QuakeForge's aim is to create a long lasting project to work on developing and extending the Quake® source release (and any future releases) while maintaining backwards compatibility with the original Quake and QuakeWorld®. Our international team of developers is working hard to reach this goal, and we believe we are succeeding.
( \'now\' + \'1 month ago\'::reltime )::date ' .
'ORDER BY n_date USING >';
$result = pg_exec( $conn, $query );
$numrows = pg_numrows( $result );
tableBoxHeader("Latest News", 1, 'white', '#737b9c', 'black');
if ($numrows >= 1) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numrows ; $i++ ) {
list($n_date, $n_user, $n_news) = pg_fetch_row($result,$i);
tableNewsItem($n_date, $n_user, $n_news);
} else {
tableNewsItem( 'Now', 'nobody', 'No current news!' );
$result = pg_close($conn);
} else {
tableBoxHeader("Latest News", 1, 'white', '#737b9c', 'black');
$newsItem = ' Because everyone in the core ignored the request for judges to make a request to participate on quake-private I will be the only judge.' . ' Since there are many submissions and it will be hard for me to choose and keep everyone in and outside the group happy about it, I will be taking a couple days to think it over.'; tableNewsItem('02 Mar 2000', 'Palisade', $newsItem); $newsItem = ' Knghtbrd, our release manager, has been instructed to lay off the Quack.. <=:]'; tableNewsItem('27 Feb 2000', 'Mercury', $newsItem); $newsItem = ' QuackForge 0.1.1 has arrived! tar.gz, tar.bz2, and zip source archives are available at our Downloads page. Grab your copy today!'; tableNewsItem('27 Feb 2000', 'Knghtbrd', $newsItem); $newsItem = ' Daniel McGregor has joined the project to maintain OpenBSD support.' . ' As a result of the current situation with QuakeLives, we have added a new goal: to support mod developers (such as MegaTF) more and provide 32-bit Windows executables (now that we have a qualified Windows developer working with us) for download.'; tableNewsItem('25 Feb 2000', 'Palisade', $newsItem); } tableBoxFooter(); ?> |