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It turns out that our newest core member, Dan Olson, was responsible for the Hexen port to Linux.

QuakeWorld Forever is considering hosting a mirror of the QuakeForge CVS in Australia for better access in that location.

Jason Nelson has successfuly built all targets in win9x/NT/win2k, he's working on some glitches in some of the targets.

The QuakeWorld Forever project has moved, and the site is better than ever.

Zephaniah E. Hull and Bill Currie have fixed some compiling bugs.

Marcus Sundberg fixed GGI and X11 input and has further synced QW/UQ.

Dan Olson made a fix to the console.

Joseph Carter cleaned up a few GLX problems.

Bill Currie has cleaned up shutdown, and fixed a crash during game load.

"The Dabbler" has fixed a QW protocol problem.

Zephaniah E. Hull has added profiling support when compiling.

Jason Nelson has applied a large array of fixes for win32.


Work is being done towards a 0.1.1 release.

Marcus Sundberg added DGA/XMESA support and on-the-fly resizing of the window in *-gl versions.

Bill Currie and Joseph Carter have fixed Mercury's mess, things are more sane now.

Eric Windisch made some additional tweaks to the pak3 code.

Dan Olson has joined the team.

Input routines are becoming modularized.

Dan Olson has implemented a Q2/Q3-style CVAR system as described by Zoid.

Joseph Carter has gotten Svgalib input to work again.

Pontus Lidman added --enable-ipv6 to configure to enable IPv6 networking.

Loring Holden made changes to get the build to work when zlib is not available.

Loring Holden fixed warnings under AIX, Irix, Linux and Solaris.

Bill Currie fixed some Alsa bugs.

Bill Currie has added gzip support.

Jeff Teunissen has made some fixes to the Makefiles.

Bill Currie has added path searching to plugin.c

Zephaniah Hull has helped add modularity.

Joseph Carter has added netchan support to uquake.

Marcus Sundberg added support for CDROM on (Free)BSD.

Jeff Teunissen fixed a segfault in uquake.

Zoid (Dave Kirsch) has joined the QuakeForge team.

Zoid has plans to clean up the mouse code.

Joseph Carter is working on making a target for Nelson Rush's tty support.

Matrox has graciously shipped Nelson Rush a G400 dual head, and offered 25% for the rest of the team.

We just recieved the first shipment, eight cards, of sixteen voodoo 2 cards from 3Dfx. They've also promised to ship sixteen Voodoo 3 cards, and possibly Voodoo 4 and 5 cards when they are out.

VA Linux is going to be supplying various 3D cards and hardware to the QuakeForge team.

Eric Windisch is working on water rippling.

The team is working on finishing up the Qw/Q1 merge.

Daniel O'Neill is integrating qstat for listing internet gamese while in-game.

Dan Olson has contributed a php credits section to the website.

Nelson Rush has updated the progress section.

QW/Q1 merge almost complete, thanks to the tireless efforts of Joseph Carter, Bill Currie, Loring Holden, Jeff Teunissen, and the rest of the QuakeForge team. Also, thanks to our fans for all the support, you guys are great.

Pontus Lidman is now maintaining IPV6 support.

Jason Nelson is now maintaining the VC++ and win32 support.

QSG has joined QuakeForge in efforts to pull the Quake development community together.

Phoenix from the QER project is redesigning the QER engine to be based off of QuakeForge and to also merge features from QER into the QuakeForge engine for mutual compatibility.

Check out the logo contest for a new logo for QuakeForge.

We will be adding a mirrors section where you will find mirrors of our website and files.

Geoff Winans has offered to become a mirror.

Developers check out the developer section for more information on how you can contribute.

Zephaniah E. Hull has resigned as Interproject Relations Specialist for QuakeLives over a violation of the GPL.

Nelson Rush has committed tty support, but it needs a target and to be debugged since it hasn't been tested yet.

Joseph Carter has rewritten the TODO file to be more informative.

Eric Windisch is currently working on the initial efforts to merge Aftershock.

0.1.0 has been released! Go to the downloads section and grab it.

pak3 (Q3A pak file format) support has been implemented.

The waterwarp bug has been fixed, set r_waterwarp 1 to use it.

3Dfx and VA Linux have graciously offered to donate hardware, in addition VA will be supplying t-shirts and bumper stickers to the QuakeForge team. The logo on the t-shirt and stickers will not be the one you've seen on the website so far we'll be replacing that as soon as possible by request of id Software. Due to demand for t-shirts from outside of the core team Copyleft will be selling QuakeForge t-shirts as soon as we give them the logo.

Release 0.1.0 has been branched, since many bugs have popped up since we branched, we will not be releasing tonight. There is no set release date.
Feature freeze is officially over.

Bill Currie has completed the RPM building scripts and Joseph Carter has completed the DEB building scripts.

Old news that should be mentioned:

In uquake, the chasecam cvar is now cl_chasecam just like it is in qw-client.

qw-client's crosshair 2 is now supported in uquake.

A new GL-renderer-only experimental crosshair 3 has been added.

The check for a copy of the registered pak files has been removed.

The GL renderer now supports fullbright textures.

Code to detect clients attempting various time related cheats has been added.

