<?PHP $sitename = "The QuakeForge Project"; $pagename = "Homepage"; include("parts/library.php"); // Load function library include("parts/head.php"); // Load the HEAD and open BODY include("parts/topstrip.php"); // Display top strip include("parts/titletable.php"); // Display main title w/ logos ?> <TABLE width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <TR valign="top"> <?php include("parts/menu.php"); // Import left-side menus tableSpacer( 1, 9, 1, "black"); // Separate content from menus ?> <TD width="100%"> <?php $focused = "home"; // name of focused icon include( "parts/topmain.php" ); // Display content top table ?> <P> QuakeForge's aim is to create a long-lasting project to work on developing and extending the Quake® source release (and any future releases) while maintaining backwards compatibility with the original Quake and QuakeWorld®. Our international team of developers is working hard to reach this goal, and we believe we are succeeding. <P> <TABLE width="100%" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" border="0"> <TR vAlign=top> <TD colSpan="2"> <?php tableBoxHeader( $tableHeadColor, 'black' ); tableTitle( 'Latest News', 1, $tableHeadColor ); // $conn = mysql_pconnect( localhost, "quake", "password" ); if ( $conn ) { $query = 'SELECT n_date, n_user, n_news FROM news_main ' . 'WHERE n_date > ( \'now\' + \'1 month ago\'::reltime )::date ' . 'ORDER BY n_date USING >'; $result = mysql_query( $query, $conn ); $numRows = mysql_num_rows( $result ); if ( $numRows > 0 ) { for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numRows ; $i++ ) { list( $n_date, $n_user, $n_news ) = pg_fetch_row( $result,$i ); tableNewsItem( $n_date, $n_user, $n_news ); } } else { tableNewsItem( 'Now', 'nobody', 'No current news!' ); } $result = mysql_close( $conn ); } else { $newsItem = '<P>Thanks to Deek we now have a brand new site layout which should be much more consistent.' . '<P>In other news, the votes for the logo are still being submitted, but we should have something real soon now.'; tableNewsItem( '06 Mar 2000', 'Mercury', $newsItem ); $newsItem = '<P>Knghtbrd, our release manager, has been instructed to lay off the Quack.. <=:]'; tableNewsItem( '27 Feb 2000', 'Mercury', $newsItem ); $newsItem = '<P><B>QuackForge 0.1.1 has arrived!</B> tar.gz, tar.bz2, and zip source archives are available at our <A href="http://sourceforge.net/project/filelist.php?group_id=882">Downloads page</A>. Grab your copy today!'; tableNewsItem( '27 Feb 2000', 'Knghtbrd', $newsItem ); $newsItem = '<P>Daniel McGregor has joined the project to maintain OpenBSD support.' . '<P>As a result of the current situation with QuakeLives, we have added a new goal: to support mod developers (such as MegaTF) more and provide 32-bit Windows executables (now that we have a qualified Windows developer working with us) for download.'; tableNewsItem( '25 Feb 2000', 'Palisade', $newsItem ); } tableBoxFooter(); ?> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <?php include("sponsor_incl.html"); ?> <BR> </TD> <?php tableSpacer( 1, 9, 1, "black"); ?> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="4"> <?php include("parts/copyright.php"); ?> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>