <BR> </TD> <? tableSpacer( 1, 9, 1, "black"); ?> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="4"> <? include("parts/copyright.php"); ?> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>