<? // Preamble $pageName = "CVAR Documentation for " . $program; $focused = "none"; // Dock icon name to gets a border require("parts/preamble.php"); // Load most of document ?> <? have ('cvar'); function printRow ($flags, $name, $description) { echo '<TR><TD>' . $flags . '</TD><TD>' . $name . '</TD><TD>' . $description . '</TD></TR>'; } function printArray ($cvar_list, $program) { tableBoxHeader ('black', tableHeadColor); tableTitle ("cvars available in " . $program, 3, tableHeadColor); printRow ('flags', 'name', 'description'); while (list (, $cvar) = each ($cvar_list)) { $flags = str_replace (' ', ' ', substr ($cvar, 0, 4)); $pos = strpos ($cvar, ':'); $name = trim (substr ($cvar, 5, $pos - 6)); $description = trim (substr ($cvar, $pos + 1)); printRow ($flags, $name, $description); } tableBoxFooter (); } function printCvarlist ($program) { $cvar_list = file ('doc/' . $program . '-cvar.txt'); printArray ($cvar_list, $program); } if (strchr ($program, '.') || strchr ($program, '/') || !is_file ('doc/' . $program . '-cvar.txt')) { echo 'no such program.'; } else { tableBoxHeader ('black', tableHeadColor); tableTitle ("cvar flags", 2, tableHeadColor); echo '<TR><TD>r</TD><TD>read only. Must be set on command line or in the config file.</TD></TR>'; echo '<TR><TD>*</TD><TD>Archived. Will be saved to config.cfg.</TD></TR>'; echo '<TR><TD>u</TD><TD>Userinfo. Changes will be sent to the server.</TD></TR>'; echo '<TR><TD>s</TD><TD>Serverinfo. Changes will be sent to the clients.</TD></TR>'; tableBoxFooter (); echo '<P></P>'; printCvarlist ($program); } ?> <? require("parts/postamble.php"); // Finish this sucker up ?>