Options for fullscreen and use mouse have been added to some targets.

Preliminary support for the wheels found on some mice has been added to the Linux SVGALib target. To use it bind MHWHEELDOWN and MHWHEELUP to whatever you want to use the wheel for.

New cvar: r_waterripple When set to 1 this will create a small wave effect under the GL renderer.

new ./configure option: --enable-newstyle
Currenly all this does is use "base" instead of "id1" for the default place to look for your game data.

cvar show_fps
show_fps 1 now works in uquake as well as qw-client. No more need to use timedemo to check performance! Much more accurate in showing where performance is good and where it isn't.

removed cvar r_mirroralpha
This was a cheap hack which affected one texture on one map of the entire game. It also wasn't working right, so it's been removed.

You may now specify multiple game directories with -game. If for example you wanted to use the original registered game with MegaTF on a new style binary you would use -game id1,megatf. It does work with traditional style binaries and you may specify as many dirs as you like seperated by commas.

Bill Currie will be maintaining the RPM package and Joseph Carter will be maintaining the DEB package. We will support gzipped and bzip2'd tarballs and zip packages, Nelson Rush will maintain those.

Linux.com did an interview with Nelson Rush (palisade), this is late news but I thought I'd mention it.

The QuakeWorld Forever project has agreed to work with the QuakeForge project toward a better QuakeWorld.

FreeBSD support is complete, now to smooth out the edges.

John Carmack has been sent the GPL'd mdfour replacement (i think my previous message about it was overlooked) again, and hopefully he provides it as a standard fix to the Quake development community.

Win95/98 is supported now with mingw32 and MSVC, thanks to Marcus Sundberg (mingw32), Jeff Teunissen (gas2masm fix) and Jason Nelson (VC fix).

We are rolling CVS snapshots every 15 minutes, you can grab a copy in the downloads section.

The Quest Quake map editor is actually GPL'd (Win32/DOS) and the unix port is outdated, the authors have been contacted about releasing the unix port under the GPL as well. If it is, then Quest will be QuakeForge's official editor of choice and we'll help to maintain it and port it to more platforms.

Update: The Quest Map editor is GPL'd, the older version was not.

Nelson Rush has released a working tweak of the GPL'd Quest map editor for Linux. You can find it in the downloads section under "Linux/BSD/UNIX".

Mercury has finalized his speed cheat fixes, that should about do it.

VA Linux will be making "QuakeForge" T-shirts for the QuakeForge core developers. Just so developers and users outside the project aren't left out, Copyleft will be selling QuakeForge T-shirts as well.

Raptor's global volumetric fog can now be used with r_fog < n >.
"ok, if you wanna use fog for now on, id suggest r_fog .0005", raptor in #quakeforge

We need to redesign the QuakeForge logo, it seems we're not allowed to use the Quake 1 symbol in it according to the CEO of id Software, Todd Hollenshead.

Joao Miguel is working on rewriting the Quake Engine's rendering pipeline in order to add DirectX support, which includes Direct3D, DirectMusic, etc. He says things are going pretty well and that he should have something usable in a week or so.

Nelson Rush is working aavga into a vid_tty.c handler to make text QuakeForge embedded.

Laurent Giroud is working on merging Amiga support into QuakeForge, cross your fingers!

The Aftershock engine is currently being maintained on our CVS by Stephen Taylor, the author of Aftershock. Stephen is also working with us to merge QuakeForge and Aftershock. Aftershock is a Q3A-like rendering engine which can render Q3A levels almost perfectly. You can join in on the discussion by subscribing to the quake-aftershock mailing list.

Nelson Rush has set up a project called QuakePolicy to help projects inter-communicate on Quake(R) development. Project leaders, members, or anyone interested in collaborating to maintain compatibility and feature sets across all Quake projects can visit the QuakePolicy homepage and subscribe to the mailing list. QuakePolicy is a seperate organization from QuakeForge and it's only goal is inter-project collaboration. Beyond mailing lists, we might also host projects in the CVS for mutual development, and we could host patches for fixes and feature additions for other projects out there who need them.

Sam Lantinga is working with the QuakeForge project on maintaining SDL support. Here is a portion of an email I recieved from him:

From: Sam Lantinga
To: Nelson Rush
[NR] Btw, I've been talking with Carmack, I mentioned the SDL and GGI support and your and Maas work on getting SDLQuake in the tree. I think he likes the project so far, I'll be keeping in contact with him... we've already fixed lots of things by questioning him. If you need any fixes for your version of SDLQuake...[NR]

[SL] I'd rather help complete the SDL merge and just point to you guys. You rock, BTW. :) [SL]

We need help implementing IPv6, fixing Svgalib, merging the Aftershock renderer, porting to Amiga, MacOS, BeOS, or any other platforms. We also could use a hand in devising free replacements for the textures/maps/models/etc. Join our mailing list to see about contributing.

Feature FREEZE, unstable release 0.1.0 coming soon.

Vote in this survey for the new Quake(R) and QuakeWorld(R) engine name.

**Critical** download, grab our GPL'd mdfour replacement for the proprietary md4 code accidently left in the q1source release from our downloads section.

SourceForge Sign The Linux Driver Petition Aftershock

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